The relationship between federal government revenues and expenditures in Pakistan.
Husain, Fazal ; Qasim, Muhammad Ali ; Khalid, Mahmood 等
The paper investigates the relation between expenditures and
revenues of the federal government of Pakistan for the period 1978-79 to
2008-09 using the Toda and Yamamoto (1995) methodology. The results show
that there is a unidirectional causality from expenditures to revenues.
The results indicate evidence of the spend-revenue hypothesis for
Pakistan. The Potential investors may construe this government behaviour
negatively, therefore, the investment decisions may take into account
the possibilities of paying higher taxes in future.
Keywords: Revenue, Expenditure and Causality
A sound fiscal policy is important to promote price stability and
sustain growth in output and employment. Fiscal policy is regarded as an
instrument that can be used to lessen short-run fluctuations in output
and employment in many debates of macroeconomic policy. It can also be
used to bring the economy to its potential level. If policymakers
understand the relationship between government expenditure and
government revenue, continuous government deficits can be prevented.
Hence the relationship between government expenditure and government
revenue has attracted significant interest. This is due to the fact that
the relationship between government revenue and expenditure has an
impact on the budget deficit. The causal relationship between government
revenue and expenditure has remained an empirically debatable issue in
the field of public finance. The question of which variable takes
precedence over the other has been a central issue to this debate.
On the theoretical front, several hypotheses have resulted from the
causal relationship between government revenue and government
expenditure. The first hypothesis is the Revenue-Spend hypothesis where
raising revenue leads to more expenditure. The causality runs from
government revenue to government expenditure. The second hypothesis is
Spend-Revenue which states that changes in government expenditure cause
changes in government revenue. This hypothesis was advocated by Peacock and Wiseman (1979). The third hypothesis is Fiscal Synchronisation which
states that government revenue decisions are not made in isolation from
government expenditure decisions. The decisions are made concurrently.
The causality runs from both directions (bi-directional causality).
Finally, Wildavsky (1988) and Baghestani and McNown (1994) have advanced
a so-called Institutional Separation hypothesis under which decisions on
taxation are taken independently from the allocation of government
expenditure, such that no causal relation between revenue and spending
is to be expected.
Narayan and Narayan (2006) gave three reasons why the nature of the
relationship between government expenditure and government revenue is
important. The first one states that if the revenue-spend hypothesis
holds, budget deficits can be avoided by implementing policies that
stimulate government revenue. The second reason states that if the
bi-directional causality does not hold, it suggests that government
revenue decisions are made independent from government expenditure
decisions. This can cause high budget deficits should government
expenditure rise faster than government revenue. The third reason is
that if the spend-revenue hypothesis holds it suggests that the
government spends first and pay for this spending later by raising
taxes. This will result in the fear of paying more taxes in the future
and encourage the outflow of capital.
The relationship between government expenditure and government
revenue has been investigated for a number countries. Studies such as
Von Fursterburg, Green and Jeong (1986); Anderson, Wallace and Warner
(1986) revealed evidence of causality from government expenditure to
government revenue for a number of developed countries. This study was
supported by Nararayan and Narayan (2006) for Peru and provided evidence
of the spend-revenue hypothesis. Other studies found evidence of
causality running from government revenue to government expenditure
(such as Manage and Marlow, 1986). Narayan (2006) also found evidence of
causality from revenue to expenditure for Mauritius, El Salvador, Haiti,
Chile and Venezuela. These studies provided evidence of the
revenue-spend hypothesis. A number of Studies found evidence of the
fiscal synchronisation hypothesis [such as Owoye (1995); Li (2001);
Fasano and Wang (2002); Gounder, Narayan, and Prasad (2007)]. They found
evidence of bi-directional causality between government expenditure and
government revenue.
Despite the fact that the relationship between government revenue
and government expenditure is important to evaluate, empirical research on this issue in Pakistan is scarce. Two studies, Hussain (2005) and
Aisha and Khatoon (2010) while examining the causal relation between
Government expenditure and Tax Revenue and between Government
expenditure and Government revenue found unidirectional causality from
expenditure to revenue. The objective of this study is to reexamine the
issue and tests the validity of the various hypotheses for the period
1978-79 to 2008-09. The rest of the paper is organised as follows.
Section 2 presents some features of the revenues and expenditures at the
federal level in Pakistan. Section 3 discusses the estimation technique
and methodology. Section 4 discusses the results, while Section 5
It would be useful, before the formal analysis, to look at some
characteristics of the revenues and expenditures at the federal level in
Pakistan. We start by looking at Figure 1 showing the Federal Budget.
It can be seen that the gap between net revenues and expenditures
increases with the time. It was around quarter bill in late 70s but
jumped to Rs 136 bill by 1990-91. With in few years it increased to Rs
258 bill in 1995-96 and then to Rs 343 bill in 1998-99. It approached to
trillion in 2007-08 when it was Rs 975 bill. We now look at the
composition of revenues by tax and non tax shown in Figure 2.
