Environmental fiscal reforms through decentralisation for sustainable development and poverty eradication.
Mustafa, Usman
Environment degradation and augmentation of poverty are causing a
serious peril not only for the present but also for future generations.
The situation is aggravated day by day. This is mainly due to the
distortion in the market systems. Environmental Fiscal Reform (EFR),
through decentralisation measures, can rationalise tax arrangement and
distribute resources effectively and efficiently. The devolution of
power is a step forward, but it requires corresponding fiscal
decentralisation, institutional development, and political will. The
lower tiers of government have meagre resources and poor skills,
infrastructure, and institutions, which need improvement. EFR can
generate benefits in terms of fiscal revenue, environmental outcomes,
and poverty reduction in local districts. It can also produce greater
opportunities for empowering and serving the poorest people, and, as a
result, also support sustainable development.
JEL classification: Q20, Q28. Q52, Q6
Keyword: Environment, Fiscal Reforms, Decentralisation, Sustainable
Development, Poverty
Markets and government planning are providing alternative systems
for coordinating people's consumption of resources. The
effectiveness of coordination depends on the capability of each system
to signify accurate information about people's wants and available
supplies of resources. And on the incentives each provides for
individuals to react to the desire of others [Hayek (1945) and Wills
(2007)]. Natural resources generate public revenues and benefits. Its
equitable distribution and sustainable production leads to real
development and ultimately helped to poverty reduction and alleviation.
Therefore, natural resource revenues necessitate distributions that
favour the needs of the indigenous poor people and local sustainable
Productive and high-value natural resources are seldom accessible
to all citizens and their benefits are rarely evenly dispersed crosswise
peoples and geographically across nations. It is worth mentioning that
revenues collected from natural resources have a long history of being
mismanaged and misappropriated--with political and economic elite often
capturing a large share of the benefits while the nations
disenfranchised must often absorb inexplicably large share of the
associated social and environmental expenses. These are highly
interdependence; a sound environment is crucial to poverty reduction and
sustainable growth, particularly in low-income countries [IBRD/World
Bank (2005); World Bank (2006a) and Mustafa (2008)].
A clear difference exists between the role of the natural system as
a supplier of raw material inputs for the economy and a receptor for
production and consumption residuals. The economy has been divided into
two broad segments, producer and consumers. There is a need to develop
balance between these two segments i.e. in the long run all materials
taken by human beings out of natural system must eventually end up back
in that system. This means that to reduce residuals flows into
environment we must also effectively and efficiently produce and utilise
materials taken from the ecosystem.
Unfortunately, over the time there is over exploitation of nature
resources and misbalance of producers and consumer segments. This
resulted in ambient environmental quality degradation, damages, and
unbridled growth and development all over the world. It has laid a heavy
burden of sustainability on the present and foreseeable future on our
planet. The consequences are in the form of environmental degradation,
social inequity. and poverty. These are highly interdependence; a sound
environment is crucial to poverty reduction and sustainable growth,
particularly in low-income countries [IBRD/World Bank (2005)].
Sustainable development is, therefore, the cumbersome of all
considerations by international community as well national governments.
There has been a commitment to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
including integration the principles of sustainable development into
country policies and programs and reverse the loss of environmental
course, also, including the overarching target of halving extreme
poverty by the year 2015 from the level of 1990. The World Summit on
Sustainable Development (WSSD) on South Africa in 2002 affirmed the
MDGs, but also stressed the way that improved environmental management
could help to reduce poverty.
The government of Pakistan is committed to pursue MDGs targets,
well aware of the consequences of the environment degradation and has
made diligent progress in the institutional strengthening and capacity
building of policy and planning institutions, environmental awareness,
and the promulgation of environmental legislation, National Environment
Quality Standards (NEQS), and establishment of environmental tribunals.
The National Conservation Strategy in 1992 and National Environment
Policy were prepared during 2005. The Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
(PRSP) was also prepared. The Medium Term Development Framework 2005-10
(MTDF) carries these assurances forward [Pakistan (2005)]. The vision
2030 is also drafted where the vision for environment conservation and
management aims for equitable sharing of environmental benefits,
increasing community management of national resources, and integrating
environmental issues into socio-economic planning to achieve sustainable
development. The action agenda would cover both the brown and the green
environment, range management, desertification, and marine pollution
[Pakistan (2007)].
Despite government efforts in environment planning and
policy-making, the issue of environment degradation is not managed. The
urgency of addressing Pakistan's environmental problems has never
been greater, not just because of the intrinsic virtues of promoting
responsible environmental stewardship, but also because of economic
consequences of environmental degradation. Conservative estimates
revealed that the annual cost of environmental degradation is
approximately six percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the costs are
of a similar magnitude to the 2006 growth performance recorded in the
National Account [World Bank (2006a) and Pakistan (2006)].
