Environment-friendly cotton production through implementing integrated pest management approach.
Khan, Muhammad Azeem ; Iqbal, M. ; Ahmad, Iftikhar 等
The study measures the impacts on biodiversity and bio-safety
indicators in the context of total pesticide use, toxicity of pesticide
use, environmental quotients, health hazards, attitude towards
environment, and pest-predator dynamics at IPM- and farmer-managed plots
in Khairpur district of Sindh. Results show that total doses of
pesticide chemicals were largely reduced (41 percent) on IPM-trained
farms. Highly toxic class of pesticide use reduction was much higher (54
percent), which resulted in lowering the Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ), more than 49.5 percent as compared to a quantum jump at
controlled farms. The change in the IPM-trained farmers' attitude
and beliefs helped them to change pesticide use behaviour for better
environment and health improvements. IPM-trained farmers'
attendance score and their age and education status are significantly
associated with the pesticide applications, observed biodiversity, and
field EIQ. The ratio of predators and pests indicates that less chemical
use gives a free hand to predators to flourish, fluctuate, and counter
the pest pressure, whereas on farmer practice plots, the pesticide aid
reduces natural pest control processes, which enhance pesticide use
dependencies. More involvement of plant protection experts during both
IPM-trainings and post-training follow-ups is suggested for improved
understanding among farmers, extension agents, and researchers.
Tremendous increases in pesticide use in cotton growing areas have
severely affected the health of peoples and degraded environment [Poswal
and Williamson (1998); Ahmad and Poswal (2000); Orphal 2001 and Khan
(2000)]. Farmer Field School (FFS) based IPM implemented in the world to
reduce dependence on pesticides and promote environmentally safe plant
protection practices. An FFS-led Integrated Pest Management (IMP) model
implemented in Pakistan during 1996--popularly known as "Vehari
Model", clearly demonstrated that IPM could be implemented on a
large scale at the farm level. UNDP-FAO Policy Reform Project provided
required policy level support to scale up the Farmer-led IPM in the
Implementation of pesticide policy project in Pakistan highlighted
that pesticide consumption increased from 665 metric tons in 1980 to
78,132 metric tons in 2003-4. The role of private sector in promoting
the production and use of pesticides was found tremendously high. The
private sector also took full advantage of government's pesticide
import liberalisation policies. One of the key components of dramatic
increase in pesticide use in Pakistan is related to very soft import and
registration at that time, which allowed the generic compounds
registered elsewhere, to be imported without field-testing.
The policy project estimated environmental and social cost to the
nation amounted US$ 206 million per year [UNDP (2001) and Azeem, et al.
(2003)]. Analysis proved that such a tremendous cost of pesticide use
not only drains the exchequer, but also presents a growing threat to
national health and environment of the country. It was concluded that
chemical based control program in crops has actually increased the pest
problems, disturbed the agro-ecosystem and has killed the non-targeted
and environment friendly organisms such as parasitoids, predators and
birds. Disturbance in an agro-ecosystem led the new pest problems
through resurgence and resistance processes in the naturally occurring
pest populations. It was understood that over and misuse of pesticides
has led to tremendous ecological disasters [Feenstra, et al. (2000);
Orphal (2001) and Ahmad, et al. (2000)]. The results of pesticide policy
analysis project not only paved the way to establish National IPM
Programme in Pakistan but also to scale-up the implementation of Farmer
Field School (FFS) based IMP approach in different agro-ecological zones
of the country.
During year 2001, Training of Facilitators (TOF) and Farmers Field
School (FFS) activities were implemented in Sindh, Punjab and
Balochistan provinces. FFS approach builds capacity of the farmers,
through participatory learning processes, to develop and adopt best
agriculture practices. This helps in attaining better quality
production, higher incomes and reduces dependence on chemical pesticide.
The programme is supposed to enable the farmers to grow healthy crops,
make regular and critical field observations of their crops and become
experts. Empowerment of farmers to practically understand the
interactions of pests and predators helps them to make rational plant
protection decisions. Pesticide alternatives are also experimented
during FFS training sessions. Farmers take observations from the field,
analyse data and draw conclusions to take informed crop management
decisions. The season long FFS training sufficiently empowers farmers to
scan the real motives of the commercial sector advice on chemical based
plant protection measures.
This study was specifically conducted to make assessment of change
in knowledge and practices of farmers on plant protection measures,
number and doses of chemicals used, toxicity of pesticide use,
environmental quotients estimation and attitude towards environment.
