Determinants of internal migration in Pakistan: evidence from the labour force survey, 1996-97.
Khan, Aliya H. ; Shehnaz, Lubna
The process of migration has diverse economic, social and
environmental implications for the places of origin and destination. In
the context of balanced regional growth and sustainable regional
development it is important to study how internal migration affects the
patterns of population distribution within a country. The spatial
distribution of population is influenced by the characteristics of the
sending and receiving areas in terms of push and pull factors resulting
in rural-urban, urban-urban, rural-rural and urban-rural migration
As economies transform from being predominantly rural to being
predominantly urban societies, the process of urbanisation assumes a
rapid pace. Individuals migrate from rural to urban areas as a rational
human capital investment decision to reap economic rewards in the form
of better economic opportunities and benefits. The consequences of rapid
urbanisation are multi faceted and require timely responses by
development planners and policy-makers to deal with pressures created on
the infrastructure of large urban centres by the influx of migrants.
However, in some developing as well as developed countries, lately,
there have been signs of a change in the trend of the population
distribution away from concentration in a few large cities towards a
more widespread distribution in medium-sized urban centres. The other
dimension of this rural-urban migrant outflow manifests itself in the
changing labour market scenario in the rural economy which loses the
more productive members of its labour force to the urban economy.
A proper assessment of the consequences of internal migration
cannot be made without analysing the patterns and determining factors of
such migration. An understanding of the dynamics of local and national
labour markets is linked to a functional labour market information
system (LMIS) and labour market mobility patterns form an integral part
of an LMIS. (1) It is being increasingly emphasised that proper design
of human development policies rests heavily on a country's LMIS.
The importance of economic research and analysis based on detailed
and periodic information on both internal and external migrants cannot
be overstated. It is in this spirit that the present study aims to
augment the existing literature on internal migration in Pakistan by
exploring data from the Labour Force Survey 1996-97. The Labour Force
Survey has been used as a data source both to highlight the fact that a
regular nationwide household survey contains important information on
internal migrants but also that the information needs to be augmented
with additional queries for conducting meaningful research on internal
labour mobility patterns and determinants.
The plan of the paper is that a brief review of literature on
internal migration is presented in Section II, the data source is
outlined in Section III, followed by a discussion of statistical and
econometric analysis in Section IV and conclusions in Section V.
One of the seminal studies on developing a theoretical framework
for migration behaviour was done by Sjaastad (1962). He views migration
as an investment in human capital and formulates empirically testable
hypotheses related to observed migration behaviour. The main conclusions
of his study are that age is a significant variable in influencing
migration and that the private and social costs and returns to migration
depend upon market structure, resource mobility and revenue policies of
the state and local governments.
Another important study on migration that led to numerous other
studies was by Todaro (1969). The Todaro model theorised that potential
migrants are rational economic agents who base their migration decision
on a comparison of expected urban sector incomes with current wages in
the rural sector occupations.
Research on labour migration in Pakistan received a major impetus
from a nationwide household survey known as the "Population, Labour
Force and Migration (PLM) Survey conducted in 1979-80 by PIDE and ILO. A
study by Irfan, Demery and Arif (1983) based on the PLM Survey data
measures and analyses the internal and international migration flows in
detail. In the context of internal migration, the incidence of internal
migration, the pattern of internal migration flows by distance
categories (short, medium and long), the direction of internal migration
(rural to rural, rural to urban, urban to urban and urban to rural), and
net migration flows by province are studied for both sexes. They
conclude that internal migration in Pakistan is increasingly becoming a
long distance and rural to urban phenomenon.
In another study based on the PLM Survey, Irfan (1986) develops
some linkages between migration and economic growth and development by
analysing the human resource flows of internal migrants, income and
capital flows in the form of remittances generated through internal
migration, the effects of migration on income distribution and the
relationship between migration and fertility. His main findings are a
higher propensity to migrate among females signifying migration for
marriage, an inverted U shaped age--mobility curve for migrants with a
peak occurring at the 15-24 years age group and a positive association
between education and propensity to migrate. He also finds that
remittances sent back yield a low rate of return on investment in
Ahmed and Sirageldin (1993) use the theoretical framework of human
capital investment to model internal migration behaviour for Pakistan.
They use the PLM Survey data to estimate the migration decision rule by
applying the maximum likelihood probit technique. Their findings suggest
that migration is generally selective in terms of age and the human
capital variables of education and occupation, the incidence of
migration being highest among those who possessed college or university
degrees and those belonging to the professional or skilled worker
occupation groups. It was also found that "commitment to place of
residence" variables like land and house ownership and presence of
school going children inversely affected the probability to migrate by
increasing the costs of relocation.
