Impact of global financial crisis on IDB member countries: the case of Gulf Cooperation Council and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Iqbal, Zafar
2008 was a challenging year for the Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
Group as well as its member countries because of unprecedented crises
(food, energy, financial and economic crises). In particular, the
ongoing global financial and economic crisis is source of concern for
the IDB Group because of the magnitude of its impact on member
countries. The banking sector faced unexpected challenges in terms of
business growth, profitability, assets quality and liquidity, especially
in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. The year also witnessed
steep fall in the stock markets in GCC and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
regions. 2009 is also expected to be another challenging year as the
global financial meltdown is causing rising unemployment and pushing
more people into the poverty trap. IDB member countries may face a
sizable decline in foreign capital inflows both from public and private
sources. Due to weakening global economy, economic growth is to
decelerate in both GCC and SSA regions. The current account surplus in
GCC region is to squeeze, while in SSA region it is likely to turn into
deficit. These trends portend a setback for member countries, especially
in SSA region in achieving the millennium development goals (MDGs).
However, the GCC region is relatively well placed to weather the ongoing
financial crisis due to huge oil surpluses accumulated during the last
few years, lower public debt levels, and more than one trillion
sovereign wealth funds, which have cushioned the adverse impacts on
investment plans in the region. In response to these crises, IDB Group
has continued to enhance its development assistance and taken a number
of special initiatives to help member countries mitigate the adverse
impacts of these crises on their socio-economic development. However,
economic recovery in member countries in the coming years will
critically depend upon the deepness of the economic recession and their
policy actions to revive their economies through effective
socio-economic reforms. The instruments of Islamic finance can be
considered a possible cure for the ailing global financial markets.
JEL classification: E65, F36, F43, N10, O11, O53, O55
Keywords: Global Financial Crisis, IDB Member Countries, Gulf
Cooperation Council, Sub-Saharan Africa
The year 2008 witnessed three major crises (food, energy, global
financial and economic crises) and their impacts were increasingly felt
worldwide. Since the eruption of global financial crisis from September
2008, international financial markets have become more turbulent, and
the global economic slowdown is expected to deepen further. Virtually no
country, developing or developed, has escaped from the impact of the
global financial turbulence, although countries that entered the crisis
with less integration into the global economy have generally been less
affected. There is an increasing concern that the ongoing global
financial turbulence is likely to transform into human crisis,
particularly in the developing world.
Although, it will take sometime to assess the full impact of the
these crises on developed as well as developing countries, various
preliminary estimates have been reported about the losses due to these
crises. For example, Kuwait Foreign Minister revealed in Arab Economic
Summit that Arab investors lost $2.5 trillion just in four months
(September to December 2008) due to credit crunch, (1) Similarly,
according to the latest estimate by the Asian Development Bank, the
global financial market losses reached $50 trillion in 2008, which is
equivalent to one year of world GDP. (2)
Like other developing countries, the impacts of these crises have
also been increasingly felt in IDB member countries. Firstly, a large
number of member countries were affected due to high food and fuel
prices and since September 2008, they are being affected directly and
indirectly by the global financial crisis although the channels of
transmission are different from those operating in relatively more
developed member countries.
The objective of this paper is to provide a preliminary assessment
of the first-round and second-round impacts of global financial crisis
in two regions of IDB member countries: Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
(3) region with relatively more developed member countries and
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (4) region with relatively less developed
member countries. The paper is structured as follows. Section II
describes main channels of transmissions of global financial crisis in
GCC and SSA regions. Section III provides first-order impacts of global
financial crisis in both the regions. Section IV provides second-order
impacts of global financial crisis on economic outlook of GCC and SSA
regions. IDB Group responses to these crises are highlighted in Section
V. Conclusion is given in the final Section.
Slow-down in global economic growth adversely affects member
countries through lower demand for their exports; decline in oil and
non-oil commodities prices; significant decline in official and foreign
capital inflows (i.e., official development assistance, grants, foreign
direct investment, and workers' remittances); worsening their
internal and external balances, slow economic growth and set back in
terms of achieving the millennium development goals (MDGs). Due to
ongoing global financial turbulence, world economic growth decelerated
from 4.2 percent in 2007 to 2.6 percent in 2008 and is projected to
decline to negative 0.4 percent in 2009--for the first time in 60 years.
Similarly, output growth in advanced countries decelerated from 2.6
percent in 2007 to 0.9 percent in 2008 and is projected to decline to
negative 2.1 percent in 2009 while economic growth in developing
countries decelerated from 7.8 percent to 6 percent and 3.2 percent,
respectively, during the same period (Figure 1).
The second key global factor affecting growth prospects of member
countries in GCC and SSA is the plunging prices of oil-and non-oil
commodities produced by these countries. The oil price, which increased
by 36.4 percent in 2008 (over 2007) is projected to decline by 48.5
percent in 2009. Similarly, weakening global demand is depressing
commodity prices and creating deflationary conditions around the globe.
