The changing profile of regional inequality.
Jamal, Haroon ; Khan, Amir Jahan
There is a growing concern in developing and transition economies
that spatial and regional inequality, of economic activity, incomes, and
social indicators, is on the increase. Regional inequality is a
dimension of overall inequality, but it has added significance when
spatial and regional divisions align with political and ethnic tensions
to undermine social and political stability. Despite these important
popular and policy concerns, surprisingly there is little systematic and
coherent documentation of the facts of what has happened to spatial and
regional inequality over the past twenty years. This paper is an attempt
to meet this gap. It provides changing scenarios of multi-dimensional
inter-temporal spatial inequality and level of development in Pakistan
during early 1980s and late 1990s.
The literature on the measurement of regional inequality has been
largely concerned with single dimension indictors of economic status.
Yet there are many situations in which there are several dimensions to
inequality and where these are not readily reduced to a single index.
Therefore, in welfare analysis the basic notion that welfare should be
measured on the basis of as large a number of components or attributes
as is relevant and feasible has enjoyed widespread support. Further, the
multivariate approach to empirical welfare analysis is becoming more
popular on account of significant advances in both theoretical and
measurement areas.
Earlier research on multivariate regional development in Pakistan
demonstrated the existence of significant variations in the quality of
life of people living in different parts of the country. Attempts have
also been made to observe intertemporal changing of development levels.
Pasha, et al. (1990) observed changes in the development rank ordering
of districts of Pakistan and demonstrated marked changes in development
ranking of a number of districts from the early 1970s to the early
1980s, especially among districts at the intermediate level of
The last two decades have witnessed significant institutional,
demographic, economic, and social changes which are likely to have major
spatial consequences. Factors which may have contributed to increased
regional inequality include the IMF/World Bank structural adjustment
programmes, lesser role of the public sector in economic development,
and lack of integrated planning and policy-making at federal and
provincial levels due to political instability.
Thus, the primary objective of this paper is to highlight
inter-temporal provincial inequalities in various economic and social
dimensions. Further, there is a need for a more recent development
profile of districts based on the new 1998 Population and Housing Census
data and other information of late 1990s (1998). A comparison of this
new development ranking with that of early 1980s (1981) will help
identify the major changes, at district level, that have taken place in
the profile of regional development in the country. The paper also
identifies regional clusters and describes the sectoral inequality
levels in the country.
The research is organised as follows. Section 2 discusses the
various dimensions and attributes chosen for the analysis. Section 3
briefly describes the methodology of multi-dimensional inequality as
well as methodology for indexing or ranking of districts, based on
selected development indicators. Section 4 is reserved for the
discussion of empirical findings related to inequality and development
levels at the province and district levels, while concluding remarks are
furnished in Section 5.
Attributes or indicators that have been included in this research
relate to measures of economic potential and achieved levels of income
and wealth; mechanisation and modernisation of agriculture; housing
quality and access to basic residential services; development of
transport and communications; and availability of health and education
facilities. A brief description of individual welfare attributes is
given below.
2.1. Income and Wealth
Household income and wealth is the most discussed welfare attribute
in the literature. Direct income data at provincial or district levels
are not available; therefore various proxies are used to estimate the
income and wealth position of a district.
For the rural economy, cash value of agricultural produce per rural
person (CROPS) and livestock per rural capita (LIVESTOCK) are used. All
major and minor crops are considered to estimate the district's
cash value from agriculture. This indicator is based on the aggregation
of 43 crops, including fruit and vegetables. Different types of
livestock have been aggregated by assigning weights, as recommended by
the FAO [Pasha and Hasan (1982)], to reflect the capital value of
various animals and poultry.
For the urban part of a district, per capita value-added in
large-scale manufacturing (MANUFACTURING) is used to proxy the level of
urban income. Value-added by the small-scale component could not be
included due to lack of data. On the assumption that there may be a
direct link between the number of bank branches in a district and the
volume of bank deposits, the number of bank branches per capita (BANKS)
is used as a crude measure of the district's wealth. Per capita car
ownership is also used to proxy the district's income and wealth in
the urban areas.
2.2. Modernisation of Agriculture
Modernisation of agriculture is another area of development which
has direct or indirect effects on the prosperity and standard of living
of the rural population. To capture the process of mechanisation in
agriculture, tractors per 1000 acres of cropped area (TRACTORS) has been
used as a measure. The extent of the use of fertiliser, estimated as the
consumption of fertiliser per 100 acres of cropped area (FERTILISER), is
also used as the indicator of modernisation in agriculture. In addition,
irrigated area per 100 acres of cropped area (IRRIGATION) is used to
capture the access to canal irrigation systems and tubewells.