In the aggravated, aggregated, alarming environmental and natural
resource degradation situation and its soaring cost to the society as
well on national exchequer. It is vital to generate and utilise the
scare available budget wisely at all tiers of government. The budget
should be the financial mirror of society's economic, social, and
political wills and choices. The government is a representative of
people and in order to execute its role, state needs to collect revenue
from the economy in sufficient and appropriate manner and distribute and
utilise those resources responsively, efficiently and effectively. The
collection as well distribution of resources is the key instrument of
government policy. Which have the integral relationship between revenue
and expenditure i.e. money collected (taxes) directly or indirectly from
the public and the use of that money for sustainable development,
prosperity, poverty alleviation and well being of its people at all
regional, provincial, and districts levels.
Therefore, it is pivotal to understand fiscal collection
particularly from natural resources, its distribution and effects on
sustainable development and poverty eradication. The objectives of the
study are to highlight and analysed the environmental situation,
environmental fiscal reforms, decentralisation and their relationship
between sustainable development and poverty. The study also described
the situation of environment, decentralisations and poverty in district
Abbottabad of NWFP as a case study.
The study is divided into four sections. Alter the first
introduction "The economy and environment" links is descried
in the second one. The economy is mainly divided in to consumers and
producers both get the inputs from natural environment and discharge
residuals. The excess non-decomposed residual creates environmental
problems. These residuals disturbed the natural balance in the inputs
and residuals discharged back into the environment. In the third section
Environmental Fiscal Reforms (EFR), decentralisation for sustainability
and poverty alleviation are discussed. There is a close relation ship
between environment degradation; sustainability and poverty, which is
discussed in section three. In order to cope with the situation EFR can
play positive role, this is also highlighted in this section. The last
section covered the summary and conclusion.
The economy is a set of technological, legal, and social
arrangements through which group of people seek to enhance their
material and spiritual standards of life. Encompassing the natural
environment, any economic system as discussed in basic economic
literature has the elementary functions of production, distribution, and
consumption. We can broadly divide the economy in to
"Producers" and "Consumers" segments. The
"Producer" category includes all the firms, public as well
private organisations and services that use inputs and convert them into
outputs. All good and services are derived from inputs includes raw
material drawn from the natural resources i.e. fuels, minerals, wood,
petroleum, water, gases, etc. There are also materials utilised by
consumers directly from the nature i.e. pumping of water, fuel wood,
Production and consumption process generate "residuals"
which are leftover. It includes all type of materials residuals which is
omitted into air or water or disposed on land i.e. S[O.sub.2],
C[O.sub.2], volatile organic compounds, toxic solvents, pesticides,
toxic chemicals, solid and liquid waste, heavy metals, waste energy in
the form of heat and noise, and radioactivity, etc. Some of the
residuals are recycled while a large amount of residuals due to
mismanagement creates pollution and environmental degradation. Material
and energy being extracted from the natural environment and residuals
are discharged back into the environment (Figure 1). For sustainability
in the long run, these two flows (producers and consumers) must be equal
which the first law of thermodynamics illustrates. This is expressed in
symbolic form as:
M = [R.sup.d.sub.p] + [R.sup.d.sub.c] (1)
M = Raw material
[R.sup.d.sub.p] = Residual discharge from production
[R.sup.d.sub.c] = Residual discharge from consumption
The fundamental material balance equation must hold in the long
run. If we desire to reduce the mass of residuals disposed of in the
natural environment, we must reduce the quantity of raw materials taken
into the system and increase recycle material for producers and
consumers. In Equation (1) we substitute for M (Figure 1):
[R.sup.d.sub.p] + [R.sup.d.sub.c] = M + G + [R.sub.p] + [R.sub.c] -
[R.sup.r.sub.p] - [R.sup.r.sub.c] (2)
G = Output (Good)
[R.sub.p] = Production residuals
[R.sub.c] = Consumption residuals
[R.sup.r.sub.p] = Recycle from producers
[R.sup.r.sub.c] = Recycle from consumers
There is need to reduce M, [R.sub.c] and [R.sub.p] while increasing
[R.sup.r.sub.p] and [R.sup.r.sub.c] in the Equation (2) for
The material we extracted from the natural environment should be
equal to the goods and services produced and recycled residuals. These
environmental goods and services have a limit to their bearing capacity,
beyond which they cannot sustain their use.
