Monetary policy, informality and business cycle fluctuations in a developing economy vulnerable to external shocks.
Haider, Adnan ; Din, Musleh Ud ; Ghani, Ejaz 等
Modelling the sources of Business Cycle Fluctuations (BCF) (1) in
an open economy Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) framework
is a fascinating area of research. The main advantage of this framework
over traditional modelling approach is due to an additional feature of
micro-foundations in terms of welfare optimisation. This feature allows
structural interpretation of deep parameters in a way that is less
skeptical to Lucas critique [Lucas (1976)]. In DSGE modelling context,
the sources of BCF are normally viewed as exogenous shocks, which have
potential power to propagate the key endogenous variables within the
system. This requires a careful identification, as the transmission of
these shocks may emanate from internal side, such as, political
instability; weak institutional quality in terms of low governance, or
from external side, such as, natural disaster (like, earth quacks and
floods); international oil and commodity prices; sudden stops in foreign
capital inflows; changes in term of trade and exchange rate, or any
combination of shocks from both sides. Also, the nature and magnitude of
these shocks may vary, depending upon their variances and persistence
After the seminal work of Kydland and Prescott (1982), a
substantial body of research has been conducted to identity key possible
sources of BCF and to understand propagation mechanisms of these
exogenous shocks. But the earlier attempts have mainly focused on
high-income countries, like US and Euro-Zone. But for developing
courtiers, like Pakistan, small amount of efforts have been made to
understand the dynamics of BCF. (2) Data limitations have often
considered as root cause [Batini, et al. (2011a and 2011b)]. As, there
is an inherent lack of microeconomic-based surveys and even
high-frequency data on major macroeconomic variables is mostly
unavailable [Ahmad, et al. (2012)].
Further, the structure of economy in developing countries is
partially different as compared with the advanced countries, due to the
existence of large informal sector. Structures of goods, labour and
credit markets are quite different in formal and informal sector of
economy due to variations in endowments and constraints of agents. When
relative size of informal sector is small (as in developed economies)
then ignoring informal sector may be plausible on the ground that it has
very limited impact on aggregates. However, if informal sector
represents a non-trivial [Schnieder, et al. (2010)] fraction of an
economy as observed in many developing economies then neglecting
informal sector in some micro-founded DSGE model may not be justified.
However, recent studies (3) come forward with some stylised-facts
of BCF in developing countries. Table 1 provides a summary of business
cycle statistics of various macroeconomic indicators in both absolute
and relative terms. This table shows that: aggregate income is more
volatile in developing countries as compared with developed countries,
private consumption and investment relative to aggregate income are
substantially more volatile, net exports is countercyclical with
aggregate income and real interest rates. However, if we focus on
Pakistan economy exclusively and compare its business cycle statistics
with other developing countries, then we can observe that aggregate
income is more volatile. This volatility is mainly triggered from net
exports, which is a main component of aggregate demand. The remaining
results are in line with business cycle statistics as we observed in
rest of selected developing countries.
Based upon these facts, this study carries two dimensional
motivation agenda. First, in developing economies, like Pakistan, with
complex economic structures, one of the enduring research questions is
to construct and calibrate a valid micro-founded DSGE model featured
with nominal and real rigidities. This issue is really challengeable as
such economic model which comprehensively explores the transmission
mechanism of economic behaviours in the developing economies is scarcely
available due to unavailability of high frequency data and because of a
major share of the undocumented economy in the observed economic data.
Furthermore, due to nature of small open emerging economy, BCF are
mainly prone to external shocks, like international oil and commodity
price shocks and sudden stops in capital inflows mainly in terms of
foreign direct investment. This requires an intensive customisation of
readily available DSGE models which are capable to answer these dynamics
especially in the context of developing countries. Therefore, this study
comes forward to meet these challenges by constructing a small open
economy DSGE model feature with informal sectors vis-a-vis various
external shocks.
More specifically, we develop a two-bloc DSGE model of a small open
economy (SOE) interacting with the rest of the world. Alongside standard
features of SOE, such as a combination of producer and local currency
pricing for exporters, foreign capital inflow in terms of foreign direct
investment and oil imports [see for instance, Batini et al. (2010a),
Kolasa (2008), Medina and Soto (2007), Liu (2006), Gali and Monacelli
(2005) and Lubik and Schorfheide (2005)], our model also incorporates
informal sectors [while considering informal goods production and
informal labour supply decisions by households, see for example, Ahmad,
et al. (2012) and Batini, et al. (2011a)]. This intensifies the exposure
of a SOE to internal and external shocks in a manner consistent with the
stylised facts listed above. We then focus on optimal monetary policy
analysis, by calibrating the model using data from Pakistan economy.
The rest of the essay is organised as follows: Section 2 provides a
comprehensive literature review, Section 3 discusses some stylised-facts
of Pakistan economy, Section 4 layout the structure of the model;
Section 5 discusses empirical calibration results; and finally last
section concludes.
DSGE modelling based on New-Keynesian (NK) framework (4) has
emerged as a powerful tool to analyse various macroeconomic policies,
which are essentially forward-looking in nature. The term DSGE was
originally ascribed by Kydland and Prescott (1982) in their seminal work
on Real Business Cycle (RBC) model. This modelling approach is based on
classical-axioms of flexible prices and money neutrality. The initial
contribution on RBC augments the neo-classical Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans
growth model by introducing stochastic technology shocks. (5) Kydland
and Prescott (1982), Altug (1989) and many of their followers,
empirically show that such a modelling approach is capable of
reproducing a number of stylised facts of the business cycle of US
economy. Another reason of popularity of these models in the early
1990's that these are featured with solid micro-foundations of
economic agents in terms of welfare optimisations, subject to various
incentive constraints [for example, budget constraints, technological
constraints]. (6) The agents-optimisation process implicitly considers
Rational Expectation Hypothesis (REH).
These innovations give many advantages over the use of traditional
Tinbergen (1953) type reduce-form macroeconomic models. Among them, the
most important advantage is that the structural interpretations of deep
parameters of RBC type models are less vulnerable to Lucas critique
[Lucas (1976)]. The traditional macro-econometric models contained
equations linking variables of interest of explanatory factors such as
economic policy variables. One of the uses of these models is therefore
to examine how a change in economic policy affects these variables of
interest, other things being equal. However, in the RBC approach, since
the equilibrium conditions for aggregate variables can be computed from
the optimal individual behaviour of consumers and firms. Further, the
REH enables this optimal behaviour of private agents to use available
information rationally, so in this way they should respond to economic
policy announcements by adjusting their supposedly actions. Therefore,
results obtain from various policy simulations in those reduce-form
models, which do not use REH are highly skeptical to Lucas critique.
But, as RBC type models are based on optimising agents with REH, so
structural parameters are invariant to Lucas-skepticism.
Despite these over-riding advantages, the RBC models had criticised
in terms of the usefulness for monetary or fiscal policy simulations.
This is because of the critical main assumption of classical dichotomy.
This assumption assume that fluctuations of real quantities are caused
by real shock only; that is, only stochastic technology or government
spending shocks play their role. On the one hand, many researchers felt
that the non-existence impact of monetary policy on business cycles is
likely downplayed the role of market inefficiencies. On the other hand,
the way in which the empirical fit of these models was measured came
under strong criticism. (7) See for instance, Summers (1986), Cooley
(1995), Rebelo (2005) and Romer (2011).
