Modelling gender dimensions of the impact of economic reforms on time allocation among market, household, and leisure activities in Pakistan.
Siddiqui, Rizwana
Women and men are different from each other not only biologically
but also in terms of constraints and discriminatory behaviour they face.
Women are less fed, less educated, less mobile, less empowered, and
overburdened by household work such as cooking, cleaning, taking care of
children and the aged, fetching water, looking after farm animals, and
gathering wood [Cagatay (1995); Sathar and Kazi (1997); Siddiqui, et al.
(2001)]. These activities not only restrain them from education and
training but also severely constrain their ability to respond to
economic incentives as men do and fail to achieve equal level of men.
Men as a breadwinner receive both nutritional and educational priority
[White and Masset (2002)], while women remain relatively illiterate and
malnourished. Consequently, different quality and quantity of
female-labour and male-labour emerges which play a very important role
in determining the impact of any policy change.
A number of studies (1) conducted in the late 1980s and the 1990s
ask the question: Do changes in economic reforms affect men and women
equally? These studies argue that ignoring gender dimensions hide the
cost in terms of time, resource allocation and maintenance of human
resources that results in miscalculation of the effects on women. For
instance trade liberalisation policies lead to export led
industrialisation and expansion of female employment. The rise in
women's employment does not accompany by a reduction in their
unpaid household work but squeezes women's leisure time. On the
other hand men do very little household work. After market work they
spent a large proportion of their time in leisure. The exclusion of
non-market sectors hides the cost in terms of women workload, while
exclusion of leisure from the model reduces flexibility of the supply of
male labour more compared to female labour supply, which is already
constrained by less leisure. So it is not possible to make inferences
from the studies of particular sectors about the impact of economic
reforms on women's earning, employment opportunities, and
well-being relative to men in the absence of linkages and feed backs
among different sector i.e., between market and household economy and
within the market sectors of economy [Fontana and Wood (2000)]. They
should be analysed using gender aware models in the presence of all
forward and backward linkages among different actors, factors and
sectors, especially between paid and unpaid economies [World Bank
(2001)]. Computable General Equilibrium models are considered the best
to use for this type of analysis [Fontana and Wood (2000); Kabeer
(2003)]. (2)
The principle focus of this study is on the development of gendered
computable general equilibrium model (GCGE) for Pakistan that captures
gender dimensions of time allocation of men and women among market,
household and leisure activities. Then model is used to simulate the
impact of two types of macroeconomic shocks, trade liberalisation and
fiscal adjustment on men and women.
The plan of the study is as follows. Section II briefly reviews
existing literature on the subject. Section III gives an overview of
employment by gender. Data and methodological issues in development of
SAM and Gendered Computable General Equilibrium Model are discussed in
Section IV. Section V discusses policy shocks and simulation results.
Final section concludes the paper.
Earlier research has documented good as well as bad effects of
economic reforms particularly on women such as contribution of export
growth to the expansion of female employment opportunities [Siddiqui
(2003); Kabeer (2003)], increase work load on women, rise in
unemployment in the country etc. However, it is difficult to make
inferences from these studies about the impact on well-being of women in
the absence of linkages and feed back between market economy and
household economy and within the market economy. Most recent empirical
studies analysing gender dimensions of the impact of economic reforms
integrated gender dimensions in CGE models to overcome existing
Fontana and Wood (2000) were the first (3) who called our attention
to incorporate women's household work and leisure activities in
economic analysis of trade liberalisation in CGE models. They
constructed gendered social accounting matrix incorporating time use
module in the social accounting matrix (SAM) which shows how much time
(in hours) people spend on various tasks: market work and non-market
work spent either on household activities or on leisure. Then gendered
CGE model is developed using SAM data. The study elaborates technical
issues in calculation and incorporation of social reproduction and
leisure in SAM and CGE. The study shows that gender related rigidities
can be introduced in labour market by keeping low elasticity of
substitution between male and female labour especially in households
production sector. The simulation results of the studies provide
insights of the gendered economic outcomes of trade policies. Following
this study, Fontana (2001 for Bangladesh and 2002 for Zambia) extend the
accounting framework to include a greater number of market activities
differentiated by factor intensity, labour categories differentiated by
both gender and level of education and households types. The main
modification made to gender SAM here is that members of each type of
household produce a particular kind of social reproduction and leisure
reflecting each household education and gender composition. The studies
reveal the truth that the effects are not same for all households. They
differ by type of households, rich or poor. The difference in impact
remains hidden when all households are assumed to be homogenous in
Fontana and Wood (2000). The studies also show that the effects are not
same of various policies changes, neither for all countries with same
policy change. (4) The magnitude of the gender impact of policy change
depends on the variation in key parameters, i.e., elasticity of
substitution. The greater flexibility in gender roles in the non-market
sphere (introduced by larger elasticity of substitution) reduces
negative impact of a decline in the garment industry on women. Contrary
to the results for Bangladesh, the abolition of tariff on manufactured
imports causes smaller employment and wage gains for women than women in
Zambia, while promotion of non-traditional agriculture exports benefits
more to women in Zambia.
Fontana (2003) explicitly highlights that the differences in
resource endowments, labour market characteristics and socio cultural
norm shape the way in which trade expansion affects gender inequalities
in the countries. The study suggests that trade liberalisation has more
favourable effects on women in a labour abundant country like Bangladesh
than in a resource abundant country like Zambia. The major conclusion
that can be drawn from these studies is that in the absence of
non-market activities the impact on women's employment and wages is
not the same as in presence of the sectors accounting for household
production and leisure. Fofana, et al. (2003) also show that impact of
trade liberalisation on men and women depend on male participation in
household work.
Prior to and after Fontana and Wood (2000) and Fontana (2001, 2002)
most of the available SAMs with gender features limit the extensions to
disaggregation of labour by gender or grouped households on the basis of
male and female head of households, i.e., Evans (1972) Arndt, et al.
(2003) for Mozambique and Anushree and Sangita (2003) for India. The
study by Anushree and Sangita (2003) also distinguishes economy by male
intensive formal sectors from female intensive informal sectors of the
economy. In this set up, tariff reduction make women worse off as wages
decline in informal sector of the economy after the shock.