The non-oil commodity prices, which increased by 7.4 percent in 2008,
are projected to decline sharply by 29.1 percent in 2009 (Figure 1). Due
to declining prices and contraction in world output, IDB member
countries in GCC and SSA regions, which already felt first- and second
order impacts during 2008, are likely to face more severe impacts in
The immediate and first-order impact of global financial crisis is
felt in member countries in terms of vulnerability of the banking
sector, steep fall in stock markets indices, volatility in exchange rate
markets, and significant decline in prices of oil and non-oil
commodities produced by member countries.
(a) Banking Sector
(i) GCC Region
GCC as one of the biggest markets having an estimated $1.5 - 2
trillion net foreign assets, which could reach to $7 trillion by 2012.
The overall foreign holdings represented 225 percent of the GCC's
gross domestic product. The UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait account for
the bulk of the GCC foreign asset holdings. These massive funds are
placed in the international financial system by way of direct
investments in banking sector, stock exchange markets, telecoms, real
estate, construction and infrastructure in the USA, Europe, Asia, and
the Arab region. (5) Evidently, in the wake of on-going crisis, the GCC
countries are concerned about the depreciation in the values of their
Although, commercial banks in GCC region have strong assets of $1.3
trillion, the seizing of global credit market, lower oil prices, falling
stock markets, and incipient outflows from banks' deposits created
unexpected challenges for the GCC banking sector in terms of their
business growth, profitability, asset quality and liquidity. The
anticipated economic slowdown and tighter liquidity in the region's
financial markets may dampen the performance of GCC banks in the coming
years. Further, eighteen regional banks have been downgraded by Fitch
and six banks by Standard and Poors, which is likely to make it
difficult for raising funds. (6)
The systemic threats to the GCC banking sector is appearing in
terms of a rise in the cost of funding and tight liquidity. Due to
tighter liquidity, the GCC banks are moving to credit market to
refinance themselves. As a result of increasing liquidity demand, the
cost of credit has risen significantly. In particular, the weighted
average credit spread on GCC Conventional Financial Services US Dollar
Bond Index (GCFI) (7) above LIBOR was 259 basis points on 1st September
2008. Since the explosion of global financial crisis, this spread
increased tremendously by about four times (i.e., 947 basis points) on
24 March 2009 (Figure 2).
The majority of assets of the GCC region are not managed by banks
but by Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) like Abu Dhabi Investment Authority or Kuwait Investment Authority. The SWFs invest their funds in a broad
range of securities, but public data about the size and composition of
their assets are not available, and one has to rely on estimates.
According to the estimates, the level of Sovereign Wealth Funds is
between $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion. (8) With a considerable estimated
equity component of 40 percent and more, the losses due to global
financial crisis must have hurt the GCC region's SWFs to a
considerable extent. In the space of just a few months, SWFs from the
GCC region have likely lost billions of dollars by recapitalising the
Western banks.
The banking sector is cushioned by the GCC governments'
support and proactive measures by the central banks. (9) Some of the key
measures taken since early September 2008 are as follows:
* The Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority reduced the Repo rate four
times, bringing it down from 5.5 percent to 2.5 percent, and reduced its
reserve Repo rate from 2 percent to 1.5 percent. It brought down the
capital reserve requirement for commercial banks from 13 percent to 7
percent. It also injected $3 billion into the banking system to improve
liquidity and guaranteed deposits.
* UAE reduced its benchmark Repo rate to 1.5 percent. The UAE
Government also injected $32 billion into the banking system as
long-term deposits to ease liquidity pressure.
* Central Bank of Kuwait reduced its discount rate by 50 basis
points to 3.75 percent and reduced its one month Repo rate from 3
percent to 2.5 percent and capital reserve requirement from 20 percent
to 18 percent. It also provided guaranteeing of deposits.
* Oman Central Bank reduced its Repo rate by 89 basis points to
1.53 percent and cut the capital reserve requirement from 8 percent to 5
* Central Bank of Bahrain also reduced its Repo rate by 75 basis
points to 2.5 percent.
Islamic banks and financial institutions have remained largely
insulated from the first-order impact of the global financial crisis.
This is mainly because of their insulation from 'toxic'
financial assets; Shariah-compliant debt instruments; and prohibition of
speculative activities. However, a major downside risk to growth and
profitability prospects of Islamic banks arises from the projected
global economic recession during 2009 that will inevitability heighten
risk and slowdown credit off-take by businesses across the developing
During the last decade, the Islamic financial services industry had
grown rapidly with annual growth of between 10 percent and 20 percent,
while the number of Islamic finance institutions reached 300 in over 75
countries in 2008. (10) The scope of Islamic finance business had also
expanded to more sophisticated Shariah-compliant financial products.
Clearly, the global financial meltdown has created challenges as well as
opportunities for the industry. Shariah-compliant assets worldwide were
estimated to have reached $800 billion by the end of 2007, a phenomenal
growth in just seven years from $140 billion in 2000. According to a
recent report by McKinsey and Co, (11) Shariah-compliant assets are
projected to reach $1 trillion by 2010. (12) For the same period, the
assets of the Islamic banks in the GCC region grew by 47.5 percent over
2007 to reach $262.7 billion in November 2008, while in the Asia region
they grew by 32.3 percent to reach $67.1 billion during the same period.