Crowding on their use can decrease users utility and generate more
leftover residuals that are not recycled and reused generate environment
pollution and degradation. Over the time there is increase in the
residuals and pollution, which creates serious environmental problems.
It is worth wise to mention that each user values but none of them has
an incentive to pay to sustain them. The unconsumed residual creates
externalities, which badly affect living thing including human being,
nature and real growth of the economy. The present market mechanism
often failed to regulate their production, consumption, and allocation.
In order to understand the situation it is imperative to estimate their
opportunity costs. The cost to the society can then be forced to the
polluters. The polluter must bear the price. This will helped to
evaluate and regulate environmental impacts and ensured environmentally
sustainable economic growth. There is a trade-off between environmental
quality and economic goods. An increase of 0.3 percent investment in
household access to safe drinking water generates one percent increase
in GDP. Whereas, provision of safe drinking water supply is an effective
health intervention reduces the morality caused by water-borne diseases
by an average 70 percent. Inadequate drinking water not only resulted in
more sickness and deaths, but also augments health costs, lower worker
productivity and school enrolment [World Bank (1994)]. In Pakistan the
highest annual losses reported is due to water supply, sanitation and
hygiene amounting Rs 112 billion amounting 31 percent of the loss due to
environment degradation [World Bank (2006a)].
The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimate 1.8 million people in
developing countries die every year from diarrhea and cholera, Out of
these 90 percent are children under the age of five years. While 88
percent of diarrhoeal diseases are attributed to unsafe water supply,
inadequate sanitation and hygiene [WHO (2004)]. The situation is not
very different in Pakistan; the access to safe drinking water is
estimated to be available to 23.5 percent of population in rural areas
and 30 percent in urban areas. While every year 0.2 million children die
due to diarrheal diseases [Rosemann (2005)].
The annual presage estimated cost of environmental and natural
resource degradation and damage is about Rs 365 billion which is one
billion rupees per day or six percent of GDP. These estimated are based
on those parameters for which reasonable estimates are available. The
highest cost is from inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene
(Rs 112 billion) followed by agricultural soil degradation (Rs 70
billion), and indoor air pollution (Rs 67 billion). Urban air pollution
(particular matter) adds another Rs 65 billion. The estimated cost of
lead exposure is about Rs 45 billion. Rangeland degradation and
deforestation cost are the lowest at about Rs 7 billion in total (Figure
2). Due to the lack of available data, estimates are on lower sides and
even misleading. A number of categories i.e. fisheries and coastal zone
degradation were not included in these estimates, as a consequences
calculations of the relative share of damage must be interpreted with
the utmost caution since the magnitude of total damages is unknown since
the impacts of natural resource degradation have been underestimated
[World Bank (2006a)].
As discussed earlier the present market mechanism cannot often make
fundamental material balance in Equation 2 (Section 2) which must hold
in the long run, other wise grave environmental problem arises. It is
pivotal to take a collective action for their upkeep, which incurs
considerable public cost.
It is well documented and argued that there is a close relationship
between poverty and environment. Natural resources are the important
component of livelihood for the poor people. Over the time due to
mismanagement natural resources are in declining trend and are very much
degraded and polluted. It resulted dual problem firstly their
availability is declined, secondly due to degradation and pollution,
some basic amenities such as safe drinking water and clean air is not
available. This created serious socio, economics and health problems
especially for the poor segment of the population. It increases
expenditure and decreases the efficiency of a person. All these resulted
in increasing the poverty. These issues can be tackled by improved
pricing of environmental goods and services in such a way that these
become poor friendly. The polluter must pay the price and the affective
must be compensated.
3.1. Environmental Fiscal Reforms
There is no free lunch. Polluters are creating negative
externalities which are not born by them while the society is paying
this cost. The cost of these measures should be reflected in the cost of
goods and services, which causes pollution in production and or
consumption. Polluter should bear the expenses of carrying out those
measures decided by public authorities to ensure that the environment is
in adequate state. The resources generated should be used to facilitate
or support the environmentally friendly measures.
EFR refer measures that rationalise tax arrangement in such a way
so that it establish linkages between an effective and efficient fiscal
and decentralisation system, resulting in decrease of natural resource
degradation, pollution and ultimately environmental improvement and
sustainable development. A sympathetically designed and implemented EFR
can also reduce poverty, improve poor people's access to
environmental services, liberate finances for poor friendly investments
and address environmental problems that affect the poor e.g. subsidy
reforms and taxes that change the prices of natural resources (e.g.
water, forests, and fisheries) or of products with high environmental
externalities (e.g. fuel and electricity) would help in raising the
sustainable growth rate and the incomes of the poor (Figure 3).
