Motivation and involvement of men in family planning in Pakistan.
Kiani, M. Framurz K.
The study of men in involvement and use of family planning methods
is important because of their dominant role in family decision-making in
the socio-structural context of Pakistan. The objective of present study
is to examine the changes in knowledge and attitude of men about family
planning, and also to estimate the extent to which it affects their
contraceptive use behaviour. The findings show that men's knowledge
and contraceptive use has increased three times during the period from
1968-69 to 1990. The important factors that determine men's
contraceptive use behaviour are the approval of family planning, the
communication with wife on family planning matters, and the desire for
children. The multivariate analysis shows that men living in urban
areas, with greater knowledge and a positive attitude towards family
planning, are more likely to use contraception. In addition, wife's
autonomy is also important in explaining men's involvement in the
use of family planning. The study reveals that most Pakistani men
approve of family planning and suggests that men should receive an equal
focus together with women in the population welfare programme
The important role of men in reproductive decision-making and its
effect on contraceptive use behaviour of couples has been increasingly
recognised as a subject of interest in the global context [Bankole and
Sing (1993); Omandi-Odhiambo (1997); Karra, et al. (1997)]. The ICPD-POA
(1) and the 1995 Beijing Conference on Women and Reproductive Health reaffirmed the importance of responsible parenthood and the need to
include men in family planning and reproductive health programmes and
actions [Piet-Pelon (1999); U.N. (1994); Khorrum and Wells (1997)].
In Pakistan, where men play an important role in family
decision-making and are perceived as those disapproving the use of
contraception, it is of interest to study issues relating to men's
motivation and involvement in the use of family planning. It is
generally recognised that the issue of male involvement in family
planning has not received due attention in the formulation of
Pakistan's population programmes. Most demographic surveys in the
past have collected data on women alone, and information on men's
attitudes and knowledge about family planning is quite limited. With the
recent downward shift observed in Pakistan's fertility from 6.3 in
1975 to 4.8 in 2000-01, and a notable increase in contraceptive use from
a low level of 14 percent in 1990-91 to about 28 percent in the year
2000-01, it appears that men must have contributed to some extent in
catalysing the change in fertility and contraceptive use behaviour. To
better understand whether men have played a role in reproductive
decision-making and have contributed to the increase in contraceptive
use, it is important to study their attitudes and motivations concerning
family planning and its use.
Very few studies have focused on Pakistani men's attitudes and
family planning behaviour primarily because of limited availability of
information and less recognition of their role in family building
behaviour. The first National Impact Survey (NIS) of 1968-69, undertaken
to evaluate the impact of the programme, collected some information on
the knowledge and attitudes of wives and their husbands about family
planning. The results of that survey showed that men with more
education, better knowledge of programme services, and communication
with their wives had reported a proportionately higher contraceptive use
and knowledge about the programme [Azhar and Hardee (1977)]. Some two
decades later, the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey of 1990-91
(PDHS) provided information on husbands' knowledge and attitudes
about fertility-related questions, which permitted the assessment of
men's involvement in the use of family planning. Based on those
data, some studies have documented that men's views about
contraceptive use are positive and that the percentage of wives and
husbands who approve of family planning does not differ much [Mahmood
and Ringhiem (1996)], thereby dispelling the impression that men view
the use of family planning negatively. Other studies based on the NIS
and PDHS data that have used the couple approach suggest that the role
of spousal agreement is highly significant in promoting the use of
contraception, and that men should be made equal targets of the family
planning programme in Pakistan [Shah (1972); Mahmood (1998)].
Following up on these issues, men's involvement and
participation in family planning has been recognised as an important
component of the population and reproductive health programmes of
Pakistan [Pakistan (2000)]. Given the sociocultural context of Pakistan,
where men apparently have a predominant role in family decision-making,
it would be useful to examine whether men's knowledge and attitudes
towards the use of family planning methods are changing, and to see
which of men's characteristics are more important in affecting
their reproductive and contraceptive use behaviour. The 1990-91 Pakistan
Demographic and Health Survey data provide the possibility of studying
the level and extent of family planning knowledge and its use for men
because of its separate module of husbands' sample. Given that, the
specific objectives of the study are: (1) to examine knowledge and
attitudes of men regarding fertility and family planning; and (2) to
study what social and demographic characteristics of men affect their
contraceptive use behaviour as different from those of women.
Male involvement in family planning has been defined as
"participation of men in family planning decisions which predict
their behaviour and their influence on wives to reach consensus for
contraceptive use" [Omondi-Odhiambo (1997); Karra, et al. (1997);
Bankole and Sing (1998)]. The available evidence shows that women's
reproductive preferences and behaviour are strongly influenced by their
husbands' reproductive motivation, not vice versa. This influence
is considered to be a function of men's dominance and women's
financial dependency on their husbands [Ezeh (1993)]. Men's
dominance and influence prevails in terms of gender and age because a
woman's marriage to an older man and economic dependency is due to
traditional beliefs that women are subordinate to their husbands and a
woman should obey her husband as head of the family or even other male
members of the family [Karra, et al. (1997); Sathar and Kazi (1997)]. It
is because of this dominance and influence that a woman's
reproductive motivation is influenced by her husband.