The global exposure of Islamic financial industry to financial
services and real estate sector is estimated at over 40 percent. (14) In
the current global economic environment, such a high level of sectoral
concentration will naturally affect the growth prospects of non-bank
segments of the Islamic financial industry. For instance, total issuance
of Sukuk stood at around $14.6 billion in 2008, less than half of nearly
$33 billion recorded in 2007. (15) The sharp decline in Sukuk issuance
was witnessed in the fourth quarter of 2008. This was caused by the
Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions
ruling on the Shariah-compliance of some Sukuk structures in January
2008, as well as by factors related to global financial crisis such as
drying up of liquidity and widening of credit spreads even for prime
borrowers. The weighted average credit spread over LIBOR on Sukuk US
Dollar Bond went up by more than four times (i.e., from 296 basis points
on first September 2008 to 1006 basis point on 24 March 2009 (Figure 3).
(ii) SSA Region
Financial systems in SSA region are less integrated with global
financial markets and thus are less vulnerable. They are generally not
exposed to risks arising from complex derivative instruments and have
not relied substantially on foreign borrowing to finance their
operations. The foreign ownership is rather limited. As a result,
financial institutions in the region have by and large remained
unaffected and domestic money markets are generally functioning
normally. However, if the global financial turbulence deepens further,
the banking sector may be weakened through a decline in the quality of
their credit portfolios, losses on other financial assets, such as
deposits with troubled foreign correspondent banks, or capital
repatriations by troubled parent banks, which are often foreign-owned.
Further, the credit line for the banking sector in the SSA region has
started shrinking while raising funds for new development projects will
not be easy. The international banks are likely to cut-off export and
imports trade lines for the SSA region.
(b) Stock Markets
(i) GCC Region
GCC stock markets have suffered much more compared to stock markets
of the US and other developed countries. Since the onset of the global
financial crisis in early September 2008, GCC stock markets have posted
major losses. Qatar's overall stock market index plummeted by 54.5
percent, followed by Kuwait (53.8 percent), Oman (50.6 percent), Saudi
Arabia (49.7 percent), UAE (Abu Dhabi) 45.7 percent, and Bahrain 41.2
percent between 1st September 2008 and 18 March 2009 (Figure 4).
In order to draw 'right' lessons from the current
turmoil, it is important to understand the underlying reasons for the
boom-bust stock markets performance in the GCC region. Since the GCC
currencies are 'more or less' pegged to the US dollar, the
accommodative monetary policy of the US Federal Reserve was also
followed by their central banks. This led to an explosive growth in the
banking liquidity, which provided an environment for investors in the
GCC region to finance through bank borrowings their growing demand for
stock market shares and real estate investments.
Thus, an 'illusion' of wealth effect is created which
fuels a rise in household wealth and stock prices to rise sharply.
Following the onset of global financial crisis, as a consequence of
major market correction in the GCC region--'stock market
bubble'--investors are forced to cut their spending or liquidate
other assets in order to repay bank debts. A high level of delinquencies
by such investors or households adds to a deterioration in banks'
balance sheets. The earlier GCC experience of steep rise in share prices
between 2004 to 2006 once again demonstrates the universal experience
that credit-driven rise in share prices are 'short-lived'
while only economic growth can generate a sustained net inflow of funds
to drive 'real' stock market performance.
(ii) SSA Region
The direct impact of financial meltdown is being felt in the SSA
region's stock exchange markets as they have moved in the same
direction as stock markets in developed and emerging economies. This is
contrary to earlier expectation that the global crisis may divert
capital flows towards SSA region. It seems that investors are shying
away from regional stock markets that are perceived to be riskier and
are attempting to repatriate their funds to safer places. Between
September 1st 2008 and 16 March 2009, the composite index of securities
exchange of 8 countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union fell by 33.8 percent. This shows that volatility in the stock market is
encouraging investors to shift their capital to safer places. The stock
market has also lost more than 30 percent of market capitalisation since
1st September 2008.
With regard to sector-wise stock market indices, since the
beginning of global financial turmoil, the agriculture sector
experienced steepest decline (55.5 percent), followed by financial (35.8
percent), distribution (35 percent), public utilities (30.6 percent),
and industry (25.3 percent), while transportation (23.5 percent) was the
least affected sector during the period 1st September 2008 to 16 March
2009 (Figure 5).
IDB member countries in Sub-Saharan Africa also experienced reduced
or reverse portfolio inflows as investors are likely to flee into more
liquid or safer assets. However, during the course of 2008, portfolio
inflows have come under some pressure as global liquidity has tightened
and exchange rates and capital markets have become more volatile. Due to
the perceived risk of investing in local-currency denominated assets,
investors have become more concerned about an increase in political and
macroeconomic risks and the liquidity of their assets in the SSA region.
The intensification of global financial market turbulence is likely to
further increase investor's preference for highly liquid and
high-quality assets and may further affect portfolio investment in the
SSA region.
