Residential demand for electricity in Pakistan.
Nasir, Muhammad ; Tariq, Muhammad Salman ; Arif, Ankasha 等
For about a year now, Pakistan is facing the worst energy crisis of
her history. If on one hand, the increase in the oil prices at the world
level is severely affecting the common masses, on the other hand, the
shortage of electricity is creating havoc in the country. Beside others,
one important reason that is advocated for this shortage is the rise in
electricity demand due to increase in production as well as rise in
household income.
Furthermore, it is believed that increasing the unit price of
electricity will reduce the electricity demand. That is why the unit
prices of electricity vary with different range of unit usage. This
motivates us to calculate price elasticity as well. Hence, using time
series data from 1979 to 2006, we estimated ARDL model to investigate
income and price elasticities of electricity demand. Our results show
that electricity demand is price inelastic in both short run and long
run. Moreover, income elasticity is almost unitary in short run as well
as in long run. In addition, household size has a strong positive impact
on electricity demand in Pakistan.
JEL classification: Q41, Q43
Keywords: Energy Crises, Income Elasticity, Price Elasticity, ARDL
Model, Residential Demand
Undoubtedly, in the new millennium, the importance of energy sector
for the development of a country is undeniable. Rapidly increasing
knowledge along with speedy technological innovation has resulted in the
provision of abundance of facilities. This has made the human beings,
consumers or producers, much demanding for energy sources that are used
to run mechanical processes. There are various sources of energy which
include oil, electricity, gas, coal and nuclear. Countries differ in the
usage of alternative energy sources. In Pakistan the major energy source
is gas which is 41 percent of the total energy supplied. The other
energy supply sources along with their percentage shares are as follow:
oil (29 percent), hydro (12.70 percent), coal (12 percent) and nuclear
(1 percent). (1)
Electricity is one of the most important source of energy in
Pakistan. It has become a necessity in the present life, having a wide
range of uses in residential as well as in commercial sector. Table 1
describes the major domestic users of electricity in Pakistan along with
their respective shares of consumption. It is obvious from the table
that residential consumption of electricity has the highest share. This
clearly shows the dependence of the households on electric appliances in
their daily life. Households mainly use electricity for refrigerating,
cooling, washing and entertainment purposes, since due to huge reserves
and low price, cooking and heating are mostly done by natural gas. Due
to rapid increase in technological innovations together with the growth
in domestic electric appliances industry has made it affordable for more
people to use these cheaper electric appliances in their daily work.
Unfortunately, for about a year now, Pakistan is facing the worst
energy crisis of her history. On one hand, the increase in the oil
prices at the world level is severely affecting the common masses; on
the other hand, the shortage of electricity is creating havoc in the
country. In order to cope with this situation the government is taking
various measures. It is doing extensive load-shedding all over country
which ranges from 8 to 16 hours a day. It has tried to save daylight by
moving the time an hour ahead but this practice is not helping much. In
addition, per unit price increase is also on a move. Nevertheless, all
these steps may only be considered as nominal which may not be fruitful
in the current crisis. This shortage of electric power may be the result
of higher demand or lesser supply or both. Our focus, however, in this
study is limited to the demand side of the issue.
Beside others, one important reason that is advocated for this
shortage is the rise in electricity demand due to increase in production
as well as rise in household income. In this sense, this electricity
shortage is presented as a colored side of the picture instead of black
one. To investigate the reality of this claim, it would be interesting
to find out the income elasticity of electricity demand. Furthermore, it
is believed that increasing the unit price of electricity will reduce
the electricity demand. That is why the unit prices of electricity vary
with different range of unit usage. So price elasticity is calculated as
well. In addition, high population growth is also considered an
important factor for increase in electricity demand. Hence, the
objective of this paper is to calculate income, price, and household
size elasticities of electricity demand for Pakistan using time series
data from 1979 to 2006. (2) Moreover, in order to capture the variation
in prices charged for different ranges of unit usage, we also
constructed a price index for electricity for this study.