The data source of this study is the Labour Force Survey 1996-97
(LFS) of Pakistan which is an annual sample enquiry of the Federal
Bureau of Statistics. The survey provides comprehensive information on
the labour force or currently active population as well as on the
currently inactive population. The LFS (1996-97) is based on a sample of
20,198 households enumerated during the year 1996-97. (2)
The questionnaire of the LFS is periodically revised to improve the
labour force statistics. The 1995 revision of the LFS questionnaire
introduced questions on migration and the informal sector. Specifically,
the migrant population is defined as those who have moved from one
administrative district to another administrative district. It excludes
the population who has moved within a district. The migration questions
in the LFS (1996-97) questionnaire are asked from all persons aged 10
years and above and relate to the duration (in years) since migration,
previous district of residence, previous region of residence i.e. rural
or urban and the main reason for migration. (3)
The present study is carded out at two levels. At first a detailed
statistical analysis of the distribution of the migrant population is
done to get a profile of migrants and the pattern of migratory flows
between the rural and urban areas of residence. Next, the decision to
migrate is modeled in the framework of the human capital investment
framework (4) using the maximum likelihood probit estimation technique.
The sample size of the population aged 10 years and above in the
LFS (1996-97) comprises of 89033 individuals out of which 12342 (13.9
percent) are classified as migrants and 76691 (86.1 percent) are
classified as non-migrants. Among the migrants, the majority are
currently residing in urban areas (72.8 percent). A look at the
distribution of migrants across the five provinces reveals that the
urban areas of Punjab and Sindh have received the greatest inflow of
migrants. A breakdown of the migrants by sex shows that the sample
contains more female migrants (52.9 percent) as compared to male
migrants (47.1 percent). [See Appendix Tables 1, 2 and 3].
The pattern of migratory flows indicates that migration has been
mainly in the urban-urban direction followed by migration in the
rural-urban direction and both migratory flows contain more females than
males. [See Appendix, Table 4]. An interesting picture emerges when the
distribution of male and female migrants is analysed according to main
reason for migration.
The reasons for migration and consequently, the migrants, can be
grouped into two categories namely economic and non-economic migrants in
relation to the primary motive for migration. (5) If the migrant
identified job transfer, finding a job, education or business as the
main reason for migration, then such migration is based on reasons which
can be classified as economic reasons and the migrants as economic
migrants. Migration for economic motives is viewed as an investment in
human capital which entails both direct and indirect costs as well as
the expectation of returns in the form of increased earnings in the
destination. Migration undertaken for reasons of health, marriage,
accompanying parents or return to the origin can be classified as
migration for non-economic reasons and the migrants as non-economic
migrants under the pretext that the decision is not based upon a
comparison of costs and returns but on other criteria which may not be
primarily economic. (6) [See Appendix Table 5].
An analysis of the migrant distribution by reason for migration
shows that majority of the males (59.5 percent) and females (94 percent)
have cited non-economic reasons as the main reason for migration. In
case of females, migration for marriage, accompaniment of parents and
"other" reasons (presumably non-economic) are the most
important explanations for moving from one district to another while for
males it is the category "other" combined with accompaniment
of parents that are the main reasons. [See Appendix Table 6]
The analysis of main reasons for migration by the direction of
migration indicates that even though the two major directions of
migratory flows (urban-urban and rural-urban) are dominated by migrants
with non-economic motives for migration, the proportion of economic
migrants (30.7 percent) in the rural-urban flow is greater than the
proportion of economic migrants (20.1 percent) in the predominant urban-urban flow. [See Appendix Table 7].
An educational profile of the migrants by the direction of
migration points out that the majority of the male migrants who moved in
the urban-urban direction have completed either 6 to 10 years of
schooling (27.8 percent) or 11 to 14 years of schooling (37.5 percent)
while the majority of migrants who moved in the rural-urban direction
have not completed any formal schooling (38.7 percent). The picture for
female migrants is that the majority of females in the urban-urban flow
(37.9) and the rural-urban flow (66.1 percent) have not completed any
formal schooling. [See Appendix Tables 8 and 9]. This pattern reconciles
with the evidence that the major reasons cited for female migration are
mainly the non-economic ones of marriage and accompaniment of parents.