(c) Exchange Rate Markets
Member countries in SSA region have different exchange rate
regimes. In particular, the CFA Franc Zone (including 11 member
countries) has fixed exchange rate with respect to Euro. The global
financial crisis is also being felt in the foreign exchange markets of
SSA region. The exchange rate markets have come under severe pressure
since early September 2008 because a decline of international capital
flows has made the exchange rate markets more volatile, in particular,
against currencies of major trading partners (USA, European Union, China
and India). Since 1st September 2008, currencies of all member countries
in SSA region have depreciated against US dollar and Chinese Yuan, which
will have adverse effects on trade and foreign capital flows. However,
exchange rates in some of the member countries in the SSA region
appreciated against Euro and Indian rupees as these currencies have also
come under pressure since the beginning of September 2008 (Table 1).
(d) International Prices of Oil and Non-oil Commodities
(i) Oil price and Fiscal Vulnerabilities of GCC Region
With crude oil prices having declined significantly from the record
level of $147 per barrel in July 2008 to $40 per barrel in December 2008
and the expected slowing down in the global economy, risks to the
internal and external balances of the GCC countries have increased
significantly. Figure 6 shows the break-even crude oil price (i.e., the
price at which a GCC country would achieve a fiscal balance). Among GCC
countries, the break-even oil price per barrel is highest for Oman $77,
followed by Bahrain $75, Saudi Arabia $49, Kuwait $33, Qatar $24, while
UAE has the lowest break-even oil price of $23 per barrel in order to
achieve the fiscal balance. It implies that, at the level of price of
$40 per barrel, there is a risk that the fiscal balances of Oman,
Bahrain and Saudi Arabia may turn into negative due to lower oil
(ii) Sharp Decline in International Prices of Major Commodities
Produced by SSA Region
The oil-exporting countries in SSA region, (Cameroon, Chad, Gabon,
Nigeria and Sudan) are adversely affected by the sharp decline in
petroleum prices, representing 62 percent decline between September 2008
and February 2009). Since the start of global financial turbulence,
international prices of major products produced in SSA region started to
decline sharply. The decline in the prices in February 2009 (over August
2008) was between 5 percent to 52 percent (Table 2).
If the global financial crisis deepens further, its second-order
impacts are likely to be more severe. These impacts are being felt in
external sector in terms of decline in foreign capital inflows (i.e.,
workers' remittances, foreign direct investment, official
development assistance, and official grants) and deterioration in terms
of trade, which are adversely affecting the current account balances of
member countries. Second, lower prices of oil and non-oil commodities
affect government revenues, consequently the fiscal deficits worsened in
most member countries. Third, worsening external and fiscal balances
result in slowing down of economic growth. Finally, if the financial
turbulence further deepens, there will also be adverse social impacts
(i.e., rising poverty and unemployment) in member countries.
(a) External Sector
(i) Outward Remittances from GCC Region
Expatriate workers not only play a major role in the economic
development of GCC countries but are also a source of remittances to
their countries of origin. In 2007, the outward remittances from the
four GCC countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, and Bahrain) totaled $25
billion. In the face of expected slowdown of economic activity in the
GCC countries, many IDB member countries are likely to experience
widening gaps in their balance of payments position along with adverse
consequences for incomes/poverty levels of remittance-recipient
(ii) Flows of Workers' Remittances into SSA Region
According to the World Bank, workers' remittances in
developing countries are projected to decline from $283 billion in 2008
to $267 billion in 2009, down by 5.7 percent, while in Sub-Saharan
Africa, workers' remittances are projected to decline by 6.8
percent in 2009. (16) Remittances in many member countries in this
region are the major source of funding their current account deficits.
The dependence of member countries on remittances has sharply increased
over the past decade. In 2007, diasporas of 20 member countries in
Sub-Saharan Africa sent back $14.4 billion, representing 4.3 percent of
their GDP. However, recent heightened financial turbulence raises the
risk of a decline in resource flows to SSA region in the form of
workers' remittances.
(iii) FDI Outflows and Inflows from / to GCC Region
Total FDI outflows from six GCC countries reached about $28.3
billion in 2007. In recent years, many member countries have been
recipients of FDI inflows from GCC countries, particularly in their
major infrastructure projects. With lower oil revenues and slower
economic activity, it is likely that FDI outflows from GCC countries
will fall in the coming years. At the same, the FDI flows into GCC
region amounted to $43 billion in 2007, which are also likely to be
affected if the ongoing financial and economic crises prolong.
(iv) FDI Flows to SSA Region
Foreign direct investment had supported the remarkable economic
growth achieved by the SSA region during the last decade. In 2007, IDB
member countries in SSA region received FDI flows of $19.2 billion,
representing 5.7 percent of their GDP. The FDI in member countries was
attracted by the services sector particularly telecommunications.
However, tightening of global credit conditions is likely to lower FDI
flows to the region. Since a substantial and growing part of FDI flows
in the SSA region comes from China, India, and the Gulf countries, the
reversal of such flows by the risk-averse investors can make the region
more vulnerable.