Additionally, improvement in biodiversity, preservation of soil health
and water quality, human and animal health gains, empowerment of farmers
in decisionmaking on plant protection measures was also assessed during
post-FFS impact assessment study.
Sample Area and Size
IPM impact assessment area included the cotton growing areas of
Sindh province. At a first stage Khairpur district was purposively
selected for implementing baseline survey. Khairpur was preferred over
Nawabshah district where TOF was implemented simultaneously during
Kharif 2001. Selection of sample districts was decided by considering
the presence of large number of small and tenant farming communities and
increasing pesticide use scenarios [Pakistan (2000)]. The low income and
high poverty profile of the selected district was another factor behind
this selection.
At a second stage 4 FFS villages planned for the 2002 cotton crop
and finally 4 villages in 20 km radius were selected in the Sukkur
district, which were nearly 60 kilometers away from FFS project areas of
the Khairpur district. FFS were selected from four different clusters of
FFS situated in 4 adjoining Tehsils. The list frame on structural and
operational variables including farmers' age, education, farm size,
cotton area and irrigation sources was developed to determine
similarities in the overall profile of project and control area farms.
About 100 FFS-participating farmers (all 25 farmers per FFS), 60
Non-FFS (15 from each of four FFS villages) from 4 IPM villages and 60
control farmers from 4 Non-IPM villages (15 farmers per village) were
Data Collection
The baseline survey was conducted during July 2002 and information
was collected for the Kharif 2001 cotton crop (the year during which
Training of Facilitators was held hereafter referred as ToF year). The
post-FFS impact survey was conducted through multiple visits in three
rounds during 2003 cotton season. Information was collected through
formal survey on crop stages, doses, chemical mixes, active ingredients,
and toxicity color bands of pesticide used by farmers. Information on
chemical and trade name was noted from the packing of pesticides used by
the farmers.
On human and animal health accounts, the information was collected
on safety precautions observed during spray, cotton picking, and
disposal of empty containers. Pesticide-associated sickness incidences;
workdays lost and treatment cost data were also collected during pre and
post-FFS surveys. Data was also collected on 15 beliefs or attitude
statements related to environment, biodiversity, biosafety and pesticide
usage intensions. Observed biodiversity was estimated through
cross-questioning on behavioural aspects of farmers' dependence on
pesticide use as only effective plant protection measure. Farmers'
knowledge on non-chemical-based organic soil fertility management
practices was also explored.
Analytical Methods
Mean, Standard Deviation and paired T-test statistics were used to
highlight the differences in number and doses of pesticides, toxicity
class and number of pesticide applied at different crop growth stages.
Change in human and animal health indicators was also assessed through
these analyses.
Measurement of impact on environmental stability was accomplished
by assigning different score to specific questions asked on the subject.
The scoring on soil improvement was assigned to responses on FYM (50)
and compost (25) use and green manuring (25) knowledge and behaviour
questions. The observed biodiversity scoring was estimated through
collecting responses on questions asked to provide assessment on crop
losses if pesticides were not used as crop protection measure. The
responses gathered were subtracted from 100 to have quantitative
assessment on crop biodiversity from the respondents.
Attitude towards environmental scoring was done on six statements
used to collect responses on degree of agreement from individual
respondents. These statements include belief statement on cultural and
biological methods of crop protection (20), consideration of pesticide
use as sole crop protection solution (10), perceptions on biodiversity
losses (20), understanding on pesticide threat to natural environment
(20), know-how on pesticide hazards to all living organisms (10),
beliefs on health risk to pesticide applicators only (10), understanding
on relationship between health problems and pesticide use (10).
The Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ) methods used in this study
was adopted from the models calibrated at New York State Integrated Pest
Management Programme, pesticide use and risk calculations on vegetables
in Hanoi province Vietnam and FAO-EU IPM Programme for Cotton in Asia
[Phuong Ngoc Thi Tran (2001)]. The common or trade names of pesticide
were entered along with active ingredients; doses and number of times
each chemical used per season per ha. Using this model EIQ for consumer,
farmer, ecology and field were estimated for each farm individually. A
data base of 250 chemicals was used to estimate the total field EIQ of
the farmer, ecology and consumer categories. The mean and T-test
analysis was also performed to estimate changes in EIQ on sample farms.