The literature on residential demand for electricity is very rich
and can be traced back to 1950s. Different researchers conducted various
studies to estimate the short run and long run income and price
elasticities of electricity demand. Among them, Houthakker (1951) in his
paper studies the U.K residential electricity demand for 42 provincial
towns from 1937 to 1938. Using double logarithmic model the study
estimates an income elasticity of 1.17, price elasticity of -0.89 and a
cross elasticity of 0.21. However, it is difficult to infer from the
study that these are short run or long run elasticities. Fisher and
Kaysen (1962) studies residential and industrial electricity demand for
U.S. The data set consists of 47 states from 1946 to 1957. Results,
however, show that price has a little influence on long run electricity
demand. In a similar study, Houthakker and Taylor (1970) estimates both
the short run and long run elasticities of the domestic consumption of
electricity for period 1947-1964. The short run income and price
elasticities are 0.13 and -0.13 respectively. The respective long run
income and price elasticities are 1.93 and -1.89.
Although income elasticity is expected to have positive sign
theoretically and this infact is observed in almost all empirical
studies regarding electricity demand, Wilson (1971) finds negative
income elasticity along with negative price elasticity. The negative
income elasticity, -0.46, suggests that electricity is an inferior good.
The price elasticity comes out to be -1.33. The study uses cross
sectional data for 77 cities to find residential demand for electricity.
Variables used are average electricity consumption per house hold, price
of electricity, average price of natural gas, medium family income, and
average number of rooms per household and number of degree days.
Estimations are done by using linear and log-linear models. Similarly,
Mount, et al. (1973) investigates residential, commercial and industrial
electricity demand using pooled cross sectional and time series data
from 1947 to 1970 for 47 states. Least square and instrumental variable
techniques are used to estimate income, own price and cross price
elasticities. The results of least square technique show that
residential short run and long run income elasticities are 0.02 and
0.20, price elasticities as -0.14 and -1.20 whereas cross elasticities
with respect to price of gas as 0.02 and 0.19 respectively.
Anderson (1973) analyses residential electricity demand for years
1960 and 1970 of 50 states. The study uses two models, one for the
prediction of stock of equipment that uses energy and other for the
utilisation of energy. In the utilisation of energy model, double log
model is used. Direct and indirect estimations are done showing the
results of price elasticity to be -1.12 and 0.28 respectively. In a
different study, Houthakker, et al. (1973) studies time series and cross
sectional data to find residential demand for electricity for years 1960
to 1971 for 48 states. Making use of Error Correction Model, two
estimations are done. In first estimation marginal rates in 100-250 Kwh
are taken into account while in other marginal rates in 100-500 Kwh are
considered for the data of price. First estimation (of 100-250Kwh block)
results show that short run income elasticities is 0.15 and long run
income elasticity is 2.20, whereas the short run and long run price
elasticities are -0.03 and -0.44 respectively. Results of second
estimations (of 100-500 Kwh block) show that short run and long run
income elasticities are 0.14 and 1.64 respectively. While the respective
short run and long run price elasticities are -0.09 and - 1.02.
Halvorsen (1975) uses pooled data of 48 states of America from 1961 to
1969 to investigate residential demand for electricity. Using two staged
least square (2SLS) method for estimations, the study concludes that the
own price elasticity is between -1.00 to -1.21. The estimated direct
income elasticities are all with in the range of 0.47 to 0.54, whereas
the cross price elasticity (with respect to gas price) ranges from 0.04
to 0.08.
Hsiao and Mountain (1985) studies the income elasticity of
electricity demand by using cross sectional data for the Ontario
province, Canada. Conditional mean method and Pseudo-instrumental
variable method are used to find short run income elasticities by using
different variables. Income elasticity comes out to be 0.1614 in
Conditional mean method and 0.1740 in pseudo-instrumental mean.
Filippini (1999) investigates residential demand for electricity for
Switzerland using data of 48 cities form 1987-1990. Using the variables
residential consumption of electricity per city in Kwh, electricity
price index, household personal income, household size, number of
households in city, heating degree days and dummy for all households who
face two part time tariffs, the OLS model estimates income and price
elasticities as 0.391 and -0.595 respectively.
