On the welfare cost of inflation: the case of Pakistan.
Mushtaq, Siffat ; Rashid, Abdul ; Qayyum, Abdul 等
In this paper, we quantify welfare costs of inflation for Pakistan
for the period 1960-2007 using semi-log and double-log money demand
functions. We find that the welfare gain of moving from positive
inflation to zero inflation is approximately the same under both money
demand specifications but the behaviour of the two models is fairly
different towards low interest rates. Moving from zero inflation to zero
nominal interest rate has a substantial gain under double-log form
compared to the semi-log function. The compensating variation approach
for the semi-log model gives higher welfare loss figures compared to
Bailey's approach. However, the two approaches yield approximately
the same welfare cost of inflation for the double-log specification.
Keywords: Monetary Policy, Inflation, Interest Rate, Welfare Costs,
Money Demand Functions
Inflation generally defined as sustained increase in price levels
is viewed as having widespread implications for an economy on different
accounts. It creates several economic distortions which stifle
government's efforts to achieve macroeconomic objectives. In
principle, price stability is considered a necessary condition for
lessening income fidgets and disparities. Several studies provide
empirical evidence that growth declines sharply during a high inflation
crisis [see, for example, Bruno and Easterly (1996)]. Since high
inflation creates uncertainty, distorts investment plans and priorities,
and reduces the real return on financial assets, it discourages savings,
and hence affects growth negatively. Moreover, high inflation adversely
affects economic efficiency by distorting market signals. All these
costs are associated with unanticipated inflation and have received
considerable attention in the literature. Most of these costs involve
transfer of resources from one group to another and the losses and gains
tend to offset each other. However, it is widely agreed that most of the
unexpected inflation-related costs can be avoided if inflation is
correctly anticipated. Though inflation, even when fully anticipated,
results in loss to society in terms of net loss of valuable services of
real money balances.
Under an inflationary environment, people anticipate inflation and
accordingly adjust the ratio of real balances to income to the
opportunity cost of holding money. (1) Since, there is no close
substitute for real balances, and since an unavoidable cost of holding
money is its opportunity cost, i.e., the nominal interest rate, the
nominal rates reflect the expected inflation. So, according to the
Fisher hypothesis, the cost of holding real balances increases with an
increase in anticipated inflation.
Beginning with Bailey (1956), the welfare cost of inflationary
finance is treated as the deadweight loss of inflation tax, which is
calculated by integrating the area under the money demand curve
(Harberger Triangle). Traditional analyses of welfare costs of inflation
have emphasised that these costs depend on the form of money demand
function [see, for example, Bailey (1956)]. Models based on a Cagan-type
semi-logarithmic demand and double-log money demand functions have
extensively been employed in the literature for calculating the welfare
cost of inflation. The two different types of demand specifications are
very likely to give different estimates of welfare cost. This difference
mainly exists due to the behaviour of the two demand curves towards low
inflation [see, for details, Lucas (2000)].
Empirical literature on the welfare cost of inflation suggests that
money stock should be defined in the narrowest form representing the
true liquidity services provided to society. More precisely, the money
stock should be taken in its narrow form as monetary base and M1. In
some of the cases M1 tends to overstate the welfare cost because when it
is treated as a single aggregate (currency only) welfare integral it
runs from zero to the positive nominal interest rate. Therefore, to
accommodate for the interest bearing demand deposits component of M1,
recent studies calculate welfare costs in the currency-deposit
framework. (2)
Traditional studies on hyperinflation countries estimated the
welfare cost of inflation against Friedman's deflation rate as
under hyperinflation the real interest rate was zero and the deflation
rule implied zero inflation. However, in applying this method to a
relatively developed country with stable prices and positive real
interest rates, researchers evaluate the welfare cost of positive
inflation against both zero inflation and deflation policies. All these
issues--the formulation of a monetary model, definition of monetary
aggregates, and optimal inflation and interest rate policies, are
equally important areas of inquiry.
Empirical studies on inflation in Pakistan have mainly focused on
exploring the significant derivers of inflation [see, for example,
Qayyum (2006), Khan and Schimmelpfenning (2006), Kemal (2006) and Khan,
et al. (2007)]. A general consensus of these studies is that monetary
factors have played a dominant role in recent inflation. Moreover, some
of the studies have emphasised the role of SBP in implementing an
independent monetary policy with the objective of attaining price
stability. (3) The present authors have not been able to find even a
single study assessing the cost borne by society due to positive
inflation in Pakistan.
Given this background, this paper attempts to comprehensively
investigate the welfare cost of inflation for Pakistan. Thus, this study
endeavours to bridge the gap in empirical literature on inflation in
Pakistan. We use time-series data over the period 1960 to 2007 for
monetary aggregates, namely, the monetary base, M1, currency and demand
deposits, gross domestic product (GDP), and nominal interest rates, to
estimate both semi-log and double log (aka log-log and log-lin,
respectively) money demand functions. Our paper is also very different
from the existing literature on money demand function with regard to the
estimation technique used in earlier studies. (4) Specifically, we
employed the autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL) developed by
Pesaran, et al. (2001) in our empirical estimation. The major advantage
of ARDL modelling is that it does not require any precise identification
of the order of integration of the underlying series. In addition to
that, this technique is applicable even if the explanatory variables are
After estimating the parameters of the long-run demand functions
for narrow money, we assess the welfare losses associated with different
rates of inflation quantitatively. By computing and comparing the
welfare loss across different money demand specifications and monetary
aggregates we address the issue of reducing inflation to zero and
further reducing it to Friedman's deflation rule.
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 reviews the
literature on the welfare cost of inflation and money demand function in
Pakistan. Section 3 explains the theoretical model specifications,
describes the estimation technique, discusses the data used in our
analysis, and presents the definition of the variables included in our
empirical models. Section 4 reports the estimation results and the
welfare cost calculations based on the estimated models, while Section 5
contains the conclusions.
In this section, we provide a brief review of prior empirical
studies on the estimation of welfare cost of inflation. We also review
the literature related money demand functions as the welfare cost of
inflation crucially depends on the behaviour of money demand function.
(a) The Welfare Cost of Inflation
The issue of welfare cost of inflation is addressed under both
partial equilibrium (traditional) and general equilibrium
(neo-classical) frameworks. Bailey (1956) is the In-st to study the
welfare implications of public sector inflationary finance. He shows
that open (anticipated) inflation costs members of society more than the
revenue, which accrues to the government. The dead weight loss
associated with this implicit tax is the difference between the cost to
the money holders and the transfer to the government. Inflation acts
like an excise tax on money holding and the dead weight loss of
anticipated (open) inflation is the welfare cost of inflation.
Reviewing the literature, we fred that the neoclassical
non-monetary models have been extended in three ways to allow for a role
of money: (i) Money-in-the-Utility Function model (MIU), directly yields
utility and is treated like a consumer good [Sidrauski (1967)], (ii) in
the Cash-in-Advance model (CIA), some transactions require cash and
transactions or illiquidity costs create demand for money [Clower
(1967); Kiyotaki and Wright (1989)], and (iii) the Overlapping
Generation model where money is used for the intertemporal transfer of
wealth [Samueison (1958)].
The welfare cost of inflation in its magnitude depends on the
benchmark inflation rate. That is, what should be the desirable or
optimal rate of inflation? Optimal inflation rate in some of the studies
is taken as zero-inflation or price stability and in others as the
Friedman's deflation rate. Bailey (1956) measuring welfare cost of
inflation for hyperinflation countries uses zero-inflation rate as the
benchmark, which was also equivalent to Friedman's deflation rule
because in hyperinflation the real rate of interest is zero.
However, later studies show that the welfare loss function is
lowest when Friedman's optimal deflation rule is applied [Friedman
(1969); Barro (1972) and Lucas (2000)]. Friedman's deflation rule
is based on Pareto optimality condition where the socially efficient
level of production of a commodity is the one where marginal cost is
equal to marginal benefit (later being the price of the commodity). The
marginal cost of producing money is nearly zero for the monetary
authority but the social cost is the nominal interest rate, the
opportunity cost of holding cash. To minimise the cost of holding money,
the nominal interest rate should be brought to zero, which requires
deflation equal to the real interest rate.
The traditional partial equilibrium model does not take into
account the fact that the receipts from inflation tax can be used for
the production of government capital and can contribute to economic
growth. This aspect of inflationary finance was developed by Mundell
(1965) and was later extended in Marty (1967) in the welfare costs of
inflation context. Marty (1967) using Cagan's and Mundell's
money demand specifications for Hungary shows that the traditional
measure of welfare is close to the measure of welfare cost in the model
where inflation induces growth. The welfare cost of 10 percent inflation
is 0.1 percent of income and 15.84 percent of government budget.
Welfare cost estimates of Bailey (1956) and Marty (1967) are based
on the average cost of revenue collection through money creation but
Tower (1971) measures it as a marginal cost. Specifically in Tower
(1971), for a hypothetical economy, "Sylvania", the average
and marginal costs are compared. The rate of inflation at which the
average cost of inflationary finance is 7 percent corresponds to the
marginal cost of 15 percent.
Anticipated inflation raises the transaction costs as the
individuals raise the frequency of transactions which results in
increased velocity of money [Bailey (1956)]. However, another cost of
inflation arises when individuals facing high inflation employ
alternative payments media with higher transaction costs. Barro (1972)
is the first to identify the role of substitute transaction media. Using
the partial equilibrium model for Hungary, the welfare costs of high,
hyperinflation and unstable hyperinflation are calibrated. He finds that
the welfare cost of 2-5 percent monthly inflation rate is between 3-75
percent. He also shows that welfare cost increases sharply for the
inflation rate above 5 percent per month.
Fisher (1981) studies the distortionary costs of moderate inflation
and applies the partial equilibrium analysis to the US economy. The
welfare loss is measured by the consumer surplus measure that
incorporates the production and taxation through portfolio choice
decision. Using high-powered money as the monetary asset, the welfare
loss of 10 percent inflation is estimated to be about 0.3 percent of
GNP. Using Bailey's (1956) consumer surplus formula, Lucas (1981)
calculated welfare cost of inflation for the US, defining money as M1.
The welfare gain is estimated to be 0.45 percent of GNP as the economy
moves from 10 percent inflation to zero inflation.
