Managing water resources for environmentally sustainable irrigated agriculture in Pakistan.
Afzal, Muhammad
Pakistan's agriculture is almost wholly dependent on
irrigation and irrigated, land supplies more than 90 percent of
agricultural production. Irrigation is central to Pakistan's
economy. Massive investments in irrigation contributed to the
development of one of the largest Indus Basin Irrigation System. Despite
heavy budgetary inputs in irrigation system, it is facing shortage of
resources and suffering from operational problems. The sustainability of
irrigated agriculture is threatened due to problems of waterlogging and
salinity, inadequate operation and maintenance, insufficient recovery of
O&M expenditure, inequitable distribution, environmental
degradation, institutional issues etc.
The growing scarcity of water sets the future stage for intensive
competition over water between agriculture and non-agricultural users.
The growing need for food and fibre requirements of increasing
population further limits the per capita availability of water. Due to
the limited prospects for expanding irrigation facilities, the projected
increase in irrigated agriculture will have to come from significant
improvement in the performance of existing systems. Policy-makers and
planners are of the view that Pakistan's irrigated agriculture
requires new strategies to enhance input efficiency and maintain and
improve the quality of the resource base and to get the irrigation
system out of crises.
There is a global movement for searching a new type of relationship
between the managers of irrigated agriculture and farmers. Such options
are being considered by government at various levels to put the system
on sustainable development path. In addressing the environmentally
sustainable water resource management in Pakistan, the paper makes an
attempt to provide an over-view of water resource issues and options.
Irrigation in Pakistan is at a critical juncture, where increases
in irrigated area are exceeding sustainable limits and adverse
environmental effects of waterlogging, salinity and mining of
groundwater are threatening the resource base of irrigated agriculture.
This situation requires new solutions to maintain the resource base,
improve agriculture productivity and sustain irrigated agriculture in
The growing scarcity of water sets the future stage for intensive
competition over water between agricultural and non-agricultural users.
Due to the limited prospects for expanding irrigation facilities, the
projected increase for irrigated agriculture will have to come from
significant improvement in the performance of existing systems.
Pakistan's agriculture is almost wholly dependent on
irrigation--irrigated land supplies more than 90 percent of agricultural
production, with gross commanded area of 16 million hectares. The water
sector investment planning study has estimated food, fibre and edible
oil shortfall of 23.5 m. tons in the year 2000 and 48.5 m. tons in the
year 2013. The annual agricultural growth rate of 6 percent has been
estimated to reverse the trend of deficits in food, fibre and edible
To achieve the desired target it is imperative to enhance crop
production and productivity through a considerable change in production
system by putting irrigation system on sustainable development path.
In addressing the environmentally sustainable water resources
management in Pakistan, this paper makes an attempt to provide an
overview of water resources issues and options in Pakistan.
The paper is divided into three sections. Section I describes
Pakistan's water scene including quantum, potential and allocation.
Major sustainability issues have been discussed in Section II. Section
III discusses the future challenges and options that Pakistan Water
Sector may opt.
1. Present Status of Irrigation System
Surface Water Development
The Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS) is the world's
largest contiguous irrigation system. Since 1947, Pakistan implemented
the Indus Basin Replacement Works Project (IBRWP) with the Bank as the
lead donor. Under the IBRWP 39.54 million acres were brought under
irrigation to create the world's largest contiguous and unified
irrigation system. It consists of the Indus River and its major
tributaries, 3 major reservoirs (Tarbela, Mangla, and Chashma), 19
barrages, 12 link canals, 43 canal commands, and over 107,000
watercourses. The length of canals total 61,000 kms, and in addition
watercourses, farm channels, and field ditches cover another 1.6 million
kms. Typical watercourse commands range from 200 to 700 acres. The flows
to the Indus are from glacier and snow melt, as well as from rainfall
outside the Indus Plain [World Bank (1995)].
During the decade ending 1959-60, the canal head withdrawals had
increased to an average of 78.6 MAF against 64 MAF at the time of
independence. This increase is attributable to the storage reservoirs of
Mangla, Chashma and Tarbela which became operational in 1967, 1971 and
1976 respectively. The storage releases of Mangla and Chashma average 5
MAF and with the addition of Tarbela, it has gone upto 15 MAF during the
last ten years. While bulk of the storage supplies are utilised during
the Rabi, they have also been available in the critically water scarcity
periods of early and late Kharif for the sowing and maturing of kharif
crops. Although the past surface water development has materially
increased the extent of irrigated lands, the greater control on the
water supplies coupled with enhanced water diversions have contributed
to increased agriculture production [Mulk and Mohtadullah (1991)].
