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  • 标题:The impact and cost of power load shedding to domestic consumers.
  • 作者:Pasha, Hafiz A. ; Saleem, Wasim
  • 期刊名称:Pakistan Development Review
  • 印刷版ISSN:0030-9729
  • 出版年度:2013
  • 期号:December
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
  • 关键词:Consumer behavior;Electric power supply;Electric utilities

The impact and cost of power load shedding to domestic consumers.

Pasha, Hafiz A. ; Saleem, Wasim

This paper analyses the impact and cost of the high level of power load shedding to domestic consumers in 2012 by a survey based approach. The paper develops a methodology for quantification of the cost of outages by deriving the utility loss, cost of self-generation and other costs incurred. Overall, the total outage cost to residential consumers in the urban areas of Pakistan is estimated at close to Rs 200 billion. The willingness to pay more for uninterrupted electric supply is also determined. Policy recommendations are made to mitigate the impact of load shedding on domestic consumers.


The widespread and growing phenomenon of power load shedding has emerged as one of the principal supply-side constraints to growth of the economy of Pakistan. Not only has this led to significant losses of output, employment and exports but also during periods of high outages there have been large-scale protests, particularly in Punjab and KPK.

Households have faced severe disruptions due to the high and growing incidence of load shedding. These have led to mass protests on streets resulting in disruption of other economic activities. As such, the economic return of reducing outages and of facilitating the process of adjustment to these outages is likely to be high.

This paper provides an approach and methodology for quantifying cost of load shedding to households in Pakistan. It is organised as follows: Section 2 highlights some key trends in the power sector of Pakistan. Section 3 will present a detailed literature review on the methodology used for quantification of costs due to outages. Section 4 describes the methodology used for qualification of costs due to outages and for estimation of willingness to pay. Section 5 presents estimates of the cost of load shedding in the domestic sector of Pakistan. Finally, Section 6 highlights the major policy implications emerging from the research.


The growth in installed capacity and generation of electricity in Pakistan is presented in Table 1 since 1970-71. The growth in installed capacity has been more than doubling every decade up to 2000-01, with annual growth rate of over 7 percent. It is only during the last decade that the rate of expansion in capacity has substantially slowed down to less than 3 percent per annum. In the initial years of the decade there was significant excess capacity, due to the hump in investment by the IPPs in the mid-to late- 90s. But adequate provisions were not made to cater for the future growth in demand.

The growth in electricity generation was rapid in the 70s and 80s. In particular, the commissioning of the Tarbela Dam in the early 80s enabled a quantum jump in supplies at low cost. During the 90s as the growth rate of the economy slowed down, demand for electricity was not so buoyant and the rate of increase annually in power generation declined to 5 percent. During the last decade, this has fallen further to only 3 percent.

An index of capacity utilisation1 is constructed in Table 1. The rate of capacity utilisation exceeded 100 percent by 1990-91 and the load shedding which occurred in a significant way in the mid-to-late-80s can be attributed to a shortage of capacity. It was during this period that the first study in Pakistan on costs of load shedding was undertaken by Pasha, Ghaus and Malik (1989). As opposed to this, the upsurge in load shedding once again since 2007-08 can be attributed primarily to a lack of full capacity utilisation arising from lack of adequate maintenance of older plants and liquidity problems due to the ballooning of circular debt and the slow expansion in capacity.

The growth in electricity consumption by type of consumer during the last decade is presented in Table 2. The analysis is broken up into two sub-periods, the years prior to commencement of significant load shedding in 2007-08 and the years thereafter. In the latter period, the overall level of power consumption has declined with marginal growth only in the case of industrial consumers.

The surplus/deficit between demand and supply during system peak hours for National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) and Karachi Electric Supply Corporation (KESC) combined is given in Table 3. The supply gap was 1912 MW in 2007 which has risen to 6518 MW, equivalent to 29 percent of demand. It is important to note that in 2011-12 National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) reports the generation capability as less than 70 percent of the installed capacity.

According to NEPRA, the highest incidence of outages regionally is in the area served by Multan Electric Power Company, Peshawar Electric Supply Company and Lahore Electric Supply Company. The least outages are in areas served by Islamabad Electric Supply Company. Most areas of Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa are more vulnerable to load shedding.

Incidence of Load Shedding

The costs of load shedding, to a large extent, depend on the frequency and duration of outages. The incidence of load shedding is given in Table 4.

Overall, on an average outages occurred 5 times a day in Pakistan in 2012, highest being in Punjab, 6 time's. Households, on an average did not have electricity supply from power distribution companies for 1453 hours in 2012. The highest load shedding has occurred in Punjab at 1683, followed by KPK, 1216. Clearly, the average incidence is lower in Sindh and Balochistan.