In order to further analyse the determinants of the migration
process in a human capital framework, the decision to migrate is modeled
as a dichotomous variable representing migrant/non-migrant status in a
probate model. The set of explanatory variables reflecting the
determinants of migration in terms of the costs and returns to migration
consist of the standard human capital variables representing age in
years (AGE) age squared (AGESQR), education attained in terms of years
of schooling completed (7) (EDUC) and technical/vocational training
attained (TECH VOC). Other variables are those representing marital
status (MARSTAT), variables representing (urban/rural) region of
residence (URBAN) and province of residence (PROVRES), variables
indicating position in the family in terms of head of household or other
household member (HHEAD) and the type of family as being nuclear/joint
(NUCFAM). The specified model for the male or female sample be written
The variable representing education attained in years can be
expressed as a set of categorical dichotomous variables representing the
different levels of education. The specified model with educational
level categories can now be written as:
The pooled sample of 89033 males and females aged 10 years and
above in the LFS (1996-97) contains 46764 (52.5 percent) males and 42269
(47.5 percent) females. Results of the estimated probit model for the
male sample of 46764 males consisting of 5814 (12.4 percent) migrant and
40950 (87.6 percent) non-migrant males are presented in Table 10 and
Table 11 of the Appendix. Results of the estimated probit model for the
female sample of 42269 females consisting of 6528 (15.4 percent) migrant
females and 35741 non-migrant females are presented in Table 12 and
Table 13 of the Appendix.
The coefficient of the AGE variable reflects that the probability
of migration increases with age for both males and females. The AGESQR
variable is generally not significant implying that the increasing
effect of age does not fall with age. This result does not indicate that
migration has been age selective in terms of varying inversely with age
so that a longer expected work life in the destination would maximise
returns to migration. The results for the continuous variable of
education EDUC indicate a significantly positive effect on the
probability of migration for both males and females. The coefficient of
EDUC is greater in magnitude and more significant for females as
compared to males. The possession of technical and vocational training
also appears to increase the probability of migration for both males and
To further analyse the contribution of education to the migration
decision, a set of dichotomous variables representing the various levels
of education were also introduced in the probit equations for males and
females. For both males and females the effect of professional (degree
in engineering, medicine and agriculture) and post graduate education
(M.A/M. So, M. Phil. and Ph.D.) on the probability of migration is
higher than the effect of primary, secondary or college education. (8)
This result indicates that migration does appear to be selective with
respect to education.
The marital status variable MARSTAT is negatively significant in
both the male probit equations and positively significant in both the
female probit equations. This result reconciles with the statistical
analysis of the distribution of male and female migrants with respect to
reasons for migration. As mentioned earlier, female migration is mostly
marriage driven so the probability of being a married female migrant is
greater than that of being a not married female migrant, the reverse
being true for males.
The coefficients of the region of residence variable URBAN are
consistently positive and significant in all the probit equations
indicating that the probability of being a migrant for both males and
females is higher if current residence is in an urban area as compared
to current residence in a rural area. This result is also supported by
the earlier statistical analysis which established that the main
direction of migratory flows has been from one urban administrative
district to another urban administrative district. The above result has
partially reversed the earlier results from the PLM (1979) Survey
regarding migrant flows being mainly in the rural-urban direction. (9)
To capture the effect of the thrust of migration towards the urban
and rural areas of the province of Punjab, a dichotomous variable
PROVRES representing the province of current residence is introduced.
The variable is coded as 1 if province of current residence is Punjab
and 0 if province of current residence is Sindh, NWFP, Balochistan or
AJK. The coefficient of PROVRES in all the male and female probit
equations is positive and significant implying that the probability of
being a male or female migrant is higher if province of current
residence is Punjab as opposed to the other provinces.
The variable HHEAD indicates the position of head of household in
the family. Its coefficients are positive and significant for both males
and females implying that being in the position of head of household
leads to a greater probability of making the decision to migrate than if
the male or female is a household member other than the head.
The variable NUCFAM represents the composition or type of the
family and is introduced to see whether the probability of migration is
influenced by affiliation to a nuclear or extended/joint family system.
The significantly negative coefficients of NUCFAM reveal that belonging
to a nuclear family system decreases the probability of migration or
that belonging to an extended/joint family system increases the
probability of migration.