About 2.2 million ha of irrigated land is outside Indus Canal
Commanded Area CCA), scattered in relatively small parcels with water
coming from open wells, tubewells, life pumps, karezes, springs, and
small diversions. Generally, water supply in these system is uncertain
and varies with season and location.
Groundwater Development
Most of the Indus Basin has been formed as a result of alluvium deposits derived by rivers from the mountain ranges in the north. There
is a vast unconfined aquifer of around 6 million ha covering most of
this area. The hydrogeological conditions are mostly favourable for
pumping by tubewells. Groundwater quality is variable with about 79
percent of area in Punjab and 28 percent of area in Sindh as fresh
groundwater suitable for irrigation.
By the 1950's large area in the Indus basin became waterlogged and soil salinity increased, adversely affecting the agricultural
productivity. Government involvement in the groundwater development
began with efforts to control the "twin menaces" of
waterlogging and salinity by providing drainage. The Government embarked
on a series of SCARPs in the late 1950s aimed at lowering the
groundwater table by providing "vertical drainage" through
large capacity, deep tubewells (60-140 litres per second capacities and
depth of 40-120 meters). Because of better economic returns, priority
was given to locating SCARPs in the area with groundwater quality
suitable for supplemental irrigation, making the drainage a by-product
in effect. Over the last three decades about 13,500 STWs have been
installed by the Government in 36 projects covering a gross area of
about 3.7 mha. Most of the STWs were equipped with electrically powered
motors and deep turbine pumps with a relatively large capacity about 3
cusecs (.085 cubic meters/second). Almost 75 percent of all STWs were
installed in the Punjab--8,000 in fresh groundwater areas and 1,800 in
saline groundwater areas. In saline groundwater areas the STWs pumped
water into drains or, when this was not possible, into the larger
canals. In the fresh groundwater areas, water from STWs was normally
pumped into watercourses and used for irrigation alongwith surface water
The introduction of tubewell technology by the public sector was
followed by a virtual explosion in the private tubewells development.
Currently there are over 300,000 PTWs installed for irrigation purposes,
of which 80 percent are in the Punjab, and they supply 40 percent of
total irrigation water. PTWs are predominantly small shallow wells,
which use locally manufactured engines and centrifugal pumps. The
average capacity of these wells is one cusec (0.028 [m.sup.3] per
second) and upto a maximum of two cusecs. More importantly, as yields
and input levels rose, so did the importance of timely and adequate
water supplies. By installing PTWs, farmers reduce their risks of crop
failure and improve yields by smoothing out natural and operational
fluctuations in water supplies from the canal system. Even in the STWs
areas of Punjab there are more than 50,000 PTWs. While returns to
tubewells are high, the utilisation rates are very low. PTWs are used by
both headenders and tailenders but the level of reliance on groundwater
is higher in the latter case. Most PTWs are owned by medium to large
farmers who have holdings of over five ha. Presently, there is neither
any mechanism for allocating groundwater rights nor for regulating its
use. An owner of land can install a tubewell and begin pumping
groundwater. In some areas there has been overexploitation due to
anarchic private tubewell development [World Bank.(1995a)].
2. Development Potential
The committee on water resources and management in its report
(1987) submitted to National Commission on Agriculture had estimated the
future water potentials as shown in Table 1. The data show the possible
magnitude for development of water from various physical sources. The
scope for conservation of water from lining of distributaries and minor
canals was recognised to be 4 MAF. There could be deviation in the data
on water potentials as a result of further research.
The development of water potential shown in the Table involves
different types of works and investment implications. The surface water
potentials can be exploited only with the construction of storage dams,
remodelling of existing system and construction of new canals. Storage
facilities require huge investment and longer construction period and
political consensus. The storage dam even if started today will not be
ready by the year 2000 to deliver water to the system. The possible
alternative till surface storage facilities are constructed are
groundwater, watercourse improvement, canal lining and riverain area
The potential for the development of groundwater by conventional
means can be exploited quite readily by increasing the utilisation of
existing tubewells and by installation of new tubewells. The potential
for skimming of groundwater although quite substantial will be developed
rather slowly since the technology for it has yet to be developed. The
studies by Water Course and Monitoring Directorate have shown that the
improvement of watercourses as a mean of water conservation can produce
quick results in respect of agricultural productivity. Monitoring
studies have shown Benefit Cost Ratio of this programme in the range of
2:1. The activity is divisible as the size of programme can be governed
depending on the resources which can be allocated. In watercourse
improvement and tubewell development farmers share major portion of
capital costs.
