Money, output, and inflation: evidence from Pakistan.
Malik, Wasim Shahid
Pakistan has experienced inflationary episodes in the last thirty
years. "Why has inflation been high in some of the periods?"
is a debatable question. There are at least three possible candidate
answers to this question; monetary policy actions, supply side factors
and/or inflation in the rest of the world (trading partner countries).
To test whether monetary policy actions are responsible for episodes of
high inflation is the objective of this study. Khan and Schimmelpfennig
(2006) studied the relative importance of monetary factors and supply
side factors for inflation and found that monetary factors had played
dominant role in inflation determination. Agha, et al. (2005), while
studying transmission mechanism in Pakistan, found that inflation and
output respond significantly to shocks in monetary policy instrument.
However both studies depend on small data set.
In this study Near-VAR approach has been used to model inflation,
real GDP gap and reserve money and then impulse response functions are
estimated by imposing restrictions consistent with economic theory,
[Enders (2004); Sims (1986)]. Our results show the standard hump shaped
response of output and inflation to monetary policy shock, reaching at
peak after several quarters. Next Granger causality test is applied to
test the direction of causality between inflation and reserve money and
real GDP gap and reserve money. It is seen that inflation is Granger
caused by reserve money but not the other way around. This result does
not hold in case of reserve money and real GDP gap.
Remaining study is organized as follows: Section 2 describes some
basic statistical measures that reveal some important information about
output, inflation and reserve money. Section 3 deals with estimation
methodology. Data issues and estimation results of Near-VAR model and
Granger causality are given in Section 4. Finally Section 5 concludes
the paper.
Before going in to sophisticated techniques, in this section some
basic results are presented that give some important information about
the variables included in the study. Although variables used in the
study are taken at level, except CPI, and not the growth rates but to
see the brief history some basic measures of growth rates of reserve
money, real GDP and CPI are presented in Table 1. Average inflation was
about 9 percent with standard deviation of 5.92 over the period
1975-2003. We can see that on average inflation and inflationary gap are
very close to each other and except GDP growth rate all other variables
(inflation, monetary growth rate and inflationary gap) have almost same
volatility with standard deviation ranging from 5.70 to 5.97. It is
clear from the table that inflation and one period lagged values of
monetary growth rate, real GDP growth rate and inflationary gap are
correlated moderately with the highest value of 0.29 in case of
inflation and monetary growth rate. One basic result that we can draw
from here is that inflation in Pakistan is correlated with and hence
caused by monetary expansion. In Section 4, Granger causality test has
been used to confirm this result.
Figure 1 shows the long run behaviour of detrended and seasonally
adjusted real GDP, reserve money and annualized inflation from
seasonally adjusted CPI. We can see that the movement is much correlated
in case of inflation and money. Both are above their long run trend in
periods 1978-81 and 1992-98. Although the long run co-movement of
reserve money and inflation seems similar in direction the problem is to
find what precedes what. Impulse response functions and Granger
causality in Section 4 help finding the direction.
Consider the following three variables structural VAR,
[BX.sub.t] = [B.sub.0] + [[summation].sup.p.sub.i=1] [C.sup.i]
[X.sub.t-l] + [[zeta].sub.t] ... (1)
Where [X.sub.t], is a vector given by,
[X.sub.t], = [[p.sub.t] [y.sub.t] [m.sub.t]]'
Where [p.sub.t] is annualized CPI inflation, [y.sub.t] is real GDP
gap and [m.sub.t] is reserve money. B is a matrix of coefficients with
one on the diagonal and capturing the contemporaneous effects of
variables on each other. [B.sub.0] is a vector of constant terms.
[C.sup.i] are the matrices of coefficients measuring the lagged effects
of variables on each other. [[zeta].sub.t], is a vector of error terms
that contains zero mean, constant variance and serially as well as cross
uncorrelated innovations, i.e. these elements represent pure structural
shocks. Equation 1 can be converted into standard reduced form VAR with
only lagged variables on the right hand side.
[X.sub.t] = [A.sub.0] + [[summation].sup.p.sub.(i=l)]
[A.sub.i][X.sub.t-i] + [e.sub.t] ... (2)
Where, [A.sub.0] = [B.sup.-1] [B.sub.0]
[A.sub.i] = [B.sup.-1] [C.sup.i]
And [e.sub.t] = [B.sup.-1][[zeta].sub.t]
Here [e.sub.t] contains the elements that have zero mean, constant
variance and are serially uncorrelated. However, these errors might be
contemporaneously correlated, i.e.
