Gender, environment, and sustainable economic growth.
Qureshi, Saima Akhtar ; Khan, Muhammad ; ul Husnain, Muhammad Iftikhar 等
Standard growth models such as those of Nelson and Phelps, Lucas,
Rebelo, and others assume that production can be sustained with an
insignificant amount of natural resources and environmental services if
labour and capital can be improved adequately. The notion that the
economy can grow sustainably for ever depends in large part on the
assumption that technological improvements can trim down the number of
units of natural capital necessary to produce a unit of economic output.
Also, many studies, such as those by Davidson and Myers, Dankelman and
Davidson have indicated that women are responsible for the environment
care and play a predominant role in the management and use of natural
resources. These studies emphasise that women must be involved in
decision-making at all levels to foster sustainable economic development
and growth. The paper develops a simultaneous equation model to
highlight the notion that increase in human capital of women substitutes
natural capital and hence leads to sustainable economic growth in
Pakistan. Regression results show that growth in female-male enrolment
(used as proxy for human capital) has positive and significant impact on
economic growth. Our estimates show that the improvement in human
capital substantially reduce the extraction and consumption of natural
resources. We find that growth in female-male enrolments ratio is
positively related with growth in forest area cover at different levels
of education, confirming the notion that increase in human capital can
successfully substitute natural resources at certain levels in the
process of economic growth. The study confirms the arguments that women
are efficient environmental managers within the development process of
the economy. However, the study also finds a strong interrelationship between environment and human capital accumulation. The depletion of
natural resources and environmental pollution inversely affect the human
capital accumulation. The study stresses that government should ensure
universal primary education, provision of safe drinking-water,
electricity, and gas to protect natural resources and to empower
sustainable economic growth.
Keywords: Gender, Human Capital, Sustainable, Hartwick Rule
Both human and natural environment are interlinked with each other
dynamically and keep this relation stable within themselves and with
each other. The existence of all living organism including human being
depends on the interlinkages between the physical human environment and
natural environment. Natural resources and physical environment form a
basis for sustainable livelihood system, in which human needs are met in
the short and long run [Dankelman (2001)]. Although economic growth is
an explicit goal in nearly every nation, but a wide range of independent
scientific research provides undeniable evidence that the growth of the
global economy is not sustainable because it consumes many of the
environmental services that strengthen the production of goods and
services [e.g., Houghton, et al. (1996); Vitousek, et al. (1997)].
Environmental services refer to the various ways that the environment
influences production- and indeed-supports most part of human existence
[Costanza and Daly (1992)]. There is a growing understanding that the
degradation of environment and growth of waste materials can reduce the
productivity of natural resources, as when ozone accumulates in the
troposphere and lowers crop yields. This increases the quantity of human
capital required to produce a specified quantity of food. The addition
of wastes also slows the rate at which natural capital can process the
waste material, as when sewage reduces the ability of aquatic ecosystems
to process organic materials [Ayres (1996)]. There is also an increasing
understanding that "economic growth does not necessarily go
hand-in-hand with growth in the well-being of people". It reflects
the rising discrepancy between rich and poor and between genders in most
countries [Ayres (1996)].
During past decades, the issues of gender and their relationship
with environment have been internationally acknowledged, especially
after the first U.N conference on environment and human settlements in
Stock Home 1972. The issue of women place in relation to environment and
natural resources got much notice during the U.N conference on women in
Nairobi in 1985 and then during the Rio 1992, U.N conference on
environment and development. It was decided during the world summit for
social development in Copen Hegen 1995 that women must be involved in
decision making at all level to foster sustainable economic development
and growth [Friedlander (1996)]. As women make up more than half of
world population, it is unthinkable to get the goal of sustainable
economic growth and development in an economy with out considering their
active participation. Their participation in economic activity justifies
their role in sustainable economic growth and development. In developing
countries 64 percent and in developed countries 79 percent of females
are busy in economic activity. While the unpaid female workers make up
58 percent of the total family workers [UNDP (1998)]. About 60 percent
of women are self employed in the informal sectors and their income
generating activities directly or indirectly depend on the natural
resources such as energy sources, crops, water, and non timber forest
product. In North West Bangladesh women do 50 percent task of rice
production [Jordan (1997)]. More over 45 percent, 60 percent, and 80
percent of consumed food is produced by the women in Latin America, in
Asia and in Africa respectively. "Women work longer hours in the
field than men as much as 43 percent. In the Noza sub watershed in
Pakistan a Brahui woman on average works seventeen longer hours during
the production season" [FAO (1997-1)]. "In the Indian Himalaya
a pair of bullock works for 1604 hours, a man for 1212 and woman 3485
hours in a year on one hectare farm [Singh (1988)]. Women work varies
during the year, as in Himachal Pradesh 37 percent are involved in
sowing, 59 percent in intercultural, 66 percent in harvesting, 59
percent in trenching and 69 percent in trending the animals" [Bhata
and Singh (1987)]. "By so doing, they contribute time, energy,
skills and personal visions to family and community development and
progress. Women's extensive experience makes them an invaluable
source of knowledge and expertise on environmental management"
[Dankelman (2001)] and sustainable growth.