The aim of the paper was to study the process of internal migration
within the general theoretical framework of human capital theory which
views migration as an investment with accompanying costs and returns. To
analyse whether the decision to migrate is undertaken as a rational
choice in expectation of economic rewards in the destination or not, the
classification of economic versus non-economic migrants was used to
categorise the sample of migrants. The statistical analysis showed that
the migrant population in the LFS (1996-97) is mostly composed of males
and females who undertook the decision to migrate for non-economic
motives. However, this pattern is more evident in the predominant
urban-urban migratory flow than in the rural-urban migratory flow.
The reversal of the main direction of migration from the
rural-urban direction (as evidenced in previous studies of internal
migration based on the PLM Survey 1979) to the urban-urban direction is
also an important finding from the LFS (1996-97) sample. This trend
seems to be indicative of the changed pattern of population distribution
in many countries which signifies a more widespread movement away from
rural-urban shifts to large urban centres towards urban-urban shifts
among medium-sized urban centres. This pattern can be further
investigated in the future using the detail on district to district
movements in the LFS (1996-97) and forthcoming Labour Force Surveys.
The encouraging finding regarding migration as a human capital
investment is the significantly positive (though small in magnitude)
effect of education in terms of years of schooling coupled with the
positive effect of technical and vocational training on the probability
of migration for both males and females. Professional and post graduate
education appears to have a stronger effect on the probability to
migrate than primary, secondary or college level education. This effect
of higher level education is more pronounced for females. Taken together
these results do imply that there is evidence of the migration decision
being positively linked to the human capital embodied in the individual.
The evidence of urban residence and residence in the province of
Punjab positively affecting the probability of migration also lends
support to the directional pattern of migratory flows highlighted by the
statistical analysis. This result has many implications for the labour
market adjustment of migrants in the migrant receiving urban areas,
especially in the province of Punjab. It would be a useful exercise to
investigate whether the urban-urban inter district migration ultimately
turns out to be economically rewarding for the migrants in terms of
absorption in the local labour markets.
Overall, the statistical and empirical analysis in this paper shows
that even though there are data limitations in the LFS (1996-97)
regarding information on the migration process of internal migrants, it
is still possible to investigate broad patterns of migratory flows and
also identify some determinants influencing the probability to migrate
within a human capital framework. However, a more rigorous analysis of
internal migration based on a richer informational database on migrant
characteristics definitely needs to be undertaken for better
understanding of internal labour mobility and its labour market
implications within the context of equitable economic growth through
appropriately designed and effectively implemented human development
policies and poverty reduction strategies.
Appendix Table 1
Distribution of Population (Age 10 and above) by Migration Status,
and Region of Residence
Non-migrant Migrant Total
Urban 33681 8985 42666
[78.9%] [21.1%] [100]
(43.9%) (72.8%) (47.9%)
Rural 43010 3357 46367
[92.8%] [7.2%] [100]
(56.1%) (27.2%) (52.1%)
Total 76691 12342 89033
[86.1%] [13.9%] [100]
(100) (100) (100)
Source: Labour Force Survey (1996-97), Federal Bureau of Statistics,
Government of Pakistan.
Note: Values in brackets are row-wise percentages. Values in
parentheses are column-wise percentages.
Appendix Table 2
Distribution of Migrants by Province and Region of Residence
Urban Rural Total
Punjab 4403 2493 6896
[63.8%] [36.2%] [100]
(49.0%) (74.3%) (55.9%)
Sindh 3469 383 3852
[90.1%] [9.9%] [100]
(38.6%) (11.4%) (31.2%)
NWFP 666 369 1053
[64.3%] [35.7%] [100]
(7.4%) (11.0%) (8.4%)
Balochistan 305 101 406
[75.1%] [24.9%] [100]
(3.4%) (3.0%) (3.3%)
AJK 142 11 153
[92.8%] [7.2%] [100]
(1.6%) (0.3%) (1.2%)
Total 8985 3357 12342
[72.8%] [27.2%] [100]
(100) (100) (100)
Source: Labour Force Survey (1996-97), Federal Bureau of Statistics,
Government of Pakistan.
Note: Values in brackets are row-wise percentages. Values in
parentheses are column-wise percentages.
Appendix Table 3
Incidence of Migration by Sex and Region
Male Female Total
Urban 4362 4623 8985
[48.6%] [51.4%] [100]
(75.0%) (70.8%) (72.8%)
Rural 1452 1905 3357
[43.2%] [56.8%] [100]
(25.0%) (29.2%) (27.2%)
Total 5814 6528 12342
[47.1%] [52.9%] [100]
(100) (100) (100)
Source: Labour Force Stavev (1996-97), Federal Bureau of Statistics,
Government of Pakistan.
