Technical change, technical efficiency, and their impact on input demand in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors of Pakistan.
Ali, Karamat ; Hamid, Abdul
Technical change has been considered as one of the most important
determinants of economic growth. In developed economies, a
proportionately higher percentage of GDP growth is attributable to
technological progress and technical efficiency. However, technical
change in developing countries is in its early stages and increased use
of factor inputs is still the dominant source of economic growth. An
attempt has been made in this paper to analyse technological progress
and technical efficiency and their contribution to economic growth along
with other factors of production by using more efficient methods in the
manufacturing and agriculture sectors of Pakistan. There are a few
studies on technological growth and technical efficiency change in
Pakistan but they suffer from certain limitations. Most of them use the
terms of technical change and productivity synonymously. Further, all of
them use Hicks's formula of neutral technical change and assume
that technical change is happening at a constant rate. We have attempted
to measure technical change, technical efficiency, and productivity in
the form of the Hicks neutral technical change as well as in the form of
variable and continuous and discrete technical change. Besides, this
paper also analyses the impact of technical change on input demand
(i.e., its impact on labour and capital demand) and examines the issue
of technical change being either labour-saving or capital-saving. We
found that technical change was taking place at a continuous and
variable rate. The major contributor to the growth of output and
value-added in both sectors was capital, contributing over 50 percent.
Labour share was about 20 percent in the agriculture sector and about 10
percent in the manufacturing sector. Technical change share was very
significant in manufacturing but not so in agriculture. The
manufacturing sector in Pakistan has grown at an annual rate of about 6
percent during 1970s and at 8.7 percent during 1980s, and its share in
GDP has increased from 16.5 percent to about 19 percent, but it has
failed to generate new employment opportunities for the labour force.
The employment growth rate is only about 2 percent.
Economic growth is one of the most important purposes of
development policy in almost every country. Growth depends on the
available factors of production like an accumulation of capital and
labour, better allocation of resources, institutional development,
technological progress, and technical efficiency. Technical change has
long been considered to be one of the most important determinants of
economic growth. Even so, it must be recognised, as has been pointed out
by Salter (1966); Nadiri (1970); Kennedy and Thrilwall (1972); Nelson
(1981), and others. [see Wizarat (1989) and Yanrui (1995)], that because
of the complementarity among various sources of growth, it is not
possible to quantify the exact contribution of each source. However,
economists like Solow (1957); Kendrick (1956); Denison (1967); Griliches
(1963); Robinson (1971); Cornwell et al. (1990); Fecher and Pestieau
(1993), and others [see Kemal (1992); Kang and Kwon (1988) and Yanrui
(1995)], provide incisive methods with which to study the growth
experience of a country.
In developed economies, a proportionately higher percentage of GDP
growth is attributable to technological progress and technical
efficiency. However, technical change in developing countries is in its
early stages and an increased use of factor inputs is the dominant
source of economic growth. In the LDCs, typically, two-thirds of the
factor input contribution to GDP growth is due to capital. (1) Despite
the significance of technological development in the growth process,
Pakistan, like many other developing countries, has focused on the
accumulation and development of physical resources and inputs and has
made very little attempt to increase the productivity of the factors of
The technological progress and its contribution to economic growth
in Pakistan has been analysed by Kemal (1981, 1992); Ahmed (1980);
Cheema (1978); Wizarat (1981, 1989) and Burney (1986). However, these
studies suffer from certain limitations.
This paper analyses technological progress and technical efficiency
and its contribution to economic growth along with other factors of
production in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors of Pakistan.
The plan of the paper is as follows: literature on economic growth and
technical change is reviewed in Section II. Section III discusses the
methodology and data sources. The empirical findings are given in
Section IV. And, finally, policy implications and conclusions are
presented in Section V.
Abramovitz (1956) analysed the role of technical change in economic
growth for the US labour market for the period 1900-1950 and found out
that almost two-thirds of the increase in labour productivity was not
explained by the increase in availability of capital per worker. Solow
(1957) and some other economists [Ferguson (1965); Kendrick (1973);
Schultz (1964) and Hulten (1973)] also reported similar results for
subsequent periods. [See Hassan (1988).]
The residual which could not be explained by the factors of
production was termed 'co-efficient of ignorance' by
Abramovitz and is now called technological progress and technical
efficiency. Solow (1960) tried to quantify this residual--a
manifestation of increase in productivity--and argued that it was owing
to technical change.
