Trends in absolute poverty and governance in Pakistan: 1998-99 and 2004-05.
Anwar, Talat
Poverty reduction has been at the centre stage of the policy agenda
in Pakistan since the beginning of economic reform in the 1990s.
Conversely, poverty indices show that the level of poverty has shown no
sign of significant poverty reduction despite numerous policy and
institutional initiatives undertaken by the government. The debate on
trends in poverty during the 1990s has been wide-ranging in Pakistan.
Although there has been a consensus that poverty rose during the 1990s,
some controversies emerged on the analysis of poverty based on PSLM
2004-05. The official poverty estimates suggest that poverty declined
substantially by 10 percentage points from 34.5 percent in 2001-02 to
23.9 percent in 2004-05. In contrast to this, World Bank (2006) has
shown that decline in poverty was by 5 percentage point during the above
While monitoring of poverty trends is fundamental to evaluate the
efficacy of policies adopted by the government under the poverty
reduction strategy, it is important to measure changes in poverty over
time in its true spirit of the concept of absolute poverty using
consistent methods of measurement. The concept of absolute poverty is
linked with the purchasing power of minimum bundles of goods deemed to
assure that basic food and nonfood needs for physical functioning are
met in a society in real term. For measuring changes in poverty over
time, the rate of price inflation is, therefore, important as the
poverty line is kept constant in real term to buy minimum calorie intake
of 2350 for a person per day. Thus, inflation matters in measurement of
poverty trends. Any underestimation of rate of inflation will understate the level of poverty in the subsequent period.
It is this context that guided the author to determine the rate of
inflation for attainment of minimum cost of calorie intake of 2350 and
measure the level of poverty by deriving the poverty line from PSLM,
2004-05 using a consistent method based on the official methodology. The
consistent approach adopted in this paper for updating the poverty line
is based on the prevailing consumption pattern of the sampled households
of PSLM 2004-05. While the theme of the conference is governance which
together with acceleration of economic growth has been recognised as one
of the important pillars of country's poverty reduction strategy,
the paper also examines the trends in governance indicators constructed
by independent institutions for the period covered in this study.
The paper is organised as follows: The next section gives a
critical review of the most recent work on the trends in poverty in
Pakistan. The data sets used in this study are discussed in Section 3,
whereas official methods of measurement of poverty are discussed in
Section 4. Section 5 estimates the poverty line for 2004-05 based on
official methodology. Section 6 presents detailed results for the three
years of 1998-99, 2001-02 and 2004-05. Section 7 discusses the link
between poverty and governance and analyses the underling trends in
governance indicators during the period covered by the study.
Conclusions and policy implications are discussed in the final section.
A review of poverty studies shows that a number of
authors/institutions have made attempts (1) to examine poverty in
Pakistan during the last four decade. Recent work on poverty comprised
of FBS (2001), World Bank (1995, 2002), Anwar and Qureshi (2003), Anwar,
Qureshi, and All (2004), Planning Commission (2003) and Planning
Commission and CRPRID (2006).
These studies define individuals as poor when their consumption is
not sufficient to obtain the minimum food and non-food requirement
required for physical activity. Most of these studies derived absolute
poverty lines in terms of cost of food requirements consistent with 2550
calorie per day per adult recommended by Planning Commission (1985) for
daily activities plus an allowance for non-food need.
However, Planning Commission in 2002 made a case that the reference
threshold in drawing national poverty line should be the average calorie
intake required for all individuals weighted by population rather than
the male adult aged 20-39. Consequently, minimum average calorie norm
reduced from 2550 to 2150 calories per person per day. This change
reduced the poverty line as well as the poverty level in the country (2)
by 4 percentage points, from 32.2 percent to 28.0 percent in 1998-99
which was not acknowledged by academia and media.
Planning Commission, however, revised its notification in July 2002
that the official poverty line should be estimated at the average
calorie intake required for all individuals at 2350 calorie per adult
equivalent per day. This new intake requirement of 2350 calories
translated into the poverty line of Rs 673.54 per capita per month in
1998-99 prices. This definition resulted in upward adjustment of poverty
level (3) by 2 percentage points, from 28.0 percent to 30.6 percent in
1998-99. Nevertheless, the net reduction in poverty as a statistical
artifact in the whole process of adjustment was by 2 percentage points
from 32.2 percent to 30.6 percent in 1998-99.
However, Planning Commission estimated official poverty line at Rs
748 per capita per month in 2001-02 prices using PIHS, 2001-02. Using
this poverty line, Planning Commission estimated that 32.1 percent of
total population in Pakistan were poor in 2001-02. It is important to
note that rate of inflation between 1998-99 and 200102 implied by
official poverty line of Rs 748 per capita per month in 2001-02 was
significantly higher than both the Tornqvist price index derived from
the household survey as well as the consumer price index. It is
noteworthy that Anwar and Qureshi (2003) using lower poverty line of
consumption expenditure of Rs 735 per adult per month in 2001-02 prices
estimated a headcount at 35.6 percent for the country as a whole. Thus,
official poverty estimates at 32 percent of population using a higher
poverty line of Rs 748 per capita per month in 2001-02 were
significantly lower than estimated (4) by others. It was mainly due to
the fact that estimated poverty line of Rs 748 per capita per month and
poverty estimates based on this poverty line was derived by dropping 738
households from the total sample of 14705 households which is about 5
percent of the sample. Thus, dropping of 5 percent household led to
higher poverty line and lower poverty estimates of 32.1 percent in
2001-02. The official poverty estimates were never corroborated from
independent sources by any author/institution.
Thus, official poverty lines as well as the estimates were revised
(5) from 32.1 percent to 34.5 percent in 2001-02 using lower poverty
line of Rs 723 which seems to be in line with the findings of Anwar and
Qureshi (2003), Anwar, et al. (2004), and World Bank (2005). Poverty
estimates implied by recent studies are reported in Table 1. There
appears to be a general consensus that absolute poverty increased during
the 1990s. However, increase was more rapid in rural areas compared to
the urban areas. According to World Bank (2002), urban poverty rose from
20.8 percent in 1992-93 to 24.2 percent in 1998-99, whereas the rural
poverty increased from 27.2 percent to 35.4 percent during the same
period. In the subsequent period, rural poverty deteriorated (6)
sharply, while urban poverty increased marginally. The rise in absolute
poverty in the 1990s was mainly attributable to the low economic growth,
which declined to 4 percent in the 1990s from a growth trajectory of 6
percent per annum in the 1980s.