Note: Values in brackets are row-wise percentages. Values in
parentheses are column-wise percentages.
Appendix Table 4
Distribution of Migrants by Sex and Direction of Migration
Urban- Urban- Rural- Rural- Total
Urban Rural Urban Rural
Male 2537 440 1825 1012 5814
[43.6%] [7.6%] [31.4%] [17.4%] [100]
(47.8%) (52.0%) (49.6%) (40.3%) (47.1%)
Female 2767 406 1856 1499 6528
[42.4%] [6.2%] [28.4%] [23.0%] [100]
(52.2%) (48.0%) (50.4%) (59.7%) (52.9%)
Total 5304 846 3681 2511 12342
[43.0%] [6.9%) [29.8%] [20.3%] [100]
(100) (100) (100) (100) (100)
Source: Labour Force Survev (1946-97), Federal Bureau of Statistics,
Government of Pakistan.
Note: Values in brackets are row-wise percentages. Values in
parentheses are column-wise percentages.
Appendix Table 5
Distribution of Migrants by Sex and Main Reason for Migration
Male Female Total
Job 745 129 874
Transfer [85.2%] [14.8%] [100]
(12.8%) (2.0%) (7.1%)
Finding 1093 137 1230
a job [88.9%] [11.1%] [100]
(18.8%) (2.1%) (10.0%)
Education 69 45 114
[60.5%] [39.5%] [100]
(1.2%) (.7%) (0.9%)
Business 450 81 531
[84.7%] [15.3%] [100]
(7.7%) (1.2%) (4.3%)
Health 11 13 24
[45.8%] [54.2%] [100]
(0.2%) (0.2%) (0.2%)
Marriage 100 3116 3216
[3.1%] [96.9%] [100]
(1.7%) (47.7%) (26.1%)
With 1385 1054 2439
Parent [56.8%] [43.2%] [100]
(23.8%) (16.1%) (19.8%)
Return 497 333 830
to his/ [59.9%] [40.1%] [100]
her Home (8.5%) (5.1%) (6.7%)
Other 1464 1620 3084
[47.5%] [52.5%] [100]
(25.2%) (24.8%) (25.0%)
Total 5814 6528 12342
[47.1%] [52.9%] [100]
(100) (100) (100)
Source: Labour Force Survey (1996-97), Federal Bureau of Statistics,
Government of Pakistan.
Note: Values in brackets are row-wise percentages. Values in
parentheses are column-wise percentages.
Appendix Table 6
Distribution of Migrants by Sex and Economic/Non-economic Reasons
Economic Non-economic Total
Male 2357 3457 5814
[40.5%] [59.5%] [100]
(85.7%) (36.0%) (47.1%)
Female 392 6136 6528
[6.0%] [94.0%] [100]
(14.3%) (64.0%) (52.9%)
Total 2749 9593 12342
[22.3%] [77.7%] [100]
(100) (100) (100)
Source: Labour Force Survey (1996-97), Federal Bureau of Statistics,
Government of Pakistan.
Note: Values in brackets are row-wise percentages. Values in
parentheses are column-wise percentages.
Appendix Table 7
Distribution of Migrants by Econondc/Non-economic Reasons
and Direction of Migration
Urban- Urban- Rural- Rural- Total
Urban Rural Urban Rural
Economic 1065 174 1129 381 2749
[38.7%] [6.3%] [41.1% [13.9%] [100]
(20.1%) (20.6%) (30.7%)] (15.2%) (22.3%)
Non 4239 672 2552 2130 9593
Economic [44.2%] [7.0%] [26.6%] [22.2%] [100]
(79.9%) (79.4%) (69.3%) (84.4%) (77.7%)
Total 5304 846 3681 2511 12342
[43.0%] [6.9%] [29.8%] [20.3%] [100]
(100) (100) (100) (100) (100)
Source: Labour Force Suivev (1996-97), Federal Bureau of Statistics,
Government of Pakistan.
Note: Values in brackets are row-wise percentages. Values in
parentheses are column-wise percentages.
