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  • 标题:The impact of climate change on major agricultural crops: evidence from Punjab, Pakistan.
  • 作者:Siddiqui, Rehana ; Samad, Ghulam ; Nasir, Muhammad
  • 期刊名称:Pakistan Development Review
  • 印刷版ISSN:0030-9729
  • 出版年度:2012
  • 期号:December
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
  • 摘要:It is necessary for a country to make its agriculture sector efficient to enhance food security, quality of life and to promote rapid economic growth. The evidence from least developed countries (LDCs) indicates that agriculture sector accounts for a large share in their gross domestic product (GDP). Thus the development of the economy cannot be achieved without improving the agriculture sector. According to the Economic Survey of Pakistan (2011-12) its main natural resource is arable land and agriculture sector's contribution to the GDP is 21 percent. The agricultural sector absorbs 45 percent of labour force and its share in exports is 18 percent. Given the role of agricultural sector in economic growth and its sensitivity to change in temperature and precipitation it is important to study the impact of climate change on major crops in Pakistan.
  • 关键词:Agricultural industry;Global temperature changes

The impact of climate change on major agricultural crops: evidence from Punjab, Pakistan.

Siddiqui, Rehana ; Samad, Ghulam ; Nasir, Muhammad 等


It is necessary for a country to make its agriculture sector efficient to enhance food security, quality of life and to promote rapid economic growth. The evidence from least developed countries (LDCs) indicates that agriculture sector accounts for a large share in their gross domestic product (GDP). Thus the development of the economy cannot be achieved without improving the agriculture sector. According to the Economic Survey of Pakistan (2011-12) its main natural resource is arable land and agriculture sector's contribution to the GDP is 21 percent. The agricultural sector absorbs 45 percent of labour force and its share in exports is 18 percent. Given the role of agricultural sector in economic growth and its sensitivity to change in temperature and precipitation it is important to study the impact of climate change on major crops in Pakistan.

There are two crops seasons in Pakistan namely, Rabi and Kharif. Rabi crops are grown normally in the months of November to April and Kharif crops are grown from May to October. These two seasons make Pakistan an agricultural economy and its performance depends on the climate during the whole year. Climate change generally affects agriculture through changes in temperature, precipitation.

Schlenker (2006) estimated the impact of climate change on crop yield for the agriculture sector of United States. This study found threshold levels of temperatures to be 29[degrees]C for corn and soybeans and 33[degrees]C for cotton. It concluded that the temperature above threshold would harm the crops. The hypothesis was tested by incorporating 3000 counties of US in the analysis. Though temperatures in all seasons, except in autumn, reduced the farm value but high precipitation increased the agriculture production of the US [Mendelsohn (1994)]. Therefore, for the United States global warming has very little impact on the agriculture sector. However, at the beginning climate change may have small effects for developed countries but in future negative effects will be very large and stronger. Countries with longer latitude, climate change may lead to net benefits but countries with low latitude are more vulnerable [Stern (2006)].

In recent decades, high temperatures have been observed in Asia and the Pacific regions. In these regions agriculture sector is more vulnerable as 37 percent of the total world emissions from agriculture production are accumulating from Asia and the Pacific. Countries most vulnerable to climate change include Bhutan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, PRC, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam [Asian Development Bank (2009)]. On the other hand, there is also a possibility that agriculture sector may harm the climate. This problem is identified by Paul, et al. (2009). It is observed that 14 percent of nitric oxide and methane is coming from the agriculture sector and 18 percent is due to deforestation for agriculture use.

Season and location really matters for the production in agriculture sector. African crops are more sensitive to marginal change in temperature as compare to change in precipitation. For African crops temperature rise has positive effects, while reduction in rainfall negatively affects net revenues. These observations were based on seven African field crops (maize, wheat,' sorghum, sugarcane, groundnut, sunflower and soybean) of 300 districts in South Africa [Gbetibouo (2005)]. Study also suggested that one can shift the growing season of a crop according to temperature but there is a possibility that, this type of action may lead to complete elimination of some crops of some regions.

The agriculture sector in Pakistan plays a pivotal role as the income of more than 47 percent of the population is dependent on this sector. This sector is under threat from climate change. It is projected that temperatures will increase by 3[degrees]C by 2040 and 5[degrees]C to 6[degrees]C by the end of this century. Due to this scenario, Asia can lose 50 percent of its wheat production [MOE (2009)]. Moreover, agriculture sector of Pakistan is more vulnerable to climate change because of its geographical location [Janjua, et al. (2011)]. This study explains that due to anthropogenic activities, temperature of earth is rising and it may have negative effect on the production of wheat. Using Vector Auto Regressive (VAR) model on the annual data from 1960 to 2009, the study did not find significant negative impact of climate change on wheat production in Pakistan. However, on the other hand, Shakoor (2011) found significant negative impact of temperature-rise on agriculture production and also found the positive impact of rain fall on agriculture production. Analyses were based on the wheat crop and study concluded that the negative impact of temperature is greater than the positive impact of rainfall for Pakistan. The authors also estimated cost of arid regions due to 1 percent increase in temperature, which came to Rs 4180/- to the net revenue per annum.