Cooley and Hansen (1989) estimate the costs of anticipated
inflation in a real business model where money demand arises from
cash-in-advance (CIA) constraint. In this model, anticipated inflation
operates as inflation tax on activities involving cash (consumption) and
individuals tend to substitute non-cash activities (leisure) for cash
activities. The welfare cost is measured as a reduction in consumption
as a percentage to GNP. Using quarterly data of US over the period from
1955:3 to 1984:1 for macroeconomic aggregates and using parameters of
microeconomic data studies, the model is calibrated. The simulation
results show that the estimates of welfare loss are sensitive to the
definition of money balances and to the length of time households are
constrained to hold cash. For a moderate annual inflation rate of 10
percent, the welfare loss is about 0.39 percent of GNP where money is
taken as M1 and the individual holds cash for one quarter. But this cost
is substantially reduced to 0.1 percent for the monetary base and
further when the individual is constrained to hold cash for one month.
Extending Cooley and Hansen (1989) CIA model, the revenue and
welfare implications of different taxes are analysed in Cooley and
Hansen (1991). Using calibration and simulation techniques they show
that the presence of distortionary taxes (taxes on capital and labour)
doubles the welfare cost of a given steady-state inflation policy. A
permanent zero-inflation policy with other distortionary taxes held at
their benchmark level improves welfare by 0.33 percent of GNP. In
another type of zeroinflation policy that is assumed to be permanent,
and where the lost revenue from inflation tax is replaced by raising
distortionary taxes, the welfare cost is higher than the original policy
with 5 percent inflation. Moreover, a temporary reduction of inflation
rate to zero makes the economy worse-off due to inter-temporal
Cooley and Hansen (1989) measure the welfare cost under the
assumption of cash only economy. However, in Cooley and Hansen (1991),
the availability of costless credit is taken into account. Gillman
(1993) introducing the Baumol (1952) exchange margin allows the consumer
to decide to purchase goods for cash or credit with further assumption
of costly credit. Consumers, while making a decision, weigh the time
cost of credit against the opportunity cost of cash. The interest rate
elasticity and welfare loss from a costly credit set-up is compared with
the cash-only and costless credit economies. Using US average annual
data from 1948' to 1988, the authors show that both interest
elasticity and welfare cost in costly credit economies are greater than
the cash-only and costless credit settings. The cost associated with 10
percent inflation is 2.19 percent of income compared to 0.58 percent and
0.10 percent for cash-only and costless credit economies respectively.
Eckstein and Leiderman (1992) in addition to Cagan semi-log model
use Sidrauski-type money-in-utility (MIU) model to study seigniorage
implications and welfare cost of inflation for Israel. The parameters of
the intertemporal MIU model are estimated by using Generalised Methods
of Moments (GMM), on quarterly data from 1970:I to 1988:III. The
simulation results show that inflation rate of 10 percent has welfare
loss of about 1 percent of GNP. The degree of risk aversion is
identified as an important determinant of welfare cost and loss of lower
inflation rates predicted by the inter-temporal model which is higher
than that calculated from the Cagan-type model. The welfare cost
estimates from the inter-temporal model are more reliable as it produced
national income ratios and seigniorage ratios much closer to the actual
Lopez (2000) following Eckstein and Leiderman (1992) inter-temporal
model studies the seigniorage behaviour and welfare consequences of
different inflation rates in Columbia. For the period 1977:II to 1997:IV
the parameters of the model are estimated using GMM. Welfare loss due to
increase in inflation from 5 percent to 20 percent is 2.3 percent of
GDP, and 1 percent of GDP when inflation increases from 10 percent to 20
percent. Eckstein and Leiderman's (1992) model with some
modifications is employed in Samimi and Omran (2005) to study the
consumption and money demand behaviour from inter-temporal choice. The
welfare cost of inflation is calculated using annual data from 1970 to
2000 for Iran. Welfare cost is found to be positively related to the
inflation rate. While the welfare cost of 10 percent inflation is 2
percent of GDP, the cost is 4.37 percent of GDP for an inflation rate of
50 percent.
Several studies, including Bailey (1956), Wolman (1997), and
Eckstein and Leiderman (1992), have pointed out that the estimates of
welfare cost depend largely on the money demand specification. Lucas
(1994, 2000) estimates the double log money demand function in
explaining the actual scatter plot than the semi-log functional form for
the period 1900-1994. Bailey's consumer's surplus formulae are
derived and used to compute the welfare cost of inflation for both
semi-log and log-log money demand functions. Based on the log-log demand
curve, the welfare gain from moving from 3 percent to zero interest rate
is about 0.01 percent of real GDP, while for semi-log estimates it is
less than 0.001 percent.
Simonsen and Rubens (2001) theoretically extended Lucas (2000)
transactions technology model to allow for the interest bearing assets.
Simonsen and Rubens (2001) reach the conclusion that with interest
earning assets included, the upper bound lies between Bailey's
consumer surplus measure and Lucas' measure of welfare cost. Bali
(2000) using different monetary aggregates calculated welfare cost using
two approaches, Bailey's welfare cost measure and the compensating
variation approach. Error correction and partial adjustment models are
applied to find the long interest elasticities and semielasticities. For
the quarterly data ranging from 1957:I to 1997:II, the empirical results
show that constant elasticity demand function accurately fits the actual
US data. The loss to welfare associated with 4 percent inflation turned
out to be 0.29 percent of income (benchmark to be zero nominal interest
rate) and the welfare gain in moving from 4 percent to zero inflation is
0.11 percent of income with currency-deposit specification, while
welfare cost is around 0.18 percent of GDP when monetary base is used
whereas with M1 the loss is much higher than the earlier two cases
(approximately 0.55 percent of GDP).
Serletis and Yavari (2003) calculate and compare the welfare cost
of inflation for two North American economies, namely Canada and the
United States, for the period 1948 to 2000. Following Lucas (2000), they
assume a constant interest elasticity of money demand function. They
show 0.22 interest rate elasticity for Canada, while 0.21 for the USA,
much lower than 0.5 assumed by Lucas (2000). Welfare cost is measured
using the traditional Bailey's approach and Lucas'
compensating variation approach. The welfare gain of interest rate
reduction from 14 percent to 3 percent (consistent with zero inflation)
for the US is equivalent to 0.45 percent increase in income. Reducing
the nominal interest rate further to the optimal deflation rate yields
an increase in income by 0.18 percent. For Canada, the distortionary
costs are marginally lower, reducing the rate of interest from 14
percent to 3 percent increases the real income by 0.35 percent, and by
further reducing to Friedman's zero nominal interest rate rule it
resulted in a gain of 0.15 percent of real income.
Serletis and Yavari (2005) estimate the welfare cost of inflation
for Italy. Estimating a long-horizon regression, they find that interest
elasticity is 0.26. Using the same approaches of calculating welfare
cost of inflation as in Serletis and Yavari (2003), they show that
lowering the interest rate from 14 percent to 3 percent yield a benefit
of about 0.4 percent of income. The same analysis was extended in
Serletis and Yavari (2007) to calculate the direct cost of inflation for
seven-European countries, Ireland, Australia, Italy, Netherlands,
France, Germany, and Belgium. The welfare cost estimates of these
countries showed that the cost is not homogeneous across these countries
and is related to the size of the economy. The welfare cost was lower
for Germany and France than for the smaller economies.
The welfare costs of anticipated inflation are the distortions in
the money demand brought about by the positive nominal interest rate so
the major emphasis of studies after Lucas (2000) is first to check for
the proper money demand specification. Ireland (2007) finds that
Cagan-type semi-log money demand function is a better description of
post 1980 US data. For the quarterly data from 1980 to 2006, the
semi-elasticity is estimated to be 1.79 and the welfare cost of
inflation is measured using consumer's surplus approach of
calculating the area under the money demand curve. For a 2 percent
inflation rate the welfare cost is 0.04 percent of income and 0.22
percent of income for the 10 percent inflation rate. Price stability is
taken as a benchmark instead of Friedman's optimal deflation
Gupta and Uwilingiye (2008) measure the welfare cost of inflation
for South Africa. The double log and semi-log money demand functions are
estimated using Johansen's cointegration method and the
long-horizon regression method. The study apart from estimating-the
proper money demand function analyses whether time aggregation affects
the long-run nature of relationship or not. Interest elasticity and
semi-elasticity estimates are used to measure the welfare cost of
inflation using Bailey's traditional approach and Lucas'
compensating variation approach. The estimation results show that for
the period 1965:II to 2007:I, compared to the cointegration technique,
the long-horizon approach gives a more consistent long-run relationship
and welfare estimates under the two-time aggregation sampling methods.
The welfare cost of target inflation band Of 3 to 6 percent lies between
0.15 and 0.41 percent of income.
In sum, the review of literature shows that the welfare cost of
inflation has found its initial application in hyperinflation countries.
In Bailey (1956), Marry (1967) and Barro (1972), and in many other
studies, the welfare cost is measured mainly for the developed countries
with stable inflation like the US and now it is extended to European
countries and South Africa. This issue also needs to be addressed for
developing countries where inflation rate is primarily determined by
money supply. For policymakers to conduct an effective monetary policy,
it is important to estimate the welfare cost of inflation based on a
stable estimated money demand function. As far as we know, this article
is one of the first to calculate the welfare cost of inflation in
Second, there is also a transition from partial equilibrium
analysis to general equilibrium analysis to calculate the welfare cost
of inflation. To provide general equilibrium rationale for holding
money, we will use the Money-in-the-Utility Function model. Other
general equilibrium models like Cash-in-Advance and transaction time
technology models are relatively more sophisticated approaches but we
cannot apply these due to two main reasons. First, the underlying
assumptions of the models regarding distinction among the cash and
credit goods do not seem effective in developing countries' market
environment. Secondly, the studies employing the CIA constraint in the
Real Business Cycle (RBC) model use the calibration technique, which
makes use of the results of studies using microeconomic data. For most
of the developing countries in general and specifically for Pakistan the
data on non-durable (cash) goods and durable (credit) goods are not
available. Similarly, the impact of inflation on marginal decisions like
working hours, capital accumulation and investment decisions at micro
level have not been addressed for Pakistan.
(b) Pakistan-Specific Empirical Money Demand Studies: A Review
Welfare cost estimates are highly sensitive to the specification of
money demand function. In this section we, therefore, provide a review
of recent developments on this issue in Pakistan. From a theoretical
prospective, the main determinants of money demand are the opportunity
cost variables and the scale variable proxied by income. Mangla (1979)
was the first who tested the empirical validity of these variables for
Pakistan. In particular, using both GNP and permanent income as proxies
for scale variables and both annual yield on government bonds and call
money rate as a proxy for the opportunity cost of holding money, Mangla
estimated the real and money demand for M1 over the period from
1958-1971. He found that the income elasticity of nominal demand for
money was significantly greater than one and interest elasticity ranged
from -0.04 to -0.16 for call money rate, while for the bonds' yield
it ranged from--0.31 to -0.96. He shows that while the income elasticity
is greater than one, the interest elasticity turns out to be low,--0.02
to 0.02, for call money rate and positive for bonds' yield.