Although most of the literature concentrates on the estimated
elasticities, Bentzen and Engsted (2001) focuses on the techniques used
for such estimation. The study compares the results of the ARDL model
with cointegration methods and ECM. It finds no big difference and
concludes that after fulfilling some requirements, the ARDL model gives
valid results and can be used for estimating energy demand relationship,
as was the tradition in studies till late 1980s. Filippini and Pachauri
(2002) investigates income and price elasticities in Indian urban areas
for the seasons of winter, monsoon and summer. Data of 30972 households
is used from household expenditure survey for year 1993-94. Data set is
divided into winter, summer and monsoon season. Double log model is used
for estimations. The estimated price elasticities for winter, monsoon
and summer is -0.32,-0.39 and -0.16 respectively while income elasticity
is 0.689, 0.647 and 0.658 respectively.
In a recent study, Hondroyiannis (2004) estimates residential
electricity demand in Greece by using monthly data from 1986-1999. Like
some other studies, it also incorporates temperature as an explanatory
variable. The results show that in the short run, electricity demand is
not affected by price, income and temperature. In the long run, however,
income elasticity is greater than one i.e., 1.56, price elasticity is
-0.41 and that of temperature is -0.19. Likewise, Holtedahl and Joutz
(2004) uses a VAR model to estimate electricity demand for Taiwan. The
study reveals that short run and long run income elasticities are 0.23
and 1.04. Similarly the short run price elasticity is -0.15 showing that
it is inelastic.
Using the partial flow adjustment approach and simultaneous
equation approach Kamerschena, and Porterb (2004), investigates the
electricity demand for period 19731998 for U.S. Estimates of residential
price elasticities vary from -0.85 to -0.94 in 3SLS. However, estimates
of price elasticities by partial-adjustment model shows biased results
since the problem of endogeneity is not taken into consideration.
Narayan and Smyth (2005) uses two models to estimate electricity demand
in Australia. In model 1 the natural logs of levels of the variables are
taken, whereas in model 2 the natural log of the ratio of the real price
of electricity to the real price of natural gas, per capita residential
electricity consumption, real per capita income, and temperature are
used. In model 1 income and own price elasticities in short run are
0.0121 and -0.263 respectively where as for long run they are 0.323 and
-0.541 respectively. In model 2 income elasticities in short run and
long run are 0.0415 and 0.408 respectively. The relative price variable,
in both short and long run, is significant at 1 percent.
The household demand for electricity is different from the
commercial demand. In this study, we follow the model used by Filippini
(1998). It is based on the household production theory. According to this theory, household purchases goods from the market, which are then
combined to produce commodities. The household derives utility from
these commodities; hence they appear as arguments in the utility
function of the household. In this case, the two goods are electricity
and capital equipment. The household can not derive utility from either
of these goods independently. Thus he combines these two goods to
produce a composite energy commodity. Thus the composite commodity Q is
given as.
Q = Q(E,K) (1)
Where E is the electricity and K is the common stock in the form of
electric appliances. The utility function of the household is
U = U (Q, X; D, G) (2)
Where D and G are demographic and geographic characteristics
affecting household preferences. X is the composite numeraire good that
directly yields utility to the household. The household budget
constraint is given by:
Y = [P.sub.Q] x Q + 1.X (3)
Where Y is the income, [P.sub.Q] is the price of composite good commodity and [P.sub.x] is the price of composite numeraire good X.
The household have two stage optimisation decisions. In the first
stage it will decrease its cost of producing Q, thus behaving as firm.
This can be written as
Min ([P.sub.E] x E + [P.sub.K] x K) Subject to Q = Q(E,K) (4)
Where [P.sub.E] and [P.sub.K] are the prices of electricity and
electric appliances. The optimisation will provide cost function:
C = C ([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], Q) (5)
The derived input demand functions are obtained by applying
Shephard's lemma as shown
E = [partial derivative]C([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], Q)/[partial
derivative][P.sub.E] = E([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], Q) (6)
K = [partial derivative]C([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], Q)/[partial
derivative][P.sub.K] = K([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], Q) (7)
In the other stage of the optimisation problem, the household
maximise utility
Max U (Q, X; D, G) Subject to C ([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], Q) + X
" Y (8)
Formulating lagrangian function:
L = U((Q, X; D, G) + [lambda] (Y - C([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], Q) - X))
Demand function for commodities S and X is:
[Q.sup.*] = [Q.sup.*] ([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], Y; D, G) (10)
[X.sup.*] = [X.sup.*] ([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], Y; D, G) (11)
Using Equations (6), (7) and (10) we obtain the input demand
functions given as follow:
E = E ([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], [Q.sup.*] ([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], Y; D,
G) = E ([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], Y; D, G) (12)
K = K (([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], [Q.sup.*}) ([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], Y;
D, G) = K ([P.sub.E], [P.sub.K], Y; D, G) (13)
Equation 12 is our required equation. It shows the dependence of
the electricity demand on the price of electricity, prices of
appliances, income, demographic and geographic variables. We can expect
two types of responses from the consumer. In the short run, for example
due to a price change, the consumer will change the rate of utilisation
of electricity. In the long run, however, he could change the
electric/appliances in such a way the less electricity using appliance
are used by him. Thus we will estimate both short run and long run
elasticities. For this purpose we will use log-linear specification (3).
