Impact of privatisation on employment and output in Pakistan.
Khan, Iram A.
The study assesses the impact of privatisation on employment and
output in Pakistan by using edible oil and cement sectors for a case
study. Though the term privatisation has broad connotations, it stands
for the transfer of ownership to the private sector in Pakistan. By the
end of 2000, the Privatisation Commission had privatised 103 public
enterprises. Though the gross privatisation proceeds stand at Rs 82.0
billion or US$2.3 billion, the telecommunication and power sectors alone
account for around 65 percent of all the proceeds. The study is both a
policy and empirical analysis. The review of literature sets the stage
for policy analysis, and assesses the policy implications of adopting
privatisation vis-a-vis efficiency and equity. At the empirical level,
the study uses a firm-level pooled dataset compiled separately for
managers' and workers' employment and wages, as well as
output. By adopting a simple to complex strategy, first general trends
from the data are presented which are later tested with the help of
dynamic panel regression analysis. The results show a negative and
statistically significant impact of privatisation for total and
workers' employment. It is negative, though statistically
insignificant, for managers' employment and output. The impact of
macro-economic policies, reflected through the structural adjustment
programme dummy variable, is negative and statistically significant for
workers' employment and output. It is positive though insignificant
for managers' employment.
The paper aims to assess the impact of privatisation on employment
and output in Pakistan. It uses edible oil and cement sectors as a case
study in a pre- and post-privatisation comparative framework. Assessing
the impact of privatisation in Pakistan is important at this juncture
for two reasons. Firstly, the country is facing a severe economic crisis
and privatisation forms an integral part of an array of reform measures
recommended by multi-lateral donors as well as policy-makers within and
without the country. Burki [(2000), p. 152] observes, "The economy
and state of Pakistan ate in crisis.... Pakistan has not faced a crisis
of this magnitude in its entire 50-year history". He refers to the
five different crises that have combined to create this situation. These
are: the global financial crisis, Pakistan's short-term liquidity
problem, economy's structural weaknesses, severe social
backwardness, and, finally, the crisis of governance. Burki (2000)
suggests several solutions to the problems, and privatisation is one of
the ways to restructure the economy and improve the quality of
Secondly, privatisation is at an initial stage. Most of the
enterprises privatised ate either small or capital-intensive, and their
impact on the economy and society has so far been relatively limited.
All the large public enterprises ate yet to be divested. If a large
proportion of employees are divested without taking appropriate measures
to provide necessary safeguards for them, it can have severe social,
economic and political repercussions. This research allows us to assess
the impact of privatisation on already divested smaller enterprises, and
draws lessons for the privatisation of larger and more labour-intensive
enterprises in the future. Privatisation is a holistic term and over the
years has assumed a wide range of meanings and connotations. Broadly, it
stands for transferring the right of the state to other agents to
influence directly the allocation of capital resources to non-state
entities, to whom the residual of net profits of utilising assets accrue
[Brabanti (1995)]. Cook and Kirkpatrick (1994) have cited The Economist
(August 21-27 1993) that refers to at least 57 varieties of
privatisations reflecting differences in economic and political
conditions and structural characteristics of each economy. In Pakistan,
privatisation includes "a transaction by virtue of which any
property, right, interest, concession or management thereof is
transferred to any person from the Federal Government or any enterprise
owned or controlled, wholly or partially, directly or indirectly, by the
Federal Government" [PC (2000), p. 1].
The rest of the paper is as follows. The introduction is followed
by a brief literature review on the relationship between privatisation,
equity and employment. Section 3 provides the background on
Pakistan's privatisation programme. Sections 4 and 5 describe the
dataset and discuss methodology and inference procedures, while Section
6 reports the results. The penultimate section lists policy implications
accruing from the study, and the last section concludes the discussion.
Discussion on the relationship between privatisation and equity is
a much-neglected area in academic literature [Oestmann (1994); De Luca
(1997); Birdsall and Nellis (2002)]. Though a lot of research has been
done to understand the dynamics of privatisation and efficiency, equity
or distribution is generally introduced as a gratuitous, though still a
ubiquitous, issue in the whole discussion, and here too, in the words of
Birdsall and Nellis (2002), it is meant to grease the wheels of the
process to make it "politically more palatable" (p. 8). It has
been considered more of an aside and at best a "natural
corollary" to privatisation. It is only lately that empirical
studies have tried to change the context of the debate by focusing on
distributional issues.
Though the social or welfare impact of privatisation has broad
connotations, it is employment that has been central to the debate. Most
of the literature [see Birdsall and Nellis (2002); Khan (2003) for a
review], while referring to the social impact of privatisation, is
actually restricted to its employment dimension only. Even the reduction
in wages and worsening working conditions are not that acute a problem
relative to the loss of employment, which is regarded as an important
indicator of poverty [Azam (1994)]. It is for this reason, that one of
the earliest studies on the social impact of privatisation, [Kikeri
(1997)], confines the analysis to the employment aspect only.