Khan (1980) estimates the demand for money and real balances by
defining money as MI and M2 for the period 1960 to 1978. The main
objective of his study was to identify the correct scale
variable--current or permanent income--for money demand function.
Applying the ordinary least squares (OLS) method, he finds that the
income elasticity for both nominal and real money demand functions is
significantly greater than one, implying diseconomies of scale. He
further argues that both permanent and current income give approximately
similar results, lending no superiority to one measure over the other.
For nominal money demand functions (M1 and M2), he reports that the
interest elasticity is insignificant but for real money demand it has
the expected negative sign.
Similar analysis of finding appropriate scale and opportunity cost
variables for the money demand function was carried out in Khan (1982).
The scale variables were taken to be permanent income and measured
income, while the opportunity cost variables were the interest rate
(call money rate, interest on time deposits) and the expected and actual
inflation rates. Using the Cochrane-Orcutt technique the demand
functions of M1 and M2 were estimated for six Asian developing countries
(Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Korea) for the
period 1960 to 1978. For Pakistan with M1 definition of money, he finds
that there is no difference between permanent and measured income
elasticities. His estimates provide evidence that income elasticity is
greater than one, representing diseconomies of scale. Money demand is
significantly explained by interest on time deposits and interest
elasticity ranged from--0.42 to--0.44. For broader money (M2), he
reports that the income elasticity is greater than for M1, and interest
elasticity ranges from--0.37 to--0.39. For Pakistan, inflation and
expected inflation tend to affect money demand but the magnitude (-0.05)
is much less than the coefficient of interest rate. Khan (1982) also
reaches the same conclusion as in Khan (1980) that interest rate is the
proper opportunity cost variable in money demand function.
Nisar and Aslam (1983) estimate the term structure of time deposits
and substitute the parameters in the money demand function, using data
over the period from 1960 to 1979. They find that the coefficient of
term structure for both M1 and M2 monetary aggregates is negative and
has a smaller magnitude for the M2 definition of money ranging
from--0.51 to--0.73. They also show that time deposits are positively
related to interest rate (representing own rate of return), whereas
interest rate has a negative effect on currency; so, overall, the
magnitude of interest elasticity is low for M2 due to the inclusion of
time deposits. Consistent with Khan (1982), they conclude that money
demand is elastic with respect to the scale variable, while the
coefficient of inflation rate bears a positive sign and is statistically
not significant. Secondly, the study compares the stability of money
demand function estimated by using term structure against the
conventional money demand function with simple average interest rate
(call money rate). The covariance analysis shows that the term structure
money demand function remained stable while the conventional function
does not pass the stability test.
Developing countries like Pakistan lack sophisticated financial
systems. Here currency constitutes a large proportion of total monetary
assets. Qayyum (1994) using data from 1962:I to 1985:II estimates the
long-run demand for currency holding. He shows that currency demand is
determined by interest rate defined as bonds rate, the rate of inflation
and income. With the coefficient of income at approximate unity, the
money-income proportionality hypothesis is tested. Further, he argues
that money-income proportionality holds and imposing this restriction,
the steady state demand for currency turns out to be related to
inflation and the bonds rate. The coefficients of inflation and interest
are negative and significant showing that people can substitute between
currency and real goods, and also between currency and financial assets.
Hossain (1994) estimates the money demand for both the real narrow
(M1) and broad money (M2) balances for the two sub-periods ranging from
1951 to 1991 and 1972 to 1991. The double log specification of money
demand function is used with income, interest rate (government bond
yield, call money rate) and inflation rate as the explanatory variables.
The results for the sample period from 1972 to 1991 are more encouraging
where the income elasticity for broad money is around unity and about
0.86 for the narrow money. Interest elasticity in absolute terms is
greater for narrow money (-0.54) than for M2 (-0.05). The results for
both the sample periods show that real money balances are not
cointegrated with the inflation rate and that the narrow money demand is
more stable than the broad money demand function.
The financial sector reforms of the 1980s increased the interest in
money demand function. Khan (1994) and Tariq and Matthews (1997)
investigated the impact of financial liberalisation on money demand. In
particular, Khan (1994) examines the effect of these reforms on the
stability of money demand. The Engle-Granger two-step method of
cointegration is used to estimate the money demand function using
quarterly data starting from 1971:III to 1993:II. The results of
cointegration analysis for double-log money (nominal M1 and M2) demand
function show that demand for broader money is determined by real
income, nominal interest rate of medium term maturity real interest
rates, and the inflation rate. The cointegration relationship holds for
all the arguments except short-term and medium-term nominal interest
rates in the context of M1 definition.
The second study on the effects of financial reforms is Tariq and
Matthews (1997) that investigated the impact of deregulation on the
definition of monetary aggregates. In this study divisia monetary
aggregates are compared to simple monetary aggregates in order to find
the stable money demand function. The conventional money demand function
is estimated with the scale and opportunity cost variable and the
opportunity cost is taken as differential of interest on an alternative
asset and own rate of return on the given monetary aggregate.
Cointegration analysis shows that demand for all the four monetary
aggregates, M1, M2, Divisia M1 and Divisia M2 is positively related to
the scale variable and negatively to the opportunity cost variable.
Income elasticity is seen to be greater than unity implying that
velocity has a decreasing trend. The error correction model (ECM) is
used to estimate the short-run dynamic money demand function, which
shows that all the four monetary aggregates are equally good in
explaining the money demand function and there is no superiority of
divisia aggregates over the simple-sum monetary aggregates.
There is a difference between the money demand behaviour of
household and business sectors in studies relating to sectoral money
demand in developed countries. Its first application in Pakistan is
Qayyum (2000) who studies the demand for money by the business sector.
Owing to the difference in the behaviour of business sector, the total
sale is taken as the scale variable instead of income. He shows that the
long-run demand for M1 is determined by sales and inflation rate. The
sales/transactions elasticity of business sector's demand for real
balances is unitary. In the long run the demand for money is not
determined by the interest rate, but the short-run dynamic ECM shows
that money demand is determined by changes in the return on saving
deposits, changes in inflation rate, and movements in the previous money
Qayyum (2001) estimates the money demand function at aggregate
level and for both the household and business sectors using quarterly
data from 1959:III to 1985:II. He finds that all the three money demand
functions are sensitive to income, inflation rate and interest rate. He
concludes that bonds rate is the relevant opportunity cost variable in
aggregate and household money demand functions. For the business sector,
the appropriate interest rate representing opportunity cost is the rate
of interest on bank advances. The money-scale variable proportionality
holds in all the money demand functions. The scale variable is defined
as income/real GDP for the aggregate and household money demand function
while for the business sector it is real sales. The business sector
demand for real balances is explained by own rate of return and the
inflation rate. The money-sales proportionality is shown to hold in the
long run. The results from ECM show that in the short run interest rate
is an important variable determining the aggregate demand for real
balances and liquidity demand of the business sector.
Another study by Qayyum (2005) estimates the demand for broader
money M2 at the aggregate level for the annual data from 1960 to 1999.
This study reaches similar conclusion as Qayyum (2001) that the major
determinants of money demand are own rate of return (call money rate)
and opportunity cost variables (inflation rate and government bond
yield) and income. However, the magnitude of coefficients is high for
both the interest rates.
Using annual data from 1972 to 2005, Hussain, et al. (2006)
estimated the demand for money; money is defined as monetary base, M1
and M2. The study finds that there is no cointegration and unit root in
the data series. They model the demand for all the three monetary
aggregates as a function of the real GDP, inflation rate, financial
innovation and the interest rate on time deposits. They find that the
long run income elasticity ranges from 0.74 to 0.779 and interest
elasticity ranges from--0.344 to--0.464. Of all the three definitions of
money M2 is found to better explain the long-run stable money demand
Ahmad, et al. (2007) estimate the long-run money demand function
using the error correction model. The conventional money demand function
with income and call money rate is estimated for the period 1953 to
2003. The results show that both the arguments of money demand function
have theoretically the correct signs for M1 and interest semi-elasticity
is--0.012. The interest rate coefficient is positive and insignificant
for real M2. For both narrow money M1 and broad money M2 the
money-income proportionality does not hold.
In this study we want to calculate the welfare cost of inflation
based on the estimated parameters of a stable money demand function. The
studies on welfare cost of inflation suggest that we have to define
money in the narrowest form, like monetary base or M1 so that the
interest rate is the opportunity cost of holding money: Estimating the
demand for broader monetary aggregate (M2) is not relevant for our
analysis because it includes some interest bearing assets; the interest
coefficient in most of the studies turned out to be positive or
insignificant showing that interest rate is own rate of return rather
than an opportunity cost variable for M2.
The welfare cost is a steady state analysis for which the
money-income proportionality is assumed to hold. Following the social
welfare loss of inflation analysis we need to (newly) re-estimate the
money demand function taking the ratio of money balances to income
(scale variable) as the dependent variable with a single argument-the
nominal interest rate. We estimate demand functions defining money as
monetary base, narrow money M1 and disintegrating M1 into its
constituent components and estimate the demand functions of demand
deposit and currency.
Following Bali (2000), we estimate the currency-deposit model to
analyse the welfare cost of inflation in Pakistan. The rationality of
employing the currency-deposit model is that both currency and deposits
have different opportunity costs. The implicit cost of holding currency
is the nominal interest (i), while that of demand deposit is the
difference between the nominal interest rate (i) and the interest on
deposits ([i.sub.d]). The studies that lump both the currency and demand
deposits together as non-interest bearing assets are likely to overstate
the true cost of inflation [see, for details, Lucas (1994, 2000)].
Another advantage of this disintegrated asset model is that the single
monetary asset models are the nested models of this broader model.