Technological progress and technical efficiency in developing
countries was estimated by various authors. For example, Bhavani (1991)
estimated technical change in the manufacturing sector of India and
found a significant share of it in industrial growth. [See Yanrui
(1995).] Jefferson and Rawski (1988); Yanrui (1995), and some others
estimated technical efficiency for the agriculture and manufacturing
sectors of China. Yanrui found out that technical share was 53 percent
in the state industrial sector, 58 percent in the rural industrial
sector, and 55 percent in the agricultural sector of the Chinese
economy. However, for most developing countries, technical change
contribution is very low as compared to the DCs. Robinson (1991)
estimated technical efficiency contribution in 39 developing countries
and found out that, on the average, the increase in productivity was
about 15 percent. This is a much smaller percentage attributable to
technical change than that in developed countries. [For detail, see
Kemal (1992).]
Kemal (1981) estimated the rate of technical change for the
manufacturing sector for the period 1959-60 to 1969-70. His estimates
for technical change differ depending on the form of the production
function. He found decreasing returns to scale for total manufacturing,
with all the different specifications. Kemal (1992) further estimated
technical change and productivity for the whole economy along with the
agricultural and manufacturing sectors of Pakistan. However, these
studies suffer from certain limitations. First, he used various
functional forms to get estimates of technical efficiency in 1981
without determining which functional form is appropriate for which
industry. In 1992, he used the ratio method to determine productivity
and technological and technical change. He used the terms technical
change and productivity synonymously without any justification. He was,
therefore, unable to explain the reason for the discrepancy between the
rates of growth of technical change and productivity.
Cheema (1978) studied technical change and productivity growth in
the manufacturing sector of Pakistan. He found rapid growth trends in
productivity. However, such results were to be expected as he used the
Census of Manufacturing Industries (CMI) data without making any
Ahmed (1980) estimated productivity growth in the manufacturing
sector of Pakistan for the period 1958-70. He found gains in labour
productivity, but these were low. [See Wizarat (1989).]
Wizarat (1981) estimated technological change in Pakistan's
agricultural sector. She also estimated technical change for the
manufacturing sector of Pakistan in 1989. While her results are quite
interesting, they suffer from various limitations such as her use of
approximation for capital instead of the exact value of capital stock
and her assumption that technology in the manufacturing sector was
growing at a constant rate.
Burney (1986) estimated sources of growth for the entire economy
and found out that technical change contribution in the value-added was
more than half of the total during sixties; it fell during the seventies
and again rose during the period from 1980 to 1985.
From a review of the literature it becomes clear that there are a
few studies on technological growth and technical efficiency change in
Pakistan, but they all suffer from certain limitations. Most of them use
the terms 'technical change' and 'productivity'
synonymously. (2) Further, all of them use the Hicks neutral technical
change and assume that technical change is happening at a constant rate.
We have attempted to measure technical change, technical efficiency, (3)
and productivity in the form of Hicks neutral technical change as well
as in the form of a variable and continuous and discrete growth of
technical change. Besides, this paper also analyses the impact of
technical change on the inputs demand, i.e., the impact on the labour
and capital demand, and discusses whether technical change is
labour-saving or capital-saving.
Technical change is defined as a shift in the production function.
In specifying the best form of production function with which to measure
technical change, we have several options: Cobb-Douglas; Kmenta's
approximation to the CES production function; or Translog production
function pioneered by Christensen et al. (1973). Here we will use the
Cobb-Douglas and translog techniques to measure technical change in the
agricultural and manufacturing sectors of Pakistan.
With regard to the specification of technical change, the following
specifications are used:
[e.sup.[lambda]][1.sup.t] = Hicks neutral technical change or
constant growth of technical change.
[e.sup.[lambda]][1.sup.t] + [sup.[lambda]][2.sup.t2] = Variable and
continuous growth of technical change.