To address inherent weaknesses in RBC models, later research,
however included Keynesian short-run macroeconomic features (usually
called nominal rigidities or gradual both of price and wage adjustment),
such as Calvo (1983) type staggered pricing behaviour and Taylor (1980,
1998) type wage contracts. This provides plausible short-run dynamic of
macroeconomic fluctuations with fully articulated description of the
monetary-cum-fiscal policy transmission mechanisms [see, for instance,
Christiano, et al. (2005) and Smets and Wouters (2003, 2005)]. Such new
modelling framework labelled interchangeably as New-Neoclassical
Synthesis (NNS) or New-Keynesian (NK) modelling paradigm. (8)
Interestingly, the inclusion of NK ideas, into an otherwise RBC model,
proved to be extremely successful in terms of reception by the economic
profession as well as in terms of explanatory power of the empirical
evidence. In particular, the introduction of nominal rigidities together
with market imperfections sufficient to break the neutrality of money
typical of RBC models, and hence it opened a new avenue for monetary
policy analysis. Due to these reasons, the last decade shows a sharp
interest in academics, international policy institutions and central
banks in developing small-to-medium, even large-scale NK-DSGE models.
The earlier attempts are based on the construction of closed
economy NK-DSGE models [see, Christiano, et al. (2005), Smets and
Wouters (2003, 2007) and the references within], with three main
reduce-form equations: the New Keynesian Investment-Saving (NK1S)
equation, the Hybrid New-Keyenesain Phillips Curve (NKPC) and the
monetary policy rule [like, Taylor (1993, 1999) or McCullam (1988)]. But
the later emphasis changed from NK Closed economy frameworks to NK Open
economy Macroeconomics (NOEM). This approach is based on the seminal
work of Obstfeld and Rogoff (1995) with open economy foundations as
suggested in Mundell-Fleming framework [See for example, Adolfson, et
al. (2007a, 2007b, 2008), Dib, et al. (2008), Justiniano and Preston
(2004, 2005), Liu (2006), Gali and Monacelli (2005) and Lubik and
Schorfheide (2005)].
The salient features of NOEM models are: optimisation-based dynamic
generalequilibrium modelling, sticky prices and/or wages in, at least,
some sectors of the economy, incorporating of stochastic shocks, and
evaluation of monetary policies based on household welfare [Gali and
Monacelli (2005), Monacelli (2005) and Lubik and Schorfheide (2003,
2005)], the persistence of real and nominal exchange rates [Chari et al,
(2002, 2007)], exchange rate pass-through [Devereux and Engel (2002),
Monacelli (2005) and Adolfson, et al. (2008)] and international oil
price shocks [An and Kang (2009) and Medina and Soto (2005, 2006,
2007)]. More specifically, the model developed by Lubik and Schorfheide
(2005) is a simplified and straightforward version of Kollmann (2001)
and Gali and Monacelli (2005). Like its closed-economy counterpart, the
model consists of an (open economy) forward looking IS curve and a NKPC
type relationship which determine output and inflation by allowing for
monopolistic competition and staggered re-optimisation in the import
market as in Calvo-type staggered price setting respectively. The term
of trade is introduced via the definition of the consumer price index
(CPI) and under the assumption of purchasing-power parity (PPP). The
exchange rate is derived from the uncovered interest rate parity
condition. Monetary policy is described by a nominal interest rate rule
and model is simulated by using Bayesian estimation approach.
Although, modern open economy NK-DSGE models fit the data well
empirically and able to explain many policy related questions together
with the propagation of exogenous shocks. But these models are
essentially constructed for advanced (LIS or European) countries. But,
in context of developing countries; however the objective (for example,
empirical fit) cannot be achieved by simply replicating NK-DSGE models
build for developed countries. As the structure of economy in developing
countries is partially different as compared with the advanced
countries, due to the existence of large informal sector. Structures of
goods, labour and credit markets are quite different in formal and
informal sector of economy due to variations in endowments and
constraints of agents. When relative size of informal sector is small
(as in developed economies) then ignoring informal sector may be
plausible on the ground that it has very limited impact on aggregates.
However, if informal sector represents a non-trivial [Schnieder (2010)]
fraction of an economy as observed in many developing economies then
neglecting informal sector in some micro-founded NK-DSGE model may not
be justified. Keeping in view of potential implications of informal
sectors, especially in the context of emerging market economies, new
modelling research tries to extend NK-DSGE models with the dynamics of
informality. Batini, et al. (2010b) provide a comprehensive survey of
general equilibrium models with informal sectors. This survey covers
issues ranging from definitional problems, attached with underground
economy to DSGE models incorporating informality. With a focus on
informal labour and credit markets, this survey emphasises the
development of DSGE models for better understanding of costs, benefits
and policy implications associated with informal sector. In a subsequent
research, Batini, et al. (2011a) analyse costs and benefits of
informality using a dynamic NK-DSGE model. In their model, formal sector
is taxed, capital intensive, highly productive and has frictions in
labour market. Informal sector, on the other hand, is untaxed, labour
intensive, less productive and has frictionless labour market. Incidence
of tax burdon only on formal sector and fluctuations stemming from tax
financing are major costs whereas wage flexibility has been listed as
benefit of informality. Policy experiments of tax smoothing lead this
study to conclude that costs of informality are greater than its
Ahmad, et al. (2012) develop a closed economy DSGE model for
Pakistan economy, where they incorporate informality in labour and
product markets. This study finds that transmissions of productivity,
fiscal and monetary policy shocks to informal sector are weak. In this
way, informal sector damps the impact of shocks to economy. Gabriel et.
al. (2010) constructs in a similar framework a closed economy NK-DSGE
model for Indian economy and estimates it using Bayesian methods. This
model has more features of liquidity constrained consumers, financial
accelerator and informal sector in product and labour markets. This
study step-by-step adds features of financial frictions and informal
sector to a canonical dynamic New Keynesian model and concludes that
addition of financial frictions and informal sector improves model fit
in case of Indian economy.
Aruoba (2010) documents the association of institutions with
informality, inflation and taxation using data set of 118 countries.
This study finds better institutions are associated with low level of
informality, high income taxation and low inflation taxation. On the
other hand, poor institutions are associated with high level
informality, low income taxation and high inflation taxation. After
discussing these stylised facts from data, the study presents a general
equilibrium model in which households optimally decides about quantum of
informal activity for exogenous condition of institutions. Similarly
governments optimally decide about their mix of income tax and inflation
tax to finance their expenditures. The study claims this model does a
reasonable job in explanation of cross differences in inflation,
informal activity and taxation.
Ngalawa and Viegi (2010) develop a DSGE model to study
inter-dependence of formal and informal financial sectors and impact of
informal financial sector on overall economic activity and monetary
policy in context of quasi emerging market economies. The model
simulations reveal complementarity between the two financial sectors.
Increase in formal credit causes a parallel increase in informal sector
credit. In response to monetary policy shock, interest rates in the two
sectors move in opposite directions; making the conduct of monetary
policy hard in presence of large informal financial sectors.
Zenou (2007) develops two-sector general equilibrium model to study
labour mobility between formal and informal labour markets under
different labour policies. In the model design, formal labour market has
search and matching frictions and informal labour market exhibits
perfect competition. The study concludes that reduction in unemployment
benefits or formal firms' entry cost causes increase in formal
employment and an inverse impact on informal sector employment. Although
not directly regulated, yet informal sector labour market is not
independent of policies applicable on formal labour market due to
interdependence of both markets.