Many studies, such as those by [Davidson and Myers (1992); Agarwal
(1992); Dankelman and Davidson (1988) and Dankelman (2001)] have
indicated that women are responsible for the environment care and play a
predominate role in the management and use of natural resources
[Davidson and Myers (1992)]. Food procurement, property and territory,
fencing and care of livestock, maintenance of sanitation, physical
cleanliness [Menon (1991)] provision of water, energy, and shelter
protection are considered women house hold chores. In rural areas women
gather fruits, edible leaves, nuts, mushroom, roots and tubers,
medicinal herbs and flowers. Studies on present-day gather-hunter
communities show that vegetable foods and fish make up 60 to 80 percent
of the total calorie intake of the community. In spring the Brahui women
in the Noza sub watershed in Balochistan (Pakistan) go out early in the
morning and bring mushroom and spinach for their families which are a
major source of nutrition during spring [FAO (1997), Dankelman (2001)].
According to Boserup (1989) women are more knowledgeable than men about
the forest products and conservation methods of foods. During a study in
Dehra Dun women provided the information of about 145 species of forest
plants and their operations too [Shiva and Dankleman (1992)]. "The
Brahui women in Balochistan identify 35 medicinal plants during field
walks" [FAO (1997)]. A study in Northern India found that women
play a major role in animal husbandry. "They harvest the crop,
transport the leaf fodder, graze the cattle on distant grazing lands,
carry animals to the water source for water, take care of young calves,
milk the animals, clean the animal shed and execute all others
activities related to animal husbandry" [Singh (1988)]. Women are
also responsible for water provision. They not only provide water for
household use but also provide water for animals, crop growing and food
processing. So women are responsible to carry water for hygiene and
filter water for drinking. "In Sri Lanka the women walk up to 1 to
1.5 km to fetch a pot of drinking water because the level of water is
lower due to commercial farming "[Wickramasinghe (1994)]. The
provision of energy is another responsibility of women. Collection of
fuel woods, foodstuff and fodder take many hours per day. "In Asia
73 percent, in Sri Lanka 84 percent, in Nepal 64 percent, and in
Philippines 84 percent of women are involved in such activities
[Wickramasinghe (1994)]. Women usually carry load up to 35 kilograms and
bring these things at home by walking a distance of 10 kilometers from
their homes" [Dankelman (2001)].
During 1980-1995 deforestation damaged 200 million hectares of land
in developing countries [FAO (1997)]. Deforestation confines women
access to and control over natural resources and increases their
liabilities. So they have to work more to provide basic needs to their
families. "Four to eight Km deforestation in the Ganjam areas in
India increases the walking time of women from one to two hours per day
to get their livelihood" [Fernandes and Menon (1987)]. "Women
and children now spend 100 to 300 days to collect fire wood in some part
of Himalayas and African Sahel" [Wickramasinghe (1994)].
Commercialisation in agriculture also increases women
responsibilities. Transition from subsistence farming to commercial
farming increases the time to work for women and reduce for men. Women
role in agriculture diminished due to introduction of new technology and
they have lost their control over production and access to resources
[Shiva, et al. (1990)]. "In Sri lank commercial agriculture has
increased the work load of collecting firewood; 4000kg of fuel wood is
needed for curing 1000kg of tobacco. During the season of tobacco her
sleeping time reduces 4-5 hour per day and 40-50 percent of the families
do not use boiled water due to lack of fuel wood" [Wickramasinghe
(1994)]. In addition commercialisation in agriculture and rapid
industrialisation forced men to migrate to urban areas in search of high
paid wages which have also increased women difficulties and
responsibilities to ensure food, water and energy [Dankelman (2001)].