There is consensus among researchers and academicians that
privatisation has implications for the employees and their conditions of
work. However, there are differences of opinion on the nature and extent
of the impact of privatisation. Cook and Kirkpatrick (1998) point out
that the impact of privatisation on employment will correspond with the
comparative importance of public enterprise sector in the national
economy as well as its share in formal employment. Gupta, et al. (1999)
find an inverse relationship between retrenchment and competition.
Though it is generally believed that privatisation leads to a fall
in employment and wages at least in the short term, the literature
survey conducted by Cook and Kirkpatrick (1998) shows that this is not
always the case. Gupta, et al. (1999); Boubakri and Cosset (1998);
Megginson, Nash, and van-Randenborgh (1994); Kikeri (1997); Ramanadham
(1989) and Estrin and Svejnar (1998), among others, point out that
privatisation may even increase employment if due to overall improvement
in the economy, privatised firms are tempted to inject new capital
investments. This is also the view proffered by the World Bank and
associates who believe that there is a positive correlation between
privatisation and economic growth [Galal, et al. (1994); Plane (1997);
Barnett (2000); Davis, et al. (2000)].
Cook and Kirkpatrick (1998) cite a number of reasons for this
counterintuitive result. First, they argue, the sample of divested firms
is likely to suffer from a selection bias. Due to the private
entrepreneurs' preference for more profitable and efficient firms,
it is more likely that profitable or potentially profitable firms are
privatised first. Secondly, in many instances government has provided
employment guarantees to the employees for a certain period of time.
This defers the employment impact of privatisation up to the time such
guarantees are valid. Thirdly, many governments have undertaken
restructuring programmes in case of large enterprises to prepare them
for privatisation. Such public enterprises are already lean and are
ready for expansion in the post-privatisation period. Finally, the rise
in employment and productivity may conceal the deteriorating contractual
conditions of those workers who remain in employment after privatisation
[see also Cam (1999) for discussion].
Gupta, et al. (1999) graphically present the dynamics of employment
changes over the three periods, i.e., pre-privatisation, privatisation
and post-privatisation, and show that the level of employment follows a
U-curve: declining during the first two periods and increasing in the
third one (Figure 1 below). They also take account of the "deferred
retrenchment" phenomenon, which occurs when governments guarantee
employment for a certain period of time. The dark line in the figure
refers to the employment U-curve without any post-privatisation
employment guarantees, while the one in light shade accounts for delays
in employees' lay offs due to employment guarantees. They, however,
acknowledge that in some cases, restructuring and privatisation may
reduce the employment levels almost permanently and in case of
liquidation, all the employees may lose jobs. In such circumstances, the
U-curve pattern will not be valid.
Gupta, et al. (1999), however, ignore another dimension of the
issue. Kemal (2000) points out that in case of Pakistan, employment
guarantees have expedited, rather then postponed, the process of
retrenchment. Employees, fearing to lose their jobs or employment
benefits after the one-year guarantee period, opted for voluntary
retirement scheme. A rather generous golden handshake package provided
further incentive to them.
While privatisation is likely to have severe consequences for the
workers, managers are mostly the beneficiaries. They, therefore, either
advocate it [see Harris (1995) or at least show lower levels of
uncertainty and stress [Nelson, et al. (1995) and Cam (1999)]. It has
been well-documented that in both developed and developing economies,
the managers have benefited in terms of better pay and perks packages
after privatisation [De Luca (1997); Martin and Parker (1997) among
others]. This differential between the workers and managers should be
present in Pakistan as well, though it has not been recorded so far.
Though Privatisation Commission (PC) was established in Pakistan as
one aspect of the 1988 IMF/World Bank structural adjustment package
[Kemal (1996); Cameroon (1997) and Paddon (1997)], there was not much
conviction behind it on the part of government of Pakistan [Kemal
(1996)]. PC [(2000), p. 5] asserts that privatisation is a "very
much home-grown programme", but the fact is that aid was
conditioned with the restructuring and privatisation of public
enterprises [see Mirza (1995) for examples].
Since privatisation is an imported phenomenon in Pakistan, it had
no clearly spelled out objectives initially. The government reports on
privatisation do not list even a single privatisation objective until
1992 [Qureshi (1992)]. It was as late as 1996, that the broad contours of privatisation policy and its objectives emerged [PC (1996b)]. This
failure can be attributed to the fact that privatisation was adopted on
the instructions of multilateral donors, and the emphasis was more on
understanding the procedural aspects of privatisation rather than policy
and its implications.
The objectives of privatisation are not much different from those
in other countries of the world. According to Kh. Muhammad Asif,
ex-Chairman Privatisation Commission, the government programme for
privatisation is based on "the principle of reducing its direct
participation in commercial activities" and ensuring "equity
and economic justice" [Asif (1998)]. PC [(2000), p. 7] highlights
the need for privatisation: "distorted prices, lack of competition,
and poor government management of business have hindered economic
development, introduced inefficiencies, generated unproductive and
unsustainable employment, slowed down investment, reduced access to
services by the poor, resulted in substandard goods and services, and
contributed to fiscal bleeding". By privatising, government intends
to reverse the shortcomings outlined above.