The research evidence also shows that when men are actively
involved in and informed about family planning, the acceptance and
continuation of contraception increase [Becker (1996)]. Therefore, the
lack of information, accompanied by misconceptions, about family
planning on the part 9f men acts as a barrier to the use of
contraception among couples. Similarly, accessibility of services and
information on male methods could also have a significant effect on
potential use, because many women, especially in rural areas, have
limited mobility; money and permission from the husband to leave the
household are required for travelling alone to a clinic or service
In the context of Pakistani society, the male is considered as the
prime breadwinner and provider of food and shelter for his family. These
roles within the family system and the community are determined
according to family structure. Pakistani society, being patriarchical in
nature, has typical characteristics which emphasise the lineage bond
over the conjugal tie. The core of the social relations is based on
biraderi (relatives and members of the same cast or group) and family
institutions [Shah (1987); Mahmood and Ringheim (1996)]. The traditional
beliefs as well as distinct responsibilities and roles of husbands and
wives within the family have influenced the range and control of
reproductive decision-making. Men are expected to have the information
and expertise as well as the financial power to implement their
decisions. Although many families have started to operate outside the
family norms--and westernisation has now started influencing the
society, yet there is a strong influence still of family bonds on the
initiation of family life and reproductive behaviour [Sather and
Casterline (1998)]. A man may make an individual choice but he will have
to ensure that his choice is acceptable to his kinship group and the
community [Piet, et al. (1999)]. Due to the low socioeconomic position
of women in the family, most husbands are able to assert their
preferences and influence women's attitudes towards family planning
However, the exact power equation behind the screen of family life
is difficult to specify in most instances. The evidence shows that
mothers have the leverage for deciding about marriage and education of
their children, but other decisions such as when to have children, or
how many, may be difficult to specify because this requires detailed
information on the changes in the events that occur and how these are
decided about and managed. It is also observed that most couples do not
talk to each other about having or not having children due to shyness
and cultural barriers and most men believe that their own decisions are
the best for both [Khan (1997)]. Moreover, restricted by socio-cultural
norms, most women rely on their husbands to bring information about
family matters into the home, particularly about family planning in
terms of the timing and choice of method to be used. Thus, age at
marriage, education, age difference between husband and wife, and the
type of family in which both are living are some of the indicators that
can be used as proxies for assessing men's influence in the family
and related decision-making.
It may be noted here that there are marked differences in the
socio-economic characteristics of men and women which are indicative of
their status and position in society. For example, the average
difference of age at marriage of a woman and a man is nearly 4 years.
The literacy level among men is 54.81 percent as compared to the 32.02
percent for women [Pakistan (2001)]. The participation rate in the
labour force for men is 70.5 percent as compared to just 13.9 percent
for women [Pakistan (1997-98)]. These differing socio-economic
characteristics of men and women may be contributing to determining the
family building behaviour of couples at household level, and may provide
the grounds for investigating men's motivation and role in adopting
family planning methods.
A conceptual framework developed to study the relationship of the
social, demographic, attitudinal, and programme method variables to the
contraceptive use behaviour is depicted in Figure 1. Among the
demographic and social characteristics, current age of both men and
women, number of living children, place of residence, and education are
considered as exogenous variables affecting contraceptive use.
There are certain variables which determine men's attitudes,
which in turn are likely to influence men's contraceptive use
behaviour and need to be included in the framework of analysis. These
attitudinal variables are the approval of family planning and the desire
for children. (Figure 1.)
Women's status is also critical in affecting the contraceptive
use behaviour. In this regard, selected variables such as women's
mobility, age difference between husband and wife, and husband-wife
communication are likely to play an important role in the decision to
use contraceptives. In addition, programme variables such as knowledge
of any method, source of supply, and knowledge of sources of condom availability are expected to have a direct relationship with the use of
family planning methods. All these variables are expected to have an
independent direct relationship to the use of contraception.
The present study is primarily based on the 1990-91 Pakistan
Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS), which provides information on
selected background characteristics of husbands, in addition to family
planning knowledge, attitudes, and contraceptive use. (2) The PDHS
collected such information largely from a sample of 6611 women,
one-third of whose husbands were selected for the male questionnaire.
For the present study, therefore, a sample of 1354 men is available for
analysis. The response rate for husbands was 77 percent as compared to
97 percent for women. Low response rate for husbands was primarily due
to the absence of husbands from the household despite repeated visits by
the interviewers. However, the availability of detailed information on
husbands for family planning-related questions in the PDHS data provides
a good opportunity to assess their involvement in family planning use in
relation to background characteristics.
Using the PDHS-1990-91 data, a bivariate and multivariate analysis
is undertaken to study the relationship between the hypothesised
independent variables and current contraceptive use. In the bivariate
analysis, variations in knowledge and attitudes to and actual use of
contraception are examined by socio-economic and demographic
characteristics of husbands. In the multivariate analysis, (3) with
contraceptive use as a dependent variable, logistic regressions have
been used to estimate the net effect of predictor variables on use as
reported by husbands. In this regard, three models have been estimated
by using different combinations of sociodemographic variables as well as
attitudinal, women's status, and programme method variables as
portrayed in Figure 1.
6.1. Characteristics of Men
Table 1 sets out the background information on the
socio-demographic characteristics of men using two different
national-level fertility surveys which provide data on husbands, the NIS
1968-69 and the PDHS 1990-91, to examine the extent of change in
knowledge and attitudes to family planning according to their background
characteristics. The results show that there is an increase in the
median age of husbands from 37.3 years in 1968-69 to 37.8 years in
1990-91. This appears to be consistent with an increase in the life
expectancy of males over time. The median age difference between husband
and wife has reduced from 7.9 years in 1968-69 to 6.7 years in 1990-91,
implying an upward shift in the age at marriage of females. The levels
of literacy for men have substantially increased from 36 percent to
about 49.8 percent during the same period, and the rise in the
proportion of men with secondary and higher levels of education has been
significant, from only 8.5 percent in 1968-69 to nearly 20.4 percent in
1990-91. It is expected that this increase may have its effect on
various aspects of family planning behaviour of men.
