The public and private sector pay gap in Pakistan: a quantile regression analysis.
Hyder, Asma ; Reilly, Barry
This paper examines the magnitude of public/private wage
differentials in Pakistan using data drawn from the 2001-02 Pakistan
Labour Force Survey. As in many other countries, public sector workers
in Pakistan tend both to have higher average pay and education levels as
compared to their private sector counterparts. In addition, the public
sector in Pakistan has both a more compressed wage distribution and a
smaller gender pay gap than that prevailing in the private sector. Our
empirical analysis suggests that about two-fifths of the raw
differential in average hourly wages between the two sectors is
accounted for by differentials in average characteristics. The estimated
public sector mark-up, ceteris paribus, is of the order of 49 percent
and is substantial by the standards of developed economies. The quantile regression estimates suggest that the mark-up was found to decline
monotonically with movement up the conditional wage distribution. In
particular, the premium at the 10th percentile was estimated at 92
percent as compared to a more modest 20 percent at the 90th percentile.
In most economies, public sector employment accounts for a sizeable
share of total employment. The process of recruitment and promotion and
the rules governing employment conditions tend to differ markedly across
public and private sectors. The wage determination processes within the
two sectors are distinct and have the potential to give rise to
differentials in pay rewards between comparable workers in the two
sectors. The profit motives of private sector firms create incentives to
set wages commensurate with worker productivity. These motives are
generally absent from the public sector and pay rewards are generally
based on other criteria.
The existence of inter-sectoral wage differentials can create
problems for the dis-advantaged sector. For instance, large pay
differentials, ceteris paribus, in favour of the private sector may
constrain the public sector's ability to recruit and retain
high-quality workers with implications for public sector productivity
and efficiency. In addition, efforts by the state to maintain some
degree of pay comparability for their employees with the private sector
may compromise fiscal budgetary positions. On the other hand, the
existence of a positive differential in favour of the public sector, a
common phenomenon in many developing economies, can give rise to job
'queues' and 'wait' unemployment given risk-averse agents' preferences for stable and well-paid public sector jobs.
There may be sizeable opportunity costs associated with such behaviour.
Knowledge of the magnitude of the public sector pay gap and how it
varies across the wage distribution has important policy content. The
purpose of this paper is to investigate the public sector pay gap in
Pakistan using data drawn from the recent Pakistan Labour Force Survey
of 2001-02. This study differs from previous work that has explored the
magnitude of the public-private pay gap in Pakistan in a number of
distinct ways. First, we control for endogenous selection into one of
three employment sectors (viz., public, private, and state-owned
enterprises (SOE)) though our primary concern is a comparison of the pay
differential between the larger two of these. Secondly, using mean
regression analysis, we decompose the overall average pay differential
between public and private sector workers into 'endowment' and
'treatment' components. Thirdly, given an established interest
within the contemporary literature on the public sector pay gap, the
heterogeneity in the pay gap across the conditional wage distribution is
examined using quantile regression analysis. The approach, however,
presents a dual challenge. The first is concerned with the appropriate
decomposition of pay gaps at selected quantiles into their
endowment' and 'treatment' components and the second
relates to modelling selection bias within a quantile regression
framework. The emphasis in the paper falls more heavily on addressing
the former of these challenges and our approach in regard to the latter
is acknowledged as somewhat ad hoe.
The structure of the paper is as follows. The next section provides
a brief review of both the Pakistan context and the more broadly defined
empirical literature on the public sector pay gap. This assists in
situating the present empirical work in a broader context. Section Two
outlines the econometric and decomposition methodologies used, and
Section Three details the data set used. Section Four discusses the
results, and a final section offers some conclusions.
1.1. The Pakistan Context
At partition in 1947, the newly formed Government of Pakistan lacked the personnel, institutions, and resources to play a large role
in developing the economy. Exclusive public ownership was reserved for
the production of armaments, the generation of hydroelectric power, and
the manufacture and operation of railroads, telephone, telegraph, and
wireless equipment. The rest of the economy was open to private-sector
development, and the government used many direct and indirect measures
to stimulate or guide private-sector activities. The government enacted
piecemeal measures between 1968 and 1971 to set minimum wages, promote
collective bargaining for labour, reform the tax structure towards
greater equity, and rationalise the salary structures. However, the
implementation of these reforms was generally weak and uneven.
In 1972, the government nationalised thirty-two large manufacturing
plants in eight major industries. The public sector expanded greatly in
this period. In addition to the nationalisation of companies, government
agencies were created to support various functions, such as the export
of cotton and rice. Suitably qualified managers and technicians were
scarce, a situation that became worse alter 1974, when many of the more
able left to seek higher salaries in the oil-producing countries of the
Middle East. Labour legislation set high minimum wages and sizeable
fringe benefits, boosting payroll costs in both public and private
After 1977, the government adopted a policy of greater reliance on
private enterprises to achieve economic goals, and successive
governments continued this policy throughout the late 1980s and the
early 1990s. However, the government continued to play a large economic
role in this period, with public-sector enterprises accounting for a
significant portion of large-scale manufacturing. In 1991, it was
estimated that such enterprises produced about 40 percent of national
industrial output. As of early 1994, proposals to end state monopolies
in selected industries were in various stages of implementation. Private
investment no longer required government authorisation, except in
sensitive industries. In early 1994, the government announced its
intention to continue policies of both deregulation and liberalisation.
The rise in the share of the private sector reflected the policy shift
towards a market-based economy as well as the government's weakened
fiscal position.
In spite of the re-orientation of the economy towards the private
sector in recent years, the competition for employment in the public
sector remains keen in Pakistan. Public sector employment in Pakistan is
still viewed as more attractive because of better pay, better working
conditions, and the availability of other fringe benefits (e.g., pension
rights and free medical benefits).
1.2. Empirical Literature Overview
The stylised facts off, red on the public sector for developed
economies, once wage determining characteristics are accounted for, are
of a modest average positive wage gap in favour of public sector
workers. (1) In addition, public sector pay practice tends to attenuate the gender pay gap and narrow wage dispersion. The average effects,
however, conceal variations in the performance of the public sector pay
premium across the conditional wage distribution. In particular, a
number of studies have documented a declining public sector pay premium
in developed economies, with movement up the conditional wage
distribution suggesting that public sector rewards are more substantial
in the lower-paid jobs. (2)
The evidence for Latin America provides something of a contrast.
Panizza (2000) examines the magnitude of the public/private sector pay
gap for 17 countries over the 1980s and 1990s and reports average pay
gaps that generally favour the private sector. (3) Panizza (2000) also
documents lower gender pay gaps in public sector labour markets. In
addition, Falaris (2003), using micro-level data for Panama, confirmed
both a weak mean public sector premium and effects that declined with
movement up the conditional wage distribution. The evidence from Latin
American countries tends to chime with what has emerged in transitional
economies. The development of a buoyant private sector is generally
viewed as a key part of a successful transformation to a market economy.
The empirical literature on the ceteris paribus private sector wage
premium in transitional economies is limited and beset by measurement
issues (4) but tends to suggest a positive wage premium in favour of
private sector workers. (5)
There has been a modest volume of empirical work undertaken on the
public sector pay gap for developing countries. Boudarbat (2004) notes a
preference for public sector employment in Africa and a willingness
among the educated to engage in 'wait' unemployment to secure
the more well paid and stable public sector jobs. The author notes a
sizeable public sector pay differential in Morocco for the highly
educated. The earlier studies of Lindauer and Sabot (1983) for Tanzania
and Van der Gaag, Stelcner, and Vijverberg (1989) for Cote D'lvoire
provide mixed evidence on the size and direction of the pay gap but the
latter paper highlights the importance of selection bias in informing
any reasonable interpretation. Terrell (1993), using data for Haiti,
reports a relatively large average public sector pay gap with selection
bias apparently relevant in only one sector. Al-Samarrai and Reilly
(2005) detect no public sector wage effect using recent tracer survey
data from Tanzania. Skyt-Neilsen and Rosholm (2001) detected a positive
average ceteris paribus pay gap in favour of public sector workers in
Zambia but noted that at the upper end of the conditional wage
distribution it became negative for the highly educated. A recent study
by Ajwad and Kurukulasuriya (2002), the primary locus of which was
gender and ethnic wage disparities, detected no public sector pay
premium either at the average or across selected quantiles of the
conditional wage distribution for Sri Lanka. Finally, of direct
relevance to our analysis, Nasir (2000), using data for Pakistan,
detected a negligible differential in favour of public sector workers;
but this study restricted the private sector comparator to the formal
2.1. Mean Regression Decompositions
The magnitude of the public sector pay premium could be crudely
captured by using a pooled sample of data points on all workers in
conjunction with the OLS procedure. If we assume a pooled sample of
public and private sector data points and introduce the i subscripts for
i=1, ...., n, we could express the log wage equation with a simple
intercept shift for the public sector as:
[w.sub.i] = [X.sub.i] [beta] + [delta][G.sub.i] + [u.sub.i] ... (1)
where [w.sub.i] is the log wage for the ith individual; [X.sub.i]
is a kx1 vector of wage determining characteristics for the ith
individual; [beta] is a kx1 vector of the corresponding unknown
parameters; [G.sub.i] is a binary measure adopting a value of I if the
individual is in the public sector and 0 otherwise and [delta] is its
corresponding unknown parameter; [u.sub.i] is an error terms for the ith
individual. The OLS estimate for [delta] provides the average ceteris
paribus effect of being in a public sector job on the expected log wage.