Similarly in urban areas women are more vulnerable to environmental
conditions, her working environment is difficult, she is poor socially
and politically, and her access and control over resources is limited.
From the above mentioned literature we conclude that most often
women activities related to the natural resources, physical environment
and ecological functions. So it is the woman who suffers more from the
environmental condition changes. However, the emphasis on women as
victims of the environmental problems can easily be "shifted to
their roles as efficient environmental managers within the developmental
process" of the economy. "The argument for the increased
participation of women in environmental management has been derived from
their privileged knowledge and experience of working closely with the
environment" (INSTRAW) (1) and nature. Thus women should be seen as
a source of solution for the environmental problems. The rest of the
study is organised as under.
Standard growth models such as those of Nelson and Phelps (1966);
Lucas (1988); Rebelo (1992); and Mulligan and Sala-i-Martin (1992), have
highlighted the role of human capital in economic development in the
form of education attainment. A common interpretation of standard growth
theory is that substitution and technical change can successfully
"de-couple economic growth from resources and environmental
services"(Ayres and Nair 1984).These models assume that production
can be sustained with an insignificant amount of natural resources and
environmental services if labour and capital can be adequately improved
[e.g., Dasgupta and Heal (1979)]. A prominent result in this framework
is the Hartwick rule [Hartwick (1977)], stating that production in an
economy can be sustained forever simply by reinvesting the earnings from
"resource extraction in people and machines, which in turn can
substitute for resources". The notion that the economy can grow
sustainably forever depends in large part on the assumption that
technological improvements can trim down the number of units of natural
capital necessary to produce a unit of economic output [Ayres, et al.
(1996)]. There is a considerable evidence which indicates that"
substitution and technical change have reduced the quantity of many
forms of energy, metals, and minerals required to produce a unit of GDP over the last fifty years" [Wernick, et al. (1996)]. Similarly,
"some of the research on environmental Kuznets curves postulates
that rising incomes eventually reduce the use of resources and the
emission of wastes" [Ayres (1996)].
The models, such as developed by Lucas (1988), also emphasise the
significance of human capital externalities. "The microeconomic counterpart of the aggregate human capital externalities emphasised by
the new growth theorists are the "neighborhood effects"
emphasised by sociologists such as William Julius Wilson and the
"social capital" concept associated with James Coleman"
(Katz). The experimental research by Case and Katz (1991) using data
sets that join information on "individuals with the socioeconomic
characteristics and behaviours of their residential neighbors, family
members, and schoolmates" present reasonably powerful empirical
support for the idea of important neighborhood effects in educational
attainment and other events of human capital accumulation (Katz).
The study explicitly recognises the idea that human capital can
substitute for services resulting from natural capital and that human
capital externalities lead to efficient use of natural resources and
hence to economic growth.
Based on the conceptual framework depicted above, this paper
develops an empirical model to show that increase in human capital of
women substitutes natural capital and hence leads to sustainable
economic growth in Pakistan. The general framework is specified as
GGDP = [[alpha].sub.1] HFMHK + [[alpha].sub.2] GFMLF +
[[alpha].sub.3] GK + [[alpha].sub.4] GPOP + [[alpha].sub.5] GEX +
[[alpha].sub.6] GIM + [[epsilon].sub.1]
GFMHK = [[beta].sub.1] GGDP + [[beta].sub.2] GWS + [[beta].sub.3]
GDEEC + [[beta].sub.4] GPCI + [[beta].sub.5] GFMTR + [[beta].sub.6] GHNE
+ [[epsilon].sub.2]
GFAC = [[gamma].sub.1] GFMHK + [[gamma].sub.2] GWS +
[[gamma].sub.3] GDEEC + [[gamma].sub.4] GAUC + [[gamma].sub.5] GFEIN +
[[gamma].sub.6] GEXD + [[epsilon].sub.3]
GFMLF = [[delta].sub.1] GGDP + [[delta].sub.2] GFAAC +
[[delta].sub.3] GAUC + [[delta].sub.4] GFEIN + [[delta].sub.5]
GPESTICIDE + [[delta].sub.6] GPINV + [[epsilon].sub.4]
GWS = [[lambda].sub.1] GGDP + [[lambda].sub.2] GFAC +
[[lambda].sub.3] GPOP + [[lambda].sub.4] GAUC + [[lambda].sub.5]
GPESTICIDE + [[lambda].sub.6] INDUSTRY + [[epsilon].sub.5]
The model is simultaneous in nature. All the variables (2) are in
growth form, and are stationary at level. The time period is specified
from 1963-2007. GDP is taken at constant prices of 1999-2000=100 base.