Various approaches have been developed in the literature for quantification of the cost incurred by different types of consumers as a result of power outages. These approaches vary greatly in terms of data requirements and level of complexity. This section starts with the simple value added approach and ends with the full-blown survey based and contingent valuation approaches.

The Simple Value Added Approach

A relatively high estimate of the cost of load shedding is as follows:

[V.sub.i] = Value added by sector i in absence of load shedding

[E.sub.i] = Electricity consumption in the absence of load shedding

Then the cost [C.sub.i] of load shedding is given by

[C.sub.i] = [V.sub.i]/[E.sub.i][l.sub.i] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (1)

Where [l.sub.i] is the quantum of electricity not supplied due to outages. Summing across sectors, the total cost of load shedding is given by

C = [[summation].sup.n.sub.i] = 1 [v.sub.i]/[E.sub.i][l.sub.i] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (2)

Where n is the number of sectors.

This approach can be applied on the production sectors of the economy, viz, agriculture, industry and commerce, but not to domestic consumption of electricity.

The reasons why this approach leads to a high estimate of the cost of Load shedding are as follows:

(i) It does not distinguish between the average and marginal productivity of the electricity input, that is, there could be some economies of scale in the use of energy.

(ii) It assumes that output lost is proportional to the extent of electricity not supplied and the firms do not make adjustments to recover at least part of the output.

As opposed to the above, an approach that yields a low estimate is one which focuses only on the wage cost, on the assumption that the idle factor during outages is labour. As such, in this case

[C.sub.i] = [w.sub.i]/[E.sub.i][l.sub.i] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (3)

Where [W.sub.i] is the wage bill.

The adjusted Value added Approach This approach postulates the marginal cost of unsupplied electricity is different from the average cost as given in (1) above. Accordingly,

[partial derivative][V.sub.i]/[partial derivative][E.sub.i] = [beta][V.sub.i]/[E.sub.i] [beta] > 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (4)

[beta] is estimated on the basis of the historical relationship between value added and electricity consumption. Generally, it is observed that [beta] < 1.

However, the value added approaches suffer from the defect that they do not allow for spoilage costs arising from damage to materials that takes place at the time when the outage occurs, especially if there is no prior notice.

Marginal Cost of Unsupplied Electricity

It has been argued by Bental (1982) that by observing firms' behaviour with respect to the acquisition of own generating power, the marginal cost of unsupplied electric energy may be inferred. A competitive risk-neutral firm equates, at the margin, the cost of generating a kwh on its own to the expected gain due to that kwh. This expected gain is also the expected loss from the marginal kwh which is not supplied by the utility. Therefore, the marginal cost of generating its own power may serve as an estimate of the marginal outage cost.

The cost to a firm of generating its own power consists of the two elements. The first part is the yearly capacity cost of the generator. This can be represented as follows:

K(c) = annual capital cost (depreciation + interest cost) of a generator with capacity in kva

In addition,

VC = variable cost per Kwh, consisting mainly of fuel cost

l = hours of outages

The marginal cost, MC of self-generation per Kwh is given by

MC = [partial derivative]K(c)/[partial derivative]c + vc ... ... ... ... ... ... (5)

On the assumption that the MC is constant, the total cost, TC, of Load Shedding is given by

TC = MC.l ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (6)

This approach may not lead to proper estimates in the following cases:

(i) Presence of economies/ diseconomies of scale in the capital cost of generators such that [partial derivative]K(c)/[partial derivative](c) is not constant.

(ii) Imperfections in the capital market whereby firms, especially the smaller ones, are unable to borrow for acquisition of a generator.

(iii) In Pakistan previous surveys of firms, for example by the Institute of Public Policy (2009), indicated that not all units have self-generation. This implies that the marginal cost of outages is lower than the marginal cost of a generator. For such units, this method cannot, therefore be applied.

The Value of Leisure Approach

Munasinghe (1980) has proposed a novel approach for evaluating the cost of outages to residential consumers, as the value of leisure foregone. According to this approach, the principal outage cost imposed on a household is the loss of leisure during the evening hours when electricity is essential. During the day time there is sufficient slack in the execution of household activities that are interrupted by the outage, such as cooking or cleaning, to permit rescheduling of these activities without causing much inconvenience.

As such, the monetary value of this lost leisure is equal to income earning rate on the basis of consumers' labour-leisure choice. Munasinghe accordingly computes the cost per Kwh of unsupplied electricity as

C = y/k ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (6)

Where y is the hourly income and k the normal level of electricity consumed per hour in the absence of outages. Therefore, the total cost of outages to residential consumer is, C, where

C = [y/k] x l ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (7)

A principal practical advantage of this method of estimating outage costs for residential consumers is that it relies on the relatively easy-to-obtain data. But for proper application of this method it is essential to have the levels of electricity consumption by households at different income levels.