The foregoing approach restricts the public sector premium to being
captured by an intercept shift and ignores the fact that employment in
the public sector may confer on the individual differential returns to,
for example, education and experience. The conventional Blinder (1973)
or Oaxaca (1973) methodology has been extensively used in this field to
address this potential problem and readily extends to applications where
the investigator wishes to decompose pay gaps between groups of workers
using other qualitative indicators (e.g., race or employment sector). In
our application, we are interested in decomposing the pay differential
between public and private sector workers. The procedure involves the
OLS estimation of separate sectoral wage equations and the use of the
OLS coefficients in conjunction with the sectoral mean characteristics
to compute explained (or 'endowment') and unexplained (or
'treatment') effects. The average mean difference in log wages
([bar.D]) between two groups or sectors could be expressed as:
[bar.D] = [[bar.w].sub.s] - [[bar.w].sub.p] = [[bar.X]s -
[bar.X]p]' [??]s + [bar.X]p'[[??]s - [??]p] ... (2)
where [[bar.w].sub.j] is the average logarithm of the wage for the
jth employment sector; [[bar.X].sub.j] is the vector of average
characteristics for the jth employment sector; [[??].sub.j] is the
vector of OLS wage determining coefficients for the jth employment
sector; j = s, p where s denotes public (or state) sector and p denotes
the private sector. (6)
The overall average differential in log wages between the two
sectors is thus decomposable into differences in characteristics (as
evaluated at the returns in the public sector) and differences in the
estimated relationship between the two sectors (i.e., the sectoral
differences in returns) evaluated at the mean set of private sector
characteristics). It is clean that expression (2) could be re-cast using
the 'basket' of average public sector characteristics as the
use of an 'index number' approach is subject to the
conventional 'index number' problem. However, given our
application we believe the above decomposition provides the more
meaningful basis for computing the mark-up of interest.
2.2. Quantile Regression Decompositions
An exclusive focus on the average may provide a misleading
impression as to the variation in the magnitude of the ceteris paribus
gender pay gap across the wage distribution. A number of different
methods recently used in the literature allow for a more general
counterfactual wage distributions under specific assumptions. These
methods generally require relatively large sample sizes and are
prohibitive in a context where the samples available tend to be modest.
(7) The quantile regression approach [e.g., see Chamberlain (1994):
Buchinsky (1998)] provides a less data-demanding alternative, but one
that can be informative about the impact of covariates at different
points of the conditional wage distribution. In the use of a quantile
regression model, the locus moves away from the mean to other selected
points on the conditional wage distribution and the estimation procedure
is formulated in terms of absolute rather than squared errors. The
estimator is known as the Least Absolute Deviations (LAD) estimator.
If we again assume the pooled model in (1) above as a reasonable
characterisation of the wage determining process, the median regression
coefficients can be obtained by choosing the coefficient values that
minimise L
L = ([n.summation over (i=1)] [absolute value of [w.sub.i] -
[X'.sub.i][beta] - [delta]Gi] = [n.summation over (i=1)]([w.sub.i]
- [X'.sub.i][beta] - [delta][G.sub.i])sgn([w.sub.i] -
[X'.sub.i][beta] - [delta][G.sub.i]) ... (3)
where sgn(a) is the sign of a, 1 if a is positive, and -1 if a is
negative or zero.
The estimation of a set of conditional quantile functions
potentially allows the delineation of a more detailed portrait of the
relationship between the conditional wage distribution and the selected
covariates (including public sector attachment). Given the linear
formulation of the regression model, the coefficient estimates can be
obtained using linear programming techniques. In contrast to the OLS
approach, the quantile regression procedure is less sensitive to
outliers and provides a more robust estimator in the face of departures
from normality [see Koenker (2005) and Koenker and Bassett (1978)].
Quantile regression models may also have better properties than OLS in
the presence of heteroscedasticity [see Deaton (1997)].
It is generally desirable to explore quantile regressions other
than at the median. Using this same methodology, the log wage equation
may be estimated conditional on a given specification and then
calculated at various percentiles of the residuals (e.g., the 10th, the
25th, the 75th or the 90th) by minimising the sum of absolute deviations
of the residuals from the conditional specification. In the context of
the regression model specified, quantile regression estimation allows
the estimation of the [delta] parameter at the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th
and 90th percentiles. The estimates obtained for [delta] allow us to
establish the magnitude of the ceteris paribus gender pay gap at
different points of the conditional wage distribution.
The asymptotic formula for the computation of the
variance-covariance matrix is known to under-state the true variance covariance matrix in the presence of heteroscedasticity. The more
conventional approach adopted to compute the variance-covariance matrix
is the bootstrapping method, and this procedure is adopted in the
empirical applications reported in this study. (8)
In the context of the estimation inherent in (3), the average
ceteris paribus public sector pay gap is provided by the estimate for
[delta]. Chamberlain (1994) used this type of model to explore the wage
effect of unions at different points of the conditional wage
distribution. However, the extensive literature on decomposing the mean
pay gap, as emphasised in expression (2), employs separate wage
equations for each sector. In the context of the estimation of quantile
regression models by sector, the decomposition of the pay gap at
different quantiles is not entirely straightforward. The decomposition
within a quantile regression framework has been undertaken in a number
of studies, [see Albrecht, Bjorklund, and Vroman (2003); Gardeazabal and
Ugidos (2005) and Machado and Mata (2000)]. One of the key issues in any
decomposition is to determine the appropriate realisation of
characteristics with which to undertake the counterfactual exercise. In
the linear mean regression model, it is intuitive to use mean
characteristics. Although use of the mean characteristics is feasible
with the estimated coefficients from quantile regressions, they may
provide misleading realisations for the characteristics at points other
than the conditional mean wage to which they relate. It seems more
appropriate to use realisations that more accurately reflect the
relevant points on the conditional wage distribution.
In order to appreciate this point more clearly, define the quantile
regression for the public sector sub-sample as
[theta] denotes the particular quantile of interest. In addition,
[X.sub.s] is a k x [n.sub.1] matrix of characteristics for the sample of
public sector workers where [n.sub.1] is the sample size, [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is a k x l vector of unknown
parameters for the [theta]th public sector regression quantile.
Define the quantile regression for the private sector sub-sample
case [X.sub.p] is a k x [n.sub.2] matrix of characteristics for the
sample of private sector workers where [n.sub.2] is the sample size,
unknown parameters for the [theta]th private sector regression quantile.
where E(x) denotes the expectations operator. In this case
used in (6) and (7) are evaluated conditionally at the unconditional log
wage quantile value. In addition, the terms [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] are non-zero and provide an indication as to
whether at a given quantile, the regression model over-predicts or
under-predicts the log wage. These terms do not appear in the mean
regression and thus, in a quantile regression decomposition, there will
be some part of the pay gap left unassigned to either the
'endowment' or 'treatment' components at all
quantiles of the conditional wage distribution.
We now turn to decomposing the public-private sector pay gap at
different points of the conditional wage distribution. The pay gap at
the 0th quantile is defined as [[DELTA].sub.[theta]] and this can be
decomposed into three parts:
This represents the quantile regression analogue to the mean
decomposition reported in (2). The first part is the conventional
"endowment" part and gives the portion of the gap at the
[theta]th quantile explained by sectoral differences in the conditional
mean characteristics at this point. The second part is the conventional
'treatment' component evaluated not at the unconditional mean
(E[[X.sub.p]]) but at a mean value conditional on the particular
quantile value of the private sector log wage. The final component gives
that portion of the difference in log wages not explained by the
quantile regressions for the two sectors. In order to implement this
procedure we need to compute the component parts of (8). We use an
auxiliary regression approach based on Gardeazabal and Ugidos (2005).
The approach is outlined in a technical appendix to this paper.
2.3. Selectivity Bias Issues
There is a selection issue for the analysis of the public sector
pay gap and one that has been strongly emphasised in the literature
based on mean regression analysis. (9) Either through a process of
self-selection by individuals or sample selection by employers, the
location of individuals in either sector may not be interpretable as the
outcome of a random process. In the context of the mean regression model
Heckman (1979) and Lee (1983) provide well-known solutions.
As noted by Neuman and Oaxaca (2004), selectivity correction
procedures introduce a number of ambiguities for standard wage
decomposition analysis. The wage decomposition favoured by many authors
(10) in the presence of such a correction is usually expressed as
where everything is defined as in (2) above but with [[??].sub.j]
now representing the OLS estimate of the j selection parameter, one for
each employment sector, and [[bar.[lambda]].sub.j] is the sample
averaged selection variable for the jth employment group computed as the
inverse of the Mills ratio term using estimates from a probit model for
sectoral attachment as per Heckman (1979) or through the Lee (1983) term
based on use of a multinomial logit model.
Currently, there is little consensus regarding the most appropriate
correction procedure for selectivity bias in quantile regression models.
Buchinsky (1999) uses the work of Newey (1999) to approximate the
selection term by a higher order series expansion. The power series is
based on the inverse Mills ratio (or its Lee equivalent). (11) This
approach has the potential pitfall that the wage regression intercept
term is not identified given its conflation with the constant term
associated with the higher order series that proxies for the selection
bias. (12) Given the lack of consensus and problems associated with
introducing higher order selection terms into quantile regression
models, we adopt the rather crude expedient of inserting the simple
selection terms into the quantile regression models. It is acknowledged
that, in contrast to the mean regression case, this provides an inexact correction for selection bias. However, it circumvents the tricky problem of identifying the wage regression constant term.
We now turn to decomposing the public-private sector pay gap at
different points of the conditional wage distribution having corrected
for selection bias. The pay gap at the [theta]th quantile is now
decomposed into four parts:
where the third component is the selection effect.
Finally, in order to address the problem of selectivity bias we
exploit the procedure developed by Lee (1983), as used by Gyourko and
Tracy (1988) in a similar application, which provides a more general
approach to the correction of selectivity bias than that originally
offered by Heckman (1979). The procedure is two-step but exploits
estimates from a multinomial logit model (MNL) rather than a probit to
construct the set of selection correction terms. The estimation of
models with selection effects always contains difficulties. In addition,
their identification is always a demanding task. The eminently sensible
advice of Gyourko and Tracy (1988) to compute and report both corrected
and uncorrected differentials is adhered to in this study. (13)
This study uses cross-section data drawn from the nationally
representative Labour Force Survey (LFS) for Pakistan for 2001-2. The
working sample used is based on those in wage employment and comprises a
total of 7352 workers once missing values and unusable observations are
discarded. This total consists of 3694, 3310 and 348 workers in the
private, public and state owned enterprise (SOE) sectors respectively.
The government sector includes federal government, provincial government
and local bodies. State owned enterprises (SOEs) are defined as public
enterprises and public limited companies. Thus, over one-half of waged
employees are in the public sector.
