The effect of corruption and governance on tax revenues.
Ajaz, Tahseen ; Ahmad, Eatzaz
Developing countries face a number of institutional problems in the
process of revenue generation. One of the main problems is the
corruption in tax administration. The second main problem of low revenue
generation is the tow quality of governance. This study analyses the
effect of institutional and structural variables (corruption and
governance) on tax revenues using a panel data set for 25 developing
countries over the period 1990-2005. The GMM regression results show
that corruption has an adverse effect on tax collection, while good
governance contributes to better performance in tax collection. It is
further observed that institutional variables have a significant effect
on tax revenues.
JEL classification: H26
Keywords: Public Economics
Developing countries are typically unable to generate sufficient
amount of revenue from taxation because these countries face a number of
institutional problems in the process of revenue generation. One of the
main problems is corruption in tax administration. The two important
components of revenue generation are tax administration and tax system
reforms [Brondolo, et al. (2008)]. The main objective of these is to
increase the efficiency of tax administrations, specifically by reducing
corruption and tax evasion. The second main problem of low revenue
generation is political instabilities in developing countries. One of
the important characteristics of political instability is unstable and
governments and, hence, incoherent policy framework, which hinder in the
process of long-term reforms in the system.
The quality of governance as a whole is also relevant in this
context. It is widely agreed that the presence of tax evasion and
corruption of public officials is a social phenomenon that can
significantly reduce tax revenue and seriously hurt economic growth and
Corruption cannot be viewed in isolation, as it is a part of the
broader issue of governance and public management. The quality of a
country's governance is a critical factor for its development
process. It is thus surprising how very little attention is given to one
of the most fundamental drivers in the way that public revenues are
raised. Bird, et al. (2008) indicate that tax structure is highly
responsive to governance structure; high income countries can improve
their tax performance through improving their governance structure.
Various studies try to investigate the determinants of tax revenues
[e.g., Teera (2003); Weiss (1969); Tanzi and Zee (2000) and Imam and
Jacobs (2007)]. Imam and Jacobs (2007) explain that real per capita
income, share of agriculture in GDP, trade openness, inflation and
corruption are the most important determinants of tax collection. Gupta
(2007) finds that several structural factors like per capita GDP, share
of agriculture in GDP, trade openness foreign aid, foreign debt and some
new institutional variable like corruption and political stability are
statistically significant and strong determinants of revenue
performance. The main difference between these studies and the analysis
undertaken in the present study is that we consider some additional
variable that can potentially affect tax revenues. The new variable is
In this study we analyse the effect of institutional and structural
variable (corruption and governance) on tax revenues in selected
developing countries, using panel data set for 25 developing countries
for the period 1990-2005. The most important contribution of this study
is that it extends the model presented by Imam and Jacobs (2007) by
employing other institutional variable which may also affect tax
revenues. Imam and Jacobs (2007) consider corruption as a potential
institutional variable that can affect tax revenues, but the present
study also considers governance as an additional factor that may have
affect tax revenues. We carry out GMM estimation technique for the
1990-2005 periods for 25 developing countries: Argentina, Bolivia,
Brazil, China, Columbia, Cote-devorie, Ecuador, Egypt, Hungry, India,
Indonesia, Jordon, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru,
Philippines, Russian Federations, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey,
Ukraine, Uruguay and Venezuela.
The rest of the study is organised as follows. In Section 2 we
review a few studies that provide theoretical and empirical background
of the present study. In Section 3 we explain the methodology. Section 4
explains the data and variable construction and estimation technique.
Section 5 comprises of the results and discussion of this study. In
Chapter 6 we conclude the study.
In the area of public service, the incentives of being engaged in
corrupt behaviour are high for both officials those who can enrich
themselves by taking bribe and bribe payers who want to obtain undue
benefits such as tax evasion, winning of contracts, etc. evade taxes.
The area of taxation, regulations are often so complex that tax payers
have great incentives to indulge in corruption. The complexity of tax
system also allows official to use their flexible powers and mount
corruption in the system.