Antunes and Cavalcanti (2007) study the impact of regulation costs
and financial contract enforcement on size of informal economy and per
capita GDP using a small open economy general equilibrium model. The
study concludes that regulation costs are more important in accounting
for informality. However, in a country where enforcement is very poor
e.g. Peru, regulation costs and enforcement of financial contracts are
equally important for explanation of informal sector. Regulation costs
and enforcement are not much helpful for explaining income difference
across countries.
Koreshkova (2006) studies the consequences of tax-evading informal
sector for budget financing that ultimately affects inflation. Using
cross country data, the study shows that size of informal sector,
financing of government expenditure through seigniorage and inflation
are positively associated. After establishment of stylised facts, the
study uses a two-sector general equilibrium model to analyse
implications of informal sector for inflation. Cross country simulations
of the model show that in presence of large informal sectors where taxes
are not paid, financing of government expenditures through inflation tax
is consistent with solution of Ramsay problem.
Conesa, et al. (2002) explains the negative relationship between
participation rate and GDP fluctuation observed in cross country data
through existence of informal sector. Using a dynamic general
equilibrium model incorporating informal sector in labour and product
markets, the study shows that agents switch between formal and informal
sectors during productivity shocks. This transition enhances the impact
of shocks on registered output and culminates into amplification of
The history of Pakistan economy has showing a high degree of
political uncertainty. After every autocratic regime, economy rebounded
in the troubling position by posing stagnant economic growth and
unstable prices. In most of politically-elected regimes, Pakistan has
experienced with high inflation rates, large budget deficits and low
growth in private sector credit. These regimes also witnessed wobbly
external sector along with large trade deficit and declining trend in
capital inflows both in the form of foreign direct investments and
portfolio investments, which indicates low level of confidence of
foreign investors in the domestic economy. The most recent episode of
alternative regimes, in Pakistan, is an obvious illustration of this
belief. After having seven successful years (autocratic regime of
General Pervaiz Musharaf especially from FY01 to FY08) of high growth,
balanced fiscal and external position and high investments, the country
suffered historic inflation, faltering economic growth, increase in twin
deficit, record low investment and rapid accumulation of public debt
that increases inter-temporal debt burden.
Table 2 portrays the performance of selected macroeconomic
variables during current episode. Specifically, the consumer price
inflation increased to around 19 percent during FY09 and remained
persistent afterwards. The economy grew around 3 percent during the last
four years as compared with over 7 percent average growth observed
during autocratic regime. The interest rate increased in tandem to the
overall inflation that has negative impact on investment. The impact of
low investment is also reflected from the contraction of large scale
manufacturing during the last few years. On external side, the trade
deficit widened to historical high level of over 13 percent of GDP in
FY08 and remained unabated afterwards. The current account deficit
increased to unsustainable level of over 8 percent in FY08. All these
developments are the manifestation of political uncertainty,
deteriorating law and order situation, prolong power outages and severe
energy shortages. As a consequence foreign investment dried up, which
put unprecedented pressure on external accounts. The exchange rate
depreciated significantly against US dollar and liquid foreign exchange
reserves declined considerably due to high twin deficit. In addition,
the role of external shocks in worsening of domestic economic situation
cannot be disregarded. A significant rise in international commodity
prices in 2008 has not only affected negatively Pakistan's trade
balance but also seeped into domestic inflation. Moreover, oil imports
contribute around 30 percent in Pakistan's total imports and
increase in oil price in international market also put pressure on
external account. Therefore, analysis of these shocks in shaping in
domestic economic condition is central in DSGE modelling.
In this study we investigate the impact of various external
shocks--like oil price, commodity price, Calvo shock (sudden
stops)--vis-a-vis conventional domestic shocks--productivity shock,
government spending shock, monetary policy shock. The significance of
external shocks is evaluated in the perspective of the economic
structure of Pakistan. Pakistan is a small open economy, where trade to
GDP ratio stands at 40 percent--ranked third after Sri-Lanka and India
in the region- but much lower than Malaysia and other South Asian
countries (see, Figure 1). Importantly, textile and textile products
contribute around 50 percent in overall Pakistan's exports.
Pakistan is considered in top 10 textile exporting countries of the
world and 4th largest producer of cotton yarn and cloths. In addition,
Pakistan is also considered as 3rd largest player in Asia with a
spinning capacity of 5 percent of total world production. Like other
countries in the region, Pakistan also started to liberalise, though
partially, its capital account during early 1990s. In term of financial
openness, based on the sum of foreign direct investment (FDI) and
portfolio equity investments (PI) as percent of the GDPs, Pakistan is
ranked third after Malaysia and India while it is much ahead of
Bangladesh and Sri Lanka (see Figure 1).
However, based on the average of South Asian countries and the
world, Pakistan falls short in this respect. On the other hand,
Pakistan's imports are largely dominated by petroleum and petroleum
products, foods items and agriculture/chemical products. Therefore, any
shocks to commodity and energy price in international market, have a
likely impact on domestic imports. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the
impact of such shocks is not only observes in overall external account
but also emerges in domestic inflation. This evidence confirms in a
recent study by Khan and Ahmad (2011) while analysing impulse responses
in macroeconomic variables by introducing a positive oil price shock.
They find that an increase in international oil prices not only put
pressure on domestic currency to depreciate but also increases domestic
inflation. Similarly, interest rate also tends to rise and domestic
economy wanes (see Figure 2).
Being a small open economy, Pakistan received capital inflows
largely in the shape of foreign remittance, foreign debt, portfolio and
foreign direct investment. Importantly, Pakistan has received
significantly large inflows of foreign capital during 2000s as compared
with earlier decades. Until FY04, these inflows limited to unrequited
transfers for instance, workers' remittance, grants and logistic
supports. But large capital inflows took place during FY05 and onwards,
when government adopted pro-cyclical policies by going sovereign,
allowing institutions to generate funds from external sources,
privatising more public sector enterprises and financial institutions
and provide free access to foreign investors in domestic equity market,
thus creating capital inflow bonanza. Importantly, widening current
account deficit remained unnoticed during this period as healthy inflows
not only financed burgeoning current account deficit, but also resulted
in accumulation of foreign exchange reserves. However, this trend seems
no longer continue during FY08 and beyond. Calvo and Reinhart (2000) has
rightly pointed out that capital flow bonanzas should not be mistaken as
blessings and great harm is done when policymakers and investors start
treating the bonanza as a permanent phenomenon rather than a temporary
The recent decline in foreign investment in Pakistan and then
reversal of portfolio investments is an obvious illustration of Calvo
shock (see Figure 3). Importantly, the origin of a capital account shock
or sudden stop (SS) may be systemic and exogenous, for instance see
Calvo, et al. (2004). The systemic sudden stop or 3S, initially
triggered by factors, which is exogenous to a country, but then a weak
economic fundamentals and financial shallowness exacerbate the situation
and ultimately lead to "full-fledge SS" [Calvo, et al.
(2008)]. Understanding these differences and carefully modelling the
transmission mechanism of internal and external shocks is crucial to the
design of stabilisation programmes and the conduct of economic policies.
Another important characteristic of Pakistan's economy is the
existence of large informal sector. Although the size of informal
sectors, in term of GDP, trenched during the last decades, nevertheless,
it is still high in the region and as compared with other developing
countries (see Table 3). As most of the economic activities in Pakistan,
particularly agriculture, are undocumented that employed large portion
of unskilled or partially skilled labour. Specifically, Pakistan's
economy is considered agrarian economy in term of labour as around 70
percent of total work force is informally employed in this sector. In
addition, in term of the size of informal sector as a percent of
non-agriculture Pakistan stands out, among the competing countries, (see
Figure 4). Specifically, this size of 70 percent is slightly lower than
HIPIC countries (sub-Sahara region) but much higher compared with
emerging Asian economies. Due to its large size, the importance of
informal sector in designing of DSGE model cannot be ignored.