The private sector is defined here to include workers employed in
private limited companies, cooperative societies, individual ownership
and partnerships. It is sometimes argued that, in an analysis of the
public/private sector pay gap in developing countries, it is desirable
to disaggregate the private sector into formal and informal sectors.
(14) This is largely a matter of investigator preference and our
approach is to retain a sufficiently broad definition of the private
sector. Any dis-aggregation of the private sector along such lines is
likely to be prone to potential misclassification and measurement error,
and is thus eschewed in this study.
The data collection for the LFS is spread over four quarters of the
year in order to capture any seasonal variations in activity. The survey
covers all urban and rural areas of the four provinces of Pakistan as
defined by the 1998 Population Census. The LFS excludes the federally
Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), military restricted areas, and
protected areas of NWFP. These exclusions are not seen as significant
since the relevant areas constitute about 3 percent of the total
population of Pakistan.
Table A1 of the appendix presents the summary statistics and
definitions of the variables used in our analysis. The natural logarithm of the hourly wage (15) is used as the dependent variable. Table A I
highlights the fact that the public and SOE sectors are relatively high
pay sectors with large concentrations of professionals, graduates and
postgraduates. A detailed dis-aggregation of educational qualifications
is used in our analysis and this facilitates the computation of private
rates of returns to these qualifications.
In order to examine the relationship between earnings and age from
the perspective of human capital theory, age and its quadratic are used
in the specifications. (16) These measures are actually designed to
proxy for labour three experience, which cannot be accurately measured
using our data source. Our analysis is restricted to those aged between
15 and 60 years of age. This facilitates a more worthwhile comparison
between public and private sector workers. The marital status of a
respondent is divided into three mutually exclusive categories (viz.,
"married", "'never married" and "widow and
divorced"). The settlement type within which the individual resides
is captured by a binary control for residing in an urban area. Four
regional controls are included and these correspond to the four
provinces in Pakistan (viz., Punjab, Balochistan, Sindh and NWFP). A set
of controls capturing the time the respondent spent in the current
district is also included in our analysis. The notion here is that
location specific human capital and social networks may be important in
the wage determination process. This may be particularly relevant in the
private sector.
It is an established tact that an individual's occupation is a
very important determinant of their earnings. Nine one-digit
occupational categories, defined according to the standard
classification of occupations, are thus included in our specifications.
As reported in Table A1, the public sector is characterised by a high
proportion of technicians and skilled professionals. However, in the
private sector there is a higher concentration of craft and related
trade workers.
Female labour force participation is low in Pakistan. On the basis
of our sample only 12 percent of public sector employees and about 3
percent of those in private sector waged employment are women. The
inclusion of women in our empirical analysis is a judgment call. A
sub-theme of our analysis is to explore the impact that public sector
employment exerts on the gender pay gap. The use of an intercept shift
to capture gender helps inform this issue, though perhaps imperfectly.
We are particularly interested in examining the extent to which the
public sector in Pakistan attenuates the gender pay gap and the extent
to which there is evidence of a "glass ceiling" in either of
these two sectors.
It is important to note that Labour Force Survey does not provide
information regarding fringe benefits received by workers. Thus our
analysis is restricted to a wage gap defined in monetary terms. If these
additional pecuniary measures (e.g., fringe benefits) and other
non-pecuniary factors (e.g., working conditions and stability of
employment) are allowed for, the estimated public-private premium is
likely to be even larger than our estimates reported here. There is some
evidence that this is indeed the case in other countries. For example,
Ichniowski (1980) found the relative union/non-union fringe benefit differentials for fire-fighters to be roughly tour times as large as the
comparable wage differentials. The magnitude is much larger than that
found by Freeman (1981) in his public/private sector studies. It would
be desirable to have information regarding labour market fringe benefits
available in the Labour Force Survey. The availability of such
information would enhance understanding about the true magnitude of the
inter-sectoral differentials between the public and private sectors.
However, in the absence of such data our results carry a caveat and
should be taken to reflect the lower limit of the inter-sectoral
differential between public and private sector workers.
The specified wage equations included controls for highest
education qualification attained, whether an individual undertook
technical training, age and its quadratic, martial status, gender,
settlement type, a set of regional controls, a set of dummies for the
length of time resident in the district, and a set of one-digit
occupational controls. For brevity, only the estimates relating to the
education, age gender, and sectoral attachment are reported in the
tables. Table I reports the estimates for a pooled regression model
based on expression (I) where the public sector enters as an intercept
shift and provides an estimate of the public sector ceteris paribus
mark-up relative to the broadly defined private sector base. Estimates
for a mean regression and models estimated at selected quantiles of the
conditional wage distribution are also recorded in this table. In
addition, estimates for an inter-quantile regression model based on
differences between the 90th and 10th quantiles are reported.
The mean regression estimates suggest a sizeable premium to both
graduate and postgraduate qualifications in the Pakistan labour market.
(17) There is also a modest premium of just over 5 percent associated
with having undertaken technical training. Women appear to encounter a
significant disadvantage in the labour market. Men, on average and
ceteris paribus, earn approximately 33 percent more than women in terms
of hourly wages. Although the estimated signs on the linear and
quadratic terms in age are consistent with human capital theory, the
turning-point is implausible. This suggests that, at the average, wages
and earnings are better specified as being linearly related. (18) The
estimates for the quantile regression model at the median are broadly in
comport with the mean regression results and this could be taken to
imply that outliers exert little influence on our mean estimates. The
inter-quantile regression coefficients reveal that holding postgraduate
qualifications and undertaking training have stronger effects at the top
end of the conditional wage distribution than at the bottom end and this
might have implications for wage inequality. In contrast to a
substantial literature on the 'glass ceiling' from developed
economies, there is little evidence from the quantile regression
estimates that the gender effect increases with movement across the
conditional wage distribution. On the contrary, the evidence from
Pakistan is that the ceteris paribus gender pay gap declines across the
wage distribution with the inter-quantile regression estimates
suggesting a decline of almost 30 percent between the 90th and 10th
percentiles. Thus, women in the higher paid jobs in Pakistan are not as
disadvantaged as many of their western counterparts. (19)
The pooled regression model provides a framework for computing the
public sector pay premium as per expression (1). The average ceteris
paribus mark-up relative to the private sector is estimated of the order
of 45 percent. This premium declines sharply with movement up the
conditional wage distribution, a fact consistent with the existing
literature on the public sector pay gap in developed economies. In the
lowest paid jobs located at the 10th percentile of the conditional wage
distribution, the mark-up is computed at 92 percent compared to a more
modest 21 percent in the higher paid jobs at the 90th percentile. The
inter-quantile regression estimates confirms that these differentials
are statistically different from each other at a conventional level of
statistical significance. This finding serves to highlight the wage
compressing labour market effects of the public sector in Pakistan. (20)
Our attention now turns to the results from separate estimation of
the public and private sector wage equations and the computation of the
'mark-ups' using expressions (2) and (9) for the mean
regressions and expressions (8) and (10) for the quantile regressions.
Tables A2 to A5 in the Appendix report the sectoral wage equation
estimates with and without corrections for selection bias. (21) The
estimates are not discussed in detail here, though a number of points
are worth making about the mean regression estimates. Firstly, the
returns to the higher educational qualifications are generally lower in
the public compared to the private sector. This is particularly valid
for professional qualifications and undergraduate degrees (see Table
A6). On average, it would appear that the more highly qualified public
sector workers trade-off substantial wage returns for the security and
other non-wage benefits associated with the public sector. (22)
Secondly, and as encountered in the pooled regression model, the use of
the quadratic in age in the public sector generates an implausible
turning point. This indicates that, in this particular case, the linear
effect is considerably more important and suggests that in the public
sector pay and age are linked in a very strong linear fashion. Thirdly,
the gender pay gap in favour of males is considerably lower in the
public sector (16 percent) compared to the private sector (53 percent),
and this is true at all selected quantiles of the conditional wage
Table 2 reports the decomposition of the mean public/private sector
pay gap. The estimates are based on models with and without correction
for selection. In raw terms the average gap in log hourly wages between
the public and private sector is 0.685. (23) In other words, public
sector worker earn, on average, almost double the hourly wages of all
private sector workers. Over 40 percent of this differential is
accounted by differentials in the average basket of characteristics
between the two sectors. The 'treatment' effect accounts for
the remainder and the estimated mark-up and is of the order of 49
percent, which compares favourably with the estimate based on the pooled
OLS estimator. The correction for selection widens the
'treatment' effect slightly but the picture is not materially
altered by the use of this correction procedure. The differentials
between the private and SOE sectors and the public and SOE sectors are
also reported in this table for completeness. There is no statistical
difference between the public and SOE sectors and the SOE mark-up on the
private sector is of comparable magnitude to the public sector premium
reported above.
Table 3 reports the decompositions between the public and private
sectors based on the quantile regression models. (24) The tables
respectively report estimates with and without correction for selection
bias. The raw differentials are widest at the bottom end of the
conditional wage distribution and the differential in wages at the
median is close to the mean estimate reported in Table 2. The raw
differentials generally decline with movement up the selected
percentiles. The 'treatment' effects are statistically well
determined and decline monotonically across the selected quantiles of
the conditional wage distribution. In general, they are close in
magnitude to those reported for the pooled quantile regression model in
Table 1. The portion of the raw differential that is accounted for by
differentials in endowments increases with movement up the distribution.
However, the residual terms consequent on the quantile decomposition,
and flagged in expression (8), are relatively large at the extreme ends
of the distribution. The differentials based on correcting for selection
bias provide few new insights on either the magnitude or evolution of
the public sector premium across the conditional wage distribution and
are not the subject of separate discussion here.
Public sector employment accounts for over one-half of waged
employment in Pakistan. The empirical analysis undertaken in this study
for Pakistan tends to concur with the summary consensus offered by
Gregory and Borland (1999) on public sector labour markets in developed
countries. As elsewhere, public sector workers in Pakistan tend to have
both higher average pay and education levels as compared to their
private sector counterparts. In addition, the public sector in Pakistan
has a more compressed wage distribution and a smaller gender pay gap
than that prevailing in the private sector.
