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  • 标题:Monetary policy, informality and business cycle fluctuations in a developing economy vulnerable to external shocks.
  • 作者:Haider, Adnan ; Din, Musleh Ud ; Ghani, Ejaz
  • 期刊名称:Pakistan Development Review
  • 印刷版ISSN:0030-9729
  • 出版年度:2012
  • 期号:December
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
  • 摘要:The model is solved numerically using the general methodology as provided in Uhlig (1999), Klein (2000) and Sims (2002). In order to obtain numerical solutions, it is required first to transform model's complete set of non-linear equilibrium relations to its log-linearised form. This is done by taking first order Taylor approximations to each equilibrium condition around its steady state path. A brief description of this approach along with log-linearised equilibrium conditions are provided in Appendix-A. The numerical solutions are then obtained by employing the method of undetermined coefficients. This step considers the autoregressive shocks as key exogenous processes. Our DSGE model consists of sixteen exogenous shocks, among which nine are domestic and rest are propagated from external sources. Based on the propagation mechanism of these shocks, numerical algorithm computes model empirical moments, impulse responses of endogenous variables to each exogenous process and variance decomposition results. These results allow us to examine the empirical fit of the model and to understand the behaviour of economy to various structural shocks.
  • 关键词:Business cycles;Monetary policy

Monetary policy, informality and business cycle fluctuations in a developing economy vulnerable to external shocks.

Haider, Adnan ; Din, Musleh Ud ; Ghani, Ejaz 等


The model is solved numerically using the general methodology as provided in Uhlig (1999), Klein (2000) and Sims (2002). In order to obtain numerical solutions, it is required first to transform model's complete set of non-linear equilibrium relations to its log-linearised form. This is done by taking first order Taylor approximations to each equilibrium condition around its steady state path. A brief description of this approach along with log-linearised equilibrium conditions are provided in Appendix-A. The numerical solutions are then obtained by employing the method of undetermined coefficients. This step considers the autoregressive shocks as key exogenous processes. Our DSGE model consists of sixteen exogenous shocks, among which nine are domestic and rest are propagated from external sources. Based on the propagation mechanism of these shocks, numerical algorithm computes model empirical moments, impulse responses of endogenous variables to each exogenous process and variance decomposition results. These results allow us to examine the empirical fit of the model and to understand the behaviour of economy to various structural shocks.

5.1. Model Parameterisation

Model parameterisation step requires assigning numbers to structural parameters of the model.

We calibrate the model at quarterly frequency with the choice of parameter values that are approximately consistent with key features of developing economy in general and Pakistan's economy in particular. Almost all parameter values used in this model have initially been calibrated using partial estimation approach. The rest of few parameter values whose data for estimation is unavailable, are then taken from the existing DSGE/RBC literature on emerging market economies. The chosen values of these parameters can be gleaned from personal introspection to reflect strongly held beliefs about the validity of economic theories. Therefore, the selection must reflect researcher confidence about the likely location of structural parameter of the model. In our model, there are forty-three structural and thirty-two shock related parameters. The estimated values of structural parameters are given in Table C1, whereas values to the shock related parameters are given in Table C2 of Appendix C.

The first category of structural parameters is related to household preferences. The parameter value of discount factor ([beta]) is taken as 0.991. This value is consistent with the quarterly estimates of discount factor [beta] for Pakistan economy as given in Ahmed, et al. (2012). This value is set in order to obtain historical mean of real interest rate in the steady state. Ahmed, et al. (2012) estimates suggest that the long run real interest rate is lower in most of developing countries. Therefore, the selected parameter value of intertemporal discount factor is quite useful for our model calibrations as our prime concern is to replicate business cycle fluctuations of a developing economy like Pakistan. The degree of external habit persistence (h) in consumption is set as 0.36 [Haider and Khan (2008)]. This parameter value implies that degree of habit persistence in consumption is quite low as compared with advanced economies; see for instance, Lubik and Schorfeide (2005). The semi-elasticity of money demand to interest rate ([mu]) is taken as -0.15 [Haider, et al. (2012)]. It shows that money demand is less elastic with respect to nominal interest rate. The relative weight in preferences assigned to real money balances ([[zeta].sub.M]) is 0.25 [Ahmad, et al. (2012)]. The parameter value of wage elasticity of labour supply (ct/,) taken as 1.5. This value is consistent with the estimates reported by Ahmad, et al. (2012) and Fagan and Messina (2009). The share of core goods in the consumption basket of household ([[alpha].sub.c]) is taken as 0.75. This value is computed from Pakistan's Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIES), 2010-11. A similar estimated value is used by Batini (2010b) for Indian case. This shows that subsistence level of consumption is high in most of developing economies and people spend approximately 75 percent of their budget on core-consumption related goods. The rest of share is allocated to oil and energy related items. The elasticity of intertemporal substitution between core and oil goods consumption bundle is fixed at 0.35. This value is consistent with posterior estimates given in An and Kang (2009) for the Korean and Medina and Soto (2007) for Chilean economies.

The share of formal sector goods in the core consumption basket ([[upsilon].sub.c]) is set to be 0.55. The estimate is closer to value given in Ahmad, et al. (2012) and Khan and Khan (2011). The elasticity of substitution between formal and informal goods consumption bundle ([[phi].sub.c]) is taken as 0.70. This high value of substitution elasticity shows significant share of informal goods consumption in the core consumption bundle. The share of home goods in the formal consumption basket ([[gamma].sub.c]) is fixed at 0.65. The corresponding elasticity of substitution between home and foreign goods consumption bundle ([[eta].sub.c]) is taken as 1.12. These parameter values are consistent with the posterior estimates given in An and Kang (2009) and Haider and Khan (2008). The share of formal labour in aggregate labour supply ([[LAMBDA].sub.L]) is taken as 0.29. This value is consistent with estimates used in Choudhri and Malik (2012) and Ahmad, et al. (2012). (18) This is due to the fact that in developing countries about 70 percent of the non-agriculture labour is employed in the informal sector. The corresponding elasticity of substitution between formal and informal labour supply ([p.sub.L]) is fixed to be 2.00 and elasticity of substitution between different labour skills in the formal sector ([[epsilon].sub.L]) is taken as 0.80. Ahmad, et al. (2012) has estimated these values using labour force survey data from Pakistan.

The second category of parameters is related to aggregate investment and production side of the economy. The share of home investment in aggregate private investment ([gamma].sub.I]) is fixed at 0.52. The corresponding elasticity of substitution between home and foreign private investment ([[eta].sub.I]) is taken as 1.20. These parameter values are consistent with Medina and Soto (2007). Labour share in formal sector production ([[eta].sub.H]) is fixed at 0.54. This parameter value is taken from Bukhari and Khan (2008). The capital depreciation rate ([delta]) is taken as 0.03. It implies capital depreciates annually around 12 percent. Bukhari and Khan (2008), Haider and Khan (2008) and Ahmad, et al. (2012) studies used a similar estimates for depreciation rate for Pakistan economy. For simplicity, the elasticity of substitution between differentiated formal intermediate varieties ([[epsilon].sub.H]) is fixed at 1.00. Following, Medina and Soto (2007) flat tax rate on both final home goods ([[tau].sub.H]) and final imported goods ([[tau].sub.F]) are fixed at 0.15. The share of nonoil factor inputs in the production of intermediate formal sector varieties ([[alpha].sub.H]) is fixed 0.65 and for intermediate informal sector varieties ([[alpha].sub.U]) at 0.75. The corresponding elasticity of substitution between oil and other factor of inputs in formal production ([[omega].sub.H]) is taken 0.85 and for factor of inputs in informal production ([[omega].sub.U]) at 0.95.

The third category of parameters is related to price setting behaviour in both formal and informal sectors. Recent survey studies on the frequency of price change in emerging market economies suggest that prices are more flexible as compared with the developed countries [see for instance, Choudhary, et al. (2011)]. In Calvo (1983) staggered pricing sense, less degree of stickiness provide reasonable notion about frequent price changes in developing economies. This means, probability of not changing price is quite low in a given quarters. Therefore, following survey estimates as given in Choudhary, et al. (2011), the parameter values of degree of price stickiness for formal sector home goods sold domestically ([[phi].sup.i.sub.H]) is fixed at 0.24 and for formal sector home goods sold abroad ([MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]) is at 0.64 respectively. On the other hand, the degree of price stickiness for formal sector imported goods ([[phi].sup.i.sub.F]) is taken as 0.70. Finally, the degree of price indexation to each category is adjusted to replicate flexible nature of prices. These parameter values price stickiness along with the degree of indexation are also consistent with the posterior estimates as given in Haider and Khan (2008) for Pakistan and de-Castro, et al. (2011) for of Brazilian case. (19) Choudhary, et al. (2011) survey finding also suggest us to set degree of price stickiness for informal sector goods ([[phi].sup.i.sub.U]) at 0.21. The degree of price indexation for these goods ([[chi].sub.U]) is fixed at 0.70.

The last category of structural parameters is associated with the central bank reaction function. We have estimated these parameters which satisfied optimal monetary policy criteria in a Ramsey policy sense. We assume optimal monetary policy as a baseline case. The estimated optimal parameter values suggest inflation coefficient ([[psi].sub.[pi]]) to be fixed at 1.21, which is slightly low as compared with Taylor (1993) suggestions for the US case. The optimal relative weight related to changes in output growth ([[psi].sub.y]) is taken at 0.60 and to exchange rate fluctuations ([[psi].sub.rer]) at 0.05. These estimated values show that central bank in a developing economy also put significant weights on growth and exchange rate stability objectives along with inflation. Finally, the optimal weight associated with AR(1) term of policy rate shows considerable inertia, which is around 63 percent. These parameter values for the baseline case are also consistent with an empirical study by Ahmed and Malik (2011) for Pakistan case. We have also used different parameter values of monetary policy reactions function to evaluate alternative monetary policy regimes in the context of developing countries.