Regarding the changes in men's knowledge and attitudes towards
family planning, Table 1 shows that there is a significant increase in
the awareness of family planning methods over time. The 1990-91 survey
data (PDHS) indicate that 79.3 percent of men are aware of family
planning methods as compared to only 57 percent in 1968-69. However, an
important question remains to be examined: Is a higher knowledge of
family planning translated into higher contraceptive use or not? Figures
from Table 1 show that current use as reported by men indicates the
change from 6.7 percent to 15.1 percent during the period 1968-69 to
1990-91, and a change in ever-use from 15 percent to 24.7 percent.
Moreover, 44 percent of men express the desire for more children in
1990-91 as compared with 53.2 percent in 1968-69, indicating some
reduction in men's desire for additional children over time.
As for the attitudes of men towards family planning, about 66.6
percent reported approval of use of family planning in 1990-91.
Husband-wife communication shows a change from 28.8 percent to 39.7
percent between the two decades, indicating positive attitudes among
couples about discussing family planning matters.
6.2. Men's Knowledge about Family Planning
Correct knowledge of contraceptives among men is a basic
pre-requisite that may lead to the adoption of contraceptive use. Table
2 shows that the proportion of men reporting having knowledge about
family planning methods has increased substantially from 57 percent in
1968-69 to 79.3 percent in 1990-91. As for knowledge about different
methods, there are variations in reporting across different surveys.
However, the figures for the 1990-91 PDHS and the NIS 1968-69 indicate a
rise in knowledge in about all methods. As we can see from Table 2,
knowledge about methods such as rhythm, veginal methods, and
malesterilisation is low, whereas for methods such as the pill,
injectables, female sterilisation, and condom, more than two-thirds of
men reported having knowledge.
The knowledge in the case of male methods, i.e., condom, shows the
highest increase, from 57.1 percent in 1968-69 to 58.8 percent in
1990-91. Knowledge about male sterilisation is low and has shown a
decline over time. This is perhaps due to the fact that the population
welfare programme has not campaigned or focused much on vasectomy, and
only a small proportion indicate their awareness of this method. As for
couple methods, nearly one-third males know of the traditional methods
such as rhythm and withdrawal. However, this percentage is lower than
for the knowledge about other methods, which reflects the greater
emphasis of the family planning programme on modern methods.
With the increase in knowledge of contraceptive methods, it is
expected that the acceptability and use of family planning may have
risen among men. The evidence shows that ever-use of male methods,
especially the condom, (4) shows an increase from 6.6 percent to 12.1
percent during the period 1968-69 and 199091. This is reflective of
men's willingness to adopt family planning behaviour and shows that
male participation in contraceptive adoption has increased considerably
over the years. The concern about the adverse side-effects of hormonal and clinical methods may have contributed to the increased popularity of
male methods, especially condoms. Also social marketing campaigns to
promote condoms are likely to have increased the availability of condoms
and their popularity [Davies (1997); NIPS/IRD (1992); Douthwaite
(1998)]. Since condoms can be openly displayed and advertised in the
same manner as other consumables, this may lead to success of the
campaign. Moreover, men's level of awareness of family planning is
high and they are more aware of male methods--especially condom and
withdrawal--as compared to women. Men also expressed their opinion in
favour of small family preference, for their children to have a good
education, and for having a greater gap between pregnancies for better
health of their wives [Bhatti, et al. (1996)]. All this suggest that men
do intend to limit their family size and, as a result, their
participation in contraception use has increased over time.
6.3. Contraceptive Use: A Couple Variable
Although most contraceptive methods are used by individuals,
several can be considered couple methods specifically: withdrawal and
rhythm, and to a lesser extent condom--because participation of both
partners in these methods is necessary. Any contraceptive use can be
considered a couple phenomenon when the couple agrees on fertility and
contraceptive intentions, and partner's support can be crucial for
contraceptive continuation. Male methods such as condom, vasectomy,
natural family planning, and withdrawal, each has unique advantages that
may attract some family planning clients. The last two methods also
promote communication and cooperation between partners. However,
research continues on both permanent and reversible methods for men. In
the present study, contraceptive use is assumed as a couple variable
although there maybe some discrepancy between husbands and wives in the
reporting of use.
Based on the 1990-91 PDHS results, reporting of contraceptive use
is higher among men (15 percent) as compared to women (11.8 percent).
The reasons for this discrepancy can be explained in terms of reporting
biases and differences in attitudes of both men and women towards family
planning. However, more important is knowing about the gap between
ever-use and current use. (5) Table 2 shows that this gap remains
substantial for all methods used, indicating that some of the methods
are discontinued after use or the user may have shifted to another
method. The table shows that the gap between ever-use and current use is
the highest for condom, withdrawal, and female sterilisation. This
implies that some of the users may have other pressing reasons to
discontinue, but there is no direct information available to explain the
gap between ever-use and current use or the reasons for discontinuation of a method. However, looking into the reasons for non-use for each
method in the PDHS data, it is found that the total number of men who
reported ever-use of any method is 335, out of which 39 percent (132)
are estimated to have discontinued any method. (6) Out of 39 percent who
discontinued the use, the majority (27 percent) of them wanted to have
another child. About 15 percent said that their wife was currently
pregnant and only about 12 percent gave reasons for health concerns and
side-effects. The evidence from other surveys also shows that the desire
for another child, ineffectiveness of the method by wife's becoming
pregnant, and side-effects of the method used are the major reasons for
explaining the gap between ever-use and current use or
not-intending-to-use in the near future. For relatively older men (aged
35 and above), religious prohibitions are cited as another reason for
not using any method [Bhatti (1996)].