This section presents a multi-sector small open economy DSGE model
for Pakistan. Following mainly Gali and Monacelli (2005), Smets and
Wouters (2007), Medina and Soto (2007), Haider and Khan (2008), and
Batini, et al. (2010a) the model structure begins with the world-economy
as inhabited by a continuum of infinite-lived households, (indexed by j
[member of] [0,1]) who take decisions on the consumption and saving, in
a standard rational optimising manner. (10) They hold real and financial
assets and earn income by providing labour to different types of firms
working in formal and informal sectors.
There is a set of formal sector firms that produce differentiated
varieties of intermediate tradable goods. These firms produce goods
using labour, capital and oil as inputs. They have monopoly power over
the varieties they produce and set prices in a staggered way. They sell
their varieties to assemblers that sale a composite home good in the
domestic and foreign markets. A second group of formal sector firms are
importers that distribute domestically different varieties of foreign
goods. These firms have monopoly power over the varieties they
distribute, and also set prices in a Calvo (1983) type staggered
fashion. A third group of firms is producing informal non-tradable
intermediate goods. These firms do not pay any tax to government and
relatively considered less productive as compared with formal sector
firms. These firms produce varieties using labour and oil as inputs and
have monopoly power over the goods they distribute, and also set prices
in a similar staggered fashion.
Along with manufacturing of goods in both formal and informal
sectors, agriculture production is also taking place. For simplicity, it
is assumed that commodities produced in this sector are completely
exported abroad. The formal sector firms have access to rent capital
from capital leasing firms working domestically and abroad. The rest of
the model assumes symmetric preferences and technologies, and allowing
potentially rich exchange rate and current account dynamics. Government
in this model deals with fiscal issues and central bank conducts
monetary policy using interest rate as a policy instrument.
4.1. Households
The domestic economy is inhabited by a representative household who
derives its utility from consumption, [C.sub.t], real money balances,
[M.sub.t]/[P.sub.c,t], and leisure 1-[l.sub.t] Its life time preferences
are described by an intertemporal utility function as:
Where [beta] [member of] (0,1) is the intertemporal discount factor
which describe rate of time preferences, E is expectation operator and
[P.sub.c,t], is aggregate price index for core consumption bundle. In
these preferences, we introduce external habit formation in consumption
for the optimisation household as, [C.sub.t] = [C.sub.t](j) - [??]
[C.sub.t-1] with degree of intensity (11) indexed by [??], where
[C.sub.t-1], is the aggregate part of consumption index. The functional
specification of utility function [u.sub.s] is given as:
In this specification, [[zeta].sub.C,t] consumption preference
shock (a kind of taste shock), [mu] is the semi-elasticity of money
demand to nominal interest rate, [[zeta].sub.M] is relative weight
assign to real money balances, [[sigma].sub.L] is the inverse of wage
elasticity of labour supply and [[zeta].sub.L,s] a labour supply shock.
As usual, it is assumed that, [mu] < 0 and [[sigma].sub.L] > 1. It
is also assume that [u.sub.s]([[??].sub.s], [M.sub.s](j)/[P.sub.C,s], 1
- [l.sub.s](j)) is an increasing function with diminishing returns in
each of its arguments. The household does want to maximise its utility
level subject to the following budget constraints at time t:
Where [Q.sub.t,t+1] is defined as a stochastic discount factor for
assessing consumption streams (12) (or asset price kernel) with the
property that the price in period t of any bond portfolio with random
values. [D.sub.t] (denotes nominal payoffs from a portfolio of assets at
time t - 1) in the following period is given by: [B.sub.t] =
[E.sub.t][[Q.sub.t,t+1] [D.sub.t+i]]. (13) [W.sub.t] is the nominal wage
for labour services provided to firms, [[epsilon].sub.t] is nominal
exchange rate and [B.sup.*.sub.t], is foreign bond holdings with rate of
return [i.sup.*.sub.t]. In this budget constraint, [THETA](.) = [THETA]
is the premium that domestic household have to pay when they borrow from
abroad. The premium is a function of the net foreign asset positions
relative to gorss domestic product (GDP) and define as: [[beta].sub.ti]
= [[epsilon].sub.t][B.sup.*.sub.t]/[P.sub.Y,t][Y.sub.t]. The premium
function also satisfies two properties: [THETA](.) = [THETA] and
([THETA]' / [THETA])) [beta] = [rho]. Finally, [[tau].sub.P,t] is
nominal transfer and [[tau].sub.P,t], is nominal lump-sum tax, which
every household have to pay to government. The household optimisation
process solves the following Langrangian function as:
The solution to this problem yields the following first order
conditons (FOCs):
The above FOCs can further simlify by solving them simultanously,
and yield four important results, intertemporal Euler equation of
consumption, real money demand equation, labour supply function and
uncovered interest parity condition.
The Euler equation of conumption is given as:
where, [E.sub.t][Q.sub.t,t+1] = 1/1 + [i.sub.i]
The real money demand function is given as:
The labour supply function is given as:
Finally, the uncovered parity condition is given as:
Using the fact that: [E.sub.t][Q.sub.t,t+1] =
[E.sub.t][Q.sup.*.sub.t,t+1][[epsilon].sub.t+1]/[[epsilon].sub.t], so it
simplifies as:
(1 + [i.sub.t])/1 + [i.sup.*.sub.t])[THETA]([[beta].sub.t]) =
[E.sub.t][[epsilon].sub.t+1]/[[epsilon].sub.t] ... ... ... ... ... ...
This equation implies that the interest rate differential is
related with expected future exchange rate depreciation and
international risk premium, which defined as uncovered interest parity
4.1.1 Household Consumption Decisions
The aggreagate consumption bundle, [C.sub.t], for the jth household
is a composite of core consumption bundle, [Q.sub.z,t], and oil
consumption, [C.sub.o,t]. Its composition is given by the constant
elasticity of substitution (CES) aggregator:
Where, [[omega].sub.c] is the elasticity of intertemporal
substitution between core consumption and oil consumption bundle. Larger
the value of [[omega].sub.c] implies that goods are closer substitutes.
[a.sub.c] measures the proportion (persentage share) of core goods in
the consumption of households. If its value equals to one then it
implies households only consume core goods and there is no oil
consumption taking place. The representative household aims at
maximising the utility from consumption of both goods by minimising the
expenditure on these two varieties, while maintaing a certain target
level of consumption. Solving this problem of optimal allocation of
expenditure on core and oil goods yields the following demand functions
for these goods.
Where [P.sub.z,t] and [P.sub.o,t] are prices of core and oil
consumption bundles. [P.sub.c,t] is the aggregate consumer price index
(CPI) and defined as:
The core consumption goods are produced either in the formal sector
or in undocumented (also known as: informal or hidden) sector.
Therefore, the consumption of this bundle is determined by a CES index
composed of formal sector goods, [C.sub.D,t], and informal goods,
[C.sub.U,t], as follows:
Where, [[phi].sub.c] is the elasticity of intertemporal
substitution between formal goods consumption and informal goods
consumption bundle. Larger the value of [[phi].sub.c] implies that goods
are closer substitutes. [v.sub.c] measures the proportion (persentage
share) of formal sector goods in the core consumption of households. As
with the case of total consumption above, expenditure minimisation
problem on the core consumption goods yeilds the following demand
functions for the formal sector and informal sector goods.