In the literature on electricity demand, the practice of using the
autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) was very common till late 1980s.
However, the finding that the variables used in the estimation of energy
demand relationship are non-stationary and are integrated of order one
led to use of cointegration methods and ECMs for the estimation of short
run and long run energy demand elasticities. The reason for the
abandonment of the ARDL model was that, in the presence of
non-stationary variables, the standard statistical results in general
were not authentic [Bentzen and Engsted (2001)]. However, Sims (1990),
and Pesaran and Shin (1999) have shown that the ARDL model is still
valid in the presence of I(1) variables if there is unique long
relationship among the variables. (4) Since all of the variables in our
study are found to be I(1) and there is a unique cointegrating vector,
we apply ARDL model in our estimations. A general ARDL (p, q) model for
electricity demand (ED) as a function electricity price (EP), household
income (HHI), household size (HHS) and their respective lags can be
written as
The short run price, income and household size elasticities, which
are [[gamma].sub.1], [[gamma].sub.2], [[gamma].sub.3] can be obtained by
applying the OLS technique on Equation (14). The long run elasticities
can then be obtained by dividing the sum of current and lagged values of
each variable by one minus the sum of lagged values of the dependant
variable. (5) One simple criterion, mostly used for the selection of
appropriate lag length is Schwarz Bayesian Criterion (SBC). We also
follow this criterion in the underlying study. HQwever, at the selected
lag length through SBC, we also check for serial correlation and
The main objective of this paper is to investigate residential
demand for electricity in Pakistan. For this purpose we take price,
income and household size as main determinants of electricity demand.
(6) The data used for estimation is from 1979 to 2006. (7) This section
describes the construction of variable, data and their sources. First we
discuss the construction of price index. Data for price of electricity
is available in the unit of price per kWh. The problem is that per kWh
price differs for different ranges of usage. This left us with various
prices of electricity for a year. Taking simple arithmetic mean of these
prices is not appropriate because it will give same weight to all the
prices. Thus we construct the price index by giving weights to each
price by percentage share of consumers using those particular ranges.
(8) For example, there is more number of consumers, around forty five
percent, whose consumption is between 101-300 units of electricity. So
we multiply 0.45 with the price charged for this category. The final
price is calculated by taking sum of the products of average shares and
prices and this calculated price index is used for estimations since it
is a more realistic price index than the one obtained by simple
averaging. (9)
Variable of electricity consumption is constructed by using
variables of fuel consumption, percentage of electricity consumption out
of total fuel consumption and calculated price index. First we obtained
monthly electricity consumption out of total fuel consumption. It is
then multiplied by 12 to get yearly consumption. The resultant is then
divided by the calculated price index in order to get demand for
electricity in Kwh. The variable household size is included in model to
find the effect Of the number of members per household on the demand for
electricity. Household income is incorporated in the model to find the
effect of change in electricity demanded as a result of change in
household income. Data for the last three variables are obtained from
Household Income and Expenditure Surveys (various issues).
This section explores the results and their interpretation.
However, the standard procedure requires testing of unit root in the all
the series as well as the number of cointegration vectors. In order to
check whether the variables are stationary or not, the Augmented
Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test is employed. The results of the ADF
test are in given in Table 2 below:
The results of the ADF test in Table 2 show that all the variables
are non-stationary at level at standard levels of significance. However,
all these variables are stationary at first difference and hence we can
conclude that all the series are integrated of order 1.