(v) ODA to SSA Region
Many member countries in SSA region expect that official
development assistance (ODA) will slow down or postpone promised
increases as crisis-hit rich countries are reassessing their fiscal
priorities and aid commitments since the advent of ongoing financial
turmoil. Even before the financial crisis, ODA donors were not on track
to achieve the target. In 2006, 17.7 percent ($23.8 billion) of
aggregate net ODA was disbursed to member countries in SSA region, which
declined to 11 percent ($15.9 billion) in 2007. Therefore, any further
reduction in ODA will put more pressure on domestic resource
mobilisation in order to finance the external account deficits of member
countries in the region.
(vi) External Debt Distress in SSA Region
In the last decade, sustained economic growth and sound economic
policies had helped most Sub-Saharan African member countries to achieve
debt sustainability. According to the IMF, fuel and food crises have
already pushed 6 member countries (Comoros, Cote d' Ivoire, Guinea,
Guinea Bissau, Sudan, and Togo) into debt distress (i.e. countries
already having debt repayments difficulties), while 3 member countries
(Burkina Faso, Djibouti, and Gambia) are at high risk (with one or more
debt burden indicators breaching the thresholds, defined in terms of net
present value of external debt and debt servicing as percent of exports,
GDP and revenue) (Table 3). Therefore, if the global financial deepens,
more member countries are likely to find themselves in debt distress.
(vii) Current Account Balance of GCC Region
All the GCC countries have posted higher current account surpluses
in 2008 compared to 2007, mainly due to the rising oil revenues.
Consequently, the combined current account surplus of the GCC region
reached 31.6 percent of GDP in 2008, which is projected to decline to 25
percent in 2009, reflecting the decline in oil price (Figure 7).
(viii) Current Account Balance of SSA Region
The SSA region experienced a current account surplus of 7.5 percent
of GDP in 2008, due to higher prices of oil and non-oil commodities
during the first half of 2008. However, the region's current
account surplus is projected to turn into deficit in 2009, depending
upon how deep and long the economic recession prevails (Figure 8). In
particular, lower global economic growth and deterioration in terms of
trade are projected to reduce the demand for exports of goods and
services in SSA region. Increasing trade links with the European Union,
China, India and other emerging markets have also helped the SSA region
in achieving sustainable growth during the last decade. Therefore, due
to slowdown in output growth and consequently lower demand in these
countries will have adverse impacts on the regional exports prospects.
(c) Economic Growth
(i) GCC Region
The GCC region experienced real GDP growth of above 5 percent
during the last six years. In particular, the region witnessed a
remarkable growth of 6.7 percent due to higher commodity prices and
strong domestic demand. Despite the subdued global economic environment,
the real GDP in 2009 is projected to grow by 4.2 percent in the GCC
countries (Figure 9). Slow GDP growth will be due to deceleration in
both oil and non-oil GDP, reflecting spillovers from the global
financial crisis as well as lower oil prices in the region. Most of the
growth is expected to come from the non-oil sector as the GCC countries
have made a lot of efforts on the diversification of their economies
during the last few years. It is worth noting that the oil and gas
sector contributed about 56 percent of nominal GDP for the GCC economies
in 2008. With the declining oil prices, this share is expected to
decline to 39 percent in 2009. (17)
The demand for crude oil and products of the GCC's heavy
industries like petrochemicals and aluminum is expected to suffer.
Besides, financing for large ongoing mega projects in the region will
not be as readily available as in the past and might affect the cost
structure or even the feasibility of some mega industrial projects. The
real estate sector is equally being hit especially in more heated
markets like Dubai, where it has relied heavily on debt financing and
speculation. The high demand by the people of the GCC countries for
imported as well as domestically produced products is likely to decline
in the coming years. However, the strategic reserves from the windfall
oil revenues of the previous three years may help sustain the
region's growth.