1.1. Objectives of the Study

The objective of present study is to investigate the impact of climate (through changes in temperature and precipitation) on four major crops namely; Wheat, Rice, Cotton and Sugarcane in the Punjab Province of Pakistan. Estimations based on the time series data from 1980-2008. The study also makes projections regarding the effects of changes in temperature and precipitation on the crops production. This is the first study incorporating scientific information on the stages of development of each crop in order to assess the impact of climate change on each stage of the crops.

1.2. Organisation of the Study

Section 1 of this study includes definition of key terms, problem and objectives. Section 2 describes data description and methodology. Section 3 covers empirical estimations and results. Section 4 concludes the study with recommendations and finally Section 5 describes the limitation of the study.


2.1. Data Description

The analysis is carried out using the data of four major crops namely Wheat, Rice, Cotton and Sugarcane form the province of Punjab. The scientific information of production stages of these crops and its optimal temperature and precipitations were taken from the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), Rice Research Institute, Kala Shah Kaku, Cotton Research Institute, Faisalabad, and Sugarcane Research Institute, Faisalabad respectively. For each of the crops analysis the station wise selection of the districts were made according to their productivity e.g. the districts were varied from crops to crops depending on their productivity size.

The wheat and rice production has been consists of three different stages of production and of three different optimal temperature and precipitations. The optimal temperature of the cotton production remain the same therefore, scientifically it has not been divided into different production stages. Similarly, the sugarcane production has been divided into four different production stages that of their optimal temperature and precipitations. The data on districts wise productivity of each crop were taken from statistical year book of Ministry of Agriculture, the data on temperature and precipitation were taken from the department of Metrology. We faced many problems in unbalance panel; therefore we use the balance panel design for the year 1980-2009.

2.2. Specification of the Model

Fixed Effect Model (FEM) is used on the base of the balanced data design, the dependent variable is Crops (Wheat, Rice, Cotton, Sugarcane) productivity and explanatory variables are first stage temperature (FT), second stage temperature (SST), third stage temperature (TST), fourth stage temperature (FST), first stage precipitations (FP), second stage precipitation (SSP), third stage precipitation (TSP), fourth stage precipitation (FSP). In order to capture the nonlinearity impact, we have included squared term for these variables

The general equation of this study is

[Crops.sub.w,r,c,s,] = f (FT, [FT.sup.2], SST, [SST.sup.2], TST, [TS.sup.2], FST, [FS.sup.2], FP, [FP.sup.2], SSP, [SSP.sup.2], TSP, [TSP.sup.2], FSP, [FSP.sup.2])

[(Crops).sub.it], = [[alpha].sub.i], + [[beta].sub.1], [(FT).sub.it] + [[beta].sub.2] [([FT.sup.2]).sub.it] -- + [[beta].sub.n] [(Tem, Pre).sub.it] + [V.sub.it]

(i = 1,2 ... N; t = 1,2 ... T)

[V.sub.it] = [[mu].sub.i] + [summation][W.sub.it]

[V.sub.it], is composite error term, and [[mu].sub.i] is unobservable individual country specific effects and [summation][w.sub.it] is other disturbances.


In this section, we put forward the estimation results of the four crops and discuss the results in detail. Section 3.1 discusses the results of wheat crop in the Punjab province. The results for rice crop are presented in Section 3.2. The impact of climate change on cotton crop is inspected in Section 3.3. Section 3.4 discusses the impact of climate change on sugarcane. The last section discusses the simulation results for various scenarios changes in temperature.

3.1. Wheat Production

This section discusses the estimation results of wheat crop in Punjab province. The cropping period for wheat is from December to April. Consequently, we have divided the cropping period in three stages due to different requirement of temperature and precipitation for each stage. The first stage covers the month of December whereas the second stage consists of the period from January to March. The third stage again consists of only one month, namely, April. The estimation results are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 shows the results of two models estimated for identifying the impact of temperature and precipitation on wheat crop. In the first model, both temperature and precipitation have been used along with their square terms, assuming a non-linear relationship between the variables. The results of this model show that temperature affect wheat crop non-linearly only in first stage of production. Surprisingly, this non-linear relationship is of U-shaped type. This means that after the temperature of 14.76[degrees]C, further increase in temperature will positively affect wheat crop. In the second and third stages of production, however, variations in temperature have insignificant effect on wheat production. On the other hand, the precipitation has significant non-linear relationship with wheat crop in the first two stages of production. The optimal precipitations for the first two stages are 111 mm and 84.50 mm respectively. That is, beyond these optimal limits, further precipitation will adversely affect growth of plant and it's fruiting. As was the case with temperature, in the third stage precipitation does not affect wheat crop.

The constant term (intercept) shows the average production of the seven districts included in the model due to district specific characteristics whereas the coefficients of district dummies show deviations from this mean production. The significance of coefficients of these dummies variables indicates that district specific characteristics do have significance in the production of wheat crop. These results shows that, Jhelum, Lahore and Mianwali respectively produce 325.69, 324.13 and 108.92 thousand tonnes less, whereas, Bahawalpur, Faisalabad, Multan and Sialkot respectively produce 306.21, 338.69, 41.65 and 72.18 thousand tonnes more than the average production (which is 749.56). The model performed well on represented by F-Stats, significance of the model.