The parameter values related to sixteen exogenous shocks are reported in Table C2 of Appendix C. We have computed persistence level and standard deviation corresponding to each shock. For the benchmark developing economy, we have used data from Pakistan to estimate these parameters. The results show that external shocks are more volatile as compare with domestic one. Also, these shocks signify high persistence, which suggests developing economies are more prone to shocks propagate mainly from the external side of the economy. Finally, for model calibrations, steady state values of key endogenous variables are given in Table C3 of Appendix C. These values are calculated by taking long term averages to each variable. For this purpose the data is taken from Pakistan economy. However, estimates related to informal output is taken from Gulzar, et al. (2010).

5.2. Quantitative Assessment and Empirical Fitness of the Model

In this section, we try to assess the quantitative performance of the model by drawing comparisons with quantitative features of the business cycle statistics. The main purpose of this quantitative .assessment is to test empirical fitness of the model. It examines, whether a constructed DSGE model is really capable to replicate standard features of business cycles which prevail in the developing economies, like Pakistan. The standard RBC/DSGE literature tries to compare statistical moments of the data from those generated by the model. Therefore, following this approach, we focus on the model's prediction with respect to the volatility of key macroeconomic variables, relative volatility of these selected variables with respect to formal sector output and the contemporaneous correlations of these variables with each other. The results are reported in Table C4, C5 and C6 of Appendix C.

The Table C4 shows the standard deviations for formal consumption, informal consumption, formal sector output, informal sector output, agriculture commodity output, formal sector inflation, informal sector inflation, real exchange rate, aggregate labour, aggregate wages, domestic investment, foreign investment, oil consumption, domestic interest rate, government consumption and current account. The table also provides results of relative standard deviations of these variables with respect to formal sector output. The model matches the observed volatility in formal sector consumption, informal sector consumption, inflation in the formal and informal sector and aggregate output in the Pakistan, which turns out to be high but not very different from the volatility in these two key variables in other developing economies. (20) It over predicts the volatility in few other endogenous variables, like agriculture commodity output, domestic and foreign investments and oil consumption. The predicted volatility of the domestic interest rates and current account are slightly lower than observed in Pakistan but higher than observed in the emerging countries and these are about equal to the mean volatility for the panel of all selected countries as taken in Aguiar and Gopinath (2007). The same is true for volatility of the rest of the variables; the model's predicted value being higher than Pakistan's and lower than in the other developing countries but approximately equal to the average volatility for the complete set of countries.

In terms of the relative standard deviations, the model predicts higher volatility of formal and informal consumption relative to GDP. This is a unique stylised business cycle fact of emerging counties and the model is fairly capable to replicate this fact. However, it predicts a higher volatility of domestic and foreign investment relative to formal sector output than observed in Pakistan and other emerging economies. As far as the relative volatility in rest of the selected endogenous variables with output is concerned, this model underestimates the results as compared to the data.

The Table C5 presents the contemporaneous correlation and Table C6 shows autocorrelations of all these sixteen variables. Among these results, contemporaneous correlations of all endogenous variables with respect to aggregate formal sector output have prime importance due to theoretical moment matching concerns of the model. Autocorrelations results indicate non-stationary behaviour of selected variables at level. Our DSGE model does well in matching these correlations, producing results with correct signs that lie between the observed values for Pakistan and other emerging economies. Broadly speaking, the model does quite well quantitatively, producing moments that are roughly consistent with empirically observed counterparts in developing economies in general and Pakistan economy in particular.

5.3. Impulse Responses

The impulse response functions compute dynamic responses of model variables to the fundamental economic disturbances. These are plotted against the number of quarters that have elapsed since the shock occurred. (21) We have computed impulse-response of the key endogenous variables to the sixteen exogenous shocks hitting the domestic economy, under five different monetary policy regimes. These alternative regimes are represented by conventional Taylor (1993) type interest rate rules with various policy assumptions. (22) These assumptions vary with respect to the different responsiveness of the central bank to its various key objectives, like inflation, economic growth, interest rate smoothing and exchange rate stability. However, among all these policy specifications, price stability is taken as a primary objective of the central bank.

The first specification named as baseline policy, which follows optimal Ramsey policy rule defined in terms of welfare optimisation criteria. We have calculated optimal reaction parameters using this specification. The values are as follows: [[psi].sub.i], = 0.63, [[psi].sub.[pi]] = 1.21, [[psi].sub.y] = 0.60 and [[psi].sub.rer] = 0.05. These relative weights associated with the baseline rule are characterised by a moderate reaction to inflation, a stronger response to changes in economic growth, a significant degree of interest rate smoothing and a marginal reaction to exchange rate movements. The second specification assumes considerable inertia in the policy rate and central bank in this case only respond to inflation. However, the responsiveness is less aggressive. The policy reaction parameters used in this specification are: [[psi].sub.i], = 0.90, [[psi].sub.[pi]] = 1.01, [[psi].sub.y] = 0 and [[psi].sub.rer] = 0. The third specification is similar to second one. However, in this case response of central bank to inflation is more aggressive. The policy reaction parameters used in this specification are: [[psi].sub.i] = 0.90, [[psi].sub.[pi]] = 1.65, [[psi].sub.y] = 0 and [[psi].sub.rer] = 0. The forth specification assumes considerable inertia in the policy rate and central bank in this case respond to both inflation and output. However, the output response is less aggressive. The policy reaction parameters used in this specification are: [[psi].sub.i] = 0.90, [[psi].sub.[pi]] = 1.21, [[psi].sub.y] = 0.53 and [[psi].sub.rer] = 0. Last specification of monetary policy rule is similar to forth with a difference is that here response to output is more aggressive. The policy reaction parameters used in this specification are: [[psi].sub.i] = 0.90, [[psi].sub.[pi]]= 1.21, [[psi].sub.y] - 0.95 and [[psi].sub.rer] = 0. Based on these alternative monetary policy specifications, we have simulated impulse responses and results are displayed in Figures C1 -to- C16 of Appendix C.

We start by illustrating the dynamic effects of an international oil price shock on a number of endogenous variables. Figure C1 of Appendix C represents the impulse responses to a unit positive innovation in international oil price under the five alternative monetary policy regimes. This shock has a first round impact on marginal costs of formal and informal sector production. Therefore, inflation rises in both these sectors. Due to increase in inflation, output and consumption fall in each sector respectively and then converges to its steady state level. On the household side, oil price increase creates a negative income effect that reduces domestic consumption. As a result, the demand for different types of goods in the consumption basket falls. There is also a substitution effect that tends to increase the demand for both formal and informal goods. However, since the degree of substitution between oil and the other types of goods is low, this effect does not counteract the negative income effect on the demand for core goods. Moreover, this shock also pushes up the cost of formal and informal sector firms producing these types of goods, and their prices relative to the price of foreign goods increases. This shock also has a negative impact on domestic and foreign investment. Exchange rate depreciates in this case and this shock forces a further monetary tightening in the policy interest rate. (23) We have also notice that both monetary policy specifications generate a similar kind of responses, unlike the specification with more aggressive reaction to output, in which more adverse consequences in all endogenous variables are being observed.

Next, we have computed dynamic impulse responses associated to unit negative shock in domestic and foreign investment. On average, the responsiveness of endogenous variables to these shocks under all policy regimes is similar. However, in terms of magnitude, the negative shock to foreign investment has more adverse consequences as compared with domestic one. The results are displayed in Figure C2 and C3 of Appendix C. Following these shocks, output drops and inflation rise up both in formal and informal sectors. Exchange rate depreciates, as investment goods are relatively more import intensive than other final goods. The monetary policy response under most of regime specifications to these shocks lead to a surge in the interest rate. Similar kinds of results are associated with negative adjustment cost shock which is displayed in Figure C4 of Appendix C. These results suggest implications associated with the sudden stops in foreign capital inflows and their likely adverse consequences on the key endogenous variables. Domestic economy ends up with stagflation situation in the form of high inflation and a reduction in output.

Figure C5 of Appendix C show impulse responses to a negative foreign demand shock. Due to this shock, all domestic endogenous variables behave according to the theory. A reduction in the foreign demand leads to an increase in domestic formal sector inflation, a tightening of monetary policy, and a fall in output, consumption and employment. On the other hand a negative commodity price shock generates an output contraction, a reduction in employment, and a surge in inflation. This last effect is explained by the currency depreciation, which increases imported inflation and makes capital goods expensive. This creates a burden on marginal costs and it forces a reduction in real wages. Finally, current account faces deficit position and interest rate rises due to this shock. These results are displayed in Figure C6 of Appendix C.