Impact of economic reforms on women not only depends on education
level and household type they belong to but also on closure the studies
choose. In most of these studies investment and government consumption
have been fixed at the base level in real term. Current account balance
is also fixed at the base level. Therefore, outcomes are driven
exclusively by the differences in the initial socioeconomic structure of
the countries rather than by difference in behavioural parameters. These
studies show that despite significant increase in female market
participation, gender division of labour within the households remains
fairly unequal. Women's level of education seems to be important
determinants of the gender allocation of time. The results of the
studies [Fontana (2001, 2002)] show that the differences in impacts are
more marked for women and men with low education as wage differential by
gender disappear at the high education level in both countries from
different continents and from different culture. The studies show that
higher substitution elasticity causes a marginally higher rise in total
market participation of women with no education and women with secondary
education compared to highly educated women.
Earlier CGE models for Pakistan developed for trade policy analysis
[Siddiqui, et al. (1999); Siddiqui and Kemal (2002), etc.] on the basis
of latest available SAM based on aggregate data for the year 1989-90
[Siddiqui and Iqbal (1999)]. The focus of these studies was on income
distribution, poverty, inequality, and welfare. But no CGE model for
Pakistan with gender features has been developed yet.
Women roughly half of the population of Pakistan overburdened by
household work have low participation in labour market relative to men.
in spite of large inflow (5) of females in labour market during the
adjustment period, (6) their participation rate remains low compared to
men's participation rate. There are many reasons for low rate of
female participation, like marriage at early age, strong social and
cultural influence on outside home movement of women, low human capital,
and non-availability of suitable jobs.
Besides, female participation is underestimated significantly,
which is evident from LFS [Pakistan (1991)].
In 1991, Federal Bureau of Statistics of Pakistan revised data
collection technique, which show that women participation rate in market
is about 50 percent instead of 11.8 percent (calculated on the basis of
old data). On the basis of revised data collection technique, the women
who reported doing nothing were probed by asking further questions about
the activities such as harvesting, sowing, picking cotton, drying seeds,
maize and rice husking, engaged in live stock and poultry farming activities, construction work, collection of fire wood and cotton
sticks, fetching water, making cloths, sewing, knitting, shopping,
marketing and preparation of other goods and material for sale etc, If
they are doing anyone of these activities they were included in the work
force. Participation rate calculated on the basis of this definition is
called 'Improved Female Participation Rate'. Comparison of
participation rates on the basis of data collected with old technique
and new technique shows that female participation rate rises to 52.8
percent from 11.8 percent in 1990-1 and to 37.7 percent from 14.4
percent in 2001-2 (see Table 1).
Over the period of market-led economic restructuring, the impact of
SAP on women's employment is specified as declining share in
manufacturing and increasing share in agriculture and services sector.
Men's employment share rises only in services sector.
Disaggregation of data by manufacturing industries reveals that the
share of female employment during the adjustment period in export
oriented industries, textile, rose to 78.5 percent in 1993-4 from 74.9
percent in 1990-1 [Siddiqui, et al. (2001)]. A more recent survey of
export-oriented industries [textiles, sports, surgical instruments and
fisheries] shows that more females are working as temporary/casual
workers and they are concentrated in textile and garment industry mainly
in stitching activities i.e., 86 percent of the total employed women
[Siddiqui et al. (2003)]. This shows that female intensive sectors in
Pakistan are export based industries.
Not only quantity, quality of labour is very important in
determining employment status in the country. Though literacy rate has
increased during the last two decades in Pakistan, but gender gap in
education is still evident i.e., 37 percent literacy rate among females
and 62 percent among males in 2002 (see Table 1). This indicates
heterogeneity of labour force by gender and an important reason for
women to be in low paid jobs.
Contrary to the rise in female-labour force and employment, their
wages fell over the adjustment period and the gap between men and women
wages has widened. Ratio of female wage to male wage has fallen from
65.7 percent in 1990-1 to 60.5 percent in 1999-2000 (see Table I). (7)
Besides structural factors like, gender segregation of job market by
occupations and skills, under-representation of females in higher paying
occupations and grades, which are result of economy wide disparities in
education and training, 20 percent of wage differential is due to
discrimination in labour market [Siddiqui and Siddiqui (1998)].
The division of labour is the most important single factor, which
affects status of women in the country, directly and indirectly. Women
perform disproportionately large amount of unpaid household work,
cooking, cleaning, taking care of elders, collecting woods, fetching
water etc. On average their work time is 13 percent larger than
men's work time [UNDP (1995)]. Ignoring household sector not only
underestimate women working hours and their contribution to the economy
but also constrain them from attaining education and training. Contrary
to women, men are major player in market economy; i.e., LFPR of men
remains around 70 percent. They are involved in household production but
time spent on these chores is very small.
Siddiqui, et al. (2001) found that on average men spend about one
hour in household production. Husbands of women participating in market
activities spend relatively more time on domestic chores compared to
those of non-working women.
The main concern in this study is to incorporate gender into CGE
model for Pakistan to overcome existing shortcomings in the analysis
gender dimensions of the impact of economic reforms. Like Fontana and
Wood (2000), model is made gender aware in three steps: (1)
disaggregating variables by gender, (2) incorporating non-market
sectors, in addition to market work: household production and leisure,
(3) relating values of the key parameters to the degree of gender
inequalities in the country.
(a) Extension of SAM
Aggregate SAM with market economy is taken from Siddiqui and Iqbal
(1999). Using Fontana and Wood (2000) methodology, it is made gender
aware by distinguishing male and female labour in labour market and
their wage income in household income. Two non-market sectors, household
reproduction and leisure are added which are important for time use
analysis. Labour use is measured in hours instead of persons, assuming
all persons are involved in all activities.
Construction of the gendered SAM is not straightforward. Since
1990-1, labour force survey reports female labour force participation in
two sections. The data collected on the basis of old technique shows
that 3.4 million women are employed. This number increases to 15.5
million if we include data collected under revised data collection
technique which reports women participation in activities such as
harvesting, sowing, picking cotton, drying seeds, maize and rice
husking, engaged in live stock and poultry farming activities,
construction work, making cloths, sewing and knitting, shopping and
marketing and preparation of goods at home which are available in the
Following SNA agreement, all activities are defined as productive
which produce goods and services for sale, but also those, which produce
goods and services for own consumption within household. But services
used within a households for own consumption are defines as
non-productive and but economic. Female labour engaged in harvesting,
sowing, picking cotton, drying seeds, maize and rice husking, engaged in
livestock and poultry farming activities is added to agriculture labour
and treated as unpaid labour. Women work such as preparing meal for the
members of household, cleaning, washing clothes, look alter children and
elder people, collecting wood, fetching water, washing and pressing
clothes, caring of children or health care of ill persons, helping
children to do homework or other educating activities, cleaning or
arranging the house or preparation of other goods are treated as
household activities if they are working for their own family. If they
are involved in these activities for other households and receiving cash
or in kind, they are included in market activities and included in
services sector of market economy. Construction is included in services
sector. In agriculture and construction all female labour based on
revised estimates is unpaid. But in other sectors if females are working
for other households and receiving in cash or in kind, the value of this
work is calculated on the basis of average wage of that sector for
females and added to existing estimates of values added of that
particular sector. To some extent these estimates shows estimates for
black economy or informal economy, which does not appear in the national
statistics of GDP (which is calculated on the basis of old female
participation rate).