When estimating the model, we ignore uncertainty and labour-choice,
focusing on the implications of the model for money demand and the
welfare cost of inflation. Further, we assume that the representative
household derives utility from consumption good ([c.sub.t]) and flow of
services from the real money balances that consist of currency
([m.sub.1]) and demand deposits ([d.sub.1]). In particular, the utility
function takes the following form:
[[infinity].summation over (t=0)] [(1+[rho]).sup.-1]
U([m.sub.t].[c.sub.t],[d.sub.t]) (1)
where [rho] is the subjective rate of time preference. In Equation
(1), the utility function is assumed to be increasing in all the three
arguments, strictly concave and continuously differentiable. The
economy-wide budget constraint of the household sector, in real units,
is given by
The budget constraint indicates that a household can transfer
resources from one period to the next by holding real money stock
consisting of non-interest bearing real currency ([m.sub.t]), interest
bearing real demand deposits ([d.sub.t]), bonds ([b.sub.1]), and
physical capital ([k.sub.t]). Given the current income f([k.sub.t]), its
assets and any net transfer ([h.sub.t]) from the government sector, the
household allocates its resources among current consumption ([c.sub.t)
and savings (left side of Equation (2)). The real rate of return on
bonds (1 + [r.sub.t+1]) is equal to (1 + [i.sub.t+1])/[(1 +
[[pi].sub.t+1]), where [i.sub.t+1] denotes the nominal return on bonds
held from t to t+1, whereas (1 + [i.sub.d]) is the return on demand
A household maximises its utility Equation (1) subject to budget
constraint Equation (2). Solving the optimisation problem for two
periods, t and t-1, yields the following first-order Euler equations:
[u.sub.m] ([c.sub.t],[m.sub.t],[d.sub.t])/[u.sub.c]([c.sub.t],[m.sub.t][d.sub.t]) = -1 +(1 + [rho])(1 + [[pi].sub.t])(1 +
[r.sub.t])/(1=[rho]) = [i.sub.t] ... (3)
[u.sub.d] ([c.sub.t],[m.sub.t],[d.sub.t])/[u.sub.c]([c.sub.t],[m.sub.t][d.sub.t]) = -1(1 + [i.sub.d])+(1 + [rho])(1 + [[pi].sub.t])(1 +
[r.sub.t])/(1 + [rho]) = [i.sub.t] - [i.sub.d](t) ... (4)
Euler Equations (3) and (4) indicate that the marginal rate of
substitution between money and consumption and between deposits and
consumption is equal to the opportunity costs of respective assets.
These first order Euler equations are the implicit form of asset demand
functions, which can be estimated by assuming some specific form of
utility function.
In order to derive the implications of the model for welfare costs
of inflation using the Lucas compensation variation approach, the
following CES isoelastic utility function is used:
where [theta] > 0 is the elasticity of inter-temporal
substitution. Substituting the marginal utilities from Equation (5) into
Euler Equations (3) and (4) gives the following real currency and real
deposit demand functions:
[m.sub.t] = ([[gamma].sub.2]/[[gamma].sub.1])
[i.sup.-[theta].sub.t] [c.sub.1] ... (6)
[d.sub.t] = ([[gamma].sub.3]/[[gamma].sub.1]) ([i.sub.t] -
[i.sub.d])[(t)).sup.-[theta]] [c.sub.t]
The steady state analysis of welfare cost of inflation requires
that the proportion of income held as cash, should be independent to the
growth in real income. This implies that velocity remains constant. (6)
Under the steady state we write the money demand function as the ratio
of real money balances to the real scale variable. It further requires
that both currency and demand deposits have the same interest
elasticities ([theta]). It may be recalled that the cost of holding
money defined as demand deposits, is the disparity between the yield on
other assets ([i.sub.t]) and interest on deposits ([i.sub.d]) when the
banks are operating at zero profit condition, [i.sub.d] = (1 -
[mu])[i.sub.t], where g is the reserve ratio. The zero profit condition
implies that the opportunity cost of holding deposits is ([i.sub.t] -
[i.sub.d]) = [mu]i. Below, Equation (7) presents the demand function for
demand deposits.
[d.sub.t] = [[[gamma].sub.3]/[[gamma].sub.1]][([mu][i.sub.t]).sup.-[theta]] [c.sub.t] ... (7)
For the single monetary asset the utility function in
money-in-utility (MIU) framework takes the form as:
[[infinity].summation over (t=0)][(1 + [rho]).sup.-1]
Solving the optimisation problem with changing the budget
constraint without the role of demand deposits gives the money demand
function equivalent to the currency demand function presented in
Equation (6).
3.1. Money Demand Specification
To compute the welfare cost function we estimate both the double
log and semilog money demand functions.
3.1.1. Double-log Money Demand Function
To calculate the welfare cost of inflation we are interested
specifically in the effect of opportunity cost (nominal interest rate)
on money holding. The demand for real balances is given by
([M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t]) = L([i.sub.t],[y.sub.t])
where the left side in the above equation is the ratio of money
stock to price level showing the demand for real balances as function of
nominal interest rate [i.sub.t], and [y.sub.t] is the real income. In
the long-run, the liquidity demand function takes the following form.
L(i,y) = m(i)y ... (8)
Equation (8) indicates that money demand is proportional to income.
It is evident that the estimates of the income elasticity of money
demand (i.e., M1, M2 and currency) obtained for Pakistan tend to be
around unity [Qayyum (1994, 2000, 2001, 2005)]. Therefore, the unitary
scale (income) elasticity restriction is imposed which enables us to
estimate the money demand function (m(i)) defined as the ratio of real
money balances to real income with the single argument defined as the
opportunity cost of holding money.
M/y = m(i) ... (9)
Equations (6) and (7) are in the form of (8) and dividing by the
scale variable can be converted into the final form of demand function
required for the analysis of welfare cost.
([m.sub.t]/[c.sub.t]) =
([d.sub.t]/[c.sub.t]) =
These equations take the form of Equation (9) and can be written in
the following double log form:
where the dependent variables are taken as ratio to scale variable
and welfare cost is expressed as the percentage of GDP.
3.1.2. Semi-log Money Demand Function
The standard utility functions mostly yield double-log money demand
function, but the semi-log models have gained great applications in
money demand literature for its seigniorage implications. A number of
studies, such as Lucas (2000), Bali (2000) and Gupta and Uwilingiye
(2008), have estimated both the double log and semi-log money demand
functions and compared welfare costs associated with both the
specifications. Following these studies, we also estimate the semi-log
money demand function along with the log-linear function and judge the
sensitivity of the estimated welfare cost for the two models towards low
interest rates.
To compare the semi-log model with the derived double log
currency-deposit model we restrict both currency and demand deposits to
have the same interest semi-elasticity. The demand functions for
currency and deposits under the semi-log specification are given as
After estimating the steady state money demand functions the
welfare cost will be computed using both Bailey's and Lucas'
measures of welfare cost. What follows below, is a brief discussion of
these welfare cost measures.
3.2. Welfare Cost of Inflation and Money Demand Function
3.2.1. Bailey's Consumer Surplus Approach
The first attempt to measure the welfare cost of anticipated
inflation is credited to Bailey (1956) wherein the nominal interest rate
is the opportunity cost of holding money. The inflationary
finance/anticipated inflation is excise tax on real cash holding; and
the welfare cost is the loss in consumer surplus and is measured as the
area under the money demand curve. Changes in inflation rate are related
to changes in nominal interest rate through the Fisher hypothesis that
holds for Pakistan [Hassan (1999)]. Thus, the welfare cost is measured
as the loss in consumer surplus not compensated by total revenue. This
can be described as follows:
where m(r) is money demand function and [PSI](x)is the inverse
demand function, m is defined as ratio of money to income, the welfare
function w is the function of income; therefore, welfare loss is defined
as proportion of income. Welfare Cost of Inflation for Semi-log Money Demand
The first attempt to measure the welfare cost of anticipated is
credited to Bailey (1956), Marry (1967), Friedman (1969) and Tower
(1971) have used the Cagan semi-log money demand function. All these
studies were based on hyperinflation economies, and welfare gain for
this specification comes largely by moving from high interest to low
interest rates, while for the interest rate approaching zero, the
solution is trivial.
(a) Single Monetary Asset Model
When monetary stock is taken to be monetary base or M1 (single
monetary asset model) the semi-log money demand function is given as
Substituting the money demand function in Equation (14) gives the
following welfare cost measure
where [[alpha].sub.o] is the intercept in money demand function and
[[alpha].sub.1] is the interest rate related semi-elasticity of money
(b) Currency-Deposit Model
For the modified money-in-utility function, which allows for the
distinct role of currency and demand deposits, the welfare cost takes
the following form:
where demand for currency is [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] and semi-log demand function for deposits is
Equation (16) represents the dead weight loss accruing from currency
while the second term is the dead weight loss measured for demand
deposit. For currency, the integral runs from zero to positive nominal
interest (i) and for demand deposits it runs from zero to opportunity
cost of holding demand deposits [mu]i). Under the restricted model,
where both currency and deposits are restricted, the semi-elasticities
should have to be the same, [[alpha].sub.1] = [[beta].sub.1] Welfare Cost of Inflation for Double log Money Demand
(a) Single Monetary Asset Model
The double log money demand specification for a single monetary
asset (i.e., monetary base or M1) is given as follows:
So, the welfare cost formula is derived by substituting the money
demand function in Equation (14), which is presented as follows:
where [[alpha].sub.o] and [[alpha].sub.1] are the intercept and
slope coefficient of double log money demand function respectively.
(b) Currency-Deposit Model
For the double log demand for currency and deposits, the expression
given in Equation (14) becomes as follows:
The welfare cost formula shows that the cost is entirely in terms
of [[alpha].sub.o], [[alpha].sub.1], [[beta].sub.o] and [[beta].sub.1],
parameters of the estimated asset demand functions and their opportunity
3.2.2. Lucas Compensating Variation Approach
Lucas in arriving at a welfare measure starts with the assumption
that two economies have similar technology and preferences; the only
difference is in the conduct of monetary policy. In one of the economies
Friedman's zero interest rate policy is adopted whereas in the
other economy, the interest rate is positive. He defines the welfare
cost of inflation as compensation in income (defined as percentage of
income) required to leave the household (living in the second economy),
being indifferent to live in either of the two economies.
The left side of Equation (19) shows the welfare in second economy
with a positive interest rate and the right hand side is the
characterisation of the first economy operating at deflation policy,
w(i) is the measure of income compensation or the welfare cost of
u[1+w(i),[bar.m](i),[bar.d]([mu]i)]=u[1,[bar.m](0),[bar.d](0)] ...