More recently poverty as measured by the official methodology
declined considerably by 10.56 percent from 34.5 percent to 23.9 percent
between 2001-02 and 2004-05 (see Table 1). The decline was more
noticeable in rural poverty, which declined from 39. 3 percent to 22.7
percent between 2001-02 and 2004-05. However, a controversy in poverty
assessment rose when World Bank (2006) contradicted the official poverty
estimates for 2004-05 during the validation exercise. According to the
World Bank (2006), official poverty estimates are based on inflation
adjusted poverty line of Rs 878 per capita per month in 2004-05 that
seems to have been underestimated due to lower changes in prices
indicated by Consumer Price Index compared to the price index derived
from the household survey prices. CPI suggest an inflation rate of 21.46
percent, the household survey based price index--Tornqvist price index
(TPI) yield a much higher inflation rate of 29.6 percent. World Bank
(2006) thus strongly recommended the use of TPI for adjustment in
poverty line for inflation and arrived at poverty headcount of 29.2
percent in 2004-05.
In this context, this paper is an attempt to examine the level of
absolute poverty. The paper argues that inflation matters in the
measurement of poverty and thus derives price changes to get reliable
estimates of poverty based on the actual consumption pattern of
households using PSLM survey data.
To examine the changes in poverty, Pakistan Integrated Household
Survey 1998-99, 2001-02 and Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLMS) 2004-05 conducted by the Federal Bureau of
Statistics, Islamabad are used. These surveys are designed to collect
information on consumption expenditure at household level, which can be
used to analyse the poverty during 1998-99, 2001-02 and 2004-05. While
income of a household clearly reflects its social and economic status,
income components are often under reported to the enumerators. In most
poverty assessment in developing countries like Pakistan household
current consumption expenditure is, therefore, preferred to income as an
indicator of living standards. Therefore, current consumption
expenditure on all non-durable is used as a proxy for the measurement of
poverty in this paper.
Prior to the official recognition of measurement of poverty, a
number of authors used different methods for the measurement of poverty
in Pakistan. In 2002, the government recognised the task of monitoring
trends and adopted the methodology used by DFID study [FBS (2001)] in
collaboration with Federal Bureau of Statistics. However, before
outlining the methodology adopted officially, it is appropriate to
explain concept of poverty.
4.1. Concept of Absolute Poverty
The human body requires energy for performing both internal
functions and external work in an environment. The energy requirement
standard can be defined in terms of the levels of body weight and
activity that are consistent with various functional capabilities, e.g.
the ability to avoid diseases and to perform physical activities. Thus,
under nourishment is a state in which the physical functioning of a
person is impaired to the point where he cannot either maintain an
adequate level of performance at physical work or resist against various
Thus, the concept of absolute poverty is based on defining minimum
calorie intake for food need and a minimum non-food allowance for human
need required for physical functioning and daily activities of life.
This approach requires an assessment of a minimum amount necessary to
meet each of these needs. These amounts are added up to arrive at a
poverty line in terms of income or expenditure. Welfare of the
population defined in term of poverty line is measured in real term over
time. Changes in prices of commodities used by the household play an
important role in determination of poverty line. Any change in prices
will require an adjustment in poverty line in the same proportion so as
to keep the welfare of the population constant.
4.2. Official Poverty Norm
Previously, a number of authors/institutions chose 2550 calorie per
day for an adult as nutritional requirement recommended by the Planning
Commission (7) as a reference threshold to estimate the absolute poverty
line for poverty analysis. However, Planning Commission notified on
August 16, 2002 that the reference threshold for official poverty line
should be estimated at the average calorie intake required for all
individuals at 2350 calorie per person per day. Thus, 2350 calories per
adult equivalent per day has been used as a reference threshold to
estimate the poverty line in this paper.
4.3. Official Method of Estimation of Poverty Line
To estimate the poverty, the focus is on computing a nutritionally
satisfactory level of consumption expenditure called poverty line, which
meets the poverty norm in term of calorie intake. This poverty threshold can be employed to assess whether individuals are poor or not. To
consider food and non-food needs, an overall poverty line is derived by
regressing calorie intake on total consumption expenditure. The
following steps are involved in estimation of poverty line.
(i) The first step is to derive calorie requirements of individuals
with different demographic characteristics among household members.
These can be expressed in absolute terms or as a multiple of the
requirements of a reference individual. The latter can be viewed as a
calorie adult equivalent (CAE), so for each household member, the number
of CAEs can be computed. (ii) The second step is to work out the calorie
intake of each household from the actual quantity consumed of food items
given in the consumption module of PSLM, 2004-05.
(iii) The third step is to work out the consumption expenditure of
all households on all food and non-food items.
The official methodology used for the estimation of poverty line is
a variant version of methodology suggested by Greet and Thorebecks
(1986). The methodology is conceptually strong and simple in
computation. Ereelawn (1990) and Anwar (1996) used this methodology for
estimation of poverty line for Pakistan, respectively from HIES primary
data for 1984-85 and 1990-91. DFID in collaboration with Federal Bureau
of Statistics also used this methodology in FBS (2001) which was adopted
officially by the government in 2002.
According to this approach, one needs information about the two
variables of each individual: Calorie intake, [C.sub.i] and total
consumption expenditure [X.sub.i] constitutes both purchased food and
the imputed value of food consumption out of own production. Both of
these variables are adjusted for household size using adult equivalent.
This method assumes that those households that reach the minimum
requirement of calories also consume also necessary non-food items,
otherwise they would have increased their calorie attainment. The
information on adult equivalent calorie intake and adult equivalent
expenditure, enable the estimation of the consumption expenditure for
acquiring a calorie norm by using the calorie expenditure function which
is expressed as follows:
ln [X.sub.i] = [alpha] + [beta] [C.sub.i] + [u.sub.i] ... ... ...