Our empirical analysis suggests that about two-fifths of the raw
differential in average wages between the public and private sector is
accounted by differentials in average characteristics. The estimated
ceteris paribus public sector mark-up is of the order of 49 percent and
is substantial by the standards of developed economies. The mark-up was
found to decline monotonically with movement up the conditional wage
distribution. In particular, the premium at the 10th percentile was
estimated at 92 percent as compared to a more modest 20 percent at the
90th percentile.
The existence of a sizeable public-private sector differential has
obvious implications for the Pakistan labour market and can create
'queues' for public sector jobs given they are comparatively
well-paid across a spectrum of low- and high-paid jobs. An obvious
agenda for future research would be to investigate the extent to which
these differentials influence sectoral attachment and give rise to the
phenomenon of 'wait' unemployment.
Finally, employment in the public sector is generally viewed as an
attractive option in Pakistan not only because of the wage differentials
documented in this study but also as a consequence of the perquisites,
such as housing, free telephone provision for civil servants, job
security, free medical benefits, etc., associated with employment in
this sector. Public sector employment in Pakistan could be interpreted
as providing rent-seeking opportunities for some. The tax-payer is not
represented at the negotiating table and the state bureaucracy has an
incentive to conceal the nature and magnitude of spending on such fringe
benefits. The expenditure on fringe benefits impacts strongly on the
national exchequer but also bestows an unfair advantage on the public
sector relative to the private sector. This subsidised advantage
curtails the potential for the private sector's development, a key
ingredient for an economy's transformation and its sustainable
long-term economic growth. One issue that warrants consideration for
future research in this area would be an investigation into the
magnitude of such fringe benefits in Pakistan and their contribution to
the more broadly defined public-private sector differential. It would be
informative to investigate within this framework the likely cost
implications to the national exchequer if fringe benefits were actually
replaced by cash payments. It is an empirical question whether such a
policy would reduce the overall cost to the exchequer, but it would
certainly introduce a greater degree of transparency to public sector
In order to illustrate the computation of vectors for the
realisations of explanatory variables conditional on log wage quantile
values using the Gardeazabal and Ugidos (2005) method, we use
decomposition (8) reported in the text.
(1) [Q.sub.[theta]]([w.sub.s]) and [Q.sub.[theta]]([w.sub.p]) are
easily computed. For example, the quantile regression of log public
(private) sector wages on a constant term yields the relevant log wage
at the particular quantile for the public (private) sector.
(2) The quantile regression procedure outlined above yields
estimates for the parameter vectors ([MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
(3) The computation of the conditional expectation terms
E[[X.sub.s] | [w.sub.s] = [Q.sub.[theta]]([w.sub.s])] and E[[X.sub.p] |
[w.sub.p] = [Q.sub.[theta]]([w.sub.p])] involves a bit more work. We
need to distinguish between three types of explanatory variables
generally used in a wage specification. These are: (i) continuous
explanatory variables; (ii) single binary explanatory variables: and
(iii) sets of mutually exclusive binary explanatory variables. These
three cases are now examined in turn.
(i) Continuous Explanatory Variables
In this case we regress the continuous explanatory variable (e.g.,
age) on the log of the wage using a linear bivariate regression. Assume
the following model is estimated by OLS using the sub-sample of private
sector workers:
[Age.sub.i] = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1][w.sub.i] +
In order to compute the age conditional on the log wage at the
[theta]th quantile, we evaluate:
where the wage value used in the OLS regression is the private
sector log wage at the 0th quantile. The conditional mean now gives us
the predicted private sector age at the 0th quantile's private
sector log wage. A similar exercise can then be undertaken to obtain the
conditional expectation using the public sector log wage.
(ii) A Single Binary Variable
In this case, we use a logit model and regress the single binary
variable (e.g., gender) on the log of the wage using the sub-sample of
private sector workers. Then:
where F represents the CDF for the logistic and [[??].sub.0] and
[[??].sub.1] represent the relevant maximum likelihood logit coefficient
estimates. The wage value used in conjunction with these estimates is
the private sector log wage at the [theta]th quantile. A similar
exercise can again be undertaken to obtain the conditional expectation
using the public sector log wage.
(iii) A Set of Mutually Exclusive Binary Variables
In this case, we use a multinomial logit model and regress the
variable with say k outcomes (e.g., occupation coded 1, 2, 3 ..., k) on
the private sector log wage. The multinomial logit coefficients are then
used to compute predicted outcomes at the different quantiles of the
public (or public) sector log wage. Gardeazabal and Ugidos (2005)
suggest the use of a binary regression model for all binary variables.
We argue that it is more appropriate to use a multiple outcome model
where the outcomes relate to a set of mutually exclusive binary
(4) The final component of the decomposition can then be computed
as a residual given that the remainder of the information is already
available through steps 1 to 3 above.
Appendix Table A1
Summary Statistics
Public Private
Variable Definition Mean Mean
Lnhw Log of the hourly wage 3.203 2.518
(0.593) (0.709)
Age Age of individual in years 37.149 30.233
(9.294) (11.015)
Nfe = 1 No formal education
and = 0. otherwise .1419 .3351
Prim = 1 if individual has
completed initial five
years of education i.e.,
primary but below
middle; = 0, otherwise .1033 .2049
Middle = 1 if individual has
completed initial eight
years of education i.e.,
middle but below
matriculation: = 0,
otherwise .08483 .1285
Matric =1 if individual has
completed initial ten
years of education i.e.,
matriculation but below
intermediate; = 0,
otherwise .2251 .1686
Inter = 1 if individual has
completed two years for
college education i.e.,
intermediate after
matriculation but below
university degree; = 0,
otherwise .1619 .0619
Professional = if individual has
professional degree in
engineering, medicine.
computer and
agriculture; = 0,
otherwise .0350 .0195
University = 1 if individual has
university degree but
below post graduate; =
0, otherwise .1419 .0573
Pgrad = 1 if individual is
M.A/M.Sc, MPhil/Yh.D;=
0, otherwise .1057 .0238
Train = 1 if individual has
ever completed any
training; = 0, otherwise .0658 .0433
Urban = 1 if living in urban
area and = 0, otherwise 0.5924 0.6429
Punjab = 1 if individual
resides in Punjab; = 0.
otherwise .3691 .5319
Sindh = 1 if individual
resides in Sindh; = 0,
otherwise .2698 0.2766
NWFP = I if individual
resides in NEFP; = 0,
otherwise .1812 .11829
Balochistan = 1 if individual
resides in Balochistan;
= 0, otherwise .1798 .0731
Since Birth = 1 if individual has
resided in the district
since birth; = 0,
otherwise .8277 .7861
One Year = 1 if individual has
resided in the district .0085 .0184
for one year and = 0.
Four Year = 1 if individual has
resided in the district .0202 .0437
for four years and = 0,
Nine Year = 1 if individual has
resided in the district .0308 .0433
for nine years and = 0.
Above Ten = 1 if individual has
resided in the district .1126 .10828
for district more then
ten years or = 0,
Gender = 1 if individual is
male;= 0, otherwise .8809 .90633
Marr = 1 if individual is
married; = 0, otherwise .8558 .5544
Nmarr = 1 if individual is
unmarried; 0, otherwise .1323 .4274
Wnd = 1 individual is .01178 .01813
widowed or divorced; =
0, otherwise
Head = I If individual is .661027 .4187
head of the household;
= 0, otherwise
Manager = 1 if individual is in .05649 .04412
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Professionals = 1 if individual is in .0972 .0401
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Technician = 1 if individual is in .29244 .08743
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Clerk = 1 if individual is in .14410 .0389
this one-digit
occupation group: = 0,
Ser ices = 1 if individual is in .1259 .2005
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Skilled = 1 if individual is in .01117 .00487
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Craft = 1 if individual is in .04078 .2311
this one-digit
occupation group: = U,
Plant = 1 if individual is in .03897 .15078
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Elementary = 1 if individual is in .19274 .2019
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Sample Size 3310 3694
Variable Definition Mean
Lnhw Log of the hourly wage 3.158
Age Age of individual in years 35.986
Nfe = 1 No formal education
and = 0. otherwise .2298
Prim = 1 if individual has
completed initial five
years of education i.e.,
primary but below
middle; = 0, otherwise .1264
Middle = 1 if individual has
completed initial eight
years of education i.e.,
middle but below
matriculation: = 0,
otherwise .1206
Matric =1 if individual has
completed initial ten
years of education i.e.,
matriculation but below
intermediate; = 0,
otherwise .2097
Inter = 1 if individual has
completed two years for
college education i.e.,
intermediate after
matriculation but below
university degree; = 0,
otherwise .0890
Professional = if individual has
professional degree in
engineering, medicine.
computer and
agriculture; = 0,
otherwise .0345
University = 1 if individual has
university degree but
below post graduate; =
0, otherwise .1005
Pgrad = 1 if individual is
M.A/M.Sc, MPhil/Yh.D;=
0, otherwise .0890
Train = 1 if individual has
ever completed any .0747
training; = 0, otherwise
Urban = 1 if living in urban
area and = 0, otherwise 0.6609
Punjab = 1 if individual
resides in Punjab; = 0.
otherwise .3275
Sindh = 1 if individual
resides in Sindh; = 0,
otherwise 0.3563
NWFP = I if individual
resides in NEFP; = 0,
otherwise .1321
Balochistan = 1 if individual
resides in Balochistan;
= 0, otherwise .1839
Since Birth = 1 if individual has
resided in the district
since birth; = 0,
otherwise .7672
One Year = 1 if individual has
resided in the district .0143
for one year and = 0.
Four Year = 1 if individual has
resided in the district .0402
for four years and = 0,
Nine Year = 1 if individual has
resided in the district .0402
for nine years and = 0.