Lucas has given two measures of welfare cost for the two
specifications of long-run money demand function due to their different
behaviour at low interest rates; (a) Square-Root Formula, and (b)
Quadratic Approximation. Welfare Cost of Inflation for Semi-log Money Demand
Function and Quadratic Approximation
The semi-log money demand specification originally due to Cagan
(1956) and Bailey (1956) gives rise to a quadratic formula for the
welfare cost of inflation. Under this specification there is satiation
in money demand, and thus, the quadratic formula derived for this
specification is sensitive to high interest rate. Wolman (1997) and
Bakhshi (2002) show that for the semi-log model there is satiation in
asset holding m(0) and d(0) in Equation (19), representing maximum
currency and demand deposits' holdings at zero interest rate. The
above mentioned studies also showed that under satiation the welfare
gain of moving from positive inflation to zero inflation is higher
compared to the gains of moving further to Friedman's zero interest
To derive the quadratic formula from Equation (19) the second-order
Taylor series expansion is applied to the welfare function around zero
interest rate.
(a) Single Monetary Asset Model
For the single-monetary-asset model, Equation (19) takes the
following form:
u[1 + w(i),[bar.m](i)]= u[1,m(0)]
And the welfare cost of inflation is expressed as follows:
w(i) = 1/2 [bar.m](0)[eta][i.sup.2] ... (21)
where [eta] is the semi-elasticity of demand for M1 or monetary
base with respect to interest rate.
(b) Currency-Deposit Model
Assuming that demand deposits and currency have the same
semi-elasticity (restricted case) the welfare loss formula (20) is
transformed as follows: (7)
w(i) = 1/2 [eta][i.sup.2][[bar.m](0) + [[mu].sup.2] [bar.d](0)] ...
Given the semi-log demand functions [bar.m](i) =
[bar.m](0)[e.sup.-[eta]i], [bar.d]([mu]i) = [bar.d](0)e-[eta]([mu]i),
[bar.m](0) and [bar.d](0) initial conditions are calculated by assuming
[bar.m](i) and [bar.d](i) functions pass through the values of currency
holdings, deposits, and interest rates observed at the end of the sample
period. Semi-elasticity [eta] is measured from long-run semi-log asset
demand functions. Welfare Cost of Inflation for Double log Money Demand
Function and Square-Root Formula
The Square-Root formula is applicable if double log is the proper
specification of money demand function. Under this specification, as the
nominal interest rate approaches zero, the demand for real balances
becomes arbitrarily large [Ireland (2007)], and Equation (19) takes the
following form:
u[1 + w(i),[bar.m](i), [bar.d] ([mu]i)] =
(a) Single Monetary Asset Model
Welfare cost formula for a single monetary aggregate (Monetary base
or M1) without assigning distinct roles to currency and deposits is
given as:
Where [[alpha].sub.1] is the slope (interest elasticity) and
[[alpha].sub.0] is the intercept term in log-linear model with single
monetary aggregate.
(b) Currency-Deposit Model
For currency-deposit welfare cost is calibrated by employing
estimated parameters from log-log specification of the demand deposits
and currency demand functions.
This model is derived from CES utility function where
[[alpha].sub.1] is the interest elasticity for both the assets demand
functions. The welfare cost of inflation is measured by empirically
estimating the money demand function parameters. Specifically, welfare
costs are measured as the value of welfare measures evaluated at
different nominal interest rates.
3.3. Estimation Procedure and Empirical Technique
The main objective of the study is to estimate the stable money
demand function for Pakistan and to compute the welfare cost of
inflation. The cointegration technique is used to determine the long-run
relationship between different time series. Specifically, we use the
autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model to estimate the long-run
interest elasticity and semi-elasticity of money demand function. This
approach has an advantage that it provides long-run coefficients even
for small data sets and it does not require all the regressors to be
integrated of the same order that is I(1). That is, it can be applied
even in the case where the regressors have a mixed order of integration;
the only restriction is that none of the variable should be I(2) or
integrated of order greater than 1. Further, the problem of endogeneity
also does not affect the bounds test for cointegration.
To apply the bounds test for cointegration, the Unrestricted Error
Correction Model (UECM) representation of double log money demand
following form:
In this equation [m.sub.t] is real money balances' taken ratio
to real GDP, [i.sub.t] is the interest rate, [[beta].sub.0] is the
intercept, [[beta].sub.1] and [[beta].sub.2] are the slope coefficients
and [lambda] is the coefficient of error correction term [u.sub.t-1];
this term shows the correction of the model towards the long-run
equilibrium. If the error correction term is replaced by the lagged
variables, we get the ARDL model incorporating short-run and long-run
information. (8)
Similarly to estimate the interest, the semi-elasticity of money
demand, the ARDL model takes the following form
We employ the ARDL two-step method of Bahmani-Oskooee and Bohal
(2000) and find the maximum lag length (p), the order of UECM and check
the existence of the long-run relationship. The null hypothesis of no
cointegration implies that coefficients of lagged level variables
[[beta].sub.3] and [[beta].sub.4] are simultaneously zero. The ARDL
approach of Pesaran and Shin (1998) can be applied by the OLS method and
the test is based on comparing the F-value (joint significance of lagged
levels of variables) of the model with the critical bounds values given
in Pesaran, et al (2001). It reports the two asymptotic critical bounds
values under two conditions (i) lower bounds assuming all the regressors
to be I(0) and (ii) upper bound taking all the regressors to be I(1). If
the calculated F-statistics is less than the lower bound, it shows that
there is no long-run relationship, if F-value falls between the lower
and the upper bound, it means we enter the indecisive region, it is only
when the F-value is greater than the upper bound that the cointegration
relationship comes into play.
After identifying the existence of the long-run relationship and
maximum lag length, we proceed to the second step and find the optimal
lag length based on Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Schwarz Bayesian
Criterion (SBC), (9) and [[bar.R].sup.2], and calculate the long-run
coefficients of the model. Finally diagnostic tests are applied to check
that the model passes the functional form stability, heteroscedasticity
and the serial correlation tests.
We use annual data for different monetary aggregates. The sample
covers the period from 1960 to 2007. We use income measured by gross
domestic product (GDP) as a scale variable in our empirical
investigation. Monetary aggregates that we use in this paper are M1,
monetary base, currency, and demand deposits. Both GDP and monetary
assets are deflated by the consumer price index (CPI) to get real
balances to real income ratio.
For single monetary aggregates and currency, we use the nominal
interest rate (call money rate) as a proxy for the opportunity cost. For
the demand deposit model, the long-term interest rate, the relevant
opportunity cost variable is defined as the difference between interest
rate offered on other assets (long-term assets) minus own rate of return
(the rate of return on current and other deposits).
Data on deposit rates excluding current and other deposits are
compiled by the SBP since 1990. Using the State Bank's definition,
we have calculated it for the period 1960 to 1990 as weighted average of
the interest rates on the individual longer-term components of time
deposits, with the weights being the quantity shares of these deposits.
The calculation of the welfare cost of inflation requires the
information of the average reserve ratio for the entire sample period.
The Reserve Ratio is measured as the reserves taken as ratio to
deposits. (10)
Data on nominal GDP, monetary stocks, consumer price index (CPI)
and call money rates are obtained from the International Financial
Statistics (IFS) database. The data for rate of return on long-term
maturity deposits, however, are taken from State Bank of Pakistan Annual
Reports. Figure 1 plots the percentage change in price levels (CPI).
5.1. Testing for Unit Root
We begin our examination by checking the stationarity of the data
using the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root test. To select the
appropriate lag order for the ADF equations, we started with zero lag
and continued adding lags until the Breusch Godfrey LM test, applied to
the residual of the ADF regression, showed no serial correlation.
Whether the ADF regression has an intercept only or an intercept along
with trend, the ADF general-to-specific method was used as suggested in
Enders (2004). Starting with the general form which includes both the
constant and deterministic trend, the significance of the trend
coefficient based on the t-test is checked. If it is significant and the
hypothesis of unit root is not rejected, we conclude that the test
includes the constant and the trend.
Table 1 presents the results of the ADF test. The coefficient on
liner-time trend term appears statistically significant for only the log
(demand deposits/GDP) variable. The estimates provide strong evidence
that all the variables are non-stationary in their level, while their
first differences are stationary, meaning all the series are I(1). As
none of the series is integrated of the order greater than one, we can
apply ARDL bounds test for cointegration.
5.2. Estimation of Money Demand Function and Calculation of Welfare
Cost of Inflation for Monetary Base
5.2.1. Estimating Demand Function for Monetary Base
As earlier mentioned, we apply the two-step ARDL approach.
Specifically, in the first step, we test the existence of the long-run
relationship, using the bounds test. After confirmation of the presence
of the long-run relationship, the ARDL framework proposed by Pesaran and
Shin (1999) is used to estimate the long-run estimates of the underlying
variables. We estimate two different specifications of money demand
function, namely semi-log and double log demand function, based on the
monetary base. (11)
The F-statistics to test for the existence of cointegration are
sensitive to the order of lag in the model, therefore the ARDL (1, 0) is
selected based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Schwarz
Information Criterion (SIC) for both semi-and double-log money demand
functions with money taken to be the monetary base. Besides, several
tests are applied to the selected model to confirm the volatility of the
estimated model. The results are presented in Table 2.
The estimated F-statistics given in Panel A of the table provide
evidence of the presence of long-run association between the variables.
Specifically, as we can see from the table, the value of F-statistic is
greater than the upper critical bounds, indicating the rejection of the
null hypothesis of no cointegration. This implies that the variables
included in the model have a stable long-run equilibrium relationship.
This holds for both semi-and double-log models.
The long-run estimates of the models are given in Panel B of Table
2. Both the parameters of the model are significant regardless of
whether the model is estimated in semi-log or double-log form. The
interest rate semi-elasticity of monetary base ([alpha]1) shows that a 1
percent increase in nominal interest rate lowers the demand for monetary
base by 5.4 percent. The value of adjusted [R.sup.2] (0.79) shows that
the ARDL specification (1, 0) is a quite good fit.
The long-run estimates from the double log demand function have
expected signs and are statistically significant. The interest rate
elasticity of the demand for monetary base is 0.33, almost the same to
those (0.34) estimated in Hussain, et al. (2006). The value of adjusted
[R.sup.2] is 0.77 which shows the goodness of the fit of the model. The
results of diagnostic tests reported in Panel C of the table provide
evidence that both of the models are well specified and free from the
specification errors. Specifically, diagnostic tests indicate that there
is no problem of serial correlation, heteroscedasticity and functional
form mis-specification in the selected models. The CUSUM and CUSUMSQ
test results provide evidence that there is no structure break in the
estimated coefficients.