2.3. Housing Quality and Housing Services
It is of interest to compare inequality in means and standards of
living directly provided by government and those that are acquired by
the household. It is argued that access of services provided publicly
must have more equal distribution. Shelter is one of the basic needs,
and housing conditions are one of the key determinants of the quality of
life. To observe the inequality in housing facilities, three indicators
are used, viz., proportion of households using electricity
(ELECTRICITY), gas (GAS) and, inside piped water connections (WATER).
The quality of housing stock is represented by the proportion of houses
with cemented outer walls (WALLS) and reinforced cement
concrete/reinforced brick concrete roofing (ROOF). Rooms per persons
(PERSONS) is used to proxy adequate housing in a district.
2.4. Transport and Communications
Three indicators have been included to portray the level of
development of the transport and communication sector in a district.
Roads and transportation networks have a significant impact on
socialisation and modernisation. Therefore, metalled road mileage
(ROADS) per 100 square miles of geographical area of a district is
included in the study. With regard to the availability of transport
vehicles, a summary measure, viz., passenger load carrying capacity (PASSENGER) is included. Different vehicles are aggregated assigning
weights recommended in Pasha and Hasan (1982). The number of telephone
connections per 1000 persons (TELEPHONE) is also used in the study to
observe the unequal distribution of this important indicator of the
standard of living.
2.5. Health
Welfare and inequality, in the health sector, may be examined with
a number of welfare indicators, e.g., calories and protein intake, life
expectancy at birth, infant mortality rates, etc. However, availability
of data has restricted the choice to only two indicators, viz., the
number of hospital beds and the number of doctors (DOCTORS) per 10,000
2.6. Education
Both stock and flow measures are included in the study to represent
the educational level of a district's population. The stock measure
is the literacy rate (LITERATE) whereas enrolment rates with respect to
population of relevant age at different levels are the flow measures.
Gross enrolment at primary level (PRIMARY), middle level (MIDDLE),
higher secondary level (MATRIC), and at college and degree level
(TERTIARY) are considered as a proportion of population in the relevant
age group [Jamal and Malik (1988)]. To measure the extent of gender
equality, female to male literacy ratio (FMLITERACY) is included.
2.7. Labour Force
The share of the industrial sector in the urban labour force
(ILABOR) of a district is a key labour force indicator. This variable
reflects the extent of employment absorption, especially in small-scale
manufacturing. Further, female to male labour force ratio (FMLABOR) is
also included to observe the correlation between the changes in the role
of women and the level of development.
No single attribute can be expected to provide a complete
representation of welfare. As Kolm (1977) suggests, the greater the
number of attributes considered, the better is the assumption of
'anonymity' and 'impartiality' in welfare analysis.
Atkinson and Bourguignon (1982) and Maasoumi (1986) also emphasise the
need of a multi-dimensional approach to the analysis of welfare and
inequality. Therefore, this research uses two
approaches--multi-dimensional Gini Index and Factor Analysis for
measuring inter-provincial and inter-district inequality. These are
briefly described below.
3.1. Multi-dimensional Gini Index
Traditional Gini index is used to measure inequality in a singly
welfare attribute such as income or per capita GNP. It is essentially a
rank-order weighted index with the weights being determined by the order
position of the person or region in the ranking by the level of the
attribute. An appealing characteristic of Gini is that it is a very
direct measure of welfare and captures the differences between every
pair in the distribution.
Following the approach adopted by Maasoumi (1989) and Hirschberg,
et al. (1991), the multivariate Gini index is computed as follows.
G = 1 + (l/n) - [(2/n) [SIGMA][r.sub.i][[rho].sub.i]]
[S.sub.i] = [X.sub.i] / [SIGMA][X.sub.i] (Share of a region in an
[[rho].sub.i] = [S.sub.i] / [SIGMA][S.sub.i] (Distribution of
aggregate attributes)
[r.sub.i] = Rank of [[rho].sub.i]
3.2. Factor Analysis
Another popular method for indexing multidimensional phenomena is
the Factor Analysis (FA) technique [for detailed discussion, see Adelman
and Morris (1972)]. This technique reduces the number of relationships
by grouping or clustering together all those variables which are highly
correlated with each other into one factor or component. Thus, the FA
model can be described as follows:
[X.sub.i] = [a.sub.i1][F.sub.1] + [a.sub.i2][F.sub.2] + ..........