According to prevailing technology in Pakistan, canal lining
particularly of the existing system has to proceed at a slow pace as in
the flowing system the work on canal lining can proceed during canal
closures. In case the canals are closed for full season the farmers have
to be compensated for crop losses. This will be an additional item in
cost composition of canal lining.
Operational management of the system has potential of water saving
and reallocation within the system. A study by World Bank has shown that
the surpluses which can be reallocated are 1.945 MAF in Punjab and 5.814
MAF in Sindh. Trading/Bartering of surplus water within provinces or
between provinces through operational management can increase the
national agricultural productivity. Research by some workers has shown
substitution between water and fertilisers. This research has shown to
attain optimally of water use by using less water by increasing the
doses of fertiliser. WAPDA at Mona Reclamation and Experimental Project
has shown raising of crops with less number of irrigations in high
watertable areas. The results of such research may be consolidated and
policies framed to save/optimise water use within feasible economic
framework. We feel, there is large scope for saving water by integrated
management of the system and substitution among water and non-water
inputs by adopting optimal pricing policies; besides conservation of
water by canal lining [Shafiq and Naqvi (1993)].
3. Water Sector Investment Allocations
Water sector allocations are made to develop the irrigation
infrastructure to maintain and augment the irrigation water supplies.
The past development plans in the water sector have been reflected in
the successive five year plans. A review of these plans brings out that
the public sector allocation for water sector have continued to decline.
Water Sector plan allocation at current prices are depicted in Table 2.
The expenditure on the Indus Basin Project (IBP) (Rs 12.4 billion)
were kept outside the plans and it was from the Fifth Plan that these
were brought within the plans. Although allocations for the Water Sector
were substantially increased in Fifth and Sixth Plans, their share in
the total development plan came down to 10 percent from the earlier
levels of 15 to 17 percent. In the Seventh Plan it further fell to 8
percent, and in Eighth Plan, it came down to 7 percent [Government of
Pakistan (Various Issues)].
The various approaches started in succession did not encompass the
irrigated agriculture related problems in totality and problems
continued to accumulate, resulting in inefficient and unsustainable
irrigation system leading to stagnant agricultural production. The
issues identified in Revised Action Programme and subsequently
highlighted in Water Sector Investment Planning Study are vis-a-vis.
Water logging and salinity, inequitable water distribution and low
delivery efficiency, water scarcity, low O&M cost recovery, advanced
irrigation technologies, SCARP transition, environmental protection,
data management, project preparation and implementation, monitoring and
evaluation, low water delivery efficiencies, beneficiary participation,
lack of coordination between agriculture and irrigation departments etc.
Major issues related to irrigation management are described in brief as
1. Waterlogging and Salinity
Due to flat topography, poor natural drainage, porous soil and
semi-arid climate characteristics of the Indus Basin, extensive
irrigation system without adequate drainage has led to rising water
tables and eventually salinity. Presently about 30 percent of the
irrigated area is waterlogged, 13 percent highly waterlogged, while soil
salinity is estimated to rob farmers of 25 percent of potential
production of major crops [World Bank (1994)].
2. Secondary Salinity
Though, with the inception of Salinity Control and Reclamation
Projects (SCARPs), waterlogging has greatly been reduced, the incidence
of salinity is still on the increase. This is a specific phenomenon of
secondary salinisation which does not seem to have been reversed so far.
Salt balance for whole of Pakistan has been reported as negative because
more salt is entering in the system than leaving. Sustainability of
irrigated agriculture in the long run would be threatened by
accumulation of salts into the soil and concentration of salts in Fresh
Ground Water (FGW) zone now being used to supplement irrigation water.
Except for projects around Left Bank Outfall Drain (LBOD), drainage
effluent is being recycled within the system in one form or the other.