Data on pest and predator population was collected during 19 season
long sessions of CESA held in the study area of Sindh. Wide variety of
diverse cropping systems is represented through these districts. Data
collected for large number of pests and predators was divided into 3
categories of pests like sucking, chewing, and bollworms and a predator
category. Bollworms were estimated in terms of percent damage to total
bolls per plant and other pests data was accumulated on per leaf basis.
Adding all predators and dividing by total pests estimated the ratio of
predators and pests.
Pesticide Use
The number of pesticide sprays and doses used, varied significantly
on project and non-project area farms (Table 1). The total doses of
pesticide chemicals were largely reduced (41 percent) on FFS farms but
quite oppositely its use had increased (33 percent) on control farms.
The Non-FFS farmers followed FFS farmers by reducing pesticide doses to
the tune of 18 percent. As last year (2003) was wet year and pest flare
up had happened at boll formation stages, pesticide use had increased on
all types of sample farms. However, this increase was significantly less
on FFS farms (39 percent) than nonFFS (93 percent) and control farms
(107 percent) even at boll formation stage. Difference in the number and
doses of pesticide application on FFS farms was observed as a result of
improved understanding of FFS farmers on beneficial and harmful insect
interactions. More time spent on crop observations and experimentation
contributed significantly towards using environment friendly pesticide
alternatives at FFS farms.
Impacts of Toxicity on Environmental Impact Quotient
The most visible reduction is estimated for Red class of highly
hazardous pesticides on FFS farms (54 percent), whereas a significant
increase (25 percent) in the use of the same class of pesticide was
observed at control farms (Tables 3 and 4). Previously, the use of this
red class of pesticide was identical on all three types of farms. This
reduction in the use of red class pesticides is caused by a significant
reduction in the use of pesticides at vegetative (85 percent) and
flowering (32 percent) stages (Tables 1 and 2). Field EIQ indexation
shows 49 percent improvement on FFS farms as compared to 72 percent
severity caused at control farms. These results show that FFS graduate
farmers did not succumb to use lethal chemicals under panicking pest
flare up situation and non-FFS also benefited from this behaviour.
Similarly FFS-plots managed under the facilitators' supervision
shows zero use of class 1 pesticides. In the same way on FFS plots field
EIQ (on IPM-plots where pesticide was used) was more than 100 points
lower than Non-FFS farmers' practices. This show the potentiality
of environmental gains as a result of the use of full knowledge learnt
in FFS on plant protection components of the crop management.
Community Health
Reduction in the use of highly toxic pesticides at FFS farms had
significantly reduced the number of poisoning incidences at household
level (50 percent), total workdays lost (83 percent) and expenditure for
poisoning treatment (74 percent). These reductions on non-FFS and
control farms were also observed but with non-significant difference
over the previous years (Tables 5 and 6). The differences in the use of
precautionary measures were non-significant on all types of sample farms
categories. Health gains were mainly the result of less hazardous
chemicals used on FFS farms, as health risk reduction curriculum is
mainly pilot tested with women folk of the project area. Integration of
health risk reduction components in the ToF and FFS curriculums is
required for further health conscious pesticide usage. There is
significant reduction in animal health problem on all types farms
reported, due to differences in the span over which these losses were
estimated during baseline and impact surveys.
Environment Stability
The cumulative score on soil improvement, observed biodiversity and
attitude towards environment had significantly (at 1 percent level of
significance) improved on FFS farms (Tables 7 and 8). FFS farmers'
beliefs and attitudes on biodiversity and environment had changed
significantly which caused drastic cuts in pesticide applications and
reduction in the use of highly toxic pesticide which provides solid
empirical evidence on changes in these attitudes, knowledge and
Although, understanding on soil improvement practices in terms of
substituting chemical based manuring with organic manuring has increased
but it is still a long way ahead to materialise the actual switchovers.
Higher use of fertilisers by all sample farm categories indicates the
potentiality of providing technical backup support to graduate farmers
during post-FFS seasons. The principles of judging water deficiency
symptoms in relation to fertilisation and appropriate plant protection
measures were not equally adhered. Such variation in the farmers'
behaviour is reflected from the higher SD of highly toxic chemicals and
estimated EIQ (Table 3).