... ... ... (1)
where [alpha] is the intercept, [beta] the slope or coefficient of
calorie expenditure function and u are the error terms. Equation (1)
determines a relationship between total expenditure and calorie intake.
This equation can be solved to get monthly expenditure required for a
person corresponding to the official caloric threshold of 2350 notified
by the Government of Pakistan in August 2002. The merit of this
methodology is that for a given poverty norm (say 2350 calorie), any
rise (decline) in consumption expenditure for any reason would result in
higher (lower) poverty line, controlling for over-reporting
(under-reporting) of consumption expenditure data for any reason.
4.4. Poverty Measures
Given the information on per person consumption expenditure and
poverty line, the next step is to examine how much poverty exists across
regions and provinces. The most commonly used measure of poverty, the
Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (1984) class of poverty measures
[P.sub.[alpha]], have been used in this paper. These measures do not
only reflect the severity of poverty but also satisfy the axiom of
decomposability and additivity. These measures capture the distribution
of living standards among the poor.
[P.sub.[alpha]] = 1/n [q.summation over (i=1)] [[(Z -
[y.sub.i])/Z].sup.alpha]] ... ... ... ... ... ... (2)
These measures have clear advantages for evaluating policies which
aim to reach the poorest. Note that if [alpha] = 0, the FGT index,
[[alpha]] = Headcount measure, if [alpha] = 1, [P.sub.[alpha]] =
Poverty gap index or quotient and if [alpha] = 2, [P.sub.[alpha]] is the
mean of squared proportionate poverty gaps and indicates greater
severity of poverty among the poorest. The higher the value of [alpha]
the more sensitive the measure is to the well being of the poorest. As
[alpha] approaches infinity the measure collapses to one, which reflects
the poverty of the poorest person.
Having information on adult equivalent consumption expenditure and
adult equivalent calorie intake for each household, adult equivalent
consumption expenditure ([X.sub.i]) is regressed on adult equivalent
calorie intake ([C.sub.i]). To establish a consistency with official
methods previously applied in estimation of poverty line, (8) regression
is run using consumption expenditure of the first three quintiles of
population so as to avoid the effects of consumption pattern of rich
income groups in the determination of poverty line. The following
estimated regression equation has been estimated for overall Pakistan:
In [X.sub.i] = 6.8088 + 0.0002562 [C.sub.i] (1770.9)* (11.1)*
... (3)
Figures in parentheses are t-ratios, which are significant at 1.0
percent level of significance. This equation can be solved for total
expenditure required for the officially recommended daily calorie norm
of 2350 per adult equivalent. Solving this equation gives a preliminary
estimated poverty line for Pakistan at Rs 933 per person per month in
2004-05 prices. Accordingly to PSLM, 2004-05, average household size of
Pakistan is 6.73, the poverty line for an average household comes at Rs
6279 per month in 2004-05. Any household of average size spending
monthly less than Rs 6279 is considered as poor in 2004-05. This poverty
line represents average consumption behaviour in 2004-05 prices across
the country. The poverty line derived in this way reflects the monthly
amount in rupee necessary to buy minimum calorie intake of 2350 per
person per day in 2004-05 prices notified by the government as official
poverty norm plus a non-food allowance in subsistence term.
5.1. Price Adjustment between Rural and Urban Areas
Since prices of various commodities included in poverty line are
different between rural and urban areas, differences in prices are
required an adjustment in poverty line. This is mainly due to the fact
that cost of living is higher in urban than in rural areas due to higher
food prices in urban areas. For example, if two households have exactly
the consumption expenditure but reside in different regions, then
consistency requires that poverty line be adjusted accordingly to the
price differences. Regional price differences have been taken into
account using Pasches regional price index. Thus, an adjustment in
household consumption expenditure has been made by these price indices
to compute the poverty estimates across the country.
5.2. Price Inflation between 1998-99, 2001-02, and 2004-05
The nominal consumption expenditure grew by 42 percent between
2001-02 and 2004-05 implying that for a given quantity consumption
particularly for food prices household paid much higher prices in
2004-05 than in 2001-02. Thus, it is important to measure the household
welfare in real term. Changes in prices (or rate of inflation) play a
fundamental role in determining the changes in poverty level over time.
This is turned out to be highly controversial as adjustment in poverty
line by different price indices may lead to divergent conclusions about
the changes in poverty over time. It is, therefore, important to adopt
appropriate methods to take an adequate account of price changes that
reflects true changes in prices over time.
This paper derives the poverty line from the most recent household
data--PSLM, 2004-05, it does not, therefore, require an arbitrary
adjustment in the poverty line by a price index from different source of
data such as Consumer price index which is limited to urban region.
Changes in prices implied by the new poverty line may be different due
to changes in consumption pattern of household not captured by CPI.
Secondly, share of consumption of various commodities used by households
may be different from the weights given in CPI.
The approach adopted here is consistent with the prevailing
consumption pattern of households over time. To estimate the poverty in
2004-05, poverty line of Rs 933 per person per month in 2004-05 prices
derived in this paper using official methodology will be used. The
government revised CPI adjusted official poverty line is at Rs 723 per
person per month from PIHS, 2001-02. Taking percentage changes of
derived poverty lines (Rs 933 in 2004-05 and Rs 723 in 2001-02) gives
28.9 percent inflation between 2001-02 and 2004-05. The price inflation
derived from these poverty lines can also be validated from the other
independent sources. World Bank (2006) estimated a household survey
(PSLM, 2004-05) based price index--Tornqvist Price Index which yields
inflation rate of 29.6 percent between 2001-02 and 2004-05. Similarly,
Sensitive Price Indicator from official sources which is reflective of
consumption pattern of low income poor households indicates an inflation
rate of 26.0 percent. On the contrary, CPI gives inflation rate of 21.46
percent during 2001-02 and 2004-05. Thus, changes in CPI lacks empirical
supports of household survey data, PSLM 2004-05 which is used to analyse
poverty in 2004-05. The use of CPI for adjustment in official poverty
line will underestimate the official poverty line and thus poverty level
in 2004-05 leading to an overstatement of change in poverty between
2001-02 and 2004-05.