The figure shows that in late 70s about 80 percent of the Federal
Revenues came from Taxes. However, it gradually came down to 70 percent
in 1983-84 and then to 62 percent in 1986-87. In 1990s the share of
taxes remained between 70 to 80 percent until it reached 83 percent in
1998-99. After that it gradually came down to 66 percent in 2008-09. The
composition of revenues by transfers to provinces and retained by
federal is shown in Figure 3.
It can be seen that until 1989-90 less than 20 percent of the
revenues were transferred to the provinces. In 1991-92 the transfers
increased to 27 percent and then to 34 percent by 1996-97. However, it
came down after that and remained closed to 30 percent till.
Now we look at the expenditure side. Figure 4 shows the composition
of expenditures by current and development.
In late 1970s the share of development expenditure at Federal level
was around 40 percent that gradually came down to 30 percent by 1982-83
and further to 20 percent by mid of 1990s. In 2001-02 it was as low as
5.6 percent. It followed an increasing trend thereafter but still
remains below than 20 percent.
Next we look at how much Federal expenditures are met by their
revenues shown in Figures 5-7.
It can be observed that, in general, the expenditures at the
Federal Level are met by 50 to 60 percent of the net revenues. However,
in terms of total revenues it shows an increasing trend. In 1980s it
ranged between 60-70 percent which was increased to 70-80 percent in
1990s and then to over 80 percent in 2000s. If we look at the current
expenditures about 60-80 percent of it is generally met by net revenues.
The relation between revenues and expenditures is formally
investigated by applying Causality analysis suggested by Toda and
Yamamoto (1995) which is described as follows. In Granger sense the
causality test is conventionally conducted by estimating Autoregressive
or Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models. Granger non-causality test used
Wald F-test in an unrestricted VAR model to test the joint significance
of some parameters. Sims, et al. (1990) and Toda and Phillips (1993)
studies have shown that when time series data are integrated or
cointegrated then F-test for Granger non-causality is not valid as the
test does not have a standard distribution. Toda and Yamamoto (1995) and
Dolado and Lutkepohl (1996) proposed the modified Wald test (MWALD) for
testing restriction on the parameters of VAR model. In order to apply
Toda and Yamamoto (T&Y) approach information about true lag length
and maximum order of integration [d.sub.mux] is required but it does not
require pre-testing for the cointegration properties of system [Shan and
Tian (1998); Zapata and Rambaldi (1997)].
T&Y has shown that pretesting for cointegration rank in
Johansen type ECM are sensitive to the values of the nuisance
parameters, thus causality inference may be severely biased. Toda and
Yamamoto procedure is to fit the Autoregressive or VAR in the level of
the variable rather than first difference as in Granger non-causality
test. The basic idea of TY approach is to artificially augment the
correct order k, of the VAR model by maximal order of integration, say
[d.sub.max] Once this is done a VAR model with ([d.sub.max] + k) order
is estimated and then coefficient of last lagged vector are ignored
means exclude extra added lags and apply the standard Wald test to test
the restriction on the parameters. Specifically we estimate
The initial lag length n, m, k, and l are chosen using AIC
criterion, whereas [e.sub.1t] and [e.sub.2t] are error terms. From 1st
equation, Granger causality from X to Y implies [[alpha].sub.1i] [not
equal to] 0; similarly in 2nd Equation Y Granger cause X, if
[[phi].sub.1j] [not equal to] 0. T&Y proves that Wald statistic used
converges in distribution to a [2.sub.[chi]], no matter whether the
process is stationary or non-stationary and whether it is cointegrated
or not.
In formal causality analysis we use two types of revenues, that is,
total and net revenues. The former implies the revues left to the
federal government after transfers to the provinces. Similarly two types
of expenditures, that is, total and current expenditures are used. Using
annual data on Federal Government of Pakistan's Revenues and
Expenditures from 1978-79 to 2008-09 we obtain the following results.
Table 1 presents the results when total expenditures type is used.
It can be clearly seen that both types of revenues, total and net, are
caused by total expenditures but not vice versa implying clear evidence
of a unidirectional causality from expenditures to revenues.
The results with the other type, that is, the current expenditures
are presented in Table 2.
It is clearly observed that the results are not different from the
previous table, that is, causality runs from expenditures to revenues
with out any feed back. Hence it can be concluded that the results
support the Barro hypothesis for Pakistan, that is, government
expenditures cause's revenues. This means that government first
spends and then, later, to pay for this expenditure, it raises taxes.
This paper investigates the relation between expenditures and
revenues at the federal level of the government of Pakistan for the
period 1978-79 to 2008-09 using the Toda and Yamamoto (1995)
methodology. The results show that there is a unidirectional causality
from expenditures to revenues. The results revealed evidence of the
spend-revenue hypothesis for Pakistan. This suggests that government
first spends and then, later, to pay for this expenditure, it raises
taxes. Potential investors may construe this government behaviour
negatively--that is, investment decisions may take into account the
possibilities of paying higher taxes in future.