Association between Environmental and Socio-economic Attributes
The socio-economic attributes show strong association with the
pesticide use doses, toxicity of pesticide use and decision-making
scores of trained farmers. FFS-farmers attendance score and their age
and education were found significantly associated with pesticide
applications, observed biodiversity and field EIQ. Old age decision
makers' understanding on biodiversity and attitude towards
environment were associated negatively. They use more pesticide
resulting in negative effects on environment and human health. Educated
farmers have been better in perceiving biodiversity roles. However, more
attendance score significantly contributes towards decision-making
capacities, observed biodiversity, positive attitude towards environment
and reduction in pesticide use.
Decision-makers' education without proper FFS attendance
however, did not empower farmers to have better attitude towards
environment and pesticide use reduction. Improvement in environmental
impact quotient is an outcome of improvement in decision making power of
farmers, pesticide use reduction, positive attitude towards environment
and strong belief on role of biodiversity in plant protection.
Biodiversity Situation
Sucking pests' complex which starts from early crop stages is
the main driving force to initiate early sprays. The bollworms and
chewing complex started taking over at mid season and reached
threatening level at fruit formation and crop maturity stages. The
graphic presentation of 19 CESA results provides interesting
relationships in pest-predator dynamics. On IPM-plots wider fluctuations
in both pest and predator populations show how these counter each other
when there is less intervention in terms of pesticide use. Results
further show that at various points, predator population was above pests
and vice versa at IPM-plot. However, when farmers start using pesticides
in farmer practice plots (FP), the curves are smoothened to show how
predators' fluctuation is suppressed and how pests' population
persists for inflicting damages on crop. The noticeable feature of this
figure is that predators curve never rises above sucking complex on FP
plots. The ratio of predators and pests presented in Figure 1 further
highlights that less chemical use gives free hand to predators to
fluctuate and counter pest pressure, whereas on FP plots the pesticide
aid reduces natural pest control processes which enhances pesticide use
The biodiversity interaction findings at IPM plot are in the
backdrop of 0.05 sprays (1 spray at 5 plots and Zero at other 85 IPM
plots with no class 1 pesticide used and hence Zero EIQ) and 28ml/ha
doses of pesticide used (average of 90 plots as only 5 plots were
sprayed). At FFS plots on an average 2.27 sprays were used with
2799ml/ha of pesticide dose that consists of 1085ml/ha class 1 (highly
hazardous) pesticide. The dose on FFS plot is still half of what farmers
use under control situation, as estimated in the impact survey. This
shows that to a certain extent the IPM-plot practices are followed at
the adjoining farmer plots. The lower use of inputs with proper
knowledge of optimal timing, yield gains were 11 percent higher and
gross margin was 48 percent higher on IPM plots than farmer plots (Table
Total pesticide and especially highly toxic pesticides use
reduction at FFS-farms have left positive impacts on bio-safety and
biodiversity phenomenon. FFS-farmers through using field observation
skills considerably reduced pesticide use at vegetative and flowering
stages. The armyworm (Spodoptera litura) flare-up during crop maturity
stages had affected FFS-farmers' decisions to use more pesticides
but to a quite lesser degree in relative terms. This shows how informed
decision-making strength of FFS-approach helps farmers to restrict
themselves to use pesticide more rationally under tempting abnormal crop
Decrease in the use of highly toxic pesticides and improvement in
the consumer, ecology and farmer environment quotients is the plausible
outcome of the FFS training. Human and animal health hazards and
treatment cost was reduced as a result of use of less toxic chemicals.
The health precaution score for pesticide spraying workers and cotton
pickers improved slightly and needs special consideration during
FFS-follow up activities and ToF trainings. Health risk reduction
components of Women Open Schools suggested for simultaneous
implementation with FFS and integration in the ToF curricula. The mix
male and female FFS establishment while blending crop management and
health risk reduction focuses will bring further improvement in
community health and natural environment.
Attitude towards environment, soil fertility management and
biodiversity has improved considerably. These changes in farmers'
perception directly benefited the communities through cost reduction and
health and environmental improvements. Green manuring and compost making
practices if adopted at community level would help in improving village
level sanitation through recycling agricultural waste and its
utilisation to manage fertility for sustainable production. The Women
Health Risk Reduction component as well as FFS-based community
organisations should be mobilised to achieve sanitation as well as low
cost land fertility management goals.