In the second model, the insignificant terms of temperature for the second and third stage were dropped from estimation. The results confirm the robustness of coefficients in terms of both sign and significance. It is also evident from the table that values of coefficients are not volatile either. This model also confirms that the positive effect of temperature in the first stage starts from 14.14[degrees]C. Likewise, the optimal precipitations for the first two stages are 112 mm and 97 mm respectively. Similarly, the deviation of district dummies variables from the mean is not significant and the sign and significance of the coefficient of these dummies have not changed. The DW statistics confirms the absence of serial correlation problem and F-stats shows the overall significance of the model.

3.2. Rice Production

This section explores the impact of climate change on rice production in the seven districts of Punjab province. The crop period for rice in Punjab consists of four months, from August to November. There are three main stages of production for rice crop, namely, Germination, Flowering and Ripening. Accordingly, we have classified time period of rice crop production in three stages. The first stage consists of the month of August, while the September and October jointly constitute the second stage. Third stage reaches in the month of November. The estimation results for rice crop are presented in Table 2.

Two models have been estimated to investigate the impact of climate change on rice production as shown in Table 2. In the first model, both temperature and precipitation have been used with their square terms to inspect the non-linear impact of these variables. The results of this model confirm the notion that temperature affect rice crop non-linearly in first two stages of production. Accordingly, a rise in temperature is beneficial for rice production initially, in the first stage. However, beyond a certain optimal temperature 27[degrees]C for the first stage, further increase in temperature becomes harmful for production. In the second stage, however, the non-linear relationship is of U-shaped. Initially, a rise in temperature is harmful for production, but beyond a certain temperature limit (which is 26.75[degrees]C) the effect becomes positive. This outcome may be a result of overlapping of different stages of growth of the plant due to our classification of these stages using monthly data, as both low and high temperatures are harmful for production [Chaudhary, et al. (2002)]. The third stage of production is not affect by increase in temperature. It means that, for Punjab, the temperature for the third stage remains in the optimal limits for the entire period of this stage. The average temperature for included districts of Punjab is 22 degree centigrade, whereas the optimal required temperature for this stage ranges from 20[degrees]C-25[degrees]C [Chaudhary, et al. (2002)].

An interesting result is the insignificance of precipitation for rice production in all the stages. This result is, however, justifiable on the grounds that the annual precipitation in Pakistan is less [only 20 mm] than the optimal required precipitation [which is 40mm on the lower bound] for rice production. This deficiency has been met by the artificial arrangements of irrigation water through canals and tube wells, thereby reducing the dependency on rainfall. For 75 days [which is almost the first two stages], the rice fields should have 6 mm of slow moving water. However, the water requirement gradually decreases during the maturity period of crop. This maturity period is the third stage of production, which is in the month of November in our case. The data shows that the average rainfall during this month is only 5 mm and, hence, may not be harmful for the crop. In a nutshell, we may say this climate variable is irrelevant for rice crop in the sense that both neither the lower nor the upper levels of precipitation are harmful. The lower precipitation is covered by irrigation methods and the upper level does not reach at all.

Lastly, the significance of district dummies confirms the fact the production of rice crop does respond to district specific characteristics. The intercept term in the model represents the mean rice production of these seven districts, whereas coefficients of district dummies show the deviation from this average production. It is evident from the results that, except for Sialkot, all other districts produce less rice than the average production. The [R.sup.2] and F-Stats validate the significance of the overall model.

In the second estimation, the insignificant variable precipitation has been dropped from the model from all stages of production. The results are robust as only first two stages of production are affected by change in temperature. In addition, all the district dummies are also significant. Hence, one may easily conclude that these results are robust in terms of values, signs and significance for all the parameters. The optimal temperature for the first stage is 28.33[degrees]C in the respective case. Whereas, the positive effect of temperature in the second stage starts beyond 28.11[degrees]C. The differences between these temperatures between the two models are 1.33[degrees]C and 1.36[degrees]C respectively for the two stages. However, these optimal temperatures in both the models for both stages are consistent with optimal required temperature determined scientifically in literature [see for example, Chaudhary, et al. (2002) for details] (1). Again, the [R.sup.2] and F-stats confirm the significance of the overall model.

3.3. Cotton Production

The underlying section deals empirically with the impact of climate change on cotton production. The period for cotton crop in Punjab is from May to September. Since the optimal temperature and precipitation requirement is same for the whole period of crop production. We have not made different stages of production for cotton. The maximum temperature and precipitation required for cotton crop during the production period is 32[degrees]C and 40mm respectively. (2) Since the data shows obvious deviation from the maximum limits for both variables, we take the deviation from maximum limits for purpose of estimation. This is in contrast to what we have done for wheat and rice crops where the historical data appeared to lie in the optimal limits and no clear deviations from maximum limits of either variable were observable. In the following lines we discuss the estimation results for cotton production.

Table 3 represents the results of impact of climate change on cotton production in five districts of Punjab province. Two models have been estimated for this purpose. Model 1 is estimated for investigating the non-linear relationships between the cotton production and climate variables namely changes in temperature and precipitation. The results of model 1 show that square terms of both the variables are statistically insignificant, suggesting that the relationship is linear. For this purpose, the square terms of these variables are dropped in the second model and a linear relationship is estimated. It is evident from the table that the coefficients all the variables (including districts dummies) are robust both in terms of sign and significance. Moreover, the values of the coefficients are not volatile either. It is important to mention that these results are presented after correcting for the problems of autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity. The overall models, represented by F-tests, are statistically significant at the conventional level of significance.