Since the data regarding the knowledge and use of family planning
were collected for both women and men regarding the same questions in
two separate modules, it is possible to examine the extent of agreement
and consistency in the information by gender. The results from the
1990-91 PDHS shows that men not only report a slightly higher knowledge
of contraceptive methods than women, their reported use is also higher
(15 percent) as compared to women's (11.9 percent). The frequently
proposed explanations for this gender discrepancy in reporting emerge
from the following arguments.
Use of some contraceptive methods differs greatly according to age,
parity, and the desire for more children. It may also be affected by
differences in response rates by gender. Men are generally more
difficult to contact for household interviews because they are away from
home for work or other reasons; contraceptive practice may not be the
same for those who could not be interviewed. Hence, the differences in
the reported levels of contraceptive use between men and women will be
exaggerated if comparisons are made between a representative sample of
all married women and a sub-sample of husbands of those women. This is
because the sub-sample is necessarily restricted to cases where the
husband could be interviewed, while the general sample of married women
also includes women whose husbands were unavailable.
Even when members of the same couple have been interviewed,
husbands and wives do not always report the same contraceptive practice
within the conjugal relationship. The reasons for this might include
ignorance about a method formerly used that has been stopped, different
judgments as to whether the couples practice qualifies as 'current
use', a respondent's desire to give a socially desirable
response, which, depending on the setting, might lead either to
overstatement or concealment of contraceptive practice. Men who use
condoms or other male methods may overstate the practice, while women
may skip or forget about its use. However, it remains unclear, when
partners give different answers, which response is closer to the truth.
It is also likely that errors in the data may occur during the interview
or during later processing, which may affect the aggregate responses of
the wives' and the husbands' samples differently. This is an
issue to be investigated further [U. N. (1996)].
6.4. Men's Attitudes towards Family Planning
Research literature on family planning purports to a general
perception that Pakistani men are not supportive of family planning, and
husband's opposition to the use of contraception is cited as an
important reason for non-use by many women [NIPS (1992)]. Therefore, it
is important to examine whether men favour or disfavour use of family
planning and whether they want to limit or space their children or not.
Table 3 shows the attitudinal variables of family planning by
background characteristics of husbands. As we can see, the majority of
men (67.2 percent) report that they approve of family planning. This is
an encouraging and positive sign for the family planning programme. The
variations in attitudes by socio-demographic characteristics show that a
larger proportion of men with urban residence, higher parity, higher
education, and educated wives approve of the use of contraceptives than
those living in rural areas who have had no education. It may be noted
that husbands with secondary and above education and with educated wives
show the highest percentage of approval for family planning use (83
percent and 86.6 percent, respectively).
It is also apparent from Table 3 that a majority of husbands (80.9
percent) who know the source of obtaining condoms for use approve of
family planning. Husbands were asked a number of questions about their
perceptions and aspirations of children's education and age at
marriage. In this regard, Table 3 indicates that the majority of men who
aspire for their sons and daughters to have higher education are also
likely to approve of family planning. This shows not only a positive
attitude towards improving the quality of children but also reflects
that those aspiring for secondary and above education for both sons and
daughters are also supportive of the use of family planning.
The figures in Table 3 also show that while 67.2 percent of
husbands approve of family planning, about one-third (32.8 percent)
desire no more children. The proportion of men desiring no additional
children is higher for urban than for rural men, among educated than
illiterate men, and among those men who communicate about family size
with their wives and have knowledge about the source of obtaining
6.5. Men's Involvement in Use of Family Planning: A Bivariate
Table 4 presents the association of various socio-demographic
characteristics of men with contraceptive use. It is apparent from the
table that the percentage of men ,reporting use is higher in older
cohorts and for those with larger number of living children.
Regarding social characteristics, there are marked differentials in
current use by urban-rural residence; 27.2 percent of urban men are
users as compared to only 9.6 percent of rural men. The educational
level of men increases the likelihood of contraceptive use
substantially. As Table 4 shows, men with secondary and above education
have a much higher use (30.7 percent) than those without education (7.9
percent) or primary-level education (16.5 percent).
The results in Table 4 further show that more than one-third of men
(34 percent) who report their wives' ability to go to hospital
alone are current users of contraceptives as compared to only 10.7
percent who are not in favour of mobility of their wives to go outside
home. There is a negative relationship between the husband-wife age
difference and use of contraceptives. This implies that partners with
minimum age difference discuss and communicate with each other more
about their family size and use of family planning than those with
greater age difference. Husband-wife communication has a positive
association with contraceptive use.
The desire for no more additional children also appears to be
influential in increasing use; about 23 percent of the men who do not
want more children are current users as compared with only 7.7 percent
of those who want another child. Moreover, men who have heard of any
method, know the source of any method, and have 'knowledge of
source of condoms' have much higher proportions of contraceptive
use than those with no knowledge and no access to use the services.
6.6. Multivariate Analysis
In order to get the net effect of predictor variables on
contraceptive use, (7) a multivariate statistical model (Logit Model)
has been applied to the husbands' sample. Logistic Regression is
used because of the dichotomous nature of the dependent variable, i. e.,
current use, which takes the value of 1 for use and zero otherwise. The
model used is defined as:
Ln (P)/(l - P) = a + [summation]bixi
Where P is the probability of a male having used contraceptive, bi
are estimated regression coefficients, and xi are the social,
demographic, and attitudinal characteristics of husbands.