On the basis of new data and old data, female time of a day is
allocated to market and non-market activities. But labour force surveys
do not report working hours of men spent on non-market activities.
Another survey conducted for Gender Planning Network [Siddiqui, et al.
(2001)] reports work hours of men spent on non-market activities.
Therefore, time use data is taken from Labour Force survey and Gender
Planning Net Work Survey. (8) Former reports only women's working
hours in household activities, while latter reports data for both.
Leisure is non-economic and non-productive, because it cannot be
rendered for some one else [see Fontana and Wood (2000) for detail
discussion on the topic]. Like Fontana and Wood (2000), minimum time
used for personal care (sleeping, eating, personal hygiene etc.) is ten
hours a day. This time is not included in SAM. After subtracting 10
hours from total of 24 hours we have 14 hours, which are used for
market, household and leisure activities. It is assumed that time used
in one activity cannot be used in other. (9) Subtracting time for market
and household work from 14 hours a day, leisure is calculated, the time
that can be used for sleeping and other leisure activities such as
playing games or attending a party or watching movies, etc.
The value of these activities is calculated assuming that the cost
of production is purely labour cost. Under this assumption this approach
may be referred as--wage (per hour) x time (hours). Average wage rate
for male and female in the market presents opportunity cost of their
time used in non-market activities. Therefore work in non-market sectors
is evaluated using average wage rate of men and women in market sectors
and time used in these activities. (10) Incorporating above-mentioned
information, a gendered social accounting matrix (GSAM) for Pakistan is
Table 2 shows that 51.9 percent of available men hours are
allocated to market work, 10.7 percent to household work and 37.4
percent to leisure activities. On the other hand, women spend 37.7
percent, 42 percent and 20.3 percent time on these activities,
respectively. Table shows long working-hours for a woman than a man.
Women spend 79.7 percent of their available time in households and
market work, while men spend 62.6 percent of their time in these
Table 3 presents structure of production in gendered SAM for the
year 1989-90 with five market sectors, agriculture, textile, other
manufacturing, services-1 and services-2. First four sectors are
tradable sectors and services-2 is non-tradable sector. Two non-market
sectors are 'Household Reproduction' and 'Leisure'.
Tradable sectors produce goods for domestic and foreign market.
Manufacturing sector is divided into two sectors; export oriented
'Textile' and import competing 'Other
manufacturing'. Table 3 reveals that 61 percent of exports are from
textile sector and 84 percent of total imports are 'other
manufacturing sector'. Tariff is very low on agriculture and very
high on manufacturing sector, while other traded sector
'service-1' is unprotected tradable sector with no tariff on
its imports.
Agriculture sector is the largest employer of women and men. They
employ 65.7 percent and 45.9 percent of women and men, respectively.
Table shows that within the manufacturing sector 21.9 percent of women
labour time is used in export oriented sector, 'textile' and
1.0 percent in import competing sector 'Other Manufacturing'.
Import competing sector is male-labour intensive employing 6.3 percent
of their labour time. Excluding time for market work and ten hours per
day as minimum time required for personal care for each, rest of time is
used for household work and leisure activities. Data reveals that men
spent 77.8 percent of this available time in leisure activities and 22.2
percent in household work compared to 67.4 percent and 32.6 percent of
women's available time in these activities, respectively (see Table
3). Table also shows that men are receiving higher wages in import
competing sectors relative to export oriented sectors. Therefore, they
are concentrated in 'other manufacturing sector'. While women
are concentrated in export oriented sectors and receiving lower wages
compared to wages in import competing sector.
The structure of production reveals that the share of agriculture
in GDP is 28.3 percent in 1989-90. Textile and other manufacturing
sectors contribute to GDP 6 percent and 14 percent, respectively.
Services sector contributes about 50 percent to GDP. If we include
household production and leisure in GDP, then GDP increases by 29.2
(b) Computable General Equilibrium Model
Using methodology given in Fontana and Wood (2000) computable
general equilibrium model for Pakistan is extended by incorporating
gender features. Model contains six blocks of equations: foreign trade,
income and saving, production, demand, prices, and market equilibrium.
In addition to market sectors, it incorporates non-market activities
such as household reproduction and leisure. Male and female in both,
market and non-market activities distinguish labour. Therefore, primary
factors of productions are male labour, female labour and capital. It is
assumed that men and women are imperfect substitute. Female labour and
male labour are aggregated into composite labour through CES (constant
elasticity of substitution) function. The ratio of male and female
labour depends on share parameter and varies with their wage rates, and
can be substituted one for the other on the basis of elasticity of
substitution. Like Fontana and Wood (2000), gender related rigidities
are introduced through elasticity of substitution.
It is assumed that household consume three types of goods, market
goods ([C.sub.i]), home produce goods ([C.sub.H]), and leisure
([C.sub.LE]) and face two constraints, income and time. Household
maximise utility subject to income and time constraints.
U = f([C.sub.i], [C.sub.z]) ... (1)
Where 'i' stands for market goods and services,
agriculture, textile, manufacturing, services-1 and services-2, and z
stands for non-market services, Households social reproduction (H) and
leisure (LE).
Household receive income from paid work of men and women, rent from
capital, and receipts from other sources, government, firms and rest of
the world. Total household income ([Y.sub.m]) from market sector is
defined as:
YH = f(YLm, YLw, YK, YO) ... (2)
Where [Y.sub.Lm] and [Y.sub.Lw] are labour income of men and women,
respectively, from market activities. Yk is capital income. Yo is sum of
transfers from government, firms and rest of the world (exogenous).
Total available time of 14 hours a day of an individual is
allocated to market, household and leisure activities. Time used in
different activities; market, home, and leisure is separable. Time
constraint for individuals is as follows:
TLS = TLSMs + LHs + LEs ... (3)
Where s = men (m), women (w)
TL = Total available labour time in hours
TLSM = Time used in the market
LH= Time used in household reproduction activities
LE= Leisure time.