To get GDP at constant prices of 1999-2000=100 the values of GDP are
deflated with GDP deflator (1999-2000). For human capital proxy, we used
female enrolment at primary, middle, high, professional colleges, arts
and science colleges, secondary vocational institution and university
level. Model satisfies the tests such as coefficient test, (3) residual
test (4) and stability test. (5) Model also satisfies order and rank
condition of identification. As the model is over identified, we can use
2SLS and GMM technique. However, we used GMM technique because its
estimated mean, variance and kurtosis follow the BLUE property.
We estimated the above model seven times at different level of
education i.e. Primary, Middle, High, Secondary vocational institutions,
Arts and science colleges, Professional colleges and Universities. We
summaries these result as follow:
In the first regression, all the determinants affect growth of GDP
in expected manner. Both growth in female-male enrolment in primary
level of education (4.393815) and female-male enrolment in arts and
science colleges have positive and significant impact on economic
growth. Results are consistent with the theory. Increased educational
attainment increases growth by three primary routes. First, education
has a direct effect on growth, this direct effect is likely to be a sign
of a positive outcome of a more educated labour force on an
economy's ability to accept and develop new technologies. Second,
improved educational attainment is linked with enhanced physical capital
investment. This feature may be of more significance in the future since
the ability of a nation's labour force to adopt new technologies is
likely to be vital in attracting internationally mobile capital in an
increasingly globalised economy. Third, a more educated population
likely to have a lower fertility rate and reasonably more intensive
parental investment in each child (Katz).These findings are quite
similar to those of previous empirical studies such as those by Benavot
(1989), Romer (1990a), Barro (1991), Summers (1992), Barro and Lee
(1992) and Forbes (1998). Growth in female-male enrolment in middle
education ahowever has negative sign (-4.746061). The reason is that the
growth in the ratio of female-male enrolment in middle increases from
0.26 to 0.67 during our study period. When a student enrolled in middle
class then he/she and his parents desire to get more education and they
enter late in the labour market so their impact is negative as found in
the Qaisar Abbas study (2001). Growth in physical capital stock has
positive (3.147698 to 0.888786) impact on economic growth. The results
are consistent with the theory that "higher rate of physical
capital leads to higher rate of economic growth" and with those
found by Easterly and Rebello (1993); Barro (1991); Khan and Reinhart
(1990); Stephen Klasen (1999) Iqbal and Zahid (1998) and Sandarajan and
Thakur (1980). The impact of population growth on the growth of GDP is
(-2.206660 to -0.0451493) negative impact. This may be due the
dependency burden. Growth in exports (2.808756 to 0.096290) has a
positive impact on the growth in GDP. The reason is that as the export
increases the foreign earning of a country increase and its trade
deficit improves.