E([e.sub.jt]) = 0,
Var([e.sub.jt]) = [[sigmap.sup.2.sub.j],
Cov([e.sub.jt], [e.sub.jt-1]) = 0,
but Cov [e.sub.jt], [e.sub.kt]) may or may not be equal to zero.
Now the problem is to estimate Equation 2 and then using these
estimated parameters to identify the structural parameters and to
recover structural shocks from Equation 1 by imposing appropriate
restrictions on structural parameters. Equation 2 can be estimated by
OLS because right hand side variables of all equations are same. However
if we allow different lag length in different equations then the system
has to be estimated as seemingly unrelated (SUR) model, [Enders (2004)].
If the objective is to just identify monetary policy shocks then the
assumption that the reserve money has no contemporaneous effect on
output and inflation is enough, see for instance in Bernanke (1992);
Bernanke and Mihov (1998); Giannoni and Woodford (2003); Christiano, et
al. (2001) among others. However the appropriate number of restrictions
to make model exactly identified is ([n.sup.2 - n/2]), where n is the
number of variables in the VAR, [Enders (2004)]. As we are primarily
interested in estimating the impulse response functions of inflation and
output to monetary policy shocks, the restriction that the reserve money
has no contemporaneous effect on output and inflation is just enough.
Here the monetary policy shocks are estimated residuals from the last
equation in the system of Equations 1.
Quarterly data on CPI inflation, real GDP and reserve money are
used for the period 1975:03 to 2003:02. Data on reserve money and CPI
are taken from International Financial Statistics (IFS) and that on real
GDP from Kemal and Arby (2004). First the data are seasonally adjusted
and then real GDP and reserve money are detrended. Detrended GDP can be
used as a measure of output gap, [see for example Giannoni and Woodford
(2003); Taylor (1993)]. Inflation is calculated by annualized percentage
change in CPI.
In estimation first of all the presence of unit root in
deseasonalised and detrended series is investigated. Hylleberg, et al.
[HEGY (1990)] test is applied separately to each series and lag lengths
are chosen on the basis of removing autocorrelation from the test
equation. Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM test is used for this
purpose. There should be no autocorrelation in the residuals of unit
root test equation if proper lag length is selected. As the data is
deseasonalised and detrended, neither seasonal dummies nor deterministic
trend are included in the HEGY test equation in case of all the three
series. The results show that all the three variables; real GDP gap,
reserve money and inflation are stationary at level or we can say that
these are integrated of order zero. Same results are obtained at
bi-annual and seasonal frequencies. There are neither seasonal nor
biannual unit roots in all of the three series as given in Table 2.
To model the three variables, VAR in levels is applied. OLS gives
efficient parameter estimates as long as the right hand side variables
are same in all equations. At the same time over parameterization in VAR
can be avoided by allowing different lags in different equations. But in
that case the so called Near-VAR is estimated as a SUR model. Here a
variant of this approach is used by including only those lagged
variables in Near-VAR that have statistical significance and then the
system is estimated as SUR model. However the significance level is
relaxed to 10 percent. We have estimated both the simple VAR and
Near-VAR in levels but results reported here in Table 3 are those of
Near-VAR approach because same impulse response functions have been
obtained in the other case.
The important result is that reserve money does not respond to
lagged values of both inflation and output gap. It means in deciding the
stock of money each year central bank does not consider the past state
of the economy. It might be the case that central bank, while deciding
the stock of money, considers the next period's target growth rates
of inflation and growth.
By imposing identifying restrictions discussed in Section 3, we
next estimate the impulse response functions. Responses of reserve
money, output and inflation to one standard deviation shock in all the
three series are computed. The following results (given in Figure 2) are
* Reserve money responds to shock in reserve money immediately by
the magnitude of shock and that response dies out to one fourth of the
magnitude of shock in one year.
* Standard hump shaped response of real GDP gap to shock in reserve
money is obtained. The response started after one quarter, reaching the
peak in one year and then coming to zero in about one and half year.
* Inflation also responds in the same way to shock in reserve
money, starting the effect after two quarters and reaching the peak
after one and half years.
The important result that we draw from here is that inflation
responds positively to monetary shocks. It means money is an important
determinant of inflation in Pakistan. This result is in line with that
of Khan and Schimmelpfennig (2006).
Finally to test the direction of causality and to see whether our
result that inflation is caused by monetary expansion is true, we apply
the Granger causality test. It is not the test of causality as such,
however, [Maddala (1998)]. But by applying this test we can at least
find, which variable takes the precedence over the other. This is
exactly what the Granger causality test is. Test results confirm to what
we have found in other test results. Causality is found between only two
variables, i.e. inflation and reserve money and this causality is
uni-directional. Only inflation is Granger caused by reserve money and
result is not true the other way around. Reserve money is caused neither
by output gap nor by inflation. Similarly reserve money does not Granger
cause output gap. Results on Granger causality are given in Table 4. In
all of the above discussion one result is found exclusively that
inflation is caused by monetary expansion but most of the times monetary
authority does not respond to previous period's high inflation.