(ii) SSA Region
The current global financial crisis has come at a time when a large
number of member countries in Sub-Saharan Africa are enjoying high rates
of economic growth. In 2008, the SSA region experienced a growth of 4.9
percent, which is lower than the growth rate of 5.8 percent achieved in
2007. However, the ongoing financial turbulence will have an adverse
impact on economic growth in the region as the growth projections for
2009 is 4.5 percent (Figure 10). As a result of financial turbulence,
the markets for exports of SSA region are expected to be adversely
affected. Therefore, reduced demand for SSA region's exports will
dampen its economic growth prospects. According to the World Bank
estimates, a 1 percentage point decline in growth in (and export demand
from) trading partners reduces GDP growth in Sub-Saharan Africa by about
0.5 percentage point, in addition to any effects from commodity price
(d) Social Indicators
(i) Unemployment
Young men and women are the greatest assets in any country. They
bring energy, talent, and creativity into economies and lay the
foundations for future economic development. Currently, most of the IDB
member countries, particularly GCC economies are experiencing
demographic dividend. In the GCC region, total youth population (both
boys and girls) was 5.84 million in 2002, which in 4 years rose to 6.37
million, showing an average growth of 2.27 percent per annum. During the
same period, youth employment increased from 1.71 million to 1.84
million, a growth of 1.96 percent per annum. Further, the
employment-to-youth population ratio was significantly low at 29.2
percent in 2002 and 28.9 percent in 2006, compared to the world ratio of
47.5 percent and 47.3 percent, respectively. This indicates that about
70 percent of the youth population was not directly involved in
market-related activities, either because they were unemployed or (more
likely) out of the labour force altogether. The scenario highlights the
point that unless appropriate and timely policies are formulated by
member countries, the demographic transition, instead of dividend, might
in fact become a burden, putting an unbearable strain on the national
budget and domestic resources. In particular, there is an urgent need to
develop strategies aimed at giving young people a chance to make the
most of their potential through decent employment. Further, creating
equal opportunities for both youth male and female also remains a major
challenge in the GCC region. It is extremely important that women's
participation in the labour market, in conformity with society's
religious norms, continues to grow in such a way that they find
themselves productive and are able to contribute to the overall economic
According to a recent IDB study, with the current economic growth,
member countries will not be able to achieve the MDG target of full
employment by 2015. This will only be possible if they are able to
achieve and maintain real output growth of 8 percent by 2020. With the
slowing economic growth, it will be difficult for both public and
private sectors to generate new jobs. (18) The number of unemployed
person in 21 SSA member countries increased from 10.5 million in 2003 to
11.7 million in 2006. Most of the IDB member countries in Sub-Saharan
Africa are already facing the negative impacts of high food and fuel
prices on employment and, the financial crisis will further aggravate
this problem. With the slow output growth, reduced exports, and low
levels of official and private capital inflows in 2008 and 2009, one can
safely predict the adverse impact on employment in SSA region.
(ii) Poverty
If the ongoing financial turbulence transforms into human crisis in
the developing world, it will have severe impact on the poor people in
the SSA region. According to an IDB study, poverty in Sub-Saharan
African member countries has already been increasing over time as the
population living below poverty line (under $1 per day) went up from
52.6 percent in 1990 to 55.6 percent in 2004. (19) The slow economic
growth in SSA region is likely to aggravate the poverty situation.
According to the World Bank estimates, the number of poor pushed into
poverty in 2008 was 130-155 million as a result of the food and fuel
crises and the spreading global financial and economic crisis will trap
53 million more people in poverty in developing countries.
(iii) Progress in Other MDGs
The GCC member countries are on track in most of the MDGs. However,
slow economic growth and lower levels of official and private capital
flows are likely to have an adverse impact on the progress towards the
achievements of MDGs in member countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Given the enormity of challenges facing member countries due to
recent crises, IDB Group has continued to assist member countries. IDB
Group increased Its overall financing by 5.2 percent and project
financing by 17 percent in 2008. The Group plans to increase its
development assistance further by 15 percent in 2009. In addition, it
also responded to assist them through launching specific initiatives,
particularly, Programme to assist its LDMCs facing the adverse
consequences of the global financial and economic crisis; Jeddah
Declaration; Special Programme for the Development of Africa; and
Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development.
The IDB Group launched a Programme in January 2009 to assist its
least developed member countries facing the adverse consequences of the
global financial and economic crisis. The Programme aims at scaling up
commitments and disbursements, supporting economic recovery and capacity
development. For the period 2008 to 2010, incremental commitments in
lending and guarantee operations is estimated at $6.6 billion. IDB Group
will expedite disbursements for active or on-going projects and
programmes and consider disbursements in advance through establishment
of special accounts; approve additional projects in public works where
disbursement can be made within a very short period of time; reduce the
requirement for counterpart funds to be provided by the government in
IDB approved projects; consider additional funding if any co-financier
withdraws due to the crisis; reduce immediate repayment burden, revise
where necessary the project repayment schedules in the most affected
In responding to the food crisis, which engulfed the whole world
and negatively affected most member countries, the IDB Board of
Governors, at their 33rd Annual Meeting held on 2-4 June 2008 in Jeddah,
adopted the Jeddah Declaration committing $1.5 billion over five years.
This Initiative is aimed at supporting hard hit member countries to
strengthen their food security and revitalise their agriculture sector.
Through this initiative, the IDB Group is supporting improvements in
agriculture productivity and rural incomes through enhancing access to
inputs and services, improving infrastructure and strengthening support
institutions in the sector.
Poverty and human development continue to be the main focus of the
vast majority of IDB member countries, particularly the LDMCs. The IDB
Group launched in May 2007 the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development
(ISFD), which formally began its operations in January 2008. The ISFD is
in the form of a Waqf (Trust), with a principal targeted capital of $10
billion. The Fund is aimed at reducing poverty in OIC member countries.
2008 was a challenging year for the IDB Group and its member
countries because of unprecedented crises. Each crisis has weakened the
ability of IDB member countries to meet the challenge of the subsequent
crisis. The crises are a source of concern for the IDB Group because of
the magnitude of their impact on the economies of member countries and
the lives of poor people. They are adversely affected by rising
unemployment and poverty, declining private and public foreign capital
flows, and sharp deceleration in global output and trade. Consequently,
the internationally agreed MDGs appear to suffer a serious setback as
the decade-long gains made by member countries are being eroded.
