Fiscal policy and current account dynamics in the case of Pakistan.
Javid, Atfiya Y. ; Javid, Muhammad ; Arif, Umiama 等
The study empirically investigates the effects of fiscal policy or
government budget deficit shocks on the current account and the other
macroeconomic variables, real output, real interest rate, and exchange
rate for Pakistan over the period 1960-2009. The structural Vector
Autoregressive model is employed: the exogenous fiscal policy shocks are
identified after controlling the business cycle effects on fiscal
balances. The results suggest that an expansionary fiscal policy shock
improves the current account and depreciates the exchange rate. The rise
in private savings and the fall in investment contribute to the current
account improvement together with exchange rate depreciation. The twin
divergence of fiscal deficit and current account deficit is also
explained by the output shock, which seems to drive the current account
movements and its co-movements with the fiscal balance.
JEL classification: E60, E61, E62, E65, C40, C01
Keywords: Restricted Vector Autoregressive Model, Current Account,
Government Budget Deficit, Fiscal Policy, Exchange Rate
The relationship between fiscal policy and the current account has
long attracted interest among academic economists and policymakers after
introduction of the standard intertemporal model of the current account
by Sachs (1981) and its extension by Obstfeld and Rogoff, (1995) in open
economy macroeconomics. There are two major strands of the current
account literature Mundell-Fleming [Mundell (1968) and Fleming (1967)]
and Ricardian equivalence [Barro (1974, 1989)] to explain such
variations in the deficits. According to Mundell-Fleming model budget
deficits cause current account deficits through stimulating income
growth or exchange rate appreciation [Darrat (1988); Abell (1990);
Bachman (1992) and Bahmani-Oskooee (1992)]. On the other hand, there is
Ricardian view that the financing of budget deficits, either through
reduced taxes or by issuing bond does not alter present value wealth of
private households since both temporarily reduced taxes and issuance of
bonds represent future tax liabilities [Kaufmann, et al. (2002); Evans
(1989); Miller and Russek (1989); Enders and Lee (1990) and Kim (1995)].
The underlying reason is that the effects of fiscal deficits on the
current account depend on the nature of the fiscal imbalance. For
example, in a simple theoretical model in which Ricardian equivalence
holds, a cut in lump sum taxes and the ensuing fiscal deficit would not
affect the current account as the private savings increase will offset
the fiscal deficit but investment will be unchanged. Conversely, a
transitory increase in government spending will increase both the fiscal
deficit and the current account deficit, a case of twin deficits. And a
permanent increase in government spending will have no effects on the
current account while its effects on the fiscal balance will depend on
whether the extra spending is financed right away with taxes (in which
case the fiscal balance is unchanged) or whether it is financed with
debt (future taxes) in which case the fiscal balance worsens. Thus,
fiscal deficit may or may not lead to current account deficits depending
on the nature and persistence of the fiscal shock. There is also a third
scenario relate to Recardian view that portrays the possibility of
negative relationship between the deficits where, for example, output
shock give rise to endogenous movements and two deficits are divergent.
There are various channels that explain theoretically the impact of
fiscal policy on the current account. The direct channel through which
fiscal policy affects the current account is by changes in the
government's consumption or investment demand for tradable goods
which shift the government import demand function and causes changes in
the trade balance. In a Keynesian framework a fiscal expansion (a tax
reduction or spending increase) tend to increase demand including demand
for imports, and hence the trade deficit. Fiscal policy can also affect
the current account by changing the relative price of non-tradables
which induces higher government spending on non-tradable causing a real
appreciation, more private consumption of non-tradable and less
production of tradable leads to deterioration of current account. Fiscal
contraction can reduce interest rates, including on external debt,
thereby improving the current account balance. At the same time, lower
risk premium can also increase capital inflows, which can boost demand
and real appreciation pressures and eventually worsens the current
account. Fiscal expansions have opposite effect if they are
unsustainable can generate capital flight and force a rapid external
account adjustment which can be the case of balance of payments crises.
However, the relative strength of these mechanisms, and thus the net
impact of fiscal policy on the current account is determined by model
assumptions and empirically depend on country characteristics [Abbas, et
al. (2010)].