+ [a.sub.ij][F.sub.j]
[X.sub.i] = Indicator
[a.sub.ij] = Represents the proportion of the variation in
[X.sub.i] which is accounted for by the jth factor (factor loading)
[SIGMA][a.sub.ij] = It is equivalent to the multiple regression
coefficient in regression analysis (communality)
[F.sub.j] = Represents the jth factor or component.
Factor Analysis produces components in a descending order of
importance, that is, the first component explains the maximum amount of
variation in the data, and the last component the minimum. It is often
found that the first few components, called principal components,
account for a sizeable part of the variation and subsequent components
contribute very little. Using factor loading (sum of the square of
correlation coefficients) of these principal components, factor score
for each region or geographical unit is computed as follows:
[WFS.sub.i] = [SIGMA] [[e.sub.i] x ([SIGMA][e.sub.ij] x [Z.sub.j])]
[WFS.sub.i] = Weighted Factor Score of ith unit
[e.sub.i] = Factor Loading of ith Factor (weight assigned)
[e.sub.ij] = Factor Loading of ith Factor and jth indicator
[Z.sub.j] = Standardised value of ith indicator or attribute.
3.3. Data Sources
As the primary objective of this research is to observe
inter-temporal changes in inequality and development levels, exactly the
same methodology is used for constructing indicators for early 1980s
[Pasha, et al. (1990)] and for late 1990s. Diverse sources have been
used for obtaining data on the indicators or attributes, as mentioned
earlier. For the early 1980s these include:
District Census Report, 1981
Pakistan Census of Agriculture, 1980
Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1980
Provincial Development Statistics, 1980-81
Agriculture Statistics of Pakistan, 1980-81
Banking Statistics, State Bank of Pakistan, 1982.
Data for the late 1990s are obtained from the following documents:
District Census Report, 1998
Provincial Census Reports, 1998
Agriculture Statistics of Pakistan, 1998-99
Provincial Development Statistics, ranging from 1998-99 to
Crop Area Production (by District), 1997-98
District Profiles, Government of Balochistan, 1997
Half-Decade Review, Bureau of Statistics, NWFP, 2000
District-wise Socio-economic Indicators of NWFP, 1999-2000
Quick Look at Education Sector, Sindh Bureau of Statistics, 1998-99
Health Profile of Sindh, Sindh Bureau of Statistics, 1998-99
Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1995-96.
Further, to fulfil the missing gaps or to update various
information, unpublished data are obtained from provincial bureaus of
statistics, the State Bank of Pakistan, the Ministry of Agriculture, and
the Pakistan Medical and Dental Association.
For some districts of Punjab and Sindh, data on district-wise
telephone connections were missing. Therefore these numbers are
estimated on the basis of provincial total connections and urban
population shares. Similarly, district-wise doctors data were not
available for the province of Punjab. These numbers are projected on the
basis of changes in urban population during 1981 and 1998, provincial
total doctors, and 1981 district-wise doctors data.
As discussed in the section on methodology, two diverse approaches
are used to estimate inter-provincial inequality and development level.
The Gini Index is used to estimate inter-provincial inequality levels,
while Factor Analysis is employed for the indexing or ranking of
districts on the basis of development indicators discussed above.
4.1. Inter-provincial Inequality
Based on the dimensions of inequality discussed, multidimensional
Gini coefficients for 1981 and for 1998 are presented in Table 1. As of
1981, regional inequality appears to be the highest in Balochistan,
followed by the NWFP and Sindh. It is the lowest in Punjab. The table
also confirms that no change has occurred in the ranking of provinces by
the late 1990s. However, except for the Punjab, inequality has increased
in all provinces. The highest increase is observed in Balochistan.
Overall, about 30 percent increase (0.39 to 0.50) in inequality is
estimated during 1981-1998, as is evident from the Gini coefficients for
both periods.
It was believed that one of the major sources of inequality within
each province was the difference in the magnitude of indicators between
the district with the provincial capital and other districts. This
difference is particularly large in Balochistan (between Quetta District and the rest of the province) and Sindh (between Karachi Division and
the rest of the province). Table 2 encapsulates this phenomenon. The
difference in inequality between two scenarios is sharper as of 1981
than for 1998. The Gini coefficient, for instance, has decreased from
0.5 to 0.37 in the case of Balochistan. A similar phenomenon is observed
in Sindh. However, despite the increase in the number of districts and
the consequent changes in district boundaries, the inequality
coefficients (with and without capital) do not show sharp changes as of
1998. In two provinces, the NWFP and Balochistan, inequality has
slightly increased, excluding districts with capital cities. This
phenomenon indicates the existence of developing pockets other than the
provincial capital (for instance, Haripur and Abottabad in the NWFP, and
Sibi and Ziarat in Balochistan).