[e.sup.[lambda]][1.sup.t] + [sup.[lambda]][2.sup.D]= Variable and
discrete growth of technical change (where D is a dummy variable). (4)
The Cobb-Douglas production function with constant, variable, and
discrete technical change is written as:
Yit = A[e.sup.[lambda]][1.sup.t] [K.sup.[alpha]]it [L.sup.[beta]]it
... ... ... ... (1)
Yit = A[e.sup.[lambda]][1.sup.t] + [sup.[lambda]][2.sup.t2]
[K.sup.[alpha]]it [L.sup.[beta]]it ... ... ... ... (2)
Yit = A[e.sub.[lambda]][1.sup.t] + [sup.[lambda]][2.sup.D]
[K.sup.[alpha]]it [L.sup.[beta]]it ... ... ... ... (2)
Yit = Value of output or value-added in the ith sector. (5)
Kit = Capital stock in the ith sector.
Lit = Labour employed in the ith sector.
t = Time trend.
[lambda] = Technical change parameter.
A = Constant term.
[alpha] = Elasticity of output or value-added with respect to
[beta] = Elasticity of output or value-added with respect to
D = Dummy variable.
In the log form, the above three equations may be written as:
ln Yit = lnA + [[lambda].sub.1]t + [alpha]ln Kit + [beta] ln Lit +
Uit ... ... (4)
ln Yit = lnA + [[lambda].sub.1]t + [[lambda].sub.2][t.sup.2] +
[alpha]ln Kit + [beta] ln Lit + Uit ... ... (5)
ln Yit = lnA + [[lambda].sub.1]t + D[[lambda].sub.2] + [alpha]ln
Kit + [beta] ln Lit + Uit ... ... (6)
If we include intermediate inputs, then Equation (1) can be written
Yit = A[e.sub.[lambda]][1.sup.t][[K.sup.[alpha]]it [L.sup.[beta]]it
[N.sup.[mu]]it ... ... ... ... ... (1a)
Where Nit = Intermediate inputs in the ith sector.
If there is multicollinearity in Equations (1), (2), (3), these
equations can be rearranged as follows. Rearranging Equation (2).
yit = A[e.sup.[lambda]][1.sup.t] [K.sup.[alpha]]it ... ... ... ...
... ... (7)
Where yit = Yit / Lit, kit = Kit/Lit, [alpha] = 1 - [beta].
Equation (2) in the estimatable form can be written as:
In (Yit/Lit) = ln A + [[lambda].sub.1]t + [[lambda].sub.2][t.sup.2]
+ [alpha] ln (Kit/Lit) + Uit ... ... (8)
The translog production function for labour, capital, and
technology can be written as:
ln Yt = [[alpha].sub.0] + [lambda]t + [[alpha].sub.k] ln Kt +
[[alpha].sub.L] ln Lt + (1/2) [[alpha].sub.kk] (ln Kt) + (1/2)
[[alpha].sub.LL] [(In Lt).sup.2] + [[alpha].sub.KL] ln Kt ln Lt ... ...
The following homogeneity constraints are implied in the translog
production function:
[[alpha].sub.k] + [[alpha].sub.L] = 1
[[alpha].sub.kk] + [[alpha].sub.KL] = 0
[[alpha].sub.LL] + [[alpha].sub.KL] = 0
Subject to the homogeneity constraints in the translog production
function, it will be estimated in conjunction with a cost share function
with cross-equation restrictions imposed, a method suggested by Berndt
and Christensen (1973). Since the cost share of capital and labour add
to unity, only the labour cost share function is estimated. The labour
cost share equation is derived as:
[CS.sub.L] = [delta] LogQ / [delta] LogL = Log [[alpha].sub.L] +
[[alpha].sub.LL] LogL + [[alpha].sub.KL] LogK ... (10)
Where [CS.sub.L] is the labour share of total cost.
Technical Efficiency
Cornwell et al. (1990) introduced a time-varying efficiency
approach. According to this measure,
[Y.sup.*] = [lambda] + [SIGMA][gamma]j [X.sup.*] ij(t) + [TE.sup.*]
i(t) ... ... ... ... (11)
Where the overdots indicate percentage changes. Equation (11)
implies that output growth can be decomposed into three components:
technical change ([lambda]), input growth ([SIGMA][gamma]j
[X.sup.*]ij(t)), and technical efficiency ([TE.sup.*] i(t)). Technical
efficiency measurement depends on two steps. In the first step,
Equations (1), (2) and (3) are estimated and residuals are saved and
then regressed against time trend as:
Uit = [[delta].sub.0]i + [[delta].sub.1]it +
[[delta].sub.2][it.sup.2] ... ... ... ... ... (12)
Thus the total factor productivity for Equation (2) can be written
TFP(t) = ([[lambda].sub.1] + 2[[lambda].sub.2]t + ([[delta].sub.1]i
+ 2[[lambda].sub.2]it) ... ... ... (13)
Where TFP = Total factor productivity.