The present study empirically examines the relationship between
fiscal policy and the current account for Pakistan. In Pakistan where
fiscal and current account imbalances are large, a question arises to
what extent fiscal adjustment can contribute to resolving external
imbalances. (1) Some studies are done to explore the link between fiscal
deficits and current account deficits [Zaidi (1995); Burney and Akhtar
(1992) and Burney and Yasmeen (1989)] and analysing the possible causal
relation 'twin deficit' hypothesis [Kazimi (1992); Aqeel and
Nishat (2000) and Hakro (2009)]. However this issue needs to be further
investigated from policy point of view, because the fiscal and current
account balances seem to be highly persistent and causing other macro
economic imbalances and indebtedness, thus persistent deficits become a
major cause of concern in Pakistan. The present study contributes to the
existing empirical literature by analysing the impact of fiscal policy
on the current account for a developing economy. The study examines the
dynamic interactions among variables: fiscal policy, current account and
other variables, output, exchange rate and interest rate using a
structural VAR model. Blanchard and Perotti (2002) suggest that the
structural VAR approach seems more suitable for the study of fiscal
policy than of monetary policy. (2)
The study is organised as follows. Section 2 discusses the
theoretical and empirical literature on this area briefly. The
methodology and data is presented in Section 3. The empirical results
are discussed in Section 4 and last section concludes the study.
The past three decade has seen a strong increase in theoretical and
empirical work on the dynamics of fiscal and the current account
deficit. There are two strands of the current account literature. First,
some findings of the literature focused on the budget deficit as a major
cause of current account deficits called twin deficits. Whereas,
Ricardian states that either ways of financing the budget deficits
(through reduced taxes or by issuing bonds) do not alter present value
wealth of private households. Financing budget deficits by issuing bonds
leads to higher consumption expenditures due to wealth effects and
raises interest rates, higher interest rates appreciate the currency,
and, because of loss in competitiveness in addition to higher
consumption, worsen the current account balance. Both approaches share
an intertemporal perspective on the current account, which is regarded
in both cases as net savings of the economy.
The traditional Keynesian models, optimising real business cycle
models and new open-economy macro models are mostly come up with similar
conclusions described as a transitory fiscal expansion is likely to lead
to a fiscal deficit, a current account deficit, and an appreciation of
the real exchange rate in the short run. The effects on the real
exchange rate may be reversed in the long run and even the current
account may revert over time to insure the solvency of the
country's external liabilities. However, the impact and short-term
effects of the fiscal shock are likely to be a worsening of the current
account and a real appreciation. However, Baxter (1995) in framework of
optimising real business cycle models come up with different results
that a transitory tax rate cut can lead to current account improvement
though intertemporal substitution effects that lead private saving to
respond more than the initial government deficit. New open-economy macro
models like Obstfeld and Rogoff (1995) also suggest that permanent
government spending shocks may lead to a short-run demand-driven
increase and cause shift in the net output that, improves the current
account and depreciates the real exchange rate.
There are three distinct approaches that have been widely employed
in the empirical literature. The first approach analyses the impact of
fiscal policy on external imbalances using causality tests and
structural Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models. The second followed the
long-term correlation between indicators of fiscal policy and external
imbalances, using cointegration techniques, and single or panel
regressions techniques. The third approach invokes the narrative
approach to identify exogenous changes in fiscal policy and uses
regression analysis to study their impact on external imbalances.
In VAR analysis an important methodological choice is how to
identify exogenous fiscal shocks; one choice is to use changes in the
log of real government consumption, because this measure is less
affected by changes in GDP than is the case for alternatives such as the
overall deficit/GDP ratio or the ratio of real government consumption to
GDP. For selected EU countries, Beetsma, et al. (2007) find that a
government spending innovation worsens the trade balance and appreciates
real effective exchange rate concluding that the main short-term
transmission channel impact is upon output, with the real exchange rate
playing a greater role over longer horizons. Monacelli and Perotti
(2007) find that, following an increase in real government consumption,
the trade balance stays around trend initially, but improves after about
3 years for US. They find stronger evidence in support of the twin
deficits hypothesis in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.
Corsetti and Muller (2006) report that the impact of fiscal shocks on
the current account seems to be greater and longer-lasting in economies
where total trade is higher as a share of GDP (Canada and the United
Kingdom) than in economies where trade is a smaller share of GDP (US and
To analyse this issue on a set of countries using panel regressions
some studies are done and find a statistically significant impact of
fiscal variables on external imbalances. Most recent among these studies
is by Abbas, et al. (2010) examine the determinants of the current
account for 135 countries during 1975-2004 using random effects GLS regressions, and report a positive association on the fiscal balance.
