Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. Superfreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes, and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance.
Arif, Umaima
Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. Superfreakonomics: Global
Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes, and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life
Insurance. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 2009.270 pages. Paperback. 14.99
[pounds sterling].
Behavioural economics is an emerging field and superfreakonomics
provides useful insights into human behaviour observed with respect to
issues that have economic implications. The underlying theme of the book
is that human beings respond to incentives. The authors have set up a
number of interesting examples to convey how different incentives work.
The case studies discussed in the book are based on the
authors' recent academic research; motivated by fellow economists
as well as engineers and astrophysicists, psychotic killers and
emergency room doctors, amateur historians and transgender
neuroscientists. Most of the stories fall into one of the two
categories: things you always thought you knew but in fact did not; and
things you never knew you wanted to know, but do know.
The authors, with the help of data, show that drunk walking is
eight times more dangerous than drunk driving. The message is that the
misaligned incentives (penalties) are responsible for this--only drunk
driving is penalised. To show the influence of positive incentives the
authors demonstrate how cable TV might have improved the status of women
in India. A baby Indian girl, who does grow into adulthood, faces
discrimination in provision of education, health care and remuneration
in job market. In a national health survey, 51 per cent of Indian men
said that wife-beating is defensible under certain situations and more
surprisingly, 54 per cent of the women agreed. But things are changing,
albeit at a slow pace. The authors find that cable TV has empowered
Indian rural women--families with cable TV are more likely to have a
lower birth rate and more schooling.
In Chapter 1 of the book the authors explore the various costs of
being a woman. They argue that it is hard to be a woman, in any country,
whether developed or under developed. Practices, such as abandoning a
girl child in China and remuneration-discrimination in corporate
America, make it difficult to lead a woman's life. The authors also
attempt to understand the demand curve for prostitutes. Based on
empirical evidence, they suggest that a street prostitute is similar to
a department store--both take advantage of the higher job opportunities
caused by holidays.
Next, the authors discuss some compelling facts about the causes of
death. They point out that though death from suicide is 575 times more
likely than death in a terror attack, still more attention is devoted to
protection against terrorism. The lesson is but obvious--check only what
is controllable. Another section, pointing to a similar conclusion,
talks about the remarkable work one guy has done to make hospitals more
efficient and to protect patients against misdiagnoses, medication
errors, bacterial infections and technical complications.
Chapter 3 cites various cases of altruism and apathy leading to the
conclusion that people are typically neither as good as thought to be
nor as bad as perceived. Resolution of apparently difficult problems is
found amazingly easy in the following chapter. The authors discuss the
unintended consequence of the law: 'Americans with Disabilities
Act'--the law designed to protect disabled Americans' rights
at the work place, has in fact led to fewer job opportunities for the
disabled. The reason is simple, point out the authors: the Act has made
it difficult for the employers to discipline or lay off a disabled
person. The employers responded by not hiring a person with a
disability. Discussing unintended consequences further, the authors
state that politicians, at times behave as economists do. They use
prices to encourage good behaviour. For example, in recent years, many
governments have based their trash pick-up fees on trash volume--people
made to pay for each extra bag of garbage, will generate less of it.
However the volume charge has motivated citizens to stuff their bags
fuller and dump garbage elsewhere. In Ireland, for example, new garbage
tax resulted in increased backyard trash burning--bad for environment as
well health.
The authors also discuss how the discovery of oil in United States
has functioned as the Endangered Species Act--saving whales from
extinction. By 19th century whale hunting was the engine that helped
turn the United States into a powerhouse. Whale oil was a lubricant for
all sorts of machinery but most of all it was used as lamp fuel. The
demand for whale oil was so great that people hunted the whale, almost
to extinction. Accordingly oil shortage appeared and prices rose. Today,
such an industry might be considered 'too big to fail' but the
whaling industry was failing indeed, with grim repercussions for United
States. But then someone discovered oil in the ground. The new oil
industry has provided job opportunities for the unemployed whalers and,
as a bonus, has functioned as the Endangered Species Act, saving the
whale from near-certain extinction.
In the last chapter, the authors take a cool, hard look at global
warming. They discuss how Intellectual Ventures like geo-engineering can
probably hold up the effects of global warming for a while. This would
provide many additional decades to make the changes required in
production and use of energy. Among other things, Intellectual Ventures,
has thrown up ideas about putting an end to the threat of global warming
and severe hurricanes. The authors have done a good job describing the
idea. The question of how the idea should be put to practice has been
left open.
For the interest of the general reader there is a whole lot of case
studies in the book that would give new insights on common problems.
Umaima Arif
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.