As is mentioned in the above lines, the climate variables are taken in the form of deviation from standard maximum required levels. Therefore, one should be careful in interpreting these results. Since the second model is the best one in terms of explaining the true relationship, we interpret the results of this model. The results indicate that a one degree centigrade deviation of temperature from the maximum required level (which is 32C) during the whole period reduces the production of cotton by 42.33 thousands bales. Similarly, a one millimetre deviation of precipitation from the maximum required level (which 40 mm) reduces the production of cotton by 0.50 thousands bales. This is a significant loss in the production of cotton due to change in the climate variables. The reduction in production due to both the variables indicates the climate change has been harmful for cotton production in this region.

Before explain the district dummies, it is worthwhile to recall that constant term in the model shows the mean production of the five districts. Consequently, the coefficients of the district dummies should be interpreted as deviation from this mean. The results show the mean production of cotton (after controlling for districts specific characteristics) is 403.52. Thus, the Bahawalpur and Multan districts produce more cotton (735.10 and 316.60 thousands bales respectively) than the mean production. On the other hand, in Faisalabad, Jhelum and Mianwali districts cotton production is lower than the average production. These results should not be surprising as cotton production in these three districts is significantly lower than production in Bahawalpur and Multan districts. For example, the average production of cotton during period 1987-2008 in Bahawalpur and Multan was 992 and 800 thousand bales respectively. Whereas, for the same period, the average production for Faisalabad, Jhelum and Mianwali was 105.5, 0.35, and 13.76 thousand bales only. The significance of district dummies, however, indicates that the district specific characteristics do have important impact on cotton production.

3.4. Sugarcane Production

Finally, in this section we are computing the impact of climate and precipitation change on the sugarcane production in seven districts namely Bahawalpur, Faisalabad, Jhelum, Mianwali, Sialkot, Lahore and Multan which are the prone cultivated areas of sugarcane in Pakistan. In Pakistan the sugarcane harvesting consists of two seasons. The cultivation of sugarcane crop starts in Feb-December. The production time is about nine month. However, 30 percent harvesting of crop is in Sept-December with its total duration of 14 months. The mill owners prefer this crop due to the high quality of sugarcane production as compare to the 9 months crop but the farmers enduring 9 month crop so that the land can be ready for wheat crops otherwise they have to forgo the wheat production. Similarly, globally two methods are pertinent for its harvesting e.g. firstly, by germination and secondly, by sowing seeds. Our farmers are using the first method as the second method normally takes two years to germinate.

With the consultation of the Sugarcane Research Institute, Faisalabad we divided the sugarcane production into four stages of production. These are: Germination of duration 45 days, tillering of duration of 90 days, vegetative of duration 90 days and maturing normally 60-75 days.

First stage: Optimum temperature for sowing: 20-32[degrees]C

Optimum temperature for germination: 32-28[degrees]C

Second stage: Maximum temperature decreasing tillering: 30[degrees]C

Third stage: Optimum temperature for sugarcane: 28-38[degrees]C

Fourth stage: Temperature for good sugar production: 10[degrees]C

For the 9 months duration 22 times irrigation are required for good sugarcane production. The optimum rainfall for sugarcane is: 1250-2500 mm.

The results of Table 4 show that the increase in temperature in the first three stages of production are highly insignificant. If temperature rises in the first stage up to 28[degrees]C the temperature has positive impact on sugarcane production but beyond 28[degrees]C up to 32[degrees]C it becomes negative. In the second stage the temperature beyond 30[degrees]C would cause decreasing the telliring the square of the temperature becomes positive but its magnitude is minimal. The most important and vulnerable stage is third or vegetative stage of sugarcane production, the coefficients of the estimation shows that initially the increase in temperature causes increase in productivity which may be possibly the optimal temperature ranged from 28-38[degrees]C in this stage but the square of temperature results in negative productivity. Finally, the maturity is the fourth and last productivity stage of production. The sweetness starts in this stage of production, which requires minimum temperature.

The increase in temperature in these months would reduce the sweetness and ultimately the yields. The optimal temperature required in this stage is 10[degrees]C, in the first stage the increase in temperature has negative impact on sugarcane productivity/yield. The further increase e.g. the square of the temperature again has positive but minimal effect on productivity/yields. It is important to mention that these results are presented after correcting for the problems of autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity. The overall models, represented by F-tests, are statistically significant at the conventional level of significance.

3.5. Simulation Analysis

The results of the simulations analysis for these four major crops are annexed. The simulations analysis carried out from 2008 to 2030. It covers almost one-generation period. The simulations results for wheat production in (000) tonnes shows that the when the temperature increases by 1C the cumulative loss up to 2030 would be 0.02 percent and if the temperature increases by 2C the cumulative loss up to 2030 would be 0.75 percent that of 2008. Moreover, the results for simulation analysis of rice production in (000) tonnes shows that when temperature increases by 1C the respective gain to rice productivity up to 2030 would be 1.85 percent and if the temperature increases by 2C the rice productivity gain would by 3.95 percent.