In 2009, in SSA region, economic growth is projected to slow down
and the current account balances is projected to deteriorate due to
reduced demand for their exports, lower prices of their commodities,
lower flows of remittances, foreign direct investment, ODA and official
grants. In the GCC region, although the sharp decline in oil prices have
a dampening effects on their growth and current account surpluses, the
member countries in the region are expected to sustain public spending,
particularly in infrastructure and to boost domestic demand. However,
economic recovery in member countries in the coming years will
critically depend upon the deepness of economic recession and their
policy actions to revive their economies through effective socioeconomic
Since instruments of Islamic finance are insulated from
'toxic' financial assets and prohibit speculative activities,
it can provide better cure for global financial crisis and avoid
pro-longed deep economic recession.
Author's Note: Useful comments of Lamine Doghri, Aftab Cheema,
and Mohammad Ahmed Zubair are gratefully acknowledged. Data support by
Abdullateef Bello, Aamir Ghani Mir, Abdinasir Nur, and Cheick Amadou
Diallo is much appreciated. The views expressed in the paper are the
Author's and do not necessarily reflect those of the Islamic
Development Bank Group, its Board of Governors, its Board of Directors
or its Member Countries.
Asian Development Bank (2009) Global Financial Turmoil and Emerging
Market Economies: Major Contagion and a Shocking Loss of Wealth.
Dubai International Financial Exchange and Honk Kong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation (2009) HSBC/ DIFX GCC Conventional Financial
Services US Dollar Bond Index.
Gulf One Investment Bank (2008) Islamic Finance: Opportunities and
Challenges. Research Bulletin 1:12.
Islamic Development Bank (2008) Sovereign Wealth Funds, Current
Information Note No. 101.
Islamic Development Bank (2008) The Challenge of Unemployment ill
IDB Member Countries: Can They Achieve the Target of Full Employment by
Islamic Development Bank (2008) Achieving the Targets of IDB 1440H
Vision and the Millennium Development Goals: Scorecard for Member
McKinsey and Co (2007) The World Islamic Banking Competitiveness
Report 2007/08: Capturing the Trillion Dollar Opportunity.
Millennium Finance Corporation (2009) Gulf Cooperation Council Year
Saudi Gazette (2008) GCC's Private Wealth Reserves Over $1.5
The Banker Magazine (2008) Top-500 Islamic Financial Institutions,
World Bank (2008) Migration and Development Brief.
Zafar Iqbal <> is Senior Economist, Islamic
Development Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
(1) Arab Economic Summit was held in Kuwait on 19-20 January 2009.
(2) Asian Development Bank (March 2009) "Global Financial
Turmoil and Emerging Market Economies: Major Contagion and a Shocking
Loss of Wealth".
(3) The Gulf Cooperation Council includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE.
(4) Sub-Saharan Africa includes Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon,
Chad, Comoros, Cote D'Ivoire, Djibouti, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea,
Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritaia, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal,
Sierra Leone, Somalia, Suda, Togo, and Uganda.
(5) Report by Institute for International Finance (IIF),
Washington, (Saudi Gazette, 1st November 2008).
(6) Millennium Finance Corporation, GCC Year Book 2009.
(7) The most common indicator for cost of credit used is HSBC/ DIFX
GCC Conventional Financial Services US Dollar Bond Index (GCFI), which
is designed as a replicable benchmark tracking the return of all
emerging GCC Conventional Financial Services bon portfolio. It consists
of USD/ GBP/ JPY/ EUR-denominated fixed/floating rate vanilla
conventional bonds.
(8) IDB Current Information Note No. 101 on "Sovereign Wealth
Funds", reported the SWFs in GCC region between $1 trillion (lower
limit) to $1.6 trillion (upper limit).
(9) For more detail, see GCC Year Book, March 2009.
(10) 'Islamic Finance: 'Opportunities and
Challenges', published by Gulf One Investment Bank Research
Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 12, December 2008.
(11) McKinsey and Co. Report, December 2007.
(12) According to Moody's projections, Shariah-compliant
assets worldwide are expected to reach $4 trillion by 2015.
(13) 'Top-500 Islamic Financial Institutions', Supplement
published by The Banker Magazine, November 2008.
(14) 'Islamic Finance: Opportunities and Challenges',
(15) 'Islamic Finance: Opportunities and Challenges',
(16) World Bank, "Migration and Development Brief" (11
November 2008).
(17) Millennium Finance Corporation, GCC Year Book 2009 (March
(18) IDB study (November 2008), "The Challenge of Unemployment
in IDB Member Countries: Can They Achieve the Target of Full Employment
by 2015?".