Kemal (2000) points out that six regular and six caretaker
governments have been in power from 1985 and privatisation has been the
cornerstone of the economic programme of each government [also see
Qureshi (1992); PC (1996a, 1997, 2000)]. During this time, the
privatisation objectives have more or less enjoyed a national consensus.
However, there has been some change in emphasis and priorities. This is
especially noticeable after the army came to power in 1999. Due to the
scandals and controversies that blemished the privatisation efforts of
previous civilian governments, transparency and fairness has become an
important policy objective that has now been spelled out more clearly in
the Privatisation Ordinance 2000 [PC (2000)]. Another objective that
does not appear in explicit terms before is seeing privatisation as a
means to reduce corruption. However, there has been little change in
priority: placing the consumers, taxpayers and employees at the bottom
of the list.
By the end of May 2002, the GOP had completed or approved 122
transactions [PC (2002)]. This number also includes some multiple
transactions for the same unit. The gross privatisation proceeds stand
at Rs 82.0 billion or US$ 2.3 billion based on the exchange rate
prevailing at the time of respective transactions. Telecom and power
sectors alone account for around 65 percent of all the proceeds [PC
(2002)]. Kemal (2000) points out that with privatisation, around 35000
employees in the manufacturing sector were transferred to the private
sector, out of which 63.3 percent opted for the golden handshake scheme
Data has been collected from both primary and secondary sources.
The primary source is field surveys, while the secondary source is the
"Monthly Survey of Industrial Production and Employment"
published by the Punjab Bureau of Statistics. The names of privatised
companies and relevant information is given in Table 1 below:
The above Table above provides desegregated information on seven
edible oil and eight cement sector firms, while the time series
dimension includes twenty years (1981-2000). However, for different
reasons, it was not possible to include all the firms in the dataset,
and the data was also missing for some years in a few cases. Firms had
to be excluded from the sample due to the closure or merger of units
before and after privatisation. In the edible oil sector, four firms
remained closed during different periods before and after privatisation.
Suraj Ghee Industries stopped working in 1993 within two months of
privatisation [PAD (1995)]. Due to the closure of this unit, it is not
possible to undertake any comparative pre- and post-privatisation study.
Sh. Fazal & Sons Ltd. was closed in 1997 five years after
privatisation. Here again, three years are lost in the
post-privatisation period. Both Khyber Vegetable Ghee Mills and Punjab
Vegetable Ghee Mills were closed, and employed only a few watchmen at
the time of privatisation of their assets in 1993 and 1999 respectively
[PAD (1995)]. Due to the closure of these units for the entire sample
period, they have been excluded from the analysis. This effectively
leaves us with just five (including Sh. Fazal and Sons Ltd.) firms in
the edible oil sector to undertake the pre- and post-privatisation
performance exercise.
As for the cement sector, it also underwent major changes after
privatisation. Since most of the units were profitable, they were bought
by reputable business houses that had considerable stakes in the
industry. These acquisitions, therefore, led to mergers between
different firms. White and Pak cement units were merged with Maple Leaf cement, since one business group had purchased these units. Due to these
mergers, data is not available separately for these three units. Dandot
Cement, which was bought by a foreign entrepreneur, was closed at the
end of 1997 after privatisation and resumed operation in March 2000
[Ghausi (2000)]. National cement has also been closed from 1999. As a
result, data is not available for these units after 1997 and 1999
The omission of three (in one case partial) out of seven firms in
the edible oil sector and the closure of two firms in the cement sector
at the end of the sample period have introduced a substantial selection
bias. Healthy and profitable firms that were able to compete in the
market and show vigour and resilience at times of economic recession
have been included in the sample, while the poorly-performing firms had
to be closed down, and ate omitted for the absence of data. The results,
therefore, are expected to be upwards biased and are likely to present
an over-optimistic scenario.
4.1. Definition of Variables
The data has been collected for employment, wages and production
for each firm in the sample. The data for employment are monthly
averages and refer to the number of workers employed at the end of the
month. The same is true for wages that are given in thousands. The
employment and wage data are available separately for both
'production' and 'non-production' workers. In the
questionnaire used by the Punjab Bureau of Statistics, the production
workers are defined as those "engaged on work directly associated
with production. It includes those engaged in manufacturing, assembling,
packing, repairing, etc. Work supervisors should be included. Persons
engaged in repair and maintenance are also to be included....
[Nonproduction workers mean] managers, engineers, professional and
administrative employees. [This category] includes salaried directors,
managers, administrative supervisors, accountants, engineers, research
workers, etc." These two categories broadly represent manual and
non-manual staff. The manual workers in our sample do not include
daily-wagers or part time employees, though the survey covers
contractual workers. Wages and salaries mean "payments made to
employees as remuneration for their work. It includes advances, and
payments for leave", but does not include other cash benefits such
as allowances, bonuses, commissions and employers contribution to social
security schemes or provident fund. Similarly non-cash benefits do not
form part of wages.