Other problems with this approach include the following:

(i) It assumes that the income earner in the household has flexible working hours so that he/she can effectively exercise his/her labour-leisure choice. This may be true in the case of self-employed persons. But for wage earners who work fixed hours, the marginal value of leisure is unlikely to be equal to the income rate per hour. As such, some authors have preferred to apply this approach by assuming that the value of leisure is only a fraction of income.

(ii) It ignores the presence of household economic activities like cottage industry or sewing/embroidery work by women, especially in lower income households. This is sometimes the case in Pakistan. Such, activities may not readily be rescheduled in the presence of outages, especially if they are of long durations. As such, in these cases the cost of outages must include the value of lost output.

(iii) Outages, especially when accompanied with voltage fluctuations, can damage home-based appliances like TV, refrigerator, air-conditioner, freezer, etc. Cost has to be incurred to repair the damage. These are equivalent to spoilage costs and should be included in the cost of load shedding.

The Consumer Surplus Approach

This is relatively popular approach and has been applied by Sanghvi (1982). The demand curve for electricity captures the willingness to pay for the service and the consumer surplus of electricity supply is represented by the area between the demand and supply curves. The loss of consumer surplus due to supply interruptions is represented by the shaded area, ABE, in Figure 1 below.


The prime magnitude required for application of this approach is the price elasticity of demand, which is not possible to measure in the presence of outages. Also, given a non-linear schedule of power tariffs, as is the case with residential consumers in Pakistan, the magnitude of the consumer surplus lost due to outages becomes difficult to quantity. Further, if AB is large then the consumer may be able to reduce the loss by investing in self-generation. This becomes more attractive the larger the amount of electricity not supplied.

The Contingent Valuation (WTP) Approach

This approach involves asking consumers their willingness to pay for more reliable supplies of power. For example, the question could be as follows:

If the incidence of outages is reduced to half its present level, how much more would you be willing to pay on your monthly electricity bill?

An alternative approach is to ask the following question:

If level of outages were to double, what reduction in your monthly electricity bill would you consider to be fair?

The contingent valuation approach is prone to giving biased estimates as it is based on subjective responses. It is likely that in response to the first question the consumer understates his willingness to pay for improved service, while he may overstate the compensation that he would like to receive for deterioration in the reliability of supply.

The Survey Based Approach

The most comprehensive approach to quantify the cost of outages is to undertake a random survey of affected consumers. This enables explicit and direct determination of different components of outage costs including the spoilage cost, idle factor cost and adjustment cots.

However, the survey based approach is more costly than approaches which rely largely on secondary data. Also, the possibility of a bias cannot be ruled out by the respondents who may exaggerate the costs in order to attract greater attention to the problem of load shedding.

We apply each of the above approaches to quantification of outage costs to domestic consumers in light of the data obtained from the survey of 500 households in Pakistan.

Table 5 gives the sample distribution by city the sample was distributed among cities on the basis of share of city in provincial population. 57 percent of the sample household units are in the province of Punjab while about 22 percent are in Sindh. From the remaining 33 percent, 15 percent are in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and 6 percent in Balochistan.

The distribution of sample households by income group is given in Figure 2. About 21 percent of the households have permanent monthly income, proxied by monthly consumption expenditure, of upto Rs 15000, 36 percent have income between Rs 15000 to Rs 35000, 35 percent have income between Rs 35000 to Rs 70000 while 8 percent have income above 70000 per month. The overall average monthly income of sample households is Rs 38429.

Value of Leisure Approach

Munasinghe (1980) argued that the outage cost corresponds to the value of leisure, which he proxies by income.

The estimated outage cost per kwh for domestic consumers based on this approach is derived from the Survey as Rs 91 per kwh in Table 6. The Munasinghe approach yields very high estimates.

There is another way of examining the validity of assumptions made by Munasinghe. Respondents were asked which activities are disrupted most in the household by load shedding. The frequency of different responses is given in Table 7.

Leisure is reported by only two percent of the sample households as the activity most disturbed by load shedding. Other activities are of greater importance to households, including cooling/heating, studies of children and preparation for work/school reported 24 percent, 18 percent and 17 percent respectively as the principal activity affected by outages. Therefore, the Munasinghe hypothesis that leisure is the activity most disrupted is not borne out by the data obtained from households in Pakistan.