5.2.2. Calculating Welfare Cost of Inflation for Monetary Base
In this subsection we calculate the welfare cost of inflation using
the Lucas compensating variation measure and the consumer's surplus
measure for both semi-log and double-log models. The results are
presented in Table 3. The welfare cost is measured both as moving from
Friedman's optimal inflation rate to some positive inflation rate
(from zero nominal interest rate to a positive interest rate) and moving
from zero inflation (stable price) to a positive inflation rate. The
real interest rate is approximately 2 percent for 2007, therefore, i =
0.02 is the benchmark value of nominal interest rate under zero
inflation. (12) When i = 0.08 it means the inflation rate is 6 percent,
and for i = 0.10 the inflation rate is 8 percent.
Table 3 shows the welfare cost as percent of GDP associated with
increasing interest rate from zero to a positive rate. The welfare cost
entry against each interest rate is the loss in welfare for deviating
from the Friedman's Deflation rule.
The second column of the table shows the welfare cost using the
compensating variation approach. The welfare cost of 5 percent nominal
interest (3 percent inflation) is 0.15 percent of GDP against zero
inflation, while comparing with zero nominal interest rate (optimal
deflation rule) the cost is approximately 0.18 percent of GDP. Keeping
in view the end of sample period inflation rate of 7 percent (i = 0.09)
the welfare gain of moving towards zero inflation (i = 0.02) is 0.55
percent of GDP (the difference between the welfare costs at 9 percent
and 2 percent nominal interest, 0.583 and 0.028 respectively) and
further moving to the deflation rate results in an additional gain of
0.028 percent of GDP.
The welfare cost based on the consumer's surplus approach is
given in column 3 of Table 3. The welfare cost of 5 percent nominal
interest rate is 0.12 percent of GDP against price stability and
slightly higher at 0.14 percent of GDP when compared to zero nominal
interest rate. Similarly the welfare cost of 9 percent inflation is 0.41
percent of against the deflation rate, which is less than the 0.58
percent of GDP calculated under the Lucas (2000) approach form. We find
that for all the nominal interest rates, the welfare cost is higher
under the compensating approach than under Bailey's approach.
The costs under the two approaches are comparable for the single
digit nominal interest rate and the difference widens for the higher
interest rates. Deviating from Friedman's Deflation rule, the cost
of 20 percent nominal interest rate is 2.8 percent of income under
Lucas' approach, while for Bailey's approach the cost is 1.4
percent. The difference between the calculated welfare losses from the
two approaches is due to the quadratic nature of the compensating
variation formula, in which the nominal interest rate appears in the
quadratic form.
For the log-log money demand function, the estimated welfare costs
are given in the last two columns of Table 3. The welfare cost of 5
percent nominal interest rate is 0.47 percent of real income. The
welfare cost of 5 percent inflation against the benchmark of zero
inflation is 0.21 percent of income. The cost of 9 percent nominal
interest rate, the call money rate at the end of sample period, costs
about 0.7 percent of real output. Reducing the nominal interest rate
from 9 to 2 percent (under zero inflation) yields welfare gain
equivalent to an increase in income by 0.44 percent.
Similar to the case of semi-log money demand function, the welfare
costs estimated, based on consumer's surplus approach, are lower
than the welfare costs estimated using the compensation variation
approach. However, for the log-log money demand model, the difference is
Comparing the estimated welfare costs across both specifications of
demand for money, we find that the welfare cost of inflation for
moderate inflation under semi-log money demand function is relatively
small compared to that under the log-log model. Moving from zero
inflation to the deflation rule results in welfare gain of only 0.02
percent of GDP in semi-log model compared to a substantial gain of 0.25
percent of GDP for the double log model. (13)
The welfare losses (relative to deflation rule) at different
nominal interest rates are plotted in Figure 2. The nominal interest
rate up to 20 percent is taken on the horizontal axis. The two
approaches give almost the same welfare loss calculations for low
inflation/interest rates but they tend to diverge for higher interest
5.3. Estimation of Money Demand Function and Calculation of Welfare
Cost of Inflation for MI
5.3.1. Estimating Demand Function for M1
Table 4 presents the ARDL results for M1. Similar to the case of
monetary base, two specification of demand for money, namely semi-log
model and log-log model, are estimated. The estimated F-statistic
indicates that there is a level relationship (cointegration) between the
variables for both semi- and log-log models. The long-run coefficients
of money demand function given in Panel B of Table 4 have theoretically
correct signs and are statistically significant. The interest rate
semi-elasticity of M1/GDP ratio is -3.172, the interest rate elasticity
of money demand from log-log model is -0.208. Both models generally
satisfy all diagnostic tests.
5.3.2. Calculating Welfare Cost of Inflation for M1
The estimated welfare costs of inflation for both semi-log and
log-log models of M1 are presented in Table 5. Specifically, column 2 of
the table gives the value of welfare loss against different nominal
interest rates based on the compensating variation approach. The welfare
loss of 3 percent inflation corresponding to 5 percent nominal rate of
interest is 0.21 percent of GDP against zero interest rate, while it
reduces to 0.17 percent against price stability. The welfare loss
associated with the inflation rate of 7 percent is 0.64 percent of
income compared to a zero inflation rate, while reducing inflation
further to deflation rate results in additional gain of 0.03 percent of
GDP or total gain of 0.67 percent of GDP. It should be noted that the
welfare cost of inflation associated with higher interest
rates/inflation rates is substantially high than the welfare cost at
lower inflation rates. It should also be noted that the welfare cost of
inflation based on the compensation variation approach is higher than
the welfare cost of inflation based on the consumer's surplus
approach through the range of interest rates used in the estimation.
However, the difference is more profound at higher interest rates.
Specifically, we observe that the welfare loss as a proportion of
GDP based on the consumer's surplus approach rises from 0.02
percent when the rate of interest is 2 percent (inflation rate is zero)
to over 0.38 percent at a rate of interest of 9 percent. The difference
between these two welfare costs (0.38-0.02 = 0.36) gives the welfare
loss of 7 percent inflation rate against zero inflation. The welfare
cost of 3 percent inflation is 0.13 percent of income and moving to zero
interest rate yields welfare gain of 0.02 percent of GDP.
By comparing the welfare cost of inflation under both semi-log and
log-log models for M1, we find that welfare cost from semi long money
demand function gives higher cost for higher interest. This holds
regardless of whether the welfare cost is estimated by using the
compensation variation approach or the consumer's surplus approach.
Further, the estimated welfare cost based on the double log money demand
indicates that both the approaches give almost the same measure of
welfare loss by deviating from the deflation rule. The welfare gain of
moving from higher to lower nominal interest rate is almost the same for
the log-log model but for the semi-log model the welfare gain is
associated with the rate of interest. Under the semi-log model, a 1
percent decrease in nominal interest rate, for higher interest rate,
results in more benefit compared to one percent decrease in nominal
interest rate at the lower end of the curve. The welfare costs are
plotted in Figure 3.
As in Wolman (1997) we are interested in the apportionment of the
total gain of moving form a positive interest rate to the deflation
rate. This gain has two parts; the first gain comes in moving from a
positive nominal interest rate to price stability and the second from
moving from zero inflation to the deflation policy. Owing to the
sensitivity of the demand curves to low interest rates we find that, for
the semi-log model, larger benefit accrues as the economy moves towards
zero inflation; but further moving to deflation rate has a very small
gain. Figure 2 shows that for semi-log money demand function under
consumer surplus, the welfare gain of moving from 12 percent interest
rate to deflation rate is equal to 0.64 percent of GDP, while for the
double log the gain is 0.81 percent of the income. The proportion of
gain from moving from zero inflation to deflation is only 5.15 percent
of the total gain for the semi-log model and, for the double log, it is
24.2 percent.
The difference between the estimates of welfare loss is reduced
when the cost is measured relative to zero inflation nominal interest
rate. For the present study the end of period real interest rate is 2
percent which, under price stability, is equivalent to nominal interest
rate. As shown in Figure 3 the welfare cost of non-optimal policy with a
positive inflation rate has the same welfare loss under the three cases;
the semi-log model with compensating variation and traditional
approaches and the double-log model with the consumer surplus approach.
(14) The gain of moving from 12 percent interest rate to stable prices
ranges from 0.61 to 0.63 percent of the income. For both the money
demand specifications for M1, the welfare loss is almost the same for
low and moderate inflation rates. The welfare loss line drawn for the
double log model under the compensating variation approach diverges from
the rest of the three cases as interest rate rises above 10 percent.
5.4. Estimation of Demand Function and Calculation of Welfare Cost
of Inflation for Currency-Deposit Model
5.4.1. Estimating Demand Function for Currency-Deposit Model
After estimating the demand function and the welfare costs for the
single money stocks, M0 and M1 we estimate the welfare loss for the
Currency-Deposit Model. We disintegrate the two components of M1 for the
reason that both currency and demand deposits do not have the same
opportunity cost. Hand-to-hand used currency offers no return; its
opportunity cost is the yield on other financial assets, while the
banking system offers interest rate on the demand deposits, the
opportunity cost of holding demand deposits is the difference between
the yield on alternative assets and the return on deposits. This
difference requires that both currency and demand deposit functions
should be estimated separately with their own opportunity costs. This
also requires some modification in the welfare cost formulae. We apply
the ARDL approach on bivariate models separately for currency and demand
deposits using both semi-log and log-log specifications. The optimal lag
selected based on the AIC and SBC is one for all the four models. The
results are given in Table 6.
The results indicate the existence of long-run relationship for
both currency and demand deposits demand functions regardless of whether
the model is estimated in semi-log or the log-log form. The long-run
coefficients from all four models are reported in Panel B of the table.
The lower panel of the table shows that the estimated models do not have
a serial correlation, heteroscedasticity and that the regression passes
the functional form mis-specification and the normality tests.
The semi-elasticity of currency-to-GDP ratio is -6.36 which is
higher than for any other money stock. On the other hand, the
corresponding figure with respect to deposit rate for demand deposits is
-4.5. From the log-log specification, the interest rate elasticity is
-0.037 and -0.151 for currency-to-GDP ratio and demand deposits,
5.4.2. Calculating Welfare Cost of Inflation for Currency-Demand
Using the estimates given in Table 6, we calculate the welfare
costs of inflation for unrestricted and restricted models. The results
are presented in Table 7. As one can see from column (2) of the table,
the welfare gain of moving from 9 percent nominal interest rate to zero
inflation (2 percent nominal interest rate) is 0.48 percent of GDP and
further moving to deflation rate results in additional gain of 0.18
percent of GDP. Based on Bailey's approach, a 10 percent inflation
costs the equivalent of a reduction of output by 0.38 percent. Under the
log-log currency-deposit model, the gain in moving from price stability
to Friedman's optimal rule of deflation is 0.13 percent of GDP. The
welfare estimates based on both the consumers' surplus and the
compensating variation approach tend to give similar costs of inflation.