Information generated through CESA on pest and predator dynamics
provides immense opportunity to understand the natural plant protection
processes. This helps farmers to understand pest-predator interaction to
allow nature to work its way and opt for most appropriate interventions
if so required. More involvement of plant protection experts during both
FFS-trainings and post-FFS follow-ups is suggested for improved
understanding among farmers, extension agents and researchers. The data
collection methods, analysis, interpretation and hypothesis building is
recommended to be pursued further for developing appropriate innovations
in the approach and devising certain specific technological packages
compatible to local conditions.
Ahmad, I. and A. Poswal (2000) Cotton Integrated Pest Management in
Pakistan: Current Status. Country Report Presented in Cotton IPM
Planning and Curriculum Workshop organised by FAO, Bangkok, Thailand.
February 28-March 2.
Azeem, M. K., M. Iqbal, M. H. Soomro, and I. Ahmad (2002) Economic
Evaluation of Pesticide Use Externalities In the Cotton Zone of Punjab,
Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review 41:4, 683-698.
Feenstra S., A. Jabbar, R. Masih, and W. A. Jehangir (2000) Health
Hazards of Pesticides in Pakistan. Islamabad: IWMI and PARC.
Khan, M. A. (2000) Economics Evaluation of Pesticide Externalities
in Cotton Zones of Punjab Pakistan. Report for the UNDP study, FAO,
Rome, Italy.
Orphal, J. (2001) Economics of Pesticide Use in Cotton Production
in Pakistan. Diploma Thesis, University of Hannover, Germany.
Pakistan, Government of (2000) 1998 District Census Report of
Khairpur. Islamabad: Population census organisation Statistics Div.
Government of Pakistan.
Poswal, M. A. and S. Williamson (1998) Stepping off the cotton
pesticide treadmill: Preliminary findings from a farmer's
participatory cotton IPM training project in Pakistan. CABI Bioscience
Centre, Rawalpindi.
Rikke, Peterson and Gerd Walter-Echols (n.d.) FAO-EU IPM Programme
for Cotton in Asia: Own Calculations.
Tran, Phuong Ngoc Thi (2001): Pesticide Use and Risk Calculations
(Environmental Impact Quotient) on Vegetables in Hanoi Province,
UNDP (2001) Policy and Strategy for the Rational use of Pesticides
in Pakistan, Building Consensus for Action, UNDP/FAO Paper Rome, Italy.
Muhammad Azeem Khan <mazmkhan@isb.paknet.com.pk> is Chief
Scientific Officer, Social Sciences Division, Pakistan Agricultural
Research Council, Islamabad. M. Iqbal <miqbalpide@yahoo.com> is
Senior Research Economist, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,
Islamabad. Iftikhar Ahmad is Director-General, National Agricultural
Research Centre, Islamabad.
Table 1
Pesticide Use in Terms of Number and Doses
at Different Crop Growth Stages
Total Vegetative
Pesticide Pesticide Stage
Applications Doses Applications
(No/Season) (ml/ha) (No/Season)
Year Types N Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
2001 FFS 78 4.33 1.34 8371 2944 1.17 0.61
Non-FFS 59 3.85 1.68 7482 2768 1.10 0.64
Control 53 5.15 1.26 6986 1877 1.89 0.85
Overall 190 4.41 1.51 7709 2683 1.35 0.77
Sig. 0.000 0.010 0.000
2003 FFS 78 3.76 1.93 4927 3095 0.17 0.44
Non-FFS 59 4.22 2.07 6122 4557 0.25 0.60
Control 53 6.21 1.78 9299 3658 0.64 0.76
Overall 190 4.58 2.18 6518 4150 0.33 0.62
Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000