Where [P.sub.D,t] and [P.sub.U,t] are prices of formal and informal
consumption bundles. [P.sub.z,t] is the aggregate price index of core
consumption bundle and given as:
The formal sector consumption bundle is given by the following CES
aggregator of home and foreign goods:
Where, [[eta].sub.c] is the elasticity of intertemporal
substitution between home goods consumption and foreign goods
consumption bundle. Larger the value of [[eta].sub.c]. implies that
goods are closer substitutes. [[gamma].sub.c] measures the proportion
(persentage share) of home goods in the formal goods consumption by the
households. As with the case of core consumption above, expenditure
minimisation problem on the core consumption goods yeilds the following
demand functions for the home and foreign goods.
Where [P.sub.H,t] and [P.sub.F,t] are prices of home and foreign
consumption bundles. [P.sub.D,t] is the aggregate price index of formal
consumption goods and given as:
4.1.2. Household Labour Supply Decisions
In this model, a fraction [[DELTA].sub.L] of households provide
labour to formal sector firms and rest of them, (1 - [[DELTA].sub.L]),
provide labour to informal sector. The aggregate labour is given by the
following CES aggregator of formal sector labour, [l.sub.D,t], and
informal sector labour, [l.sub.U,t]
Where, [P.sub.L] the inverse elasticity of intertemporal
substitution between formal and informal sector labour. The household
optimisation problem based on wage earnings, yeilds the following supply
functions for the formal and informal labour:
Where [W.sub.D,t], and [W.sub.U,t], are nominal wages in the formal
and informal sector respectively. [W.sub.t] is the aggregate wage index
which is defined as:
The supply functions (20) and (21) show that supply of each type of
labour depend on relative wage of respective labour and on aggregate
labour supply. The simultaneous solution to above supply functions with
aggregate wage index yield following real wage functions:
Following Ahmad, et al. (2012), we assume that formal labour is a
composite of labour differentiated on basis of different levels of skill
represented by s. Using this assumption, aggregate formal labour supply
can taken as:
Where, [[epsilon].sub.L] is the elasticity of substitution between
different labour skills in the formal sector. Using this aggregator, it
is easy to define aggregate wage in the formal sector as:
This condition allows each household to have some market power to
set wages on basis of its skill s. Therefore, household optimises
following wage income function as:
The solution to this problem yields the following wage markup
[W.sub.D,t](s) = ([[epsilon].sub.L]/[[epsilon].sub.L] -
1)[W.sub.D,t] (28)
4.2. Capital Leasing Firm and Investment Decisions
There is a representative capital leasing firm that rents capital
goods to formal sector firms producing intermediate varieties. Due to
formal documentation and legal requirments, this firm does not intract
with informal sector firms. It also decides how much capital to
accumulate each period in the formal sector. New capital goods are
assembled using a CES technology that combines home and foreign goods as
Where, [I.sub.D,t] is the total private investment in the formal
sector, [[eta].sub.t] is the elasticity of intertemporal substitution
between home and foreign investment goods and [[gamma].sub.t] measures
the proportion (persentage share) of home goods in total foraml sector
investment. The invesetment optimisation problem yeilds the following
demand functions for the home and foreign goods:
Where, [[zeta].sub.I.sub.H,t] and [[zeta].sup.I.sub.F,t] are shocks
to the domestic investment and foreign investment respectively, which
are assumed to follow first-order autoregressive processes with
aggregate price index of total investment and given as:
As in Smets and Wouters (2003, 2007) and Christiano, et al. (2005)
we introduce a delayed response of investment observed in the data.
Capital leasing firm combine existing capital, [K.sub.D,t], leased from
the entrepreneurs to transform an input [I.sub.D,t], gross investment,
into new capital according to:
[K.sub.D,t+1] =
[[zeta].sup.I.sub.t][I.sub.D,t]S([I.sub.D,t]/[I.sub.D,t-1]) + (1 -
[delta])[K.sub.D,t] ... ... ... ... ... (34)
Where [I.sub.D,t], is gross formal sector investment, [delta] is
the depreciation rate and the adjustment cost function S(*) is a
positive function of changes in investment. S(*) equals zero in steady
state with a constant investment level [S(1) = 0 and S(1 + [g.sub.y]) =
1]. In addition, we assume that the first derivative also equals zero
around equilibrium, so that the adjustment costs will only depend on the
second-order derivative (S'(.) = 0,S"(.) = -[[mu].sub.s] <
0) as in Christiano, et al. (2005). We also introduced a shock to the
total investment, which is assumed to follow a first-order
autoregressive process with an IID-Normal error term: [MATHEMATICAL
Formal sector firms choose the capital stock and investment in
order to maximise their profit function. Let [Z.sub.t] is the rental
price of capital. The representative formal sector firm must solve the
following optimisation problem:
The first-order conditions result in the following two equations:
[Q.sub.t]/[P.sub.C,t] =
[E.sub.t][[XI].sub.t,t+1]{[[Z.sub.t+1]/[P.sub.C,t+1]] + (1 - [delta])
[[Q.sub.t+1]/[P.sub.C,t+1]]} ... ... ... ... ... (36)
These equations samultanously determine the evolution of the shadow
price of capital, [Q.sub.t] and real invesetmtent expenditure.
4.3. Domestic Formal Sector Production
In domestic formal sector, there are three types of firms: domestic
formal sector retailers, intermediate goods producing firms and import
goods retailers. Domestic formal sector retailers are net buyers of
domestic intermediate varieties produced by domestic intermediate goods
producing firms and assemble them as final home goods. These firms sell
a quantity of formal home goods, in domestic formal goods market and
also export remaining quantity abroad. Import goods retailers on the
other hand purchase foreign goods at world market prices, and sell to
domestic consumers. These firms charge a markup over their cost, which
creates a wedge between domestic and import prices of foreign goods,
when measure in the same currency.
4.3.1. Formal Sector Retailers
Retailers in the formal sector produce a quantity of home goods,
[Y.sub.H,t] sold domestically and [Y.sup.*.sub.H,t] the quantity of
goods sold abroad. These quantities of final goods are assembled using
CES technology with a continuum of intermediate goods, [Y.sub.H,t]
([z.sub.H]) and [Y.sup.*.sub.H,t] ([z.sub.H]) respectively as:
Where, [[member of].sub.H], is the elasticity of substitution
between differentiated formal intermediate varieties. Under the
assumption of perfectly competitive environment, the profit function for
both quantities of final goods can be written as:
Where, [[tau].sub.H] is the flat tax rate on final goods,
[P.sub.H,t] ([z.sub.H]) is the price of variety [Z.sub.H], when used to
assemble home goods sold in the domestic market, and [Y.sup.*.sub.H,t]
([z.sub.H]) is the foreign currency price of this variety when used to
assemble home good sold abroad. Formal sector retailers try to optimise
their profit functions while taking decision on how much intermediate
variety [Z.sub.H] to purchase given its price and demand elasticity.
