Macroeconomic determinants of economic growth in Pakistan.
Iqbal, Zafar ; Zahid, Ghulam Mustafa
The main purpose of this paper has been to examine the effects of
some of the key macroeconomic variables on Pakistan's economic
growth. Multiple regression framework is used to separate out the
effects of key macroeconomic factors on growth over the period 1959-60
to 1996-97. The quantitative evidence shows that primary education to be
an important prerequisite for accelerating growth. Similarly, increasing
the stock of physical capital would help to contribute to growth. The
empirical results also suggest that openness of Pakistan's economy
promotes economic growth. Alternatively, the budget deficit is
negatively related to both output growth variables. The external debt is
also negatively related to growth, suggesting that relying on domestic
resources is the best alternative to finance growth. However, the
results presented in this study reinforce the importance of sensible
long-run growth-oriented policies to obtain sustainable growth.
Over the years, the unsustainable and downward trend in economic
growth in Pakistan is worrisome for policy-makers, professionals, and
foreign aid donor agencies. The unsustainable economic growth has been
blamed mainly on the high inflation rate, a mounting fiscal deficit,
increasing foreign debt and debt servicing, weak foreign demand for
Pakistani products, low level of physical and human capital,
unfavourable weather, political instability, and, among other factors, a
deteriorating law and order situation in the country.
Economists began about 40 years ago to map the linkages between
foreign aid and economic growth for developing countries. Gradually,
their analysis has become more sophisticated. In this regard, the
development of the two-gap models was an important contribution to the
literature of economic development. (1) The central idea of the two-gap
analysis is that foreign aid can serve as a means of breaking the
bottlenecks, thereby permitting fuller utilisation of all resources and
a continuation of development in an economy. The two-gap models,
however, have been subject to a number of general criticisms, some
directed more specifically at their application to analysing the impact
of foreign aid on economic growth in developing countries. The opponents
of the two-gap approach argue that foreign aid can impede rather than
facilitate development in recipient countries. (2) More recently,
two-gap models have been extended into three-gap models, adding a fiscal
constraint to the traditional foreign-exchange constraint and savings
constraint as a third gap limiting the growth prospects of highly
indebted developing economies. (3) Two-gap and three-gap models,
however, have been mainly criticised because of one of their strong
assumptions that foreign assistance provides a one-to-one increment to
the capital stock, as there is a range of mechanisms through which
foreign aid may displace domestic capital formation and enhance domestic
consumption in recipient countries.
Alternatively, a large theoretical and empirical literature exists
relating a range of policy variables to economic growth in cross-country
studies, (4) but there have been few attempts to relate policy variables
to growth in country-specific studies. (5) Similarly, to the best of our
knowledge, studies on determinants of economic growth in Pakistan have
been very few; for example, Iqbal (1995, 1994), Khilji and Mahmood
(1997), and Shabbir and Mahmood (1992). The main thrust of Iqbal (1994)
is to analyse the impact of structural adjustment lending on real output
growth in Pakistan. The regression results showed that real output
growth declined with the availability of adjustment lending and there
was a deterioration in the terms of trade while, alternatively,
favourable weather and real domestic savings growth produced positive
effects on real GDP growth. Iqbal (1995), in another study, uses a
three-gap model to examine macroeconomic constraints to Pakistan's
economic growth, and shows that real devaluation, growth in foreign
demand, and capacity utilisation allowed an accelerated growth rate of
real GDP in Pakistan. Khilji and Mahmood (1997) find the defence burden
to be negatively related to GDP growth. Shabbir and Mahmood (1992)
conclude that net foreign private investment has significant positive
effects on the rate of growth of real GNP, while three other explanatory variables--namely, disbursements of external grants and loans, domestic
savings, and exports--have a positive but statistically insignificant
impact on real GNP growth.
However, these studies on growth in Pakistan suffer from some basic
shortcomings. For example, they ignore the most important policy
variables such as fiscal deficit, human and physical capital, openness
of economy, external debt, and domestic demand. It is well-known in the
recent literature that economic growth in developing countries depends
crucially on these explanatory factors. Moreover, the previous studies
do not find out the absolute and relative contributions of each
individual explanatory variable to economic growth, while it is of
crucial significance for policy formulation to find out the extent of
each explanatory factor affecting economic growth. Keeping in view the
correlation of individual variables, policymakers can correct their
policies in order to enhance long-run output growth. This study,
therefore, fills these gaps not only by incorporating the important
policy variables but also by using the latest available time-series data
of Pakistan's economy for the period 1959-60 to 1996-97. It
provides quantitative evidence by undertaking econometric estimates of
various key macroeconomic policies explaining economic growth in
The paper is organised in five sections. Section 2 presents the
basic simple growth model. Section 3 reviews trends over time in output
growth and other relevant explanatory variables during the period
1949-50 to 1996-97. Section 4 presents empirical testing of some of the
implications of the growth model. Finally, the concluding section turns
to indicate appropriate policy interventions to sustain and foster
economic growth in Pakistan.
This section presents a simple growth model that attempts to
capture the impact of some of the key macroeconomic policy variables on
output growth in Pakistan. Two separate behavioural functions of growth
rates in per capita real income ([PCI.sub.g]) and real GDP ([Y.sub.g]),
representing economic growth, are specified as follows:
The explanatory variables chosen in the above Equations (1) and (2)
are those that appear in growth regressions of Easterly (1993), Easterly
et al. (1993), and B arro (1991), as well as several others that are
common in the literature. Table 1 provides the definitions of variables
used and the sources of the data. It is noteworthy that some of the
explanatory variables are normalised by GDP. One of the main advantages
of normalisation of the relevant variables by GDP is to eliminate
certain econometric problems, particularly multicollinearity among the
explanatory variables.