([[lambda].sub.1] + 2[[lambda].sub.2]t) = Continuous and variable
technical change.
([[delta].sub.1]i + 2[[delta].sub.2]it) = Time-varying technical
The Impact on Input Demand
To measure the impact of technical changes on input demand, we
shall use the Hicksian definition of technical change bias:
d ln Si = (d ln Wild ln T) d ln T - (d ln Wj/d ln T) d ln T ...
Technical change is Xi--saving or Xi--using according to whether
the right-hand side of Equation (14) is negative or positive. Where Wi
& Wj are prices of inputs.
Data Description
The model discussed above is used to measure the technical change,
technical efficiency, and its impact on factor input demand for the
period 1973-1995, using a time series data of value of output and
value-added, capital stock, labour employed, and intermediate inputs in
the agricultural and manufacturing sectors of Pakistan. Data on the
value of output and value-added and cost of labour in the manufacturing
sector are taken from Economic Surveys (1989-90, 1994-95). Data on the
employed labour force are taken from Labour Force Surveys (1973-74 to
1991-92) and Economic Surveys (1989-90, 1994-95). Data on the capital
stock and intermediate inputs in the agricultural and manufacturing
sectors are taken from the report of the Sub-committee on Sources of
Growth in Pakistan [Kemal and Ahmad (1992)].
The Cobb-Douglas production function is estimated using the OLS technique, while the Translog function is estimated by Zellner's
efficient estimation procedure, also known as Seemingly Unrelated
Regression (SURE) Technique. [See Zellner (1962, 1963).] The estimated
results are reported in Section IV.
The empirical results obtained from the Cobb-Douglas production
function are given in Table 1. We have estimates both for value-added
and output for the agricultural and manufacturing sectors of Pakistan
for the period 1972-73 to 1994-95. Most of the results are statistically
significant and according to expectation. The technical progress in
almost all equations is estimated in the form of continuous and variable
technical change. The results of this estimate are significant and
according to expectation. We have empirically found that technical
change is taking place at a continuous and variable rate equal to
[[lambda].sub.1] + 2[[lambda].sub.2]t both in agriculture and
manufacturing. (See Table 2.) The co-efficients of other factor inputs
are also significant. We have measured technical efficiency (6) using
Equation (12) and found out that technical efficiency has been taking
place in the manufacturing sector of the economy at a constant rate
equal to 0.0034. The contribution of growth of technical change and
technical efficiency, and of factor inputs to growth of agricultural and
manufacturing output and value-added, has been reported in Table 3.
The results show that the largest contribution was that of capital.
Capital share in total growth of output and the value-added in the
agricultural sector was 61 percent and 68 percent, respectively. Labour
share in the value-added and output of agriculture was 18 percent and 17
percent, respectively. Technical change and technical efficiency
contributed 21 percent and 14 percent to output and value-added,
respectively, in the agricultural sector of the economy. However, in the
manufacturing sector of the economy, the share of technical change and
technical efficiency was very significant during the sample period. It
contributed 36 percent to output growth and about 30 percent to
value-added growth in the manufacturing sector. The share of capital in
the manufacturing output and value-added was about 60 percent, and that
of labour was about 10 percent.
Technical Change and Its Bias
A more revealing approach to the analysis of the effect of
technical change is to examine its respective effects on both labour
demand and capital demand simultaneously. We have also measured the
technical change effect on input demand by using Hicks technique given
in Equation (14), in the manufacturing sector of the economy. (9)
dlnS = (d ln [W.sub.L] / d ln T) d ln T - (d ln Wk / d ln T) dln T
= 0.31 - 0.39 = -0.08
This result implies that technological change was capital-using and
labour-saving. So technical change is labour-saving in the manufacturing
sector. That is why the manufacturing sector has failed to generate
sufficient employment opportunities in spite of a high rate of growth of
manufacturing output during the last two decades. (10)
We have measured technical change, technical efficiency, and their
contribution towards growth and their impact on input demand in the
manufacturing and agricultural sectors of the economy. We have found
that technical change was taking place at a continuous and variable
rate. The major contributor to growth of output and value-added in both
the sectors was capital, which was contributing over fifty percent.