2003 IPM-plot 5 1 28 0
Stage Boll Stage
Applications Applications
(No/Season) (No/Season)
Year Types Mean SD Mean SD
2001 FFS 1.08 0.58 1.88 1.13
Non-FFS 0.97 0.56 1.58 1.16
Control 1.13 0.59 2.08 1.27
Overall 1.06 0.57 1.84 1.19
Sig. 0.291 0.078
2003 FFS 0.73 0.75 2.62 1.68
Non-FFS 0.69 0.79 3.05 1.63
Control 1.26 0.68 4.30 1.61
Overall 0.87 0.78 3.22 1.78
Sig. 0.000 0.000
2003 IPM-plot 0 1
Table 2
Change in Pesticide Use at Different Crop
Growth Stages (2001 vs. 2003)
Total Vegetative
Pesticide Pesticide Stage
Applications Doses Applications
T-Test % T-Test % T-Test %
Types Sig. Change Sig. Change Sig. Change
FFS 0.010 -13 0.000 41 0.000 -85
Non-FFS 0.107 10 0.021 -18 0.000 -77
Control 0.000 21 0.000 33 0.000 -66
Overall 0.233 4 0.000 -15 0.000 -76
Stage Boll Stage
Applications Applications
T-Test % T-Test %
Types Sig. Change Sig. Change
FFS 0.003 -32 0.002 39
Non-FFS 0.020 -29 0.000 93
Control 0.266 12 0.000 107
Overall 0.005 -18 0.000 75
Table 3
Toxicity of Pesticide Use and Impacts on Environment and Human Health
Class-1 Total Field Farmers
(ml/ha) EIQ * EI
Year Types N Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
2001 FFS 78 2828 1802 194 168 176 182
Non-FFS 59 2757 1994 162 158 133 125
Control 53 2790 1631 196 147 178 175
Overall 190 2795 1810 185 159 164 165
Sig. 0.904 0.437 0.241
2003 FFS 78 1292 1225 98 94 83 82
Non-FFS 59 1831 1640 157 237 135 227
Control 53 3488 2666 337 378 267 389
Overall 190 2072 2055 183 264 150 257
Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000
2003 IPM-plot 185 0 0 40 50 23 18
Ecology Consumer
Year Types Mean SD Mean SD
2001 FFS 365 298 41 39
Non-FFS 322 360 31 28
Control 370 247 39 37
Overall 354 304 38 36
Sig. 0.651 0.306
2003 FFS 191 197 20 19
Non-FFS 303 442 32 51
Control 682 706 62 84
Overall 363 505 35 57
Sig. 0.000 0.000
2003 IPM-plot 97 122 21 2
* Total field EIQ is equal to sum total of farmers EI,
Ecology EI and Consumer EI divided by 3.
Table 4
Impact of Change ire the Pesticide Use Toxicity
on Environment and Human Health (2001 vs. 2003)
Highly Hazardous Field Farmers
Class-I EIQ * EI
T-Test % T-Test % T-Test %
Types Sig. Change Sig. Change Sig. Change
FFS 0.000 -54 0.000 -49 0.000 -53
Non-FFS 0.009 -34 0.985 -3 0.847 2
Control 0.121 25 0.014 72 0.139 50
Overall 0.000 -26 0.990 -1 0.599 -9
Ecology Consumer
T-Test % T-Test %
Types Sig. Change Sig. Change
FFS 0.000 -49 0.000 -51
Non-FFS 0.898 -6 0.893 3
Control 0.003 84 0.079 59
Overall 0.764 3 0.727 -8
Table 5
Impacts on Human and Animal Health
Work Loss
Household Due to Treatment
Poisoning Poisoning Cost
(No/Season) (Days/Season) ($/Season)
Year Types N Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
2001 FFS 78 0.6 0.6 13.4 49.2 12.8 30.3
Non-FFS 59 0.5 0.7 4.2 6.6 7.5 14.9
Control 53 0.6 0.7 5.4 8.4 22.0 51.1
Overall 190 0.6 0.7 8.3 32.2 13.7 34.5
Sig. 0.333 0.185 0.081
2003 FFS 78 0.3 0.6 2.3 5.7 3.3 7.6
Non-FFS 59 0.4 0.7 2.7 6.7 3.8 9.0
Control 53 0.4 0.6 1.7 4.5 7.5 25.0
Overall 190 0.4 0.6 2.3 5.7 4.6 15.0
Sig. 0.833 0.650 0.247
Precaution Poisoning
Knowledge /House Hold
Score (%) (No/Season)
Year Types Mean SD Mean SD
2001 FFS 58.1 19.6 1.2 2.5
Non-FFS 52.3 23.0 1.4 4.6
Control 43.2 16.9 1.9 3.9
Overall 52.1 20.9 1.5 3.7
Sig. 0.000 0.515
2003 FFS 59.4 14.9 0.3 0.9
Non-FFS 49.2 17.8 0.2 0.7
Control 38.3 13.5 0.7 2.0
Overall 50.3 17.7 0.4 1.3