Few studies are done to analyse this issue on a set of countries using
panel regressions and find a statistically significant impact of fiscal
variables on external imbalances. Leigh (2008) finds that a increase in
government consumption is related with an appreciation of the
equilibrium real exchange in case of both developing and advanced
economies by using panel estimation. The actual impact on the current
account could vary depending on the dynamic adjustment path of the
actual real exchange rate toward the equilibrium; large current account
worsening can obtain if the real exchange rate appreciates above its
equilibrium level that is overshooting. Mohammadi (2004) finds broadly
symmetrical impact for fiscal expansions and contractions for a sample
of 20 advanced and 43 emerging and developing economies that a
tax-financed spending increase is associated with a current account
worsening both for developing and developed countries and the current
account balance worsens more if the spending is bond-financed in case of
developing economies rather than developed ones. The study done by
Khalid and Guan (1999) does not support any long-run relationship
between the current account deficit and the fiscal deficit for advanced
economies, while the data for developing countries does not reject such
a relationship. However, their results suggest a causal relationship
between the fiscal and current account balances for most countries in
their sample, running from the budget balance toward the current account
Romer and Romer (2007) have adopted narrative analysis to
distinguish tax policy changes resulting from exogenous legislative
initiative targeting, for example, reducing an inherited budget deficit,
or promoting long-run growth from changes driven by prospective economic
conditions, countercyclical actions, and government spending. They use
the narrative record, presidential speeches, executive branch documents,
and Congressional reports to identify the size, timing, and principal
motivation for all major postwar tax policy actions to investigate the
impact of exogenous changes in the level of taxation on economic
activity in the U.S. The results indicate that exogenous tax increases
are highly contractionary as indicated by negative effect on investment,
investment spending turns out an important current account determinant
and there exist a strong association between fiscal contraction and
current account improvements. Feyrer and Shambaugh (2009) estimate that
one dollar of unexpected tax cuts in the U.S. worsens the U.S. current
account deficit by 47 cents by using Romer and Romer (2007) data. The
results of these studies seem to suggest that the association between
fiscal imbalance and current account might be an issue for emerging
economies more than for developed ones where both imbalances are rising.
This motivates to investigate systematically the dynamic interactions
between these two fiscal deficit and current account deficit using the
structural VAR model in case of Pakistan. The study is organised as
follows. Section 2 discusses the theoretical and empirical literature on
this area briefly. The methodology and data is presented in Section 3.
The empirical results are discussed in Section 4 and last section
concludes the study.
Fiscal policy and the current account are related through the
CA = (Spr - Ipr) + (Sg - Ig)
where CA is the current account, Spr and Ipr are private savings
and investment, respectively; and Sg and Ig are government savings and
investment. Sg - Ig is equivalent to the fiscal balance. The same
identity holds, and is often used, in terms of shares of GDP. Various
theoretical studies have sought to find out the mechanisms whereby
fiscal policy would affect the terms in the identity above, and to
assess the net implications for the current account.
Following Blanchard and Perotti (2002) this study employs
structural VAR analysis. Let [X.sub.t] a vector of macro variables: log
of the real GDP, a government budget deficit as a percentage of GDP, the
current account as a percentage of GDP, the treasury bill rate adjusting
for inflation as real interest rate and exchange rate. The study of the
dynamic response of shifts in fiscal policy on current account is
typically carried out by estimating a VAR of the following form.
The reduced-form VAR can be written as
[X.sub.t] = [u.sub.0] + [u.sub.1] (t) + A(L)[X.sub.t-1] + [U.sub.t]
... (1)
Where [X.sub.t] = [RGDP, BD, CUR, RIR, ER) is five dimensional
vector of endogenous variables consisting of the log of the real GDP
(GDP), a government budget deficit (BD) as a percentage of GDP, the
current account as a percentage of GDP (CUR), real interest rate (RIR)
and exchange rate (ER); the A(L) is an autoregressive lag polynomial,
[[mu].sub.0] is a constant, t is a linear time trend. The vector
[U.sub.t] = ([u.sub.t.sup.GDP], [u.sub.t.sup.DB], [u.sub.t.sup.CUR],
[u.sub.t.sup.RIR], [u.sub.t.sup.ER]) contains the reduced-form
residuals, which in general will have non-zero correlations. As the
reduced-form disturbances will in general be correlated it is necessary
to transform the reduced-form model into a structural model.