The next figure plots the impulse responses to a positive import price shock. The impact of this shock on the model endogenous variables is quite similar with international oil price shock. In response to this shock, domestic formal sector inflation increases, as higher import prices pushing up the cost of production causes as a surge in domestic inflation. Aggregate consumption decreases due to a foreign price surge relative to domestic prices. The economic interpretation of this reduction is that domestic agents substitute out of foreign produced goods into home produced goods in response to positive import price shock, which causes expenditure switching effect and hence leads to a decline in the aggregate consumption. This shock also leads to exchange rate depreciation and a reduction in output and all kind of investments. The results associated with import price shock are displayed in Figure C7 of Appendix C. Next, we have observed response of endogenous variables due to a positive foreign interest rate shock. This shock affects negatively investment decisions and it increases consumption of foreign sector goods and leads to a reduction in aggregate output and in employment. This shock also generates a real appreciation of the currency and a reduction in foreign investment. Optimal monetary policy response to this shock suggests an increase in the policy rate to boost up foreign investment. The results of this shock are displayed in Figure C8 of Appendix C. The next figure plots the impulse responses to a positive foreign inflation shock. Due to this shock, consumption of foreign sector goods decline whereas informal sector goods consumption rises up. This is mainly due to increase in the price of imported items which forces a substitution affect in the formal and informal consumption goods. This shock helps the domestic economy by increasing domestic and foreign investment. Monetary policy reaction is loose to this shock by decreasing policy interest rate. The results are given in Figure C9 of Appendix C.

The impulse responses associated with negative transitory and permanent productivity shocks and negative agriculture commodity production shock are displayed respectively in Figures C10, C11 and C12 of Appendix C. The productivity shocks have a negative impact on formal and informal sector output. These shocks also imply an immediate surge in inflation, as they increase marginal costs of production. However, in response to the permanent productivity shock, inflation rises significantly above its steady state after some periods. The monetary authority tights its policy rate in response to the surge in inflation. For both shocks, employment initially rises because the reduction of aggregate demand associated with the monetary contraction. . The negative transitory technology shock tends to depreciate the real exchange rate, however the negative permanent productivity shock leads to a real appreciation of the currency, explained by the monetary policy tightening that follows some periods after the shock to curb inflation. Similar results have been observed for the case of agriculture commodity production shock. The preference shock on the other hand increases formal and informal sector goods consumption. Due to rise in consumption demand forces inflation to rise up. The optimal monetary policy response to this shock suggests a further tightening of policy interest rates. We have also observed impulse responses to positive domestic labour supply shock. Due to this shock, output initially rises and then after one quarter it declines from its steady state. The later decrease in output shows that agent's substitution between working and leisure dominates the lower cost of production that arises from the increase in labour supply. The results associated with these shocks are displayed respectively in Figures C13 and C14 of Appendix C.

Next figure shows the impulse response to a positive interest rate shock. This shock can be thought of a contractionary monetary policy shock. Following an unanticipated surge in the policy interest rate, a decline in inflation and output is observed both in formal and informal sectors. On the other hand, exchange rate depreciates due to this shock before returning to its equilibrium level. This shock also reduces domestic and foreign investment by increasing cost of business and there is a fall in the aggregate employment. We have also notice that both monetary policy specifications generate a similar kind of responses, unlike the specification with less aggressive reaction to inflation, in which more contraction in most of endogenous variables are being observed. These results are displayed in Figure C15 of Appendix C. The last figure shows impulse responses to positive shock to government spending. This shock forces domestic policy interest rate to rise which creates a burden on formal sector firms to invest in private capital. It results in a crowding-out effect on domestic vis-a-vis foreign investments. This shock also lowers aggregate wage and increase employment at a cost of inflation. This shock produces current account deficit and exchange rate depreciates before returning to its steady state level. We have also observed that baseline monetary policy yields more optimal responses as computed with other alternative policy regimes in terms of contraction in key endogenous variables. These results are displayed in Figure C16 of Appendix C.

5.4. Variance Decompositions

In the previous subsection, we carefully analysed and understand the transmission mechanisms of exogenous shocks and corresponding responsiveness of key endogenous variables to each shock. We also observed that these shocks propagate from domestic and external sources. Now question arises, how much do these shocks contribute both as a group and individually to economic fluctuations in a representative emerging market economy? It depends not just on the magnitude of the response when a shock of a given size occurs, but also how often and, on average, what size of shocks hit the domestic economy. This problem can be tackled by considering a famous empirical technique known as variance decompositions, which compute the percentage of the forecast error variances at various forecast horizons that are attributable to each of the individual shocks or a group of shocks. We focus here on a medium term horizon which defined three years of time interval. The results are reported in Table C7 of Appendix C.

We have observed that external shocks explain around 50 percent of the fluctuations in consumption of formal sector goods. Whereas, consumption of informal sector goods is mainly explained by domestic shocks which uncover 73 percent of its fluctuations. Similar results can be observed with respect to domestic formal and informal sector output. External shock mostly explain forecast error in formal sector output, which is around 52.3 percent, whereas fluctuation in informal sector output is mainly explained by domestic shocks. In contrast with these results, however, business cycle fluctuations in both formal and informal sector inflation are mainly determined by domestic shocks which cover around 70 percent of total variations. Fluctuations in real exchange rate and oil consumption are mainly explained by external shocks whereas, the rest of endogenous variables are hit by shocks propagated from domestic sources. Finally, we notice that domestic shocks are relatively more important in explaining movements in variables over longer horizons whereas, short run fluctuations are mainly determined from external shocks.

5.5. Performance of Alternative Monetary Policy Rules under Learning

This section evaluates the performance of baseline optimal monetary policy rule with four alternative rules incorporating different responses to inflation, changes in economic growth, interest rate smoothing and exchange rate fluctuations. We evaluate performance of these rules with two approaches: first conventional welfare loss criterion based on quadratic approximation of household utility, and secondly, through monetary policy learning in terms of analysing conditions of expectational stability (E-stability) and In-determinacy. (24)

Table C8 of Appendix C reports the welfare losses associated with the five monetary policy rules analysed in the previous section: baseline policy, less aggressive anti-inflation policy, more aggressive anti-inflation policy, less aggressive reaction to output and more aggressive reaction to output. There are five panels in this table. The first panel reports welfare losses in the case of our baseline parameterisation, while the remaining four panels display the effects of alternative specifications. Correspond to each panel, we have reported volatility associated with each endogenous variables. Along with volatility results, we have also reported welfare loss results associated to formal and informal sectors. Among these calibration results, baseline policy out performs all other regime specifications. It produces less volatility in endogenous variables and yield minimum welfare loss both in formal and informal sectors. Finally, we have also observed that more-aggressive anti-inflation policy yield second best results. The implied welfare losses in this case are quantitatively small as compared with all other policy regimes.

Next, we follow Bullard and Mitra (2002, 2007) to assess optimal monetary policy through learning in terms of E-stability and In-determinacy conditions. Since it is hard to derive clear analytical results due to complex open economy DSGE model with formal and informal sectors, we present a numerical simulation on a calibrated version of our economy and check the determinacy area. We consider four alternative cases: (i) less inertia in monetary policy and no reaction to exchange rate, (ii) more inertia in monetary policy but no reaction to exchange rate, (iii) less inertia in monetary policy with reaction to exchange rate, and (iv) more inertia in monetary policy with reaction to exchange rate. For each case, along with all possible values of pair ([[psi].sub.[pi]], [[psi].sub.y]), our numerical routine (25) checks the Eigen-values of complete model solution to determine whether all the eigenvalues have real part less than unity. Regions where the solution is determinate (and thus E-stable) are shown in dark green colour format. Regions where at least one eigenvalue have a real part greater than unity are white, i.e. the solution is indeterminate. The resulting graphs are displayed in Figure C17 to C20 of Appendix C.

From these results, we have noted several policy implications. The first implication is associated with Taylor Principle. This means that each case must ensure that model E-stability and equilibrium determinacy are possible only when central bank sets relative weight to inflation, which is greater or equal to one. The likelihood of in-determinacy is maximum in the first case. This means a policy with less inertia in policy rate along with zero-reaction to exchange rate is not optimal. The second case also generates E-instability area, even in a case, where central bank follows Taylor principle. Third and forth policy combinations produce relatively more desirable results. These cases ensure more likelihood of determinacy and E-stability. However, results of first monetary policy evaluation criteria based on society welfare loss meet with the third specification of monetary policy learning in terms of E-stability and determinacy. It indicates that central bank in emerging market economy must follow Taylor Principle and put some with on exchange rate fluctuations even, there is less inertia in the policy interest rate.


In this paper, we develop a two-bloc open economy DSGE model interacting with the rest of the world. Alongside standard features of emerging economies, such as a combination of producer and local currency pricing for exporters, foreign capital inflow in terms of foreign direct investment and oil imports, our model also incorporates informal labour and production sectors. This intensifies the exposure of a developing economy to internal and external shocks in a manner consistent with the stylised facts of business cycle fluctuations. More specifically, we have considered nine domestic and seven external shocks. In the presence of these shocks, our model reasonably captures the likely responses of key endogenous variables, which are consistent with the existing empirical literature available for developing countries. We also evaluate the performance of the model by other conventional measures in terms of theoretical moments matching, like, standard deviations, contemporaneous correlations, auto-correlations etc. Broadly speaking, our model comprehensively matches patterns of business cycle statistics consistent with the empirical facts from emerging market economies. We then focus on optimal monetary policy analysis by evaluating alternative interest rate rules and calibrating the model using data from Pakistan economy as benchmark emerging economy case. The learning and determinacy analysis suggest monetary authority in developing economies to follow Taylor principle and to put some weight on exchange rate fluctuations, even if there is relatively less inertia in the setting of policy interest rate. Finally, for the future research, this model can be extended by incorporating banking and non-banking financial sectors to understand dynamics associated with fiscal borrowing from the banking system, and its likely consequences on monetary expansion and inflation. This helps to explain fiscal dominance issue, which is also an important feature of developing economies in large.