It is noteworthy that the coverage of CPI is limited to 16 urban
centres. Thus, changes in prices as measured by CPI may not truly
reflect changes in prices of the commodities used by households
particularly in rural areas. While price changes based on TPI are very
close to the changes observed from changes in estimated poverty lines
between 2001-02 and 2004-05, TPI can only estimate price changes in food
and fuel items. Thus, changes in non-food need cannot be addressed by
TPI. On the other hand, the approach adopted in this study takes an
account of price inflation of both food and non-food needs using the
prevailing consumption pattern of representative households in rural and
urban areas across provinces. Thus, there is merit in using estimated
poverty line derived from PSLM, 2004-05 to measure the welfare in
constant prices.
The advantage of the approach adopted in this paper is that it does
not require an arbitrary adjustment in poverty line due to changes in
price level since it is based on the prevailing consumption pattern of
representative households of the population. It, is therefore,
recommended to use estimated poverty line of Rs 933 per person per month
derived in 2004-05 prices to arrive at genuine poverty estimates for
2004-05. For 200102, the revisited official poverty line of Rs 725 per
person per month will be used. For 1998-99, the official poverty line of
Rs 673.54 per person per month will be used. The approach adopted here
is quite consistent as it uses poverty lines that are derived from the
actual consumption pattern of households reflected in the last three
household surveys.
6. CHANGES IN ABSOLUTE POVERTY: 1998-99, 2001-02 AND 2004-05
To examine changes in poverty, the level of poverty in 1998-99,
2001-02 and 2004-05 has been estimated using the poverty lines that are
derived directly from the household survey data by applying consistent
methods. This method has merits because price inflation for both food
and non-food is based on the same source of data, which gives coverage
to both rural and urban areas. In contrast, CPI changes are limited to
urban areas that are not reflections of price changes in rural areas
where majority of the poor reside. To take an account of economies of
scale in household consumption, the paper uses 1 for adult and 0.8 for
children aged 0-18.
The results indicate that incidence of poverty first increased in
Pakistan from 31.1 percent in 1998-99 to 34.4 percent in 2001-02 and
then declined to 29.3 percent in 200405 (see Table 2). Likewise, the
number of poor increased from 42.5 million in 1998-99 to 49.1 million in
2001-02 and declined to 45.1 million in 2004-05. The intensity of
poverty reflected by poverty gap measure ([P.sub.1]) increased from 6.6
percent in 1998-99 to 7 percent in 2001-02 and then decline to 6 percent
in 2004-05. The severity of poverty, captured by FGT [P.sub.2] measure,
remained stagnant at 2.1 percent during 1998-99 and 2001-02 and declined
to 1.9 percent in 2004-05 among the poorest groups in the country.
The results relating to changes in absolute poverty at regional
level indicates that while the rural poverty initially increased
substantially from 35.1 percent to 39.2 percent between 1998-99 and
2001-02 and then declined to 34.1 percent in 2004-05, the urban poverty
increased marginally to 22.6 in 2001-02 and then declined to 18.9
percent in 2004-05. While both rural poverty gap and severity of poverty
increased initially in 200102 and then declined in 2004-05, the urban
severity of poverty increased persistently during the period.
While poverty declined at national level in both rural and urban
areas, it does not indicate about the changes in poverty at province
level. It would therefore be interesting to examine how this decline in
poverty is shared at province level. Changes in absolute poverty at
province level shows that poverty increased first between 1998-99 and
200102 and then declined in all provinces in rural areas between 2001-02
and 2004-05. On the other hand, poverty also declined in all provinces
urban areas and increased in all provinces across urban areas between
1998-99 and 2001-02.
All provinces shared in the decline in poverty in the second
period, 2001-02 and 2004-05. Across rural areas, Sindh rural has shown a
huge reduction in poverty as absolute poverty decreased by 16.6 percent
from 45.0 percent in 2001-02 to 28.4 percent in 2004-05. This
substantial decline in poverty in rural Sindh reversed the ranking
across provinces. Sindh rural was the poorest region in 2001-02 which is
turned out be the least poor region across the country. It is noteworthy
that this huge decline over a short period of three years is unlikely
and thus need more scrutiny of the data at province level in future.
Similarly, poverty declined in Sindh urban from 20.1 percent to 14.3
percent in the second period. Both poverty gap and the severity of
poverty also show a significant declining trend. Likewise, urban poverty
also declined in other provinces but the rate of decline was lower than
the Sindh during the second period.
Considering provinces as a whole, changes in headcount shows the
highest decline in poverty in Sindh from 32.2 to 29.7 percent in the
second period, 2001-02 and 2004-05. In overall term, poverty declined in
NWFP from 41.3 percent to 38.9 percent whereas in Balochistan it
declined from 35.5 percent to 33.1 percent over the period. Similarly,
overall Punjab observed a decline in poverty from 32.2 percent to 29.7
percent during the period.
It may be argued that comparison of poverty in 2001-02 with 2004-05
may not be fair because the year 2001-02 is not the normal year as
growth declined rapidly due to the drought which seems to have increased
poverty more rapidly in 2001-02. It is, therefore, important to examine
changes in absolute poverty during the period as whole from 199899 to
2001-02. Poverty comparison suggests that absolute poverty declined in
Pakistan by 1.8 percentage points from 31.1 percent in 1998-99 to 29.3
percent in 2004-05. However, number of poor increased by 2.6 million
from 42.5 million in 1998-99 to 45. I million in 2004-05. While rural
poverty declined marginally by 1.0 percentage points from 35.1 percent
to 34.1 percent, the urban poverty decreased by 2.5 percentage points
from 21.4 percent to 18.9 percent during the above period. Across rural
areas, the highest decline by 5.6 percentage points in poverty was found
in Sindh followed by NWFP and Punjab. In contrast rural poverty rose
rapidly by 14.6 percentage points in Balochistan during the period as a
whole. Across urban areas, the highest decline in urban poverty by 3.6
percentage points was found in Punjab followed by 1.3 percentage points
in Sindh. However, urban poverty declined marginally at best and
remained stagnant at worst both in Balochistan and NWFP between 1998-99
and 2004-05.