This optimisation problem yields the following demand functions for the
particular intermediate variety [Z.sub.H] as:
4.3.2. Intermediate Goods Production in the Formal Sector
In the formal sector, there is a set of monopolistic compretitive
firms, which produce intermediate goods using labour, capital and oil as
key inputs. These firms maximise profits by choosing the prices of their
differetiated good subject to the corresponding demands and the
available CES technology of the following type:
Where, [A.sub.H,t] is the exogenous level of technology available
to all firms, [H.sub.H,t] ([z.sub.H]) is a composite of labour and
capital inputs used in the production process and [O.sub.H,t],
([z.sub.H]) is the amount of oil input used in production of
intermediate vareites. In this technology, [[omega].sub.H] is the
elasticity of intertemporal substitution between oil and other factor of
inputs. Larger the value of [[omega].sub.H] implies that oil and other
factor of imputs are closer substitutes. [a.sub.H] measures the
proportion (persentage share) of non-oil factor inputs in the production
of intermediate varieties. The composite of labour and capital is given
by the following Cobb-Douglas technology:
Where, [l.sub.D,t]([z.sub.H]) is the amount of domestic formal
labour being used in the formal sector production and [K.sub.D,t]
([z.sub.H]) is the amount of physical capital rented from capital
leasing firm. In this Cobb-Douglas technology, [[eta].sub.H] represents
labour share and [T.sub.D,t] represents stochastic trend in the labour
productivity and it evolves according to the follwing expression:
[T.sub.D,t]/[T.sub.D,t-1] = [[zeta].sub.DT,t] ... ... ... ... ...
... ... (45)
The aggregate technology shock in CES technology (43) and formal
sector labour productivity shock in Codd-Douglas technology (44) are
defined in the following manner:
stochastic respective iid innovations and [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] are respective persistence levels. Following,
Calvo (1983) staggered-price setting is assumed. This means that
domestic formal sector differentiating goods are defined subject to
Calvo-type price-setting. In this setup, at each period, only 1 -
[[phi].sup.i.sub.H] fraction of randomly selected domestic firms set
prices optimally for domestic market and [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] fraction of randomly selected domestic firms set
prices optimally for foreign market, while remaining firms keep their
prices unchanged. (14) As a result the average duration of a price
contract is given by 1/(1-[[phi].sup.i.sub.H]) for domestic market and
This implies that if a firm does not receive a signal, it revises its
price following a simple rule that weights past inflation and the
inflation target set by the central bank. (15) Therefore, when a firm
receives a signal to adjust its price for domestic formal market then it
solves the following optimisation problem:
Subject to demand constraint (41) and updating rule for prices,
[[GAMMA].sup.i.sub.H,t]. Similarly, when a firm receives a signal to
adjust its price for foreign market then it solves the following
optimisation problem:
Subject to demand constraint (41) and updating rule for prices,
expressions (46) and (47), [MC.sub.H,t+i] is the nominal marginal cost
which is defined as follow:
Given this price structure, the optimal path for inflation is given
by a New-Keynesian Phillips Curve with indexation.
4.3.3. Import Goods Retailers in the Formal Sector
In the formal sector, there is a set of competitive assemblers that
use a CES technology to combine a continuum of differentiated imported
varieties to produce final foreign good, [Y.sub.F,i].
The CES aggregator is given as:
Where, [[member of].sub.F], is the elasticity of substitution
between differentiated formal intermediate imported varieties. Under the
assumption of perfectly competitive environment, the profit function for
imported final goods can be written as:
Where, [[tau].sub.F] is the flat tax rate on imported final goods,
[P.sub.F,t]([Z.sub.F]) is the price of variety [Z.sub.F], when used to
assemble imported goods sold in the domestic market. Formal sector
import retailers try to optimise their profit functions while taking
decision on how much intermediate imported variety [Z.sub.F] to purchase
given its price and demand elasticity. This optimisation problem yields
the following demand function for imported variety [Z.sub.F] as:
Following Gali and Monacelli (2005) and Monacelli (2005), it is
assumed that the law-of-one price (LOP) holds at the wholesale level for
imports. But, endogenous fluctuations from purchasing power parity (PPP)
in the short run arise due to the existence of monopolistically
competitive intermediate variety importers. Since, they keep domestic
import prices over and above the marginal cost. As a result, the LOP
fails to hold at the retail level for domestic imports. Importers
purchase foreign goods at world-market prices
[P.sup.*.sub.F,t]([z.sub.F]) so that the law of one price holds at the
border. These purchased foreign goods are then sell to domestic
consumers and a mark-up is charged over their cost, which creates a
wedge between domestic and import prices of foreign goods when measured
in the same currency. (16) Now following a similar staggered-pricing
argument (46) as defined in the case of domestic formal sector producer,
the optimal price setting behaviour for the domestic monopolistically
competitive importer could be defined as:
Importing firms try to optimise (52) subject to demand constraint
(51) and use updating rule for prices [[GAMMA].sup.i.sub.F,t].
4.4. Domestic Informal Sector Production
In this model setup, it is assume that along with domestic formal
sector, informal production is also taking place. There are two types of
firms: domestic informal sector retailers and informal intermediate
goods producing firms. The informal retailers are working in a symmetric
fashion to the formal sector retailers. The only two exceptions
distinguish their role from formal to informal that these retailers pay
no taxes and can only use intermediate varieties produced in the
informal intermediate goods producing sector.
4.4.1. Informal Sector Retailers
Retailers in the informal sector produce a quantity of goods,
[Y.sub.U,t] which is completely consumed domestically. This quantity of
informal final goods is assembled using CES technology with a continuum
of informal intermediate varieties, [Y.sub.U,t] ([z.sub.U]) as:
Where, [[member of].sub.U], is the elasticity of substitution
between differentiated informal intermediate varieties. Under the
assumption of perfectly competitive environment, the profit function of
final informal goods producing retailer can be written as:
Where, [P.sub.U,t] ([z.sub.U]) is the price of variety [Z.sub.U],
when used to assemble informal goods sold in the domestic informal
market. Informal sector retailers try to optimise their profit functions
while taking decision on how much intermediate variety [Z.sub.U] to
purchase given its price and demand elasticity. This optimisation
problem yields the following demand function for the intermediate
variety [Z.sub.U] as:
4.4.2. Intermediate Goods Production in the Informal Sector
Similar to formal sector, there is a set of monopolistic
compretitive informal firms, which produce intermediate goods using
labour and oil as key inputs. However, these firms have no access to
rent capital as an input of production. These firms maximise profits by
choosing the prices of their differetiated good subject to the
corresponding demands and the available CES technology of the following
Where, [A.sub.U] is the constant exogenous level of technology
available to all informal sector firms. It is also assumed that these
firms are less productive as compared with formal sector firms. In the
production technology of these firms, [V.sub.U,t], ([z.sub.U]) is a
composite of labour input only and [O.sub.U,t], ([z.sub.U]) is the
amount of oil input used in production of intermediate informal
vareites. Furthermore, [[omega].sub.U] is taken as the elasticity of
intertemporal substitution between oil and other factor of inputs.
Larger the value of [[omega].sub.U] implies that oil and other factor of
imputs are closer substitutes, [a.sub.U] measures the proportion
(persentage share) of non-oil factor inputs in the production of
intermediate informal varieties. The labour composit is given by the
following form:
[V.sub.U,t] ([z.sub.U]) = [[T.sub.U,t][l.sub.U,t]([z.sub.U]) (57)
Where, [l.sub.U,t] ([z.sub.U]) is the amount of domestic informal
labour being used in the informal sector production. In this composite
technology, [T.sub.U,t] represents stochastic trend in the informal
labour productivity and it evolves according to the following
[T.sub.U,t]/[Tu.sub.U,t-1] = [[zeta].sub.UT,t] (58)
It is assumed that informal labour is less productive ([T.sub.U,t]
< [T.sub.D,t]) and labour productivity shock [[??].sub.UT,t] is
[[xi].sub.UT,t] is stochastic iid innovations and [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is respective persistence levels.