Over mining of groundwater may lead to intrusion of brackish water
into FGW Zone. Even in the areas not threatened by such intrusion,
excessive re-circulation of groundwater may deteriorate its quality
besides increasing soil salinity.
3. Equity in Water Distribution
Equity in the distribution of water among the users in the canal
command has been an operational objective of the management of the canal
systems in Pakistan. In fact, there is inequity in distribution at all
levels of the systems. Within a watercourse command water delivered to
the head farmers is generally 32 percent and 11 percent more than to the
farmers at the tail and middle reaches, respectively. Similarly, outlet
on a minor or distributary receive different amounts of water. Illegal
pumping from canals and excessive losses add to the inequity in
distribution [World Bank (1994a)].
4. O&M and Cost Recovery
Irrigation and drainage systems have been deteriorating due to
deferred maintenance and utilisation beyond design capacities. At
present the recoveries are so meager that they cannot even take care of
the normal operation and maintenance expenses. As a result, the
allocation for the operation and maintenance have not kept pace with the
increasing costs and this has resulted in the progressive deterioration
of the system. The overall gap between requirement and expenditure was
more than 24 percent in financial year 1992. Similarly the gap between
O&M expenditure and recoveries through water charges has been
increasing, reaching 44 percent in financial year 1992. The overall gap
of 44 percent increases to 57 percent if recoveries are compared with
O&M requirements instead of expenditure. The gap between O&M and
cost recoveries amounted to Rs 3062.7 million during 1991-92 [Shah and
Qaiser (1994)].
1. Water Availability and Requirements
In order to achieve the envisaged growth target in agriculture
irrigation water requirements as estimated for the year 2000 and 2013
would be 143.1 and 206.4 MAF respectively as given in Table 3 [Mulk and
Mohtadullah (1991)].
Water availability for the future has been estimated at 108.7,
107.3 and 126.6 MAF (if 3 dams namely Kalabagh, Basha and Dassu are
constructed) in years 2000, 2013 and 2025 respectively. Without
requisite water supply, food and fibre deficits would be irrecoverable.
Water Sector Investment Planning Study (1990) have reported food, fibre
and edible oil shortfall of 23.5 m. tons in year 2000 and 48.5 m. tons
in year 2013. The water availability would fall short of requirements by
40.3, 107.3 and 150.8 MAF in years 2000, 2013 and 2025 respectively
which would reveal a very disastrous scenario indeed. Even in the year
2000, the deficit of 107.3 MAF would exceed the current (1995) total
canal withdrawals. No substantial increase in the water supply is
possible in the short run (by year 2000) because no dam can be built
even if there are no political or other bottlenecks. In other words nothing can be done to reduce water shortages substantially by year 2000
nor presumably even by year 2013. Out of 35 to 40 MAF flowing to the Sea
and allowing 10 MAF minimal escape below Kotri Barrage for environmental
and other abstractions, a meager potential of 25 MAF is left for
development of surface water resources. Groundwater residual potential
of 8 MAF remains to be exploited. So overall remaining water potential
both surface and sub-surface resources would be about 33 MAF against
additional requirement of 40.3 MAF in the year 2000 and 107.3 MAF in
year 2013 respectively. In nutshell there will no water to meet future
requirements even if full residual potential are developed by any magic
2. Need for Environmentally Sustainable Development
The environmental problems being faced by different countries vary
with their stage of development, the structure of their economies and
their environmental policies. In Pakistan, the sources of pollution
include saline drainage effluent, sewage, industrial waste, and
agro-chemicals. Water pollution damages fisheries, and waterlogging and
salinisation of the soil lowers crop yields. There are over 16.00
million hectares (ha) of irrigated land in Pakistan. Productivity on
about 42.5 percent of this land area or 6.9 million ha, has declined
significantly due to salinity and waterlogging. These forms of
environmental degradation are associated primarily with surface
irrigated agriculture in the arid and semi-arid regions which affect the
physical, chemical and biological components of their ecosystem.
It is generally agreed that irrigation and drainage projects which
are assisted by adequate levels of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
at their initial stages of planning will have greater possibilities of
being more sustainable in the long term, and have higher benefit to cost
ratios. This is because EIA techniques help to identify and enhance a
greater range of possible positive impacts, and provide the opportunity
of applying appropriate technological options and mitigatory measures
into the design and operation criteria to minimise negative impacts.