Pre-multiplying the Equation (1) by the (kxk) matrix A0 gives the
structural form
[A.sub.0] [X.sub.t] = [A.sub.0][u.sub.0] + [A.sub.0][u.sub.1] +
[A.sub.0]A(L)[X.sub.t-1] + [Be.sub.t] ... (2)
where [Be.sub.t] = [A.sub.0][u.sub.t] describes the relation
between the structural disturbances [e.sub.t] and the reduced-form
disturbances [u.sub.i]. In the following, it is assumed that the
structural disturbances et are uncorrelated with each other, i.e., the
variance-covariance matrix of the structural disturbances [SIGMA]e is
diagonal. The matrix [A.sub.0] describes the contemporaneous relation
among the variables collected in the vector [X.sub.t]. In the literature
this representation of the structural form is often called the AB model
[Blanchard and Perotti (1999)]. Without restrictions on the parameters
in [A.sub.0] and Bt this structural model is not identified.
The recursive approach restricts B to a k-dimensional identity
matrix and [A.sub.0] to a lower triangular matrix with percent diagonal,
which implies the decomposition of the variance-covariance matrix
[[summation].sub.u] =
[A.sub.0.sup.-1][[summation].sub.e]([A.sub.0.sup.-1])'. This
decomposition is obtained from the Cholesky decomposition [[summation].sub.u] = PP' by defining a diagonal matrix D which has
the same main diagonal as P and by specifying [A.sub.0.sup.-1] =
[PD.sup.-1] and [[summation].sub.e] = DD' i.e. the elements on the
main diagonal of D and P are equal to the standard deviation of the
respective structural shock. The recursive approach implies a causal
ordering of the model variables. Note that there are k! possible
orderings in total.
In this study real GDP is the key macro variables showing the
general economic performance, and is included to control the cyclical
components of the government budget deficit. RIR is also an important
macro variable that may provide an important clue on the transmission of
the fiscal policy, and that may be related to monetary policy actions
which the study also uses as to control variable. The order of the
identification scheme uses a recursive model in which the ordering of
the variables is {GDP, DB, CUR, RIR, ER}, where the contemporaneously exogenous variables are ordered first. In the model, the (exogenous)
fiscal deficit shocks are extracted by conditioning on the current and
lagged GDP and all other lagged variables. The real GDP ordered first,
then comes the government fiscal deficit because budget deficit is
likely to be endogenously affected by the current level of general
economic activities during a year. In particular, government revenue
part such as sales tax is very likely to depend on the current level of
economic activities.
This section present the analysis of real GDP, current account
deficit and fiscal policy shocks through impulse response function
generated through the identification scheme of structural VAR proposed
by Sims (1980) extended to fiscal shocks suggested by Blanchard and
Perotti (2002) and Kim and Roubini (2008) as discussed above.
Figure 1 shows the impulse responses of each variable to each
structural shock over ten years, with one standard error bands. The
effects of output (GDP) shocks give important insights. In response to a
positive output shock, the government budget deficit decreases (or the
government budget improves) for two years, consistent with the
automatic-stabilisation role of government budget or the pro-cyclical
behaviour of government budget. In response to a positive output shock,
the current account worsens up to three years, remains negative
thereafter, the exchange rate depreciates, and the real interest rate
increases. This counter-cyclical current account movement is consistent
with traditional theories of current account where an increase in output
increases the demand for foreign goods and worsens the current account.
In terms of modern theories of the current account, the output shocks
may be regarded as a productivity shock; a positive persistent
productivity shock may increase investment strongly and worsen the
current account, which generates a counter-cyclical behaviour of current
account, as suggested by Mendoza (1991) and Backus, et al. (1992) and
Kim and Roubini (2008).
The ordering is real GDP, budget deficit, current account deficit,
real interest rate and exchange rate
An increase in the real interest rate is also a likely response to
a positive, persistent productivity shock which is consistent with the
results of Kim and Roubini (2008), King and Rebelo (1999). The exchange
rate depreciation is also consistent with theoretical models suggested
by Finn (1998) and empirically supported by Kim and Roubini (2008). The
impulse responses dynamics is consistent with the view called twin
divergence by Kim and Roubini (2008) that output fluctuations generate a
negative comovement between the current account and the government
saving: a positive output shock worsens the current account while
improving the fiscal balance. These results also reveal that the model
properly accounts for the endogenous current account and government
deficit movements especially those driven by business cycle fluctuations
of output, which supports in examining the causal relation between the
exogenous budget deficit shocks and the current account.
The main issue to investigate is fiscal policy shocks and results
are presented in column 2 about the response of other variables to
budget deficit shocks. In response to a positive budget deficit shock,
output increase persistently, the current account, improves the exchange
rate depreciates persistently and the real interest rate increases.