Table 2 summarises the theoretical justification for the inclusion
of selected explanatory variables used in the above specified functions.
Starting from human capital, the role of human capital in explaining
variation in the rate of growth of output is one that has been given
considerable attention in the current literature relating to economic
growth in developing countries. In the literature, as with many other
variables, there has been conflicting evidence over the role of human
capital in affecting the growth of output in developing countries. A
number of studies, for example, Pritchett (1996); Benhabib and Spiegel
(1994) and Spiegel (1994), have found a negative association between
human capital and growth. Most recent economic growth studies (reported
in Table 2), however, have listed human capital as a primary source of
economic growth. These studies show that countries with greater initial
stock of human capital experienced a more rapid rate of introduction of
new goods and thereby tended to grow faster. Moreover, there is no
general consensus among economists on the definition of human capital.
The most commonly used proxies for human capital are the school
enrolments as ratio to total employed labour force or total population,
enrolment rate, adult literacy rate, and investment on education and
health. (6) Since the time-series data on all these alternative proxies
of human capital are not readily available, in this study we use
enrolments in primary schools (PSE), middle schools (MSE), high schools
(HSE), and other educational institutions (OSE) as ratios to total
employed labour force as proxies for human capital. (7) Indeed, the
enrolment data suffer from the same problems as other proxies of human
capital because no one measure gives a direct skill available in the
labour force. Turning to physical capital, growth and development
theories have long regarded the accumulation of physical 'capital
as the engine of a long-run sustained economic growth process. Moreover,
the strong association between capital stock and growth performance is a
well-established empirical fact in a number of recent studies, as
indicated in Table 2, which shows that the higher rate of physical
capital (or investment) leads to a higher rate of economic growth. (8)
Initially, the effects of fiscal policy on economic growth remained
ambiguous in the theoretical and empirical literature but the recent
growth studies, mentioned in Table 2, have found a negative association
between fiscal policy variables (budget deficit or non-development
expenditure) and economic growth variables. Turning to the foreign trade
sector, the theoretical and empirical literature both indicate that
openness of an economy accelerates economic growth through its effects
of increased competition, access to trade opportunities on efficiency of
resource allocation, positive externalities stemming from access to
improved technology and the accompanying knowledge spillovers, and
access to essential production inputs from abroad. In addition, through
openness, countries can manage to overcome the small size of their
domestic market, relax foreign exchange constraint, and obtain positive
externalities. In this paper, foreign trade variables--namely, exports
of goods as a ratio to gross domestic product (X/GDP) and imports of
goods as a ratio to gross domestic product (M/GDP)--are taken
separately; these represent openness of Pakistan's economy.
Finally, following Barro (1991), we also use two income variables,
namely, per capita real income (PCI) and squared per capita real income
(PCISQ), as explanatory factors in growth functions (1) and (2).
Regarding the real per capita income variable, it is expected that when
per capita income is higher, it is harder to grow, as argued by Barro
(1991). The second indirect effect that may be assumed is that in
low-income countries like Pakistan, having high population growth rates
and high dependency ratios, any increase in per capita real income
raises consumption, thereby leaving low savings (or dissavings) and
consequently lower output growth. Further, another income variable is
squared per capita real income, which implies that instead of a linear
form, the relation between growth rate in per capita real income and the
level of per capita real income is now quadratic.
Before proceeding to empirical investigation of growth functions,
it may be useful to provide a cursory look of development over time of
key variables used in the analysis. The data regarding growth rates of
real GDP and per capita real income are taken into account; exports of
goods, imports of goods, external debt, budget deficit, and physical
capital are taken as percentages of GDP; and school enrolments as ratios
to total employed labour force are divided into five decades, the 1950s,
1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. Table 3 reviews the performance of these
variables. It shows that positive average growth rates in real GDP and
per capita real income were recorded during all the five decades. The
incidence of growth, however, varied markedly and remained unstable
during the whole period. Table 3 shows that Pakistan experienced annual
average growth rates in real GDP of 2.7 percent in the 1950s, 6.5
percent in the 1960s, 5.1 percent in the 1970s, 6.4 percent in the
1980s, and 4.7 percent in the 1990s, while growth rates in per capita
real income remained 0.3 percent, 3.6 percent, 1.9 percent, 3.2 percent,
and 1.7 percent during the five decades, respectively.
Accumulation of physical and human capital is considered a major
source of economic growth. Estimates of physical capital stock for the
period 1947-93 are taken from Kemal (1993), and for the remaining years,
1994-97, data are generated using the depreciation rate and the gross
fixed capital formation as in Kemal. Table 3 shows that physical capital
stock as a percentage of GDP was only 96.0 in 1950s. Afterwards it
significantly increased to 130.3 in the 1960s, 141.0 in the 1970s, 143.2
in the 1980s, and 146.7 in the 1990s. Turning to human capital, the
levels of enrolment in primary schools, middle schools, high schools,
and other educational institutions (i.e., secondary vocational, arts and
science colleges, professional colleges, and universities) as a
percentage of total employed labour force are taken as proxies for human
capital in Pakistan. Table 3 delineates the existing human capital over
the period under review. It shows that as a percentage of total employed
labour force, enrolment in primary schools was an average 17.4, 3.7 in
middle schools, 1.3 in high schools, and 1.0 in other educational
institutions in the 1960s. It increased, respectively, to 39.3 percent,
10.0 percent, 3.8 percent, and 3.0 percent during the 1990s. Although
trends in human capital over time, reported in Table 3, reveal a
significant increase as compared with other low-income countries, these
enrolment rates, particularly primary enrolment rates, are low in
Pakistan. These weak trends are also reflected by the low expenditure on
education, which never went up from 3 percent of GNP during the period
under consideration.