Table 3 and Table 4 portray sectoral inequality coefficients. Few
observations emerge. The inequality coefficients for communication and
income sectors are relatively high throughout Pakistan. All provinces
experienced a decline in inequality with respect to educational
facilities, and housing quality and services. This phenomenon indicates
a relatively equitable distribution of public services during the
period. Except for the NWFP, a similar situation exists in the health
sector. Inequality has decreased in the communication sector as well,
except in the NWFP, where it shows an upward trend. Equality with
respect to modernisation of agriculture has worsened during the period
in Sindh and Balochistan.
Thus, the sectoral profile indicates that inequality has increased
due to unequal development of indicators related to agriculture,
manufacturing, labour force, bank branches, and the number of cars.
Overall inequality has remained stagnant regarding health facilities. An
improvement in education and housing equalities is recorded during the
period 1981-1998. A similar phenomenon is observed in inequality
coefficients estimated after excluding districts with capital cities.
Overall, the magnitudes of Gini are lower with the exception of
'income and wealth' sector.
4.2. Changing Profile of Development
Districts have been ranked according to the development score
(Weighted Factor Score). Classifying districts in terms of high, medium,
and low development on the basis of one-third of the national population
in each of the categories provides a useful basis of analysis. The share
of the four provinces in each development category is presented in Table
5 for both periods.
It is interesting to note the significant changes that have
occurred in the provincial shares during the period of the study. As of
1981, 28 percent of the population (Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, and
Gujranwala) lived in the relatively high development areas. The share of
Punjab has increased to 35 percent as of 1998, and the districts that
emerged in the high development category are Lahore, Rawalpindi,
Siaikot, Jhelum, Gujranwala, Faisalabad, Gujrat, and Toba Tek Singh.
From Sindh province, Karachi, Hyderabad, and Sukkur were in the top
category in 1981, comprising 45 percent of the province's
population. In 1998, Sukkur is no longer in the high development
category. Similarly, Peshawar (including Charsadda and Nowshera
districts) was in the top quartile in 1981, and now Charsadda and
Nowshera are in the middle level of development, resulting in a decrease
in the province's share from 21 to 12 percent in the high
development category.
At the bottom, the share of Punjab has decreased over time. In
1988, about 25 percent of Punjab's population lived in the
'Low' development level as compared with 32 percent in 1988.
The shares of Sindh and the NWFP provinces have increased, while the
share of Balochistan is stagnant--88 percent of the population still
lives at the lowest development level.
The current profile of backwardness is portrayed in Table 6. It is
evident from the table that the situation is the worst in Balochistan
province; 24 out of 26 districts are at the low level of development.
About more than half of the districts of Sindh are at the lowest
development level, while 15 out of 24 districts of the NWFP are in this
category. Further, about one-third of the districts of Punjab also fall
in the category of low development level.
Spatial inequality is a dimension of overall inequality, but it has
an added significance when spatial and regional divisions align with
political and ethnic tensions to undermine social and political
stability. Despite important policy concerns, surprisingly, there is
little systematic and coherent documentation of the facts of what has
happened to spatial and regional inequality over the past twenty years.
This paper is an attempt to provide changing scenarios of
multi-dimensional inter-temporal spatial inequality and the level of
development in Pakistan during early 1980s and late 1990s. The paper
also identifies current regional clusters and describes the latest
profile of backwardness in the country.
The research indicates that over time inequality has increased in
three provinces, namely, Sindh, the NWFP, and the Balochistan. So far as
the province of Balochistan is concerned, there is evidence that it has
continued to fall behind the rest of the country during the last 20
years. This, despite the substantially higher development allocations
per capita, is perhaps due to leakages in the utilisation of funds or
higher unit costs of serving a sparsely populated area. The situation in
Sindh is also discouraging. Except Karachi and Hyderabad, all districts
are at low or middle levels of development. Districts of Punjab have
generally moved up and improved their position in the development rank
ordering. Out of 12 districts in the high development category, 8
districts are from Punjab. Similarly, most of the districts of Punjab,
which were at the lowest development level in 1981 have moved up. The
situation in the NWFP in not so disturbing, and it seems that the
province is acquiring the characteristics of an emerging economy.
Authors' Note: The views expressed are those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of the SPDC.
Adelman, I., and C. T. Morris (1972) The Measurement of
Institutional Characteristics of Nations: Methodological Considerations.
The Journal of Development Studies 8:3, 111-135.
Atkinson, A. B., and F. Bourguignon (1982) The Comparison of
Multi-dimensioned Distributions of Economic Status. Review of Economic
Studies 49:2, 183-201.