Above Ten = 1 if individual has
resided in the district .1379
for district more then
ten years or = 0,
Gender = 1 if individual is
male;= 0, otherwise .9741
Marr = 1 if individual is
married; = 0, otherwise .7701
Nmarr = 1 if individual is
unmarried; 0, otherwise .2241
Wnd = 1 individual is .00574
widowed or divorced; =
0, otherwise
Head = I If individual is .6695
head of the household;
= 0, otherwise
Manager = 1 if individual is in .10919
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Professionals = 1 if individual is in .0574
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Technician = 1 if individual is in .14367
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Clerk = 1 if individual is in .0891
this one-digit
occupation group: = 0,
Ser ices = 1 if individual is in .0603
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Skilled = 1 if individual is in .01436
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Craft = 1 if individual is in .1637
this one-digit
occupation group: = U,
Plant = 1 if individual is in .1637
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Elementary = 1 if individual is in .19827
this one-digit
occupation group; = 0,
Sample Size 348
Notes: The average values for the continuous measures and the
sample proportion for the discrete measures are reported. The
standard deviations are also reported for the continuous
Table A2
Quantile Regression Model Estimates for Public Sector,
Pakistan 2001-02
Uncorrected for Selectivity Bias
10th 25th 50th
Variable Percentile Percentile Percentile
Prim 0.0636 0.0852 *** 0.0879 ***
(0.0563) (0.0291) (0.0259)
Middle 0.1353 *** 0.12026 ** 0.0972 ***
(0.054G) (0.0348) (0.0274)
Matric 0.2239 *** 0.2238 *** 0.2072 ***
(0.0463) (0.0274) (0.0283)
Inter 0.3688 *** 0.3116 *** 0.2836 ***
(0.0479) (0.0289) (0.0317)
Profe. 0.4681 *** 0.5051 *** 0.5662 ***
(0.0789) (0.074) (0.0840)
University 0.4318 *** 0.3981 *** 0.4099 ***
(0.0548) (0.0357) 90.0354)
Pgrad 0.5637 *** 0.5845 *** 0.6169 ***
(0.0681) (0.0412) (0.0431)
Train 0.02456 -U.0065 0.04719 *
(0.0327) (0.0419) (0.0366)
Age 0.03874 *** 0.0248 *** 0.0129 **
(0.0144) (0.0078) (0.0065)
Agesq -0.0003 ** -0.0001 ** -0.00002
(0.00018) (0.00010) (0.000081
Nmarr -0.0422 -0.0393 -0.04002*
(0.0364) (0.0354) (0.0271)
Wnd 0.02492 0.10748 0.1108 ***
(0.1944) (0.1072) (0.0449)
Gender 0.30944 *** 0.1306 *** 0.0682 ***
(0.0766) (0.0384) (0.0288)
Constant 1.2261 *** 1.9037 *** 2.3606 ***
(0.2724) (0.1688) (0.1348)
Selection f f f
[PseudoR.sup.2] 0.2160 0.2496 0.3034
Sample Size 3310 3310 3310
Uncorrected for Selectivity Bias
75th 90th
Variable Percentile Percentile
Prim 0.0564 ** 0.0543 *
(0.0261) (0.0417)
Middle 0.0854 *** 0.0569 **
(0.0273) (0.0345)
Matric 0.1875 *** 0.19179 ***
(0.0305) (0.0333)
Inter 0.2968 *** 0.28627
(0.0336) (0.0463)
Profe. 0.8586 *** 0.8878 ***
(0.0993) (0.1600)
University 0.4436 *** 0.4518 ***
(0.0389) (0.0492)
Pgrad 0.6482 *** 0.6830 ***
(0.0529) (0.0641)
Train 0.0487 0.02842
(0.0423) (0.0512)
Age 0.0118 0.01788 **
(0.0068) (0.0088)
Agesq -7.84E-1 -0.00008
(0.00009) (0.00011)
Nmarr -0.0270 0.0103
(0.0297) (0.0432)
Wnd -0.0057 0.0904
(0.0474) (0.1292)
Gender 0.06103 ** 0.1309 ***
(0.0267) (0.03847)
Constant 2.68730 2.6766 ***
(0.1266) (0.18616)
Selection f f
[PseudoR.sup.2] 0.3691 0.4142
Sample Size 3310 3310
Corrected for Selectivity Bias
10th 25th 50th
Variable Percentile Percentile Percentile
Prim 0.0632 0.0516 * 0.0681 **
(0.0605) (0.0384) (0.0310)
Middle 0.1357 ** 0.0749 * 0.0671 **
(O.0688) (0.0543) (0.03995)
Matric 0.2246 *** 0.1653 *** 0.1598 ***
(0.0822) (0.0583) (0.0494)
Inter 0.3671 *** 0.2410 *** 0.2263 ***
(0.0932) (0.0689) (0.0629)
Profe. 0.4657 *** 0.4485 *** 0.5155 ***
(0.1039) (0.0925) (0.0927)
University 0.4300 *** 0.3246 *** 0.3514 ***
(0.0986) (0.0718) (0.0613)
Pgrad 0.5624 *** 0.5138 *** 0.5481 ***
(0.1163) (0.0805) (0.0711)
Train 0.0247 -0.0011 0.0384
(0.0341) (0.0423) (0.0376)
Age 0.0385 ** 0.0155 0.0050
(0.0215) (0.0128) (0.0099)
Agesq -0.0004 * -0.00008 0.00006
(0.00025) (0.00015) (0.0001)
Nmarr -0.0403 -0.00009 -0.02316
(0.0518) (0.0401) (0.0342)
Wnd 0.0276 0.1284 0.1370 ***
(0.1997) (0.1098) (0.0472)
Gender 0.3116 *** 0.1376 *** 0.0786 ***
(0.0791) (0.0381) (0.0299)
Constant 1.2317 * 2.1986 *** 2.6924 ***
(0.5137) (0.3436) (0.2677)
Selection -0.0034 -0.1092 -0.08610
Term (0.1614) (0.1022) (0.0877)
[PseudoR.sup.2] 0.2630 0.2498 0.3036
Sample Size 3310 3310 3310
Corrected for Selectivity Bias
75th 90th
Variable Percentile Percentile
Prim 0.0740 *** 0.04144
(0.0305) (0.0458)
Middle 0.1200 *** 0.0297
(0.0414) (0.0529)
Matric 0.2238 *** 0.1541 ***
(0.0511) (0.06221
Inter 0.3351 *** 0.2432 ***
(0.0607) (0.0768)
Profe. 0.8779 *** 0.8662 ***
(0.1111) (0.1690)
University 0.4854 *** 0.4104 **
(0.0632) (0.0725)
Pgrad 0.6908 *** 0.6407 ***
(0.0766) (0.0915)
Train 0.0578 * 0.0246
(0.0418) (0.0499)
Age 0.0181 ** 0.0127
(0.0099) (0.0148)
Agesq -0.00007 -0.00003
(0.0001) (0.0001)
Nmarr -0.0464 0.0419
(0.0386) (0.0530)
Wnd -0.0276 0.1200
(0.0499) (0.1317)
Gender 0.0499 ** 0.1419 ***
(0.0284) (0.0418)
Constant 2.3939 *** 2.7420 ***
(0.2604) (0.3880
Selection 0.0717 -0.0723
Term (0.0862) (0.1220)
[PseudoR.sup.2] 0.4142 0.4142
Sample Size 3310 3310
Notes: See notes to Table 1; f denotes not applicable
in estimation.
Table A3
Quantile Regression Model Estimates for Private Sector, Pakistan
Uncorrected for Selectivity Bias
10th 25th 50th
Variable Percentile Percentile Percentile
Prim 0.0719 0.1032 *** 0.0636 ***
(0.0570) (0.0307) (0.0261)
Middle 0.1993 *** 0.1765 *** 0.1176 ***
(0.0516) (0.0331) (0.0275)
Matric 0.2183 *** 0.1632 *** 0.1790 ***
(0.0542) (0.0346) (0.0370)
Inter 0.3843 *** 0.3058 *** 0.3145 ***
(0.0650) (0.0476) (0.0483)
Profe. 0.7413 *** 0.8594 *** 1.1016 ***
(0.1515) (0.1424) (0.1272)
University 0.6175 *** 0.6364 *** 0.6939 ***
(0.1136) (0.0744) (0.0592)
Pgrad 0.8514 *** 1.0437 *** 1.0566 ***
(0.1233) (0.1451) (0.0840)
Train 0.0316 -0.0093 -0.0543
(0.0768) (0.0407) (0.0428)
Age 0.0452 0.05000 *** 0.0467 ***
(0.0117) (0.0072) (0.0062)
Agesq -0.0004 *** -0.0006 *** -0.0005 ***
(0.0001) (0.00009) (0.00008)
Nmarr -0.0168 -0.0404 -0.0212
(0.0598) (0.0344) (0.0289)
Wnd -0.0060 -0.02608 0.0048
(0.1199) (0.0728) (0.0882)
Gender 0.6251 *** 0.5521 *** 0.4371 ***
(0.0862) (0.0558) (0.0481)
Constant 0.2459 0.6076 *** 1.1228 ***
(0.2393) (0.1544) (0.1313)
Selection f f f
[PseudoR.sup.2] 0.213 0.2166 0.2288
Sample Size 3694 3694 3694
Uncorrected for
Selectivity Bias
75th 90th
Variable Percentile Percentile