The simulation results for cotton production (000) bales with increase of 1C and 2C shows that the loss to cumulative cotton production up to 2030 is 13.29 percent and 27.98 percent respectively. Finally, for the same increase of 1C and 2C the sugarcane (000) bales, cumulative loss up to 2030 are 13.56 percent and 40.09 percent respectively.


The study focuses on the impact of on changes in climate change indicators on production of four major crops in Punjab, Pakistan. The results show that in the short run the increase in temperature is expected to affect the wheat productivity but in long term the increase in temperature has positive affect on wheat productivity. Similarly, the increase in precipitation has negative impact in both short and long term. A rise in temperature is beneficial for rice production initially. However, beyond a certain optimal temperature, further increase in temperature becomes harmful for rice production. Interestingly, the increase in precipitation does not harm the rice productivity. It has been evident that the change in climate variables (temperature, precipitation) has a significant negative impact on production of cotton. Finally, the increase in temperature also harms the sugarcane productivity in long term.

The major conclusions of the study are:

First: The impact of changes in temperature and precipitation varies significantly with the timing and production stages of the crops.

Second: The impact varies from crop to crop.

Finally: The districts variations in crop productivity are significant.


The limitations are:

(1) The analysis is limited to the province of Punjab; we are in the process of finalising the results for other provinces of Pakistan.

(2) The study considers two important climate change variables namely temperature and precipitation but other explanatory variables like humidity, soil fertility, and other inputs variables are not consider due to nonavailability of districts wise data. A district level survey is required to include these variables in the analysis.

(3) The simulation analyses consider temperature increases by 1C and 2 C respectively, and the precipitations scenarios are kept constant. The simulation results for precipitation are in the process.
Simulation Results for Wheat Production (000 tonnes)

       Temperature     Wheat        Wise     Cumulative
Years      1C        Production     Gain        Gain

2008                  63.24209
2009                  63.29225    0.050168    0.050168
2010                  63.34273    0.050475    0.100643
2011                  63.39351    0.050783    0.151426
2012                  63.4446     0.05109     0.202515
2013                   63.496     0.051397    0.253913
2014                  63.5477     0.051704    0.305617
2015                  63.59971    0.052012    0.357629
2016                  63.65203    0.052319    0.409948
2017                  63.70466    0.052626    0.462574
2018                  63.75759    0.052934    0.515507
2019                  63.81083    0.053241    0.568748
2020                  63.86438    0.053548    0.622296
2021                  63.91824    0.053855    0.676152
2022                  63.9724     0.054163    0.730315
2023                  64.02687    0.05447     0.784785
2024                  64.08165    0.054777    0.839562
2025                  64.13673    0.055085    0.894647
2026                  64.19212    0.055392    0.950039
2027                  64.24782    0.055699    1.005738
2028                  64.30383    0.056007    1.061745
2029                  64.36014    0.056314   1.1 18058
2030                  64.41677    0.056621    1.17468
                                               % Gain

       Temperature     Wheat        Wise     Cumulative
Years      2C        Production     Gain        Gain

2008                  63.24209
2009                  63.34273    0.100643    0.100643
2010                  63.4446     0.101872    0.202515
2011                  63.5477     0.103101    0.305617
2012                  63.65203    0.104331    0.409948
2013                  63.75759    0.10556     0.515507
2014                  63.86438    0.106789    0.622296
2015                  63.9724     0.108018    0.730315
2016                  64.08165    0.109247    0.839562
2017                  64.19212    0.110477    0.950039
2018                  64.30383    0.111706    1.061745
2019                  64.41677    0.112935    1.17468
2020                  64.53093    0.114164    1.288844
2021                  64.64632    0.115393    1.404237
2022                  64.76295    0.116623    1.52086
2023                  64.8808     0.1 17852   1.638712
2024                  64.99988    0.119081    1.757793
2025                  65.12019    0.12031     1.878103
2026                  65 24173    0.121539    1.999642
2027                  65.3645     0.122769    2.122411
2028                  65.48849    0.123998    2.246408
2029                  65.61372    0.125227    2.371635
2030                  65.74018    0.126456    2.498091
                                               % Gain

Simulation Results for Cotton Production (000 Bales)

        Temperature     Cotton       Wise     Cumulative
Years       1C        Production     Loss        Loss

2008                   371.9732
2009                   369.8384    2.134754    2.134754
2010                   367.6929    2.145498    4.280251
2011                   365.5367    2.156241    6.436493
2012                   363.3697    2.166985    8.603478
2013                    361.192    2.177729    10.78121
2014                   359.0035    2.188473    12.96968
2015                   356.8043    2.199217     15.1689
2016                   354.5943    2.20996     17.37886
2017                   352.3736    2.220704    19.59956
2018                   350.1422    2.231448    21.83101
2019                      347.9    2.242192     24.0732
2020                   345.6471    2.252936    26.32614
2021                   343.3834    2.263679    28.58981
2022                    341.109    2.274423    30.86424
2023                   338.8238    2.285167    33.1-494
2024                   336.5279    2.295911    35.44532
2025                   334.2212    2.306655    37.75197
2026                   331.9038    2.317398    40.06937
2027                   329.5757    2.328142    42.39751
2028                   327.2368    2.338886     44.7364
2029                   324.8872    2.34963     47.08603
2030                   322.5268    2.360374     49.4464