. Xz is production in non-market sphere of the economy, which does
not use capital or intermediate inputs. Xz is produced with CES
technology with men and women time input.
XZ = CES(LZs) ... (4)
Where Z = H and LE,
Assuming that reproduction and leisure sectors in the model behaves
like market sectors. Labour productivity is same in the market and
household activities. Greater rigidity in gender division of labour in
household production than in market sectors is evident for earlier
research [Fontana and Wood (2000)]. It is introduced by setting low
substitution elasticity between male and female labour in reproduction
than in market sectors (-0.3) in household reproduction and (-0.2) for
leisure. Demand for labour in this production can be derived as in
market production. Household consume all goods produced at home. So
XZ = CZ ... (5)
Where XZ and CZ are production and consumption of goods produced in
non-market sector of the economy.
The price of these goods (Pz) is determined through the opportunity
cost of labour used in its production. Thus total income of a household
([Y.sub.T]) is defined as sum of receipts from market economy (Ym) and
non-market economy ([Y.sub.Z]) as follows:
YT = Ym + [Y.sub.Z] ... (6)
Where [Y.sub.Z] = [summation (over Z=H,LE)] Pz * Cz
Maximising Stone-Geary utility function
s.t constrains of total income [Y.sub.T] in Equation 7 and time
constraint of 14 hours in Equation 3. Demand for goods produced in
market and non-market sectors are derived.
Equilibrium condition for labour: Total labour demand in the market
production is equal to the total supply of labour from households to the
TLSMs = [summation] LMs,i ... (8)
Where [LM.sub.S,i] is demand for men and women labour in the market
sectors and [TSLM.sub.S] is total labour supply to market sectors
Female wage and male wage are determined through demand and supply
of their labour, respectively. Average wage in the market is determined
in the following way.
W = [[W.sub.w], * [summation] [LM.sub.w,i] + [W.sub.m] *
[summation] [LM.sub.m,i]]/[[LM.sub.w] + [LM.sub.m]] ... (9)
Other characteristics of the model are as follows:
(a) Capital is immobile.
(b) Both type of labour, men and women, is mobile.
(c) Home produced goods are imperfect substitutes of market goods.
(d) Goods with same sectoral classification are different in
qualities for domestic and foreign markets and have different prices.
(e) Imports and domestically produced goods are imperfect
substitutes with separate prices.
(f) All households are aggregated into one group with disaggregated men and women labour income.
Model is solved using GAMS software. It is calibrated to the
parameters calculated from gendered SAM constructed for this study and
extraneous estimates of elasticities and run to produce base scenario.
Using this model, impact of trade liberalisation and stabilisation
policies is simulated to analyses the gender impact of the macroeconomic
shocks. Distinct closures are introduced for trade and fiscal reforms.
For example, in simulations with trade liberalisation, first tariff on
imports are reduced in presence of endogenously determined government
revenue, which result in reduction in government revenue. In the next
exercise, tax rate adjust to eliminate the impact of reduction in tariff
rate on government revenue. For welfare analysis, government consumption
and investment are fixed in real term. Thus change in household welfare
indicates change in welfare of the country. If households are better off
after the shock then the country as a whole is better off or vice versa.
In the analysis of fiscal reforms, fiscal deficit is reduced by
reducing government expenditure or increasing government revenue. In the
model government budget constraint (Sg = Yg-Cg) is explicitly modelled
and deficit is financed by domestic savings from household and firms and
foreign savings (CAB) and rest of the saving is used for investment
purposes. In the model an identity of saving and investment exists (TI =
Sh + SF + Sg + [e.sup.*]CAB), where CAB (foreign savings) and nominal
exchange rates are exogenous. Reduction in fiscal deficit releases
resources for investment. In simulation with cut in government
consumption expenditure, government consumption in real term also
adjusts. In this exercise, welfare of the country is roughly measured by
summing changes in government expenditure, household consumption
expenditure and total investment goods. In simulation with increase in
government revenue, tax rate and fiscal deficit adjust keeping
government expenditure constant.
For poverty, first poverty line based on basic needs is estimated.
It is estimated using micro households data from Households Integrated
Economic Survey (HIES) for the year 1990-91. First food poverty line is
determined by estimating a log linear function as follows. (12)
C = [alpha] + [beta][Log.sub.e]E
Where C is adult equivalent calorie intake per day and E is monthly
food expenditure per adult equivalent. Basic food requirement is based
on 2550 calories per adult equivalent per day. Non-food requirement is
defined by taking average expenditure of other items of household
2-percentage point above and below food poverty line. The monetary value
of poverty line is obtained by multiplying the quantity with their
respective prices as follows
BNP = [summation] [C.sub.i0] * [P.sub.c0.sup.i]
Where BNP is monetary value of basic needs, C is the amount to
satisfy basic need of good i and [P.sup.i.sub.c] is consumer price index
of ith good in the base period '0'. Using basic need poverty
line, FGT indices--P[alpha] class of additively decomposable poverty
measures are calculated [Foster, et al. (1984)]. Indices brake down
population into subgroups: population below poverty line and above
poverty, estimate the gap between actual income and poverty line and
severity of poverty. These indices are calculated using following
P[alpha] = 1/n [summation][{(z-Y)/Z}.sup.[alpha]].
Where n is total number of households, Z is basic need poverty line
based on basket of commodities required to satisfy basic needs, y is
household income, [alpha] = 0 for head count ratio, [alpha] = 1 for
poverty gap measure and [alpha] = 2 measures severity of poverty. Prices
are endogenously determined in the model. With change in prices and
given quantity of basic needs, monetary value of poverty line is
determined before and after the shock [for detail see Decaluwe, et al.
(1999)] (13) as follows:
[DELTA]BNP = [summation][C.sub.i0.sup.*] [Pc.sub.i1] -
[summation][C.sub.i0] * [Pc.sub.i0]
Note: 0 indicates the base year and 1 indicates after the shock.
Poverty indicators are estimated using micro data in DAD programme
[Duclos, et al. (2001)].
Changes in prices shift poverty line and the change in income of
households' shifts distribution function (households by income
bracket). These two changes determine the change in poverty as well as
distribution of households by income groups. To see movement of
households from one income bracket to another, the vector of simulated
income is obtained by multiplying the base year income vector (taken
from HIES-90-91) by the change in mean income of the group of household
obtained after the policy shock. Using vectors of base year and post
simulation income, density functions (percentage of households in
various income brackets) are drawn before and after the shocks. The
variations in density function with respect to base period show change
in percentage of households within an income bracket and the gap between
the rich and the poor before and after the shock.