Sandmo (2004) defines the concept of tax evasion in the following
words. "Tax evasion is a violation of the law: When the taxpayer
refrains from reporting income from labour or capital which is in
principal taxable, he engages in an illegal activity that makes him
liable to administrative or legal action from the authorities".
Various studies explain that collection of tax revenue is one of
the important areas where corruption is most likely to arise [Galtung
(1995); Li (1997); Toye and Moore (1998); Tanzi (2000); Fjeldstad and
Tungodden (2003)]. Some of the factors that contribute to corruption in
tax system are as follows.
* A complex and fragmented tax system increases the demand for
corruption. Tax auditors and tax payers get advantages through complex
rule, unclear laws, regulations and procedures of tax system. Complexity
of regulation allows to the official to use their flexible powers and
mount corruption in the system.
* Complexity in paying tax leads to corruption (tax payer save
their time and reduce uncertainty).
* Another factor that fosters corruption is high tax rates, it
increases the incentive for tax payer to evade tax.
* To indulge in corrupt behaviour individuals compare their
benefits with the risk of detection and punishment, they engage in
corrupt activities if they feel that the expected punishment is low.
* Low wages of tax administrator and tax payers also foster
Fjeldstad (2005) examines the experiences of the Uganda Revenue
Authority (URA) in controlling fiscal corruption. There are many
explanatory factors involved in fiscal corruption. The study concludes
that several factors have contributed to the unsatisfactory results of
the URA. The study also explains that pay level of employees in URA is
one of the several factors affecting the behaviour of tax officers.
Recent literature shows that in case of poor countries inducing
more fiscal corruption may paradoxically lead to lower level of tax
evasion and higher level of tax revenues, but Fjeldstad and Bertil
(2001) explain that this paradox does not justify policies to stimulate
corruption. It analyses that in the short run corruption may raise tax
revenue but in the long run the opposite will be the case.
The impact of corruption and of tax evasion on tax revenue is not
new in the field of public finance .In a series of paper, Tanzi and
Dvoodi (1997) have provided evidence that countries with high level of
corruption tend to have lower collection of tax revenues in relation to
GDP. The implication is that some of the taxes paid by taxpayers are
diverted away from public accounts. Tanzi (1999) argues that a
distinction needs to be made between taxes collected by the tax
administrators and taxes received by the treasury.
When corruption becomes prevalent then higher tax rate leads to
smaller net revenues. Sanyal, et al. (1998) investigates the
relationship between corruption, tax evasion and laffer curve. The study
explains that a corrupt tax administration leads to laffer curve
behaviour (a higher tax rate leads to a smaller net revenue). The study
explains that "net revenue earned from a truth revealing audit
probability always exceeds net revenue through audits, taxes, and
penalties in the cheating region".
In case of developing countries corruption is widespread and its
consequences for the tax system are destructive. (2) It shrinks the
state revenues and thus reduces the ability of state to fulfil its
obligations to society. This is something alarming as many studies
regarding tax system in developing countries show that more than 50
percent of tax revenue goes uncollected because of fiscal corruption and
tax evasion [Richupan (1984); Aim, et al. (1991); Bird (1990, 1992) and
Krugman, et al. (1992)]. The losses in revenues and thus subsequently in
public spending are high as compared to the proportion of the amounts
paid as bribes. Another undesirable consequence of corruption is that it
reduces the distributive function of tax collection and hence
contributes to increase income inequality.
The problem of tax evasion and corruption have been addressed
separately, less attention has been paid to their combined effect. Hadi
(2006) has taken an effort to see the relationship between corruption
and tax evasion. This study analyses that how bribery affects tax
evasion. It also explains how tax-payers would be tending to pay bribes
to maximise their expected income. The study used three different groups
of people, individual taxpayers, tax collectors, and inspectors. The
results shows that size of bribe negatively affect the tax evasion.