        Temperature     Cotton       Wise     Cumulative
Years       2C        Production     Loss        Loss

2008                   371.9732
2009                   367.6929    4.280251    4.280251
2010                   363.3697    4.323226    8.603478
2011                   359.0035    4.366202    12.96968
2012                   354.5943    4.409177    17.37886
2013                   350.1422    4.452152    21.83101
2014                   345.6471    4.495127    26.32614
2015                    341.109    4.538102    30.86424
2016                   336.5279    4.581078    35.44532
2017                   331.9038    4.624053    40.06937
2018                   327.2368    4.667028     44.7364
2019                   322.5268    4.710003     49.4464
2020                   317.7738    4.752979    54.19938
2021                   312.9779    4.795954    58.99533
2022                   308.1389    4.838929    63.83426
2023                    303.257    4.881904    68.71617
2024                   298.3322    4.924879    73.64104
2025                   293.3643    4.967855     78.6089
2026                   288.3535    5.01083     83.61973
2027                   283.2997    5.053805    88.67353
2028                   278.2029    5.09678     93.77031
2029                   273.0631    5.139755    98.91007
2030                   267.8804    5.182731    104.0928

Simulation Results for Sugarcane Production (000 Tonnes)

        Temperature   Sugarcane      Wise     Cumulative
Years       1C        Production     Loss        Loss

2008                    936.464
2009                   933.3288    3.135187    3.135187
2010                   929.9425     3.3863     6.521487
2011                   926.3051    3.637413     10.1589
2012                   922.4166    3.888526    14.04743
2013                    918.277    4.139639    18.18707
2014                   913.8862    4.390752    22.57782
2015                   909.2443    4.641865    27.21968
2016                   904.3514    4.892978    32.11266
2017                   899.2073    5.144091    37.25675
2018                   893.8121    5.395204    42.65196
2019                   888.1658    5.646317    48.29827
2020                   882.2683    5.89743      54.1957
2021                   876.1198    6.148543    60.34425
2022                   869.7201    6.399656     66.7439
2023                   863.0694    6.65077     73.39467
2024                   856.1675    6.901883    80.29656
2025                   849.0145    7.152996    87.44955
2026                   841.6104    7.404109    94.85366
2027                   833.9551    7.655222    102.5089
2028                   826.0488    7.906335    110.4152
2029                   817.8914    8.157448    118.5727
2030                   809.4828    8.408561    126.9812
                                                 % Loss

        Temperature   Sugarcane      Wise     Cumulative
Years       2C        Production     Loss        Loss

2008                    936.464
2009                   929.9425    6.521487    6.521487
2010                   922.4166    7.525939    14.04743
2011                   913.8862    8.530391    22.57782
2012                   904.3514    9.534843    32.11266
2013                   893.8121    10.5393     42.65196
2014                   882.2683    11.54375     54.1957
2015                   869.7201    12.5482      66.7439
2016                   856.1675    13.55265    80.29656
2017                   841.6104    14.5571     94.85366
2018                   826.0488    15.56156    110.4152
2019                   809.4828    16.56601    126.9812
2020                   791.9123    17.57046    144.5517
2021                   773.3374    18.57491    163.1266
2022                   753.7581    19.57936     182.706
2023                   733.1742    20.58382    203.2898
2024                    711.586    21.58827    224.8781
2025                   688.9933    22.59272    247.4708
2026                   665.3961    23.59717    271.0679
2027                   640.7945    24.60163    295.6696
2028                   615.1884    25.60608    321.2756
2029                   588.5779    26.61053    347.8862
2030                   560.9629    27.61498    375.5012
                                                 % Loss

Simulation Results for Rice Production (000 Tonnes)

        Tempera-        Rice       Wise    Cumulative
Years   ture 1C    Production      Loss         Loss

2008                407.1121
2009                407.0383    0.073766    0.073766
2010                406.9713    0.067084     0.14085
2011                406.9109    0.060401    0.201251
2012                406.8571    0.053718    0.254969
2013                406.8101    0.047036    0.302005
2014                406.7697    0.040353    0.342358
2015                406.7361    0.033671    0.376029
2016                406.7091    0.026988    0.403018
2017                406.6888    0.020306    0.423323
2018                406.6752    0.013623    0.436947
2019                406.6682    0.006941    0.443888
2020                 406.668    0.000258    0.444146
2021                406.6744    -0.00642    0.437722
2022                406.6875    -0.01311    0.424615
2023                406.7073    -0.01979    0.404826
2024                406.7338    -0.02647    0.378354
2025                406.7669    -0.03315    0.345199
2026                406.8067    -0.03984    0.305362
2027                406.8533    -0.04652    0.258843
2028                406.9065    -0.0532     0.205641
2029                406.9663    -0.05988    0.145757
2030                407.0329    -0.06657     0.07919
                                              % Loss

        Tempera-        Rice    Year Wise    Cumulative
Years   ture 2C    Production   Loss/ Gain   Loss/ Gain