Similar to formal sector firms, it is also assumed that informal sector
firms set prices according to Calvo (1983) staggered-price setting
scheme. This implies that at each period, only 1 - [[phi].sup.i.sub.U]
fraction of randomly selected domestic informal sector firms set prices
optimally for domestic informal market, while remaining informal sector
firms keep their prices unchanged. As a result the average duration of a
price contract is given by 1/(1 - [[phi].sup.i.sub.U]) for domestic
informal market. This implies that if any informal sector firm does not
receive a signal, it revises its price following a simple rule that
weights past inflation and the inflation target set by the central bank.
Therefore, when this firm receives a signal to adjust its price for
domestic formal market then it solves the following optimisation problem
Subject to demand constraint (55) and updating rule for prices,
[[GAMMA].sup.i.sub.U,t] In this expression, M[C.sub.U,t+i] is the
nominal marginal cost which is defined as following:
M[C.sub.U,t] = [W.sub.U,t] [l.sub.U,t]([Z.sub.U]) +
[P.sub.O,t][O.sub.U,t]([z.sub.U])/[[gamma].sub.U,t]([z.sub.u]) ... (60)
Given this price structure for informal firms, the optimal path for
inflation is given by a New-Keynesian Phillips Curve with indexation.
4.5. Agriculture Commodity Producing Sector
In this model, aggriculture production is also taking palce along
with the manufacturing of formal and inforaml goods. It is assumed that
there is sigle firm produces a quantity of homogenous aggriculture
commodities that is completely exported abraod. Production technology
evolves with the same stochastic trend as other aggregate variables and
requires no inputs as:
Where, [[gamma].sub.S,t] is total aggriculture output,
represents persistence of shock in aggriculture output. As there is no
factor input in this production process, so an increase in aggriculture
commodity production implies directly an increase in domestic output.
This increase in production can be taken as a windfall gain. It also may
increase exports, if no counteracting effect on home goods exports
dominates. We would expect that, as with any increase of technological
frontier of tradable goods, a boom in this sector would induce an
exchange rate appreciation. Lastely, it is also assumed that
aggriculture production is positively related with informal labour
productivity indirectly through prduction pssibility frontier.
4.6. Monetary Policy
It is assumed that monetary authority follows Taylor-type reaction
functions. Since the basic objective of the central bank is to stabilise
both output and inflation. So in order to specify this reaction
function, it needs to adjust nominal interest rate in response to
deviations of inflation, a measure of output and exchange rate
depreciation from their targets. Following Clarida, Gali and Gertler
(2001) and Gali and Monacili (2005), simple open economy version of
reaction function is defined as:
Where, [[pi].sub.C,t] = ([P.sub.C,t] - 1)/[P.sub.C,t-1] i is total
consumer price index and [r.sub.t], = (1 + [I.sub.i])/(1
[[pi].sub.C,t]). The parameter [[psi].sub.i] is the degree of interest
rate smoothing and (1 - [[psi].sub.i],) [[psi].sub.y], (1 -
[[psi].sub.i]) [[psi].sub.[pi]], and (1 - [[psi].sub.i]) [[psi].sub.rer]
are relative weights on output, inflation and real exchange rate
respectively. [[xi].sub.m,t] is iid-innovation, defined as a monetary
policy shock.
4.7. Fiscal Policy
In this model setup, government finances its expenditures by
seigniorage (printing money, [M.sub.t] - [M.sub.t-1]) and imposing
lump-sum tax [[tau].sub.P,t] on households and flat taxes on final goods
produced in the domestic formal sector as, [[tau].sub.H][P.sub.H,t],
[Y.sub.H,t] and on imported goods from abroad as, [[tau].sub.F]
[P.sub.F,t] [Y.sub.F,t]. These expenditures are consisting of spending
on goods and services, [P.sub.G,t] [G.sub.t] and making lump-sum
transfers to households, [TR.sub.t]. The deficit in any case is finance
using foreign bonds [[epsilon].sub.t][B.sup.*.sub.G,t] and domestic
bonds, [B.sub.Gt], on which it pays interest back as well. Therefore,
the government's budget constraint can be written as:
We assume that the basket consumed by the government includes both
home, [G.sub.H,t] and foreign goods, [G.sub.F,t] Its composition is
given by the constant elasticity of substitution (CES) aggregator:
Where, [[eta].sub.G] is the elasticity of intertemporal
substitution between home and foeign consumption good. Larger the value
of [[eta].sub.G] implies that goods are closer substitutes,
[[gamma].sub.G] measures the proportion (percentage share) of home good
in government consumption goods. If its value equals to one then it
implies government only consume home good and there is no foreign good
consumption taking place. The government decides the composition of its
consumption basket by minimising its cost. Solving the cost optimisaiton
problem of optimal allocation of government expenditure yields the
following demand functions:
Where, the deflator of government expenditure is given by:
Finally, it is assumed that government follows a simple structral
fiscal balance rule according to which government aggregate expenditure
as percent of GDP evolves as follows:
Where, [[xi].sub.G,t], is exogenous government spending shock
defined as a autoregressive of order one process with iid innovation.
4.8. Foreign Sector Economy
Agents in the foreign sector economy demand both the agriculture
commodity goods and formal sector home goods. The demand for the
agriculture commodity good is assumed to be completely elastic at the
international price, [P.sup.*.sub.S,t] if the law of one price
holds for this good, then its domestic-currency price can be
defined by:
[P.sub.S,t] = [[epsilon].sub.t][P.sup.*.sub.S,t] (69)
Similar to pricing assumption of agriculture commodities in the
international market, we assumed that demand for oil commodity is
completely elastic at the international price, [P.sup.*.sub.O,t] and if
the law of one price holds then the oil price in domestic currency is
given as:
[P.sub.O,t] = [[epsilon].sub.t][P.sup.*.sub.O,t] (70)
The real exchange rate is defined as the product of nominal
exchange rate, [[epsilon].sub.t] with relative price of a foreign price
index, [P.sup.*.sub.t], and the price of the consumption bundle in the
domestic economy, [P.sub.C,t]:
[RER.sub.t] = [[epsilon].sub.t][P.sup.*.sub.t]/[P.sub.C,t] (71)
As usual the foreign price index is not necessarily equal to the
price of imported goods. However, under the assumption of long-run
relationship, we can write as:
[P.sup.*.sub.F,t] = [P.sup.*.sub.t][[??].sup.*.sub.F,t] (72)
Where, [[??].sup.*.sub.F,t] is a stationary transitory shock to the
relative price of imports abroad. This shock may be related to changes
in the relative productivity across sector in the foreign economy.
Foreign demand for home goods depends on the relative price of this type
of goods abroad and the total foreign aggregate demand:
[Y.sup.*.sub.H,t] = [[??].sup.*]
([P.sup.*.sub.H,t]/[P.sup.*.sub.t])-[[eta].sup.*] [Y.sup.*.sub.t] (73)
Where, [[??].sup.*] corresponds to the share of domestic
intermediate goods in the consumption basket of foreign agents,
[[eta].sup.*] is the price elasticity of the demand and [Y.sup.*.sub.t],
the foreign output. This demand can be obtained from a CES utility
function with an elasticity of substitution across varieties equal to
that parameter.