Rapid population growth may make it more difficult to address many
environmental problems. It is estimated that population of Pakistan,
currently growing at a phenomenal rate of over three percent per annum,
will increase to over 150 million by the turn of the century, thus
necessitating substantial increases in food, industrial and energy
output. With an annual population growth rate of 3.1 percent and the
need to maintain food self-sufficiency, it will be imperative that the
country conserve its existing agricultural base and the water upon which
increased production will depend.
Improving the environment for development may make it necessary to
raise investment rates in Pakistan by 2-3 percent of GDP by the end of
this decade. This would enable stabilisation of soil conditions,
increased protection of forests and natural habitats, improved air and
water quality, a doubling of family planning expenditures, sharply
improved school enrolment rates for girls, and universal access to clean
Pakistan need to have access to less pollutive technologies from
the developed countries and to learn from the successes and failures of
developed countries environmental policies. Policy reforms and
institutional changes are required to bring about accelerated
development and better environmental management.
The primary policy objective must be to achieve sustainable
agricultural production. The environment which prompts sustainable
agriculture production can be determined on the basis of scientific
information required for structural and institutional measures. In the
process, a comprehensive EIA, if carried out properly, can not only
identify major areas of environmental damage which may arise from the
project, and thus provide the opportunity of adopting necessary measures
in the planning, but also greatly assist in developing optimum
implementation and operation schedules.
The growing recognition of the importance of environmental
concerns, the rapid introduction of economic reform programmes around
the world, and the trend towards democratisation and participation in
the development process all point in the right direction [Afzal and
Hussain (1996)].
3. Public-Private Partnership
Worm Bank Approach
In irrigation and drainage, the World Bank [World Bank (1994)] has
suggested a completely new approach. The Bank wants Pakistan to
commercialise or at least 'autonomies' the supply of
irrigation water to farmers through market mechanism.
The bank believes it is time farmers are given "property
rights" to their water and are allowed to sell/buy it and the whole
thing is managed through market mechanism. It is further observed that
legalised water markets based on individual water property rights, make
the opportunity cost of water transparent leading to greater efficiency
in use. Individual rights to water property, are considered necessary to
ensure equity in distribution, thus addressing the problem of
The bank suggests creation of autonomous public utilities
(PUs)--one for each of the 43 canal commands in the country. The PUs
would in their territory sell water to farmers--individuals or
preferably to farmer organisations, and charge them tariffs determined
by the (provincial) government. The PUs in turn would also be free to
buy water from another PU or sell to another PU. The role of
farmers' organisation (FOs) is critical to the success of
commercialising irrigation water. In the short term they would act as a
counter balance to PUs. In the long terms, they may even come to own the
PUs and operate the whole system all by themselves. World Bank envisages
the new system to be put in place in four phases spread over 15 to 19
years. Phase-I comprises of enactment for PUs, FOs, water rights and
water markets, Phase-II defines structure of PUs and Provincial
Regulatory Commission (PRC), selection of one canal command, Phase-III
would be to improve delivery efficiency and expand water supply, and
Phase-IV converting rest of the canal commands to PUs and farming PWAs.
Recommended Institutional Framework (1)
To make the irrigation system sustainable, O&M gaps need to be
bridged by adopting appropriate measures like cost effective O&M,
increasing water rates according to the paying capacity of small
farmers. The present water charges constitute a small fraction (3-7
percent) of the net income per acre of various crops. Even then farmers
are reluctant to accept any increase in water charges. Solutions
suggested by World Bank address only filling the gap between O&M and
not the measures to enhance crop production for which this system is
being run. Therefore, such approach which will ensure the recovery of
increased water rates after enhancing crop production will be
practicable under Pakistan conditions and will make irrigated
agriculture sustainable.
In water sector, mostly engineering solutions were employed to
solve these problems. The institutional and social aspects of the
irrigation system were neglected. Any future strategy has to address
these issues. The present system has to be changed to ensure
sustainability of the irrigated agriculture.
We have pondered over this issue and have come to the conclusion
that the above objectives can be achieved through better coordination of
farmers and nation building departments (Agriculture, Irrigation and
Local Government and Rural Development).