Log-Linearisation and Canonical Representation of the Model

This section proceeds by a model solution methodology with the log-linearisation and canonical representation of the model along with its foreign sector counterpart. In order to solve the model, we first state the first order nonlinear dynamic system that characterises the competitive equilibrium. In order to calculate the steady state we transform the system equations into their deterministic steady state representation and solve using numerical methods. Then we log-linearise around the deterministic steady state where [[??].sub.t] = ln([x.sub.t])- ln([bar.x]). At this stage the system is expressed in terms of relative deviations from the steady state. After solving the model using the method of Klein (2000) (26) we obtain matrices M and H which generate the dynamic solution by iterating on the following two equations:

[Y.sub.t] = [HX.sub.t]

[X.sub.t+1] = [MX.sub.t] + R[[eta].sub.t+1]

Where [Y.sub.t] is a vector composed by control, co-state and flow variables, [X.sub.t] is a vector of endogenous and exogenous states, H characterises the policy function and M the state transition matrix. [[eta].sub.t+1] is an innovation vector and R is a matrix composed of zeros, ones or a parameter instead of a one. This matrix determines which variables are hit by the shock and in what magnitude. Given a set of values of the parameters of the model, this state space representation will help us to compute the relevant statistics of the model such as the spectrum of the data, the likelihood function, among others.

Log-linearised Equilibrium Relations

The small open economy model consists of the following log-linearised equations for endogenous variables and equations for the exogenous processes expressed in terms of AR(1) processes.

* Household's aggregate consumption:


* Household's real demand for money:


* Aggregate labour supply:


* Supply of Documented and Undocumented labour:



* Composite wage index:





* Uncovered interest parity condition:


* Aggregate consumption bundles:




* Core consumption bundles:




* Consumption bundles of Documented goods:




* Equation of motion of capital stock:


* Investment goods bundles of documented sector:




* Supply and demand for investment goods in documented sector:



* FOCs for cost minimisation and marginal cost (Formal Sector):




* FOCs for cost minimisation and marginal cost (Informal Sector):




New-Keynesian Phillips Curve for domestic formal-sector goods consumed at home:


New-Keynesian Phillips Curve for domestically produced formal-sector exported goods consumed at abroad:


New-Keynesian Phillips Curve for the imported goods:


New-Keynesian Phillips Curve for domestic Informal-sector goods consumed at home:


The foreign demand for domestically produced goods:


Law of one price of commodity-goods:



Law of motion of relative prices:







Evaluation of Government Consumption:


Choice of Fiscal Policy instrument:


Evaluation of Fiscal net asset position:


Monetary policy rule:



The total aggregate demand for domestically produced goods in the formal-sector is:


The total aggregate demand for domestically produced goods in the Informal-sector is:


The total supply for domestically produced goods in the formal-sector is:


The total supply for domestically produced goods in the Informal-sector is:


Real formal-sector GDP:


Real informal-sector GDP:


Balance of payments:


Real exports and corresponding price-deflator:



Real imports and corresponding price-deflator:



List of Exogenous Shocks:


Where, [[??].sub.t] vector of 16 exogenous shocks and [[??].sub.[xi],t] is a vector of iid processes.


Determinacy and E-Stability Conditions under Monetary Policy Learning

This section provides technical details about determinacy and expectational-stability (E-Stability) conditions under learning of alternative monetary policy rules. A more general discussion can be found in Evans and Honkapohja (2001) and Bullard and Mitra (2002, 2007). The fundamental notion of determinacy encapsulate under a necessary and sufficient condition which ensure equilibrium to exist. This condition for the uniqueness of such a solution in a system with no pre-determined variables is that correct number of eigenvalues lie inside the unit circle. This idea was initially highlighted by Blanchard and Kahn (1980) and later extended by McCallum (1983), Farmer (1992) and Klien (2000) for more general cases. Here we elaborate Blachard and Kahn (1980) method which is more feasible for model determinacy solution.

B1: Conditions of Determinacy/Local-Indeterminacy:

Consider a model given by the general form:

[[PHI].sub.1] [E.sub.t] ([Y.sub.t+1] = [[PHI].sub.2] [E.sub.t] ([Y.sub.t]) + [[THETA].sub.1] [[eta].sub.t]

Where, [Y.sub.t] is a vector of endogenous variables, [[PHI].sub.1], [[PHI].sub.2] and [[THETA].sub.1], are matrices of coefficients and [[eta].sub.t], is a vector of exogenous variables which is assumed to follow a stationary VAR. If [[PHI].sub.1] is invertible, then we can write the system as:

[E.sub.t] ([Y.sub.t+1]) = [[PHI].sup.-1.sub.1] [[PHI].sub.2] [E.sub.t] ([Y.sub.t]) + [[PHI].sup.-1.sub.1] [[THETA].sub.1] [[eta].sub.1]

Let us assume: [PHI] = [[PHI].sup.-1.sub.1] [[PHI].sub.2] and [THETA] = [[PHI].sup.-1.sub.1] [[THETA].sub.1], then the above system can re-written


[E.sub.t]([Y.sub.t+1]) = [PHI] [E.sub.t] ([Y.sub.t]) + [[THETA][eta],

Using the notion of Jordan-decomposition, we can write matrix [PHI] as: [PHI] = A[LAMBDA][A.sup.-1], where A is the matrix of eigenvectors of [PHI] and A is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues. Since vector [Y.sub.t] may contain backward and forward looking variables, so we can easily make a partition of [Y.sub.t] into two sub vectors such that [YB.sub.t], is a vector of backward looking variables and [YF.sub.t], is a vector of forward looking variables. Therefore, we can write as:


Under these settings, we can express the whole system into its decomposition form



If we pre-multiply both sides by [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], then we get the following

result as:


Thus we can easily separate each equation as:

[KB.sub.t+1] = [conjunction] [KB.sub.t] + [[GAMMA].sub.1] [[eta].sub.t]

[E.sub.t] ([KF.sub.t+1]) = [[LAMBDA].sub.2] [KF.sub.1] + [[GAMMA].sub.2] [[eta].sub.t]

Based upon above decomposed system into two separate equations, Blachard and Kahn (1980) provide general determinacy conditions as:

Condition (a): if [absolute value of diag([[LAMBDA].sub.1])] << 1 and [absolute value of diag([[conjunction].sub.2])] >> 1 both condition true, then the system has a unique solution (Unique Equilibria)

Condition (b): if [absolute value of diag([[LAMBDA].sub.1])] << 1 holds but [absolute value of diag([[conjunction].sub.2])] >> 1 does not hold, then the system has many solutions (Multiple Equilibria)

Condition (c): if [absolute value of diag([[LAMBDA].sub.2])] >> 1 holds but [absolute value of diag([[LAMBDA].sub.1])] << 1 does not hold, then the system has no solution. (In-determinacy)

These joint determinacy conditions guide us that, while both eigenvalues of matrix A can be shown to be real and positive, the largest is always greater than one. As a result there exists a continuum of solutions in a neighbourhood of (0, 0) that satisfy the equilibrium conditions (local indeterminacy) and one cannot rule out the possibility of equilibria displaying fluctuations driven by self-fulfilling revisions in expectations. (27) Gali and Monacili (2005) have argued that these conditions can help to understand various combinations of alternative monetary policy rules. Their results shown that any kind of indeterminacy problem can be avoided, and the uniqueness of the equilibrium allocation restored, by having the central bank follow a rule which would imply that the interest rate should respond to inflation and/or the output gap, if these variables to deviate from their (zero) target values. It requires a credible threat by the central bank to vary the interest rate sufficiently in response to any deviations of these variables from target; yet, the very existence of that threat makes its effective application unnecessary.

In a more general case with complex model structure, Blanchard and Kahn (1980) conditions guide to categorise determinacy and indeterminacy regions numerically using any weighting scheme of generalised Taylor-type monetary policy rule. (28)

B2: Conditions of E-Stability under Learning

This section briefly describes learning framework of alternative monetary policy rules. Using this framework, we also discuss expectational stability (E-stability) conditions as proposed by Evans and Honkapohja (2001). Under learning, the agents do not have rational expectations, instead they form their expected values with adaptive learning rules which are updated as data is produced by the system. The fundamental idea is that at each period private agents possess the Perceived Law of Motion (PLM) whose form is similar to the Minimum-State Variable (MSV) solutions. Since the agents do not know the parameter values of the system, they use a kind of recursive least square updating rule, which is conditional upon E-stability. According to Evan and Honkapohja (2001) and Bullard and Mitra (2002), this E-stability is a notional time concept correspond to stability under real time adaptive learning under general conditions. According to them, under E-stability, recursive least square learning solution is locally convergent to rational expectation equilibrium. They have also argued that under weak assumptions, if rational expectation equilibrium is not E-stable, then the probability of convergence of the recursive least squares solution to rational expectation equilibrium is zero.