(19) IDB Study (July 2008) "Achieving the Targets of IDB 1440H
Vision and the Millennium Development Goals: Scorecard for Member
Table 1
Volatility in Nominal Exchange Rate in SSA Region Between
1st September 2008 and 16 March 2009
% Change % Change
Mozambique (Meticle, MZM) -8.7 -3.5
Guinea (Franc) -0.6 -11.3
Sierra Leone (Leone, SLL) -4.3 -7.9
Uganda (Shilling, UGX) -19.7 9.7
Somalia (Shilling, SSO) 0.1 -12.0
Comoros (Franc, KMF) -13.3 0.0
Mauritania (Ouguia, MRO) -9.0 2.4
Sudan (Dinar, SDD) -7.7 -4.6
Djibouti (Franc) -0.7 -11.2
Nigeria (Naira.NGN) -20.7 11.1
Gambia (Bambian Dalasi GMD) -16.0 4.9
CFA Franc Zone -12.2 0.0
Yuan LCU/Indian Rs
% Change % Change
Mozambique (Meticle, MZM) -8.6 9.6
Guinea (Franc) -0.6 19.3
Sierra Leone (Leone, SLL) -4.3 14.9
Uganda (Shilling, UGX) -19.6 -3.5
Somalia (Shilling, SSO) 0.2 20.2
Comoros (Franc, KMF) -12.2 5.4
Mauritania (Ouguia, MRO) -14.0 3.3
Sudan (Dinar, SDD) -7.6 10.9
Djibouti (Franc) -0.7 19.2
Nigeria (Naira.NGN) -20.7 -4.8
Gambia (Bambian Dalasi GMD) -15.9 0.9
CFA Franc Zone -12.1 5.5
Source: FX History Online (
CFA Franc Zone includes Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Cote
d'Ivoire, Gibon, Guinea Bisau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo.
Table 2
International Prices of Major Commodities Produced in
Sub-saharan Africa
% Change in Prices
(February 2009
Commodity Over August 2008)
Oil, Brent -62.0
Cocoa -5.3
Coffee -28.7
Coconut Oil -43.5
Groundnut Oil -45.4
Bananas -7.9
Fishmeal -15.7
Meat, Sheep -20.2
Sugar -9.2
Logs, Cameroon -23.9
Swanwood, Cameroon -27.9
Cotton -29.2
Aluminum -51.9
Table 3
Debt Sustainability Analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa
(Last Updated, 2 March 2009)
Minimum Grant
Risk of Debt Element for
Repayment External Financing (%)
In Debt Distress
Comoros In Debt Distress 50
Cote d' Ivoire In Debt Distress 35
Guinea In Debt Distress 35
Guinea-Bissau In Debt Distress 50
Sudan In Debt Distress *
Togo In Debt Distress 35
High Risk
Burkina Faso High Risk 35
Djibouti High Risk n.a.
Gambia High Risk 45
Moderate Risk
Benin Moderate Risk 35
Chad Moderate Risk *
Mauritania Moderate Risk 35
Niger Moderate Risk 35
Sierra Leone Moderate Risk 35
Low Risk
Cameroon Low Risk *
Mali Low Risk 35
Mozambique Low Risk 35
Nigeria Low Risk *
Senegal Low Risk 35
Uganda Low Risk 35
Low Risk, when all the debt burden indicators are well below the
Moderate Risk, when debt burden indicators are below
the thresholds but they be breached if there are external shocks or
abrupt changes in macroeconomic policy.
High Risk, when one or more debt burden indicators breach the
In Debt Distress, when the country is already having repayment
* There is no binding minimum concessionality requirement for
countries which not under the IMF Poverty Reduction and Growth
Facility (PRGF).
Fig. 4. Overall Stock Market Index GCC Countries, 2008 and 2009
(Percent Change)
1st Sept. 2008 to March 2009
Bahrain -41.2
Kuwait -53.8
Oman -50.6
Qatar -54.5
Saudi Arabia -49.7
UAE -45.7
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Fig. 5. Regional Stock Market Indices in UEMOA (Percent Change
on 16 March 2009 Over 1st Sept. 2008)
1st Sept to 14 Jan. 2009
Composite -33.8
Industry -25.3
Public Utilities -30.6
Financial -30.6
Transportation -35.8
Agriculture -23.5
Distribution -35.0
Source: The BRVM Website, (
1/The West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) includes Benin,
Burkina Faso, Cote-d'Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal,
and Togo.
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Fig. 7. Current Account Balance of GCC Region (% of GDP)
2003 12.8
2004 18.2
2005 27.9
2006 29.0
2007 25.8
2008 31.6
2009 25.0
Source: Islamic Development Bank (March 2009).
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Fig. 8. Current Account Balance of SSA Region (% of GDP)
2003 -5.6
2004 -0.4
2005 0.8
2006 2.2
2007 -1.8
2008 7.5
2009 -0.03
Source: Islamic Development Bank (March 2009).
Fig. 9. Real GDP Growth in GCC Region (Annual Change, in Percent)
2003 9.1
2004 7.5
2005 7.0
2006 5.6
2007 5.4
2008 6.7
2009 4.2
Source: Islamic Development Bank (2009).
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Fig. 10. Real GDP Growth in SSA Region (Annual Change, in Percent)
2003 7.4
2004 7.7
2005 5.2
2006 6.0
2007 5.8
2008 4.9
2009 4.5
Source: Islamic Development Bank (March 2009).
Note: Table made from bar graph.