Keeping this in view, a model based on integrating these
departments is suggested. The major emphasis has been laid on farmers
participation through union councils. The three departments will work in
close cohesion at provincial level under the Board for Irrigated
Agriculture (BIA), headed by Chairman, P&D, Secretaries for
Agriculture, Irrigation, LG&RD and farmers representative will be
members of the Board. The major functions of board will include policy
formulation and implementation, budgetary claims for irrigated
agriculture, water rates assessment and collection procedures at
provincial level. Under the Board will be different tiers at Province,
Region, District and Union Council level with fair participation of
farmers and these departments.
Farmers Associations organised at village level will be responsible
for watercourse cleaning and maintenance, procurement of farm input
under the leadership of democratic representatives (members Union
Council). Farmers Associations will cooperate at village level with
nation building departments in receiving farm technology, establishing
demonstration farms, model farms etc.
Union Council will be considered as basic development Unit. The
revenue recovery will be improved by making transparent the procedures
for assessment. Crop reporting and revenue collection at various tiers.
The approach will help increase farm production through integrated
efforts of serving departments and farmer's organisations.
Author's Note: The views and interpretations in this paper are
those of the author and should not be attributed to WAPDA.
Afzal, M., and Talib Hussain (1996) Environmentally Sustainable
Management of Irrigation System in Pakistan. Paper presented in
International Conference on Management and Business, LUMS. Lahore.
Pakistan, June 3-5.
Afzal, M., and Talib Hussain (1996a) Some Alternative Institutional
Changes for Irrigation Management. Paper presented in National
Conference on Management of Irrigation for Environmentally Sustainable
Agriculture in Pakistan. Islamabad. 5-7 November.
Mulk, Shams ul, and Khalid Mohtadullah (1991) Water Resources
Management Policies in Pakistan. Paper presented in International
Workshop on Water Resource Management. Washington, D. C.: USA.
Pakistan, Government of (Various Issues) Five-Year Plans.
Islamabad: Planning Commission.
Shafique, Muhammad, and A. A. Naqvi (1993) Financial and Economic
Analysis of Canal Lining in Pakistan. In Proceeding Workshop on Canal
Lining and Seepage. Lahore, 18-21 Oct. 393-409.
Shah, M. H., and A. H. Qaiser (1994) Policy Perspective for Making
Irrigation Systems Sustainable. Islamabad: Planning and Development
World Bank (1994) Pakistan Irrigation and Drainage: Issues and
Options. Agriculture Operations Division, South Asia Region.
World Bank (1994a) Proceedings of the National Conference on
On-farm Water Management. Islamabad: Pakistan. May 29-30.
World Bank (1995) Pakistan National Drainage Transition Programme
(NDTP) Executive Project Summary.
World Bank (1995a) Pakistan, Punjab Privatisation of Groundwater
Development Project. Staff Appraisal Report South Asia Region.
(1) See, Afzal and Hussain (1996a).
Muhammad Afzal is Chief Economist at Planning Division (Water),
Water and Power Development Authority, Lahore.
Table 1
Potential for Water Development
Quantity (MAF/Year)
Sr. At Water- At
No. Mode At Source Course Head Farmgate
1. Surface Water * 20.00 15.00 12.00
2. Groundwater Development
(i) Conventional 5.00 -- 4.75
(ii) By Skimming 5.00 -- 4.75
3. Watercourse Improvement 15.00 12.00
4. Minor Canal Lining 5.00 4.00
5. Riverain Storage ** 12.00 8.00
Total 42.00 35.00 37.50
* Flow diversion and storage.
** Alternate for surface water storage.
Table 2
Water Sector Allocations (Current Prices)
Allocation Percentage of
Plan Period (Million Rs) Total Plan
First (1955-60) 1311.9 24
Second (1960-65) 865.9 15
Third (1965-70) 2180.9 17
Fourth (1970-75) 2500.0 15
Fifth (1978-83) 17120.0 10
Sixth (1983-88) 32000.0 10
Seventh (1988-93) 28430.0 8
Eighth (1993-98) 55570.0 7
Table 3
Water Requirements and Availability
Year 2000 2013 2025
Population (Million) 148 207 267
Water Requirement
Irrigation 143.1 206.4
Non-irrigation 5.9 8.7
Total Requirements 149.0 215.1 277.4 *
Water Availability **
Total Surface and
Groundwater 108.7 107.3 126.6
Shortfall 40.3 107.8 150.8
* Extrapolated.
** At Watercourse head.