To explain this framework, we consider a model of the form:

[Y.sub.t] = A + [BE.sub.t] ([Y.sub.t+1] + [CY.sub.t-1] + D[[eta].sub.1]

[[eta].sub.t] = [rho][[eta].sub.t-1] + [[epsilon].sub.t]

Where, [Y.sub.t] is a vector of endogenous variables, A, B, C and D are matrices of coefficients and [[eta].sub.t], is a vector of exogenous variables which is assumed to follow a stationary VAR. Given this general form with C [not equal to] 0, an MSV rational expectational equilibrium takes the following form: (29)

[Y.sub.t] = [bar.a] + [bar.b][Y.sub.t-1] + [bar.c][[eta].sub.t],

Where, [bar.a], [bar.b] and [bar.c] are conformable and are to be calculated by the method of undermined coefficients. In order to define E-stability, we consider PLM of the same form of the MSV as:

[Y'.sub.t] = a + b[Y.sub.t-1] + c[[eta].sub.t]

Evan and Honkapohja (2001) and Bullard and Mitra (2002) analyse different information assumption about how agents update their PLM. The first assumption treats expectations as determined before the current values of endogenous variables are to be realised. Under this assumption, the next period expectation is:

E([Y.sub.t+1]) = a + b(a + b[Y.sub.t-1]] + c[[eta].sub.t]) + c[[eta].sub.t],

By substituting it into original model form, we can compute Actual Law of Motion (ALM) as:

[Y.sub.t] = A + (B(I + b))a + ([Bb.sup.2] + C)[Y.sub.t-1] (B(bc + c [rho]) + D)[[eta].sub.t],

To analyse the E-stability conditions, we have to check the stability of the mapping T from the PLM to ALM:

T(a, b, c) = (A + (B(I + b))a, [Bb.sup.2] + C, B(bc + c[rho]) + D)

Using this mapping we can easily define principle of E-stability, which comes from analysing the following matrix of differential equation:

d/d[tau](a,b,c) = T(a,b,c) - (a,b,c)

Using this differential equation, Evan and Honkapohja (2001) and Bullard and Mitra (2002) have shown three equilibrium conditions, which are:

(a) [DT.sub.a] = B(1 + [bar.b])

(b) [DT.sub.b] = [bar.b] [cross product] B + I [cross product] B[bar.b]

(c) [DT.sub.c] = [rho]' [cross product] B + I B[bar.b]

The rational expectational equilibrium ([bar.a], [bar.b], [bar.c]) is E-stable or learnable if all real parts of the eigenvalues of [DT.sub.a], [DT.sub.b] and [DT.sub.c] are lower than 1. The solution is E-unstable, if any of them have real part higher than 1. Alternatively, E-stability holds, if all eigenvalues of DTa -1, DTb -1 and DTC -1 have negative real parts. Bullard and Mitra (2002) have shown that these E-stability conditions actually govern stability under adaptive learning and therefore, really helpful to understand behaviour of alternative monetary policy rules in more complex set of DSGE models.






















Table C1
Key Structural Parameter Values for Model
Calibrations (on Quarterly Basis)

Parameters            Description                                 Value

[beta]                Subjective discount factor                  0.99

h                     Degree of habit formation                   0.36

[[zeta].sub.M]        Relative weight in preferences assigned     0.25
                      to real money balances

[mu]                  Semi-elasticity of money demand to          -0.15
                      interest rate

[[sigma].sub.L]       Inverse of wage elasticity of labour        1.50

[[alpha].sub.c]       Share of core goods in the consumption      0.75

[[omega].sub.c]       Elasticity of substitution between core     0.35
                      and oil goods consumption bundle

[[upsilon].sub.c]     Share of formal sector goods in the core    0.55
                      consumption basket

[[phi].sub.c]         Elasticity of substitution between fonnal   0.70
                      and informal goods consumption bundle

[[gamma].sub.c]       Share of home goods in the formal           0.65
                      consumption basket

[[eta].sub.c]         Elasticity of substitution between home     1.12
                      and foreign goods consumption bundle

[[LAMBDA].sub.L]      Share of formal labour in aggregate         0.29
                      labour supply

[[??].sub.L]          Elasticity of substitution between formal   2.00
                      and informal labour

[member of L]         Elasticity of substitution between          0.80
                      different labour skills in the formal

[[gamma].sub.1]       Share of home investment in aggregate       0.52
                      private investment

[[eta].sub.1]         Elasticity of substitution between home     1.02
                      and foreign private investment

[member of H]         Capital depreciation rate                   0.03

[[tau].sub.H]         Elasticity of substitution between          1.00
                      differentiated fonnal intermediate

[[alpha].sub.M]       Flat tax rate on final home goods           0.15

[[omega].sub.M]       Share of non-oil factor inputs in the       0.65
                      production of intermediate formal sector

[[eta].sub.M]         Elasticity of substitution between oil      0.85
                      and other factor of inputs in formal

[member of F]         Labour share in formal sector production    0.54

[[tau].sub.F]         Elasticity of substitution between          1.25
                      differentiated formal intermediate
                      imported varieties

[member of U]         Flat tax rate on final imported goods       0.15

[[alpha].sub.u]       Elasticity of substitution between          0.78
                      differentiated informal intermediate

[[omega].sub.u]       Share of non-oil factor inputs in the       0.75
                      production of intermediate informal
                      sector varieties

[[phi].sup.i.sub.H]   Elasticity of substitution between oil      0.95
                      and other factor of inputs in informal

[[chi].sub.H]         Calvo degree of price rigidity in formal    0.24
                      sector home goods

[[phi].sup.i]         Indexation of price of formal sector home   0.65

H *                   Calvo degree of foreign price rigidity in   0.64
                      formal sector home goods

[chi] * H             Indexation of foreign price of formal       0.55
                      sector home goods

[[phi].sup.i.sub.F]   Calvo degree of price rigidity in formal    0.70
                      sector imported goods

[[chi].sub.F]         Indexation of price of formal sector        0.45
                      imported goods

[[phi].sup.i.sub.U]   Calvo degree of price rigidity in           0.21
                      informal sector home goods

[[chi].sub.U]         Indexation of price of informal sector      0.70
                      home goods

[[phi].sub.i]         Relative weight of interest rate inertia    0.63
                      in monetary policy rule

[[phi].sub.[pi]]      Relative weight of inflation in monetary    1.21
                      policy rule

[[phi].sub.y]         Relative weight of output in monetary       0.60
                      policy rule

[[phi].sub.rer]       Relative weight of real exchange rate in    0.05
                      monetary policy rule

[[gamma].sub.c]       Share of government consumption of home     0.75
                      goods in aggregate government consumption

[[eta].sub.c]         Elasticity of substitution between          1.50
                      government consumption of home and
                      foreign goods

[zeta] *              Share of domestic intermediate goods in     0.04
                      the consumption basket of foreign agents

[eta] *               Price elasticity of the foreign demand of   0.78
                      domestic goods

Table C2
Data for Benchmark Model Calibrations
(Shock Process Paramters)

                                            Persistence   Volatility
                                             in Shocks    in Shocks
                                              ([[rho]     ([[sigma]
Exogenous Shocks                             .sub.xi])    .sub.xi])

Transitory negative productivity shock         0.86          0.05
  in formal sector
Negative agriculture commodity production      0.75          1.45
Negative foreign commodity price shock         0.89          1.82
Negative foreign demand shock                  0.65          3.55
Positive foreign interest rate shock           0.55          0.37
Positive foreign inflation price shock         0.81          0.27
Domestic tight monetary policy shock           0.31          0.03
Domestic labour supply shock                   0.85          1.02
Positive preference shock                      0.81          2.51
Domestic fiscal policy shock                   0.78          0.15
Negative investment adjustment cost shock      0.35          4.02
Negative domestic investment shock             0.65          4.55
Negative foreign investment shock              0.68          4.58
Positive import price shock                    0.89          4.16
Positive international oil price shock         0.95          6.25
Permanent negative productivity shock          0.92          0.04

Table C3
Data for Benchmark Model Calibrations
(Annualised Steady State Values)

                                                       Steady State
Variables                                                 Values

Formal sector output growth                                5.0%
Informal sector output growth                              3.5%
Formal sector overall inflation                             7%
Informal sector inflation                                   9%
Current account to GDP ratio                               2.5%
Formal sector consumption to Output ratio                  70%
Informal sector consumption to informal output ratio       75%
Domestic private investment to output ratio                12%
Foreign private investment to output ratio                  9%

Table C4
Standard Deviations and Relative Volatility with Output
(Calibration results from Baseline version of the Model)

                                        Relative S.D with
Variables                       S.D       Formal Output

Formal Consumption             5.365          1.109
Informal Consumption           9.316          1.926
Formal Sector Output           4.837           --
Informal Sector Output         4.811          0.995
Agriculture Commodity Output   7.269          1.503
Inflation in Formal Sector     1.376          0.284
Inflation in Informal Sector    2.18          0.451
Real Exchange Rate             5.718          1.182
Aggregate Labour               6.071          1.255
Aggregate Wages                4.792          0.991
Domestic Investment            20.219         4.180
Foreign Investment             24.992         5.167
Oil Consumption                17.269         3.570
Domestic Interest Rate         0.554          0.115
Government Consumption         9.414          1.946
Current Account                2.816          0.582

Table C5
Pairwise Correlation Matrix
(Calibration Results from Baseline Version of the Model)

         Var.    Var.    Var.    Var.    Var.    Var.    Var.    Var.
          01      02      03      04      05      06      07      08