It is our view that the Munasinghe approach has a developed country bias. It cannot be applied in the context of low-to-middle income countries like Pakistan. A significant and new finding is the impact of outages on children, either in terms of the ability to undertake studies (homework) or in preparation to go to school.

Generator Cost Approach

This approach is based on the assumption that the principal form of adjustment to outages by households is the acquisition of a generator and/or a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply). As such, the cost of self-generation corresponds to the outage cost.

The question that arises is if a household does not have a generator/UPS then is the outage cost zero? Clearly, this is not the case.

It is likely that there are outage costs, especially in terms of the monetised value of the utility lost due to disturbance to some household activities, but these costs may not be large enough to justify the resort to self-generation.

Table 8 gives the percentage of households by level of consumption expenditure with a generator and/or UPS. Overall, 28 percent of the households have a generator and 30 percent have UPS. Poorer households generally are unable to self-generate electricity. However, majority of the households in the upper most income group have made arrangements for alternative sources of power at the time of load shedding.

Given the high percentage of households which do not have self-generation the issue is one of quantifying the cost of outages in the case of such households.

Willingness to Pay

The willingness to pay approach provides the basis for determining the subjective valuation by households of the cost of outages to them. There is, of course, the likelihood of a 'free rider' problem here. A household may understate its willingness to pay on the expectation that other households may reveal a high enough WTP to justify investment in improving the reliability of the power system.

Table 9 indicates the outage cost per hour as implied by the WTP. This can be estimated as follows:

SOCKW = (WTP/100) AEB/ENS ... ... ... ... ... ... (1)


SOCKW = subjective valuation by household of the outage cost per kwh

WTP = % higher tariff that the household is willing to pay for improved reliability of power supply (with minimal outages)

AEB = Annual electricity bill paid to the DISCO/KESC

ENS = electricity not supplied in the outages.

It is interesting to note that while the subjective valuation of the outage cost per hour is somewhat low at below Rs 11 per kwh, it is higher for households belonging to the 'middle class'.


The methodology for quantification of outage cost to domestic consumers is qualitatively different from that used in the case of industrial and commercial consumers. The basic reason for this is that there is no notion of 'output' in the case of a household, (2) which is more of a consuming unit. As such, outages impact the level of utility/quality of life of a household.

The exposure to outages daily is given by DLOUT where

D = [[summation].sup.n.sub.i] = 1 [n.sub.i][d.sub.i] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (1)

Where [n.sub.i] = number of outages of duration [d.sup.i], i = 1 ,.... n.

The normal level of electricity consumption per hour is given

e=([Kwh.sub.1] + [Kwh.sub.2])/8760-365D ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (2)


[Kwh.sub.1] = electricity purchased from the distribution company during summer months

[Kwh.sub.2] = electricity purchased from the distribution company during winter months.

The normal consumption of electricity during times when there are no outages depends upon the number of electrical appliances at home. As such,

e = [[beta].sub.o] + [[summation].sup.m.sub.j=1][[[beta].sub.j][A.sub.j] ... ... ... ... ... ...(3)

Where, [b.sub.j] * = electricity consumption by appliance j, where j = 1,2,3,...., m.

[A.sub.j] = number of appliances j

[[beta].sub.o] = basic electricity consumption (e.g. for lighting).

Depending upon the nature of use of particular appliances the share of electricity consumed in different activities like heating/cooling, household functions, entertainment/leisure is derived. That is

[[summation].sup.r.sub.k] = 1[W.sub.j] = 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (4)

Where [W.sub.k] = share in electricity consumption of activity k, k = 1,2,...., r.

If a sampled household has a generator then

[P.sup.1.sub.k] = 1 if activity k can be performed during the outage.

[P.sup.1.sub.k] = 0 if activity k cannot be performed during the outage.

Then the extent of substitution, S, by the generator of public supply during outages is given by [S.sub.1] where

[S.sub.1] = [[summation].sup.r.sub.k] = 1 [W.sub.k] [P.sup.1.sub.k] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (5)

Similarly, the extent of substitution by a household which has a UPS can be derived

[S.sub.2] = [[summation].sup.r.sub.k=1] [W.sub.k][P.sup.2.sub.k] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (6)

It may, of course, be noted that in the case of household which has neither a generator nor UPS, [S.sub.1] = 0, [S.sub.2] = 0.

For a household which has a generator the costs of operation have been obtained


[G.sub.c] = K(i + [delta]) + 12f + 4(m + 0) - T ... ... ... ... (7)

Where, K = capital cost, I = annual interest rate, [delta] = annual rate of depreciation, f = monthly fuel cost, m = quarterly maintenance costs, o = quarterly other costs, T= savings in terms of payment to the utility.