The context for EFR is at the line between fiscal issues,
decentralisations, poverty and environmental challenges facing the
country. The essence is efficient utilisation of natural resources. The
natural resources exploiter and polluter should be taxed, fined and
discouraged [OECD (2005); IBRD/World Bank (2006a); IUCN/PIDE (2006)].
It is essential to ascertain effective and efficient revenue
system, which faces some alarming challenges. In Pakistan, there is a
large share of indirect taxes (about 70 percent) mainly from custom sale
and central excise duties. Pakistan over the last decade has made some
significant strides in fiscal reforms with positive environmental
impact, primarily motivated by the fiscal crisis of financially
unsustainable subsidies. Recent reforms include changes in electricity
tariff rates and improved collection, pilot examples of more effective
collection of irrigation costs and more market based fuel prices. These
form an important basis for further reform [Pakistan (2006)].
Carefully planned, designed and implemented EFR can play very
significant and important role in poverty reduction through improving
access to environmental services for the poor segment of the population
in such a way that addressing environmental issues that create negative
influence on them. EFR action will free resources that can be used for
pro-poor investment. Adopting EFR ensured achieving multiple fiscal,
poverty and environmental objectives, there are potential trade-offs.
These objectives can he addressed by appropriate design of the fiscal
measure including the correct price level, rationalisation of subsidies
and the tax structures, and the distribution and quality of public
expenditure. It has the potential to be pro-poor, if the poor who depend
on natural resources for survival have access to better facilities as
the resources are generated. If the incidence of user fees and product
charges are regressive, i.e. an increase in the price of goods that
account for a higher percentage of poor people's expenditure, or
environmental improvements benefit mainly the rich, the tax structure
and incidence of public expenditure need be made progressive [IUCN/PIDE
(2006) and Rao (1996)].
The important of EFR in the decentralisation perspective is further
highlighted because by involving local communities and stakeholders,
would pay more attention and involvement for the effective and efficient
fiscal policies in the district. The addition funds generated could be
used for improving access to safe water, sanitation and other basic and
civic amenities for the poor, which can be used for poverty reduction.
Some of the EFR options that have been identified during a background
study conducted for IUCN/PIDE research proposal are presented in Table
1. These options have been chosen to maximise positive outcomes, and to
lead to win-win situations across the board. They reflect the impacts of
EFR in terms of high fiscal benefits, high poverty reduction benefits,
high environmental benefits and high political viability [IUCN/PIDE
3.2. Fiscal Decentralisation
Fiscal Decentralisation comprises the financial aspects of
devolution to regional and local government. Decentralisation can
introduce a sense of popular ownership of government and bring about
direct benefits like to enhanced efficiency of public goods provision,
quality of government through democratic accountability and economic
growth [Oates (1993) and WBI (2007)]. The pursuit of decentralisation is
widespread in all part of the world for developed countries it is
reorganisation of the government in order to provide public goods and
services cost effectively in the "post-welfare state" era. For
developing countries is to escape from the traps of ineffective and
inefficient governance, macroeconomic instability, and inadequate
economic growth. In the developing countries political pressure is also
emerging from the people for democratisation. While for transitional
countries it is a transition from system to market economy and
There is a continuous debate in the literature of fiscal
decentralisation about its desirability, the positive side revelled that
in general the public sector reforms are ineffective and inefficient
governance. There is irresponsive to the people needs and it has
inter-jurisdictional and interpersonal inequality. While fiscal
decentralisation increases efficiency, transparency and accountability,
which bring economic stability, sustainable growth and better public
service provision with equitability across people and jurisdiction [Akai
and Sakata (2002); Brueckner (2006) and WBI (2007)]. This is illustrated
at Figure 4.
While the other group disputed on it and argue that it inherently
destabilise the economy, there is no significant relationship between
fiscal decentralisation and public sector size. Even it associated with
slower growth [Oates (1993); Thornton (2007); Xie, Zou, and Davoodi
(1999); Zhang and Zou (1998)]. The definition and implementation of
fiscal decentralisation vary greatly across developing countries due to
different in economic and political composition.
3.3. Sustainability and Poverty
In Pakistan the macroeconomic results of the country over the last
five years are very impressive. The average growth rate was accelerated
from 3.3 percent in 1997-2002 to over 6.5 percent during 2002-06.
Despite these attainments, social and natural resource indicators
continue to exhibit the discouraging developing challenges face the
country. The trickle down theory has been badly failed. There is an
importance to strengthen environmental management, to reduce risks to
health and natural resource productivity, and to sustain economic growth
[Pakistan (2006) and World Bank (2006)].