(a) Trade Liberalisation
Since independence, manufacturing sector has been the most
protected sector and agriculture the least protected sector. In early
eighties, Pakistan has adopted trade liberalisation policies by reducing
restrictions such as quotas and value limit and replace with tariff.
Later policies directed more towards tariff rationalisation.
Here, trade liberalisation is introduced through tariff
rationalisation. Magnitude of the imposed shocks is decided on the bases
of historical evidence. Since 1990, tariff rates have been reduced on
imports of agriculture, textile and other manufactured goods by 63
percent, 83 percent and 44 percent, respectively. This exercise reveals
exclusively the impact of trade liberalisation through tariff reduction.
The focus of the results is how economic reforms affect production
activities leading to change in time allocation of men and women among
market, household and leisure activities, which in turn affects wages,
welfare, unemployment and poverty. It also discusses women wages
relative to male wage and share of women wage income in total
household's income as a symbol of empowerment.
(a1) Tariff Reduction on Imports without Compensatory Measures
A direct, first effect of reduction in tariff on imports is a drop
in domestic prices of imports and a rise in volume of imports. This
leads to many other indirect effects. For instance, consumers switch
demand to imported goods from domestically produced goods of import
competing sectors, as imported goods are relatively cheaper now.
Import competing sectors become relatively less profitable compared
to export oriented sectors. These change boost production in textile and
agriculture sectors (export oriented sector, 'Textile' is
based on agriculture raw material), while import competing sector and
non-traded sector (a larger proportion of non-traded sectors goes as
intermediates to 'other manufacturing' sector) contract.
The change in structure of production leads to change in time
allocation to market work and non-market work. Labour from import
competing sectors and non-trading sectors move toward agriculture and
textile. However, labour demand rises for both men and women in
expanding sectors but not as much as drop in contracting sectors.
Resultantly, aggregate demand for female in market sectors drops by very
small amount, 0.5 percent but aggregate demand for male labour in market
sectors fall by 2.2 percent (see Table 4).
Table 5 shows that market work declines for both, women and men,
from 37.7 percent to 37.5 percent and from 51.9 percent to 50.8 percent,
respectively. Household work does not change significantly. However,
total working hours for both women and men decline from 79.7 and 62.6
percent to 79.5 and 61.6 percent, respectively. Resultantly, leisure of
men and women rises. But the rise of men leisure time is larger than
women leisure time, 2.8 percent for men compared to 1.0 percent for
women (see Table 4).
Results show that male wage rate decline by 5.5 percent but female
wage rate rises by a very small amount 0.1 percent that reduces gender
wage gap after the policy shock. Equivalent Variation (EV) shows a
little improvement in terms of welfare of household and of the country
as a whole, i.e., 0.3 percent over the base run.
(a2) Tariff Reduction an Imparts in Presence of Compensatory
Measure (Adjustment in Taxes on Production)
Since 1990, Pakistan has been introducing general sales tax (GST)
on both imports and domestic production along with tariff reduction,
which has been standardised at 15 percent. But on a few products it is
as high as 20 percent. However, a large number of commodities and
services are still exempted from sales tax reducing average tax on
imports to 5.6 percent and on domestic production to 5 percent.
Trade liberalisation through tariff reduction results in loss in
government revenue and constrains government expenditure or increase
fiscal deficit. In the model private saving, firm's saving and
foreign saving finance it. In this experiment, government revenue is
fixed and tax rate on production adjusts to compensate for loss in
government revenue. A direct, first effect of reduction in tariff on all
imports is increase in taxes to compensate for loss in government
revenue. The combined effect of tariff reduction and increase in sales
tax reduce domestic prices but not as much as in the previous exercise.
Change in relative prices boost production in textile and non-trading
sectors 'service-2' by 5.8 percent and 3 percent, respectively
(see Table 4). Output in 'other manufacturing' sector drops by
1.7 percent compared to 4 percent in previous exercise. The production
in non-traded sector increases in this experiment for two reasons. One
import competing sector does not contract as much as in previous
exercise. Therefore, its demand as intermediate input does not decline
as much as in previous exercise. Second, increase tax makes this sector
more profitable relative to other sectors. It boosts demand for labour
in these sectors. Demand for female labour rises by 12.5 percent and 4.3
percent in textile and services-2 sectors, respectively. Demand for male
labour rises by 14.8 percent and 6.4 percent in these sectors,
Trade liberalisation in presence of compensatory measure leads to a
rise in aggregate demand for labour in the market sectors for women by
2.4 percent and for men by 0.3 percent. The increase in demand is
fulfilled by increase supply of labour for both men and women from
non-market sector; household social reproduction and leisure (see Table
4). Table shows that female labour in household production drops by 1.5
percent and in leisure 1.3 percent. On the other hand rise in demand for
male labour in marketed sectors is fulfilled by increase supply of male
labour from household production where demand for their labour reduced
by 0.7 percent and their leisure time by 0.2 percent.
The results show that trade iiberalisation in presence of increase
in sales taxes leads to a rise in total working-hour increases for both
men and women to 80 percent and 62.7 percent from 79.7 and 62.6 percent,
respectively. The results suggest that impact trade liberalisation in
presence of compensatory measure is not gender neutral. It over burden
women as it reduces women's leisure time from 20.3 to 20 percent of
total available time. On the other hand, men's leisure time reduces
from 37.4 percent in a day to 37.3 percent.
Wage rate for women rises by 1.4 percent and for men drops by 2.5
percent. In result gender wage gap reduces after the policy shock.
Equivalent Variation (EV) increases (by 1 percent), which shows
households as well as country are better off after simulation in terms
of income and consumption.
(b) Change in Fiscal Policies
Under the rubric of SAP, Pakistan is recommended to bring fiscal
deficit to the level of 4 percent of GDP. Government tries to achieve
the objective through additional resource mobilisation and expenditure
restraint through austerity measure. In this set of experiments, chosen
policy variables are total government expenditure and government
revenue, which are used alternatively to reduce fiscal deficit using
different closure rules.