Prim 0.0804 *** 0.0998 ***
(0.0244) (0.0358)
Middle 0.1455 *** 0.3074 ***
(0.0348) (0.0528)
Matric 0.2160 *** 0.2611 ***
(0.0257) (0.0424)
Inter 0.31143 *** 0.4187 ***
(0.0599) (0.0701)
Profe. 1.0775 *** 1.4365 ***
(0.1225) (0.3126)
University 0.7365 *** 0.8728 ***
(0.0693) (0.1077)
Perad 1.0031 *** 1.2283 ***
(0.1058) (0.1829)
Train 0.0068 0.2035 ***
(0.06145) (0.0996)
Age 0.0476 *** 0.0410 ***
(0.0056) (0.0105)
Agesq -0.0005 *** -0.0004 ***
(0.00007) (0.00014)
Nmarr -0.0249 -0.0992 **
(0.0280 (0.0503)
Wnd -0.0963 -0.0836
(0.0871) (0.1745)
Gender 0.32504 *** 0.24911 ***
(0.0439) (0.0659)
Constant 1.4093 *** 2.0070 ***
(0.1194) (0.2271)
Selection f f
[PseudoR.sup.2] 0.2775 0.3286
Sample Size 3694 3694
Corrected for Selectivity Bias
10th 25th 50th
Variable Percentile Percentile Percentile
Prim 0.0555 0.0889 *** 0.0427 **
(0.0543) (0.0336) (0.0241)
Middle 0.1693 *** 0.1536 *** 0.0937 ***
(0.0647) (0.0447) (0.0306)
Matric 0.1814 *** 0.1385 *** 0.1433 ***
(0.0693) (0.0523) (0.0430)
Inter 0.3364 *** 0.2787 *** 0.2564 ***
(0.0920) (0.0643) (0.0554)
Profe. 0.6951 *** 0.7588 *** 1.0369 ***
(0.1729) (0.1657) (0.1402)
University 0.5765 *** 0.5967 *** 0.6059 ***
(0.1149) (0.0750) (0.0646)
Perad 0.7915 *** 0.9697 *** 0.9511 ***
(0.1793) (0.1639) (0.1044)
Train 0.0121 -0.0126 -0.0457
(0.0774) (0.0439) (0.0404)
Age 0.0403 *** 0.0459 *** 0.0422 ***
(0.0127) (0.0101) (0.0073)
Agesq -0.0004 *** -0.0005 *** -0.0004 ***
(0.00010) (0.00010) (0.00009)
Nmarr -0.0046 -0.0269 0.0097
(0.0643) (0.0347) (0.0299)
Wnd 0.0203 -0.0288 0.0411
(0.1251) (0.0915) (0.0793)
Gender 0.6214 *** 0.5318 *** 0.4238 ***
(0.0816) (0.0620) (0.0437)
Constant 0.2763 0.6577 *** 1.1278 ***
(0.2256) (0.1541) (0.1363)
Selection 0.0983 0.0789 0.1326 **
Term (0.1382) (0.0859) (0.0699)
[PseudoR.sup.2] 0.2132 0.2168 0.2294
Sample Size 3691 3691 3694
Corrected for
Selectivity Bias
75th 90th
Variable Percentile Percentile
Prim 0.0757 *** 0.1100 ***
(0.0281) (0.0361)
Middle 0.1369 *** 0.2248 ***
(0.0364) (0.0529)
Matric 0.1982 *** 0.3037 ***
(0.0373) (0.0612)
Inter 0.2865 *** 0.4557 ***
(0.0716) (0.0878)
Profe. 1.0730 *** 1.4981 ***
(0.1224) (0.2133)
University 0.7112 *** 0.9273 ***
(0.0732) 10.1078)
Perad 0.9846 *** 1.3902 ***
(0.1153) (0.2024)
Train 0.0011 0.1761 **
(0.0600) (0.1035)
Age 0.0431 *** 0.0431 ***
(0.0070) (0.0107)
Agesq -0.0004 *** -0.0004 ***
(0.00009) (0.0001)
Nmarr -0.0179 -0.1314 ***
(0.0275) (0.0539)
Wnd -0.0820 -0.1183
(0.0893) (0.1956)
Gender 0.3164 *** 0.2610 ***
(0.0457) (0.0576)
Constant 1.4375 *** 2.0106 ***
(0.1313) (0.2080)
Selection 0.0753 -0.1059
Term (0.0718) (0.1138)
[PseudoR.sup.2] 0.2777 0.3288
Sample Size 3694 3694
Notes: See notes to Table 1; f denotes not applicable in estimation
Table A4
Quantile Regression Model Estimates for SOE (State-owned Enterprises)
Sector, Pakistan 2001-02
Uncorrected for Selectivity Bias
10th 25th 50th
Variable Percentile Percentile Percentile
Primary -0.1276 0.0070 0.0338
(0.2024) (0.1477) (0.0999)
Middle 0.1264 0.1939 ** 0.0560
(0.1697) (0.1101) (0.0816)
Matric 0.1959 0.3516 *** 0.1843 ***
(0.1849) (0.1339) (0.0756)
Inter 0.0093 0.1855 0.3404 **
(0.2080) (0.1795) (0.1684)
Profe 0.2972 0.6066 *** 0.3967 **
(0.2962) (0.2566) (0.2103)
University 0.0345 0.4378 *** 0.4455 ***
(0.2739) (0.1753) (0.1851)
P/Grad 0.3502 * 0.6316 *** 0.6637 ***
(0.2731) (0.1885) (0.1586)
Training -0.0689 0.0336 -0.0035
(0.3120) (0.1792) (0.1368)
Age 0.1017 *** 0.0401 ** 0.0477 ***
(0.0385) (0.0219) (0.0199)
Agesq -0.0012 *** -0.0003 -0.0004 **
(0.0005) (0.0002) (0.0002)
Nmarr -0.1551 -0.1761 -0.0709
(0.1722) (0.1177) (0.0889)
Wnd 0.3026 0.1897 -0.2916
(0.5914) (0.4177) (0.3105)
Gender 0.2509 0.4950 ** 0.2781 *
(0.3322) (0.2757) (0.1895)
Constant 0.2577 0.9368 ** 1.1735 ***
(0.8258) (0.4705) (0.3992)
Selection Term f f f
[PseudoR.sup.2] 0.3103 0.3587 0.4365
Sample Size 348 348 348
Uncorrected for
Selectivity Bias
75th 90th
Variable Percentile Percentile
Primary 0.1234 O.0223
(0.1071) (0.1972)
Middle 0.1485 * -0.0067
(0.1157) (0.1435)
Matric 0.1808 * 0.1268
(0.1009) (0.1398)
Inter 0.3906 *** 0.2793 *
(0.1492) (0.2177)
Profe 0.4252 * 0.4292
(0.3501) (0.6797)
University 0.5852 *** 0.5719 **
(0.2026) (0.2573)
P/Grad 0.6376 *** 0.5909 ***
(0.1826) (0.2495)
Training 0.0718 0.1109
(0.1799) (0.2316)
Age 0.0516 ** 0.0365
(0.0231) (0.0382)
Agesq -0.0005 * -0.0003
(0.0003) (0.0005)
Nmarr -0.1041 -0.1624
(0.1026) (0.1680)
Wnd 0.0144 -0.0248
(0.2942) (0.3168)
Gender 0.4163 *** 0.7361 **
(0.1703) (0.2582)
Constant 1.3720 ** 1.6358 **
(0.4960) (0.8238)
Selection Term f f
[PseudoR.sup.2] 0.4128 0.4354
Sample Size 348 3$8
Corrected for Selectivity Bias
10th 25th 50th
Variable Percentile Percentile Percentile
Primary -0.08512 0.0307 0.0297
(0.2565) (0.1557) (0.1110)
Middle 0.0968 0.2293 ** 0.058
(0.1893) (0.1163) (0.1019)
Matric 0.1463 0.4229 *** 0.1876 **
(0.1964) (0.1361) (0.0962)
Inter 0.0393 0.2257 * 0.3367 **
(0.1792) (0.1606) (0.1957)
Profe 0.3351 0.5800 *** 0.4003 **
(0.2864) (0.2482) (0.1958)
University 0.2517 0.4706 *** 0.4567 ***
(0.2788) (0.1651) (0.1894)
P/Grad 0.3873 0.6921 *** 0.6626 ***
(0.3105) (0.5055) (0.1562)
Training -0.2011 0.0003 0.0046
(0.3175) (0.1586) (0.1523)
Age 0.0748 * 0.0457 ** 0.0474 **
(0.0472) (0.0252) (0.0214)
Agesq -0.0008 * -0.0003 -0.0004 *
(0.0006) (0.0003) (0.0002)
Nmarr -0.1742 -0.1605 -0.0700
(0.1911) (0.1431) (0.1135)
Wnd 0.4042 0.2328 -0.3001
(0.5958) (0.4088) (0.3155)
Gender 0.1853 0.6338 ** 0.2963
(0.4833) (0.3548) (0.2605)
Constant 1.4758 0.0642 1.0891
(2.3333) (1.4558) (1.1111)
Selection Term -0.3270 0.2746 0.0306
(0.6406) (0.3992) (0.2972)
[PseudoR.sup.2] 0.3112 0.3595 0.4139
Sample Size 348 348 348
Corrected for
Selectivity Bias
75th 90th
Variable Percentile Percentile
Primary 0.1238 0.0656
(0.1161) (0.2280)
Middle 0.1677 0.0680
(0.1368) (0.1547)
Matric 0.1839 * 0.2415 *
(0.1186) (0.1591)
Inter 0.3830 *** 0.4321 **
(0.1462) (0.2401)
Profe 0.433 0.6265
(0.3551) (0.6916)
University 0.5774 *** 0.6880 ***
(0.2222) (0.2773)
P/Grad 0.6475 *** 0.7322 ***
(0.2122) (0.2829)
Training 0.0902 0.1108
(0.1893) (0.2433)
Age 0.0537 ** 0.05159
(0.0243) (0.0426)
Agesq -0.0005 ** -0.0005
(0.0003) (0.0005)
Nmarr -0.0966 -0.1355
(0.1180) (0.1843)
Wnd -0.0189 -0.1077
(0.2823) (0.3234)
Gender 0.4632 ** 0.8248
(0.2448) (0.3546)
Constant 1.0678 0.5074
(1.2563) (1.562)
Selection Term 0.08664 0.2485
(0.3377) (0.3961)
[PseudoR.sup.2] 0.4366 0.4368
Sample Size 348 348
Notes: See notes to Table 1; f denotes not applicable in estimation.