6.1. Comparison of Poverty Estimates with Other Sources
For 2001-02, poverty estimates of this study are similar to the
official poverty estimates of 34.5 percent. For 1998-99, poverty
estimates of this paper at 31.1 percent are little bit higher than the
officially reported poverty estimates of 30.6 percent. Official poverty
estimates for Pakistan at 30.6 percent in 1998-99 is endorsed by this
paper by using the poverty line of Rs 670 rather than Rs 673 per capita
per month notified officially. For 2004-05, poverty estimate of this
study is 5.2 percentage points higher than the official poverty
estimates for Pakistan. However, our poverty estimates are very close to
World Bank (2006). It is mainly due to the fact that official poverty
line of Rs 878 for 2004-05 has been adjusted using Consumer price index
which rose by 21.5 percent between 2001-02 and 2004-05. On the other
hand, inflation derived in this paper by estimating a new poverty line
of Rs 933 per capita per month in 2004-05 is at 29.0 percent between
2001-02 and 2004-05. It is noteworthy that inflation derived in this
study is consistent with the Tornqvist Price Index derived by the World
Bank (2006) from the PSLM, 2004-05.
Poverty and governance are closely linked. If power is abused, or
exercised in a weak manner, those with the least power particularly the
poor are most likely to suffer. Weak governance compromises the delivery
of services and benefits to those who need them most particularly the
poor. Influence of powerful interest groups biases policies, programmes
and spending away from the poor. Lack of property rights, police
protection, and legal services disadvantage the poor and inhibit them
from securing their homes and other assets and operating businesses. Due
to its significance for poverty reduction, governance has been
recognised as one of the important pillars of poverty reduction strategy
outlined in Interim and Full-Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper adopted by
the Government of Pakistan since 2001. The PRSP was aimed at taking a
number of policy measures to improve governance in key areas of
governance--devolution, access to justice, police reforms, civil service
reforms and capacity building, anti-corruption strategy, procurement reforms, freedom of information and statistics. An evaluation of the
reforms programme is beyond the scope of the paper as it needs a
separate study that can examine the status and progress of governance
reform in Pakistan. In addition, there are difficulties in measuring the
changes in governance profile due to absence of data and information in
household survey. Alternatively, governance indicators constructed by
international institution like World Bank (2005) can be used to examine
the trends in governance indicators over time.
Governance is broadly defined (9) as the traditions and
institutions by which authority in a country is exercised for the common
good. This includes: (a) the process by which those in authority are
selected, monitored, and replaced (the political dimension); (b) the
government's capacity to effectively manage its resources and
implement sound policies (the economic dimension); and (c) the respect
of citizens and the state for the country's institutions (the
institutional respect dimension).
To define and measure governance, World Bank (2005) constructed
aggregate Governance Indicators, which cover more than 200 countries,
based on more than 350 variables, obtained from dozens of institutions
worldwide, including the Survey. The Governance Indicators capture the
following six key dimensions of governance:
(1) Voice and Accountability; measuring political, civil and human
(2) Political instability and violence; measuring the likelihood of
violent threats to, or changes in, government, including terrorism.
(3) Government effectiveness," measuring the competence of the
bureaucracy and the quality of public service delivery.
(4) Regulatory burden; measuring the incidence of market-unfriendly
(5) Rule of law; measuring the quality of contract enforcement, the
police, and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence.
(6) Control of corruption; measuring the exercise of public power
for private gain, including both petty and grand corruption, and state
These governance indicators are used worldwide for monitoring
performance, country assessment and research. Table 3 presents the
governance indicators for Pakistan for 1998 and 2005. Higher values
indicate better governance ratings. Percentile ranks have been adjusted
to account for changes over time in the set of countries covered by the
governance indicators. The results indicate that percentile rank of
Pakistan's governance indicators were placed in the bottom range of
percentile in 1998. However, the percentile ranks of Pakistan in all
governance indicators worsened persistently further between 1998 and
2005 except the government effectiveness. The percentile ranking of
government effectiveness improved significantly between 1998 and 2002
but remained almost stagnant afterward. On the whole, these trends
suggest that Pakistan did not fare well in governance compared to the
other countries as its performance in governance in most of the above
areas declined resulting in lowering country's percentile ranking
between 1998 and 2005.
It is important to note that corruption is often a cause as well as
an effect of week governance. It is, thus, important to discuss how poor
governance and corruption hurt the poor through a multiple routes.
* A capital-intensive infrastructure project may offer more
opportunities for kickbacks than spending on primary education thus
diverting resources from pro-poor expenditure. Spending on operations
and maintenance may be squeezed in favour of new projects leaving
existing roads, schools and hospitals to decay. Similarly expenditure
allocated may not reach the intended recipients.
* Corruption in health sector may divert funds away from patients
of the poor families. Corruption can mean that death toll and loss of
assets in earthquake may be far higher than necessary because
procurement and inspections procedures may be subverted.
Corruption can be broadly categorised into two types: (a) state
capture and; (b) administrative corruption. The state capture refers to
actions that individuals, groups or firms in both public and private
sectors take to influence the formation of laws, regulations, decrees
and policies to their own advantage which occurs through illicit and
non-transparent transfer or concentration of private benefits to public
officials. The administrative corruption refers to the intentional imposition of distortions in prescribed implementation of existing laws,
rules, and regulations to provide advantage to either state or non-state
participants as result of the illegal transfer or concentration of
private gains to public officials.
Keeping in view the importance of linkages between corruption and
poverty, the extent of corruption and its underlying trends in Pakistan
are further analysed. However, the absence of country's survey data
on corruption precludes analysts for assessment of corruption.
Nevertheless, an attempt has been made to examine extent of corruption
using corruption index constructed by independent sources. One of the
important and widely recognised indicators of corruption is the
Corruption Perception Index (CPI) that is annually prepared by the
Transparency International, Germany. Corruption Perception Index is
based on a definition of corruption such as the misuse of public power
for private benefit, for example bribing of public officials, kickbacks
in public procurement, or embezzlement of public funds. It assesses the
"extent" of corruption among public officials and politicians
in the countries in question. The index is a composite index based on
data compiled of surveys of business people and assessments by country
analysts from 10 independent institutions.