Nonetheless, for the application of autoregressive distributed lag
(ARDL) model, there should be only one cointegrating relationship among
a set of non-stationary variables. Thus it is necessary to check the
number of cointegrating vectors among the variables. For this purpose,
we use Johansen's VAR approach among the four variables i.e.,
electricity demand, price, income and household size. Table 3 shows the
results of the Johansen test.
Table 3 reveals that the null hypothesis of no cointegrating
relationship is rejected. However, the hypothesis of "at most
1" relationship is accepted at 5 percent level of significance.
Thus one can conclude that there is a unique long run relationship among
the variables selected for estimation in this particular study.
After finding out the order of integration in all the series and a
unique long run relationship among the variables, we estimate the
Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. The lag length is selected
using Schwarz Bayesian Criterion (SBC). The results show a lag length of
3 for dependant variable while 0 for the explanatory variables. These
are acceptable results because we are using annual data. With these
laglengths, we found neither serial correlation nor hetroscedasticity.
The estimation results showing the short-run and long-run elasticities
along with other relevant statistics including the test results for
autocorrelation and hetroscedasticity are given in Table 4.
Table 4 presents some very interesting results. It shows that all
the parameters are highly significant at the standard level of
significance and have expected signs both in short run and in long run.
We discuss each variable one by one. To start with, in the short run the
price elasticity is only -0.63, suggesting that the electricity demand
is price inelastic. Although this value increases in absolute term in
the long run to -0.77, it still remains below unity. From these results
one may conclude that electricity is strictly a necessity both in the
short run and long run. The theory regarding price elasticity of
electricity demand says that when there is an increase in the price of
electricity, the people in response reduces the rate of utilisation in
the short run. In the long run, it says, people then change the
composition of the stock or electricity appliances in such a way that
the demand for electricity further reduces. Hence the long run
elasticity is greater than the short run. Although our results do follow
this theory regarding the values in the short run and long run, yet this
difference is not substantial. One reason may be that, in Pakistan most
people do not use electricity for cooking and heating purposes, though
they do use for cooling purposes. So when there is a price change, they
do not substantially change the stock of electric appliances. One can
also attribute this low long run elasticity to the ignorance of people
regarding the knowledge about the appliances which utilise low
electricity. A third important reason may be the unavailability of
appliances using alternative energy sources and if there are such
appliances, their performance is not satisfactory comparing to electric
appliances. Due to these reasons only some people may reduce electricity
demand by substituting only some of the electric appliances resulting in
inelastic demand for electricity even in the long run.
The positive sign of the income elasticity of demand indicates that
electricity is a normal good. The short run income elasticity is 1.05;
almost unity. The long run income elasticity is 1.29. Thus it means that
when there is a 1 percent increase in income of the household, there is
a 1 percent increase in electricity demand in the short run and more
than 1 percent increase in the long run. From this one can conclude that
over the long run," increase in income will result in further
purchase of electric appliance along with increase in the rate of
utilisation. This strengthens the notion that Pakistani society is a
consumption oriented society. This may also lead one to conclude that
electricity has become an important part of life and people are becoming
more dependants on electric appliances.
The third variable is the household size which is highly
significant and has expected positive sign. Its short run and long run
elasticities are 4.70 and 5.76 respectively. This suggests the
electricity demand is highly elastic to household size in both short run
and long run. From this, one may conclude that people adjust the rate of
utilisation as well as their stock of electric appliances according to
their household needs. A larger household size means more members in a
household which in turns requires more fans, bulbs, tube lights, air
conditioners and air coolers for greater time period. This may lead to
the important conclusion that a high population growth rate is also an
important factor contributing to the increase in demand for electricity
in Pakistan.
Pakistan is currently facing a severe electricity crisis in terms
of its short fall. This is due to both reduction in supply and increase
in demand for electricity. Our study is concerned with the second part.
Some conclusions can be drawn from the above results. First, a low short
run and long run price elasticity (inelastic demand), for whatever
reasons mentioned above, means that policy of electricity conservation
through increase in price alone may not be affective. The government
must also provide people with alternative appliances along with creating
awareness in the general public about it. Secondly, the government
should seriously focus upon the population growth rate in the country.