Table A5
OLS Estimates for Public, Private, and SOE Sectors, Pakistan 2001-02
Without Correction for
Selectivity Bias
Variable Public Private SOE
Prim 0.06145 ** 0.0946 *** 0.01117
(0.0292) (0.0250) (0.1141)
Middle 0.0906 *** 0.1829 *** 0.04624
(0.0276) (0.0296) (0.0881)
Matric 0.21640 *** 0.3142 *** 0.1738 **
(0.0268) (0.029) (0.0914)
Inter 0.32102 *** 0.3614 *** 0.3404 *
(0.0323) (0.0411) (0.1363)
Profe. 0.68430 *** 1.0585 *** 0.5095 **
(0.0769) (0.1031) (0.3192)
University 0.44876 *** 0.7135 *** 0.4578 **
(0.0352) (0.0506) (0.1758)
Pgrad 0.64456 *** 1.0709 *** 0.5756 ***
(0.0434) (0.0819) (0.1515)
Train 0.04767 * 0.0233 0.0213
(0.03715) (0.0478) (0.1575)
Age 0.02016 *** 0.0445 *** 0.0410 **
(0.0065) (0.0062) (0.0217)
Agesq -0.00012 * -0.0004 *** -0.00034
(0.00008) (0.00008) (0.0002)
Nmarr -0.0509 * -0.0543 ** -0.1789 **
(0.0293) (0.0303) (0.0974)
Wnd 0.08029 * 0.0325 0.04133
(0.0615) (0.0744) (0.2745)
Gender 0.14957 *** 0.42797 *** 0.3535 ***
(0.0293) (0.0431) (0.1341)
Constant 2.10676 *** 1.0927 *** 1.4248 ***
(0.1299) (0.1329) (0.41070)
Selection Term f f f
R-squared 0.4609 0.3948 0.5465
Sample Size 3310 3948 348
With Correction for
Selectivity Bias
Variable Public Private SOE
Prim 0.0607 ** 0.0849 *** 0.0107
(0.0351) (0.0268) (0.1132)
Middle 0.0895 ** 0.1676 *** 0.0416
(0.0414) (0.0339) (0.0939)
Matric 0.2149 *** 0.1911 *** 0.1688 **
(0.0523) (0.0385) (0.0972)
Inter 0.3191 *** 0.3295 *** 0.2384 **
(0.0631) (0.0525) (0.1373)
Profe. 0.6827 *** 1.0319 *** 0.5034 **
(0.0917) (0.107) (0.2209)
University 0.4470 *** 0.6815 *** 0.454 ***
(0.0637) (0.0604) (0.1769)
Pgrad 0.6435 *** 1.0204 *** 0.5701 ***
(0.0764) (0.097) (0.1559)
Train 0.0475 0.0184 0.0194
(0.038) (0.047) (0.1647)
Age 0.0198 ** 0.0414 *** 0.0403 **
(0.0107) (0.007) (0.0229)
Agesq -0.0001 -0.0004 *** -0.0003
(0.0001) (0.00008) (0.00030)
Nmarr -0.0571 * -0.0424 * -0.1816 **
(0.0364) (0.0323) (0.1076)
Wnd 0.0809 -0.0163 0.0484
(0.0652) (0.0756) (0.2927)
Gender 0.1498 *** 0.4240 *** 0.3404 **
(0.0304) (0.0433) (0.1953)
Constant 2.1151 *** 1.1028 *** 1.5129 *
(0.2846) (0.1337) (1.0240)
Selection Term -0.0030 0.0683 -0.0252
(0.0941) (0.0664) (0.2696)
R-squared 0.4609 0.3949 0.5465
Sample Size 3310 3948 348
Notes: See notes to Table l; f denotes not applicable in estimation.
Table A6
Rates of Return to Educational Qualifications in Pakistan
Public Sector Private Sector Differential
Primary 0.0121 *** 0.0170 *** 0.0049
(0.0070) (0.0054) (0.0088)
Middle 0.0100 0.0275 *** -0.0175
(0.0112) (0.0104) (0.0153)
Matriculation 0.0627 *** 0.0118 0.0509
(0.0361) (0.0172) (0.0312)
Intermediate 0.0521 *** 0.0693 *** -0.0172
(0.0129) (0.0210) (0.0246)
Professional 0.0723 *** 0.1405 *** -0.0682 ***
(0.0143) (0.0208) (0.0253)
Undergraduate 0.0639 *** 0.1760 *** -0.1121 ***
(0.0138) (0.0267) (0.0300)
Postgraduate 0.0977 *** 0.1694 *** -0.0717
(0.0194) (0.0429) (0.0471)
Notes: (a) The rates of return are computed using the estimates from
the mean regression corrected for selectivity bias.
(b) Standard errors are reported in parentheses.
(c) ***, **, * denote statistical significance at the 1 percent, 5
percent and 10 percent level respectively using two-tailed tests.
(d) In computing the rates of return we assumed primary = 5 years;
middle = 3 years; matriculation = 2 years; intermediate = 2 years;
professional = 5; undergraduate = 2 years; and
postgraduate = 2 years.
Table A7
Decomposition of Sectoral Wage Gaps at Selected Quantiles: SOE/Private
Due to Due to Selection
Treatment Endowments Terms
SOE/[Private.sub.0=0.10] 0.3398 *** 0.2298 *** Not applicable
(0.0415) (0.0256)
1.1358 0.1392 -0.7028
(1.3547) (0.1878)
SOE/[Private.sub.0=0.25] 0.3999 *** -0.3785 Not applicable
(0.0691) (0.3374)
-0.2699 -0.3964 0.5125
(0.9420) (0.3311)
SOE/[Private.sub.0=0.5] 0.2892 *** 0.8486 *** Not applicable
(0.0496) (0.3514)
0.3936 0.8501 -0.0123
(0.6256) (0.3684)
SOE/[Private.sub.0=0.75] 0.2586 *** -0.3559 Not applicable
(0.0526) (0.3465)
0.11949 -0.3774 0.1214
(0.7122) (0.3569)
SOE/[Private.sub.0=0.09] 0.1735 ** 0.61006 *** Not applicable
(0.0999) (0.1224)
-0.4252 0.6576 *** 0.54378
(0.7774) (0.1249)
Residuals Total
SOE/[Private.sub.0=0.10] 0.0366 0.6063
0.0342 0.6063
SOE/[Private.sub.0=0.25] 0.6189 0.5404
0.6942 0.5404
SOE/[Private.sub.0=0.5] -0.5487 0.5891
-0.5223 0.5891
SOE/[Private.sub.0=0.75] 0.8129 0.7157
0.8522 0.7157
SOE/[Private.sub.0=0.09] -0.0081 0.7755
-0.0005 0.7755
Notes: See notes to Table 3.
Table A8
Decomposition of Sectoral Wage Gaps at Selected Quantiles: Public/SOE
Due to Due to Selection
Treatment Endowments Terms
Public/[SOE.sub.[theta]=0.10] 0.2393 *** 0.0040 Not
(0.0665) (0.0288) applicable
-0.4124 0.0022 0.6615
(1.2983) (0.0784)
Public/[SOE.sub.[theta]=0.25] 0.37846 0.4443 *** Not
(0.3814) (0.1234) applicable
1.2687 0.2552 -0.6229
(1.0287) (0.2367)
Public/[SOE.sub.[theta]=0.5] -0.5377 * 0.08799 ** Not
(0.36708) (0.0383) applicable
-0.4979 0.0926 *** -0.1129
(0.6301) (0.0380)
Public/[SOE.sub.[theta]=0.75] 0.4922 0.2415 *** Not
(0.40920) (0.1054) applicable
0.5405 0.3607 ** -0.1267
(0.8832) (0.1739)
Public/[SOE.sub.[theta]=0.9] -0.1559 * -0.1673 * Not
(0.1204) (0.1182) applicable
0.3653 -0.1193 -0.5048
(0.7586) (0.1732)
Residuals Total
Public/[SOE.sub.[theta]=0.10] 0.04649 0.2898
0.0386 0.2898
Public/[SOE.sub.[theta]=0.25] -0.6212 0.2016
-0.6995 0.2016
Public/[SOE.sub.[theta]=0.5] 0.5130 0.0633
0.5815 0.0633
Public/[SOE.sub.[theta]=0.75] -0.8516 -0.1179
-0.8925 -0.1179
Public/[SOE.sub.[theta]=0.9] 0.4727 -0.1495
-0.4083 -0.1495
Notes: See notes to Table 3.
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journal. However, the authors remain responsible for any errors.
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Earnings Differentials between Pubic and Private Sectors in the
Netherlands. Review of Economics and Statistics 75, 215-224.
(1) For example, see Blank (1994), Rees and Shah (1995), Disney and
Gosling (1998) and Blackaby, Murphy and O'Leary (1999) for the UK;
see Gyourko and Tracy (1988), Moulton (1990) and Blank (1994) for the
US; see Lucifora and Meurs (2004) for UK, Italy and France. The evidence
for Germany [see Dustmann and Van Soest (1998)] is less clear-cut and
that for Holland suggests a negative ceteris paribus differential [see
Van Ophem ( 1993)].
(2) For example, see Poterba and Rueben (1994) for the US; see
Mueller (1998) for Canada; see Disney and Gosling (1998) and Blackaby,
Murphy and O'Leary (1999) for the UK; see Lucifora and Meurs (2004)
for Italy and France.
(3) Brazil was a notable exception here. This is not a surprise
since public sector workers in Brazil are known to be well-paid [see
Arbache, Dickerson, and Green (2004)]
(4) See Filer and Hanousek (2002) for problems related to the
measurement of the private sector in transitional economies.
(5) See Newell and Socha (1998) and Adamchik and Bedi (2000) for
Poland from the mid-1990s; see Lokshin and Jovanovic (2001) for a sample
of Moscow workers; and see Krstic, Reilly and Tabet (2004) for a sample
of Serbian workers.
(6) For expositional purposes, the third sector, the SOE sector, is
ignored here given the paper's primary emphasis. The relatively
small sample size available for the SOE sector also restricts our
discussion in the empirical section.
(7) For example, see DiNardo, Fortin, and Lemieux (1996), Fortin
and Lemieux (1998), Donald, Green and Paarsch (2000) for a variety of
different approaches.
(8) See Brownestone and Valletta (2001) for an accessible
introduction to bootstrapping.
(9) See Gyourko and Tracy (1988), Van der Gaag and Vijerberg
(1988), and Terrell (1993).
(10) For instance, Reimers (1983) who nets the selection
differences out of the overall pay gap to generate wage offer
(11) See also Fitzenberger (2003) for an alternative approach.
(12) Heckman (1990) and Andrews and Shafgans (1998) suggest
solutions to this problem.
(13) In order to conserve space, the MNL estimates are not reported
in this study. (14) This was the approach adopted by Nasir (2000), using
data drawn from an earlier round of the LFS.