Three logistic regression models have been estimated to assess the
significance and influence of men's demographic, social, and
attitudinal variables in addition to programmatic variables on
'current use'. The operational definitions of the independent
variables used in the analysis are presented in Table 5. The categories
of the independent variables explain the variation in use from the
reference category and its significance after controlling for other
related variables.
Using different combinations of independent variables, results of
four regression models have been presented in Table 6. The results show
that men's current age has significant relationship with current
use after controls for other demographic variables. However, the number
of living children shows the strong positive effect on current use
across all models, confirming the hypothesis that for men, contraceptive
use strongly depends on the number of living children. This is reflected
by the highest co-efficients for five or more living children. As
expected, an exposure to urban living makes a difference in increasing
the likelihood of use because urban men show significant effect on
current use.
Looking at Model I in Table 6, most of the socio-economic and
women's status variables show significant effects on use. However,
the predictive power of men's education in promoting contraceptive
use disappears even at the secondary and higher level when programme
variables are added to the equation (Model II). Almost similar effects
for female education are observed on increasing the likelihood of
contraceptive use. Regarding women's status and programme
variables, wife mobility, husband-wife communication, knowledge of
source of a method, and knowledge of condom source emerge as powerful
predictors in increasing the likelihood of contraceptive use. This
implies that if wives are consulted by their husbands in family planning
matters and supplies are accessible, there is more likelihood of
adopting the contraceptive use behaviour.
It is important to note that the effect of husbands' education
disappears when programme variables are included in the equation
(Model-II). It also appears that men who approve of family planning are
five times more likely to adopt fertility control behaviour than those
who do not approve of it. Desire for no more children does not show
significant effect, and this is probably because of the controls for
living children in the equation. Additionally, the wife's mobility,
i.e., going out of the house independently, and husband-wife
communication variables remain powerful predictors of current use,
implying that men who have egalitarian views about gender and power
relations are more likely to have favourable attitudes towards use of
family planning.
In Model III, where all predictor variables are included in the
equation, the net effect of the programme variables, knowledge of source
and knowledge of condom source, is highly significant. It may be pointed
out here that the desire for no more children, which has not emerged as
a significant variable in the present study of male sample, has a
significant effect when analysis for wives' sample or couple-level
analysis is done [Mahmood and Ringheim (1994); Mahmood (1998)]. However,
the interaction effect of the desire for no more children and the
educational level of each spouse indicates that only husband education
has turned out to be statistically significant, reflecting the fact that
the desire for children is related to husband's educational level
(Model IV). The insignificance of wife's education arises probably
because of its correlation with husband's education.
To further check for the interaction effects of certain variables
with each spouse's education, two interaction (8) terms--the desire
for no more children*/ husband education and wife could go to hospital
alone*/husband education--have been included in Model-IV. The results
show significant interaction effects of wife mobility and husband
education especially for secondary and higher levels. Similarly, the
interaction effects of the desire for no more children and
husband's education are significant, implying that educated men
have favourable attitudes towards their wives' autonomy. (9)
In this study an attempt has been made to provide information and
to identify the effects of Pakistani men's participation in family
planning practices. The study has addressed two issues about the
decision to use family planning, i.e., (a) attitudes and (b) actual use
of contraception. The findings suggest that Pakistani men do participate
in the decisions regarding contraceptive use, try to plan their
families, and support family planning. Men also know more about
different contraceptive methods than do their wives and approve of use
of contraception to achieve their reproductive goals. The recent
transition to lower fertility is probably on account of at least changes
in men's attitude [Sathar and Casterline (1998)]. Perceptions of
family planning are changing and men play an essential part in this
change, especially due to a reversion of social and cultural values, as
well as the family planning programme activities, which started showing
an improvement in the 1980s [Ross, et al. (1992); Sathar and Casterline
Men's participation in family planning means using a condom,
coitus interruptus, and periodic abstinence or vasectomy; but more often
it means reaching an agreement with their wives to allow them to use
other methods. The husband's permission to use contraception is
essential for consistent and continued use of the preferred method.
The evidence from the present study shows that Pakistani men are
considerably involved in family planning, but the concerns about the
social and cultural acceptability of contraceptive practice still exist
and efforts to involve men in family planning are lacking [Population
Council (1997) and Douthwaite (1998)]. For this purpose, counselling of
husbands is most likely to bring positive outcomes through changes in
husband's level of involvement; and better counselling can be
provided through senior and better trained staff.
In this connection, spousal communication needs special attention.
Since women are unlikely to bring up the subject for discussion because
they may be hesitant before men, therefore men may be informed about the
advantages of family planning as a means of preventing unwanted
pregnancies, and about spacing of births or controlling family size. The
rural men, who are the majority of the population, need to be aware of
the source of family planning services, so as to facilitate their
motivation to limit fertility.
Lack of useful information or misconceptions about family planning
are probably some of the reasons why men do not take a more active role
in family planning activities. Information on the contraceptive methods
and how men pass on this information to their wives would be of
importance not only for men but also to better understand spousal
communication. By introducing the IEC (Information-Education and
Communication) material, stating the advantages of family planning can
help influence their behavioural change. The ways and means of
increasing the communication between husband and wife by using the IEC
material can be found particularly for rural men. This is likely to lead
to more acceptance of family planning.