The data for production/output is in metric tons and is a monthly
average. However, instead of output/production, value of production has
been used in the regression. This interaction variable combines the
effect of price and output, and is a proxy for sales. For the edible
oil, it is the mean price of 12 urban centres of Pakistan [Pakistan
(2002)], while data for the price of cement has been gathered from the
State Cement Corporation and pertains only to the ordinary grey cement
at the beginning of each financial year (1st July).
Two dummy variables have been also added to the equations. Dummy
for privatisation, denoted by [], captures the impact of
ownership change from public to private hands. It is 0 for the
pre-privatisation period and 1 afterwards. Since privatisation leads to
fall in employment and wages in the short run, we would expect this
variable to be negative. However, as the literature shows, privatisation
in so many cases has benefited the managers rather than the workers. It
is quite probable that the coefficients for ownership dummy are positive
for managers' employment.
The second dummy variable, denoted by [], attempts to
control for other non-privatisation macro-economic policy instruments
that might affect a firm's performance. These policies are
reflected through the structural adjustment programmes (SAP), which
Pakistan started implementing from 1988. It is 0 before 1988 and 1
afterwards. Since SAP leads to reduced demand (for discussion in case of
Pakistan see [Kemal (1993, 1994); Murasaki and Matsushita (1998); Majid
(2000); Kemal (2001)], which in turn results in lower output and
employment levels, the dummy variable for the structural adjustment
programme is expected to be negative.
This paper uses an econometric model, which is an extension of the
single equation model used by Bhaskar (1992) and Bhaskar and Khan
(1995). While their studies compare the performance of jute mills in
Bangladesh in the same period, this study focuses on the pre- and
post-privatisation performance of similar firms, which switched hands
from the public to private sector. (2) The econometric model for
describing employment for the ith firm in the tth time period is given
by the following function:
[] = [integral] ([W(w)], W([]), [])
While [] is the employment in number of the i th firm, i =
1,2,3 ..., 15 in the tth time period, t = 1, 2, 3, ..., 20;
[W(w)] [W(m)] and [] are the wages in thousands
for workers, for managers and value of production in the tth time period
for the ith firm respectively. A general stochastic model corresponding
to Equation (1) above will be:
[] = [alpha] + [][beta] + [[micro]] (2)
Here, [] is a vector of explanatory variables, while
[[micro]] is the conventional error term. The equation estimated
is a double log model in first difference of the following form:
Here, the dependent variable is the first difference of the natural
log of total employment for firm i in time period t. On the right hand
side of the equation appear, in sequential order, the constant term,
lagged dependent variable, the first difference of natural log of
average real wages for workers, for managers and total value of output
for firm i in time period t. The parameters of interest are the dummy
variable [] and [] that control for the impact of
changes in ownership and macro-economic policies respectively. Similar
models have been formulated to assess the impact of privatisation on
employment for workers ([]), managers ([]) and
output ([]). The use of first difference of level variables
in logs corresponds to the log annual rates of growth [Mairesse (1990)
and Mukherjee, et al. (1998)].
Generalised Methods of Moments (GMM) (3) type instruments have been
used to control for the problem of endogeneity, which arises due to
dynamic panel data estimation. In dynamic models, the OLS estimator of
[alpha] will be inconsistent and upward biased due to serial correlation
between the autoregressive ([y.sub.i,t-1]), parameter and the error term
([[eta].sub.i] + []). This inconsistency persists even when N or
T grows large. Though Pesaran and Smith (1995) have suggested that
serial correlation can be removed by first differencing, they express
their reservations as to the generalisation of this approach. In such a
situation, a dynamic panel data model with instrumental variable (IV)
should provide accurate and consistent results.
There are different IV estimators, (4) but Blundell and Bond (1998)
recommend using a SYS-GMM (also called Combined-GMM) estimation
procedure that uses lagged levels of [] as instruments in
addition to the lagged differences of [] for equation in first
differences. These additional instruments improve the precision and
efficiency of the basic first-differenced GMM estimators proposed
earlier by Arrelano and Bond (1991). The idea is to make use of the
orthogonality condition that exists between [] and the
disturbances []. An efficient GMM estimator will typically
exploit different number instruments in each time period.
Although there are certain advantages in using differenced
equations, the transformation provides results which reflect only a
short term perspective. Secondly, as O'Mahony and Vecchi (2001)
point out, when dummies are included in the SYS-GMM which compounds a
specification in first difference and in levels, they pick up level
effects. Such level effects are not justified, since real values are not
defined in a comparable sense. It is, therefore, necessary to find a
procedure, which allows us to estimate dummies and also control for the
level effects. Black and Lynch (2001) suggest a two-stage procedure,
which has also been used by O'Mahony and Vecchi (2001) and Hay
(2001) amongst others. In the first stage, Black and Lynch (2001)
estimate a standard production function on the panel dataset and save
the firm-specific components of the residuals, which are then regressed,
in the second step, on dummy variables to obtain time-invariant
estimates. This two-stage procedure has also been used for estimation in
this paper.
Following many authors [Arrelano and Bond (1991); Blundell and Bond
(1998); Blundell, et al. (2000); Bond and Windmeijer (2001); Hay (2001);
Bond (2002); Bond and Windmeijer (2002); Christev and Fitzroy (2002)
amongst others], time dummies have also been used to adequately reflect
and control for the internal and external shocks to the economy. They
have been used in both the first and second stages of estimation.