(b1) Cut in Government Consumption to Bring Fiscal Deficit to 4
Percent of GDP
In this exercise, government final consumption expenditure is
reduced by 8 percent to bring fiscal deficit to 4 percent of GDP from
5.4 percent of GDP in the base year. It leads to reduction in government
expenditure on service-1 and in service-2 by 8 percent. Price deflator for public consumption is kept fixed. Real government consumption
adjusts. First impact is that fiscal deficit reduces. Reduction in
fiscal deficit releases resources for investment and/or for private
consumption, as household saving rate is determined endogenously. Thus
there is a shift of resources from government consumption to investment
and private consumption.
The relative change in prices shifts mobile factors of production,
female and male labour, from services and agriculture sector to
manufacturing, But aggregate demand for both male and female labour
drops by 1.2 percent and 1.4 percent respectively in the market sectors
(see Table 4). Household substitute household produced goods for market
goods. This leads to a rise in demand for female labour in household
production by 0.7 percent and for male labour by 0.9 percent. Table 5
shows that after the shift from market to household economy, total
working hours of women and men have reduced from 79.7 percent to 79.4
percent and from 62.6 percent to 62.1 percent, respectively.
The results also show that wage rate for men and women rises by 0.4
percent and 1.4 percent, respectively. Resultantly, the gap between male
and female wage reduces after the shock. Households are better off as
equivalent variation (EV) rises by 1.8 percent but at the expense of
government consumption, which reduces by 8 percent. Aggregate change of
(-0.5) percent in household consumption, investment and government
consumption shows that country is worse off after the shock.
(b2) Increase Government Revenue to Bring Fiscal Deficit to 4
Percent of GDP
In this experiment, government revenue is increased by 7.5 percent
to bring fiscal deficit to 4 percent of GDP and let tax rate to adjust.
Resultantly, tax rate increases by 0.6 percent that lead to rise in
domestic prices of domestically produced goods and imported goods that
increase cost of living. These changes in policies have a big impact on
household budgets.
Resources move towards agriculture sector where prices rise by
higher percentage (where tax was very low in base period) than in
manufacturing and services sectors. Demand for labour rises for both,
women and men, in the expanding sector 'agriculture' and falls
in all other sectors. Aggregate demand for labour drops by I percent and
0.7 percent for women and men in market sectors, respectively (see Table
4). In result, household income drops and household demand for household
produced good rises as household substitute it for market goods. Demand
for female labour rises for household production by 0.5 percent and
demand for male labour by 0.6 percent. In this experiment, working hours
for both men and women declines (see Table 5). Leisure of men rises more
than women, 0.85 percent compared to 0.80 percent.
The results show that nominal wage rate for women fell by 0.8
percent and for men by 1,0 percent. In result gender wage gap reduces
after the policy shock. Households as well as country's welfare
reduce by 0.5 percent.
(e) Unemployment, Poverty, and Inequality
The objective of structural adjustment programme and stabilisation
programme has been to improve efficiency, achieve higher level of output
and reduce imbalances in the economies. The impact of these programme
have significant implications for employment, poverty and income
distribution. From the above discussion of the simulation results, it
becomes clear that trade liberalisation in presence of compensatory
measures change composition of employment and overburden women by
increasing market work. Results also reveal that gender division of
labour remains unequal in all exercises. But its implications for
unemployment and poverty are not clear yet.
Although model is developed by allocating time to three types of
activities, market, households and leisure. But impact on unemployment
can be calculated indirectly out side the model assuming that any change
in employment in market sector would add to or subtract from unemployed
persons. Using average working hours (market) per day of an employed
person in the market in the base year and change in total working hours
in the market after the shock, the change in number of employed persons
is calculated. Table 6 shows that unemployment rate among women and men
increases in all exercises except in exercise-2 'Trade
Liberalisation in Presence of Compensatory Measures'. In this
experiment, unemployment rate for women becomes negative after the shock
implying that trade liberalisation in presence of compensatory measures
generate a large number of employment opportunities for women.
Unemployment among men also reduces to 2.3 percent from 2.6 percent in
the base year (see Table 6).
F-G-T indices of poverty are estimated using micro household data
(12). Using percentage change in household income after each policy
shock and vector of income in the base year from HIES, a new vector of
income is determined. Using these vectors of income density functions
are drawn (see Figure 1). The results show that after each simulation
poverty line as well as density function shifts showing the change in
percentage of households in each income group. Change in poverty line
shifts poverty line and change in income shifts density function.
Variations in density are drawn on the basis of shift in density
function after the policy shocks. Figure 2 shows a movement of
households from the higher income bracket (500 and 1000)
A few words for women empowerment: generally, women empowerment is
linked with their income. (13) With the rise in women income, it is
deduced that women is getting empowerment. Table 7 shows that women wage
income relative to men wage income increases in all exercises except in
exercise-4, where it reduces. The share of women wage income in total
household income rises only in the second exercise 'Trade
Liberalisation with compensatory measure's. From this we conclude
that women empowerment improve with the trade liberalisation in presence
of compensatory measures as both indicators show improvement in women
empowerment. But in depth analysis require including more variables than
just income. This needs to be explored further.
In this paper, a gendered CGE model for Pakistan based on Gendered
SAM is developed to analyse gender impact of economic reforms
specifically for time allocation between market, household, and leisure
by women and men. The study shows that trade liberalisation with
compensatory measure increase aggregate demand for female and male
labour. However it suggests that impact of trade liberalisation must be
evaluated not only through market-based criteria such as whether trade
liberalisation maximises flows of goods and services and increase
employment opportunities or not, but also include factors like unpaid
household work and leisure to reveal the true cost of adjustment.
The paper investigating the role of men and women in the market and
non-market economies concludes that trade liberalisation with
compensatory measures over burden women. On the other hand it reduces
gender wage gap. Results also shows that women empowerment improves more
with trade liberalisation than in any other reform.
Policy-outcome with reference to unemployment, and poverty is that
employment generation through trade liberalisation in presence of
compensatory measures is the one way of reducing unemployment and income
poverty. But in terms of workload on women, it is not beneficial for
women. In all exercises, despite significant change in women employment
in market, gender division of labour within the households remains
unequal. Even the substitution between female and male leisure is
allowed in the model. Therefore, it is not clear that women are worse
off or better off with more work and income and less leisure.
Author's Note: I am very thankful to Dr Howard White, Senior
Evaluation Officer, World Bank, Washington, D. C., USA for his support,
providing update material and most importantly for valuable discussions.