Similarly, the cost of a UPS can be derived as [G.sub.u]. In this case T = 0 because the UPS stores electricity obtained at the time when there are no outages.

There are also other costs arising from the outages, including spoilage cost, SPC, damage to appliances, DAC and miscellaneous costs, MC.

The last part of the methodology relates to the valuation of costs arising from disturbance of activities which cannot be performed or only partially performed during the outages either because of the absence of self-generation or because of only partial substitution by generator/UPS.

These costs are subjective in nature in terms of a loss of utility and are, therefore, not observed. We use the willingness-to-pay (WTP) as a measure of the subjective costs and apply this magnitude to the part of the electricity consumption which is not substituted by self-generation during outages. As such,

MUTL = WTP ([B.sub.1] + [B.sub.2])(1 - [S.sub.1] - [S.sub.2]) ... ... ... ... (8)


WTP = extent of higher tariff that household is willing to pay for better quality of service (with minimal outages).

B1 = electricity bill of the distribution company during summer months.

B2 = electricity bill of the distribution company during winter months.

The overall outage costs to the household, OTC, is given by

OTC = [G.sub.c] + [G.sub.u] + SPC + DAC + MC + MUTL ... ... ... (9)

In the case of a household with no self-generation capacity


Where, MUTL = WTP([B.sub.1] + [B.sub.2])

This methodology is new and has not been used yet in other studies.


The objective of this section is to present the estimated magnitudes of different types of costs associated with outages. As identified in previous section, these include direct cost which consist of spoilage costs and indirect or adjustments costs which include generators costs and UPS costs.

Total Outage Costs

Table 10 shows that the total outage cost on average to each residential consumer is almost 31,000 Rs per annum. The variation in outage costs is not very large among Provinces, ranging from about Rs 29,200 per consumer in Punjab to Rs 34,100 in K-PK.

Outage costs rise sharply by consumption (income) level of a consumer. For households with monthly consumption expenditure of up to Rs 15000, the outage cost annually is Rs 8800. For the highest expenditure group of households the cost rises to Rs 75200.

Overall, for the sample as a whole, the largest component of outage costs is self-generation costs at 56 percent. Monetisation of utility loss and other costs (spoilage costs, income foregone in household economic activity, etc. each account for 22 percent.

For lower income households, the share of monetisation of utility loss is higher at 44 percent because a low proportion of such households have either a generator or an UPS. As opposed to this, the share of self-generation costs for the highest expenditure households is high at 74 percent.

The burden of outage costs as a percentage of total consumption expenditure by a household is given in Table 11. It appears that the highest burden is on the 'middle class' living in the cities of Pakistan. It is 7 percent for such households as compared to 6.2 percent for low income households and 5.8 percent for the richest households.

Table 12 indicates the total outage cost per kwh for residential consumers on average is close to Rs 24 (25 cents) per Kwh.

The highest outage cost per Kwh is observed in Sindh at Rs 40 (42 cents) per Kwh, while the lowest cost is in Punjab at Rs 18 (19 cents) per Kwh. The outage cost per Kwh is the highest for the 'middle class' at Rs 27 (28 cents) - Rs 29 (30 cents).

Blowing-up of the sample to arrive at a national estimate requires, first, estimation of the number of urban households in the country. According to the PES the population of Pakistan in 2011-12 is 180.7 million, out of which 37.4 percent is located in the urban areas. The average household size is given in the latest HIES of the PBS at 6.19. This implies that there are 10.9 million urban households in the country.

Second, there is a need to determine the distribution of urban households by level of monthly consumption expenditure. This has also been derived from the HIES and is presented in Table 13. Overall, the total outage cost to residential consumers in the urban areas of Pakistan is Rs 195.8 Billion in 2011-12.


We have highlighted in the previous section the principal findings on the incidence of outages and cost of load shedding in the residential sector. In this concluding section we derive the key policy implications.

The estimated impact of outages on households is as follows:

(i) Outages on the average occur almost five times a day for 17 percent of the time. The highest incidence is in Punjab at 1683 hours annually, 16 percent above the national average. The lowest incidence is in Sindh at 23 percent below the national average.

(ii) Outages are disruptive most of heating/cooling, household activities, preparation for work/study (especially by children) and any home-based economic activity.

(iii) The outage cost per kwh works out as Rs 24(25c).

Table 14 presents the total cost of electricity consumption to household at different levels of total consumption expenditure (proxy for income). Overall, this is estimated at close to 17 percent. A striking finding is that the cost is the lowest for the upper most income group.

In the pre-load shedding period, in 2005-06, according to the HIES, the share of electricity cost in total consumption expenditure was 5 percent on average for urban households. Following the high levels of load shedding this share has jumped up by over three times.