There is a need to increase facilities for men in reproductive
health and family planning services. In this regard, male workers are
essential to provide reproductive health information and services to
men. Since men's knowledge about contraception is related to their
level of schooling, more structured education about family planning
should be directed towards men with the least schooling.
The women's participation in the household decisions and their
mobility is another area that enhances use of contraception and thus
needs more attention. Women's autonomy in the household decisions
is uneven, i.e., somewhere between considerable and highly restricted.
If women's autonomy in terms of their mobility and decision-making
is enhanced through their education and by encouraging communication
with the spouse, its effects on use to contraception and limitation of
family size can be far greater than it is now.
Author's Note: The author is thankful to Dr Naushin Mahmood,
Joint Director, PIDE, Dr Zeba A. Sathar, Country Director, Population
Council, Islamabad, Dr G. M. Arif, Chief of Research, PIDE, and his
colleagues in the Demography Section of PIDE for their valuable comments
on the first draft of this paper. He would also like to thank Mr
Mohammad Sarwar for typing the paper.
Azhar, Muhammad, and Gilbet Hardee (1977) Change and Differentials
in Men's Knowledge of Towards and Practice of Family Planning in
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Fertility and Contraceptive Methods for Men. Studies in Family Planning
Becker, Start (1996) Couples and Reproductive Health: A Review of
Couple Studies. Studies in Family Planning 24:2.
Bhatti, Mansoor-ul-Hassan, and Abdul Hakim (1996) Men's
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National Institute of Population Studies. (Report No. 150.)
Douthwaite, Megan (1998) Male Involvement in Family Planning and
Reproductive Health in Pakistan. Population Council. (A Review of
Literature, Research Report No.7.)
Ezeh, A. C. (1993) The Influence of Spouses Over Each other's
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Motherhood. Journal of Family Welfare 43:2.
Khorrum, Sarah, and Elisa Wells (1997) Involving Men in
Reproductive Health. Outlook 14:3, 1-2.
Mahmood, Naushin (1998) Reproductive Goals and Family Planning
Attitudes in Pakistan: A Couple-level Analysis. The Pakistan Development
Review 37:1, 1934.
Mahmood, Naushin, and Karim Ringheim (1996) Factors Affecting
Contraceptive Use in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review 35:1,
National Institute of Population Studies (2000) Pakistan
Reproductive Health Family Planning Survey 2000-2001.
National Institute of Population Studies (1992) Pakistan
Demographic and Health Survey 1990-91. Columbia: IRD/Macro International
Inc. Columbia, Maryland.
Omondi-Odhiambo (1997) Men's Participation in Family Planning
Decisions in Kenya. Population Studies 51:1.
Pakistan, Government of (2000) Economic Survey 1999-2000.
Islamabad: Economic Advisors Wing, Finance Division.
Pakistan, Government of (n.d.) Labour Force Survey 1997-98.
Islamabad: Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division.
Pakistan, Government of (2001) 1998 Census Report of Pakistan.
Islamabad: Population Census Organisation, Statistics Division.
Piet-Pelon, Nancy J., Ubaidur Rob, and M. E. Khan (1999) Men in
Bangladesh India and Pakistan; Reproductive Health Issues. Dhaka:
Karshaf Publishers.
Population Council (1997) The Gap Between Reproductive Intentions
and Behaviour: A Study of Punjabi Men and Women, 1997. Islamabad: The
Population Council.
Ross, John A., W. Parker Mauldin, Steven R. Green, and E. Romana
Cooke (1992) Family Planning and Child Survival Programmes as Assessed
in 1991. New York: Population Council.
Sathar, Zeba A., and John B. Casterline (1998) The On Set of
Fertility Transition in Pakistan. Population and Development Review
24:4, 773-796.
Sathar, Zeba A., and Shahnaz Kazi (1997) Women's Autonomy,
Livelihood, and Fertility: A Study of Rural Punjab. Pakistan Institute
of Development Economics (PIDE), Islamabad.
Shah, Nasra M. (1972) Inter-spousal Communication and Agreement as
Variables in the Study of Family Planning. Sc.D. Thesis, Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
Training, Research and Evaluation Centre (TREC) (n.d.) National
Impact Survey Report. Pakistan Population Planning Council, Lahore.
United Nations (1994) Report on the International Conference on
Population and Development, Cairo, September. New York, U. N.
United Nations (1996) Levels and Trends of Contraceptive Use As
Assessed in 1994. New York: United Nations.
United Nations (1994) Men in Families. Report of Consultation on
the Role of Men and Fathers in Achieving Gender Equality. UNICEF. 13-14
(1) International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD),
Cairo (1994); Programme of Action (POA), (1994).
(2) The information on men has been taken from two other published
survey reports, the National Impact Survey 1968-69 and Males'
Attitude and Motivation for Family Planning in Pakistan 1994. The NIS
1968-69 was based on women's sample and the 1994 male survey was
based on a male sample. Due to non-availability of data for analysis on
computer, the information from these two surveys is based on printed
sources. However, wherever needed, a comparison is made with the printed
(3) Discussion on the multivariate analysis is on p. 213.
(4) The information from the recent surveys shows that condom use
is on the rise 13.7 percent of the sample. [Hakim, et al. (2000-2001)].
(5) In the NIS 1968-69, the current use by method is not available
from the published sources.
(6) Due to limited number of users, there are very small numbers of
men in some cells if discontinuation is disaggregated by reasons for not
continuing to use any given method. Hence, the table on reasons for
discontinuation is not reported.
(7) Contraceptive use as reported by husbands is used for the
analysis and is assumed to indicate the use behaviour of couples.