These effects on the current account are according to the standard
prediction of the most theoretical models.
As regards the effects of other structural shocks, a positive shock
to the real interest rate leads to an output decrease that increases the
government deficit, exchange rate depreciation and current account
improvement in short run and a long-run worsening. The real interest
rate shocks may be considered as proxy for monetary policy shocks, since
the monetary authority is controlling the short-term real interest rate
by changing the nominal interest rate given the inflation rate as in
sticky price models. The impulse responses to real interest rate shocks
are consistent with such an interpretation; a monetary contraction that
is an increase in the real interest rate leads an increases the
government deficit, and a real exchange rate appreciation. The current
account response, a short-run improvement and a long-run worsening, is
also similar to the effects of monetary policy shocks in the previous
studies such as Kim and Roubini (2008); short-run income absorption
effect and long run expenditure switching effect based on the
traditional sticky price model and the interplay of saving and
investment based on the intertemporal model can explain the current
account dynamics, as interpreted by Kim (2001, 2008). On the other hand,
a positive shock to the exchange rate (depreciation) improves the
current account, which is consistent with the expenditure-switching
4.1. Effect of Budget Deficit on Components of Current Account
To examine how each component of the current account responds to
the government budget deficit shock, four components: private saving
(PSG), private investment (PIG), government investment (GIG), government
saving (GSG) and government consumption expenditure (GCEG) all as
percent of GDP are used.
Figure 2 illustrate the results of impact of components of current
account in response to budget deficit shock.
In response to government deficit shocks (government saving
decreases), private saving increases to almost fully compensate the
government saving decrease, this result supports the Ricardian effect,
but such an effect is partial: consumption increases a bit in the short
run and the private saving increase is smaller than the government
deficit increase. In addition, government deficit shocks crowd out
private investment in the short run, which may be a result of an
increase in the real interest rate. Overall, the private saving increase
and the private investment increase outweigh the government deficit
increase in the short run. As a result, the current account improves in
the short-run.
4.2. Component of the Government Budget Deficit
In this section the impact of component of budget deficit shock
that is the government spending and taxes both as ratio to GDP are
assessed. Although both may increase the government deficit, however,
the effects of shocks to government spending and taxes on the current
account can be different ]Baxter (1995) and Blanchard and Perotti
(1999)] and suggest that a temporary tax rate cut may improve the
current account while positive spending shock has opposite effect.
Therefore, it is needed to test whether separate shocks to government
spending and taxes can explain the results found above.
As regards, the effects of government spending or government
purchase shocks. Blanchard and Perotti (1999), Fatas and Mihov (2001)
and Javid and Arif (2010) also assumed that government spending is
contemporaneously exogenous to other variables in the system. However,
this study extend the basic model using government spending and taxes as
percentage of GDP, model becomes {LGDP, LGCEC, CUR1, PIG}. To examine
the effects of tax shocks as the government budget deficit shocks,
{LGDP, TAX, CUR1, RIR, LER}. The results on the effects of the
government spending and tax shocks are reported in Figure 3.
The effect of government spending shock improves the current
account and real GDP .The results are similar to one find by Kim and
Roubini (2008). We also examine the component of the current account
following this shock. Private saving decreases modestly while private
investment fell significantly and persistently. This effect contributes
to the improvement of the current account. Results of tax shock also
show improvement in current account after initial deterioration which is
consistent with Kim and Roubini (2008).