It is clear that the high share of expenditure on electricity is cutting into consumption of food, clothing and basic services (like education and health), especially by the low income groups. As, such an indirect impact of the high level of load shedding in the country is the reduction in nutrition levels, particularly of children. Along with impact on preparation for school and homework, the impact of outages on children needs to be more strongly highlighted.

Overall, limits of affordability to power tariffs have been reached by bulk of the households and the scope for further enhancement in tariffs is very limited. The recent increase in tariffs will put a large burden, especially on the middle class.

The prevalence of self-generation is relatively low among residential consumers. 28 percent have generators and 30 percent have UPS. Resort to self-generation is the highest in Sindh and KPK and among consumers in the highest income category.

The average capacity of generators in use is under 3.5 KVA. The proposal for eliminating the GST on small generators and UPS is justified in this case also, as for commercial consumers.

Based on responses by the sample households, the following proposals are presented for reducing the level of outage costs:

(i) The majority, 65 percent, of respondents prefer, given the total duration of load shedding, shorter though more frequent outages. Higher duration of a typical outage is one of the main reasons why outages costs are higher in Karachi, despite lower incidence of outages.

(ii) Bulk of the load shedding is in the morning from 6:00 am to 9:00 am. This creates disturbance in preparation for work/school and heating during winters. Over 43 percent of sample households report that changing load shedding times to later in the day would be less disruptive, especially to low income households.

(iii) The worst time in year for load shedding is summer and worst day are Sunday, Monday and Friday. To the extent there is scope, the pattern of load shedding needs to be adjusted accordingly.

(iv) There has been a clear vote of no-confidence against the services provided by the power sector. 43 percent rate the quality of services as 'very low' and 35 percent as 'low'. Distribution companies, in particular, will have to work very hard to rehabilitate their image.

(v) A series of recommendations have been made for reducing the costs of load shedding, as follows,
Construct New Dams                       43%
Build New Power Plants                   27%
Import Electricity                       22%
Minimise Electricity Theft               17%
Stop Corruption                          17%
Use Coal                                 14%
Gas Pipeline From Iran                   15%
Subsidy                                  13%
Reduce Price                             10%
Solar Energy                              8%

Therefore the largest responses relate to enhancement in electricity supply and to improved management of power sector. Overall, power outages have become a major source of inconvenience and cost to domestic consumers in Pakistan.


Pakistan went through an extraordinary period of having surplus electricity from the late 1990s to 2004-05 but since then, the country has been facing an acute shortage of electricity. This widening demand supply gap has resulted in regular load shedding of eight to ten hours in urban areas and eighteen to twenty hours in rural areas. To analyse the impact of energy crises on domestic consumer the study uses data from the survey of 500 households from 13 major cities in Pakistan. New methodology is developed for quantification of outage cost to domestic consumers. The authors deserve compliments over conducting a rigorous work on cost of power load shedding.

I have a few short comments on this paper.

(1) It would be appropriate if study construct consumption expenditure groups on the basis of per capita household expenditure rather than overall household expenditure because it masks significant disparities in expenditure across households because household size is not taken into account.

(2) The study concentrates outage cost incurred by using UPS 30 percent and generator 28 percent of households in 13 major cities of Pakistan. This survey had a large share of households who are using generator which looked some sample biasness. The authors had not discussed other 42 percent households who are not using UPS and generator. The high share of UPS and Generators may inflate power outage cost.

(3) It is observed that these 42 percent households used candles/ lantern/emergency lights as alternative for lighting purposes i.e. studying, other household chores. It is a big share of households which must be included in power outages cost. The study needs some discussion about it:

(4) KP and Balochistan share is given 33 percent which is 21 percent (15+6).

(5) A proper citation style should follow such as APA.

Overall this paper had great contribution in quantification of outage cost to domestic consumers.

Rashida Haq

Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.


Bental, B. and S. A. Ravid (1982) A Simple Method for Evaluating the Marginal Cost of Unsupplied Electricity. The Bell Journal of Economics 13:1, 249-253.

Munasinghe, M. (1980) The Costs Incurred by Residential Electricity Consumers Due to Power Failures. Journal of Consumer Research 6, 361-369.

Pasha, Hafiz A., Aisha Ghaus and Salman Malik (1989) The Economic Cost of Power Outages in the Industrial Sector of Pakistan. Energy Economics 11:4, 301-318.

Sanghvi, A. P. (1982) Economic Cost of Electricity Supply Interruptions: US and Foreign Experience. Energy Economics.

(1) For check this if missing footnote..

(2) With the exception of households which engage in some economic activity at home.