Appendix Table 8
Distribution of Male Migrants by Level of Education
Urban- Urban- Rural- Rural- Total
Urban Rural Urban Rural
No Formal 549 212 707 653 2121
Education [25.9%] [10.0%] [33.3%] [30.8%] [100]
(21.6%) (48.2%) (38.7%) (64.5%) (36.5%)
1-5 Years 109 21 92 47 269
of Schooling [40.5%] [7.8%] [34.2%] [17.5%] [100]
(4.3%) (4.8%) (5.0%) (4.6%) (4.6%)
6-10 Years 706 130 481 205 1522
of Schooling [46.4%] [8.5%] [31.6%] [13.5%] [100]
(27.8%) (29.5%) (26.4%) (20.3%) (26.2%)
11-14 Years 951 73 459 102 1585
of Schooling [60.0%] [4.6%] [29.0%] [6.4%] [100]
(37.5%) (16.6%) (25.2%) (10.1%) (27.3%)
15 and above 222 4 86 5 317
Years of [70.0%] [1.3%] [27.1%] [1.6%] [100]
Schooling (8.8%) (0.9%) (4.7%) (0.5%) (5.5%)
Total 2537 440 1825 1012 5814
[43.6%] [7.6%] [31.4%] [17.4%] [100]
(100) (100) (100) (100) (100)
Source: Labour Force Survey (/996-97), Federal Bureau of Statistics,
Government of Pakistan.
Note: Values in brackets are row-wise percentages. Values in
parentheses are column-wise percentages.
Appendix Table 9
Distribution of Female Migrants by Educational Level
Urban- Urban- Rural- Rural- Total
Urban Rural Urban Rural
No Formal 1048 297 1226 1298 3869
Education [27.1%] [7.7%] [31.7%] [33.5%] [100]
(37.9%) (73.2%) (66.1%) (86.6%) (59.3%)
1-5 Years of 135 13 69 28 245
Schooling [55.1%] [5.3%] [28.2%] [11.4%] [100]
(4.9%) (3.2%) (3.7%) (1.9%) (3.8%)
6-10 Years 700 63 342 142 1247
of Schooling [56.1%] [5.1%] [27.4%] [11.4%] [100]
(25.3%) (15.5%) (18.4%) (9.5%) (19.1%)
11-14 Years 806 31 201 28 1066
of Schooling [75.6%] [2.9%] [17.8%] [2.6%] [100]
(29.1%) (7.6%) (10.8%) (1.9%) (16.3%)
15 and Above 78 4 18 3 101
Years of [77.2%] [2.0%] [17.8%] [3.0%] [100]
Schooling (2.8%) (0.5%) (1.0%) (0.2%) (1.5%)
Total 2767 406 1856 1499 6528
[42.4%] [6.2%] [28.4%] [23.0%] [100]
(100) (100) (100) (100) (100)
Source: Labour Force Survev (1996-97), Federal Bureau of Statistics,
Government of Pakistan.
Note: Values in brackets are row-wise percentages. Values in
parentheses are column-wise percentages.
Appendix Table 10
Probit Model Estimates for the Sample of Males Aged 10 and above
Variable Estimated Coefficient t-statistic
Intercept -2.362 -42.35 *
AGE 0.024 8.58 *
AGESQR -.00005 -1.82 ***
EDUC 0.015 8.90 *
TEC VOC 0.171 5.46 *
MARSTAT -0.153 -5.23 *
URBAN 0.720 40.58 *
PROVRES 0.221 13.61 *
HHEAD 0.254 6.85 *
NUCFAM -0.234 -7.35 *
Source: Labour Force Survef, (1996-97), Federal Bureau of
Statistics, Government of Pakistan.
* Significant at a < 0.01.
** Significant at a < 0.05.
*** Significant at a < 0.1.
Chi-Square: 46567.570.
Sample Size: 46764.
Appendix Table 11
Probit Model Estimates.for the Sample of Males Aged 10 and
above with Education Level Categories
Variable Estimated Coefficient t-statistic
Intercept -1.644 -30.79 *
AGE 0.016 5.83 *
AGESQR -.00004 -1.34
KGLTPRIM -0.019 -0.63
PRIM -0.013 -0.59
SEC 0.015 .75
COLL 0.093 3.38 *
PROF 0.449 7.32 *
POSTGRAD 0.314 4.97 *
TECVOC -0.062 -2.00 **
MARSTAT -0.118 -4.28 *
URBAN 0.476 30.89 *
PROVRES 0.152 10.34 *
HHEAD 0.109 3.21
NUCFAM -0.095 -3.33 *
Source: Labour Force Survey (1996-97), Federal Bureau
of Statistics, Government of Pakistan.
* Significant at a < 0.01.
** Significant at a < 0.05.
*** Significant at a < 0.1.
Chi-Square: 30505.773.
Sample Size: 46764.