The evidence has been reported in two ways. The preliminary results
are reported by using graphs to depict different trends emanating from
the data. Though the analysis here is rather basic and crude, it
highlights some initial trends, and sets the stage for a more complex
and dynamic regression analysis at a later stage.
6.1. Preliminary Data Analysis
Figure 2 and Figure 3 below compare the public and private sector
firms for the 1981-2000 period in the edible oil and cement industries
respectively. In the graphs, "PEs" stands for the privatised
public enterprises, while "Priv" denotes the remaining private
sector firms. In other words, the former are firms in the sample, while
the latter are remaining firms in the sector. Though the firms were
divested in different years, as is evident from Table 1, most of them
were privatised during 1992-93, and is denoted by the vertical dotted
lines in the graphs. This year, therefore, serves as the divide between
the pre- and post-privatisation periods, though this approximate and
imprecise division between the two phases limits the accuracy of
6.1.1. The Edible Oil Sector
Figure 2 has 8 graphs, each representing trends for employment,
wages, output and productivity. Graphs 1 to 3 show that public
enterprises, on average, employed more workers and managers than the
private sector firms in the edible oil sector. The latter have lower
level of employment and also show a slow but steady decline. This is in
sharp contrast with the public sector firms in which employment falls
abruptly and sharply in 1992-93, the year they are privatised. After the
initial shock of privatisation is over, the employment is rising after
1997. (5) Second and third graphs, depicting trends for workers'
and managers' employment, also follow a similar pattern. However,
compared with the private sector, the public sector initially employed
lower number of managers. The situation changed when their number
continued to decline steadily in the private sector, though they
increased in the public sector.
As for wages (Graphs 4 to 6), they are initially the same but later
increase in the public sector in the pre-privatisation period, though
this trend is reversed after privatisation. While wages in the public
sector show a sharp decline coinciding with privatisation, this is less
pronounced in the private sector. Privatisation also pushes the wage
level below the one being paid in the private sector, though it gets
even at a later stage. This shows the acute and intense nature of
privatisation that afflicts the wage levels of employees, and it is some
time before the employees recover from it. As for output, it was much
higher when the firms were in the public sector, and shows a sudden fall
after privatisation. This fall coincides with an almost 80 percent
increase in prices, and it seems that the manufacturers lowered output
levels to raise prices and maximise their profits. As for labour
productivity, the privatised firms perform better than their private
sector counterparts, though the difference is getting minimised at the
6.1.2. The Cement Sector
Figure 3 presents employment, wage and output trends for the cement
industry. The analysis is restricted to firms in the public sector only,
because the cement industry was a state monopoly up to 1994. The graphs,
however, show a trend different from the one observed for the edible oil
sector. Privatisation results in a sharp fall only in case of
workers' wages (Graphs 5), while there is a steady but smooth
decline in employment (Graphs 1 to 3), total wages and a rise in both
output and productivity (Graphs 7 to 8). Unlike the edible oil sector,
the fall in employment is smooth and surprisingly starts from the
mid-1980s, when the units were still in the public sector. There is no
sharp fall in employment in the post-privatisation phase due to only 36
percent retrenchment in the cement sector against 74 percent for the
edible oil industry. A comparison between workers and managers (Graphs 2
and 3) shows that, while the workers steadily lost their jobs, this has
not been the case for managers despite some ups and downs in wages.
However, this trend is not unpredicted in capital-intensive industries
[Majid (2000)]. This means that white-collar employees or those in
higher income brackets are not only less likely to lose their jobs, as
the Graph 3 shows, but will also continue to get a consistently better
pay package, as is evident from Graph 5. This puts managers in a far
better position than the workers. The output level also declined at the
end due to excess supply and regressive demand [Majid (2000)], but Graph
8 depicts high productivity, which has increased in the last few years.
6.2. Results from Regression Analysis
6.2.1. Dynamic Panel Data Estimation
The empirical findings have been reported in Table 2. The
regressions were run separately for total employment (le(t)), employment
for workers (le(w)), managers (le(m)) and output (lprod) as dependent
variables. T-values have been reported within brackets below the
coefficient values with a, b and c representing 1, 5 and 10 percent
level of statistical significance respectively.
The diagnostics have been analysed and discussed before proceeding
to the main results. An important test in GMM-type estimation is the
Sargan [chi square] test for the validity of instruments used in the
regressions. This test passes in all four regressions. The test for
first and second-order autocorrelations, represented by AR(1) and AR(2)
respectively, has also been provided. Arrelano and Bond (1991, pp.
281-282) point out that the presence of first-order autocorrelation in
the differenced residuals does not imply inconsistency in the estimates.
However, the presence of a second-order autocorrelation does prove that
the estimates are inconsistent. The results for 16 the AR(2) shows that
the second-order autocorrelation does not exist, and the estimates are
consistent and unbiased for all the four regressions.
Intercept term and time dummies were included in both first and
second stages of all the regressions but have not been reported.