Var.01   1.00     --      --      --      --      --      --      --
Var.02   0.20    1.00     --      --      --      --      --      --
Var.03   0.74    0.39    1.00     --      --      --      --      --
Var.04   0.16    0.13    0.33    1.00     --      --      --      --
Var.05   0.02    0.02    0.06    0.00    1.00     --      --      --
Var.06   -0.02   -0.31   -0.23   0.09    0.05    1.00     --      --
Var.07   0.01    -0.25   -0.07   0.03    0.03    0.85    1.00     --
Var.08   0.28    0.07    0.42    -0.08   -0.02   -0.39   -0.15   1.00
Var.09   0.31    0.36    0.49    0.39    0.07    0.39    0.23    -0.05
Var.10   0.30    0.62    0.45    -0.01   -0.01   -0.67   -0.44   0.32
Var.11   0.18    0.55    0.70    0.05    0.03    -0.22   -0.06   0.13
Var.12   -0.02   0.72    0.47    0.06    0.03    -0.30   -0.14   0.08
Var.13   0.46    0.40    0.36    0.07    0.01    -0.18   -0.13   0.04
Var.14   -0.13   0.01    0.03    0.29    0.17    0.10    0.05    -0.12
Var.15   -0.41   -0.37   -0.64   -0.32   0.04    0.22    0.16    -0.25
Var.16   -0.13   -0.38   -0.38   0.31    0.07    -0.11   -0.35   -0.08

         Var.    Var.    Var.    Var.    Var.    Var.    Var.    Var.
          09      10      11      12      13      14      15      16

Var.01    --      --      --      --      --      --      --      --
Var.02    --      --      --      --      --      --      --      --
Var.03    --      --      --      --      --      --      --      --
Var.04    --      --      --      --      --      --      --      --
Var.05    --      --      --      --      --      --      --      --
Var.06    --      --      --      --      --      --      --      --
Var.07    --      --      --      --      --      --      --      --
Var.08    --      --      --      --      --      --      --      --
Var.09   1.00     --      --      --      --      --      --      --
Var.10   -0.25   1.00     --      --      --      --      --      --
Var.11   0.54    0.36    1.00     --      --      --      --      --
Var.12   0.41    0.45    0.87    1.00     --      --      --      --
Var.13   0.20    0.48    0.25    0.24    1.00     --      --      --
Var.14   0.19    -0.12   0.09    0.05    -0.04   1.00     --      --
Var.15   -0.47   -0.22   -0.66   -0.54   -0.29   -0.14   1.00     --
Var.16   -0.32   -0.19   -0.67   -0.68   -0.11   0.07    0.24    1.00

Table Note:

Var.01 Formal Consumption
Var.02 Informal Consumption
Var.03 Formal Sector Output
Var.04 Informal Sector Output
Var.05 Agriculture Commodity Output
Var.06 Inflation in Formal Sector
Var.07 Inflation in Informal Sector
Var.08 Real Exchange Rate
Var.09 Aggregate Labour
Var.10 Aggregate Wages
Var.11 Domestic Investment
Var.12 Foreign Investment
Var.13 Oil Consumption
Var.14 Domestic Interest Rate
Var.15 Government Consumption
Var.16 Current Account

Table C6
A utocorrelations
(Calibration Results from Baseline Version of the Model)

                          Lag       Lag       Lag       Lag       Lag
                        Order 1   Order 2   Order 3   Order 4   Order 5

Formal Consumption      0.9428    0.8856    0.8282    0.7708    0.7143
Informal Consumption    0.9613    0.8998    0.8262    0.7480    0.6704
Formal Sector Output    0.9007    0.8222    0.7553    0.6948    0.6379
Informal Sector         0.6700    0.4489    0.3008    0.2015    0.1350
Agriculture Commodity   0.7700    0.5929    0.4565    0.3515    0.2707
Inflation in Formal     0.8690    0.7124    0.5828    0.4849    0.4136
Inflation in Informal   0.7727    0.5205    0.3270    0.1933    0.1052
Real Exchange Rate      0.8996    0.8120    0.7336    0.6617    0.5951
Aggregate Labour        0.7864    0.6464    0.5500    0.4779    0.4199
Aggregate Wages         0.9893    0.9693    0.9436    0.9149    0.8848
Domestic Investment     0.9071    0.8155    0.7264    0.6395    0.5550
Foreign Investment      0.9401    0.8657    0.7821    0.6937    0.6039
Oil Consumption         0.9687    0.9380    0.9079    0.8786    0.8501
Domestic Interest       0.5795    0.3564    0.2368    0.1702    0.1309
Government              0.9103    0.8358    0.7701    0.7097    0.6528
Current Account         0.7950    0.6284    0.4894    0.3724    0.2734

Table C7
Variance Decomposition
(Calibration Results from Baseline Version of the Model)

   Variables     Shocks          S.01     S.02     S.03     S.04     S.05     S.06

  Consumption        9.11     0.68     6.27     5.49     2.67     0.35
  Consumption        3.77     0.09     7.63     2.49     8.72     1.34
Formal Sector
  Output            14.02     1.22    10.25    13.75     4.85     0.45
Informal Sector
  Output             3.31     0.09     7.22     2.01     8.32     2.85
  Output            13.69     0.73     9.87    13.41     4.40     2.85
Inflation in
  Formal Sector      1943     0.37     0.59     1.34     6.84     1.07
Inflation in
  Informal Sector    3.90     0.21     0.92     0.57    11.33     2.07
Real Exchange
  Rate               6.33     0.21     3.27     0.83    24.19     4.67
  Labour            24.76      111     1.49    16.90     3.39     0.27
  Wages             14.36     0.10     9.27     0.71     4.51     0.79
  Investment          4.81    0.54     8.21     2.74    16.34     1.75
  Investment          0.83    0.31      8.01    1.96    17.17     2.03
  Consumption        0.45     0.04     1.28     0.64     1.20     0.20
  Interest Rate      1.82     4.46     0.80    12.82     4.62     0.94
  Consumption        8.16     0.51    32.46    11.78     4.20     0.62
Current Account       1.46    0.92     2.93    12.31    13.54      3.90

   Variables     Shocks          S.07     S.08     S.09     S.10     S.11     S.12

  Consumption        3.32     0.13    24.59     0.05     8.00     3.53
  Consumption        0.27     0.02    10.54     0.01     2.08    55.86
Formal Sector
  Output             3.76     0.18      1.43    0.17    18.18     8.06
Informal Sector
  Output             2.63     0.02    10.16     0.01     1.60    56.04
  Output             2.63     0.18     0.94     0.17    17.90     7.65
Inflation in
  Formal Sector      2.36     0.13     5.17     0.03     3.28     48.29
Inflation in
  Informal Sector    2.38     0.04     2.05     0.01     3.92    64.21
Real Exchange
  Rate                4.57    0.10     0.24     0.01     9.44    30.05
  Labour             4.57     0.20     2.84     0.24    15.73    10.26
  Wages              0.95     0.18     1.26      0.01    1.06    43.20
  Investment         1.35     0.04     1.89     0.00    20.88    25.22
  Investment          048     0.00     0.98     0.00    12.99    45.27
  Consumption        0.03     0.00     2.73     0.00     0.08     0.47
  Interest Rate     45.69     0.01     1.47     0.24    15.41     0.74
  Consumption        2.23     0.09     1.48     1.03    14.20    11.97
Current Account      1.51     0.01     1.20      0.01    21.49   31.16

   Variables\                                             Domestic
     Shocks          S.13     S.14     S.15     S.16    Contribution

  Consumption        9.14    23.42     2.59     0.68       50.1%
  Consumption        4.62     1.29     1.04     0.22       72.9%
Formal Sector
  Output             4.48    10.07     8.43     0.70       47.7%
Informal Sector
  Output             4.17     0.80     0.55     0.22       74.1%
  Output             4.03     9.69     8.03     3.87       47.8%
Inflation in
  Formal Sector      3.24     7.45     0.33     0.10       79.2%
Inflation in
  Informal Sector    1.42     6.82     0.10     0.05       76.8%
Real Exchange
  Rate               0.77    15.19     0.04     0.09       51.0%
  Labour             1.22     4.14    12.36     0.49       60.2%
  Wages             17.10     6.22     0.10     0.17       61.3%
  Investment         2.33     1.94    11.36     0.59       55.3%
  Investment         1.86     3.51     0.01     4.59       65.5%
  Consumption       92.09     0.45     0.28     0.06        3.9%
  Interest Rate       0.34    5.99     0.75     3.91       73.8%
  Consumption        4.30     4.23     0.33     2.42       42.1%
Current Account      0.45     1.75     0.40     6.94       64.7%

   Variables\         Foreign
     Shocks         Contribution

  Consumption          49.9%
  Consumption          27.1%
Formal Sector
  Output               52.3%
Informal Sector
  Output               25.9%
  Output               52.2%
Inflation in
  Formal Sector        20.8%
Inflation in
  Informal Sector      23.2%
Real Exchange
  Rate                 49.0%
  Labour               39.8%
  Wages                38.7%
  Investment           44.7%
  Investment           34.6%
  Consumption          96.1%
  Interest Rate        26.3%
  Consumption          57.9%
Current Account        35.3%

Table Note:
Shock.01 transitory negative productivity shock in formal sector
Shock.02 negative agriculture commodity production shock
Shock.03 negative foreign commodity price shock
Shock.04 negative foreign demand shock
Shock.05 positive foreign interest rate shock
Shock.06 positive foreign inflation price shock
Shock.07 domestic tight monetary policy shock
Shock.08 domestic labour supply shock
Shock.09 positive preference shock
Shock.10 domestic fiscal policy shock
Shock.11 negative investment adjustment cost shock
Shock.12 negative domestic investment shock
Shock.13 negative foreign investment shock
Shock.14 positive import price shock
Shock.15 positive international oil price shock
Shock.16 permanent negative productivity shock