Labour share was about 20 percent in the agricultural sector and about
10 percent in the manufacturing sector. Technical change share was very
significant in manufacturing as compared with agriculture. Technical
change and its bias were also measured, and it was found that technical
change was labour-saving and capital-using in the manufacturing sector
of the economy. This is the very reason behind the fact that although
the manufacturing sector of Pakistan has grown at an annual rate of
about 6.0 percent during 1970s and at 8.7 percent during 1980s, and its
share in GDP has increased from 16.5 percent to about 19 percent, it has
failed to generate new opportunities for the labour force, so that the
employment growth rate is only about 2 percent. The policy implications
suggested here are that as technical change and technical efficiency are
the factors crucial to growth (as the experience of developed countries
has shown), due attention should be given to technology and to training
and proper education of human resources. Technology should be developed
according to the needs of the economy, and since it saves labour,
alternative steps should be taken to generate new opportunities for
employment so that waste (in the form of unemployment) of precious human
capital is averted.
Authors' Note: We are thankful to Mr Habib Ahmad and to an
anonymous referees of this journal for helpful comments on an earlier
version of this paper.
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(1) As has already been mentioned, due to complementarity of
factors of growth it is not possible to quantify the exact contribution
of each source. Here an approximation is made.
(2) Productivity is the sum of technical change and technical
(3) Technical change or technological progress increases the
productivity by shifting the production function while technical
efficiency increases productivity along the existing production
function. For further detail, see Fare, Grosskopf, Norris and Zhang
(1994) and Hassan and Grabawski (1988).
(4) Dummy variable takes the value of zero for the years from 1971
to 1980, 1988, 1992 and the value of one for the remaining sample.
(5) Here the sectors are agriculture and manufacturing.
(6) Uit was regressed against time trend and the results showed
that the technical efficiency growth was constant equal to 0.0034.
(7) Estimates based on Cob-Douglas Production Function.
(8) Estimates based on Translog Function.
(9) Technical change and its biases are measured only for the
manufacturing sector as the data on wages in the agricultural sector are
not available [see Yanrui (1995)]. 10 Ali (1978) and Sheikh and Iqbal
(1992) also found an inverse relationship between technological growth
and employment demand in the manufacturing sector of Pakistan.
Karamat Ali and Abdul Hamid are Professor and Lecturer,
respectively, in the Department of Economics, Bahauddin Zakariya
University, Multan.
Table 1
The Cobb-Douglas Production Function Estimates, 1971-72 to 1994-95
Dependent [[lambda]. [[lambda].
Equation Variables A sub.1] sub.2]
Agriculture ln (Y/L) 0.369 -0.0019 0.00043 *
(a) Output (0.94) (-0.49) (3.48)
(b) Value-added ln (Y/L) 0.337 -0.014 0.00065 *
(0.51) (-1.2) (2.49)
(c) Output ln (Y/L) 4.00 *** 0.019 ** --
(1.65) (2.05)
Manufacturing ln (Y) -0.49 0.06 * --
(a) Output (-0.23) (10.37)
(b Output ln (Y/L) 3.17 *** 0.026 ** 0.00065 ***
(1.62) (2.00) (1.76)
(c) Value-added ln (Y/L) 2.61 -0.026 0.002 **
(1.22) (-0.74) (2.13)
[alpha]ln [[mu]. [[mu].
Equation [alpha] [beta] (K/L) sub.1] sub.1]
Agriculture -- -- 0.61 * 0.12 --
(a) Output (3.34) (1.01)
(b) Value-added -- -- 0.63 * -- 0.08
(2.53) (0.27)
(c) Output -- -- 0.47 *** 0.54 ** --
(1.68) (2.13)
Manufacturing 0.59 * 0.33 -- -- --
(a) Output (3.62) (1.17)
(b Output -- -- 0.68 * -- --
(c) Value-added -- -- 0.66 * -- --
Adj. D.W.
Equation SER [R.sup.2] Stat F-Statistic n
Agriculture 0.02 0.98 1.70 322 25
(a) Output
(b) Value-added 0.02 0.97 1.86 235 25
(c) Output 0.02 0.98 2.17 287 24
Manufacturing 0.06 0.98 1.20 676 24
(a) Output
(b Output 0.07 0.97 1.01 279 24
(c) Value-added 0.05 0.97 1.04 (e) 282 24
Notes: Values in parenthesis are t-ratios.