Appendix Table 12
Probit Model Estimates for the Sample of Females Aged 10 and Above
Variable Estimated Coefficient t-statistic
Intercept -2.402 -54.98 *
AGE 0.018 6.82 *
AGESQR -.00001 -.42
EDUC 0.025 13.10 *
TEC VOC 0.163 3.11 *
MARSTAT 0.410 17.41 *
URBAN 0.641 36.70 *
PROVRES 0.371 23.08 *
HHEAD 0.125 2.89 *
NUCFAM -0.096 -4.83 *
Source: Labour Force Survev (1996-97), Federal Bureau of
Statistics, Government of Pakistan.
* Significant at a < 0.01.
** Significant at a < 0.05.
*** Significant at a < 0.1.
Chi-Square: 42361.595.
Sample Size: 42269.
Appendix Table 13
Probit Model Estimates.for the Sample of Females Aged 10
and above with Education Level Categories
Variable Estimated Coefficient t-statistic
Intercept -1.456 -36.36 *
AGE 0.011 4.46 *
AGESQR -0.00004 -1.30
KGLTPRIM 0.150 4.47 *
PRIM 0.170 7.11 *
SEC 0.144 6.33 *
COLL. 0.150 4.33 *
PROF 0.259 2.09 **
POSTGRAD 0.546 4.85 *
TEC VOC -0.093 -1.83 ***
MARSTAT 0.205 9.67 *
URBAN 0.333 21.88 *
PROVRES 0.223 15.54
HHEAD 0.057 1.39
NUCFAM -0.034 -1.67
Source: Labour Force Survey (1996-97), Federal Bureau of
Statistics, Government of Pakistan.
* Significant at a < 0.01.
** Significant at a < 0.05.
*** Significant at a < 0.1.
Chi-Square: 28132. 192.
Sample Size: 42269.
Authors' Note: Aliya H. Khan wishes to acknowledge the keen
interest and guidance of Dr Barry R. Chiswick, Professor, Department of
Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago in conceptualising the
study during meetings held in Chicago in the Summer of 2000.
Ahmed, Ather Maqsood, and I. Sirageldin (1994) Internal Migration,
Earnings and the Importance of Self-selection. The Pakistan Development
Review 33:3, 211-227.
Ahmed, Ather Maqsood, and I. Sirageldin (1993) Socio-economic
Determinants of Labour Mobility in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development
Review 32:4, 1031-1041.
Chiswick, Barry R. (1979) The Economic Progress of Immigrants: Some
Apparently Universal Patterns. In. William Fellner (ed.) Contemporary
Economic Problems. 359-399.
Irfan, M. (1986) Migration and Development in Pakistan: Some
Selected Issues. The Pakistan Development Review 25:4, 743-755.
Irfan, M., Lionel Demery, and G. M. Arif (1983) Migration Patterns
in Pakistan: Preliminary Results from the PLM Survey, 1979. Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad. (Studies in Population,
Labour Force and Migration Project, Report No. 6.)
Khan, Aliya H. (2000) Concept and Dynamics of Labour Market
Information System. Paper presented at the National Workshop on Labour
Market Information Organised by the Ministry of Labour and ILO, held in
Lahore from October 25-26.
Khan, Aliya H. (1997) Post Migration Investment in Education by
Immigrants in the United States. The Quarterly Review of Economics and
Finance 37:Special issue, 285-313.
Pakistan, Government of (1998) Labour Force Survey, 1996-97.
Islamabad: Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division.
Sjaastad, L. A. (1962) The Costs and Returns of Human Migration.
The Journal of Political Economy 70:5, 80-93.
Todaro, M. (1969) A Model of Labour Migration and Urban
Unemployment in Less Developed Countries. The American Economic Review
59:1, 138-148.
(1) See Khan. Concept and Dynamics of Labour Market Information
System. In the Final Report of the National Workshop on Labour Market
Information System, organised by the Ministry of Labour and ILO, Lahore,
October 25-27, 2000.
(2) Federal Bureau of Statistics, Labour Force Survey, 1996-97.
(3) ibid.
(4) Sjastaad (1962) laid the foundations of a model of migration
based on human capital theory which considers migration as an investment
in the human agent.
(5) The typology of economic and non-economic migrants has been
developed by Chiswick (1979) and also used by Khan (1997) in a study on
international migration.
(6) The question about main reason for migration also has a
response category called "other". in the absence of
information about the reasons in its composition, it is assumed to be a
listing of non-economic reasons.
(7) Since the question pertaining to highest grade completed is
coded in terms of education level categories, a continuous variable for
years of schooling was constructed by assigning a number representing
mean years of schooling in a particular educational level category.