After estimating the money demand functions and calculating the
welfare cost for the three models we draw the following conclusions
regarding the welfare cost and its sensitivity to the selection of money
demand function, approaches to calculate welfare loss and the definition
of money.
(i) By comparing the two approaches to measure the welfare loss we
find that across all monetary assets under semi-log model, Lucas'
quadratic formula gives bigger values of the loss function for higher
interest rates. On the other hand, for double log model, the two
approaches give approximately the same loss in welfare.
(ii) The welfare cost of inflation is sensitive to the money demand
specification. For all the monetary aggregates the welfare gain of
moving from price stability to zero interest rate under double log model
ranges from 0.10 percent to 0.25 percent of GDP, while for semi-log
model the gain is trivial and ranges from 0.01 percent to 0.03 percent
of GDP.
(iii) The Bailey and Lucas welfare cost formulae are based on the
elasticity and semi-elasticity of money demand function. The long-run
estimates of both the semi log and double log models show that for all
the four money stocks the elasticities and semi-elasticities are
(iv) Comparing M1 and the Currency-Deposit model which calculates
welfare loss based on different opportunity costs of the constituents of
M1, we find that the welfare cost for currency-deposit model is less
than the loss measured using M1. These findings are in line with the
empirical literature on welfare cost, that, as currency and deposits are
lumped together in M1 and the cost evaluated at the same market rate of
interest for both currency and demand deposits (treating deposits as
non-interest bearing asset), it exaggerates the true cost. (15)
(v) The welfare cost of inflation is sizable for Pakistan in
comparison to the developed countries. The welfare gain of moving from
14 percent to 3 percent nominal interest rate is 0.65 percent of GDP,
which is greater than the estimated gains for the US, Canada and the
European countries (for double log specification using the Lucas
compensating variation approach). (16) Similarly the cost computed from
semi-log model and using the consumer surplus approach yields welfare
loss of 0.06 percent and 0.62 percent of GDP as moving from 2 percent
and 10 percent inflation rates to price stability. This cost is greater
than computed for the US which ranges from 0.04 to 0.21 percent of
income under similar settings. (17)
In this study we quantified the welfare cost of inflation from the
estimated long-run money demand functions for Pakistan for the period
1960-2007. The demand functions for four monetary aggregates--monetary
base, narrow money (M1), currency and demand deposits--taken as a ratio
to income against their respective opportunity costs, are estimated. The
welfare cost of inflation calculated for constant interest elasticity
specification is compared to the constant semi-elasticity specification
for two types of monetary asset models. For the single monetary asset
model, money stock is defined as monetary base and narrow money Ml,
while in the currency-deposit model M1 is disintegrated into currency
and deposits based on the return on each of its constituent components.
In calculating the welfare loss we have employed the traditional
approach proposed by Bailey (1956) where loss due to inflation is
measured by area under the money demand curve and the Lucas (2000)
compensating variation approach.
The empirical results show that all the monetary aggregates are
negatively related to the interest rate. The welfare gain of moving from
positive inflation to zero inflation is approximately the same under
both money demand specifications, but the behaviour of the two models is
different towards low interest rates. Moving from zero inflation to zero
nominal interest rate has substantial gain under the log-log form
compared to the semi-log function. The compensating variation approach
for the semi-log model gives higher welfare loss figures compared to
Bailey's approach due to the quadratic nature of nominal interest
rate in the Lucas (2000) welfare measure. However, the two approaches
yield approximately similar welfare costs of inflation for the log-log
The findings of this study suggest that the society bears a
substantial loss due to inflation and a positive nominal interest rate.
This is the first attempt to break new grounds for measuring the welfare
cost of inflation for Pakistan. However, the limitation of this study is
that the welfare cost analysis is based on the direct cost of inflation,
not addressing other channels through which inflation results in
inefficient allocation of resources. The direct cost of inflation
understates the actual cost of inflation, as inflation tends to distort
marginal decisions by altering the work-leisure choice and interact with
the tax structure of the economy. The actual cost of inflation is much
greater than estimated in this study. The State Bank of Pakistan should
opt for an independent monetary policy. For the last two years the
government has financed its expenditures by borrowing heavily from the
SBP against the bank's tight monetary policy and passed on the
rising inflation to the economy. Furthermore, the Taylor
Principle-driven rising nominal interest rate contributes to inflation
through the cost side. The best policy contribution to sustain growth
and welfare will be to maintain price stability.
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(1) Inflation resulting from this process imposes a tax on cash
balances and a loss in terms of non-optimal holding of money.
(2) Distinct role of currency and deposits is emphasised in Marty
(1999), Bali (2000), and Simonsen and Rubens (2001).
(3) See, for example, Hussain (2005), Mubarik (2005), and Khan and
Schimmelpfenning (2006) giving some threshold levels of inflation.
(4) See Section 2 on Pakistan-specific literature on the empirical
estimation of money demand functions.
(5) Hussain (1994) argues that narrow money demand in Pakistan is
more stable than broad money demand.
(6) Velocity becomes function of the interest rate and it is
transformed to money demand function, which is integrated under
Bailey's approach to get welfare cost as a proportion of scale
where [gamma]/[alpha] and [gamma]/[beta] are the scale elasticities
of demand for real currency and real deposits and 1/[alpha] and 1/[beta]
are elasticities of currency and deposits with respect to their
respective opportunity costs. Unitary scale elasticities require that
[alpha] = [beta] = [gamma] must hold, which implies that the assets
demand functions have same opportunity cost elasticities.
(7) For the unrestricted model that allows for different
semi-elasticities for currency and deposits the welfare cost formula is
written as w(i)= 1/2[[eta][bar.m](0) +
[epsilon][[mu].sup.2][bar.m](0)]where [eta] is the semi-elasticity of
currency and [epsilon] is the semi-elasticity of demand deposits.
(8) Long-run elasticity can be derived directly
(9) Computation of ARDL procedure in Microfit 4.0 selects the
optimal lag on the basis of maximum values of AIC and SBC.
(10) Following Agenor and Montiel (1996) reserve ratio is measured
as (Reserve Money--Currency)/(M1 + Quasi Money--Currency).
(11) As unit root test showed that monetary base and interest rate
series had drift only so the ARDL equation does not include trend term.
(12) Following Gillman (1993) i = 0.093 and [micro] = 0.0721 giving
the value of r approximately equal to 0.02.
(13) Wolman (1997) and Ireland (2007) show that towards low
interest rate the semi-log model shows satiation in money holding but
for the double log model the money holdings take asymptotic trend as
nominal interest rate approaches zero.
(14) Lucas (2000) showed that the welfare gain of moving towards
price stability is same for both the log-log and semi-log versions.
(15) Distinct role of currency and deposits is emphasised in Marty
(1999), Bali (2000), and Simonsen and Rubens (2001).
(16) See Serletis and Yavari (2003, 2005, 2007).
(17) Ireland (2007).
Siffat Mushtaq <siffat.mushtaq@yahoo.com> is Lecturer,
International Institute of Islamic Economics, International Islamic
University, Islamabad. Abdul Rashid <abdulrashid@iiu.edu.pk> is
Lecturer, International Institute of Islamic Economics, International
Islamic University, Islamabad. Abdul Qayyum <abdulqayyum@
pide.org.pk> is Joint Director, Pakistan Institute of Development
Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Unit Root Test Results
Variable Lags Model value
Log(MI/GDP) 1 constant -2.6890
Log(Mo/GDP) 0 constant -2.4537
Log (Currency/GDP) 2 constant -2.0391
Log (Demand Deposits/GDP) 0 Const & Trend -2.6438
Interest Rate 0 constant -2.4830
Log (Interest Rate) 0 constant -2.6760
Deposit Rate 0 constant -1.7544
Log (Deposit Rate) 1 constant -2.3256
First Differences
Variable Lags Model value
Log(MI/GDP) 0 constant -5.9508 **
Log(Mo/GDP) 0 constant -6.7867 **
Log (Currency/GDP) 0 constant -5.4555 **
Log (Demand Deposits/GDP) 0 Const & Trend -7.1718 **
Interest Rate 0 constant -6.7077 **
Log (Interest Rate) 1 constant -5.7319 **
Deposit Rate 0 constant -7.5469 **
Log (Deposit Rate) 0 constant -5.3193 **
Notes: ADF regression equation:
The null and alternative hypotheses for the ADF test apply on the
coefficient of the first lag of dependent variable [gamma].
Under null hypothesis [gamma] = 0 or the series is non-stationary
and under alternative hypothesis of stationarity, [gamma] <0. [gamma]
has non-standard distribution so [tau]-value is compared to McKinnon
(1991) critical values. Critical values at 5 percent level of
significance are -2.9266 and -3.51074 for the constant only and
constant and trend models, respectively. ** Indicates that the series
are stationary at the 1 percent level of significance.
Table 2
ARDL Results for Monetary Base
Semi-log Demand Double-log Demand
No. of Optimal Lags Function Function
Panel A: F-statistics for Testing the Existence
of Long-run Relationship
1 55.744 *** 53.920 ***
Panel B: Long-run Coefficients
Regressor Coefficient Coefficient
Constant -1.366 *** -2.665
Interest rate -0.054 *** -0.331
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.786 0.779
DW-statistic 1.990 1.949
F-statistic 85.263 *** 82.218 *
Panel C: Diagnostic Tests
[[chi square].sub.SC(t)] 0.002[0.960] 0.017[0.894]
[[chi square].sub.FF(1)] 1.343[0.246] 1.102[0.294]
[[chi square].sub.N(2)] 25.125[0.000] 0.159[0.690]
[[chi square].sub.Het(1)] 0.240[0.624] 22.717[0.000]
CUSUM 0.323[0.742] 0.135[0.412]
CUSUMSQ 0.216[0.865] 0.223[0.5341
Notes: Asymptotic critical bounds values are obtained from Pesaran,
et al. (2001) Table F in Appendix C, Case III: unrestricted intercept
and no trend for k=1, at l percent level of significance lower
bound = 6.84 and upper bound = 7.84, at 5 percent level of significance
lower bound = 4.94 and upper bound = 5.73. The Lagrange Multiplier
statistics [[chi square].sub.SC(1)], [[chi square].sub.FF(1)],
[[chi square].sub.Het(1)], and [[chi square].sub.N(2)] with
degrees of freedom in parentheses are the
tests for serial correlation, functional form mis-specification,
Heteroscedasticity, and Normality, respectively. CUSUM and CUSUMSQ
are the tests for testing the null hypothesis of no structure break,
i.e., the estimated coefficients are the same in every period.