Thanks to Dr Marzia Fontana, Economies Department, University of Sussex,
UK, and Dr Rehana Siddiqui, Chief of Research, PIDE, Islamabad, for
their help in development of the model and for providing update
material. I am also grateful to the two synonymous referees, who
provided many excellent comments and suggestions. An earlier version of
this paper was presented at the PIDE Seminar series in 2003.
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Research Institute Washington, D. C. USA. (TMD Discussion Paper No.
Fontana, M., and A. Wood (2000) Modelling the Effects of the Trade
on Women, At Work and At Home. World Development 28:7, 1173-90.
Foster, J., J. Greer, and E. Thorbecke (1984) A Class of
Decomposable Poverty Measures. Econometrica 52:3, 761-766.
Kabeer, N. (2003) Gender Mainstreaming in Poverty Eradication and
the Millenniums Development Goals: A Handbook for Policy-makers and
other Stakeholders' Commonwealth Secretariat, IDRC, Canada.
Lim, L, (1996) More and Better Jobs for Women: An Action Guide.
Geneva: ILO.
Moser, C. O. N. (1989) Gender Planning in the Third World: Meeting
Practical and Strategic Gender Needs. World Development 17:11, 1799-825.
Pakistan, Government of (1991) Labour Force Survey. Islamabad:
Federal Bureau of Statistics.
Pakistan, Government of (Various Issues) Labour Force Survey.
Islamabad: Federal Bureau of Statistics.
Pyatt, G. (1990) Accounting for Time Use. Review of Income and
Wealth Series 36:3,1: 33-52.
Pyatt, G. (1996) Accounting for Income and Wealth. Presented in
Economic Research Seminars Series, ISS, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Ravallion, M. (1994) Poverty Comparisons. Harwood Academic
Sathar, Z., and S. Kazi (1997) Women's Autonomy. Livelihood
and Fertility: A Case Study of Rural Punjab. Islamabad: Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics.
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Reforms on Income Distribution in Pakistan: A CGE-based Analysis. The
Pakistan Development Review 38:4, 789-804.
Siddiqui, R., and A. R. Kemal (2002) Remittances, Trade
Liberalisation, and Poverty in Pakistan: The Role of Excluded Variables,
in Poverty Change Analysis. DFID, UK.
Siddiqui, R., and I. Zafar (1999) Salient Features of Social
Accounting Matrix of Pakistan for 1989-90. Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, Islamabad, Pakistan. (MIMAP Technical Paper
Series No. 1.)
Siddiqui, R., and I. Zafar (2001) Tariff Reduction and Functional
Income Distribution in Pakistan: A CGE Model. Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, Islamabad, Pakistan. (MIMAP Technical Paper
Series No. 10.)
Siddiqui, R., and R. Siddiqui (1998) A Decomposition of Male-Female
Earnings Differentials. The Pakistan Development Review 37:4, 885-98.
Siddiqui, R., S. Hameed, R. Siddiqui, N. Akhtar, and G. Y. Soomro
(2001) Gender Dimensions of the Impact of Macroeconomic Policies (A Case
Study of Pakistan), Study prepared under the Project of Gender Planning
Siddiqui, R., S. Hameed, R. Siddiqui, and N. Akhtar (2003) Gender
and Adjustment Policies: Evidence from Pakistan. In Swapna Mukhopadhyay
and Ratna M. Sudershan (eds.) Tracking Gender Equality under Economic
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Policy Research Report.)
(1) For detail discussions of gender issues see Cagatay (1995),
Elson (1995), Kabeer (2003) and Siddiqui, et al. (2003), Siddiqui, et
al. (2001) etc.
(2) Although a number of models exit like RMSM and
Macro-Econometric Model But is proffered over others for gender impact
analysis because they need one year data. While other macro-econometric
model need long series. Scarcity of gender related data is main
hindrance in development of these models.
(3) Prior to Fontana and Wood (2000), as far as I know only one
study-Evans, 1972-for Australia distinguishes between male and female
labour in CGE model.
(4) For detail discussion see Fontana and Wood (2000), Fontana
(2001, 2002, 2003).
(5) A larger inflow of female into labour market resulted in higher
unemployment rate, which has increased from 10 percent in 1990-91 to
17.3 percent in 2000 for females.
(6) Lim (1996) and Moser (1989) found this for other developing
countries too.
(7) The ratio is calculated on the basis of wages of female labour
reported on the basis of old technique. But ratio goes down further,
when data for female labour participation based on revised technique is
included. Because these women are employed in informal sector of the
(8) This survey is conducted in three cities of Pakistan, Sialkot,
Faisalabad and Karachi.
(9) This is strong assumption as women usually do 2 or 3 chores at
a time such as women carrying children while washing cloths and cooking
food. This may under estimate women's work. For example, activities
such as cooking, housekeeping and looking after children are commonly
under taken simultaneously. Pyatt (1990) points out it as informal
character of non-market activity. He thinks that instead of
disentangling these activities, they can be treated as joint product of
time used in these activities.
(10) For detail see Fontana and Wood (2000, 2001, 2002) and Pyatt
(1990, 1996). The problem of valuing outputs shifted to the problem of
valuing inputs. Pyatt points out that the individuals for whom the
opportunity cost of self-sufficiency exceeds price 'P' will
buy the good from market, but will not buy the surrogate if average
opportunity cost is less than P (market price). They will depend on
their own efforts. Two other methods are also widely discussed in
literature: (1) Use of market price of goods produced at home, (2). Wage
of specialised persons in these activities in the market for example for
cooking food--chef's wage. Pyatt (1990) discusses pros and cons of
various methods to measure household's production.
(11) In simulation 1, 2 and 4 welfare of households is measured by
Equivalent variation. In these exercises government consumption and
total investment are constant in real terms. A positive value indicates
households as well as country as whole is better off after policy shock
and negative value indicate that households as well as country is worse
off. In the experiment with cut in government consumption (simulation
3), government consumption and investment are not constant, We have to
take into account all changes to measure welfare of the country. A very
rough measure of overall welfare is percentage change in the sum of
private consumption, public consumption and total investment.
(12) For details, see Ercelawn (1990) and Ravallion (1994).
(13) However, poverty analysis approach differs from Decaluwe, et
al. (1999) in some aspects, it uses actual distribution of micro data
from HIES instead of assuming beta-distribution [Siddiqui and Kemal
Rizwana Siddiqui is Research Economist at the Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, lslamabad.
