Jonathon Porritt. Capitalism as if the World Matters.
Zakaria, Muhammad
Jonathon Porritt. Capitalism as if the World Matters. London:
Earthscan Publications Ltd. 2008. 360 pages. $ 27.95.
Jonathon Porritt in his book Capitalism as if the World Matters,
tells the readers how capitalism, albeit, a modified one, can solve the
environmental problems. He forcefully suggests that to protect the world
from environmental disasters a modified form of capitalism should be
adopted. Porritt argues that capitalism is not only in tune with
ecological sustainability but also with biospherical sustainability;
however, it only requires some redesigning.
The author argues that prices, under present capitalism, do not
reflect the real environmental costs and goes on to suggest that
environmental taxes should be imposed to internalise the environmental
costs. He believes that the interualisation of environmental costs will
lead to environmental efficiency and create environmental awareness as
well. The author also contends that the cost-internalisation will also
change the structure of the economy in favour of environmentally-neutral
The author terms the environmental and human crises, which the
world is faced with, as the 'unsustainable world'. To overcome
these crises, Porritt suggests making use of five kinds of capitals.
These include: natural, human, social, manufactured and financial
capitals. Porritt believes that the use of these five capitals shall
deliver a modified form of capitalism which would be more concerned
about social welfare. The author also believes that this modified form
of capitalism will decrease poverty, control environmental degradation
and would therefore support 'sustainable development'. To
sum-up, Porritt shows the way to a more responsible form of capitalism.