Regressions were also run without time dummies (results not reported) to
see their impact on different explanatory variables. They had a dramatic
effect on the ownership and sap dummies with respect to the signs of the
coefficients as well as their statistical significance, while their
impact on other variables was only marginal. This shows the importance
of including time dummies in the regressions to control for the effect
of internal and external shocks.
In the main results, the variables of interest are the dummies for
ownership (O) and for the structural adjustment programme (sap),
proxying for the impact of macro-economic changes in the country.
Results show that ownership change leads to 13, 11.6 and 18.8 percent
fall in total employment, and workers' and managers'
employment respectively. Privatisation also results in 12.3 percent drop
in output. However, the coefficients are statistically significant for
total and workers' employment only.
The results for the dummy of macro-economic changes (sap) show that
they are statistically significant for workers' employment and
output only. It is, however, positive, though statistically
insignificant, for managers' employment. The positive result for
manager's employment is rather unexpected. However, it can be
interpreted and justified intuitively. Firstly, the industrial sector
and labour market in the country have reached a certain level of
maturity, and now reward education and specialisation compared with
non-technical manual work. This is indicated by the positive impact of
employment for non-workers. Since this factor is independent of the
change of ownership, it has not been reflected there, but manifests
itself through the second dummy variable. Secondly, the result seems to
reflect a change of emphasis in investment from labour-intensive to
capital-intensive industries in Pakistan, a trend which has been
captured by the dummy for structural adjustment programme. Lastly, the
result shows a growing divergence between high-paid and low-paid
workers. The structural adjustment programmes are known to recommend
difficult economic decisions such as reduction of subsidies, which
increase the incidence of poverty, and have been notorious for
increasing inequality between the rich and the poor. This trend is also
supported by the studies on Pakistan conducted by Kemal (1996, 2000) and
Majid (2000), who find that both privatisation and structural adjustment
programme are responsible for the negative impact.
As for the other variables included in the first stage, the
relationship is supported by economic theory. The lagged dependent
variables are positive and statistically significant, highlighting the
importance of allowing for partial adjustment. The relationship between
wages and employment is inverse, indicating that higher wages will lead
to lower employment levels. Similarly, the value of output is positively
related with employment, showing a positive relationship with employment
levels. The last regression shows that though a rise in output leads to
better employment prospects, it is negatively related with wages. This
is because a rise in wages increases the price of a product and lowers
its competitiveness in the market, which would eventually reduce the
output level.
Birdsall and Nellis (2002) point out that in terms of the social
impact of privatisation, there are so many variations, discrepancies and
inconsistencies across countries that it is not possible to generalise the evidence gleaned from one country. It will, therefore, be fair to
assert that the empirical evidence from this study is valid and
applicable to Pakistan only, since it is highly unlikely that exactly
similar settings will exist in another country. It is possible to infer
a number of policy implications from this study.
Firstly, we find that privatisation is expected to have negative
consequences, at least in the short-run, and, as discussed earlier, this
research reports short term results. It is only after the initial shock
of privatisation is over and the economy is geared towards fast economic
growth that we should anticipate a positive impact of privatisation. In
Pakistan, only a few years have elapsed since privatisation, and a
negative impact of privatisation is the most likely and probable
outcome. Rather a positive impact would have been unexpected and against
the general trend observed around the world.
Secondly, we find that privatisation is an economic strategy that
is very closely associated and blended with other macro-economic
policies of a country. This is reflected in the statistical significance
of dummy variable for the change of ownership and structural adjustment
Thirdly, a generous golden handshake package rather than
privatisation is to blame for relatively large number of redundancies in
the privatised firms in Pakistan. The result was that on average 63.3
percent workers opted for the golden handshake scheme for which the
Privatisation Commission paid Rs 7.9 billion or 9.5 percent of
privatisation proceeds [PC (2002)]. This amount is quite significant if
we keep in view the fact that most of the enterprises privatised were
small, and according to Kemal (1993, 2000), their share in employment
was less than 7.0 percent (6) of total employment in public enterprises.
If a similar package is offered to the several hundred thousand
employees working in large enterprises such as WAPDA, Railways, PTCL and
Pakistan Steel, the government can end up paying unsustainable sums of
money. Another point to note is that this money is "wasted" in
the sense that most of the workers were re-employed by the same
companies on a contractual basis [ILO (1996)].
Fourthly, though we do not have explicit data to comment on the
shifting patterns of casual labour employed in the edible oil and cement
sectors, it is still possible to make inferences on the basis of
empirical evidence emerging from this study. The regression results show
that the impact of privatisation was negative for total and workers
employment to the extent of 13 and 11.6 percent. (7) This is in marked
contrast with 63.3 percent overall retrenchment in the country, and 55.2
percent average reduction in employment for the edible oil and cement
sectors. We can estimate with the help of this differential that 42.9
percent (8) new employees were hired in the two sectors, though in the
absence of concrete data, it is not possible to suggest how many of
these were retrenched employees. This finding is further supported by a
study done by ILO (1996); and another study conducted by Shahid Ahmad
Associates (1989), and reported by Majid (2000), that the ratio of
contract workers in total industrial labour force increased from 4.9
percent in 1980-81 to 6.3 percent in 1987-88. He suggests that it is
very likely that this trend has continued through the 1990s. Based on
this supplementary evidence, we can presume that a large number of
employees were re-employed by the privatised firms who had opted for the
golden handshake scheme.