* The [[beta].sub.j] is estimated by OLS regression across the sample households with electricity consumption per hour, which varies with ownership of different types of appliances.

Hafiz A. Pasha and Wasim Saleem

Hafiz A. Pasha <hafiz-pasha@gmail.com> is Dean and Professor of Economics, Beaconhouse National University, Lahore. Wasim Saleem <wasimsaleem3344@yahoo.com> is Lecturer, Beaconhouse National University, Lahore.

Authors' Note: The authors thank USAID for support to the research. Any defects that remain are solely the responsibility of the authors.
Table 1
Long-Term Trend in Capacity and Generation of Electricity in
Pakistan 1970-71 to 2011-12

                         Annual                 Annual    Index of
             Installed   Growth   Electricity   Growth    Capacity
             Capacity     Rate    Generation     Rate    Utilisation
               (MW)       (%)        (GWH)       (%)         (%)

1070 71         1862                  7202                   81
1980-81         4105      8.2        16062       8.4         82
1990-91         8356      7.4        41042       9.8        102
2000-01        17498      7.7        68117       5.2         81
2011-12        23358      2.7        98664       3.4         88

Source: Handbook of Statistics, SBP, and Pakistan Economic Survey,
MOF, Government or Pakistan.

Table 2
Growth in Electricity Consumption from 2000-01 to 2011-12


                        Domestic      Industrial     Commercial

2000-01                  22765          14349           1774
2007-08                  33704          20129           5572
2011-12                  33138          21334           5526

Growth Rate (%)

2000-01 to 2007-08        5.8            5.4            10.5
2007-08 to 2010-11        2.1            0.8             0.5
2001-01 to 2011-12       -0.4            1.5            -0.2

                      Agricultural     Others *        Total

2000-01                   4924           3773          48583
2007-08                   8472           4923          73400
2011-12                   8290           4760          73084

Growth Rate (%)

2000-01 to 2007-08        8.1            6.7            6.1
2007-08 to 2010-11        1.9            2.2            1.6
2001-01 to 2011-12       -0.5           -0.7           -0.2

Source: PES.

* mostly government, street lights and traction.

(1) 300 days operation with 16 hours daily.

Table 3
Surplus/Deficit in Demand and Supply during System * Peak Hours

           Capacity    Demand   Supply-Gap    %

2007        15575      17487      -1912       11
2008        14707      19281      -4574       24
2009        16050      20304      -4254       26
2012        16104      22622      -6518       29

Source: NEPRA, State of Industry Report.

* NTDC and KESC combined.

Table 4
Incidence of Load Shedding

                     No. of Times
                      there is a
                     Load Shedding   Annual Hours
                       in a Day       of Outages

By Province

Punjab                     6             1683
Sindh                      3             1123
KPK                        4             1216
Balochistan                4             1069

By Income Group

Up to 15000                5             1498
15001-35000                4             1394
35001-70000                5             1430
70001 +                    5             1702
Total                      5             1453

Table 5
Distribution of Sample by Province and by City

Provinces      Cities                 Numbers   Percentage

Punjab         Lahore                   96          19
               Faisalabad               51          10
               Sialkot                  13          3
               Gujranwala               26          5
               Multan                   38          8
               Rawalpindi/Islamabad     61          12
               Total                    285         57

Sindh          Karachi                  80          16
               Hyderabad                20          4
               Sukkur                   10          2
               Total                    110         22

KPK            Peshawar                 50          10
               Mardan                   13          3
               Abbotabad/Bannu          12          2
               Total                    75          15

Balochistan    Quetta                   30          6
               Total                    30          6

Total                                   500        100

Table 6
Outage Cost per kwh according to the Value of Leisure Approach *

                               Consumption     Outage
Group              Income **   per hour ***   Cost per
(Rs per Month)     per hour       (kwh)       kwh (Rs)

0-15000               67.5         0.9           75
15001-35000          144.8         1.5           97
35001-70000          295.5         3.3           90
Above 70000          612.6         5.7          107
Total                218.3         2.4           91

* Y = income per hour worked based on 8 hours a day for 22 days a

Kwh = normal power consumption per hour (in public supply).

** Proxied by consumption expenditure, which is assumed to
correspond to permanent income.

*** On the assumption that electricity is consumed 16 hours a day.
The consumption of electricity in the evenings is assumed to be
three times the daily average.