It should formulate such policies that could reduce the population
growth rate.
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Halvorsen, R. (1975) Residential Demand for Electric Energy. The
Review of Economics and Statistics 57:1, 12-18.
Holtedahl, P. and F. L. Joutz (2004) Residential Electricity Demand
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Hondroyiannis, G. (2004) Estimating Residential Demand for
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Houthakker, H. S. (1951) Some Calculations of Electricity
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(1) These values are obtained from Pakistan Economic Survey
(2) We did not take the year 2007 due to tremendous fluctuation in
electricity prices which could severely affect our results.
(3) Due to lack of data we can not estimate Equation 13.
(4) For further simplified details on this issue, readers are
encouraged to read Bentzen and Engsted (2001).
(5) For a detailed derivation of Equation (14) and long run
elasticities, the readers must consult Bentzen and Engsted (2001).
(6) Data of heating degree days is not available so this dummy
variable could not be included in the model.
(7) Since data for most variables is not available for all the
years, we made use of compound growth rate formula for interpolation to
fill the data gaps.
(8) The data for the shares of consumers were available only for
Islamabad city and from 1998 to 2006. Taking the assumptions that rich
are still rich and as a result the shares have not affected much for
different ranges, we extend this trend for previous years included in
this study. Also this pattern is assumed for the whole country.
(9) Data for the price of electricity and shares of consumers using
different ranges of electricity is obtained from Islamabad Electricity
Supply Company, Customer Services, G-7/4 Branch.
(10) The Johansen VAR analysis is done using one lag which is
chosen using SBC. The analysis used the specification which allows for
an intercept term but there is no trend in cointegrating vector.
Muhammad Nasir <> is Lecturer,
Department of Economics, Kohat University of Science and Technology,
Kohat. Muhammad Salman Tariq <> is Student,
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad and Ankasha Arif
<> is Student, Department of Economics,
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
Authors' Note: We are thankful to Wasim Shahid Malik, Mahmood
Khalid, Ahsan ul Haq Satti, Faryal Qayyum and Rashid Ali for their help
and encouragement.
Table 1
Consumption of Electricity 2008
Sector Percentage Share
Household 45.6
Commercial 7.4
Industrial 28.4
Agriculture 11.8
Street Light 0.6
Other Govt. 6.2
Source: Pakistan Economic Survey, 2007-08.
Table 2
Results of the Unit Root Test
Variables Level First Difference Conclusion
Electricity -0.99 (0) -5.01 (1) *** I(1)
Price -0.26 (1) -5.36 (1) *** I(1)
Income 0.54 (0) -2.82 (0) * I(1)
Household Size -1.68 (1) -3.42 (0) ** I(1)
Note: The regressions include a constant. The numbers in parentheses
exhibits the augmentation lags whereas *, **, *** Show significance
at 10 percent, 5 percent and 1 percent level of significance
Table 3
Johansen Tests for the Number of Cointegrating Relationships (10)
No of CE(s) Eigenvalue Trace Statistics 5% Critical
None 0.623 50.86 47.85
At Most 1 0.427 25.46 29.79
At Most 2 0.342 10.94 15.49
At Most 3 0.002 0.05 3.84
Note: Although the trace statistics shows a unique long run
relationship at 5 percent level of significance. However, this
unique relationship is found at 10 percent level of significance
using the Max-Eigen Statistics.
Table 4
Estimation Results of the ARDL Model
Variables Values
Constant -14.34 *
Short Run Price Elasticity -0.63 ***
Short Run Income Elasticity 1.05 ***
Short Run Household Size Elasticity 4.70 ***
Long Run Price Elasticity -0.77
Long Run Income Elasticity 1.29
Long Run Household Size Elasticity 5.76
SEE 0.08
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.96
SBC 1.61
LM (4) 6.58
(0.15) (a)
LMARCH (4) 3.71
(0.44) (b)
Note: The standard errors of the estimated elasticities are given in
the parentheses. The superscript *** shows significance at 1 percent
level of significance. LM (4) and LMARCH (4) are the Lagrange
multiplier tests for up to fourth order autocorrelation and
autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity respectively, with the
superscripts "a" and "b" showing their respective probabilities. The
lag order is (3, 0, 0, 0).