Table C8
Performance of Alternative Monetary Policy Specifications

                                             Less             More
                                          Aggressive       Aggressive
                          Baseline      Anti-inflation   Anti-inflation
Variables               Policy *, (1)   policy *, (2)    policy *, (3)

Formal Consumption          5.365           12.698           7.119
Informal Consumption        9.316           12.021           9.239
Formal Sector Output        4.837           12.820           7.221
Informal Sector             4.811           4.653            4.276
Agriculture Commodity       7.269           7.031            6.964
Inflation in Formal         1.376           4.614            1.297
Inflation in Informal       2.180           5.832            2.199
Real Exchange Rate          5.718           14.781           8.826
Aggregate Labour            6.071           18.411           8.191
Aggregate Wages             4.792           10.067           4.429
Domestic Investment        20.219           34.319           24.414
Foreign Investment         24.992           30.922           26.923
Oil Consumption            17.269           17.234           17.365
Domestic Interest           0.554           0.878            0.618
Government                  9.414           19.601           12.298
Current Account             2.816           4.309            3.192
Welfare Loss               -22.156         -174.546         -43.848
  (Formal Sector)
Welfare Loss               -54.948         -393.238         -55.905
  (Informal Sector)

                          Policy with     Policy with More
                        Less Aggressive      Aggressive
                          Reaction to       Reaction to
Variables                Output *, (4)     Output *, (5)

Formal Consumption           8.970             8.353
Informal Consumption         9.876             9.865
Formal Sector Output         9.033             7.627
Informal Sector              5.102             4.418
Agriculture Commodity        7.208             7.011
Inflation in Formal          2.269             2.264
Inflation in Informal        3.292             3.211
Real Exchange Rate          10.761             9.582
Aggregate Labour            11.637             9.367
Aggregate Wages              6.161             5.832
Domestic Investment         27.225             20.926
Foreign Investment          27.869             24.096
Oil Consumption             17.360             17.283
Domestic Interest            0.699             0.565
Government                  14.616             11.823
Current Account              3.504             2.818
Welfare Loss               -210.115           -149.063
  (Formal Sector)
Welfare Loss               -125.291           -119.230
  (Informal Sector)

Table Note:

*/ Corresponding to each policy rule specification, percent
standard deviations are given for each variable.

(1/) Baseline policy: [[psi].sub.i], = 0.63; [[psi].sub.[pi]] =
1.21; [[psi].sub.y] = 0.60 and [[psi].sub.rer] = 0.05

(2/) Less aggressive anti-inflation policy: [[psi].sub.i] = 0.90;
[[psi].sub.[pi]] = 1.01; [[psi].sub.y] = 0 and [[psi].sub.rer] = 0

(3/) More aggressive anti-inflation policy: [[psi].sub.i] = 0.90;
[[psi].sub.[pi]] = 1.65; [[psi].sub.y] = 0 and [[psi].sub.rer] = 0

(4/) Policy with less aggressive reaction to output: [[psi].sub.i]
= 0.90; [[psi].sub.[pi]] = 1.21; [[psi].sub.y] = 0.53 and
[[psi].sub.rer] = 0

(5/) Policy with more aggressive reaction to output: [[psi].sub.i]
= 0.90; [[psi].sub.[pi]] = 1.21; [[psi].sub.y] = 0.95 and
[[psi].sub.rer] = 0


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(1) According to Frisch's view on business cycle, a BCF is the cyclical change in the macroeconomic indicator around its trend. See for instance, Frisch (1933), Lucas (1977), Blanchard and Watson (1986) and Bormotov (2009).

(2) Haider and Khan (2008), Ahmad, et al. (2012) and Choudhri and Malik (2012) are few notable examples.

(3) See for instance, Batini, et al. (2011a. 2011b), Agenor and Montiel (2010), Aguiar anf Gopinath (2007), Neumeyer and Perri (2005), Agenor, et al. (2000).

(4) In macroeconomic literature, the terms "new-Keynesian" or "new-neoclassical synthesis" are being used synonymously; see, Clarida, Gali, and Gertler (1999), Gali and Gertler (2007), Goodfriend (2007), Goodfriend and King (1997), Mankiw (2006) and Ronter (1993, 2011).

(5) This approach is inspired with Frisch's view of the business cycles [Frisch (1933)].

(6) Specifically, RBC type models deals infinitely-lived representative agents, whose objective is to maximise its utility by choosing an optimal path for consumption, real money balances and leisure, as well as a representative firm whose objective, is to maximise profits.

(7) The failure of these models to replicate some of the empirical regularities such as liquidity effects, co-movement of productivity and employment or the co-movement of real wages and output [Kremer, et at. (2006)].

(8) Romer (1993) and Goodfriend and King (1997) are in the view that such combined modelling framework is the result of a synthesis of real business cycle (RBC) theory and New Keynesian theory.

(9) Some well-known NK-DSGE models developed by most of the central banks and international policy institutions as noted by Tovar (2008) are: (a) Bank of Canada (TotEM), (b) Bank of England (BEQM), (c) Central bank of Brazil (SAMBA), (d) Central bank of Chile (MAS), (e) Central bank of Peru (MEGA-D), (f) European Central bank (NAWM), (g) Norges Bank (NEMO), (h) Sveriges Riksbank (RAMSES), (i) US Federal Reserve (SIGMA) and (j) IMF (GEM and GIMF).

(10) Each household lives in one of two countries, individual defined on the interval, y [member of] [0, n] lives in the home-country, and remaining on the interval j [member of] [0, n] lives in the foreign-country. The value of n measures the relative size of the home-country.

(11) It also shows habit persistence parameter to reproduce observed output, rages from 0 [less than or equal to] h [less than or equal to] 1.

(12) In terms of this discount factor, the riskless short term nominal interest rate [R.sub.t] corresponds to the solution to the equation: 1/(1 + [i.sub.t]) = [E.sub.t]([Q.sub.t,t+1]),

(13) [Q.sub.t,t+1] remains a stochastic variable at time t, and [E.sub.t] denotes expectations conditional upon the state of the world at time t.

(14) [[phi].sup.i.sub.H] firms adjust prices according to steady state inflation rate [pi]. This notion introduces inflation persistence by allowing for price indexation to previous inflation.

(15) The degree of price stickiness is assumed to be same as the fraction of past inflation indexation. The reason of this crude assumption is that it validates a basic rationale of Phillips curve. "In the long-run Phillips Curve is vertical", see for instance, Gali and Gertler (1999).

(16) If PPP holds, then l.o.p gap implies that pass-through from exchange rate movements to the domestic currency prices of imports is imperfect as importers adjust their pricing behaviour to extract optimal revenue from consumers. See for instance, Monacelli (2005).

(17) A second-order log-linear approximation to the function ([U.sub.t]) around its steady state ([bar.U]) is given by:

[MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. In general [[??].sub.t] = [U.sub.t] - [bar.U] is deviation of ([U.sub.t]) around its steady state ([bar.U]) and [??], = log([U.sub.t]/[bar.U]) is log-deviation of ([U.sub.t]) around its steady state ([bar.U]), then second order approximation can be obtained as: [[??].sub.t] = [bar.U]([[??].sub.t] + 1/2 [[??].sup.2.sub.t]) + O([parallel][a.sup.3][parallel]).

(18) Ahmad, et al. (2012) calculate this parameter value by taking average of ratios of number of people employed in the formal sector to total number of people employed in the non-agricultural sector during 1990-1991 to 2008-2009. The labour force data used in the calculation of these ratios is taken from various issues of the Labour Force Surveys, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.

(19) These low parameter values shows the less proportion of firms that do not re-optimise their prices in a given quarters. Furthermore, these staggered price coefficients also imply that the average duration of price contracts is around one to two quarters for domestic firms. This duration is calculated as: 1/(1-[phi]).

(20) See for instance, Aguiar and Gopinath (2007) for a comparison with other emerging countries.

(21) The impulse responses to a one unit increase in the various structural shocks are calculated using 10,000 Monte-Carlo simulations. These simulations are performed using MATLAB version 2010b.

(22) The fundamental reason to consider alternative monetary policy regimes based on Taylor type rule is due to the fact that monetary policy in most of the emerging countries switched from the traditional monetary aggregation rule to the interest rate rule in the late 1990s [Alba, et al. (2012)]. The current monetary policy practice in such economies to achieve the objective of price stability no longer involve setting quantitative target for any nominal variable--for example, broad money growth or exchange rate-as an intermediate target [Hussain (2012)].

(23) These results are similar with a recent empirical study by Khan and Ahmed (2011) for the case of Pakistan.

(24) A brief discussion on monetary policy learning is given in Appendix B.

(25) These numerical routines are implemented by using Global Sensitivity Analysis toolkit, available with Dynare 4.3.

(26) Any other method can also be used to solve the log-linear approximation to the rational expectations solution, e.g., Sims (2002).

(27) This is also known as: stationary sunspot fluctuation.

(28) This is especially under such cases where analytical solution is not possible.

(29) See, McCallum (1983) for more details on this solution form.

