Bertus Wennink, Suzanne Nederlof and Willem Heemskerk (eds.): Access of the Poor to Agricultural Services.
Fatima, Nishat
Bertus Wennink, Suzanne Nederlof and Willem Heemskerk (eds.) Access
of the Poor to Agricultural Services. Amsterdam: KIT. 2008. 157 pages.
Hardback. Price not given.
This bulletin gives a brilliant account of the increasing role
played by rural-based farmer's organisations in poverty ridden
Sub-Saharan Africa. For both the public and private sectors, these
organisations arrange the purchase of inputs and sale of output on a
more cost effective basis; represent the interests and collective voice
of farmers; impart knowledge services such as agricultural research,
advisory and other types of farmer's training. The book answers two
major questions: How do the poorest class gain access to, and benefit
from, agricultural services? What is the role of farmer's
organisations in socially inclusive access to these services, and to
what extent is membership of the farmer's organisations a
determining factor for this?
The bulletin is categorised into two parts. Part I discusses the
social inclusion of the deprived and vulnerable farmers, in the context
of poverty, sustainable livelihoods, and empowerment, and subsequently
providing a tentative conceptual framework for an active social
inclusion strategy. Part II contains description of case studies of
Tanzania, Rwanda, and Benin that were used for the analysis of social
inclusion. They investigate the current role of farmer's
organisations in facilitating access of the poorest to agricultural
services. These are also of great help to identifying the conditions
under which farmer's organisations can enhance social inclusions.