Hirschberg, J. G., E. Maasoumi, and D. J. Slottje (1991) Cluster
Analysis for Measuring Welfare and Quality of Life Across Countries.
Journal of Econometrics 50:1-2, 131-150.
Jamal, H., and Salman Malik (1988) Shifting Patterns in
Developmental Rank Ordering: A Case Study of Districts of Sindh
Province. The Pakistan Development Review 27:2, 159-182.
Kolm, S. C. (1977) Multidimensional Egalitarianism. Quarterly
Journal of Economics 91:1, 1-13.
Maasoumi, E. (1986) The Measurement and Decomposition of
Multi-dimensional Inequality. Econometrica 54.
Maasoumi, E. (1989) Continuously Distributed Attributes and
Measures of Multivariate Inequality. Journal of Econometrics 42:1,
Pasha, H. A., and T. Hasan (1982) Development Ranking of the
Districts of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics 1:2,
Pasha, H. A., S. Malik, and H. Jamal (1990) The Changing Profile of
Regional Development in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics
9:1, 1-26.
Haroom Jamal is Principal Economist and Amir Jahan Khan is Research
Officer at the Social Policy and Development Centre (SPDC), Karachi.
Table 1
Overall Provincial Inequality
Multi-dimensional Gini Coefficient
1981 1998
Pakistan 0.39 0.50
Punjab 0.21 0.19
Sindh 0.28 0.38
NWFP 0.37 0.51
Balochistan 0.50 0.74
Table 2
Overall Provincial Inequality (Excluding Districts with Capital
Multi-dimensional Gini Coefficient
1981 1998
Pakistan 0.35 0.49
Punjab 0.17 0.17
Sindh 0.20 0.36
NWFP 0.34 0.51
Balochistan 0.37 0.76
Table 3
Sectoral Inequality-Multi-dimensional Gini Coefficients
Pakistan Punjab Sindh NWFP
Sectors 81 98 81 98 81 98 81 98
Agriculture 0.36 0.45 0.22 0.23 0.15 0.35 0.40 0.39
Communication 0.60 0.59 0.49 0.38 0.64 0.60 0.46 0.63
Education 0.36 0.22 0.21 0.15 0.20 0.13 0.22 0.24
Health 0.44 0.43 0.38 0.36 0.39 0.32 0.35 0.39
Housing 0.51 0.34 0.41 0.24 0.46 0.28 0.40 0.30
Income 0.40 0.52 0.18 0.28 0.23 0.27 0.46 0.51
Labour Force 0.33 0.34 0.12 0.24 0.22 0.22 0.40 0.29
Sectors 81 98
Agriculture 0.35 0.66
Communication 0.71 0.64
Education 0.42 0.22
Health 0.55 0.48
Housing 0.59 0.37
Income 0.66 0.72
Labour Force 0.32 0.37
Table 4
Sectoral Inequality=Multi-dimensional Gini Coefficients
(Excluding Districts with Capital Cities)
Pakistan Punjab Sindh NWFP
Sectors 81 98 81 98 81 98 81 98
Agriculture 0.37 0.40 0.22 0.23 0.15 0.30 0.35 0.39
Communication 0.49 0.56 0.35 0.37 0.51 0.57 0.40 0.61
Education 0.34 0.23 0.19 0.15 0.13 0.14 0.23 0.25
Health 0.33 0.39 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.31 0.27 0.35
Housing 0.42 0.32 0.34 0.22 0.30 0.22 0.36 0.29
Income 0.41 0.53 0.19 0.28 0.21 0.27 0.48 0.53
Labour Force 0.34 0.34 0.13 0.24 0.19 0.17 0.42 0.29
Sectors 81 98
Agriculture 0.37 0.47
Communication 0.60 0.52
Education 0.25 0.21
Health 0.33 0.35
Housing 0.34 0.28
Income 0.66 0.74
Labour Force 0.32 0.37
Table 5
Provincial Population Shares in Development Levels (Percentage)
Development Level
High Middle Low
Late 1990s (1998)
Punjab 35 40 25
Sindh 42 21 37
NWFP 12 39 49
Balochistan 11 1 88
Early 1980s (1981)
Punjab 28 40 32
Sindh 45 25 30
NWFP 21 39 40
Balochistan 9 3 88
Table 6
Distribution of Districts in Development Levels-1998 (Numbers)
Development Level
High Middle Low Total
Late 1990s (1998)
Punjab 8 16 10 34
Sindh 2 5 9 16
NWFP 1 8 15 24
Balochistan 1 1 24 26