Why have inflation been high in some of the periods in Pakistan?
Three possible arguments can be given; monetary policy actions, supply
side factors, foreign inflation. This study tests the first argument
using Near-VAR approach. Results show that the effect of monetary policy
transmits into inflation with a lag of half year and then take another
year to reach at the peak. In episodes of high inflation monetary
authority's degree of leaning against the wind is almost zero. Why
is this so? There are at least two possible explanations. First, it
might be the case that central bank, while deciding on the growth of
money, gives more weight to future target level of inflation and growth
rate of real GDP and ignores the previous deviations of inflation and
real GDP from their trends. Second, it can be argued that monetary
authority does so due to the fear of loosing higher growth. To say some
thing with greater certainty, regarding the first one, a study is needed
that would focus on target growth rates of real output and prices rather
than the gaps. If the second is true, that may not be a right action
however. Flexible inflation targeting can help improving the situation.
A limited past history show that countries adopting inflation targeting
achieved lower inflation without hampering output growth. However there
are some pre-requisites for inflation targeting. A detailed study is
needed to investigate with the help of simulations, whether the
performance of inflation and output (in terms of their variability)
would have been improved had we adopted inflation targeting rule. Also
there is a need for a study that investigates the determinants of
inflation variability by considering all the three factors discussed
Consider the following system of equations:
This system can be written in matrix form structural (VAR) as:
which can be written in standard reduced form VAR as:
[X.sub.t] = [B.sup.-1] [B.sub.o] + [B.sup.-1] [y.sup.i] [X.sub.t-i]
+ [B.sup.-1] [[epsilon].sub.t]
[right arrow] [X.sub.t] = [A.sub.0] + [p.summation over (i=1)]
[A.sub.i][X.sub.t-i] + [[epsilon].sub.t]
[right arrow] [X.sub.t] = [A.sub.0] + [A.sub.l] [X.sub.t-1] + .....
+ [A.sub.p] [X.sub.t-p] + [[epsilon].sub.t]
To recover the structural innovations of monetary policy from
estimated reduced form VAR, following identifying restrictions are
[b.sub.l3] = 0 and [b.sub.23] = 0
In this case the matrix B becomes:
Agha, I. A., N. Ahmed, Y. A. Mubarik, and H. Shah (2005)
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Barro, R. J. (1995) Inflation and Economic Growth. Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin. May. 39-52.
Bernanke, Ben S. and Ilian Mihov (1998) Measuring Monetary Policy.
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Bernanke, Ben S., and Alan S. Blinder (1992) The Federal Funds Rate and the Transmission of Monetary Policy. American Economic Review 82,
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(2001) Nominal Rigidities and the Dynamic Effects of a Shock to Monetary
Policy. (NBER Working Paper No. 8403, July.)
Enders, Walter (2004) Applied Econometric Time Series. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Giannoni, M. P. and M. Woodford (2003) Optimal
Inflation Targeting Rules. (NBER Working Paper No. 9939.)
Janjua, M Ashraf (2004) History of the State Bank of Pakistan,
1977-1988-1988-2003. State Bank of Pakistan.
Kemal, A. R. and Farooq Arby (2004) Quarterisation of Annual GDP of
Pakistan. Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
(Statistical Papers Series, No. 5.)
Khan, M. S. and S. A. Senhadji (2001) Threshold Effects in the
Relationship between Inflation and Growth. IMF Staff Papers 48:1.
Khan, M. S. and Schimmelpfennig (2006) Inflation in Pakistan: Money
or Wheat? (International Monetary Fund Working Paper.)
Maddala, G. S. and I. M. Kim (1998) Unit Roots, Cointegration and
Structural Change. Cambridge University Press.
McCanless, G. T. Jr. and W. E. Weber (1995) Some Monetary Facts.
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review 19: 3, 2-11.
Sidrauski, M. (1967) Rational Choice and Patterns of Growth in a
Monetary Economy. American Economic Review 71: 3, 534-44.
Sims, Christopher (1980) Are Forecasting Models Usable for Policy
Analysis? Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review Winter:
Taylor, J. B. (1993) Discretion Versus Policy Rules in Practice.
Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 39, 195-214.
Taylor, J. B. (1996) How should Monetary Policy Respond to Shocks
while Maintaining Long run Price Stability?-Conceptual Issues. In
Achieving Price Stability, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 181-95.