Table 4 reports country's rank and score based on Corruption
Perception Index (CPI) among Asian developing countries including
Pakistan. The first two columns report the country rank whereas the last
two columns report the score of corruption perception index for 1999 and
2005. CPI communicates the perception of the degree of corruption as
seen by business people and country analysts, ranging from 10 (highly
clean) to 0 (highly corrupt). CPI score results indicate that
Pakistan's score of 2.2 in 1999 was in the lowest range of the
index implying the high extent of corruption among public officials and
politicians compared to other countries. Notably, the already low score
of CPI declined from 2.2 in 1999 to 2.1 in 2005 indicating a worsening of extent of corruption during this period. The extent of corruption in
Pakistan in 2005 was even higher from south Asian counties like Sri
Lank, India and Nepal. The worsening of corruption is also validated by
the decline of Pakistan's ranking among the sampled countries.
Pakistan's ranking worsened from 87 in 1999 to 144 in 2005. Since
numbers of countries ranked in both years are different, it is not
possible to draw a clear-cut conclusion about the change of ranking
between years. The next two columns present the country's rank as
percent of number of countries included in the sample. The result
indicates that Pakistan's ranking deteriorated from 87 in 1999 to
91 in 2005. Thus, Pakistan's ranking as having highly corrupt
public officials and politicians worsened during this period. On the
other hand, ranking of a number of countries (such as Malaysia, South
Korea, India and Indonesia) improved considerably during this period.
It is noteworthy that corruption hurt the poor through more
regressive taxes, lower and more ineffective social spending and
disincentives to investment in the human capital of the poor. Corruption
also increases income inequality and poverty by perpetuating unequal
distribution of assets. Evidence shows that inequality worsened in
Pakistan between 2001-02 and 2004-05. Gini coefficient increased during
this period (see Table 5). The percentage share of consumption
expenditure shows that while the lowest 60 percent lost their
consumption share, the highest 40 percent gained in their consumption
share implying that inequality in Pakistan increased at the expense of
the poor and the middle income groups during this period. The ratio of
the highest to the lowest quintile that determines the gap between rich
and the poor also worsened. The rising trends in corruption are
consistent with rising trends in inequality. Thus, there is a need to
take measure to reduce corruption among public officials and
politicians, which would results in availability of more resources for
public sector development programme and poverty reduction.
The paper made an assessment of absolute poverty using primary data
of three countrywide household income and expenditure surveys for
1998-98, 2001-02 and 2004-05. The paper draws attention to the fact that
rate of inflation matters in poverty reduction over time. The
preliminary findings suggest that price inflation as measured by
percentage changes in nominal poverty lines is 7.4 percentage points
higher than Consumer Price Index between 2001-02 and 2004-05 and close
to the Tornqvist Price Index constructed by World Bank (2006) as well as
the Sensitive Price Indicator from the official sources. Notably,
Sensitive Price Indicator reflects the consumption pattern of low income
poor households. Thus, use of CPI for adjustment in official poverty
line is likely to result in lower poverty line for 2004-05 and thus
overstates of decline in poverty between 2001-02 and 2004-05. While
revisit of official poverty line by the Planning Commission from Rs 748
to Rs 725 per person per month for 2001-02 is logical and empirically
valid, the CPI adjusted official poverty line of Rs 878 per person for
2004-05 lacks empirical support and raises questions for the relevance
of poverty estimates based on CPI adjusted poverty line. It is,
therefore, suggested to use the estimated poverty line of Rs 933 for
2004-05 so as to monitor poverty genuinely to evaluate the poverty
reduction strategy adopted in 2001. World Bank (2006) strongly
recommended the use of TPI adjusted poverty line of Rs 937 for
estimation of poverty in 2004-05. The use of poverty lines derived by
the consistent approach from the household surveys results indicate that
absolute poverty increased significantly during the first period,
1999-98 to 2001-02. This period relates to a low growth period primarily
due to drought in the country. On the other hand, poverty declined by 5
percentage points in the second period, 2001-02 to 2004-05 when the
country witnessed high economic growth rate. This period is also
characterised as high inflationary period. The high inflation seems to
have eroded positive effects of rapid economic growth resulting in
higher poverty line of Rs 933 and slower poverty reduction during this
period. It is thus important to reduce high inflation, if government
aimed at protecting the poor. At province level, the finding of a
substantial reduction in poverty by 16.6 percentage points in rural
Sindh over a short period of three years requires further scrutiny of
the data at province level.
It may be argued that poverty comparison between 2001-02 and
2004-05 may not be fair since 2001-02 is not the normal year due to
drought that resulted in low economic growth leading to a rapid rise in
poverty in 2001-02. Poverty comparison considering the period as a whole
suggests that while absolute poverty declined by 1.8 percentage points
from 31.1 percent in 1998-99 to 29.3 percent in 2004-05, the number of
poor increased by 2.6 million during the same period. Rural poverty
declined marginally by 1.0 percentage points from 35.1 percent to 34.1
percent, whereas the urban poverty decreased by 2.5 percentage points
from 21.4 percent to 18.9 percent during the above period. At province
level, rural poverty declined in Sindh, Punjab and NWFP whereas
increased in Balochistan between 1998-99 and 2004-05. Similarly, urban
poverty declined only in Punjab and Sindh whereas it remained stagnant
in NWFP and Balochistan during the period as a whole.
While good governance is closely linked with poverty reduction,
Pakistan's governance indicators that were already placed in the
bottom range of percentile ranking among counties in 1998 worsened
continuously in 2005 except the government effectiveness. These trends
suggest that Pakistan did not progress well in governance compared to
the other countries as its performance in governance declined resulting
in lowering country's percentile ranking in 2005 compared to 1998.
Trends in corruption as measured by corruption perception index by an
independent source indicate that the already low score of CPI declined
between 1999 and 2005 indicating an increasing extent of corruption
during this period. Pakistan's ranking as having highly corrupt
public officials and politicians worsened during this period. The extent
of corruption in Pakistan in 2005 was even higher than in the south
Asian counties like Sri Lank, India and Nepal. It is noteworthy that
corruption increases inequality and poverty by perpetuating unequal
distribution of assets. The evidence of rising trend in inequality
supports the evidence of the rising extent of corruption in Pakistan
during the period. Thus, good governance is crucial for reducing
inequality and poverty.