2008                407.1121
2009                406.9713     -0.14085     -0.14085
2010                406.8571     -0.11412     -0.25497
2011                406.7697     -0.08739     -0.34236
2012                406.7091     -0.06066     -0.40302
2013                406.6752     -0.03393     -0.43695
2014                 406.668      -0.0072     -0.44415
2015                406.6875     0.019531     -0.42461
2016                406.7338     0.046261     -0.37835
2017                406.8067     0.072991     -0.30536
2018                406.9065     0.099721     -0.20564
2019                407.0329     0.126451     -0.07919
2020                407.1861     0.153182     0.073992
2021                 407.366     0.179912     0.253904
2022                407.5727     0.206642     0.460545
2023                 407.806     0.233372     0.693917
2024                408.0661     0.260102     0.954019
2025                 408.353     0.286832     1.240851
2026                408.6665     0.313562     1.554413
2027                409.0068     0.340292     1.894705
2028                409.3738      0367022     2.261728
2029                409.7676     0.393752      2.65548
2030                410.1881     0.420483     3.075963
                                                % Gain


Asian Development Bank (2009) Building Climate Resilience in the Agriculture Sector in Asia and in the Pacific. Asian Development Bank. Annual Development Report, p. 9.

Chaudhary, R. C., J. S. Nanda, and D. V. Tran (2002) Guidelines for Identification of Field Constraints to Rice Production. International Rice Commission, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Room.

Mendelsohn, R., W. Nordhaus and D. Shaw (1994) The Impact of Global Warming on Agriculture: A Ricardian Analysis. The American Economic Review 84, 753-771.

MoE (2009) Climate Change Vulnerabilities in Agriculture in Pakistan. Ministry of Environment, Government of Pakistan. Annual Report, pp. 1-6.

Pakistan, Government of (2011) Pakistan Economic Survey 2011-12, Chapter No. 2.

Schlenker, W. and M. J. Roberts (2006) Nonlinear Effects of Weather on Com Yields. Review of Agricultural Economics 28:3, 391-398.

Shakoor, Usman, Abdul Saboor, Ikram Ali, and A. Q. Mohsin (2011) Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture: Empirical Evidence from Arid Region. Pak. J. Agri. Sci. 48:4, 327-333.

Stern (2006) Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change. H. M. Treasury.


This is a research area of vital importance which has been explored very little in Pakistan. Dr Rehana and her research team's deliberations and empirical exploration regarding the impact of climate change on major agricultural crops is highly commendable. It is a well thought paper written with deep understanding of the issue. Mostly people around the world are tracing the impact of climate change on agriculture either through production function approach or through Ricardian Regression. This study has employed Fixed Effect Model for the first time in Pakistan's perspective. The work which is still in progress is commendable. Some of the following points must be considered before finalizing the paper.

(1) It is always some standard economic theory that should be operated in every climate impact studies. In this paper, methodological considerations must be accompanied by reasonable theoretical back ground.

(2) The reader is not comfortable to understand the need of the study specifically as we see weak linkages of what has been done up till now and what further research is required. The review of literature is not as appropriate as it should be for a standard research paper. Further literature should be explored particularly keeping production function approach and Ricardian approach in view. Some impact studies have been made in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. A thorough scanning of such studies is required to arrive at the justification this study is being conducted like this way.

(3) A sound justification must be given regarding the use of FEM as against other standard approaches. The salient advantages of this model must be the part of this paper so that the reader could know how far the FEM is better than the traditional approaches.

(4) It should be clearly mentioned how many districts of Punjab have been taken for the analysis of this issue. Similarly, the reader would be interested in knowing why of the districts have been added in the research for each crop. Apparently the picture is vague.

(5) Abstract reflects that the study is from 1980 to 2008 while the main text says that it is from 1980 to 2009. Also give appropriate reason of selecting this particular time period. There might be an odd or extreme event in this time series. How the model is adjusting these extreme events. It should have been mentioned in the explanation of data.

(6) It must be addressed in the methodology why non-linear impact is being explored and some due references must be given. Why other functional forms are not testable.

(7) It should be clearly stated in the text that the temperature and precipitation has been taken either on district basis of the specific months or just the average of all the sample districts or the average of overall Punjab in each of the time series.

(8) There is need to give some logical reason of selecting these districts while ignoring the other important districts. The inclusion of districts with very small proportion of a specific crop (Jehlem in Cotton FEM) should be clearly justified. The robustness of the results would highly depend on the selection of districts. By dropping an important district or by including an unimportant district, we cannot arrive at appropriate conclusion.

(9) The procedure of Simulation Analysis must be given in the paper.

In the end I would say that since this paper is the part of a continuous research effort. I do hope that the final results at Pakistan level would be quite helpful for policy perspective.

Abdul Saboor

PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi.

Rehana Siddiqui <rehana@pide.org.pk> is Joint Director at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad. Ghulam Samad <samad@pide.org.pk> is Research Economist at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad. Muhammad Nasir <nasir84@pide.org.pk> is Staff Economist at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad. Hafiz Hanzla Jalil <hanzala@pide.org.pk> is Research Economist at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.

(1) Chaudhary, et al. (2002) gives the optimal temperatures range from 20[degrees]C-35[degrees]C for the first stage, where as 25[degrees]C-31[degrees]C for the second stage. However, based on our results, we may say that the starting pint of the optimal temperature range varies between 26.75[degrees]C from 28[degrees]C in the second stage.