Adnan Haider <ahaider@iba.edu.pk> is Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Finance, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi. Musleh ud Din <muslehuddin@pide.org.pk> is Acting ViceChancellor, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad. Ejaz Ghani <ejaz@pide.org.pk> is Dean, Department of Economics, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Stylised Facts about Business Cycles: A Comparison of Developed
and Developing Countries

                                  Business Cycle Statistics

                          [sigma](Y)   [sigma](C)/   [sigma](I)
Countries                              [sigma](Y)    [sigma](Y)

Pakistan *                   4.48         1.20          2.76
Developing Economies **      2.74         1.46          3.91
Argentina                    3.68         1.38          2.53
Brazil                       1.98         2.01          3.08
Ecuador                      2.44         2.39          5.56
Israel                       1.95         1.60          3.42
Korea                        2.51         1.23          2.50
Malaysia                     3.10         1.70          4.82
Mexico                       2.48         1.24          4.05
Peru                         3.68         0.92          2.37
Philippines                  3.00         0.62          4.66
Slovak Republic              1.24         2.04          7.77
South Africa                 1.62         1.61          3.87
Thailand                     4.35         1.09          3.49
Turkey                       3.57         1.09          2.71
Developed Economies **       1.34         0.94          3.41

                                  Business Cycle Statistics

                          [sigma](NX)/   [rho]([Y.sub.t],   [rho](C,Y)
Countries                  [sigma](Y)      [Y.sub.t-1])

Pakistan *                    4.26             0.60            0.92
Developing Economies **       3.22             0.76            0.72
Argentina                     2.56             0.85            0.90
Brazil                        2.61             0.65            0.41
Ecuador                       5.68             0.82            0.73
Israel                        2.12             0.50            0.45
Korea                         2.32             0.78            0.85
Malaysia                      5.30             0.85            0.76
Mexico                        2.19             0.82            0.92
Peru                          1.25             0.64            0.78
Philippines                   3.21             0.87            0.59
Slovak Republic               4.29             0.66            0.42
South Africa                  2.46             0.88            0.72
Thailand                      4.58             0.89            0.92
Turkey                        3.23             0.67            0.89
Developed Economies **        1.02             0.75            0.66

                          Business Cycle Statistics

                          [rho](I,Y)   [rho](NX,Y)

Pakistan *                   0.52         -0.38
Developing Economies **      0.77         -0.51
Argentina                    0.96         -0.70
Brazil                       0.62         0.01
Ecuador                      0.89         -0.79
Israel                       0.49         0.12
Korea                        0.78         -0.61
Malaysia                     0.86         -0.74
Mexico                       0.91         -0.74
Peru                         0.85         -0.24
Philippines                  0.76         -0.41
Slovak Republic              0.46         -0.44
South Africa                 0.75         -0.54
Thailand                     0.91         -0.83
Turkey                       0.83         -0.69
Developed Economies **       0.67         -0.17

* Author's personal estimates based on Pakistan data [1951-2011],

** Based on Aguiar and Gopinath (2007).

Table 2
Key Pakistani Macroeconomic Indicators, FY08-FY11


                                 Q1        Q2         Q3        Q4

Inflation (a)                   7.43      7.60       8.91      12.00
International Oil Prices (b)    73.57     87.62      95.47    121.11
Growth Rate (c)                            3.7
Growth Rate of IPLSM (d)        7.13      2.33       5.65      1.24
Interest Rate (e)               9.83      10.00      10.33     11.83
                               (8.96)    (9.10)     (9.37)    (10.33)
Fiscal Balances (f)                       -7.83
Domestic Debt (g)               2.70      2.87       3.03      3.27
Current Account Balance (h)     -2225     -3827      -3636     -4181
Trade Balance (i)               -1.25     -1.94      -2.28     -1.77
External Debt (j)                         44.87
International Reserves (k)      16.24     16.07      14.02     11.77
Real Exchange Rate (l)          97.21     96.32      94.46     93.57
                               (0.31)    (-0.49)    (-2.03)   (-2.21)


                                 Q1        Q2         Q3        Q4

Inflation (a)                   15.64     18.42      19.44     17.03
International Oil Prices (b)   115.47     56.09      44.21     59.17
Growth Rate (c)                            1.7
Growth Rate of IPLSM (d)        -5.72     -3.48     -12.06     -9.70
Interest Rate (e)               13.00     14.33      15.00     14.00
                               (12.37)   (13.36)    (12.65)   (12.94)
Fiscal Balances (f)                       -5.61
Domestic Debt (g)               3.42      3.57       3.75      3.85
Current Account Balance (h)     -4213     -3625      -545      -878
Trade Balance (i)               -1.90     -1.41      -1.05     -1.31
External Debt (j)                          51         .06
International Reserves (k)      9.70      8.84       10.81     12.16
Real Exchange Rate (l)          91.02     94.74      96.72     95.30
                               (-6.37)   (-1.64)    (2.38)    (1.85)


                                 Q1        Q2         Q3        Q4

Inflation (a)                   13.80     11.01      9.68      10.10
International Oil Prices (b)    68.22     75.51      77.05     78.14
Growth Rate (c)                            3.8
Growth Rate of IPLSM (d)        -0.80     4.02       8.41      5.39
Interest Rate (e)               13.33     12.67      12.50     12.50
                               (12.10)   (12.33)    (12.05)   (12.04)
Fiscal Balances (f)                       -6.60
Domestic Debt (g)               4.01      4.30       4.49      4.89
Current Account Balance (h)     -981      -1589      -536      -840
Trade Balance (i)               -1.12     -1.39      -0.93     -1.58
External Debt (j)                         54.78
International Reserves (k)      14.04     15.09      15.06     16.07
Real Exchange Rate (l)          93.25     92.18      95.46    100.49
                               (2.45)    (-2.71)    (-1.29)   (5.44)


                                 Q1        Q2         Q3        Q4

Inflation (a)                   11.26     12.94      13.50     13.66
International Oil Prices (b)    75.50     85.44      99.68    110.12
Growth Rate (c)                            2.4                 -0.45
Growth Rate of IPLSM (d)        -1.13     1.51       4.34
Interest Rate (e)               13.00     13.83      14.00     14.00
                               (12.43)   (12.95)    (13.46)   (13.31)
Fiscal Balances (f)                       -6.98
Domestic Debt (g)               5.19      5.50       5.59      6.23
Current Account Balance (h)     -597       483        52        604
Trade Balance (i)               -0.82     -0.57      -0.97     -1.44
External Debt (j)                         59.12
International Reserves (k)      16.65     17.31      18.17     18.31
Real Exchange Rate (l)         101.41    101.74     102.08    101.34
                               (8.76)    (10.37)    (6 94)    (0.84)

Source: State Bank of Pakistan.

Note: The Annual/Quarterly observations mentioned here correspond
to the fiscal years; for example, 2008 is FY08.

(a) Annual average growth rate of consumer price index (CPI),

(b) International Oil Prices (US$ per Barrel).

(c) Annual percentage change in real gross domestic product (GDP).

(d) YoY percentage change in Industrial production of Large Scale

(e) SBP Discount rate; figures in parenthesis are 6-month T-bill

(f) Budget Balance as percent GDP; figures in parenthesis are
primary balance as percent GDP.

(g) Domestic debt in billion of rupees;, figures in parenthesis are
public debt as percent of GDP.

(h) Current Account Balance in Million of Dollars; figures in
parenthesis are current account as percent of GDP.

(i) Trade Balance in Million of Dollars; figures in parenthesis are
trade balance as percent of GDP.

(j) External debt billion of dollars; figures in parenthesis are
external debt as percent of GDP .

(k) International reserves in billions of dollars; figures in
parenthesis are international reserves as percent GDP.

(l) Real effective exchange rate (REER; a rise in the index
indicates appreciation of rupee); figures in parenthesis are
percentage App/Depr.

Table 3
Size of Informal Economy (as percent of Formal GDP)

          Malaysia *   Sri Lanka *   Egypt *   Turkey *

1999         32.2         45.2        35.5       32.7
2000         31.1         44.6        35.1       32.1
2001         31.6         44.6        35.2       32.9
2002         31.5         44.1        35.7        32
2003         31.2         43.8        35.4       31.2
2004         30.7         43.9        35.0       30.4
2005         30.4         43.4        34.8       29.6
2006         30.0         42.9        34.1       29.5
2007         29.6         42.2        33.1       29.1
2008          --           --          --         --
2009          --           --          --         --
2010          --           --          --         --
Average      30.9         43.9        34.9       31.1

          India *   Pakistan **   Bangladesh *

1999       23.3        33.8            36
2000       23.1        40.2           35.6
2001       22.9        39.4           35.5
2002       22.7        37.6           35.7
2003       22.2        35.5           35.6
2004       21.9        33.6           35.5
2005       21.4        33.2           35.1
2006        21         34.0           34.5
2007       20.7        35.0           34.1
2008        --         31.3            --
2009        --         27.4            --
2010        --         28.7            --
Average    22.1        35.8           35.3

* Based on Schneider, et al. (2010).
** Based on Gulzar, et al. (2010)

Fig. 1 Average Degree of Openness [FY01-FY11]

             Trade Openness   Financial Openness

Malaysia          1.96               2.97
Sri Lanka         0.68               0.42
Egypt             0.56               0.84
Turkey            0.49               1.31
India             0.42               2.82
Pakistan          0.4                2.14
Bangladesh        0.39               0.87

Data Source: International Financial Statistics, IMF Database.

Note: Trade Openness: = (Exports + Imports)/GDP;
Financial Openness: = (Foreign Direct Investment
+ Portfolio Investment)/GDP.

Note: Table made from bar graph.

Fig. 4. Informal Employment (as % of Non-agricultural Employment)

Malaysia                          17.40%
Sri Lanka                         50.50%
Egypt                             51.20%
Turkey                            30.60%
India                             68.80%
Pakistan                          70.00%
Bangladesh                        48.03%
Sub-Saharan Region                72.60%
Latin American Region             55.80%

Note: Table made from bar graph.