Regarding the foreign trade sector, Table 3 shows that exports of
goods as a percentage of GDP did not expand sufficiently throughout the
period under consideration. The average export-GDP ratio was 6.2 percent
in the 1950s, which declined to 4.2 percent in the 1960s, and later
significantly increased to 8.7 percent in the 1970s, 11.1 percent in the
1980s, and 14.9 percent in the 1990s. On the other hand, imports of
goods as a percentage of GDP were substantially higher than exports of
goods throughout the period. They were 9.3 percent in the 1950s, which
increased significantly to 11.5 percent, 14.6 percent, 20.3 percent, and
19.9 percent during the 1960s, the 1970s, the 1980s, and the 1990s,
respectively. Table 3 also reveals that the external debt in Pakistan
increased markedly as a ratio to GDP from 1960 to 1997. During the
1990s, the annual average debt-GDP ratio had risen to 41.5 percent,
which was 16.4 percent in the 1960s, 48.4 percent in the 1970s, and 38.2
percent in the 1980s. (9) It is further evident from Table 3 that the
annual average overall budget was surplus (-2.0 percent of GDP) during
the 1960s (here the minus sign indicates surplus), (10) while later it
became deficit and sharply increased to 9.4 percent of GDP in the 1970s,
and thereafter declined to 7.8 percent in the 1980s and 7.4 percent in
the 1990s. The increasing debt servicing and defence expenditure over
time largely contributed to higher budget deficit during the period
under review.
This section explains the results of an empirical investigation of
the factors that influenced economic growth in Pakistan during the
period 1960-97. (11) A widely used multiple regression framework is
taken to separate out the effects of key macroeconomic factors on
economic growth. (12) The regression results for annual growth rates of
real GDP and per capita real income are reported in Table 4. The results
are generally satisfactory in the sense that the coefficient signs are
mostly as expected and they are statistically significant at the
traditional levels of confidence. The empirical results tend to indicate
that the behaviour of growth with certain theoretical arguments is
consistent and confirms the results of several earlier cross-section and
time-series studies on growth in developing countries. More detailed
commentary on the results is offered in the following paragraphs.
4.1. Macroeconomic Determinants of Growth
Human Capital
Results of regressions (1) and (2) reported in Table 4 indicate
that per. capita real income growth ([PCI.sub.g]) and real GDP growth
([Y.sub.g]) are positively related to primary schools enrolment as a
ratio to total employed labour force (PSE/LF) taken as a proxy for human
capital. (13) The estimated coefficients of PSE/LF in Equations (1) and
(2) are 0.34 and 0.35, respectively, which imply that an increase in
primary school enrolment-labour force ratio by one percent raises the
growth rate in per capita real income by 0.34 percentage points and real
GDP by 0.35 percentage points per year. This finding supports the idea
of Barro (1991); Becker et al. (1990) and Barro and Becker (1989), who
argued that primary school enrolment-labour force ratio proxying for the
stock of human capital leads to higher economic growth. Similarly,
simulations of Birdsall et al. (1993), based on regression, revealed
that Pakistan would have increased current per capita income by 25
percent if it had had Indonesia's 1960 primary school enrolment
rates. The estimated Coefficients of enrolments in secondary schools,
high schools, and other educational institutions as ratios to total
employed labour force remain statistically insignificant with unexpected
negative signs. Several reasons can be attributed to these results. The
first reason seems to be that increases in school enrolment-labour force
ratios are not systematically related to growth rates in real GDP and
per capita real income as indicated earlier in Table 3 in Section 3. It
is also possible that the present specification may not capture this
effect fully. For the insignificance of human capital proxies, another
reason seems to be the high correlation among primary, secondary, high,
and other enrolment levels. We have also used enrolments in primary,
middle, high, and other educational institutions as ratios to total
population (POP) as alternative proxies for human capital, keeping all
the other explanatory variables of Equations (1) and (2). The results
are reported in Appendix Table A. It is worthwhile to note that no
serious estimation problem arises and the signs and statistical
significance levels remain unaltered and the conclusions do not change
greatly. (15)
Physical Capital
Table 4 contains results for the ratio of real physical capital to
real gross domestic product (K/GDP). The estimated positive coefficients
of physical capital are 0.21 in Equation (1) and 0.23 in Equation (2),
and both coefficients are statistically significant at one percent
level. It indicates that one percent increase in physical capital-GDP
ratio increases per capita real income growth by 0.21 and real GDP
growth by 0.23 percentage points per annum. This finding tends to
support the notion that the higher rate of physical capital accumulation leads to higher rate of economic growth.
Budget Deficit
The rising budget deficit has been considered as one of the main
constraints on economic growth in Pakistan. As mentioned earlier, annual
budget deficit on average remained between 7.4 to 9.4 percent of GDP
during the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. Most recently, policy-makers and
donors also took fiscal deficit as one of the main reasons for current
economic crisis (including the slowing down of growth) in Pakistan. As a
priori expectation, the estimated coefficient of budget deficit as a
ratio to gross domestic product (BD/GDP), reported in Table 4, shows a
negative association with growth rates in per capita real income and
real GDP. The estimated coefficients of (BD/GDP) are -0.28 in Equation
(1) and -0.30 in Equation (2) and both coefficients are statistically
significant, implying that one percentage increase in fiscal deficit-GDP
ratio reduces the [PCI.sub.g] and [Y.sub.g], respectively, by 0.28 and
0.30 percentage points per year (for absolute and relative contributions
of budget deficit to economic growth (see Section 4.2). Various
theoretical arguments can be given for the negative association between
budget deficit and growth rates in the context of Pakistan. First, it
can be argued that mounting fiscal deficit lowers real output growth
through distorting effects from high taxation and government current
expenditure programmes on private sector productivity. The pioneering
empirical work of Khan and Iqbal (1991) also showed that the increase in
fiscal deficit reduces private savings in Pakistan. The second argument
emphasises that higher budget deficit crowds out private sector
investment activities as a result of its lower access to bank credits.