Fifthly, the privatised firms typically employed more workers and
managers even after large scale retrenchment. This shows that the
erstwhile public sector firms were not able to fully shed their
historical legacy, and are less efficient and less productive than other
firms in the private sector.
Sixthly, the employees in the privatised sector initially had lower
wages compared with their counterparts in the private sector. It so
appears that privatisation proved a traumatic experience that not only
resulted in a sharp and precipitous fall in wages, but also lowered the
wage level so much that it even goes below the market/industry average.
It is after a gap many years that the wages reach the industry average.
Seventhly, the study indicates that the industrial sector and
labour market in Pakistan have reached a certain level of maturity; and
now reward education, technical know-how and specialisation. This is
indicated by the positive impact for managers' employment, which is
reflected through the second dummy variable for the structural
adjustment programme.
Last, but not the least, important policy implication is the
significance of institutional approach to reform and restructuring,
which should precede privatisation. Lack of effective institutional
framework was a deterrent to the initiation of privatisation in the
country and is still one of the factors for delaying the divestment of
large public enterprises. This is notwithstanding the issues relating to the sequencing of reforms as pointed out by the World Bank (1987), cited
in Majid (2000).
We have looked at the relationship between privatisation,
efficiency, and equity from both the theoretical and empirical
perspectives. At the theoretical level, we find that privatisation has
economic value, though it has social consequences. The empirical
results, as a whole, show a negative impact of privatisation and
structural adjustment programme in the short term. We find that
privatisation has a significantly negative impact on total and
workers' employment. It is also negative for managers'
employment and output, though it is statistically insignificant. SAP has
a negative and statistically significant impact on workers employment
and output. However, the impact of the programme is positive for
managers' employment, though it is statistically insignificant.
We conclude with an observation from Stiglitz (1992) which he makes
for transitional economies but is equally applicable to Pakistan. He
says that there is no single right or best way of doing things. If we
start looking for that it would lead to a paralysis. He cites from V.
Klaus who says: "reform was like playing a chess game. No one, not
even the best players, can, at the beginning of the game, see all the
way to the end. Better players can, however, see more steps into the
future than can worse players" (page 201). What we hope is that the
economic and social consequences of privatisations are properly
accounted for, and appropriate safeguards are provided when Pakistan
goes for the divestment of its large public enterprises.
The Government of Pakistan is actively pursuing the privatisation
policy. The objectives include improving productivity, increasing
efficiency, reducing government subsidy, boosting employment, developing
fair competition, etc. There is a need to assess if the policy is paying
off and the economy is benefiting from this initiative. This study,
"Impact of Privatisation on Employment and Output in Pakistan"
(1), is an attempt in this direction. It is a good contribution to the
literature on privatisation. The study is limited in scope, covering a
small sample of data, which is spread over a short span of time.
The author, in the process to compress his PhD thesis into a
research paper, has added a wide range of information, which can easily
be omitted without losing focus of the paper, e. g., the author talks
about the objectives of privatisation, the relation of privatisation to
equity, etc.
Since pooled data is used in the study there may emerge problem of
unbalanced data. The results may have not shown the effect of the
industry correctly and the missing data for some of the years of one or
more units may have biased result.
The estimated equations are for the first difference of log
variables suggesting it as growth variables. To avoid this problem
author has not attempted, though was required to introduce control for
initial level of employment as is used in standard growth models.
Non-symmetric price effects (coefficient of d (w) in L (mana) and
coefficient of dlw (w) in dlm equation provides a non-symmetric
substitution matrix. This contradicts the theory that it must be a
symmetric matrix.
Author says that both primary and secondary source of data is used;
it does not provide adequate information how the primary data is
collected, and where it is collected from. This is important because
data released by management unofficially my be misleading. Further more
the manual workers on daily wages are not included. Hiring of daily
wager is common practice amongst manufacturing units. At times daily
wage earners comprise of a big force. It is also common in public sector
units where there is ban on hiring full time employees. In short run it
is expected that the practice be inherited from public sector even after
He further says that "for different reasons it is not possible
to include all the firms in the data-set". This is an inadequate
explanation for excluding data; inclusion of those firms may have given
a different trend.
Syed Tahir Hijazi
Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad.
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(1) "..." indicates data not available.
(2) Frydman, et al. (1997) call them synchronic and historical
approaches respectively.
(3) For a detailed discussion, see Baltagi (2001).
(4) For a discussion, see Arrelano and Bond (1991); Ahn and Schmidt
(1995); Arrelano and Bover (1995); Blundell and Bond (1998).
(5) We must keep the important and crucial caveat in mind that the
sample includes only those firms which were robust enough to withstand
the shock of privatisation and were the most profitable ones.