The study empirically investigates the effects of fiscal policy
(government budget deficit shocks) on the current account and the other
macroeconomic variable: real output, interest rate and exchange rate for
Pakistan over the period 1960-2009. The analysis is performed through
the structural Vector Autoregressive model (VAR) approach; the exogenous
fiscal policy shocks are identified after controlling the business cycle
effects on fiscal balances. In contrast to the predictions of the most
theoretical models, the results suggest that an expansionary fiscal
policy shock (or a government budget deficit shock) improves the current
account and depreciates the exchange rate. The private saving rises
initially then fall and the investment falls that contribute to the
current account improvement while the exchange rate depreciation. The
twin divergence of fiscal balances and current account balances is also
explained by the prevalence of output shocks; output shocks, more than
fiscal shocks, appear to drive the current account movements and its
co-movements with the fiscal balance. The interesting, and somewhat
different result of this study is that, while most economic theories
suggest that a fiscal expansion should be associated with a worsening of
the current account and an initial appreciation of the real exchange
rate, the empirical results suggest the opposite: fiscal expansions and
fiscal deficits are associated with an improvement of the current
account and a exchange rate depreciation. The current account
improvement occurs even after we control for the effects of the business
cycle when an economic expansion improves the fiscal balance but worsens
the current account. Therefore, even exogenous fiscal shocks seem to be
associated with an improvement of the current account. This dynamics
seems to be explained by a combination of factors such as, a fall
(increase) in investment driven by crowding- out (crowding-in) caused by
changes in real interest rates following fiscal shocks and movement in
private savings can account for the paradoxical negative correlation between exogenous fiscal shocks and the current account which support
the Recardian view [Nickel and Vansteenkiste (2008) and Kim and Roubini
Table A1
Variance Decomposition of BDG
1 0.023228 0.330233 99.66977 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2 0.034440 0.877998 94.71721 0.011904 0.176277 4.216610
3 0.042401 7.963733 82.75321 4.191541 0.649404 4.442115
4 0.048514 11.97551 68.28784 13.26093 2.687550 3.788167
Table A2
Variance Decomposition of CUR1
1 1.727798 5.524829 1.282259 93.19291 0.000000 0.000000
2 2.331007 12.69081 1.039011 82.85250 2.414011 1.003673
3 2.760526 16.34560 0.926345 76.00495 5.930536 0.792570
4 2.989704 16.14626 1.031587 74.22740 7.894974 0.699780
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This paper is a good attempt in exploring linkages between fiscal
policy and current account balance in a dynamic framework. Given the
structural breaks in time series data of macroeconomic variables in
Pakistan, it is very challenging to estimate dynamic linkages with
macroeconomic variables.
While this paper is based on sound theoretical background and
sophisticated time series techniques, I have few observations. First,
there is no discussion about managing structural changes in the trend of
macroeconomic variables, e.g. GDP if taken from 1960.
There are issues of rebasing (as GDP was rebased in 1980 and 2000
and structural break in terms of separation of the East Pakistan.
Second, the empirical findings presented in the paper may have some
justification but seem unconvincing with respect to Pakistan. For
instance, a strong finding that a positive output shock causes a decline
in budget deficit in Pakistan needs to be rechecked. Given that Pakistan
has heavy dependence on indirect taxation, it is difficult to assume
fiscal drag in Pakistan during the high growth period.
In contrast to this, another interesting result indicates that an
increase in budget deficit leads to high growth in real GDP. While
macroeconomic stabilization generally believes to be a pre-requisite for
economic growth, this result does not confirm this belief. In fact, one
of the dangerous policy implications of this finding is to encourage
government to raise its budget deficit in order to stimulate growth in
real sectors. Finally, the paper indicates that an expansionary fiscal
policy shock improves the current account and depreciates the exchange
rate. The cause of divergence of fiscal and current account balances is
explained by the prevalence of output shocks. This indicates that the
output shocks impact more than the fiscal shocks and drive the current
account movements. This seems unconvincing because a budget deficit
shock is not fully compensated for by the private saving. In Pakistan,
there is a heavy reliance on foreign debt and bank borrowing to bridge
the gap between public spending and revenues. Moreover, sterilization of
foreign capital inflows or increase in foreign currency reserves and
change in monetary aggregates may cause this divergence, which needs to
be empirically investigated.
Muhammad Sabir
SPDC, Karachi.
(1) Budget deficits in 80s average is nearly 6 percent of GDP, it
increases to 6.9 percent in 90s and fell down to 4.3 percent in 2000-
01, rises again to 4.3 percent of GDP in 2005-06, in 2008-09 it is 5.2
percent of GDP. The current account deficit in 80's average is 3.9
percent of GDP, in 90s it is 4.5 percent and in 2000-01 it fell down
0.7, and it rises again in 2005-06 to 4.4 and in 2008-09 it is 5.7
percent of GDP, see Economic Survey (2009-10).
(2) They argue that there are many factors which contribute to the
movement in budget variables, in other words, there are exogenous (with
respect to output) fiscal shocks. In addition, decision and
implementation lags in fiscal policy imply that there is little or no
discretionary response of fiscal policy to unexpected movements in
activity. Thus, with enough institutional information about the tax and
transfer systems and the timing of tax collections, one can construct
estimates of the automatic effects of unexpected movements in activity
on fiscal variables, and, by implication, obtain estimates of fiscal
policy shocks.
Attiya Y. Javid <> is Professor and
Muhammad Javid <> and Umaima Arif
<> are Staff Economists at Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, Islamabad, respectively.