It can also be argued that higher government spending creates
expectations of future tax liabilities that in turn distorts incentives
and lowers economic growth. Finally, budget deficit is also considered
as a sign of macroeconomic instability, which ultimately affects output
growth adversely.
Foreign Trade
Foreign trade variables, namely exports of goods as a ratio to
gross domestic product (X/GDP) and imports of goods as a ratio to gross
domestic product (M/GDP), are taken separately and represent openness of
Pakistan's economy. (16) The reason for taking separate exports and
imports variables is that we want to see which variable affects more the
growth rates of output in Pakistan. The results reported in Table 4 show
that the estimated coefficients of X/GDP are 0.70 in Equation (1) and
0.77 in Equation (2) and both the coefficients are statistically
significant at 99 percent level, implying that one percentage increase
in export-GDP ratio raises the growth rates in per capita real income by
0.70 percentage points and real GDP by 0.77 percentage points per year.
Besides the reasons given above, higher export earnings also relax the
foreign exchange constraint on output growth. On the other hand, the
estimated coefficients of M/GDP are 0.31 in Equation (1) and 0.32 in
Equation (2), meaning that an increase in imports of goods (including
machinery and intermediate inputs) by one percent accelerates the per
capita real income growth by 0.31 percentage points and real gross
domestic product growth by 0.32 percentage points per annum. It is
obvious from these findings that output growth is affected positively by
exports more than by imports. (17) These findings follow the arguments
by Romer (1990, 1986); Grossman and Helpman (1989, 1989a) and Lucas
(1988) that increased openness to international trade promotes growth
because of the increased availability of technologies accompanying
knowledge spillovers. In addition, technological advancement, from
access to goods and services, embodied technology, and discovery of new
natural resources (which can be exported) may raise output growth
because it basically shifts the production possibilities frontier out,
exogenously. It is also worth noting that positive effects of exports on
growth through the level of investment have been picked up in the
capital stock variable. So this would suggest that, in these
regressions, the export variable seems to be picking up effects which
run through the level of total factor productivity.
Foreign Debt
The estimated coefficient of external debt as a ratio to gross
domestic product (ED/GDP) shows a negative impact on economic growth in
both regressions (1) and (2). The estimated coefficients of ED/GDP are
-0.13 in Equation (1) and -0.12 in Equation (2), implying that one
percentage increase in external debt-GDP ratio reduces [PCI.sub.g] and
[Y.sub.g], respectively, by 0.13 and 0.12 percentage points per year.
(18) These results follow Borensztein (1990, 1990a) and Eaton (1987). An
important reason seems to be that Pakistan is currently in a foreign
debt trap because of the non-sustainable situation with regard to
managing its debt obligations. The data show that increasing external
debt (41.5 percent of GDP in 1990s) over time, debt service payments
(22.2 percent of total revenue in 1990s), and associated tightening
conditions by the donors are making it difficult for Pakistan to come
out of the emerging debt trap. On the other hand, development
expenditures have been continuously declining (7.5 percent of GDP in
1991-92 to 4.2 percent of GDP in 1996-97) over time. Consequently, a
declining trend in economic growth in Pakistan is obvious.
Income Variables
Following Barro (1991), Easterly (1993) and Easterly et al.(1993),
we use per capita real income (PCI) as explanatory factors in
regressions (1) and (2). (19) The results reported in Table 4 show that
the estimated coefficients of per capita real income in regression
Equations (1) and (2) are negative and highly significant as expected a
priori. (20) The negative sign on PCI seems to be fairly plausible
because it suggests that when per capita income is higher, it is harder
to grow. As per capita real income is in Pakistani rupees, its estimated
coefficient -0.0003 implies that an increase in per capita real income
by Rs 1000 lowers the output growth by 0.3 percentage points per year.
This finding follows Iqbal (1993), Easterly (1993), Easterly et al.
(1993), Khan et al. (1992), and Barro (1991). Further, another income
variable is squared per capita real income (PCISQ) as had been taken by
Barro (1991), which implies that instead of a linear form, the relation
between growth rates in per capita real income and real GDP and the
level of per capita real income is now quadratic. The estimated
coefficient of the squared per capita real income is positive and
statistically significant, implying that the force towards convergence
(negative relation between growth and level) attentuates as per capita
real income rises. These findings are consistent with Barro (1991).
4.2. Absolute and Relative Contribution of Policy Variables to
Economic Growth
Since various explanatory variables in regressions (1) and (2)
behaved rather differently during 1960-97, it may be useful to evaluate
relative and absolute contributions of each explanatory variable to
growth rates. Table 5 reports estimated relative and absolute
contributions of key policy variables to growth rates of per capita real
income and real GDP. Following Hicks (1979), the absolute contribution
is calculated as the estimated coefficient multiplied by the standard
deviation of the respective explanatory variable. The relative
contribution of each explanatory variable is calculated dividing the
estimates of absolute contribution to growth by the standard deviation
of the dependent variable. This measure is introduced by Hadjimichael
(1995). It is noted that, using this measure, the relative contributions
of each explanatory variable have become unit-flee.
The results reported in Table 5 (columns 3 and 6) show the absolute
contributions of each explanatory variable to growth rates of per capita
real income and real GDP, respectively. The results of column (3) show
that of the five explanatory variables, which have significantly
positive impact on per capita real income growth, human capital (defined
as primary schools enrolment as a ratio to total employed labour force)
has the largest positive absolute impact (2.50), followed by export
earnings (2.29), physical capital stock (1.47), import of goods (1.28),
and squared per capita income (0.17). On the other hand, the other three
explanatory variables, which have a negative impact on per capita real
income growth, the external debt variable has the largest absolute
effect (-1.06), followed by budget deficit (-0.53) and per capita real
income (-0.20). It is interesting to note that the signs and sequence of
all the explanatory variables remain unchanged in the case of their
absolute contributions to real GDP growth as reported in Table 5 (column
6). Similarly, of the five explanatory variables, human capital has the
largest absolute effect (2.61), followed by export earnings account
(2.51), physical capital (1.59), imports of goods (1.32), and squared
per capita income (0.17), and, alternatively, external debt (-0.99),
budget deficit (-0.58), and per capita real income (-0.20).