There are a number of studies available on the behaviour of the
taxpayer less attention has been paid to the behaviour of the fiscal
officers, their service situation, and their incentives. Chand and Karl
(1999) examined the issue to control fiscal corruption by providing
incentives to fiscal officers. A model is developed to expose the
incentive effect. This study explains the importance of organisational
setup and conditions of service of fiscal officers. The study concludes
that corruption has to be done due to low wages and other social
Good governance brings good tax system. There are three main
elements in order to build a good tax system, which includes state
legitimacy, taxpayers' willingness to pay tax, and the
effectiveness of tax administration. Phillips and Sandall (2008) explain
the relationship between governance and tax reforms. The study explains
that three key dynamics reflects the relationship between governance,
taxation and investment climate. Firstly good tax system positively
depends on good governance. Secondly a fair domestic taxation system
promotes good governance because efficient tax system allows population
to pay fairly.
Revenue collection depends positively on well organised
administration; trust in government, and political stability.
Theoretical considerations suggest that greater political instability
and polarisation reduce the efficiency of the tax collection system.
Aizenman and Yothin (2005) explain that collection efficiency is
determined by the penalty on underpaying and probability of audit. Their
main purpose is to prove the dependence of VAT collection efficiency on
some key structural and political economy factor. The study shows that
collection efficiency of the value added is affected by economic
structure that increases the cost of enforcement. The collection
efficiency reduces with less urbanisation, less trade openness and
higher share of agriculture.
A number of empirical studies have explored the factors that can
affect tax revenue in developing or developed countries and several
factors have been identified. Weiss (1969) explains that the general
level of economic development, the administrative and political
constraints on the fiscal system, social-political values, indigenous
institutions, popular desires for government spending, and other factors
are involved in determining the magnitudes of tax revenues in a country.
Teera (2003), Tanzi and Zee (2000) explained that the revenue
generating capacity of different taxes in an economy can be determined
by using per capita income, share of agriculture output in GDP, share of
mineral exports in GDP, openness of the economy and the ratio of money
to GDP. Imam and Jacobs (2007) explained that real per capita income,
share of agriculture in an economy, openness, inflation and corruption
were the most important determinants of a tax.
Gupta (2007) investigates the revenue performance of a set of
developing countries over the past 25 years. The study finds that
several structural factors like per capita GDP, share of agriculture in
GDP and trade openness are statistically significant and strong
determinants of revenue performance. The study also analyses the impact
of foreign aid, foreign debt and the institutional variable like
corruption and political stability on tax revenue.
The present study mainly follows the framework of Gupta (2007) but
it also considers some additional variables that can potentially affect
tax revenues. The main difference between the present study and Gupta
(2007) is that we analyse the effect of institutional variable on
individual taxes while in later study taxes are taken in total revenue
form. Following is the list of variables considered in this study.
The Level of Economic Development
Theoretical literature explains that the tax revenue share rises
with the level of economic development. (3) Per capita income is used as
a measure of development. The literature on tax revenue system reveals a
positive relationship of total tax revenue and income tax as a percent
of GDP with per capita income. A higher per capita income leads to a
higher level of development, which ultimately generates a higher
capacity to pay taxes as well as a greater capacity to levy and to
collect them [Chelliah (1971)]. Most of the studies show that it is
expected to be positively correlated with tax share.
Trade Openness
Trade openness reflects the degree of exposure of an economy to
external economic influences. Rodrik (1998) and Gupta (2004) explains
that there is a strong positive correlation between trade openness and
the size of the government, as societies demand an expanded role for the
government in providing social insurance in more open economies subject
to external risks.
Sector-wise Composition of GDP
In an economy sector-wise composition of output matters because
certain sectors of the economy are easier to tax than others. The
agriculture sector may be difficult to tax, especially if it is
dominated by a large number of subsistence farmers. Share of agriculture
and industrial sectors in GDP are considered to be two good indicators
of the structure of an economy. Tanzi (1992) asserts that a
country's economic structure is one of the factors that could be
expected to influence the level of taxation. The study also explains
that in the case of developing countries agriculture sector has an
important influence on tax revenue from both demand and supply sides. A
higher agriculture share lowers the revenue performance.
Changes in macroeconomic policies environment plays an important
role in raising tax revenue, inflation is a good proxy used to measure
the economic policy environment. It captures the effect of macroeconomic
policy. The literature regarding the impact of inflation on taxation is
extensive and it may be difficult to describe this phenomenon. Some past
literature shows that high inflation increases the rate of tax, but
recent literature shows that this dilemma depends on collection lags.
Tanzi (1977) explains that the combination of high inflation, a
relatively long average lag in tax collection, and a low elasticity of
the tax system leads to a drastic fall in real revenues when inflation
Recently, some studies have attempted to look at the importance of
institutional factors in determining revenue performance. Bird, et al.
(2004) finds that factors such as corruption, rule of law, entry
regulations play key role in tax revenue determination. Gupta (2007)
explains that corruption has a significantly negative effect on revenue
"Governance is the method of "governing" that is
proposed for obtaining lasting economic, social and institutional
development, promoting healthy equilibrium amongst the State, civil
society and the economic market, and generating expressly for this
purpose active involvement by citizens". (4)
Revenue collection depends on efficiency of government. Good
governance brings good tax system; governance has positive relation with
tax system. An improved tax to GDP ratio can be achieved by using a
combination of good governance, improved tax administration, best
macroeconomic policies and other discretionary tax measures. One serious
concern for governance is the interactions between tax policy and the
legitimacy of governments and the policies they pursue. Benno (2003)
suggests that direct democratic rights, local autonomy, trust in
government and courts and the legal system have a significantly positive
effect on tax morale.
In light of above discussion we now propose the following
econometric model describing the tax to GDP ratio as a function of a
number of variables. The model is given by:
The notations used in the above equation are defined as follows.
In the equation i refers to a country, t refers to a year and j
refers to the coefficient which can differ between different categories
of taxes.
[Tax.sub.ij]/[] is a tax revenue to GDP ratio
[] represents the corruption index
[] represent the Governance index
[] defined as export plus imports as ratio to GDP
ln [] represents the natural logarithm of real per capita
[] stands for share of agriculture in a country
[] is consumer price index, [[mu].sub.t] stands for
country effect and [[epsilon].sub.itj] is an error term.
This section explains the list of variable that are included in our
analysis and also the construction of these variables. First we explain
the list of independent variable, in which both structural and
institutional variables are included and the construction of theses
variables that influence the level of tax revenues.
4.1. Structural Factors
Agriculture plays a central role in any economy development, it
contribute a large share to the GDP. Share of Agriculture is determined
by overall value added in agricultural sector divided by GDP.
Per capita income is known as a good indicator for the overall
development of the economy. Real per capita is measured by the ratio of
GDP at constant prices in local currency to population.
We use the outcome measure of trade openness, that is export plus
imports divided by GDP, all measured at current prices in local
Inflation is used as a proxy for expansionary monetary and fiscal
policy. It captures the effect of macroeconomic policy. Inflation is
measured by taking the annual growth rate GDP price deflator.
4.2. Institutional Factors
Corruption is defined as the abuse of public power for private
benefit. It is captured by an index that measure the extent to which
bribes are generally expected by government officials in relation to,
inter alia, tax assessments, trade licenses, and exchange controls
[Tanzi (1998)].
The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) compares every year the
levels of corruption among public officials and politicians in a wide
range of countries around the world. The index is based on the
perception of business people and country analysts. The CPI is an index
of indices which is composed of nine different indicators that all
provide ranking of countries based on expert assessments and opinion
surveys. Changes in the scores or ranking may be attributing to factors
others than changes in actual levels of corruption.
The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) is formed by the World
Bank Research Institute. There consist of six aggregate indicators of
governance covering 200 countries, with cross country data from 30
organisations including the sources used for the CPI. The data on
Governance are constructed by using six variables (1) voice and external
accountability; (2) political stability and lack of violence; (3)
government effectiveness; (4) lack of regulatory burden; (5) rule of
law; and (6) control of corruption.
Dependent variable is tax revenue ratio to GDP: as an adequate
volume of government revenue is essential for public expenditure and
economic growth, the ratio of tax revenue to GDP has been used to
measure and judge the success of a country's fiscal management.
To see the effects of corruption and governance and the other
variables on tax revenue, as explained in Section 3, we require
cross-sectional as well as time series data. We use a panel data in
order to have sufficient number of observation in econometric exercise.
The study uses a panel dataset that covers 25 developing countries
over a 16 years period: 1990-2005. The countries are chosen on the basis
availability of data, are Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Columbia,
Cote-devorie, Ecuador, Egypt, Hungry, India, Indonesia, Jordon, Lebanon,
Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russian Federations, South
Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay and Venezuela. The data on
different variables are taken from a variety of sources, the detail of
different sources is explained below.
Data on total tax revenues are taken from World Development
Indicator (1990-2005). International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) provides
data on political risk indicators for 140 countries for the period
1984-2007. In our analysis we use the index on political risk and
corruption. Data on corruption are taken from International Country Risk
Guide (1990-2005). Data on governance are taken from Worldwide
Governance Indicators (1990-2005). The World Development Indicators
provides comprehensive dataset about macroeconomic variables. WDI is the
main source of data on different economic variables like per capita
income, agricultural share, Industrial share, CPI and openness.
4.3. Estimation Technique
We use Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) for the estimation of
Equation I. GMM estimation technique controls the endogenity of
regressors and the country specific effect. GMM also helps to controls
for possible specification bias when variables are highly persistent
over time.
Endogenity arises when right hand side variable are correlated with
the random error term of the equation. Model uncertainty arises when we
cannot fully capture the determinants of tax revenues.
In Equation I the primary reason for endogenity is that the lagged
dependent variable appearing on right hand side of the equation is
correlated with the country specific random effect [[mu].sub.i]. One way
to handle this problem is to estimate Equation 1 by GMM using lagged
first differences of all potentially endogenous variables along with
exogenous variables as instruments. Another approach is to estimate
Equation 1 in first difference form by GMM using lagged level of
variables as instruments. The third approach, which is considered
superior to the first two approaches, is to combine the first two
approaches by stacking the level equation with the first difference
equation, thus using twice as many observations as used in each of the
first two approaches. These details are available in Greene (2004).
According to the objective of our study, we examine whether
across-country and over time variation in the taxes can be explained by
institutional and structural factors. We use GMM technique as explained
in Section 3.
The regression result for total tax is presented in Table 1. Before
going to the detail of the result, it is essential to establish the
overall credibility of the results. Since [R.sup.2] is not a valid
statistic as it does not necessarily lie in the [0,1] range, we use [chi
square] statistic for Wald test on the null hypothesis that all the
slope coefficients are equal to zero, The value of [chi square]
statistics are highly significant in all the six equations, confirming
that the overall fit of the equations is quite satisfactory.
We also apply Hanson test to confirm validity of the restriction.
The test is based on Chi-square statistic with degree of freedom equal
to the number of excess instruments (i.e., the number of instruments
minus the number of parameter to be estimated). The value of this
Chi-square statistic is statistically insignificant, conforming
acceptance of the null hypothesis.
Finally, we report Durban Watson statistic for the regression
equation in first difference form. The table shows that the value of DW
statistic is somewhat on the higher side, indicating presence of mild
negative autocorrelation. This is the typical result of estimating the
equation in first difference form. In first difference form first order
autocorrelation coefficient can be equal to zero only when the first
order autocorrelation coefficient in the level equation is exactly equal
to one. Since in the level form autocorrelation will typically be
positive and high but not perfect, this will translate into mild
negative autocorrelation in the first difference form.
We now discuss the result in some detail for the regression results
reported in the table. Table l shows that for total taxes the regression
coefficient of per capita income is very small and highly insignificant.