Table 7
Activities most Disturbed by Load Shedding

                                                       % of

Cooling/heating                                        24.4
Studies (home work) of children                        18.2
Preparation for work/school                            17.4
Regular household work (cooking, cleaning, etc.)       14.6
Shortage of water                                      13.0
Income generating activities (home based)               8.2
Social Activities                                       2.2
Entertainment, leisure                                  2.0
Total                                                 100.0

Table 8
Sample Households with Generator and/or UPS

% of Sample Households

Level of monthly
consumption expenditure (Rs)     With Generator   With UPS

0-15000                                 2             4
15001-35000                            17            26
35001-70000                            45            47
70001 and above                        75            43
Total                                  28            30

Table 9
Subjective Valuation of the Outage Cost per Hour

Monthly                Willingness to             Annual
Expenditure                 Pay              Electricity Bill
Group               (extra over tariff)

(Rs)                        (%)                    (Rs)
0-15000                     30.3                  15330
15001-35000                 28.7                  28836
35001-70000                 28.3                  65094
70001 and above             31.8                 130590
Total                       29.2                  46734

Monthly               Electricity not      Subjective Valuation
Expenditure               Supplied           by Household of
Group                                      Outage Cost per Hour

(Rs)                       (kwh)               (Rs per kwh)
0-15000                     479                    9.70
15001-35000                 732                   11.31
35001-70000                 1599                  11.52
70001 and above             4299                   9.66
Total                       1289                  10.59

Table 10
Total Outage Cost per Residential Consumer


                                 Cost of Self-Generation

                  Monetisation                              Total
                   of Utility    Generator   UPS    Other   Outage
                      Loss         Cost      Cost   Costs    Cost

By Province

Punjab                7355         11263     3864   6747    29229
Sindh                 7626         17562     2054   6075    33317
KPIC                  4954         18964     2037   8104    34059
Balochistan           3530         18120     2573   5235    29458

By Income Group (Rs)

0-15000               3828           290      400   4262     8780
15001-35000           5655          6380     2734   6749    21518
35001-70000           9544         22370     4831   7053    43798
70001 and above       8193         50900     4550   4549    75192
Total                 6824         14215     3114   6712    30865
Share (%)               22           46        10     22      100

Table 11
Total Outage Cost as Percentage of Total Household Consumption


                   Annual   Annual Consumption   Outage Costs % of
                   Outage      Expenditure          Consumption
                    Cost                            Expenditure

0-15000             8.8           142.5                 6.2
15001-35000         21.5          305.9                 7.0
35001-70000         43.8          627.6                 7.0
70001 and above     75.2         1293.9                 5.8
Total               30.9          461.1                 6.7

Table 12
Total Outage Cost per kwh to Residential Consumers


                      Total    Electricity    Outage Cost
                      Outage   not provided   per Kwh (Rs)
                      Costs       (Kwh)

By Location

Punjab                29229        1655          17.66
SindR                 33317         830          40.14
KPK                   34059         865          39.37
Balochistan           29458        1474          20.00

By Income Group
0-15000                8780         479          19.32
15001-35000           21518         732          29.40
35001-70000           43798        1599          27.39
70001 and above       75192        4299          17.49

Total                 30865        1289       23.94 (25 c)

Table 13
National Estimate of Outage Costs to Urban Residential Consumers,

Monthly Total                    Outage
Consumption        Number of    Cost per       Total
Expenditure        Households   Household   Outage Cost
Group (Rs)         (000s) (a)     (Rs)      (Rs billion)

0-15000              5014          8780         44.0
15001-35000          4360         21518         93.8
35001-70000           763         43798         33-4
70001 and above       327         75192         24.6
Total              10464 (b)                   195.8

(a) adjusted on the basis of distribution in the HIES, 2010-11.

(b) 10.9 million households in urban areas with 98 percent of
households having access to electricity according to PSLSMS,

Table 14
Total Cost of Electricity Consumption Per Residential Consumer

(Rs in 000)

                   Electricity Cost                      Total
Monthly              or       Total       Annual      Cost as % Of
Expenditure        Public    Outage    Consumption    Consumption
Group(Rs)          Supply     Cost     Expenditures   Expenditure

0-15000             15.3       8.8        142.5           16.9
15001-35000         28.8      21.5        305.9           16.4
35001-70000         65.1      43.8        627.6           17.4
70001 and above    130.6      75.2       1293.9           15.9
Total               46.7      30.9        461.1           16.8

Table 15
Present Tariff Structure for the Residential Sector


                            Actual        Proposed
                           Per kwh        Per kwh

Up to 50 units               2.00           2.00

For consumption exceeding 50 units

1-100 units                  5.79           5.79
101-200 units                8.11           8.11
201-300 units                8.11          12.09
301-700 units               12.33          16.00
Above 700 units             15.07          18.00

Fig. 2. Distribution of Selected Households by Income Group

Upto 15000    21%
15001-35000   36%
35001-70000   35%
70001+         8%

Note: Table made from pie chart.