Turning to relative contributions, it is noteworthy that the
sequence of the impact of explanatory variables in absolute and relative
terms remains unchanged in all the cases. Column 4 of Table 5 shows the
relative impact of eight explanatory variables, which have statistically
significant effects on real per capita growth as appeared in regression
(1). Out of this, five explanatory variables, namely, human capital,
physical capital stock, exports of goods, imports of goods, and squared
per capita real income, have a positive impact on per capita real income
growth. Human capital appears to have the largest relative positive
impact on per capita real income growth (1.24), followed by export
earnings (1.14), physical capital stock (0.73), imports of goods (0.63),
and squared per capita real income (0.08). One of the key and
interesting findings of this study is that among the explanatory
variables taken in the analysis, human capital proves to be the main
contributor to economic growth. Although there is relatively low
investment on human capital, as the data over time show that total
expenditure (Federal and Provincial Governments) on education remained
less than 3 percent of GDP during the period under analysis, yet its
significant positive impact implies that if the investment on human
capital is further increased and literacy rate is raised, it can enhance
the current level of economic growth in Pakistan. The second largest
positive impact of export earnings also contains some economic sense. As
Pakistan is always deficient in foreign exchange earnings, higher export
earnings release the foreign exchange constraint on economic growth.
This finding follows Iqbal (1995). Alternatively, the other three
explanatory factors, which have significantly negative impact on per
capita real income growth, are budget deficit, external debt, and per
capita real income. The estimates show that external indebtedness has
the largest negative impact on per capita real income growth (-0.53),
followed by budget deficit (-0.26) and per capita real income (0.10).
The largest negative impact of external debt seems to be economically
logical because recently foreign debt servicing (interest plus
principal) as a fraction of total public revenues has been increased to
around 24 percent, which leaves less resources for growth-enhancing
activities in Pakistan. The calculated relative contributions of the
same eight explanatory variables on real GDP growth, based on regression
(2), are also reported in Table 5 under column 7. It is interesting to
note that the sequence of relative effects of explanatory variables on
real GDP growth remains the same as in the case of coefficients based on
regression (1). For example, human capital account (1.23), export
earnings (1.19), physical capital (0.75), imports of goods (0.62), and
squared per capita real income (0.08) and, alternatively, external debt
(-0.47), budget deficit (-0.28), and per capita real income (-0.10). It
is noted that we have also calculated the absolute and relative
contributions to growth based on regression results reported in Appendix
Table A [with an alternative definition of proxy of human capital such
as enrolments in primary, middle, high, and other educational
institutions as ratios to total population (POP), keeping all the other
explanatory variables of Equations (1) and (2)]. The results are
reported in Appendix Table B. It is worthwhile to note that the sequence
of all the policy variables remains the same as is the case in Table 5.
In recent years, Pakistan's economic growth has remained
unsustainable to an alarming extent, which has caused serious concern to
policy-makers, professionals, and foreign donor agencies. As
unsustainable economic growth has been caused by numerous factors, the
main purpose of this paper has been to examine the effects of some of
the key macroeconomic variables on Pakistan's economic growth.
Multiple regression framework is used to separate out the effects of key
macroeconomic factors on growth over the period 1959-60 to 1996-97. The
empirical results drawn from the analysis are representative of ongoing
research on the determinants of output growth. However, the results
presented in this study reinforce the importance of sensible long-run
growth-oriented policies to obtain sustainable growth. As it is always
difficult to draw precise conclusions from regression analysis,
nevertheless, the findings drawn from this study should be treated as
suggestive; obviously, much more remains to be done in this area.
The results reported in this paper have led us to the following
major conclusions. The quantitative evidence shows that real GDP growth
and per capita real income, growth are positively related to the primary
school enrolment-labour force ratio (proxy of human capital). "It
implies that primary education is an important prerequisite for
accelerating growth. Therefore, primary education must be considered as
the foundation-stone upon which the economic development in Pakistan can
be erected. The Government must provide primary education to all
school-age children to improve the literacy rate within a minimum
time-span. It is noted that the average annual share of primary school
enrolment in total enrolment has been about 70 percent during the period
under consideration. Similarly, increasing the stock of physical capital
would also help to contribute to growth. Thus, the Government must
ensure the provision of adequate physical capital (including appropriate
infrastructure), with effective private sector participation, in order
to sustain economic growth. The empirical results also suggest that
openness of Pakistan's economy (defined as exports and imports of
goods) would promote economic growth.
The budget deficit is negatively related to both output growth
variables. There is a general consensus among economists that budget
deficit is the mother of all economic ills. Therefore, lowering the
budget deficit through reducing non-development expenditure would help
to enhance economic growth. Similarly, the external debt is also
negatively related to growth, suggesting that relying on domestic
resources is the best alternative to finance growth. The fact that per
capita real income has a negative impact on growth suggests that when
per capita income is higher, it is harder to grow.