Aisha, Z. and S. Khatoon (n.d.) Government Expenditure and Tax
Revenue Causality and Cointegration: The Experience of Pakistan
1972-2007. The Pakistan Development Review. (forthcoming).
Anderson, W., M. S. Wallace, and J. T. Warner (1986) Government
Spending and Taxation: What Causes What? Southern Economic Journal 52.
Engle, R. F. and C. W. J. Granger (1987) Co-Integration and Error
Correction: Representation, Estimation and Testing. Econometrica 55:2,
Fasano, U. and Q. Wang (2002) Testing the Relationship Between
Government Spending and Revenue: Evidence from GCC Countries.
International Monetary Fund. (IMF Working Paper, WP/02/201.)
Gounder, N., P. K. Narayan, and A. Prasad (2007) An Empirical
Investigation of the Relationship Between Government Revenue and
Government Expenditure: The Case of Fiji Islands. International Journal
of Social Economics 34:3, 147-158.
Husain, H. (2005) On the Causal Relationship between Government
Expenditure and Tax Revenue in Pakistan. Lahore Journal of Economics.
Li, X. (2001) Government Revenue, Government Expenditure, and
Temporal Causality from China. Applied Economic Letters 33, 485-497.
Manage, N. and M. Marlow (1986) The Causal Relationship Between
Federal Expenditure and Receipts. Southern Economic Journal 52, 617-629.
Narayan, P. K. and S. Narayan (2006) Government Revenue and
Government Expenditure Nexus: Evidence from Developing Countries.
Applied Economic Letters 38, 285-291.
Owoye, O. (1995) The Causal Relationship Between Taxes and
Expenditure in the G-7 Countries: Cointegration and Error Correction
Models. Applied Economic Letters 2, 19-22.
Peacock, A. T. and J. Wiseman (1961) The Growth of Public
Expenditure in the United Kingdom. Princeton: Princeton University Press. National Bureau of Economic Research.
Von Furstenberg, V. G. M., R. J. Green, and R. J. Jeong (1986) Tax
and Spend or Spend and Tax. Review of Economics and Statistics 68,
179-188. Comments
(1) This paper attempts to re-examine the issue of the relationship
between the government revenue and government expenditure.
(2) The issue is highly relevant from policy perspectives due to
persistent budget deficit in Pakistan.
(3) The study uses Toda and Yamamota methodology and finds that the
direction of causality goes from expenditure to revenue. This clearly
establishes that Barro Hypothesis holds for Pakistan and implying that
the government first spends and than it raises taxes to pay for its
(4) If one looks at the history of fiscal management in Pakistan,
the government has typically failed to reign in its expenditures which
often necessitates resort to taxation.
(5) While the analysis seems vary relevant and fits into the fact.
My feeling is that it has been done on a highly aggregated level. While
aggregation has its own advantages, it also hides many important
features. It may be useful to disaggregate expenditures in terms of
development versus non-development expenditure or perhaps a sectoral
disaggregation may be more appropriate. On the revenue side a
distinction between tax and non-tax revenue could be more meaningful.
Ejaz Ghani
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Fazal Husain <fazalhusain1960@gmail> is Chief of Research,
Muhammad Ali Qasim <muhammad_> is Research
Economist, and Mahmood Khalid <> is
Research Economist at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,
Islamabad, respectively.
Table 1
Causality between Revenues and Total Expenditures
Dependent Variable: Total Revenue
Variables Coeff. t-values Prob.
Const. -5.883 -0.878 0.389
TR(-1) 0.859 3.830 0.001
TE(-1) 0.168 2.340 0.028
Dependent Variable: Total Expenditure
Const. 10.277 0.562 0.580
TR(-1) 0.073 0.118 0.907
TE(-1) 0.246 1.250 0.223
Dependent Variable: Net Revenue
Variables Coeff. t-values Prob.
Const. -8.393 -1.350 0.189
NR(-1) 0.664 2.670 0.013
TE(-1) 0.252 3.960 0.001
Dependent Variable: Total Expenditure
Const. -9.690 -0.501 0.621
NR(-I) -0.340 -0.438 0.665
TE(-1) 0.500 2.520 0.019
Undirectional from Expenditure to Revenue
Table 2
Causality between Revenues and Current Expenditures
Dependent Variable: Total Revenue
Variables Coeff. t-values Prob.
Const. 4.001 0.552 0.586
TR(-1) 0.705 3.440 0.002
TE(-1) 0.257 4.010 0.001
Dependent Variable: Total Expenditure
Const. 29.292 1.250 0.224
TR(-1) 1.123 1.690 0.104
TE(-1) 0.234 1.130 0.270
Dependent Variable: Net Revenue
Variables Coeff. t-values Prob.
Const. -5.426 -0.845 0.406
NR(-1) 0.467 1.890 0.070
TE(-1) 0.314 5.330 0.000
Dependent Variable: Total Expenditure
Const. 1.048 0.044 0.965
NR(-1) 0.316 0.349 0.730
TE(-1) 0.556 2.570 0.017
Undirectional from Expenditure to Revenue