(8) However, initially several interaction terms were included in
the model, such as education of spouses and approval of family planning,
and husband-wife communication. All these variables did not turn out to
be statistically significant. Therefore, these terms were dropped from
the analysis.
(9) The interaction term of husband's education and approval
of family planning did not emerge as significant and, hence, is not
reported in the model.
M. Framurz K. Kiani is Research Demographer at the Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Selected Social and Demographic Characteristics of the Men
in Pakistan, 1968-69 and 1990-91
Characteristics NIS--1968-69 PDHS--1990-91
Current Age
15-29 25.8 22.9
30-39 33.2 33.2
40+ 41.0 43.8
Median Age 37.3 37.8
Median Age Difference between
Husband and Wife 7.9 6.7
Place of Residence
Urban 43.9 50.9
Rural 56.1 49.0
Literate 36.0 49.8
Primary and Middle 27.0 29.3
Secondary and Higher 8.5 20.4
Number of Living Children
0-2 40.4 35.1
3-4 27.4 27.1
5+ 32.2 37.9
Mean Number of Living Children 3.6 3.4
Knowledge of Family
Planning Methods 57.0 79.3
Family Planning Use
Current Use 6.7 15.1
Ever Use 15.0 24.7
Intention to Use -- 17.8
Desire for Children
Want More 53.2 44.0
Don't Want More 46.7 31.6
Up to Allah/Don't Know -- 15.4
Approved Family Planning
Yes 77.9 66.6
No 22.1 32.4
Husband-wife Communication
Yes 28.8 39.7
No 71.2 60.3
Sources: National Impact Survey (NIS)--1968-69 Ist Report.
Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS)--1990-91 Ist Report
Table 12.1 (p.170).
As reported in Shah, Nasra (Table A. 1) p.183.
As reported in Azhar and Hardee (Tables 11 and 18), p. 27 and 37.
Research Report No. 100.
Table 2
Percentage of Males by Knowledge, Ever Use, and Current Use of
Family Planning Methods, 1968-69 and 1990-91
Knowledge Ever Use Use
Method/Survey 1968-69 1990-91 1968-69 1990-91 1990-91
Any Method 57.0 79.3 15.0 24.7 15.1
Women's Methods
Pill 44.1 54.9 1.7 4.6 0.8
IUD 37.2 28.6 3.8 2.9 1.4
Injectable -- 50.0 -- 2.9 0.5
Veginal Method -- 12.6 -- 0.4 0.4
Sterilisation 51.2 65.7 0.6 4.0 3.8
Couple Methods
Rhythm 23.9 38.9 2.2 11.7 3.2
Withdrawal 29.2 39.9 1.3 8.3 1.7
Male Methods
Condom 57.1 58.8 6.6 12.1 3.6
Male Sterilisation 45.1 31.7 0.3 0.1 --
Others 20.2 1.6 0.4 0.3 0.2
Sources: NIS 1968-69, National Impact Survey Report, Tables 3-16, p.
79. PDHS 1990-91, Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey, 1st Report,
Table 12.4, p. 173.
Table 3
Attitudinal Variables by Selected Characteristics, PDHS 1990-91
Attitudinal Variables
Characteristics Categories % (N)
All 67.2 (1336)
Living Children 0-2 66.4 (455)
3-4 65.2 (397)
5+ 69.6 (484)
Age Difference 0-4 70.8 (541)
5-9 70.4 (450)
10+ 57.4 (345)
Place of Residence Urban 75.7 (407)
Rural 63.6 (928)
Husband Education None 60.9 (677)
Primary/Mid. 67.4 (389)
Sec./Higher 83.0 (270)
Wife Education None 63.0 (1096)
Educated 86.6 (239)
Husband-wife Communication Yes 84.0 (531)
No 56.2 (804)
Know Source of Condom Yes 80.9 (659)
No 54.0 (676)
Ideal Education for Sons None/D.K * 36.4 (77)
Primary/Mid. 61.8 (102)
Sec./Higher 70.0 (1148)
Ideal Education for Daughters None/D.K. * 45.0 (262)
Primary/Mid. 63.4 (372)
Sec./Higher 78.0 (695)
Attitudinal Variables
Desire for
More Children
Categories % (N)
32.8 (1294)
All 0-2 7.4 (459)
Living Children 3-4 36.2 (390)
5+ 57.1 (445)
0-4 30.4 (527)
Age Difference 5-9 32.0 (431)
10+ 39.2 (337)
Urban 43.5 (386)
Place of Residence Rural 28.9 (908)
None 30.4 (661)
Husband Education Primary/Mid. 33.4 (371)
Sec./Higher 40.1 (262)
None 31.1 (1067)
Wife Education Educated 43.4 (226)
Yes 45.6 (531)
Husband-wife Communication No 24.7 (762)
Yes 40.8 (623)
Know Source of Condom No 26.3 (670)
None/D.K * 47.4 (76)
Ideal Education for Sons Primary/Mid. 28.7 (101)
Sec./Higher 32.8 (1107)
None/D.K. * 33.1 (263)
Ideal Education for Daughters Primary/Mid. 24.9 (365)
Sec./Higher 38.1 (658)
Note: The total number of cases by each category may vary from overall
totals because of missing values.
* Do not know.