Appendix Table A
OLS Estimates of Growth Functions, 1960-1997
Dependent Variables
Independent Variables [PCI.sub.g] [Y.sub.g]
Constant 0.173 0.183
(0.93) (0.93)
PSE/POP (Lagged 10 Years) 1.497 *** 1.549 ***
(2.05) (2.01)
MSE/POP (Lagged 6 Years) -7.349 -7.17
(1.57) (1.44)
HSE/POP (Lagged 5 Years) -11.927 -13.862
(1.30) (1.44)
OSE/POP (Lagged 4 Years) -6.237 -7.616
(0.53) (0.61)
K/GDP (Lagged One Year) 0.180 * 0.193 *
(3.39) (3.44)
BD/GDP (Lagged One Year) -0.370 ** -0.401 **
(2.46) (2.53)
X/GDP 0.707 * 0.771
(3.00) (3.12)
M/GDP 0.282 0.293
(1.57) (1.55)
ED/GDP -0.116 *** -0.106
(1.91) (1.67)
PCI -0.0002 *** -0.0002
(1.77) (1.65)
PCISQ 3.054 E-08 3.012 E-08
(1.61) (1.50)
[R.sup.2] 0.78 0.78
[R.sup.2] 0.60 0.60
DW 2.44 2.45
Notes: 1. The numbers in parentheses below the estimated
coefficients are t-ratios. The symbols *, **, and *** beside
the estimated coefficients denote statistical significance
at the 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent levels, respectively.
2. We have also tried some other explanatory variables (used in the
literature) such as inflation rate, squared inflation rate, ratio
of base money to GDP, population growth, change in terms of trade,
time trend for technological change, and change in real exchange
rate in the above equations, but they all remained insignificant.
Appendix Table B
Absolute and Relative Contributions of Explanatory Variables to Growth
Growth Rate of Per Capita Real Income ([PCI.sub.g])
Estimated Estimated Absolute Relative
Standard Coefficients Contribution Contribution
Deviation to [PCI.sub.g]
of the [PCI.sub.g]
Variables (1) (2) (3) (4)
PSE/POP 1.666 1.497 2.494 1.237
K/GDP 7.02 0.180 1.264 0.627
BD/GDP 1.92 -0.370 -0.710 -0.352
X/GDP 3.25 0.707 2.298 1.140
M/GDP 4.14 0282 1.167 0.579
ED/GDP 8.03 -0.116 -0.931 -0.462
PCI 674 -0.0002 -0.135 -0.067
PCISQ 4483692 3.54E-08 0.139 0.069
Growth Rate of Real GDP ([Y.sub.g])
Estimated Absolute Relative
Coefficients Contribution Contribution
to [Y.sub.g] to [Y.sub.g]
Variables (5) (6) (7)
PSE/POP 1.549 2.581 1.221
K/GDP 0.193 1.355 0.641
BD/GDP -0.401 -0.770 -0.364
X/GDP 0.771 2.506 1.185
M/GDP 0.293 1.213 0.574
ED/GDP -0.106 -0.851 -0.403
PCI -0.0002 -0.135 -0.064
PCISQ 3.012E-08 0.135 0.064
Authors' Note: We acknowledge the useful comments and
suggestions made by Ghulam Mohammad Arif, Ashfaq H. Khan and Zafar
Mahmood. We are also thankful to anonymous referees of this journal for
their helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.
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(1) For example, Weisskopf (1972, 1972a); Landau (1971); Chenery
and McEwan (1966); Chenery and Strout (1966); Adelman and Chenery
(1966); McKinnon (1964) and Chenery and Bruno (1962), among others.
(2) For example, Mosley (1980); Findlay (1973); Voivodas (1973);
Griffin and Enos (1970), and Bruton (1969).
(3) For example, Iqbal et al.(1998); Iqbal (1996, 1995); Taylor
(1994, 1993, 1990, 1990a); Bacha (1990) and Solimano (1990).
(4) For example, Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995); Hadjimichael et
al. (1995); Barro and Lee (1994); Easterly and Rebello (1993); Mankiw et
al. (1992); Barro (1991, 1990, 1989); Romer (1990, 1986); Becker et al.
(1990); Khan and Reinhart (1990); Lucas (1988), and Hicks (1979), among
(5) Some papers, by Ram (1987) for time-series analysis of 88
developing countries, by McCarthy et al. (1985) for Colombia, by
Sundararajan and Thakur (1980) for India and Korea, and by Elias (1978)
for Latin American countries, are exceptions.
(6) It is noted that none of these proxies of human capital
provides a direct measure of skills available in the labour force. Even
the existing Labour Force Surveys in Pakistan provide incomplete
information on skills of the workforce.
(7) The enrolment rate measured as number of students enrolled in
the designated class relative to the total population of the
corresponding age group as a proxy for human capital might be a more
appropriate explanatory variable, as has been used in numerous
cross-section studies, but the necessary time-series data are not
readily available in the case of Pakistan.
(8) Some researchers like Easterly and Rebelo (1993); Barro (1991)
and Khan and Reinhart (1990) used real physical investment as a ratio to
real GDP as a physical capital variable because the data on physical
capital stock were not available. But we use real physical capital stock
as a ratio to real GDP because the necessary time-series data are
available in the case of Pakistan.
(9) The comparable data on foreign debt for West Pakistan during
the 1950s are not available.
(10) It is noted that the data on overall budgetary position for
West Pakistan for the 1960s are taken from Pakistan Basic Facts (1982),
while consolidated budgetary data for the later period are taken from
Economic Survey (various issues). The methodology adopted to get
consolidated budget balance in both the sources seems to be different.
The data on budget deficit of the 1960s, however, may not be comparable
with the data of later decades. But this inconsistency will not affect
the empirical analysis because the budget data will be taken from the
1970 to 1997 period.
(11) The consolidated time-series data of budget deficit and
external debt prior to 1960 are not readily available. Therefore, the
empirical analysis is restricted to the period 1960-97.
(12) One question concerning model specification arises, that there
may be a problem of causality in this case. Actually, most economic
relationships are causal in nature, therefore, simple regression analysis, as is used in this paper, can not prove any theoretical
causality. But there are some tests, for example the Granger (1969), to
test Granger Causality. It should be noted that Granger's concept
of causality does not imply a cause-effect relationship, but rather is
based only on "predictability".