Table 1
Labour Market Indicators by Gender (%)
Labour Force Participation Rate
Women Women Men Both
Year (OLD) (New)
1984-5 8.68 -- 77.1 44.2
1990-1 11.8 52.8 69.9 42.0
1994-5 11.4 39.8 69.1 41.3
1999-0 13.7 39.2 70.4 42.8
2001-2 14.4 37.7 70.3 43.3
Literacy Rate
Ratio of
Women Men Both Women Wage
Year to Men Wage *
1984-5 -- -- -- --
1990-1 25.7 52.9 39.8 65.7
1994-5 28.6 57.0 43.3 --
1999-0 33.3 59.0 46.5 60.5
2001-2 36.9 62.2 50.0 --
Source: Pakistan (Various issues) Labour Force Surveys.
-- Not available.
* Ratio is calculated on the basis wages of labour based
on data collected with old technique.
Table 2
Time Allocation per Day by Gender among Market,
Household, and Leisure Activities (%)
Men Women
Market 51.9 37.7
Household Work 10.7 42.0
Total Working Hours 62.6 79.7
Leisure 37.4 20.3
Total 100.0 100.0
Source: tendered Social Accounting Matrix
Table 3
Structure of Economy in tendered Social Accounting Matrix for 1989-90
Labour Hours Wage Share
Sectors Men Women Men Women
Agriculture 45.9 65.7 21.2 18.2
Other Manufacturing 6.3 1.0 15.6 4.6
Textile 5.7 21.9 6.2 29.8
Other Traded (Service-1) 25.7 5.9 17.0 12.0
Non-traded (Service-2) 16.4 5.4 40.1 35.3
All Market Sectors 100 100 100 100
Household Reproduction 22.2 67.4 22.2 67.4
Leisure 77.8 32.6 77.8 32.6
Total Non-market Work 100 100 100 100
Import Export
Sectors GDP Shares Share
Agriculture 28.3 6.3 3.0
Other Manufacturing 13.9 1.7 60.9
Textile 6.0 83.6 18.7
Other Traded (Service-1) 28.2 8.3 17.4
Non-traded (Service-2) 23.6 -- --
All Market Sectors 100.0 100 100
Household Reproduction 8.7
Leisure 20.5
Total Non-market Work 29.2
Source: See text for detail for development of Gender Social Accounting
Matrix. Women participation is based on new data.
Table 4
Simulation Results: Variation over Base Values
Without With
Compensatory Compensatory
Sectors Measure Measure
Agriculture 8.01 -2.4
Other Manufacturing -3.96 -1.7
Textile 5.43 5.78
Other Traded Sector 0.1 -0.12
Non-traded Sector -13.25 2.99
Time Allocation
Agriculture 38.04 -12.29
Other Manufacturing -15.07 -7.31
Textile 11.04 12.54
Other Traded Sector -2.03 -2.46
Non-traded Sector -27.64 4.3
Total -0.46 2.39
Household Production -0.09 -1.49
Leisure 1.05 -1.34
Wages 0.06 1.35
Agriculture 42.07 -10.55
Other Manufacturing -12.6 -5.48
Textile 14.27 14.77
Other Traded Sector 0.82 -0.53
Non-traded Sector -25.53 6.36
Total -2.24 0.28
Household Production 1.06 -0.72
Leisure 2.80 -0.18
Wages -5.5 -2.5
Welfare of Households 0.27 1.0
Welfare of a Country 0.27 1.0
Reduce Fiscal Deficit to
4 Percent of GDP by
Reducing Increasing
Government Government
Sectors Expenditure Revenue
Agriculture -0.75 0.44
Other Manufacturing 0.24 -0.43
Textile 0.34 -0.76
Other Traded Sector -0.12 -0.02
Non-traded Sector -0.77 -1.01
Time Allocation
Agriculture -3.9 1.99
Other Manufacturing 0.3 -1.5
Textile 0.5 -1.86
Other Traded Sector -1.l -0.2
Non-traded Sector -2.0 -2.12
Total -1.4 -1.03
Household Production 0.7 0.54
Leisure 1.2 0.80
Wages 1.42 -0.79
Agriculture -3.4 2.07
Other Manufacturing 0.8 -1.42
Textile 1.0 -1.79
Other Traded Sector -0.7 -0.12
Non-traded Sector -1.5 -2.04
Total -1.2 -0.73
Household Production 0.9 0.57
Leisure 1.5 0.85
Wages 0.4 -0.95
Welfare of Households 1.83 -0.52
Welfare of a Country -0.53 -0.52
Table 5
Time Allocation among Market, Household, and Leisure Activities by
Without With
Compensatory Compensatory
Base Measure Measure
Market 37.7 37.5 38.6
Households Work 42.0 42.0 41.4
Total Working Hours 79.7 79.5 80.0
Leisure 20.3 20.5 20.0
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
Market 51.9 50.8 52.1
Household Work 10.7 10.8 10.6
Total Working Hours 62.6 61.6 62.7
Leisure 37.4 38.4 37.3
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
Reduce Fiscal Deficit to 4
Percent of GDP by
Reducing Increasing
Government Government
Expenditure Revenue
Market 37.2 37.3
Households Work 42.3 42.2
Total Working Hours 79.5 79.6
Leisure 20.5 20.4
Total 100.0 100.0
Market 51.3 51.5
Household Work 10.8 10.8
Total Working Hours 62.1 62.3
Leisure 37.9 37.7
Total 100.0 100.0
Table 6
Effects of Economic Reforms on Unemployment and Poverty
Without With
Compensatory Compensatory
Unemployment Base Measure Measure
Women 9.7 12.1 -1.8
Men 2.6 4.6 2.3
Total Unemployment 3.6 5.8 2.1
Poverty Line 280.4 276.7 269.6
Head Count 30.0 30.1 29.6
Gap 6.6 6.6 6.5
Severity 2.1 3.1 2.1
Reduce Fiscal Deficit to 4
percent of GDP by
Reducing Increasing
Government Government
Unemployment Expenditure Revenue
Women 16.4 14.6
Men 3.7 3.3
Total Unemployment 5.4 4.8
Poverty Line 279.4 282.1
Head Count 30.6 31.2
Gap 68.0 6.9
Severity 32.0 22.0
Table 7
Women Empowerment Indicators (%)
Women Wage Women Wage
Income/ Income/
Men Wage Household Wage
Experiments Income Income
Base 11.3 3.5
Without 12.19 3.5
Trade With Compensatory 12.00 3.7
Liberalisation Measure
Reduce Fiscal Reducing Government 11.40 3.5
Deticit to 4 Expenditure
Percent oF GDP Increasing 11.1 3.5
by Government