The worsening of governance indicators accompanied by a decline in
poverty suggests that poverty reducing effect has come from high
economic growth whereas governance played little role in reducing
poverty. Had the governance indicators improved, the reduction in
poverty would have been much higher. Thus, there is a need to pursue
governance reform process more rigorously along with its effective
monitoring and evaluation to improve the governance indicators, which
would enhance the rate of reduction of poverty.
Amjad, R. and A. R. Kemal (1997) Macroeconomic Policies and Their
Impact on Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development
Review 36:1.
Anwar, Talat (1996) Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Pakistan
During the Period of Structural Adjustment. Ph.D. thesis submitted to
the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
Anwar, Talat (2002) The Impact of Globalisation and Liberalisation
on Growth, Employment and Poverty: A Case Study of Pakistan. United
Nations University/World Institute for Development Economic Research,
Helsinki, Finland. (WIDER Discussion Paper No.2002/17.)
Anwar, Talat (2004) Recent Macroeconomic Developments and
Implications for Poverty and Employment in Pakistan: The Cost of Foreign
Exchange Reserves Holdings in South Asia. Australia South Asia Research
Centre, Australian National University, Canberra. (Working Paper No.
Anwar, Talat (forthcoming) Poverty-Growth-Inequality Triangle for
Pakistan: Attaining Millenium Development Goal 1, Discussion paper,
CRPRID Islamabad
Anwar, Talat and Sarfraz Khan Qureshi (2003) Trends in Absolute
Poverty in Pakistan: 1990-2001. The Pakistan Development Review 42:4.
Anwar, Talat, Sarfraz Khan Qureshi, and Hammad Ali (2004)
Landlessness and Rural Poverty in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development
Review 43:4.
Asian Development Bank (2002) Poverty in Pakistan, Issues, Causes
and Institutional Responses, Pakistan Resident Mission, Islamabad.
Ercelawn, Aly (1990) Absolute Poverty in Pakistan. Applied
Economics Research Centre, Karachi. (Mimeographed.)
Federal Bureau of Statistics (2001) Poverty in the 1990s.
Statistics Division, Islamabad.
Federal Bureau of Statistics (Various Issues) Pakistan Integrated
Economic Survey (PIHS), 1998-99 and 2001-02, and Pakistan Social and
Living Standard Measurement Survey (PSLSM), 2004-05, lslamabad.
Foster, James, J. Greer, and E. Thorbecke (1984) A Class of
Decomposable Poverty Measures. Econometrica 52, 761-765.
Kaufmann, D, A. Kraay and M. Mastruzzi (2006) Governance Matters V:
Governance Indicators for 1996-2005. World Bank, Washington, DC.
Kaufmann, Daniel (2005) Myths and Realities of Governance and
Corruption. World Bank, Washington, DC.
Naseem, S.M. (1973) Mass Poverty in Pakistan: Some Preliminary
Findings. The Pakistan Development Review 12: 4, 312-360.
Pakistan, Government of (1985) Energy and Protein Requirements,
Report of a joint FAO/WHO Ad-hoc Experts Committee, Geneva, Islamabad
Pakistan, Government of (2006) Economic Survey, 2004-05. Islamabad:
Ministry of Finance Islamabad.
World Bank (2002) Poverty in Pakistan: Vulnerabilities, Social
Gaps, and Rural Dynamics. Washington, DC.
World Bank (2005) Pakistan Poverty Update, 2001-02. Washington, DC.
World Bank (2006) Summary of Key Findings and Recommendation for
Pakistan: Poverty, 2004-05, Islamabad.
Talat Anwar <> is Senior Economist at
the UNDP Project, Centre for Research on Poverty Reduction and Income
Distribution, Planning Commission, Islamabad.
Author's Note: The views expressed here are those of the
author and do not necessarily reflect those of the CRPRID, UNDP/UNOPS,
or the Planning Commission.
(1) For a detailed review on poverty since 1963 see Anwar and
Qureshi (2003) and Anwar, et al. (2005).
(2) See FBS (2001), Appendix D and Pakistan (2002) Economic Survey,
Finance Division.
(3) See CRPRID/UNDP (2002) Human Conditions Reports, 2002.
(4) In another study, Anwar, Qureshi, and Ali (2004) used the
official poverty line of Rs 748 per capita and estimated a headcount of
38 percent in 2001-02. Similarly, World Bank (2005) using official
poverty line of Rs 748 per capita estimated reported 37 percent in
(5) See Economic Survey, 2006. Also see Cheema (2005), Revisiting
Official Poverty Line, CRPRID Discussion Paper.
(6) Planning Commission (2003) and Anwar and Qureshi (2003) have
also arrived more or less at the same conclusion.
(7) Government of Pakistan, Planning Commission (1985) Food
Composition Table for Pakistan, Peshawar, University of Agriculture.
(8) Previously, official poverty line of Rs 673 in 1998-99 prices
was derived in this way with out dropping any observation from these
quintilcs but regression equation has not been reported by FBS (2001).
(9) This definition is given by Kaufmann (2005).
Table 1 Headcount Measure (% below Poverty Line) for
Pakistan-1992-93 to 2004-05
World Bank Commission
FBS (2001) (2002) (2003)
Rs 682 Urban Rs 767 Rs 748
in 1998-99 Rural Rs 680 in in 2001-02
Poverty Lines Prices 1998-99 Prices Prices
1992-93 26.6 25.7 --
1993-94 29.3 28.6 --
1998-99 32.2 32.6 30.6
2001-02 -- -- 32.1
2004-05 -- -- --
1992-93 29.9 27.7 --
1993-94 34.7 33.4 --
1998-99 36.3 35.4 34.6
2001-02 -- -- 38.9
2004-05 -- -- --
1992-93 20.7 20.8 --
1993-94 16.3 17.2 --
1998-99 22.4 24.2 20.9
2001-02 -- -- 22.6
2004-05 -- -- --
Anwar and Commission/
Qureshi (2003) CRPRID (2006)
Rs 735 Rs 723
in 2001-02 in 2001-02
Poverty Lines Prices Prices
1992-93 -- --
1993-94 -- --
1998-99 30.4 --
2001-02 35.6 34.5
2004-05 -- 23.9 *
1992-93 -- --
1993-94 -- --
1998-99 32.1 --
2001-02 41.0 39.3
2004-05 -- 22.7 *
1992-93 -- --
1993-94 -- --
1998-99 26.4 --
2001-02 26.5 22.7
2004-05 -- 14.9 *
Source: Various studies cited above.