(2) Arshad and Anwar [undated] in their online article titled "Best Methods/ Practices to Increase per Acre Cotton Yield" on the website of Ministry of Textile Industry gives the maximum temperature range of 30[degrees]C-35[degrees]C. However, other online sources have consensus upon the maximum limit of 32[degrees]C.
Table 1
Estimation Results for Wheat Production

Variable                             Model 1           Model 2

Contant                            749.56 ***        730.09 ***
First Stage Temperature            -43.11 ***        -46.95 ***
First Stage Temperature^2           1.45 ***           1.66 **
Second Stage Temperature              -4.58
Second Stage Temperature^2            0.16
Third Stage Temperature               0.09
Third Stage Temperature^2            -0.0004
First Stage Precipitation           0.44 ***          0.45 ***
First Stage Precipitation^2         -0.002 **         -0.002 *
Second Stage Precipitation          0 34 ***          q 39 ***
Second Stage Precipitation^2        -0.002 **        -0.002 ***
Third Stage Precipitation            -0.006             -0.06
Third Stage Precipitation^2          -0.0002           0.0001
Bahawalpur                         306.21 ***        302.72 ***
Faisalabad                         338.69 ***        339.52 ***
Jhelum                             -325.69 ***       -324.47 ***
Lahore                             -324.13 ***       -325.37 ***
Mianwali                           -108.92 ***       -108.37 ***
Multan                              41.65 ***         42.17 ***
Sialkot                             72.18 ***         73.80 ***
[R.sup.2]                             0.90              0.90
DW-Statistic                          1.98              1.98
F-Statistic                         58.22 ***         77.24 ***

Note: ***, ** and * represents significance at 1 percent,
5 percent and 10 percent level of significance respectively.

Table 2
Estimation Results for Rice Production

Variable                         Model 1      Model 2

Constant                        83.64 ***    96.00 ***
First Stage Temperature           2.70 *       1.70 *
First Stage Temperature^2        -0.05 *      -0.03 **
Second Stage Temperature        -5.35 ***    -5.06 ***
Second Stage Temperature^2       0.10 ***     Q Q9 ***
Third Stage Temperature            0.12         0.65
Third Stage Temperature^2          0.02        -0.005
First Stage Precipitation         0.004
First Stage Precipitation^2      -0.00001
Second Stage Precipitation        0.0093
Second Stage Precipitation^2     -0.0001
Third Stage Precipitation         -0.032
Third Stage Precipitation^2       0.0003
Bahawalpur                      -58.51 ***   -58.62 ***
Faisalabad                      -45.56 ***   -47 19 ***
Jhelum                          -60.18 ***   -61.40 ***
Lahore                          -10.04 ***   -10.00 ***
Mianwali                        -56.08 ***   -56.78 ***
Multan                          -44.63 ***   -44.63 ***
Sialkot                         275.03 ***   278.64 ***
[R.sup.2]                          0.96         0.95
DW-Statistic                       2.09         2.00
F-Statistic                     175.28 ***   193.90 ***

Note: ***, ** and * represents significance at 1 percent,
5 percent and 10 percent level of significance

Table 3
Estimation Results for Cotton Production

Variable         Model 1        Model 2

Constant        411.42 ***     403.52 ***
DFMT            -47.46 **      -12.33 **
DFMT^2            -2.60
DFMP             -1.46 *        -0.50 *
DFMP^2            0.007
Bahawalpur      720.36 ***    735.1092 ***
Faisalabad     -286.06 ***    -289.203 ***
Jhelum         -397.61 ***    -406.731 ***
Mianwali       -338.28 ***    -355.775 ***
Multan          301.60 ***    316.5995 ***
[R.sup.2]          0.95           0.95
DW-Statistic       1.98           1.98
F-Statistic     208.74 ***     264.70 ***

Note: DFMT = Deviation from Maximum Temperature,
DFMP = Deviation from Maximum Precipitation.

***, ** and * represents significance at 1 percent, 5
percent and 10 percent level of significance respectively.

Table 4
Estimation Results for Sugarcane Production

Variable                            Results

Constant                         -30892.39 **
First Stage Temperature             165.41
First Stage Temperature^2            -3.85
Second Stage Temperature             -1.92
Second Stage Temperature^2           0.079
Third Stage Temperature             133.58
Third Stage Temperature^2            -2.65
Fourth Stage Temperature          2491.88 **
Fourth Stage Temperature^2         -54.35 **
First Stage Precipitation            4.11
First Stage Precipitation^2         -0.026
Second Stage Precipitation           -5.28
Second Stage Precipitation^2         0.074
Third Stage Precipitation            2.00
Third Stage Precipitation^2         -0.0039
Fourth Stage Precipitation           -2.73
Fourth Stage Precipitation^2         0.013
Bahawalpur                        -402.95 **
Faisalabad                         4656.8 **
Jhelum                            -960.94 **
Lahore                            -889.71 **
Mianwali                          -820.44 **
Multan                            -789.13 **
Sialkot                           -793.61 **
[R.sup.2]                            0.98
DW-Statistic                         1.80
F-Statistic                       235.70 ***

Note: ***, ** and * represents significance at 1 percent,
5 percent and 10 percent level of significance respectively.