(8) It should be noted that the TECHVOC variable switches its sign
and becomes negative when education is decomposed into categories.
(9) See Irfan et al. (1983) and Ahmed and Sirageldin (1993).
These comments are restricted to two areas only even though a
number of points could also be raised on various tables presented in the
paper. The two areas of particular concern are:
(i) the usefulness of the LFS data to study the phenomenon of
internal migration; and
(ii) the selection of the sample for empirical analysis.
It is now well-known that migration is a dynamic process. According
to the theory of migration, it is nothing but investment in human
capital. Many authors have verified that intending migrants are
ambitious and selective; they are educated and acquire necessary skills
so that they face little or no difficulty at the destination so far as
assimilation and participation in the labour market is concerned. The
accumulation of human capital is therefore time-consuming, and there are
implications both for places of origin and destination.
After carefully analysing the LFS data from this perspective, one
finds that there are only a few questions which allow us to quantify the
dynamic process. The limitation becomes even more pertinent if the LFS
questions on migration are compared with the Population, Labour Force
and Migration (PLM) data. Even though the latter has a rich-enough
migration module, yet it fails to address some critical questions.
The second limitation of the LFS has been highlighted by the
authors themselves through a half liner on page 6. (1) It says that the
LFS excludes the population who [sic] has moved within a district. This
creates the serious difficulty of identifying a migrant which should be
obvious from the following example. Consider two persons, one living in
Chakri, a village about 50 kilometers away from Rawalpindi, and the
other living in District East of Karachi. The first person
'migrates' to Rawalpindi and the other 'migrates' to
District West of Karachi. According to the LFS, the movement of the
first person is not migration as it excludes movement within the same
district, despite the fact that the movement is from a rural to an urban
area. On the other hand, the movement of the second person is migration
even though the movement is within the same city.
It is not clear how one can draw meaningful conclusions on the
basis of data which has serious limitations about problems under
Now let us consider the second area of concern, i.e., the selection
of a sample for empirical analysis. On page 8 it has been concluded that
the "majority of males (59.5 percent) and females (94 percent) have
cited non-economic reasons as the main reason for migration".
However, the authors continue to analyse the determinants of the
migration process in the human capital (HK) framework (see pages 10 and
11), notwithstanding this observation. It should be clear that according
to the Harris-Todaro model and its subsequent extensions, migrants
calculate the present discounted value of costs and benefits before
migration. The move takes place only if the benefits exceed costs, that
is, the reasons are purely economic if anyone wants to use the HK
framework for analysis. Thus, the methodology concern should be obvious.
For a closer look at the problem, we concentrate on Table 6. It
shows that 47.7 percent women migrate for reasons of marriage, 16.1
percent move with parents, and 24.8 percent leave for other unspecified reasons. Subtracting another 5.3 percent who migrate because they want
to return home (another dubious category) or move for health reasons,
one is left with only 6 percent (i.e., 392 out of 6528) women who
migrate for economic reasons. The residual sample is no doubt fairly
small but is the outcome of a large representative sample. (2) Had the
authors applied the HK model to this sample to draw their conclusions,
the results would have been different from those obtained by running the
model on the entire sample.
Continuing with Table 6, one also finds that of the 59.5 percent
male migrants, nearly 24 percent younger members move with their
parents. The question that naturally arises is: Why do the parents move?
If they move for economic reasons, should we continue to consider all 60
percent as moving for non-economic reasons? The some holds for girls who
also move with their parents. This may be true of the marriage category
as well. Some women who initially migrate for marriage reasons may find
a job opportunity relatively easily in the urban areas and may end up
joining the labour market. So the motive of migration which was
non-economic initially turns economic. This precisely is the dynamic
characteristic of the migration process which is difficult to capture
with the LFS data.
Summing up the comments, it is recommended that the authors start
with a detailed discussion of the LFS data and explain its limitations.
They should then truncate the sample, on the basis of descriptive
statistics, in such a way that the Human Capital (HK) model is made
applicable to draw meaningful conclusions.
(1) Please relier to the paper circulated during the 16th Annual
General Meeting for page and table numbers.
(2) The author is grateful to Syed Mubashir Ali (PIDE) for this
Ather Maqsood Ahmed
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,
Aliya H. Khan and Lubna Shehnaz are respectively Assistant
Professor and Ph.D student at the Department of Economics, Quaid-i-Azam
University, Islamabad.