Sig. 0.000 0.047
Table 6
Change in Human and Animal Health Hazards (2001 vs. 2003)
Household Poisoning Workdays Treatment
Cases Loss Cost
T-Test % T-Test % T-Test %
Types Sig. Change Sig. Change Sig. Change
FFS 0.002 -50 0.049 -83 0.006 -74
Non-FFS 0.604 -20 0.264 -36 0.102 -49
Control 0.151 -33 0.004 -69 0.036 -66
Overall 0.004 -33 0.011 -72 0.000 -66
Precaution Livestock
Knowledge Poisoning
T-Test % T-Test %
Types Sig. Change Sig. Change
FFS 0.619 2 0.002 -75
Non-FFS 0.416 -6 0.043 -86
Control 0.113 -11 0.055 -63
Overall 0.304 -3 0.000 -73
Table 7
Impacts on Environmental Stability Indicators
Soil Improvement Observed
Practices Score Biodiversity
(%) Score (%)
Year Type N Mean SD Mean SD
2001 FFS 78 20.19 24.19 52.44 16.69
Non-FFS 59 23.73 26.43 51.19 19.48
Control 53 2.83 10.58 45.66 12.25
Overall 190 16.45 23.62 50.16 16.71
Sig. 0.000 0.063
2003 FFS 78 52.56 28.66 72.05 14.80
Non-FFS 59 11.86 20.42 54.75 17.87
Control 53 5.66 15.99 46.32 18.06
Overall 190 26.84 31.65 59.50 19.94
Sig. 0.000 0.000
Towards Environment
Score (%)
Year Type Mean SD
2001 FFS 37.95 21.82
Non-FFS 36.10 22.82
Control 33.77 18.83
Overall 36.21 21.32
Sig. 0.548
2003 FFS 75.90 32.85
Non-FFS 39.15 33.44
Control 29.81 19.46
Overall 51.63 36.22
Sig. 0.000
Table 8
Change in the Environmental Stability Indicators (2001 vs. 2003)
Soil improvement Observed Attitude Towards
Practices Biodiversity Environment
T-Test % T-Test % T-Test %
Categories Sig. Change Sig. Change Sig. Change
FFS 0.000 160 0.000 37 0.000 100
Non-FFS 0.008 -50 0.292 7 0.468 8
Control 0.308 100 0.823 1 0.208 -12
Overall 0.000 63 0.000 19 0.000 43
Table 9
Correlation Matrixes of Socio-economic and Environment
Attributes at FFS Farms
Decision Maker Maker
Attendance Age Education
Attributes (%) (Years) (Years)
Attendance (%) 1.000 -0.132 0.145
Decision-maker's Age (Years) 1.000 -0.507 **
Decision-maker's Education
(Years) 1.000
Observed Biodiversity
Score (%)
Attitude Towards Environment
Score (%)
Total Pesticide Dose (ml/ha)
Field EIQ Index
Decision-making Score (5)
Attitude Total
Observed Towards Pesticide
Biodiversity Environment Dose
Attributes Score (%) Score (%) (ml/ha)
Attendance (%) 0.126 0.246 * -0.240 *
Decision-maker's Age (Years) -0.355 ** -0.087 0.332 **
Decision-maker's Education
(Years) 0.348 ** 0.136 -0.214
Observed Biodiversity
Score (%) 1.000 0.366 ** -0.451 **
Attitude Towards Environment
Score (%) 1.000 -0.241 *
Total Pesticide Dose (ml/ha) 1.000
Field EIQ Index
Decision-making Score (5)
Field Decision
EIQ Making
Attributes Index Score (5)
Attendance (%) -0.253 * 0.245 *
Decision-maker's Age (Years) 0.142 -0.085
Decision-maker's Education
(Years) -0.102 0.270 *
Observed Biodiversity
Score (%) -0.379 ** 0.287 *
Attitude Towards Environment
Score (%) -0.305 ** 0.378 **
Total Pesticide Dose (ml/ha) 0.733 ** -0.273 *
Field EIQ Index 1.000 -0.382 **
Decision-making Score (5) 1.000
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 levels.
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 levels.
Table 10
Average Pesticide Use, Yield and Gross Margins
at IPM versus Farmer Plots (FP)
Pesticide Class1
Spray dose pesticide
Category (no) (ml/ha) (ml/ha)
IPM-plot .05 28 0
Farmer-plot 2.27 2801 1087
Total Number 216 216 216
Yield Margin
Category EIQ (Kgs/ha) ($US/ha)
IPM-plot 0 1768 506
Farmer-plot 55 1582 342
Total Number 216 210 216