* Planning Commission/CRPRID (2006), based on inflation (CPI)
adjusted official poverty line of Rs 878.64 in 2004-05.
Table 2
Poverty Incidence, Intensity and Severity 1998-99,
2001-02, and 2004-05 in Pakistan
Headcount (Po)
Regions 1998-99 2001-02 2004-05
Overall 31.1 34.4 29.3
Rural 35.1 39.2 34.1
Urban 21.4 22.6 18.9
Punjab 34.6 35.8 33.9
Sindh 34.0 45.0 28.4
NWFP 43.7 43.4 41.4
Balochistan 21.3 37.5 35.9
Punjab 24.2 23.2 20.6
Sindh 15.6 20.1 14.3
NWFP 27.1 29.0 26.5
Balochistan 22.9 26.2 22.4
Punjab 31.6 32.2 29.7
Sindh 26.0 35.3 22.4
NWFP 41.3 41.3 38.9
Balochistan 21.6 35.5 33.1
Number of Poor in
(Million) 42.5 49.1 45.1
FGT Poverty Gap Index (P1)
Regions 1998-99 2001-02 2004-05
Overall 6.6 7.0 6.0
Rural 7.6 8.0 7.1
Urban 4.3 4.5 3.7
Punjab 7.5 7.5 7.3
Sindh 7.3 10.0 5.7
NWFP 9.5 7.8 8.3
Balochistan 3.8 6.4 7.4
Punjab 5.0 5.1 4.2
Sindh 2.8 3.3 2.6
NWFP 5.7 5.2 4.9
Balochistan 4.0 4.5 4.4
Punjab 6.8 6.8 6.3
Sindh 5.3 7.4 4.4
NWFP 8.9 7.4 7.7
Balochistan 3.8 6.0 6.8
Number of Poor in
(Million) -- -- --
FGT Index (P2)
Regions 1998-99 2001-02 2004-05
Overall 2.1 2.1 1.9
Rural 2.4 2.4 2.3
Urban 1.0 1.3 1.1
Punjab 2.4 2.3 2.4
Sindh 2.3 3.2 1.8
NWFP 3.0 2.1 2.6
Balochistan 1.0 1.5 2.4
Punjab 1.6 1.6 1.3
Sindh 0.7 0.8 0.7
NWFP 1.9 1.4 1.5
Balochistan 1.0 1.1 1.3
Punjab 2.1 2.2 2.0
Sindh 2.3 1.6 1.4
NWFP 2.0 2.8 2.4
Balochistan 1.5 1.0 2.2
Number of Poor in
(Million) -- -- --
Source: Calculations are based on primary data of PIHS 1998-99,
2001-02 and 2004-05, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Government
of Pakistan, Islamabad.
Note: All Poverty indices are expressed as percentages.
Table 3
Percentile Rank of Pakistan (0-100) Based on
Governance Indicators
1998 2002 2005
-Voice and Accountability 30.4 17.4 12.6
-Political Instability and Violence 11.8 11.3 5.7
-Government Effectiveness 22.0 33.0 34.0
-Regulatory Quality 37.4 21.2 27.7
-Rule of law 25.0 27.4 24.2
-Control of Corruption 18.6 23.5 15.8
Source: Kaufmann, Kraay, and Mastruzzi (2006) Governance Matters
V: Governance Indications for 1996-2005. World Bank.
(9) This definition is given by Kaufmann (2005).
Table 4
Country's Rank and Score Raced on Corruption
Perception Index (CPI)
Country's Rank as
Country's Rank % Maximum Rank
1999 2005 1999 2005
Malaysia 32 39 32 25
South Korea 50 40 51 25
Saudi Arabia -- 70 -- 44
Sri Lanka -- 78 -- 49
India 72 88 73 56
Iran -- 88 -- 56
Afghanistan -- 117 -- 74
Nepal -- 117 -- 74
Indonesia 96 137 97 87
Pakistan 87 144 88 91
Maximum Rank among 99 158 100 100
Sampled Countries
CPI Score
1999 2005
Malaysia 5.1 5.1
South Korea 3.8 5.0
Saudi Arabia -- 3.4
Sri Lanka -- 3.2
India 2.9 2.9
Iran -- 2.9
Afghanistan -- 2.5
Nepal -- 2.5
Indonesia 1.7 2.2
Pakistan 2.2 2.1
Maximum Rank among -- --
Sampled Countries
Source: Transparency International, Germany;
Perceptions Index 1999 and 2005.
Table 5
Gini-coefficient and Consumption Quintile by Region for
Pakistan between 2001-02 and 2004-05
PIHS 2001-02
Urban Rural Pakistan
Gini-coefficient 32.27 23.67 27.52
Consumption Share
by Quintile
Quintile1 5.3 12.8 10.1
Quintile2 8.1 16.9 13.7
Quintile3 12.1 19.5 16.8
Quintile4 19.4 22.4 21.3
Quintile5 55.1 28.4 38.0
Ratio of Highest 10.40 2.22 3.76
to Lowest
PSLM 2004-05
Urban Rural Pakistan
Gini-coefficient 33.88 25.19 29.76
Consumption Share
by Quintile
Quintile1 4.8 12.6 9.5
Quintile2 7.6 17.1 13.2
Quintile3 11.6 19.7 16.4
Quintile4 18.3 23.0 21.4
Quintile5 57.7 27.6 39.4
Ratio of Highest 12.02 2.19 4.15
to Lowest
Source: Computed from PHIS 2001 and PSLM 2005.