Again the coefficients of all the determinants of growth in
female-male enrolments have expected signs. Estimated coefficients of
growth in GDP (21.98327 to 2.362432) and growth in per capita income (14.26386 to 0.051807) are positively related to the growth in
female-male enrolments (HK). It is easy to interpret that people and
government have more resources to spend on education. Estimated value of
growth in availability of water supply (16.62407 to 0.743264) has
positive impact on the growth in female-male enrolments (HK). Similarly
growth in availability of gas has a positive (23.37772 to 4.474034)
impact on the growth in female-male enrolments (HK). It is
understandable, studies, such as those by Davidson and Myers (1992),
Agarwal (1992), Dankelman and Davidson (1988) Irene (2001), INSTRAW
(1991), Wickramasinghe (1994), NEDA (1997), and Menon (1991), in
different geographical settings indicated that provision of basic needs
like collection of fuel wood for the sake of energy and water are often
considered women liability. The provision of water and energy sources at
door step considerably reduces the efforts level and time consumed in
collection of fuel wood and water, hence likely to induce them to go to
schools. Growth in female-male teacher ratio at different level, primary
(20.13283) and middle (6.194165) has positive impact on the growth in
female-male enrolments (HK). Results are consistent with Card and
Krueger (1992) and Finn and Achilles (1990). These studies found that
increase in number of teachers increases number of students and
reductions in the pupil/teacher ratio for elementary school students
significantly increase test scores [Finn and Achilles (1990)]. But
surprisingly not consistent (-19.47171) at university and (-8.097736) at
science and arts colleges level. Growth in health expenditure has
positive (14.72657 to 4.155566) impact on female-male enrolment (HK).
Again results are similar to those of Barro (1991), and Arora (2001).
According to Arora, among the many causal factors of low literacy rate
and disappointing growth in many economies that economists have
proposed, poor health stands out as a likely candidate.
Growth in water supply also positively (20.24177 to 1.296011)
impacts the growth in forest area. The coefficient of growth in
female-male enrolment (HK) is also positively correlated with growth in
forest area. The coefficient value (9.930294) at primary and (2.410478)
at high level of education confirms the notion that increase in human
capital can successfully substitute natural resources to a certain level
in the process of economic growth. However the effect of primary
education is greater than other levels of education. The study also
confirms the arguments presented by women activists, such as Davidson
and Myers: 1992, Dankelman and Davidson: 1988, Irene (2001), that women
are efficient environmental managers within the developmental process of
the economy. Growth in gas consumption also has positive (6.457484 to
1.864196) impact on the growth in forest area which is understandable as
availability of gas substitutes for fuel wood. Growth in area under
crops is negatively (-7.772609 to -1.388513) related with the growth in
forest area. Because the land is fixed and increase in area under
cultivation (AUC) means a decrease in forest area. Growth in forest
production is estimated positive (20.89737 to 7.659299) while growth in
external debt is negative (-15.21996 to -12.92750) to impact the growth
in forest area.
Both, growth in forest area (21.79566 to 13.69084) and growth in
forest production have positive (5.245123 to 3.173033) impact on the
growth in female-male civilian labour force. The results are encouraging
as for as policy makers are concerned that preservation and growth of
natural resources can contribute to eliminate rural unemployment and
poverty. Growth in area under crops has negative (-7.647408 to
-6.328841) impact on the growth in female-male civilian labour force.
The transitional shift from traditional farming to modern farming might
be the possible interpretation. Growth in GDP has a positive (4.921372
to 2.524052) impact on the growth in water supply. Growth in GDP
increases spending on reservoirs and canals by the government to protect
wastage and overflow of water. The coefficient of growth in population
is negatively (-5.661192 to -3.493554) related with growth in water
supply. Growth of industrial share in GDP also has a negative (-4.930990
to -4.260118) impact on the growth in water supply. Most of the
industries contaminating fresh sources of water by throwing their wastes
in the water with out any recycling processes.
Different efforts at international and local levels, studies and
publications on gender and environmental subjects have been developed
since the past 15 years. These studies develop theoretical frameworks
and guidelines to help integrating gender and environmental aspects into
sustainable economic growth and development and their inter-linkages.
The data confirmed the idea of economic theory that enhanced human
capital substitutes for the services derived from the natural resources
in Pakistan. The improvement in human capital substantially reduced the
extraction and consumption of natural resources. However study also
found a strong inter-relationship between environment and human capital
accumulation. The depletion of natural resources and environmental
pollution inversely effect the human capital accumulation. Shortages of
basic supplies, such as water, forest products, and energy diminish
income generation possibilities. The families especially women suffer
directly whose burdens have become heavier, limiting their access to
education and worsening their health. The study highlights the need for
more coordination and cooperation between organisations working in the
field of environment, gender and women's empowerment. The study
also proposes that introduction of time- and energy-saving devices and
provision of alternative income possibilities through developing
vocational and natural resources training and educational programs
especially at primary and secondary levels of education is vital to
promote sustainable economic growth. In addition, the provision of basic
necessities, such as safe drinking water, electricity, and gas must be
ensured at door step to improve human capital accumulation and to
strengthen sustainable economic growth.