Table 4
Percentage of Men by Current Use of Any Method, by Selected
Socio-demographic Characteristics PDHS--1990-91
Characteristics Categories % (Number)
All -- 15.1 (1354)
Current Age 15-29 10.0 (319)
30-44 16.7 (641)
45+ 16.4 (390)
Number of Living Children 0-2 8.4 (463)
3-4 16.8 (400)
5+ 19.9 (487)
Place of Residence Urban 27.2 (415)
Rural 9.6 (935)
Education None 7.9 (683)
Primary/Mid. 16.5 (393)
Secondary/Higher 30.7 (274)
Approval of Family Planning Approved 20.9 (899)
Method Disapprove 3.4 (438)
Desire Future Children Want another Child 7.7 (601)
No More/None 23.0 (390)
Up to God/Undecided/
D.K. 3.9 (254)
Can Go to Hospital Alone Go alone 34.0 (253)
Accompanied 10.7 (1089)
Husband-wife Age Difference 0-4 17.7 (548)
5-9 13.9 (453)
10+ 12.6 (349)
Husband-wife Communication Yes 24.6 (533)
No 8.8 (817)
Heard of Any Method Yes 24.2 (687)
No 5.6 (663)
Source of Any Method Yes 23.1 (873)
No 0.2 (477)
Knowledge of Sources of Condom Yes 26.1 (666)
No 4.2 (684)
Table 5
Operational Definitions of the Independent and Dependent Variables
Independent Variables Definitions
Demographic Characteristics
Husbands' Current Age [AGE.sub.1] 15-19 = 1, otherwise = 0
[AGE.sub.2] 30-44 = 1, otherwise = 0
45+ = Reference category
Number of Living Children 0-2 = Reference category
3-4 = L child 2=1, otherwise = 0
5+ = L child 3=1, otherwise = 0
Men's Social Characteristics
Place of Residence Urban = 1
Rural = Reference category
Education of Husband
None = Reference category
[Edu.sub.1], Primary/Middle = 1,
otherwise = 0
[Edu.sub.2], Secondary/Higher =
1, otherwise = 0
Women's Status
Wife Education No Education = Reference category
Educated = 1, otherwise = 0
Go to Hospital alone Go alone = 1, otherwise = 0
Husband-wife Communication Communicated = 1, otherwise = 0
Attitudinal Variables
Approved Family Planning Approved = 1, otherwise = 0
Desire Future Children Desire no more = 1
Have another/Up to God = 0
Programme Variables
Heard of Any Method Yes = 1, otherwise = 0
No = Reference category
Source of Any Method Know the source = 1, otherwise = 0
No = Reference category
Knowledge of Source Know the source for condom= 1,
of Condom otherwise = 0
No = Reference category
Table 6
Logit Regression of Current Contraceptive Use on Selected
Independent Variables for the Sample of Men; PDHS 1990-91
Independent Variables Model-I Model-II
Current Age of Men
15-29 0.72 0.83
30-44 0.85 0.86
45+ [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Living Children
0-2 [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
3-4 1.98 *** 1.81 **
5+ 2.96 *** 2.61 ***
Place of Residence
Urban 1.78 *** 1.42 *
Rural [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Men's Education
No Education [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Primary/Middle 1.69 ** 1.16
Secondary/Higher 2.34 *** 1.18
Wife's Education
No Education [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Educated 1.54 ** 1.51 *
Wife Could Go to
Hospital Alone
Go alone 2.11*** 2.11 ***
Accompanied/Depends [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Husband-wife Communication
Yes 1.74 *** 1.82 ***
No [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Approval of Family Planning
Approve 5.06 *** --
Disapprove [perpendicular to] --
Desire Future Children
No more/none 0.91 --
Have another/Up to God [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Programme Variables
Heard of Any Method -- 1.05
Knowledge of Source
of Any Method -- 1.26 ***
Knowledge of
Source of Condoms -- 1.97 **
Husband Edu.1 by Desire
Husband Edu.2 by Desire
Husband Edu.1 by Go Alone
Husband Edu.2 by Go Alone
Wife Edu. by Desire
Wife Edu. by Go Alone
-2 log Likelihood 904.611 861.088
Model Chi Square(df) 237.933(12) 281.456(13)
No. of Cases 1280 1265
Independent Variables Model-III Model-IV
Current Age of Men
15-29 0.72 0.74
30-44 0.84 0.84
45+ [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Living Children
0-2 [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
3-4 1.79 ** 1.72 *
5+ 2.48 *** 2.47 ***
Place of Residence
Urban 1.54 ** 1.43 *
Rural [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Men's Education
No Education [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Primary/Middle 1.17 0.79
Secondary/Higher 1.16 0.66
Wife's Education
No Education [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Educated 1.37 1.84 *
Wife Could Go to
Hospital Alone
Go alone 2.09 *** 1.29
Accompanied/Depends [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Husband-wife Communication
Yes 1.52 ** 1.50 *
No [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Approval of Family Planning
Approve 4.13 *** 4.21 ***
Disapprove [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Desire Future Children
No more/none 0.91 0.66
Have another/Up to God [perpendicular to] [perpendicular to]
Programme Variables
Heard of Any Method 1.07 1.05
Knowledge of Source
of Any Method 1.23 *** 1.24 ***
Knowledge of
Source of Condoms 1.83 ** 1.91
Husband Edu.1 by Desire 2.24 *
Husband Edu.2 by Desire 1.38
Husband Edu.1 by Go Alone 1.43
Husband Edu.2 by Go Alone 3.98 *
Wife Edu. by Desire 0.92
Wife Edu. by Go Alone 0.59
-2 log Likelihood 833.081 822.680
Model Chi Square(df) 309.463(15) 319.86(21)
No. of Cases 1257 1254
* P<0.10 ** p<0.05 *** p<0.01. [perpendicular to] Reference category.