* Significant at 1 percent level.
** Significant at 5 percent level.
*** Significant at 10 percent level.
(e) = Corrected for autocorrelation by
Cochrane Orcutt Method.
SER = Standard Error of Regression.
(n) = Number of observations.
Method of Estimation: OLS.
Table 2
Parameter Estimates of the Translog Restricted Production Function
for the Manufacturing Sector, 1973-74 to 1994-95
Output Value-added
Co-efficient Estimation Estimation
[[alpha].sub.0] 3.41 ** 3.01 ***
(2.25) (1.54)
[lambda] 0.047 * 0.036
(7.32) (4.8)
[[alpha].sub.k] 0.71 0.67
[[alpha].sub.L] 0.29 * 0.33 **
(2.67) (2.33)
[[alpha].sub.KK] -0.014 -0.019
(-1.29) (-1.32)
[[alpha].sub.KL] -0.014 -0.019
0.014 0.019
SER 0.07 0.11
ADJ. [R.sup.2] 0.97 0.94
F-Stat. 299 135
n 22 24
Note: The method of estimation is Zellner's Seemingly Unrelated
Regression Technique (SURE): [[alpha].sub.k], [[alpha].sub.LL]
and [[alpha].sub.KL] are derived from constraints.
* Significant at 1 percent level.
** Significant at 5 percent level.
*** Significant at 10 percent level.
Table 3
The Contributions of Growth of Technical Change and
Technical Efficiency, and of Factor Input to Growth of
Agriculture and Manufacturing Output and Value-added
Variable Agriculture Manufacturing (7)
Output Growth Rate 3.92 7.73
Value-added Growth Rate 3.62 6.79
Labour Growth Rate 1.78 1.76
Capital Growth Rate 3.92 6.1
Share of Labour in Value-added 0.37 0.34
Share of Capital in Value-added 0.63 0.66
Weighted Labour Growth Rate 0.6586 0.5984
Weighted Capital Growth Rate 2.4696 4.03
Share of Labour in Output 0.39 0.32
Share of Capital in Output 0.61 0.68
Weighted Labour Growth in Output 0.694 0.56
Weighted Capital Growth in Output 2.39 4.2
Total Factor Input Growth Rate in
Value-added 3.1282 4.63
Total Factor Input Growth Rate in
Output 3.0842 4.76
Technical Change and Technical
Efficiency Growth Rate in
Value-added 0.4918 2.16
Technical Change and Technical
Efficiency Growth Rate in
Output 0.8358 2.9
Sources of Growth as a Percentage of Output and
Value-added Growth
Labour's Contribution (Output) 17.7 8
Labour's Contribution (Value-added) 18.2 9
Capital's Contribution (Output) 61 55
Capital's Contribution (Value-added) 67.8 60
Total Factor Inputs Contribution
(Output) 78.7 64
Total Factor Inputs Contribution
(Value-added) 86.0 69
Technical Change and Technical
Efficiency Contribution
1. (Output) 21.3 36
2. (Value-added) 14.0 31
Total 100 100
Variable Manufacturing (8)
Output Growth Rate 7.73
Value-added Growth Rate 6.79
Labour Growth Rate 1.76
Capital Growth Rate 6.1
Share of Labour in Value-added 0.33
Share of Capital in Value-added 0.67
Weighted Labour Growth Rate 0.581
Weighted Capital Growth Rate 4.1
Share of Labour in Output 0.29
Share of Capital in Output 0.71
Weighted Labour Growth in Output 0.53
Weighted Capital Growth in Output 4.33
Total Factor Input Growth Rate in
Value-added 4.7
Total Factor Input Growth Rate in
Output 4.9
Technical Change and Technical
Efficiency Growth Rate in
Value-added 2.09
Technical Change and Technical
Efficiency Growth Rate in
Output 2.8
Sources of Growth as a Percentage of Output and
Value-added Growth
Labour's Contribution (Output) 8
Labour's Contribution (Value-added) 9
Capital's Contribution (Output) 56
Capital's Contribution (Value-added) 61
Total Factor Inputs Contribution
(Output) 64
Total Factor Inputs Contribution
(Value-added) 70
Technical Change and Technical
Efficiency Contribution
1. (Output) 36
2. (Value-added) 30
Total 100
(7) Estimates based on Cobb-Douglas Production Function.
(8) Estimates based on Translog function.