(6) According to Kemal (1993), the total number of employees in
public enterprises are 0.5 million, while Kemal (2000) estimates that
35,000 employees have joined the private sector through divestment of
(7) It was negative but statistically insignificant for
managers' employment.
(8) Average retrenchment in the edible oil and cement sector minus
average employment reduction indicated by the results obtained through
regression analysis.
Iram A. Khan is Director, Office of the Auditor-General of
Pakistan, Islamabad.
Table 1
List of Privatised Firms (1)
Price Production
Date Sold (Rs (Metric
Name of the Firm Privatised Millions) Tons)
Edible Oil Firms
1. Sh. Fazal and Sons Ltd. April 1992 64.28 19,499
2. Kakakhel Industries Ltd. May 1992 71.40 20,647
3. United Industries Ltd. May 1992 53.46 28,867
4. Crescent Factories Jan 1993 63.00 15,185
5. Khyber Vegetable Mills Jan 1993 8.00 5,793
(Pvt) Ltd.
6. Suraj Ghee Industries Ltd. Jan 1993 41.58 20,790
7. Punjab Vegetable Oil Ghee May 1999 18.74 8,914
Cement Firms
1. Maple Leaf Co. Ltd. Jan 1992 291.28 408,410
2. White Cement Ltd. Jan 1992 137.47 Merged
3. Pak Cement Co. Ltd. Jan 1992 188.95 -do-
4. D. G. Khan Cement Co. Ltd. May 1992 1799.67 544,034
5. Gharibwal Cement Ltd. Sep 1992 836.67 537,514
6. National Cement Industries Jan 1995 110.00 47,428
(Pvt) Ltd.
7. Associated (Wah) Cement Feb 1996 2752.10 361,406
8. Dandot Cement Co. Ltd. Feb 1996 636.69 237,333
Total Employees
Employees Retrenched
Name of the Firm (No.) (No.)
Edible Oil Firms
1. Sh. Fazal and Sons Ltd. -- 285
2. Kakakhel Industries Ltd. 304 240
3. United Industries Ltd. 550 -
4. Crescent Factories 423 368
5. Khyber Vegetable Mills -- --
(Pvt) Ltd.
6. Suraj Ghee Industries Ltd. 296 --
7. Punjab Vegetable Oil Ghee -- --
Cement Firms
1. Maple Leaf Co. Ltd. 707 109
2. White Cement Ltd. 131 30
3. Pak Cement Co. Ltd. 231 9
4. D. G. Khan Cement Co. Ltd. 503 28
5. Gharibwal Cement Ltd. 817 226
6. National Cement Industries -- --
(Pvt) Ltd.
7. Associated (Wah) Cement -- --
8. Dandot Cement Co. Ltd. 740 33
Source: Privatisation Commission (2000); PAD (1995),
and Personal Survey.
Table 2
Results for the Employment Equations (SYS-GMM Estimator)
Y dle(t) dle(w)
X (1) (2)
First Stage
Lagged Dependent Variable 0.72 (a) 0.81 (a)
[7.43] [8.86]
dlw(w) -0.27 (b) -0.31 (b)
[-2.01] [-2.51]
dlw(w)_1 0.13 0.23 (b)
[0.49] [2.19]
dlw(m) -0.11 0.10
[0.55] [-1.05]
dlw(m)_1 0.232 (c) 0.081
[1.66] [0.123]
dlv 0.05 (c) 0.023
(1.69] [0.040]
dlv_1 -0.08 (b) -0.038
[-2.35] [0.071]
N 167 167
Wald (Joint) 2596.0 (a) 5447.0 (a)
Sargan 35.63 38.77
[0.840] [0.732]
AR(1) -2.21 -1.859
[0.027] [0.063]
AR(2) -0.5890 0.3331
[0.556] [0.739]
Second Stage
O -0.13 (b) -0.116 (a)
[-2.84] [-2.61]
sap -0.002 -0.03 (c)
[-0.148] [1.91]
[R.sup.2] 0.02 0.010
N 157 157
Y dle(m) dlprod
X (3) (3)
First Stage
Lagged Dependent Variable 0.84 (a) 1.085 (a)
[5.89] [9.53]
dlw(w) -0.77 (b) -0.96
[2.22] [1.15]
dlw(w)_1 -0.70 (b) 1.42
[-1.99] [1.15]
dlw(m) -0.717 (b) -0.69 (b)
[-2.10] [-2.19]
dlw(m)_1 0.582 (b) -0.18
[2.05] [0.78]
dlv 0.389 (a) --
dlv_1 -0.406 (b) --
N 167 175
Wald (Joint) 194.1 (a) 2334.0 (a)
Sargan 32.02 39.65
[0.277] [0.658]
AR(1) -1.615 -1.717
[0.106] [0.086]
AR(2) 0.8897 0.2244
[0.374] [0.822]
Second Stage
O -0.188 -0.123
[-1.27] [-0.48]
sap 0.018 -1.60 (a)
[0.519] [-6.21]
[R.sup.2] 0.01 0.01
N 157 165
(a), (b), (c) denote statistical significance at 1, 5, and
10 percent levels.
Constant and time dummies included in both the first and
second stages of regressions.