Table 3
The Welfare Cost of Inflation for Monetary Base
Semi-log Model Double-log Model
Compensation Consumer's Compensation Consumer's
Variation Surplus Variation Surplus
Interest Rate Approach Approach Approach Approach
0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.01 0.007 0.006 0.159 0.159
0.02 0.028 0.026 0.254 0.253
0.03 0.064 0.056 0.333 0.332
0.04 0.115 0.097 0.404 0.402
0.05 0.180 0.146 0.470 0.467
0.06 0.259 0.203 0.531 0.527
0.07 0.353 0.266 0.590 0.584
0.08 0.461 0.336 0.645 0.639
0.09 0.583 0.411 0.699 0.691
0.10 0.720 0.490 0.750 0.742
0.20 2.882 1.395 1.200 1.179
0.30 6.484 2.276 1.583 1.546
0.40 11.528 2.991 1.928 1.874
0.50 18.012 3.523 2.249 2.175
0.60 25.938 3.899 2.552 2.457
0.70 35.304 4.156 2.841 2.724
0.80 46.112 4.327 3.118 2.978
0.90 58.360 4.439 3.387 3.222
1.00 72.050 4.511 3.648 3.457
For Semi-log Model
Compensation variation approach: w(i) = [0.7205i.sup.2]
Consumer's surplus approach: WC = [e.sup.-1.3668]/5.4999
[[1-e.sup.-5.4999] [sub.i](1 + 5.499 i)]
For Double log Model
Compensation variation approach:
Consumer's surplus approach:
WC = 0.4967 [e.sup.-2.665] [i.sup.10.66814]
Table 4
ARDL Results for M1
Semi-log Double-log
No. of Optimal Lags Demand Function Demand Function
Panel A: F-statistics for Testing the Existence of
Long-run Relationship
3 24.018 *** 19.311 ***
Panel B: Long-run Coefficients
Regressor Coefficient Coefficient
Constant -1.013 *** -0.844 ***
Interest rate -0.031 *** -0.208 **
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.785 0.744
DW-statistic 2.011 2.019
F-statistic 24.018 *** 19.311 ***
Panel C: Diagnostic Tests
[[chi square].sub.SC(1)] 0.027[0.869] 0.081[0.776]
[[chi square].sub.FF(1)] 0.049[0.8231 4.598[0.032]
[[chi square].sub.ZN(2)] 1.090[0.2961 0.245[0.884]
[[chi square].sub.Het(1)] 0.008[0.9961 1.122[0.289]
CUSUM 0.334[0.564] 0.310[0.537]
CUSUMSQ 0.534[0.634] 0.213[0.876]
Notes: Asymptotic critical value bounds are obtained from Pesaran,
et al. (2001) Table F in Appendix C, Case III: unrestricted intercept
and no trend for k=1, at 1 percent level of significance lower
bound = 6.84 and upper bound = 7.84, at 5 percent level of
significance lower bound = 4.94 and upper bound = 5.73.
The Lagrange Multiplier statistics [[chi square].sub.SC(1)],
[[chi square].sub.FF(1)], [[chi square].sub.Het(1)], and
[[chi square].sub.N(2)] with degrees of freedom in parentheses
are the tests for serial correlation, functional form
mis-specification, Heteroscedasticity, and Normality,
CUSUM and CUSUMSQ are the tests for testing the null hypothesis
of no structure break, i.e., the estimated coefficients are the
same in every period.
Table 5
The Welfare Cost of Inflation for M1
Semi-log Model Double-log Model
Compensation Consumer's Compensation Consumer's
Interest Variation Surplus Variation Surplus
Rate Approach Approach Approach Approach
0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.01 0.008 0.005 0.113 0.113
0.02 0.033 0.022 0.197 0.196
0.03 0.074 0.048 0.272 0.270
0.04 0.133 0.084 0.342 0.339
0.05 0.208 0.129 0.409 0.405
0.06 0.299 0.182 0.473 0.468
0.07 0.408 0.243 0.536 0.529
0.08 0.532 0.311 0.596 0.588
0.09 0.674 0.386 0.656 0.645
0.10 0.832 0.467 0.714 0.701
0.20 3.330 1.526 1.251 1.214
0.30 7.493 2.820 1.744 1.673
0.40 13.326 4.144 2.214 2.101
0.50 20.810 5.386 2.669 2.506
0.60 29.976 6.492 3.115 2.895
0.70 40.794 7.444 3.555 3.271
0.80 53.284 8.245 3.990 3.635
0.90 67.446 8.906 4.423 3.990
1.00 83.260 9.445 4.854 4.337
For Semi-log Model
Compensation variation approach: w(i) = [0.8326i.sup.2]
Consumer's surplus approach: WC = 0.1145[[1-e.sup.3.1718](1+3.1718i)]
For Double log Model
Compensation variation approach: [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
Consumer's surplus approach: WC = [0.2640e.sup.-1.8060] [i.sup.0.7911]
Table 6
ARDL Results for Currency-deposit Model
Semi-log Demand Function
No. of Optimal Lags Currency Demand Deposit
Panel A: F-statistics for Testing the Existence of Long-run
1 149.347 *** 24.793 ***
Panel B: Long-run Coefficients
Regressor Coefficient Coefficient
Constant -1.576 *** -2.083 ***
Interest rate -0.063 *** -0.045 **
Trend 0.016 ***
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.906 0.674
DW-statistic 1.640 1.871
F-statistic 149.347 *** 24.793 ***
Panel C: Diagnostic Tests
[[chi square].sub.Sc(1)] 1.563[0.211] 0.051[0.821]
[[chi square].sub.FF(1)] 0.343[0.558] 0.431[0.511]
[[chi square].sub.N(2)] 3.893[0.143] 0.311[0.856]
[[chi square].sub.Het(1)] 0.262[0.608] 0.647[0.421]
CUSUM 0.390[0.569] 0.324[0.613]
CUSUMSQ 0.232[0.834] 0.278[0.819]
Double log Demand Function
No. of Optimal Lags Currency Demand Deposit
Panel A: F-statistics for Testing the Existence of Long-run
1 53.921 *** 23.629 ***
Panel B: Long-run Coefficients
Regressor Coefficient Coefficient
Constant -1.340 *** -2.088 ***
Interest rate -0.037 ** -0.151 *
Trend 0.015 ***
[[bar.R].sup.2] 0.903 0.663
DW-statistic 1.549 1.737
F-statistic 144.860 *** 23.629 ***
Panel C: Diagnostic Tests
[[chi square].sub.Sc(1)] 2.477[0.116] 1.001[0.317]
[[chi square].sub.FF(1)] 0.206[0.649] 0.754[0.385]
[[chi square].sub.N(2)] 5.695[0.058] 0.217[0.897]
[[chi square].sub.Het(1)] 0.069[0.791] 0.553[0.457]
CUSUM 0.276[0.893] 0.253[0.756]
CUSUMSQ 0.347[0.759] 0.263[0.659]
Notes: Asymptotic critical value bounds are obtained from Pesaran,
et al. (2001) Table F in Appendix C, Case III: unrestricted
intercept and no trend for k=1, at l percent level of significance
lower bound = 6.84 and upper bound = 7.84, at 5 percent level of
significance lower bound = 4.94 and upper bound = 5.73. Case V:
intercept and trend for k=1, at 1 percent level of significance
lower bound = 8.74 and upper bound = 9.63, at 5 percent level of
significance lower bound = 6.56 and upper bound = 7.30. The
Lagrange Multiplier statistics [[chi square].sub.SC(1)], [[chi
square].sub.FF(1)], [[chi square].sub.Het(2)], and [[chi
square].sub.N(2)] with degrees of freedom in parentheses are test
for serial correlation, functional form mis-specification,
Heteroscedasticity, and Normality, respectively.
CUSUM and CUSUMSQ are the tests for testing the null hypothesis of
no structure break, i.e., the estimated coefficients are the same
in every period.
Table 7
The Welfare Cost of Inflation for Currency-demand Model
Semi-log Model
Compensation Variation Consumer's Surplus
Approach Approach
Interest Restricted Unrestricted Restricted Unrestricted
Rate Model Model Model Model
0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.01 0.004 0.006 0.004 0.006
0.02 0.016 0.027 0.016 0.024
0.03 0.036 0.060 0.035 0.052
0.04 0.065 0.108 0.061 0.089
0.05 0.102 0.168 0.093 0.134
0.06 0.147 0.243 0.130 0.185
0.07 0.200 0.331 0.172 0.242
0.08 0.261 0.432 0.218 0.304
0.09 0.331 0.547 0.268 0.370
0.10 0.408 0.675 0.322 0.439
0.20 1.634 2.702 0.973 1.196
0.30 3.677 6.079 1.677 1.881
0.40 6.537 10.808 2.315 2.403
0.50 10.215 16.887 2.848 2.772
0.60 14.709 24.318 3.274 3.027
0.70 20.021 33.099 3.607 3.203
0.80 26.150 43.232 3.865 3.329
0.90 33.096 54.715 4.066 3.424
1.00 40.860 67.550 4.225 3.501
Double Model
Calibration Surplus
Interest Double Log Restricted
Rate Model Model
0.00 0.000 0.000
0.01 0.056 0.074
0.02 0.102 0.134
0.03 0.143 0.188
0.04 0.183 0.240
0.05 0.221 0.290
0.06 0.258 0.338
0.07 0.295 0.385
0.08 0.330 0.431
0.09 0.365 0.475
0.10 0.399 0.520
0.20 0.724 0.932
0.30 1.029 1.311
0.40 1.324 1.670
0.50 1.612 2.016
0.60 1.897 2.350
0.70 2.180 2.676
0.80 2.461 2.995
0.90 2.742 3.307
1.00 3.023 3.614
For Semi-log Model
Compensation variation approach
Restricted model: w(i) = [0.4086i.sup.2]
Unrestricted model: w(i) = [0.6755i.sup.2]
Consumer's surplus approach:
Restricted model: WC = 0.04184
Unrestricted model: WC = 0.0325
For Double-log Model
Calibration: w(i) =
[1-[(0.15432)i.sub.t.sup.0.84913]].sup.-0.1777] -1
Consumer's surplus approach: WC=0.03614i084193