The authors explain and detail a long list of women's
activities, duties, functions, etc., indicating that most often
women's activities relate to the natural resources, physical
environment, and ecological functions. Therefore it is the women who
suffer more from the environmental conditions, whereas, at the same
time, women's roles have been considered efficient as environmental
Role of human capital in economic development in the form of
education attainment. Based on this notion the background of the
conceptual framework have highlighted the role of human capital in
economic development in the form of education attainment--"which
form of education" is the real question--these models assume that
production can be sustained with an insignificant amount of natural
resources and environmental services if labour and capital can be
adequately involved/improved one of the prominent result in this
framework is the result by Hatwick where it is stated that production in
an economy can be sustained for ever simply by reinvesting the earning
from resource extraction in people and machines which in turn can
substitute for resources.
The evidence which indicates that substitution and technical change
have reduced the quality of many forms of energy, metals and animals
required to produce a unit of GDP over the last fifty years.
Research an environmental, Kuznet's Crrues . postulates that
rising incomes eventually reduces the use of resources and the emission
of waters.
The study explicitly recognises the idea that human capital can
substitute for services resulting from natural capital and that human
capital externalities lead to efficient use of natural resources hence
to economic growth.
The paper develops an empirical model to show that increase in
human capital of women substitutes natural capital and hence leads to
sustainable economic growth in Pakistan.
Preservation and growth of natural resources can contribute to
eliminate rural unemployment and poverty. So it is very much clear here;
Peasants and workers power can save the country/economy at large from
the national/international catastrophe to which the exploiting
classes/factors had doomed them and their people from the danger of
enslavement by the misunderstood notion of enslavement by foreign
capital and for that matter foreign investment.
One of the main features in Pakistan's History of economic
development is the persistence of gender inequality particularly with
respect to relative wages. The study has compared the gender wage gap at
different point. The evolution of the gender wage gap. Review of
literature is good.
Human capital theory of wage determination suggests that wages are
tied to productivity gender discrimination occurs when equally
productive male and female workers are paid differently.
Political Proliferation
National and as well as international wage gaps have been studied
but in Pakistan it is mainly political.
Gender discrimination has been established in our society. What to
do to correct this inequality particularly in the labour market.
What is lacking is the remedial measures.
Nuzhat Iqbal
International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Description of Variables
GGDP [right arrow] Growth in GDP
GWS [right arrow] Growth in Water Supply
[GFMHK.sub.i] [right arrow] Growth in Female-Male Human Capital
GFMCLF [right arrow] Growth in Female-Male Civilian Labour
GFS [right arrow] Growth in Forest Area
GK [right arrow] Growth in Physical Capital
GPOP [right arrow] Growth in Population
GEX [right arrow] Growth in Export
GIM [right arrow] Growth in Import
GGC [right arrow] Growth in Gas Consumption
GPCI [right arrow] Growth in Per Capital Income
[GFMTHK.sub.i] [right arrow] Growth in Female-Male Teacher Ratio
GHE [right arrow] Growth in Health Expenditure
GAUC [right arrow] Growth in Area Under Crops
GFA [right arrow] Growth in Forest Area
GFP [right arrow] Growth in Forest Production
GEXD [right arrow] Growth in External Debt
GPESTC [right arrow] Growth in Pesticides Consumption
GFDI [right arrow] Growth in Foreign Direct Investment
GISGDP [right arrow] Growth of Industry Share in GDP
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(1) United Nations international research and training institute
for the advancement of women.
(2) See Appendix for variable detail.
(3) We used Wald test to check the over all goodness of fit.
(4) Residual test such as Jarque Bera test used to check whether
errors are normally distributed or not. White heteroskedasticity test is
used whether errors are homoskedastic or not. Serial correlation or
Durbin Watson test is used to check the auto correlation between the
errors terms.
(5) Remsey reset test is used to test the misspeeification of the
functional form.
Saima Akhtar Qureshi <>, Muhammad Khan, and
Muhammad Iftikhar Ul Husnain are PhD students of Economics at the
Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science, and Technology (FUUAST),