A range of mechanisms has been used to promote distributional
equity of natural resource benefits. These include inexplicably taxing
regions and people with natural resource affluence (e.g., progressively
structured taxation policies) and distributing state natural resource
revenues in ways that favour the poor (e.g., equalisation grants that
recognise various human development and social well-being measures).
Like Pakistan in many countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, the
rural poor are more directly dependent on natural resources than rich
people for their livelihood. Without distributional equity, regions and
people with access to productive natural resources may flourish while
those with no or limited access to such natural resources or with access
to only low-value natural resources will remain worse off. There is a
necessary need to harness environmental management, to reduce risks to
health and natural resource productivity, dismantle poverty, and to
sustain economic growth [Pakistan (2006) and World Bank (2006, 2007)].
There is a positive relationship between poverty and environmental
degradation as already discussed earlier, often in a self-perpetuating
negative spiral in which poverty accelerates environmental degradation
and degradation results in or exacerbates poverty. In Pakistan as of
other countries environment degradation is both a cause and consequence
of poverty. A fragile and poor resource base is one of the major reason
of poverty because it resulted in poor agricultural yield/productivity,
forest are depleted decreased livelihood opportunities. Food
requirements are always stood first as of environment issues. Poor
people have to fill their bally in order to survive. The environment
concerns are ignored resulting in further degradation of resources. The
vicious circle of poverty and environment degradation emerged. For
example water and air pollution causes illness and premature mortality.
Which resulted resources for treatment, also reduces working
efficiencies, and lead to higher poverty [World Bank (2006, 2007)].
United Nations Summits on Financing for Development and on
Sustainability Development in March and September 2002 respectively,
recognised the potential contribution of EFR related approach. The
latter stressed that poverty reduction and improved environmental
management go hand-in-hand [IBRD/World Bank (2006)].
There are two type of distributional equity of natural resource
benefits, which includes inter-jurisdictional equity (equity across
districts within a nation) and intra-jurisdictional equity (equity
across peoples and communities within levels of public administration
below the central government). In this connection, additional research
is required, policy analysts and development professionals argue that
inter-jurisdictional equity (for broad national development) can be
consummate only by central government and, therefore, is a function of
the compliance of the central state to employ in redistribution among
regions. It require central government providing public revenues, goods,
and services directly to the poor, or allocating revenues and other
goods and services to local governments with poor constituents and poor
natural resource endowments.
While the intra-jurisdictional distribution of government goods and
services and the equity of local government decisions is often a
function of decentralisation. Decentralisation provides more equitable
distribution in local districts, greater opportunities for empowering
and serving the poorest people, and, as a result, better supports
poverty reduction. There is some evidence that local authorities are
better than central authorities at identifying and reaching the poor and
that they incorporate distributional preferences into choices on
spending decisions. It is unclear whether this is common practice.
It is well recognised and advocated that without community
involvement and participation, development initiatives either in
economic or social sector, have little change of success, especially at
the grassroots level [Mustafa (1998, 2000); Mustafa and Mir (1999) and
UNDP (2005)]. With the concept of "conservation", especially
in the government circle, now also take into account "community
participation" and poverty alleviation. Recent research concludes
that responsiveness to the poor is, in fact, a rare outcome of
decentralisation, dogged mainly by local-central government relations.
Strong commitments by national governments or ruling parties to promote
the interests of the poor at the local level resulted in positive
The vital role of national governments in both inter-jurisdictional
and intrajurisdictional equity is obvious. It required a pragmatic
approach to embark; upon the challenges. It is imperative to extend
fiscal policy in such a manner, which mobilises revenue to basic
ammonites of life, infrastructure, and environment. This is the area
where EFR can play an essential role. Fiscal policy encompasses various
elementary strategically issues; including the proper role and size of
the state, the role of the Government in promoting growth, creating
jobs, social development and redistribution of benefits of economic
growth, the nature and extent of public services and fairness between
the present and future generation.
3.4. Fiscal Decentralisation Issues, Constraints, and
Opportunities: A Scenario Analysis of Abbottabad, NWFP
For the scenario analysis of decentralisation Abbottabad district
of NWFP has been selected. The district has prepared "State of the
Environment and Development" and "An Integrated Development
Vision" during 2004 [IUCN (2004a, 2004b)]. Pakistan is a federation
comprising four provinces, Federal Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA) and
Federal Capital Areas. Most of the revenue is collected by centre and it
is distributed vertically and horizontally to provinces and districts
through systematic and random formula base. National Finance Commission
(NFC), Provincial Finance Commission (PFC), Federal to Local and
Local-to-Local distribution resources are based on systematic formula.
While the development/special grants, executives discretionary,
parliamentarian funds, etc. falls under random transaction.
Federal government provides resources to provinces and other areas
in the form of revenue shares, grants, straight transfers and loans,
while it collect revenues in the form of income tax, sales tax, custom
duties, and excise duties. Whereas, the provinces collect their revenues
in the form of minor tax assignments i.e. agriculture tax, stamp duties,
motor vehicle tax, etc. and others which are levied and retained by
them. The district government has the responsibilities for the
construction and running/maintenance of district roads, education, water
supply and health services, while sewers/sanitation and fire services are managed by Tehsil level. Parks/play grounds, animals, cultural and
support activities and street lights are administered by Union Councils.
The federal government (FG) generates about 91 percent resources,
whereas, the rest is produced by provinces and local governments. The
expenditure share is 67.1, 28.8 and 4.1 percent amongst the federal,
provincial and local government level in the overall national exchequer,
respectively. The FG is in surplus of around 24 while the provincial
governments are in deficit of 23.3 percent. While, local governments
were unable to utilised 0.3 percent of revenue share and returned it due
to administrative and other issues (Table 2).
With the passage of time, FG has overstressed itself into several
matters that are purely the subject of lower tiers mainly due to
political reasons. The sole criterion for NFC award is population.
Allocations of the awards are based on politics. There is an increase in
the overall pie of resources because there is an augment in the
generation of resources but its overtime-proportional distribution
remains the same. The provincial proportional share of NWFP awards is
even decreased. The NWFP government complains getting fewer shares of
royalties from the FG, mainly because the provincial government has
different political background. The special development funds/grants,
random transfers are under the direct control of Prime Minister,
President, Chief Minister, and or Governor and they disbursed resources
on political basis. Some times a particular district gets even much
higher resources than the allotted one.
The NWFP Finance Commission is based on weight of 50, 25 and 25
percent on population, backwardness (based on multiple indicator cluster
survey i.e. income, drinking water, education and literacy, child
survival and nutrition, immunisation and EPI with equal weight), and lag
in infrastructure (LII). In the provincial financial award there is
astounding distribution of resources. NWFP has 24 districts amongst
these Peshawar district is getting the highest share (2.10 percent) of
LII while 0.5 and 0.94 percent share were allocated to "Tank"
and "Abbottabad" districts, respectively. In case of
backwardness and LII still "Peshawar" district got the highest
share (2.78 percent), while "Chitral" had the lowest (1.27
percent) and "Abbottabad" had 1.5 percent.
Fiscal decentralisation has brought into sharp focus the
inequitable geographical distribution of funds. The financial position
of every District is although clearly indicated, and this will allow the
Nazims to politically defend the interests of their Districts at a time
when the Provincial Finance Commission determines allocations. This was
supposed to makes transparent the Provincial share of the total budget
as compared to the Districts but in a political system it becomes very
difficult to Nazims from same as well from different political parties
to differ and stand for the district cause.
Public finances in Pakistan have been characterised by high fiscal
deficits, poor revenue mobilisation, a persistent trend of
centralisation, massive vertical imbalances between federal and
provincial governments (i.e. very large gaps between provincial
governments' expenditures and own revenues, which have to be made
up by means of fiscal transfers from the FG), weak financial management
and lack of accountability of the public sector. The federal government
has better sources of taxes as of provincial and local governments
(Table 3).
Local governments (LG) have not been recognised by the constitution
as a separate tier of government and existed only as extensions of the
provinces with some functions delegated to them by the provinces. This
has seriously affected the fiscal structure and related distribution of
authority for revenue mobilisation and expenditure obligations among
different levels of government. The LG Plan 2000 recognises the problems
associated with the system by stating that "the transfer and grant
system has been weak. There is no formula for distribution of funds to
districts and provincial budgets do not specify district expenditures.
Districts do not know, with certainty, what they will expect from the
provincial departments, which affects planning negatively. This results
in political machinations, ad-hocism, and lack of transparency.
Along with the fiscal decentralisation issues, Pakistan is facing
numerous challenges in the area of halting and reversing the environment
degradation. There are efficiency related issues, which are about
capacity and knowledge, equity related concerns, which relate with
distribution of resources, while effectiveness problems, which relate
with the direction and guidance. These limit the rate of success of
initiatives for pollution control and environmental protection and
The general view of the people is that TMA is unable to tap
additional sources of revenue because the tax base is small and
taxpayers are not willing to pay more (Table 3). It needs further
investigation. The amount released by NWFP Government to district
Abbottabad during 2005-06 is presented at Table 4. The major heads are
salary and non salary (other and electricity), development funds and
Zila tax. The Abbottabad cantonment budget is released by the Provincial
Government but managed and regulated by Cantonment. It is worth
mentioning that it is three times as of rest of the district. More than
91 percent of the district budget is for salary purposes while little
more than two percent of district budget is allocated as development
fund (Rs 27 million).
Abbottabad administration attempted to increase tax base but could
not make it. Only Rs 25, 42,000 fund were generated from local resources
i.e. health, education, C&T, and mutation during 2005-06 by the
Abbottabad District revenue department, while one MNA has 10 millions
funds for his constituency. In general, establishment costs
(expenditures on salaries and overheads) have increased faster than
provincial government transfer to LG through provincial Finance
Commission awards. This resulted in lower allocation of resources to
development projects than the overall increase in the revenue.
Poverty and environment degradation are the serious peril in the
country. Its causes and affects are highly dependent upon the
distribution of resources. Public revenue and benefits are primarily
generated through natural resources and their equitable distribution can
promote sustainable development and fairness in the country. The
benefits from the production of high value natural resources are
generally mismanaged and seldom accessible to the indigenous and all
citizens; their payback is rarely dispersed evenly among people and
geographically across nations, resulting in environmental degradation.
The major causes of most of the wars are the control and exploitation of
natural resources (NR). There is a vicious cycle of poverty and
environment degradation. Environment degradation is a cause as well as a
consequence of poverty and walks off hand-in-hands.
'Environment Fiscal Reforms' (EFR) refers to fiscal
measures that rationalise tax arrangement, resulting in reduction of NR
degradation, pollution and ultimately environmental improvement and
sustainable development. EFR can generate benefits in terms of fiscal
revenue, environmental outcomes and poverty reduction. Decentralisation
of resources provides an equitable distribution in local districts,
greater opportunities for empowering and serving the poorest people,
and, as a result, better supports the poverty reduction. The study
undertakes the preliminary collation of research on fiscal
decentralisation issues, constraints and opportunities. And its links to
EFR initiative for district Abbottabad, NWFP, Pakistan.
Fiscal Decentralisation comprises the financial aspects of
devolution to regional and local government. Decentralisation can
introduce a sense of popular ownership of government and bring about
direct benefits like to enhanced efficiency of public goods provision,
quality of government through democratic accountability and economic
EFR and Fiscal decentralisation can lay down the structure of
expenditures, revenues and legal discretion within which provincial and
local governments can operate in an effective, efficient, accountable,
equitable, and transparent way. People are demanding greater
self-determination and influence in the decisions of their governments.
Fiscal decentralisation is inevitably a dynamic process. The devolution
of power and decentralisation of resources offers many opportunities in
the shape of hopes for empowerment of people and resolution of their
local problems at local levels. The system is receiving unprecedented
support from international partners and other stakeholders as well. But
at the same time, the system is at risk due to political reasons and
troublesome constitutional position.
Author's Note: This study is mainly drawn from the
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Conference June 12-15, 1999. ESMA, Garhi Dopatta, AJK. Pakistan
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Usman Mustafa <usman@pide.org.pk> is Chief, Project
Evaluation and Training Division, Pakistan Institute of Development
Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Summary of Benefits and Political Viability of Different
Environmental Fiscal Instruments
Poverty Reduction
Fiscal Instruments Fiscal benefits Benefits
Reform of abiana High--huge cost of Mixed--but can be
charges irrigation will be high if leads
financed to greater
water reliability
Reduction of tubewell High--huge cost to Mixed in short term,
electricity Provincial but high in medium
subsidies, governments would be term if slows fall in
particularly in saved water tables
Reform of License Mixed--rise in fees High--poor
fees and catch levies could increase enforcement has led
for foreign vessels revenues, but ban on to clashes with poor
foreign vessels could fishers
end revenue
Fiscal measures for Low--little revenue Low--conflicts over
Pakistani vessels generated fish access between
Sindh and
Reform of proposed Low--subsidies not High--unplanned
shrimp farming significant shrimp development
subsidies had negatively
impacted the poor in
many Asian countries
Improved collection High in NWFP, where High--current evasion
and distribution of forests are located deprives rural
timber concessions households of revenue
National park Low--as visitation, Medium--if funds
entrance fees with especially by properly used for
higher charges for foreigners is low poverty alleviation
Trophy hunting fees Low--but can be Medium--if funds
important to certain properly used for
households poverty alleviation
Water user charges Medium--can be Mixed--requires
costly for local govt careful design to
and non-payment by ensure better access
some households by poor households
Fuel pricing Low--fuel is already Mixed--high prices
heavily taxed, except can generate
CNG which is inflation
Motor vehicles-- Low--but could be Medium--poor do not
vehicle excise duty useful for local govt own vehicles
Electricity--improved High--major non- Mixed--requires
collection of rates payment of careful design to
electricity improve access by
poor households
Solid waste user Low--but could be Medium--if improves
charges useful for local govt service
Industrial treatment Low--as currently High--poor suffer
user charges very little is spent from dirty water
Fiscal Instruments Benefits Political Viability
Reform of abiana Medium--depending Medium--more likely
charges on impact on water if linked to strong
use farmers organisations
Reduction of tubewell High--if slows fall Medium--crisis
electricity in water tables situation in
subsidies, Balochistan has
particularly in created climate for
Balochistan change
Reform of License High--reduction in High--pressure from
fees and catch levies licensed foreign small fishers has led
for foreign vessels vessels may be needed Provinces to oppose
to allow fish stocks current federal
to recovery license policy
Fiscal measures for Medium--aim to Medium--problem of
Pakistani vessels reduce over-fishing enforcement
in Balochistan
Reform of proposed High--unplanned Medium--as yet no
shrimp farming shrimp farming has industry to push for
subsidies negatively impacted subsidies
environment in many
Asian countries
Improved collection High--if leads to Low/Medium--as
and distribution of reduced logging timber mafia is
timber concessions entrenched
National park High--if funds used High--not
entrance fees with for biodiversity controversial
higher charges for management
Trophy hunting fees High--schemes have High--not
increased wild controversial
Water user charges Low--impacts on Mixed--requires
water scarcity low careful design
Fuel pricing High--fuel use linked Low--prices already
to indoor and outdoor high
air pollution
Motor vehicles-- High--motor vehicles High--reforming
vehicle excise duty are rising fast excise to reflect
environment not
Electricity--improved Medium--linked to Medium--requires
collection of rates air pollution willingness to take
action against non
Solid waste user High--major source Medium
charges of urban pollution
Industrial treatment High--major source Medium--requires
user charges of pollution industry to pay
Source: IUCN/PIDE (2006).
Table 2
Percentage Share of Public Finance Layout across the Tiers
of the Government
Tier of
Government Revenue Share Expenditure Share Surplus/Deficit
National 90.7 67.1 23.6
Provincial 4.9 28.8 -23.9
Local 4.4 4.1 0.3
Source: Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan.
Table 3
Revenue Assignments among Federal and Provincial Government
Governments Direct Taxes Indirect Taxes
Federal Income Tax Sales Tax
Government Corporation Tax Excise Duty
Custom duty
Wealth Tax Import Duty
Property Tax Export Duty
Gas and Petroleum
Foreign Travel Tax
Provincial Land Revenue Stamp duty
Government Urban Immovable property tax Motor vehicle tax
Tax on transfer of property Entertainment tax
Agricultural income tax Electricity duty
Tax on professions and trades
Source: World Bank (2006b).
Table 4
Amount Released by Finance Department to District
Abbottabad 2005-06 (Rs Million)
Non-Salary Non-Salary
Months Salary (Other) (Electricity)
July 90.652 11.468 * 6.192 *
August 90.652
Sept. 90.652
October 90.652 11.468 * 6.192 *
November. 90.652
December. 90.652
January 90.652 11.468 * 6.192 *
Febuary 90.652
March 90.652
April 90.652 11.468 * 6.192 *
May 90.652
June 90.652
Total 1087.820 45.873 24.768
Develop Cantonment
Months Funds Zila Tax Board
July 6.798 * 0.552 334.1
August 0.552 334.1
Sept. 0.552 334.1
October 6.798 * 0.552 334.1
November. 0.552 334.1
December. 0.552 334.1
January 6.798 * 0.552 334.1
Febuary 0.552 334.1
March 0.552 334.1
April 6.798 * 0.552 334.1
May 0.552 334.1
June 0.552 334.1
Total 27.192 6.948 4009.1
Source: NWFP Finance Department.
* Quarter.
Fig. 2. Annual Losses Due to Environmental Degradation
Other, Rs 64 (b) 18%
Range land and
defortation Rs 7
(b), 2%
Urban air pollution
Rs45 (b), 12%
Indoor air pollution, Rs 67
(b), 18 %
Water supply, sanitation
and hygine, Rs 112 (b),
Agricultural soil degradation,
Rs 70 (b), 19%
Source: World Bank (2006a).
Note: Table made from pie chart.