The author deserves appreciation for undertaking research on a
topic that has been a moot point through the past decades. The study
confirms the position taken by a number of authors that monetary factors
are an important determinant of inflation in Pakistan. The study by
employing a more sophisticated econometric technique viz. NearVAR has
given more credence the strand of literature that accords monetary
factors an important role in determination of inflation in Pakistan.
This study refers to two recent studies, viz., Schimmelpfennig
(2006) and Agha, et al. (2005) that have examined the determinants of
inflation in Pakistan. More studies that have investigated the issue
specifically with reference to Pakistan are available. A brief mention
of the results of such studies will add value to the paper.
M. Idrees Khawaja Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,
Wasim Shahid Malik <> is Research Economist
at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Author's Note: The author acknowledges the comments from Dr
Ather Maqsood Ahmed, Dr Abdul Qayyum, Mr Muhammad Waheed, Mr Tasneem
Alam, Mr Zahid Asghar, Mr Muhammad Arshad, Mr Saghir Pervaiz Ghauri, Mr
Akhtar Hussain Shah, and Mr Mahmood Khalid.
Table 1
Some Basic Statistical Measures (1975-2003)
CPI Monetary GDP Inflationary
Inflation Growth Growth Gap *
Mean 9.37 15.54 5.09 10.45
Minimum 3.10 3.60 1.70 1.50
Maximum 29.00 26.20 8.70 22.50
Range 25.90 22.60 7.00 21.00
Standard Deviation 5.92 5.97 1.90 5.70
Correlation with CPI ** 1.00 0.29 0.21 0.23
* Inflationary gap is calculated as real GDP growth rate minus
monetary growth rate.
** Correlation between current inflation and one period lagged
values of the other variable.
Table 2
Unit Rout Test (HECY)
HEGY Test Statistic
CPI Real Reserve 5% Critical
Coefficients Inflation GDP Gap Money Values
[[pi].sub.1] -2.4159 -2.5610 -3.4441 -1.93
[[pi].sub.2] -4.1918 -3.8016 -2.0557 -1.94
[[pi].sub.3] -3.9907 -7.3992 -3.2289 -1.92
[[pi].sub.4] -4.8239 -0.6129 0.3597 -1.99
[[pi].sub.3], 18.6336 27.8117 5.2639 3.14
Note: Same results for Unit Root at zero frequency are obtained
when other tests are applied like, Augmented Dickey and Fuller (ADF)
Test, The Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt, and Shin (KPSS) Test and
Phillips and Perron (PP) Test.
Table 2
Unit Rout Test (HECY)
HEGY Test Statistic
CPI Real Reserve 5% Critical
Coefficients Inflation GDP Gap Money Values
[[pi].sub.1] -2.4159 -2.5610 -3.4441 -1.93
[[pi].sub.2] -4.1918 -3.8016 -2.0557 -1.94
[[pi].sub.3] -3.9907 -7.3992 -3.2289 -1.92
[[pi].sub.4] -4.8239 -0.6129 0.3597 -1.99
[[pi].sub.3], 18.6336 27.8117 5.2639 3.14
Note: Same results for Unit Root at zero frequency are obtained
when other tests are applied like, Augmented Dickey and Fuller (ADF)
Test, The Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt, and Shin (KPSS) Test and
Phillips and Perron (PP) Test.
Table 3
Near-VAR Results
Dependent Variable
Inflation (P)
Parameter Standard
Regressors Estimates Errors
Const 0.0129 0.0044
Mt-3 0.0659 0.0282
Yt-2 0.1816 0.067
Pt-1 0.962 0.048
Pt-4 -0.508 0.084
Pt-5 0.385 0.075
Dependent Variable
Real GDP (Y)
Parameter Standard
Regressors Estimates Errors
Mt-2 0.069 0.043
Mt-4 -0.075 0.043
Yt-1 0.336 0.086
Yt-3 0.2 0.088
Pt-4 0.258 0.097
Pt-5 -0.263 0.096
Dependent Variable
Reserve Money (M)
Parameter Standard
Regressors Estimates Errors
Mt-1 0.831 0.067
Mt-4 -0.184 0.102
Mt-5 0.225 0.092
-- -- --
-- -- --
-- -- --
Note: Results of VAR are about the same as for as the statistical
significance of variables is concerned.
Table 4
Granger Causality Test
Chi-square Probability
M does not Granger Cause P 5.45 * 0.0196
M does not Granger Cause Y 3.31 0.1912
P does not Granger Cause M 0.00 1.0000
Y does not Granger Cause M 0.00 1.0000