4.9. Aggregate Equilibrium
Using the above model setup, we can drive general equilibrium
dynamics around their steady-state level. The general equilibrium is
achieved from goods market equilibrium and labour market equilibrium.
The goods market equilibrium derived from aggregate demand side forces
and labour market equilibrium dynamics emerge from aggregate supply side
forces. So, the general equilibrium of the whole model is achieved from
these market equilibrium and key equilibrium results are given as:
Where the aggregate resource constraint of the formal sector is
defined as:
[Y.sub.H,t] = [C.sub.H,t] + [I.sub.H,t] + [G.sub.H,t] (75)
The above aggregate equilibrium implies that total labour demand by
intermediate varieties producers in the formal sector must be equal to
labour supply implied in this sector. Since, economy is interacting with
the rest of the world, therefore foreign demand for home goods depends
on the relative price of these formal sector goods abroad and the total
foreign aggregate demand is defined as:
[Y.sup.*.sub.H,t] =
[[??].sup.*]([P.sup.*.sub.H,t]/[P.sup.*.sub.t])-[[eta].sup.*][Y.sup.*.sub.t] (76)
Where [[??].sup.*] is taken as the share of domestic intermediate
formal sector goods, used in the consumption basket of foreign agents,
[[eta].sup.*] is the price elasticity of the export demand function and
[Y.sup.*.sub.t] is the aggregate foreign output. Under certain
assumption, this demand can be deriveed from a CES utility function with
an elasticity of substitution across intermediate arieties equal to that
parameter. Similar to formal sector aggregate equilibrium conditions as
jointly defined in (77) and (75), the equilibrium informal sector
equates informal output to informal consumption.
This equilibrium also implies that total labour demand by
intermediate varieties producers in the informal sector must be equal to
labour supply implied in this sector. Therefore, the aggregate resource
constraint of informal sector is given as:
[Y.sub.U,t] = [C.sub.U,t] (78)
The joint combination of goods market equilibrium conditions, the
budget constraint of the government and the aggregate budget constraint
of households, it is easy to obtain an expression for the aggregate
accumulation of international bonds:
This expression also shows net foreign asset position of the
external sector of the economy. Corresponding to this expression with
price deflator to each aggregate demand component the total GDP at
current prices can be defined as the following relation:
[P.sub.Y,t], [Y.sub.t] = [P.sub.C,t] [C.sub.t] +
[P.sub.G,t][G.sub.t] + [P.sub.I,t][I.sub.t] + [P.sub.X,t][X.sub.t] -
[P.sub.M,t][M.sub.t] ... (80)
Finally, the total value of nominal exports and the total value of
nominal imports are given by:
[P.sub.X,t][X.sub.t] = [[epsilon].sub.t]
([P.sup.*.sub.H,t][Y.sup.*.sub.F,t] + [P.sub.s,t][Y.sub.s,t]) (81)
[P.sub.M,t][M.sub.t] = [[epsilon].sub.t]
([P.sup.*.sub.F,t][Y.sub.F,t] + [P.sup.*.sub.O,t]([C.sub.O,t] +
[O.sub.H,t] + [O.sub.U,t])) ... (82)
Where, aggregate resource constraint in terms of [Y.sub.F,t], can
be defined as:
[Y.sub.F,t] = [C.sub.F,t] + [I.sub.F,t] + [G.sub.F,t] (83)
4.10. Alternative Monetary Policy Rules and Welfare
We analyse the likely impact of alternative monetary policy rules
based on social welfare loss function minimisation. Among various
monetary policy regimes, the optimal monetary policy or Ramsey policy
rule is defined by maximising the intertemporal household welfare
([U.sub.t]) subject to a set of non-linear structural constraints of the
model. To be more precise, a Ramsey equilibrium is a competitive
equilibrium such that:
(i) Given a sequence of shocks, prices, policy instrument and
quantities [P.sub.t]; [R.sub.t]; [Q.sup.[infinity]] maximises
the representative agent lifetime utility, [U.sub.t].
(ii) [r.sub.t] > 0.
In order to analyse essentially the macroeconomic stabilisation
properties of the monetary policy, we assume subsidies on labour and
goods markets are offsetting first order distortions. In that case, the
flexible price equilibrium is Pareto optimal. The Ramsey policy problem
is written using an infinite horizon Lagrangian:
F = [U.sub.t] + [E.sub.t][[lambda].sub.r] [J.summation over (j=0)]
[[beta].sup.j] ... (84)
In above Lagrangian function, [[lambda].sub.r] is the weight
associated to the cost on interest rate fluctuations. We introduce an
interest rate objective in this problem in order to make the Ramsey
policy operational. Following, Woodford (2004), Gali (2008) and Walsh
(2010) we will take second order approximation of the agents lifetime
expected utility function through Taylor's series. (17) In this
framework the central bank tries to maximise the social welfare when
there is a trade-off between the aggregate consumer price inflation and
the changes in output.
First we can write the approximate utility of consumption as:
log(C.sub.t] - [??][C.sub.t-1]) = (1 - [??])[bar.C] + ([[??].sub.t]
- [??][[??].sub.t-1]) (85)
We can also write the disutility of labour about its flexible price
equilibrium as:
Using these results with optimisation condition, we can write the
second order approximation to the small open economy's utility
function as follows:
Taking unconditional mean and letting [beta] [right arrow] 1, the
expected welfare loss of any policy that deviated from Ramsey policy can
be written in terms of variances of inflation and output gap as:
Gali and Monacelli (2005) and Alba, et al. (2012) studies argued
that that using this social welfare maximisation criteria along with the
assumptions of purchasing power parity and uncovered interest parity,
the combined effects of market power and terms of trade distortions
could be offset so that under flexible price equilibrium. In this
framework, domestic inflation targeting is the optimal monetary policy.
However, apart from domestic inflation targeting in a strict sense,
central banks in most of emerging market economies, put weight to some
other secondary objectives of monetary policy, like economic growth
stability and smoothing of exchange rate fluctuations. Therefore,
optimal monetary policy in such developing economies is one produce
minimum welfare loss of the central bank. Therefore, the optimal
monetary policy rule under Ramsey policy framework is characterised as:
This framework measures welfare loss as a second order
approximation to the utility loss of the domestic consumer resulting
from deviations from optimal monetary policy. Following, Lucas (1987)
and Woodford (2004), alternative monetary policies regimes are specified
in the context of a simple DSGE model and the welfare losses are
compared to draw policy implications. In this paper, we have also
considered four alternative monetary policy regimes along with optimal
monetary policy rule. The first alternative policy regime is considered
as less aggressive anti-inflation policy. This regime put less weight to
inflation and assigned zero weight to both changes in output and
exchange rates fluctuations. The policy rule associated with this regime
can be defined as:
The second alternative monetary policy regime is considered as more
aggressive anti-inflation policy. This regime put relatively more weight
to inflation and assigned zero weight to both changes in output and
exchange rates fluctuations. The policy rule associated with this regime
can be defined as:
The third alternative monetary policy regime is taken in which
central bank put less weight to changes in output together with price
stability objective. However, this regime assigns zero weight to
exchange rates fluctuations. The policy rule associated with this regime
can be defined as:
The forth alternative monetary policy regime is taken in which
central bank put more weight to changes in output together with price
stability objective. Similar to previous alternative regimes, this
policy rule assign zero weight to exchange rates fluctuations. The
policy rule associated with this regime can be defined as: