The price puzzle and monetary policy transmission mechanism in Pakistan: structural vector autoregressive approach.
Javid, Muhammad ; Munir, Kashif
This paper addresses the issue of monetary policy effectiveness,
the price puzzle, and the positive response of prices to monetary
tightening in Pakistan. The study examines the effects of the monetary
policy shock on the price level and other macroeconomic variables such
as output, exchange rate, and money supply within the structural VAR
framework over the period 1992: M1 to 2010:M08. We find that a
contractionary monetary policy shock has a positive effect on prices and
the output increase over some horizon following the monetary tightening,
but continuously falls after initial rise. The results also indicate
that monetary contractions in Pakistan, over the period reviewed, are
associated with the persistent depreciation of domestic currency value
relative to the US dollar.
JEL classification: C32, E32, E52
Keywords: Monetary Policy, Price Puzzle, Structural VAR, Pakistan
The prime objective of economic policies is to increase the welfare
of the general public and the monetary policy supports this broad
objective by focusing its efforts to promote price stability. The
growing importance of monetary policy stabilisation efforts may reflect
both political and economic realities. Understanding the transmission
mechanism of monetary policy to inflation and other real economic
variables is imperative for central bankers to conduct monetary policy
effectively. High inflation reduces growth by reducing investment and
productivity growth which reduces the welfare, gives a theoretical
foundation for the choice of price stability as an objective of monetary
policy. These arguments about monetary policy objectives lead to the
choice of price stability as the single or primary objective of monetary
policy. Monetary policy is one of the important tools with the monetary
authorities to achieve the objectives of price stability. There is
extensive theoretical as well as empirical literature available on the
effects of monetary policy shocks on the real economic aggregates and
A tightening of monetary policy generally is expected to reduce the
output and prices. The feedback of prices to a monetary policy shock is
sometimes contrary to the conventional views of monetary policy
transmission mechanism, known as price puzzle. According to the
conventional views of monetary transmission mechanism, tight monetary
policy is associated with a fall in the money supply and output.
However, the monetary tightening is associated with an increase in the
price level rather than decrease [Sims (1992)].
In the literature, numbers of explanations are available for price
puzzle. To resolve the price puzzle, Sims (1992) proposed introduction
of the commodity prices and Giordani (2004) suggested adding the
potential output. Sims (1992) proposed that price puzzle might be due
the fact that interest rate innovations partially reflect inflationary
pressure that lead to price increases and introduction of commodity
price index in the VAR appears to capture enough additional information
about future inflation. So the introduction of the commodity price may
resolve the price puzzle. Sims, (1992) and Grilli and Roubini, (1995)
provided the evidence that this explanation of the price puzzle might
also explain the exchange rate puzzle. Sims and Zha (1995) proposed
structural VAR approach with contemporaneous restrictions that includes
variables proxying for expected inflation. Castelnuovo, et al. (2010)
proposed that the positive response of prices to a monetary policy shock
is associated with a weak interest rate response to inflation. Krusec
(2010) argue that imposing the long run restrictions in the cointegrated
structural VAR framework can resolve the price puzzle. The advantage of
long-run identification is that there is no need for additional
variables besides prices, interest rate and output. Sims and Zha (2006)
suggest that change in the systematic component of monetary policy have
not allowed reduction in inflation or output variance without
substantial costs. Inclusion of commodity prices resolves the price
puzzle because they contain information that helps the Federal Reserve
to forecast inflation [Hanson (2004)].
Pakistan is facing unprecedented high inflation and SBP has been
using tight monetary policy to curb inflation. SBP use monetary
aggregates (M2) as intermediate target in accordance with real GDP growth and inflation targets set by the Government. The selection of M2
as intermediate target to control inflation, based on two key
assumptions that the demand for M2 function is stable and it has strong
association with the rate of inflation [Qayyum (2008)]. Since 2005 SBP
has been pursuing tight monetary policy to control inflation and the
monetary authority mainly relay on interest rate channel. This brings to
fore the question of effectiveness of the interest rate channel of the
transmission mechanism. However, in case of developing countries
including Pakistan the monetary policy actions transmit its affect on
macroeconomic variables with a considerable lag and with high degree of
volatility and uncertainty. Agha, et al. (2005) argue that monetary
tightening in Pakistan leads first to a fall in domestic demand,
primarily investment demand financed by bank lending, which translates
into a gradual reduction in price pressures that eventually reduces the
overall price level with a significant lag. The VAR modeling with
Cholesky decomposition has been used in this study.
Interest rate and rate of inflation in Pakistan are rising during
current decade and they have strong positive correlation. If rise in
interest rate follows rise in price then we face price puzzle. The
movements of interest rate and inflation can be depicted in Figure 1
which shows a positive relationship between discount rate and inflation
although a number of other factors were at play. In Table 1, the
coefficient of correlation between inflation and discount rate, 6-month
treasure bill rate, call money rate is 0.34, 0.46 and 0.48 respectively
over the period of full sample from 1991M1 to 2010M8. As it can be seen
form Table 2 the coefficient of correlation between inflation and
different measure of interest rate is much higher over the sub sample
period from 2005:M1 to 2010: M8. The coefficients of correlation between
inflation and discount rate, 6-month treasure bill rate, call money rate
is 0.74, 0.65 and 0.67 respectively for the period 2005:M1 to 2010:M8.
It implies that raising the interest rate in recent years has little
impact on dampening inflation rather than it pushes up inflation.
Qayyum (2008) and Omer and Saqib (2008) analyse the performance of
monetary targeting in Pakistan. Since 1991 most of the time M2 growth
remains higher than the target rate of money growth set by the SBP to
control inflation. Qayyum (2008) also argued that positive deviation of
money growth from target level is indication for higher inflation in
future. Similarly Omer and Saqib (2008) study suggests that that income
velocity of money is not stable in Pakistan and suggest that monetary
authority in Pakistan should rethink on monetary targeting strategy in
Pakistan. It is argued in PIDE Monetary Policy Viewpoint (2010) that a
tight monetary policy stance through increase in the discount rate
serves little purpose in the current conditions.
In the light of above mentioned facts, this study presents an
empirical analysis of the relationship between the interest rate,
inflation and exchange rate in Pakistan. The objective of this study is
to examine the effects of tight monetary policy on price level and other
macroeconomic variables such as output, exchange rate and money supply
within the structural VAR frameworks. Monthly data on consumer price
index, Monetary aggregate (M2), Industrial production, world oil price
and nominal exchange rate has been used over the period 1992:M1 to
2010:M08. All the variables are used in logarithmic form except interest
rate. Data are taken from International financial statistics.
The outcome of the study will provide useful insight into the
monetary policy transmission mechanism and will help the policy-makers
to address the issue of monetary policy effectiveness.
The remainder of the study organised in the following manner. Model
specification and econometrics technique used for estimation are
described in Section 2. Empirical results are presented in Section 3.
Section 4 contains concluding remarks and policy recommendations.
We assume the economy is described by a structural form equation
G(L) [y.sub.t] = [e.sub.t] ... (1)
where G(L) is a matrix polynomial in the lag operator L, [y.sub.t]
is an nx1 data vector, and [e.sub.t] is an n x l structural disturbances
vector, [e.sub.t] is serially uncorrelated and var([e.sub.t]) = [LAMBDA]
and [LAMBDA] is a diagonal matrix where diagonal elements are the
variances of structural disturbances; therefore, structural disturbances
are assumed to be mutually uncorrelated.
We can estimate a reduced form equation (VAR)
[y.sub.t] = B(L) [y.sub.t] + [u.sub.t] ... (2)
where B(L) is a matrix polynomial (without the constant term) in
lag operator L and var([u.sub.t]) = [summation].
A popular and convenient method is to orthogonalise reduced form
disturbances by Cholesky decomposition as in Sims (1980). However, in
this approach to identification, we can assume only a recursive structure. The innovations in Choleski decomposition do not have a
direct economic interpretation [Enders (2004)]. Blanchard and Watson
(1986), Bernanke (1986), and Sims (1986) suggest modelling the
innovations using economic analysis. A structural model (SVAR) in which
non- recursive structures are allowed and specifies a set of
restrictions only on contemporaneous structural parameters.
Let [G.sub.0] be the coefficient matrix (non-singular) on [L.sup.0]
in G(L), that is, the contemporaneous coefficient matrix in the
structural form, and let [G.sup.0](L) be the coefficient matrix in G(L)
without contemporaneous coefficient [G.sub.0]. That is
G(L) = [G.sub.0] + [G.sup.0](L) ... (3)
Then, the parameter in the structural form equation and those in
the reduced form equation are related by
B(L) = - [G.sub.sup.-1] [G.sup.0](L) ... (4)
In addition, the structural disturbances and the reduced form
residuals are related by et = [G.sub.0] [u.sub.t], which implies
[summation] = [G.sub.0.sup.-1] [LAMBDA][G.sub.0.sup.-1] ... (5)
Maximum likelihood estimates of [LAMBDA] and [G.sub.0] can be
obtained only through sample estimates of [SIGMA]. The right hand side
of Equation (5) has nx(n+1) free parameter to be estimated. Since
[SIGMA] contains n x (n+1)/2 parameters, we need at least nx(n+1)/2
restrictions. To identify the structural model after normalising n
diagonal elements of [G.sub.0] to 1, it is necessary to impose nx(n-1)/2
restrictions on [G.sub.0]. In the VAR modelling with Cholesky
decomposition require all elements above the principal diagonal to be
zero. However, in the structural VAR approach [G.sub.0] can be any
structure as it has enough restrictions.
2.1. Identification of Monetary Policy Shocks
The variables included in the study are short term interest rate
(R), monetary aggregate as measured by (M2), the consumer price index
(CPI), Industrial production index (IP), world price of oil (WOP) and
the exchange rate (ER) expressed as units of domestic currency for one
unit of U.S. dollar. Short term interest rate (R) is monetary policy
instrument and M2 is intermediate target variable. The ultimate targets
that monetary authority would like to control are macroeconomic goal
variables such as prices and growth. Industrial production is used as
proxy for real economic growth. By controlling the intermediate target
variable, policy-makers believe that they are influencing the ultimate
policy targets in a predictable way. With a monetary aggregate as an
intermediate target, the implicit assumption is that, other things being
equal, higher rates of growth in the money supply increase the inflation
and level of economic activity in the short run. Slower monetary growth
rates are associated with lower inflation rates and level of economic
The world price of oil is included in monetary policy reaction
function to control the negative supply shock and inflationary pressure.
The exchange rate is included in the monetary policy reaction function
to capture the effect of interest rate innovations on the exchange rate.
Exchange rate is an important channel through which monetary policy
affect output and prices. Higher interest rates make domestic financial
assets attractive and this induces the appreciation of the domestic
For the restrictions on the contemporaneous structural parameters
[G.sub.0], we follow the general idea of Sims and Zha (1995) and Kim and
Roubini (2000). The following equations summarises our identification
scheme based on Equation (5), [e.sub.t] = [G.sub.0][u.sub.t]
There are 16 zero restrictions on the [g.sub.ij] parameters, the
system is over identified; with six variables, exact identification
requires only ([6.sup.2]-6)/2=15 restrictions.
Where [e.sub.MS], [e.sub.MD] [e.sub.CPI], [e.sub.IP] [e.sub.WOP],
[e.sub.ER], are the structural disturbances, that is, money supply
shocks, money demand shocks, CPI shocks, IP shocks, WOP shocks, and ER
shocks, respectively, and [u.sub.R], [u.sub.M], [u.sub.CPI],
[u.sub.WOP], and [U.sub.ER] are the residuals in the reduced form
equations, which represent unexpected movements (given information in
the system) of each variable.
The money supply equation is assumed to be the reaction function of
the monetary authority, which sets the interest rate after observing the
current value of money, the exchange rate and the world price of oil but
not the current values of output, and the price level, As in Sims and
Zha (1995) and Kim and Roubini (2000), the choice of this monetary
policy feedback rule is based on the assumption of information delays
that do not allow the monetary policy to respond within the period to
price level and output developments. These studies assume that monetary
authority cannot observe and react to aggregate output data and
aggregate price data within a month.
The demand for real money balances depends on real income and the
opportunity cost of holding money--the nominal interest rate. So, in our
money demand equation, we exclude (contemporaneously) the world price of
oil and the exchange rate. For the other equations, our general
assumption is that real activity responds to price and financial signals
(interest rates and exchange rates) only with a lag. The interest rates,
money, and the exchange rate are assumed not to affect the level of real
activity contemporaneously. They are assumed to affect real activity
with a one-period lag. While exchange rates will eventually feed through
to the domestic CPI. Since oil is a crucial input for most economic
sectors, the price of oil is assumed to affect prices and the real
sector contemporaneously. Kim and Roubini (2000) proposed that firms do
not change their output and price unexpectedly in response to unexpected
changes in financial signals or monetary policy within a month due to
inertia, adjustment costs and planning delays, but they do in response
to those in oil prices following their mark-up rule.
The identifying restriction in the equations for the price of oil
takes these variables as being contemporaneously exogenous to any
variable in the domestic economy. Since the exchange rate is a
forward-looking asset price, we assume that all variables have
contemporaneous effects on the exchange rate in this equation.
In summary, the structural shocks are composed of several blocks.
The first two equations are money supply and money demand equations
which describe money market equilibrium. The next two describe the
domestic goods market equilibrium; the fifth and sixth equations
represent the exogenous shocks originating from the world economy, and
oil price shocks. The last is the arbitrage equation describing exchange
rate market.
In Table 3, we report the estimated coefficients. On the basis of
Akick Information Criteria (AIC) four 4 lags were used in SVAR
The estimated values of [g.sub.12] and [g.sub.16] are negative
implies that the monetary authority increase interest rate when it
observes unexpected increases in the monetary aggregates and unexpected
exchange rate depreciation. Kim and Roubini (2000) finding support these
results. The likelihood ratio test of the over-identifying restriction
shows that identifying restrictions are not rejected.
Theoretically tight monetary policy stance implies that rise in
interest rate cause fall in monetary aggregate initially and the price
level declines with no increase in output level. There is a possibility
that output increase or a price level increase after a monetary
contraction, but if the monetary contraction is exogenous in the sense
that it is independent of any systematic response to any shock such as
oil shocks, inflationary pressure, money demand shocks, then almost no
theory implies that the output or price level should increase [Kim and
Roubini (2000)].
In case of tight monetary policy stance, higher interest rate would
put pressure on the exchange rate to appreciate for given expected
inflation. However, not all increases in interest rates will be
associated with a currency appreciation, if there is an increase in
expected inflation, the consequent Fisherian increase in the nominal
interest rate would be associated with an impact depreciation of the
exchange rate. Therefore, the response of the exchange rate to an
increase in the interest rate will depend on whether it is the nominal
or the real interest rate that is increasing.
3.1. Empirical Results
In Figure 3 we display the estimated impulse responses. Figure
gives the impulse responses (over 48 months) to a one-standard-deviation
positive interest rate shock (i.e., a monetary contraction). In response
to interest rate shock initially the money supply rises smoothly over
some horizon then falls, Consider now the impulse response of the other
variables to the contractionary monetary shock. The monetary contraction
leads to a persistent rise in the price level. The rise in the price
level is persistent over the full 48 months horizon and this rise is
statistically significant over the full horizon.
In Pakistan, combinations of factors have been contributing to push
up inflation for last several years. Foremost are, government borrowing
from SBP to finance deficit, continuously rising energy and food prices
and low policy credibility. These factors are also contributing about
high inflation expectations in the future. Energy and other commodity
prices work through supply chain. Inflation in Pakistan, in recent year,
is largely being driven by supply shocks. This may be the reason that
tight monetary policy of the SBP since the period of double digit inflation has so far never meets its target of inflation.
Barth and Ramsey (2000) argued that cost channel is an important
part of monetary policy transmission mechanism. As oppose to the
conventional views of monetary policy transmission mechanism which focus
on the demand side effects-a monetary tightening initially reduces
output and then prices, the contrast, the cost channel of monetary
transmission stresses that supply side or cost effects might dominate
the usual demand side effects and therefore, monetary tightening could
be followed by an increase in prices. In this view, a rise in interest
rates increases the cost of funds that raises the cost of holding
inventories. Accordingly the cost shock pushes up prices.
Consider next the effects on the level of output. The output
increase over some horizon following the monetary contraction but
continuously falls after initial rise.
We now consider the effects of the monetary policy shocks on the
level of the exchange rate. The effect of a monetary contraction (an
increase of the domestic interest rate) is a depreciation of the
domestic currency relative to the U.S. dollar. This depreciation of the
domestic currency following the interest rate shock prolong and
persistent over the 48-month of horizon. These results are contradictory
with Grilli and Roubini (1995) suggest that a positive interest
differential in favour of domestic assets is associated with a
persistent appreciation of the domestic currency. Exchange rate is an
important channel through which monetary policy affects output and
prices. Higher interest rates make domestic financial assets attractive
and this induces the appreciation of the domestic currency. But due to
the lack of competiveness of the external sector of the economy,
domestic currency is continuously in pressure. The rupee has been under
constant pressure owing to weaknesses in the external sector as well as
high domestic inflation.
We also examined the impulse responses to oil price shocks (Figure
4). In response to oil price shocks, we find a interest rate increase up
to 24 month after initial fall, and price increases which is consistent
with monetary contraction after an inflationary oil price shock. In
conclusion the inclusion of the oil price seems important in identifying
monetary policy shocks.
3.2. Sources of Output and Nominal Exchange Rate Fluctuations
We report the results regarding the sources of output fluctuations
and nominal exchange rate fluctuations. In Table 4, we report the
forecast error variance decomposition of industrial production and in
Table 5 the forecast error variance of nominal exchange rate. First the
interest rate shocks' contribution in explaining output
fluctuations is about 9 percent at the peak, which implies that monetary
policy shocks are not the dominant sources of output fluctuations in
Pakistan. This result supports the finding of Kim (1999): monetary
policy shocks are not major sources of output fluctuations in G-7
countries. The oil price shocks explain only 4 percent variation in
output in a 48-month horizon. This result is contradictory with the
finding of Kim and Roubini (2000). One possible justification for this
finding is that for a long time there was a subsidy on oil prices in
Pakistan. Third, monetary policy shocks explain a very large proportion
of exchange rate fluctuations in the short-run. Over 70 percent of
nominal exchange rate fluctuations are due to monetary policy shocks at
6-month horizon and 43 percent fluctuation in exchange rate is explained
over the six month horizon.
In this paper we investigate the effects of monetary policy shocks
on the prices and other macroeconomic variables within a structural
vector autoregressive (SVAR) model approach. Our finding suggests that a
positive interest rate shock (contractionary monetary policy) leads to
persistent rise in the price level over 48-month horizon. A tightening
of monetary policy generally is expected to reduce the price level, not
increase it. Results indicate the existence of price puzzle in Pakistan
over the period studied. It is also suggested that monetary policy
shocks are not the dominant sources of output fluctuations in Pakistan.
Tight monetary policy stance through increase in the discount rate
serves little purpose in the current conditions. Indeed, it only further
squeezes the private sector and discourages private investment which is
already facing an extremely difficult situation (PIDE Monetary Policy
Viewpoint). The results also indicate that monetary contractions in
Pakistan over period reviewed associated with persistent depreciation of
domestic currency value relative to the U.S. dollar. Supply shock is the
major source of inflation in Pakistan, so the only tight monetary policy
is not the solution of the problem. Monetisation of fiscal deficit is
also contributing factor in inflation, therefore both monetary and
fiscal policy should be used to curb the inflation.
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(1) Probability are given in the bracket.
Muhammad Javid <> is Research Economist and
Kashif Munir <> is Staff Economist at Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics)
Table 1
Correlation between Inflation and Different measure
of Interest Rate (1991M1 to 2010M8)
INF 1.00 0.34 0.46 0.48 0.03 0.03
R 0.34 1.00 0.81 0.59 -0.23 -0.22
TB6 0.46 0.81 1.00 0.73 -0.28 -0.03
CMR 0.48 0.59 0.73 1.00 0.00 -0.12
ER 0.03 -0.23 -0.28 0.00 1.00 -0.45
M2G 0.03 -0.22 -0.03 -0.12 -0.45 1.00
Table 2
Correlation between Inflation and Different measure
of Interest Rate (2005M1 to 2010M8)
INF 1.00 0.74 0.65 0.67 0.56 -0.70
R 0.74 1.00 0.95 0.78 0.89 -0.85
TB6 0.65 0.95 1.00 0.83 0.89 -0.79
CMR 0.67 0.78 0.83 1.00 0.72 -0.72
ER 0.56 0.89 0.89 0.72 1.00 -0.72
M2G -0.70 -0.85 -0.79 -0.72 -0.72 1.00
Table 3
Contemporaneous Coefficient in the Structural Model
Coefficient Standard Error
[g.sub.12] -13.98 86.57
[g.sub.15] 6.85 25.35
[g.sub.16] -240.17 871.78
[g.sub.21] -0.011 0.104
[g.sub.23] 0.677 0.35
[g.sub.24] -0.35 0.04
[g.sub.34] 0.0122 0.005
[g.sub.35] -0.021 0.005
[g.sub.45] 0.034 0.064
[g.sub.61] 0.575 7.91
[g.sub.62] 9.997 217.06
[g.sub.63] 4.989 123.97
[g.sub.64] -0.599 11.05
[g.sub.65] -0.1176 1.35
Likelihood test of over-identifying restriction [chi square]
(1) = 0.018 [0.8912]. (1)
Table 4
Forecast Error Variance of Output
Period r lm lcpi lwop ler
12 9.369639 11.34967 1.872975 4.378689 3.791765
24 9.565921 16.48867 5.385525 4.505386 5.20493
36 8.799081 18.38105 8.404445 4.393734 5.860243
48 9.529952 18.52376 10.52516 4.185117 6.102113
Table 5
Forecast Error Variance of Nominal Exchange Rate
Period r lm lcpi
6 73.37099 9.621603 4.117469
12 66.77105 10.60053 9.727755
24 55.44579 10.02899 20.81497
36 46.64165 8.588692 30.8504
37 46.11865 8.484925 31.51996
48 43.15545 8.058522 36.01111