This means that, other things held constant, total taxes are
proportional to GDP. Another interpretation is that contrary to a prior
expectation, the tax to GDP ratio does not seem to increase with
economic development as indicated by per capita income. The reason could
be that the level of development experienced in the sampled countries in
the given short period of time may not have been enough to exert any
effect on the tax generating capacity.
The regression coefficient of the share of industrial sector in GDP
is positive and significant, indicating that the composition GDP matters
and industrial sector contributes relatively more to taxes. The value of
regression coefficient shows that, for example, as a share of industrial
sector in GDP increases by 10 percentage points, tax collection as a
percentage of GDP increases by 3.15 percentage point.
The regression coefficient of corruption variable is negative and
significant, while that of governance variable is positive and
significant. Both these results are in conformity with our a prior
expectation that corruption cause significant leakages in tax revenue
and good governance can plug-in some of these leakages by contributing
to better administration and management in public sector department
including the ones responsible for tax collection.
The AR (1) coefficient is positive and significant, meaning that
the first order autoregressive process successfully remove
autocorrelation form the regression residuals.
In this study we have analysed the effects of institutional
variables (corruption and governance) and structural variables (per
capita income, share of industrial output in GDP, share of agriculture
in GDP, inflation and trade openness) on total tax revenues in selected
developing countries, using panel data set for 25 developing countries
over the period 1990-2005. All estimates are based on GMM applied to
dynamic panel model in level and in first difference form.
The main contribution of this study is that it extends the model
presented by Imam and Jacobs (2007) by including the institutional
variable governance, which is found to have significant effect on tax
The GMM regression results show that institutional variables have
significant effect on tax revenues. The study concludes that governance
and corruption are two main determinant of tax revenue. Corruption has
adverse effect on tax collection, while good governance contributes to
better performance in tax collection. The study concludes that
corruption has negative and significant effect. Governance has positive
and significant effect on tax revenues, this shows that good governance
brings good tax system; governance has positive relation with tax
In developing countries tax revenue collection depends on
efficiency of government. Thus the voice and accountability, political
stability, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and
control of corruption and are important factors in determining tax
revenues in developing countries. An improved tax to GDP ratio can be
achieved by using a combination of good governance, improved tax
administration, good macroeconomic policies and other discretionary tax
Although structural variables like per capita income, trade
openness, industrial share and inflation also play important role but
different variables have different effects.
The results may have implications for governments internationally
when consideration is given to the issue of effective tax
administrations. Efforts need to be made by governments to make
improvements to the governance (voice and accountability, political
stability, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and
control of corruption) as a starting point. Fiscal corruption in the tax
administration is reduced by required laws, which are vigorously
enforced by independent and efficient judicial system. Also, when
democratic political institutions are in place, taxpayers are allowed to
freely express their opinion about the tax system, so tax
administrations should become more transparent and publicly accountable,
hence fiscal corruption is more easily exposed. Developing countries
need actively to strive to reduce the opportunities of corruption in tax
administration and change the incentive structure for tax officials.
Another implication is that international donors like IMF may
benefit in achieving its objectives if it adopts eradication of
corruption as the prime component of conditionalities, which are almost
always attached to their programmes of soft loans.
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Tahseen Ajaz <> is Lecturer, University
of Wah, Wah Cant and Eatzaz Ahmad <> is
Professor, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
Table 1
GMM Estimates of Total Tax Revenue Equation
Explanatory variable Coefficient t-value
Constant -0.052 -0.790
Log (PCI) -0.001 -0.277
Share of Industrial Output in GDP 0.315 2.696 *
Corruption -0.007 -2.252 *
Governance 0.002 5.366 *
AR(I) Coefficient 0.397 3.780 *
Chi-Square Statistic for Wald Test 59.872 *
Chi-Square Statistic for Hanson Test 11.196 *
IOW Statistic 2.077
Note: Statistics significant at 5 percent and 10 percent level
are indicated by * and ** respectively.
The Wald test is applied on the restriction that all regression
coefficients other than the intercept are equal to zero.