(15) The hourly wages expressed in rupees, were calculated by
dividing weekly earnings by the number of hours worked per week
(16) The use of age and its quadratic also renders the construction
of the conditional vector of characteristics at different quantiles
somewhat easier.
(17) The average annualised rate of return to a professional
qualification, an undergraduate degree, and a postgraduate degree are
9.2 percent. 9. 1 percent, and 10.8 percent respectively.
(18) Alternatively, the age measure could be expressed using
(19) For example, see Albrecht, Bjorklund, and Vroman (2003) for
the case of Sweden.
(20) The SOE effect is comparable to the public sector effect in
the mean regression but exhibits a greater degree of stability across
the conditional wage distribution as confirmed by the inter-quantile
regression estimate. However, the small sample size merits extreme
caution in interpreting the quantile regression estimates.
(21) There is marginal evidence that selection bias is an issue for
our estimates. This may reflect the quality of the instruments used for
our empirical analysis. However, there is a dearth of good instruments
available in the dataset and this is the best that can be done under the
(22) For instance, the rate of return to a professional
qualification is nearly seven percentage points lower in the public
sector and over 11 percentage points lower for an undergraduate degree
holder than in the private sector.
(23) This is in contrast to Nasir (2000) who found little
difference in overall wages between the public sector and the formal
private sector and negative treatment effects. This work is not directly
comparable to our analysis given that we do not distinguish between
formal and informal segments of the private sector.
(24) The decompositions based on comparisons between SOE and
private sector and SOE and public sector are reported in Tables A6 and
A7 of the Appendix.
Asma Hyder is a PhD student at NUST Institute of Management
Sciences, Rawalpindi. Barry Reilly teaches in the Department of
Economics, University of Sussex, UK.
Table 1
OLS and Quartile Regression Model Estimates Bused
on Pooled Data for Pakistan 2001-02
Variables Mean 10th 25th
Primary 0.0914 *** 0.0804 ** 0.0842 ***
(0.(1193) (0.0425) (0.0243)
Middle 0.1569 *** 0.1873 *** 0.1554 ***
(0.0210) (0.0388) (0.0223)
Matriculation 0.2443 *** 0.2454 *** 0.2134 ***
(0.0203) (0.0362) (0.0214)
Inter. 0.3629 *** 0.3777 *** 0.3185 ***
(0.0251) (0.0397) (0.0317)
Profe. 0.8238 *** 0.5169 *** 0.6147 ***
(0.0599) (0.0697) (0.0772)
University 0.5443 *** 0.4721 *** 0.4425 ***
(0.02885) (0.04200) (0.0332)
P/Grad. 0.7598 *** 0.6261 *** 0.6514 ***
(0.(1364) (0.0535) (0.0362)
Training 0.0510 ** 0.0111 0.0245
(0.0290) (0.0335) (0.0285)
Age 0.0392 *** 0.0507 *** 0.0425 ***
(0.0045) (0.0092) (0.0051)
Agesq -0.0003 *** -0.0005 *** -0.0004 ***
(5.86E-05) (0.0001) (0.00006)
Nmarr -0.0633 *** -0.0471 * -0.0583 ***
(0.02114) (0.0351) (0.0216)
Wnd -().0165 -0.0425 -0.0109
(0.0534) (0.0935) (0.0780)
Gender 0.2838 *** 0.5024 *** 0.3644 ***
(0.0259) (0.0622) (0.0321)
Public 0.3747 *** 0.5621 *** 0.4563 ***
(0.0151) (0.0255) (0.0163)
SOE 0.3339 *** 0.3508 *** 0.3529 ***
(0.0301) (0.0585) (0.0382)
Constant 1.2043 *** 0.1870 0.8186 ***
(0.0908) (0.1774) (0.1045)
[R.sup.2]/Psuedo-- 0.5312 0.3202 0.3434
Sample Size 7352 7352 7352
Variables 50th 75th
Primary 0.0683 *** 0.0781 ***
(0.0171) (0.0178)
Middle 0.1233 *** 0.1231 ***
(0.0188) (0.0206)
Matriculation 0.2072 *** 0.2309 ***
(0.0209) (0.0191)
Inter. 0.3144 *** 0.3360 ***
(0.0259) (0.0282)
Profe. 0.7161 *** 0.9008 ***
(0.0748) (0.0814')
University 0.4782 *** 0.5438 ***
(0.0298) (0.0310)
P/Grad. 0.6746 *** 0.7195 ***
(0.0411) (0.0412)
Training 0.0252 0.0281
(0.0244) (0.0275)
Age 0.0346 *** 0.0402 ***
-0.0047 (0.0044)
Agesq -0.0003 *** -0.0003 ***
(0.00006) (0.00005)
Nmarr -0.0421 ** -0.0364 **
(0.0220) (0.0187)
Wnd 0.0163 -0.0156
(0.0503) (0.0458)
Gender 0.2128 *** 0.1596 ***
(0.0281) (0.0294)
Public 0.3686 *** 0.2762 ***
(0.0166) (0.0159)
SOE 0.3520 *** 0.2914 ***
(0.0292) (0.0307)
Constant 1.4155 *** 1.6261 ***
(0.0906) (0.0916)
[R.sup.2]/Psuedo-- 0.3564 0.3783
Sample Size 7352 7352
Variables 90th 90th-10th
Primary 0.0651 *** 0.0152
(0.0268) (0.0456)
Middle 0.1366 *** -0.0506
(0.0271) (0.0456)
Matriculation 0.2496 *** 0.0042
(0.0298) (0.0469)
Inter. 0.3797 *** 0.0024
(0.0366) (0.0485)
Profe. 1.1369 *** 0.6199 ***
(0.1413) (0.1424)
University 0.6088 *** 0.1367
(0.0486) (0.0669)
P/Grad. 0.8121 *** 0.1859 ***
(0.0623) (0.0757)
Training 0.0787 ** 0.0675 *
(0.0397) (0.0503)
Age 0.0318 *** -0.0188 **
(0.0052) (0.0107)
Agesq -0.00027 *** 0.0002 **
(0.00007) (0.0001)
Nmarr -0.0612 ** -0.0140
(0.0289) (0.0441)
Wnd -0.0194 0.0231
(0.0843) (0.1234)
Gender 0.1470 *** -0.3554 ***
(0.0275) (0.0697)
Public 0.1878 *** -0.3743 ***
(0.0237) (0.0315)
SOE 0.3037 *** -0.0471
(0.0600) (0.0791)
Constant 2.0666 *** 1.8795 **
(0.1161) (0.2157)
[R.sup.2]/Psuedo-- 0.4006 N/a
Sample Size 7352 7352
Notes: (a) ***, ** and * denote statistical significance at the
1 percent, 5 percent and l0 percent level respectively using
two-tailed tests.
(b) Wage equation specifications also include controls for residing
in an urban settlement, tour provincial controls, eight occupation
controls, and tour controls capturing the time spent in the
district of residence.
(c) Standard errors are in parentheses. The OLS standard errors are
based on Huber (1967) and the quantile regression model estimates
are based on bootstrapping with 200 replications.
Table 2
Mean Decomposition of Sectoral Pay Gaps
Due to Due to Due to Selection
Treatment Endowments Terms Total
Public/Private 0.3985 *** 0.2862 *** Not applicable 0.6847
(0.0195) (0.0154)
0.4401 *** 0.2840 *** -0.0394 0.6847
(0.1315) (0.0690)
SOE/Private 0.3034 *** 0.3366 *** Not applicable 0.6399
(0.0469) (0.0366)
0.3963 0.3309 *** -0.0873 0.6399
(0.822) (0.0610)
Public/SOE 0.0191 0.0255 ** Not applicable 0.0447
(0.0297) (0.0089)
-0.0276 0.0245 0.0479 0.0447
(0.5378) (0.0333)
Notes: (a) The first row in each panel relates to decompositions
base on wage equations uncorrected for selection using expression
(2) in the text. The second row relates decompositions based on
wage equations corrected for selection using expression (9) in the
text. (b) Standard errors are reported in parentheses though these
are not computed for the selection effects. (c) ***, ** and *
denote statistical significance at the I percent, 5 percent and 10
percent level respectively using two-tailed tests.
Table 3
Decomposition of Sectors! Wage Gaps at Selected Quantiles:
Due to Due to
Treatment Endowments
Public/[Private.sub.0=0.10] 0.65026 *** 0.16274 ***
(0.0504) (0.0320)
0.7044 *** 0.1603 **
(0.2345) (0.0970)
Public/[Private.sub.0=0.25] 0.5305 *** 0.2138 ***
(0.0239) (0.0170)
0.7?524 *** 0.13236 **
(0.1546) (0.0764)
Public/[Private.sub.0=0.5] 0.4105 *** 02775 ***
(0.01870) (0.0781)
0.6000 *** 0.1384
(0.1253) (0.1547)
Public/[Private.sub.0=0.75] 0.2881 *** 0.3483 ***
(0.02144) (0.0187)
0.23796 ** 0.4054 ***
(0.1032) (0.0670)
Public/[Private.sub.0=0.9] 0.1865 *** 02738 ***
(0.03255) (0.1166)
0.19434 0.2839 **
(0.1668) (0.1357)
Terms Residuals Total
Public/[Private.sub.0=0.10] Not applicable 0.0831 0.8961
-0.0411 0.0724 0.8961
Public/[Private.sub.0=0.25] Not applicable -0.0022 0.742
-0.1103 -0.0052 0.742
Public/[Private.sub.0=0.5] Not applicable 0.02804 0.6524
-0.1251 0.039 0.6524
Public/[Private.sub.0=0.75] Not applicable -0.0386 0.5978
-0.0052 -0.0404 0.5978
Public/[Private.sub.0=0.9] Not applicable 0.1656 0.626
Q0389 0.1087 0.626
Notes: (a) The first row in each panel relates to decompositions
based on wage equations uncorrected for selection using expression
(8) in the text. The second row relates decompositions based on
wage equations corrected for selection using expression (10) in the
test. (b) Standard errors are reported in parentheses but are not
readily computable for the selection of residual terms. (c) ***, **
and denote statistical significance at the I percent, 5 percent and
10 percent level respectively using two-tailed tests.