(13) It is expected that the effects of proxy of human capital used
here, enrolment as a ratio to total employed labour force, will be
lagged, since changes in human capital will be the lagged effect of
enrolment-labour ratio. Thus, the choice of primary school enrolment
lagged for 10 years, middle school enrolment lagged for 6 years, higher
secondary school enrolment lagged for 5 years, and enrolment in other
educational institutions lagged for 4 years seems to be reasonable.
However, the criterion for choosing these lags is based on common sense.
It is noted that various authors, like Barro (1991) and Easterly et al.
(1993), used 10 years lagged for both primary and secondary enrolment
(14) For an alternative specification, we have also used growth of
all explanatory variables, but the results are not encouraging.
(15) We have also used the flow of investment in human capital
(i.e, public investment on education and health) as an alternative proxy
variable for human capital but the results are not encouraging
(16) We have also used the sum of imports and exports of goods as a
ratio to GDP as a single proxy variable for the openness of
Pakistan's economy, but the results do not change much and the
estimated coefficient remained positive and statistically significant.
(17) In general, the inclusion of export-GDP ratio and import-GDP
ratio as explanatory variables in an equation may indicate a problem of
multicollinearity because of interdependence of both the variables. But
in this case, this problem does not seem to be so severe as the simple
correlation between the two ratios is 0.77.
(18) It is noted that the other direction of causation may be
possible, i.e., the real income growth can be one of the determinants of
demand and supply of external debt. For example, Boyce (1992) found that
real income growth (as an explanatory variable) was negatively but
insignificantly related to external debt in the case of the Philippines.
(19) We have also used time trend as an alternative variable in
order to pick up the effects of total factor productivity on output
growth, but the results turned out to be insignificant.
(20) Since population growth is an obvious possible determinant of
per capita income growth, in principle, it should have been included
directly as a factor. Here, it is not done because the annual data on
the rate of population growth are not available as the Population Census
in Pakistan is conducted with a gap of 10 to 17 years.
Zafar Iqbal and Ghulam Mustafa Zahid are Senior Research Economist
and Research Demographer, respectively, at the Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Definition and Source of Variables Used in the Regressions
Variable Definition
GDP Gross domestic product at current market price.
[Y.sub.g] Annual growth in real gross domestic product.
[PCI.sub.g] Annual growth in per capita real income defined as the
level of real gross domestic product divided by total
PSE/LF Primary schools enrolment as a ratio to total employed
labour force.
MSE/LF Middle schools enrolment as a ratio to total employed
labour force.
HSE/LF High schools enrolment as a ratio to total employed
labour force.
OSE/LF Enrolment in other educational institutions, namely,
secondary, vocational, arts & science colleges,
professional colleges, and universities as a ratio
to total employed labour force.
K/GDP Physical capital stock as a ratio to GDP
(at current market price).
BD/GDP Overall budget deficit as a ratio to GDP
(at current market price).
X/GDP Exports of goods as a ratio to GDP
(at current market price).
M/GDP Imports of goods as a ratio to GDP
(at current market price).
ED/GDP External debt as a ratio to GDP (at current market price).
PCI Per capita real income (expressed in Pakistan rupees).
PCISQ PCI squared.
Variable Source
GDP 25 Years of Pakistan in Statistics: 1947-72 and
Economic Survey (various issues).
[Y.sub.g] 25 Years of Pakistan in Statistics: 1947-72 and
Economic Survey (various issues).
[PCI.sub.g] 25 Years of Pakistan in Statistics: 1947-72 and
Economic Survey (various issues).
PSE/LF 25 Years of Pakistan in Statistics: 1947-72 and
Economic Survey (various issues).
MSE/LF 25 Years of Pakistan in Statistics: 1947-72 and
Economic Survey (various issues).
HSE/LF 25 Years of Pakistan in Statistics: 1947-72 and
Economic Survey (various issues).
OSE/LF 25 Years of Pakistan in Statistics: 1947-72 and
Economic Survey (various issues).
K/GDP Kemal (1993).
BD/GDP Pakistan Basic Facts (various issues) and
Economic Survey (various issues).
X/GDP Economic Survey (various issues).
M/GDP Economic Survey (various issues).
ED/GDP Economic Survey (various issues).
PCI 25 Years of Pakistan in Statistics: 1947-72 and
Economic Survey (various issues).
PCISQ 25 Years of Pakistan in Statistics: 1947-72 and
Economic Survey (various issues).
Table 2
Expected Impact of Explanatory Variables in Output Growth Functions
Suggested Variables Expected Impact of Explanatory Variables
in the Regressions on Growth
Human Capital PSE/LF, Promoting human capital is expected to be
MSE/LF, instrumental in enhancing economic growth.
Physical K/GDP Increasing rate of physical capital is
Capital expected to lead to higher rates of
economic growth.
Fiscal Deficit BD/GDP It is expected that increasing budget
deficit (or non-development expenditure)
is associated with lower output growth.
Foreign Trade X/GDP, Increased openness of an economy (defined
M/GDP as imports and exports) is expected to
promote growth.
Foreign Debt ED/GDP Increasing external debt is assumed to
have a negative impact on economic growth.
Per Capita Real PCI Following the basic neoclassical growth
Income models, the output growth rate is expected
to be inversely related to the absolute
level of per capita real income.
Squared Per PCISQ An expected positive coefficient of the
Capita Real squared per capita real income implies
Income that the force towards convergence (i.e.,
negative relation between growth and per
capita real income) may attentuate as per
capita real income rises.
Variables in
the Regressions Source
Human Capital Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995); Barro and
Lee (1994); Mankiw et al. (1992); Barro
(1991, 1989); Romer (1990); Becker et al.
(1990); Lucas (1988) and Psacharopoulos
Physical Easterly and Rebello (1993); Barro (1991);
Capital Khan and Reinhart (1990) and Sundararajan
and Thakur (1980).
Fiscal Deficit Igbal (1997, 1996); Easterly (1993);
Easterly et al. (1993); Khan and Igbal
(1991); Murphy et al. (1991); Barro (1991,
1990, 1989); Grier and Tullock (1989);
Barth and Brandely (1987); Landua (1986,
1983) and Kormendi and Meguire (1985).
Foreign Trade Igbal (1995); Shabbir and Mahmood
(1992); Romer (1990, 1986); Grossman and
Helpman (1989, 1989a); Lucas (1988);
World Bank (1987); Hicks (1979) and Ram
Foreign Debt Borensztein (1990, 1990a) and Eaton
Per Capita Real Barro (1991).
Squared Per Barro (1991).
Capita Real
Table 3
Development of Variables Used in the Regressions, 1950-997
Variable 1950s 1960s 1970s
[Y.sub.g] (in Percentage) 2.74 6.52 5.08
PCI (in Pak. Rupees) 1609.00 1971.00 2536.00
[PCI.sub.g] (in Percentage) 0.27 3.61 1.89
PSE/LF (in Percentage) -- 17.36 23.29
MSE/LF (in Percentage) -- 3.71 5.53
HSE/LF (in Percentage) -- 1.34 2.10
OSE/LF (in Percentage) -- 1.00 1.53
K/GDP (in Percentage) 95.99 130.26 140.95
BD/GDP (in Percentage) -- -2.03 9.38
X/GDP (in Percentage) 6.24 4.20 8.71
M/GDP (in Percentage) 9.32 11.48 14.57
ED/GDP (in Percentage) -- 16.41 48.40
Variable 1980s 1990s
[Y.sub.g] (in Percentage) 6.41 4.70
PCI (in Pak. Rupees) 3330.00 4108.00
[PCI.sub.g] (in Percentage) 3.23 1.68
PSE/LF (in Percentage) 25.30 39.27
MSE/LF (in Percentage) 6.57 9.96
HSE/LF (in Percentage) 2.34 3.83
OSE/LF (in Percentage) 1.95 2.96
K/GDP (in Percentage) 143.24 146.73
BD/GDP (in Percentage) 7.78 7.35
X/GDP (in Percentage) 11.05 14.85
M/GDP (in Percentage) 20.27 19.89
ED/GDP (in Percentage) 38.23 41.47
For the definition of variables, see Table 1.
Table 4
OLS Estimates of Growth Functions, 1960-1997
Dependent Variables
Variables (14) [PCI.sub.g] [Y.sub.g]
Constant 0.202 0.208
(1.13) (1.10)
PSE/LF (Lagged 10 Years) 0.335 *** 0.349 ***
(1.89) (1.87)
MSE/LF (Lagged 6 Years) -1.902 -1.842
(1.58) (1.46)
HSE/LF (Lagged 5 Years) -3.452 -4.065
(1.27) (1.43)
OSE/LF (Lagged 4 Years) -0.977 -1.146
(0.39) (0.43)
K/GDP (Lagged One Year) 0.210 * 0.226 *
(3.34) (3.82)
BD/GDP Lagged One Year) -0.275 *** -0.303 ***
(1.98) (2.08)
X/GDP 0.704 * 0.772 *
(3.05) (3.19)
M/GDP 0.308 0.318
(1.69) (1.66)
ED/GDP -0.132 ** -0.123 **
(2.23) (1.98)
PCI -0.0003 ** -0.0003 **
(2.16) (2.03)
PCISQ 3.834 E-08 ** 3.800 E-08 **
(1.98) (1.86)
[R.sup.2] 0.78 0.79
0.61 0.62
DW 2.41 2.41
Notes: (1.) The numbers in parentheses below the estimated
coefficients are t-ratios. The symbols *, **, and *** beside the
estimated coefficients denote statistical significance at the 1
percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent levels, respectively.
(2.) We have also tried some other explanatory variables (used in the
literature) such as inflation rate, squared inflation rate, ratio
of base money to GDP, population growth, change in terms of trade,
time trend for technological change, and change in real exchange
rate in the above equations but they all remained insignificant.
Table 5
Absolute and Relative Contributions of Explanatory,
Variables to Growth
Growth Rate of Per Capita Real Income ([PCI.sub.g])
Explanatory Estimated Estimated Absolute Relative
Variables Standard Coefficients Contribution Contribution
Deviation to [PCI.sub.g]
of the [PCI.sub.g]
(1) (2) (3) (4)
PSE/POP 7.47 0.335 2.502 1.241
K/GDP 7.02 0.210 1.474 0.731
BD/GDP 1.92 -0.275 -0.528 -0.262
X/GDP 3.25 0.704 2.288 1.135
M/GDP 4.14 0.308 1.275 0.632
ED/GDP 8.03 -0.132 -1.060 -0.526
PCI 674 -0.0003 -0.202 -0.100
PCISQ 4483692 3.834E-08 0.170 0.084
Growth Rate of Real GDP ([Y.sub.g])
Explanatory Estimated Absolute Relative
Variables Coefficients Contribution Contribution
to [Y.sub.g] to [Y.sub.g]
(5) (6) (7)
PSE/POP 0.349 2.607 1.233
K/GDP 0.226 1.587 0.751
BD/GDP -0.303 -0.582 -0.275
X/GDP 0.772 2.509 1.187
M/GDP 0.318 1.317 0.623
ED/GDP -0.123 -0.988 -0.467
PCI -0.0003 -0.202 -0.096
PCISQ 3.800E-08 0.170 0.080