Structural adjustment, industrialisation, and export promotion.
Khan, Shahrukh Rafi ; Khan, Shaheen Rafi
The main objective of this paper was to explore if trade
liberalisation has ushered in the large scale de-industrialisation that
is feared by some to follow in its wake and whether it has been
successful in enhancing export promotion. We relied on several different
kinds of evidence to demonstrate that de-industrialisation has not
coincided with the intensive structural adjustment period while export
growth has. However, both industrialisation and export promotion in
Pakistan have been below potential, below the mean for low income
countries and have not even kept pace with progress in this regard in
the low income country group. We were not able to establish, possibly
due to the paucity of time-series observations, that either industry or
exports generated positive externalities for or used resources more
productively than the rest of the economy.
One of the nationalistic fears of structural adjustment induced
trade liberalisation is that it may lead to de-industrialisation and one
of the expected gains of such structural adjustment is export promotion.
(1) Considerable trade liberalisation took place over the period under
study. This is evident from the much smaller premia on imported goods
and from the sharp reduction in the effective rates of protection. (2)
The objective of this paper is to test if de-industrialisation has
occurred in Pakistan and whether Pakistan has been able to successfully
promote exports since the onset of structural adjustment. (3)
A nationalistic perspective is that structural adjustment induced
tariff cutting would result in a flood of cheap and high quality imports
which are the products of advanced technology and which would result in
de-industrialisation. Also, structural reforms induced sudden and sharp
increase in the costs of production, because of higher utility and
borrowing costs, could have at least a short term adverse impact on
industrial growth. The original concern with de-industrialisation
occurred in the context of the "Dutch Disease," whereby
prosperity strengthened the currency, made imports cheaper and resulted
in a decline in local industrialisation. To an extent, structural
adjustment can have a similar effect since it can stabilise the currency
and make imports more attractive. Remittances could have a similar
effect by strengthening the currency.
The theory of infant industry protection suggests that developing
countries need time to build themselves up to face competition. However,
the fear is now expressed that conditionality driven trade reforms will
make them indefinitely dependent on primary products with declining
terms of trade. (4) An alternative empirically based perspective is that
developing countries have spoiled industrialists who have refused to
become competitive and are hence a drain on the rest of the economy.
Thus no further protection is warranted and it is high time that this
sheltered industrial sector confront competition via trade
liberalisation. Competitiveness would also be induced by expecting this
sector to break into export markets and economic benefit would result
from the higher profitability and from the earning of much needed
foreign exchange.
In Section 2, we estimate the contribution of domestic demand,
import substitution and export-promotion to industrial growth. In
Section 3 we review the change in industrialisation and export
orientation over time and also review Pakistan's industrialisation
and export orientation relative to cross-country experience. We end with
a summary of findings.
The method utilised to decompose industrial growth is taken from
Lewis (1969, pp. 17-22). This can be summarised in the following
[DELTA]X = [[mu].sub.1] ([DELTA]D) + [[mu].sub.1] ([DELTA]X) +
([[mu].sub.2] - [[mu].sub.1] [Z.sub.2] ... (1)
X = Domestic production.
D = Domestic final demand.
X = Exports.
[Z.sub.2] = Total supply in terminal year.
[[mu].sub.1] = Domestic production to total supply in base year.
[[mu].sub.2] = Domestic production to total supply in the terminal
Equation (1) represents the decomposition of total industrial
production resulting from a change in domestic demand, exports and
import substitution. The detailed derivation is presented in Appendix 1.
(5) The results of this exercise are presented below in Table 2 for
three periods based on political and economic regimes correspond roughly
with the populist Bhutto government (1971-1977), the military regime of
Ziaul-Haque (1978-1988) and the democratic governments that followed.
The last period 1987-88-1990-91 represents the intensive bout of
structural adjustment. (6) The sample of industrial goods we selected to
compute Table 2 accounts for 85 percent of the total value of industrial
The story that emerges from the numbers in Table 1 above is
plausible and consistent with policy changes that have historically been
taking place. In the consumer goods industry, import-substitution was
already declining (negative) as a source of industrial growth in the
base period (1970-81) i.e., imports increased their share of the
domestic market. Exports accounted for 10 percent of industrial growth
in the base period and this increased to 14 percent in the 1980-88
period. This trend continued in the structural adjustment period
(1987-91) where export promotion was a very important part of industrial
growth (48 percent) and import displacement accounted for 11 percent of
industrial growth. (7) Thus Pakistan appears to have managed to deal
with trade liberalisation in the consumer goods industry rather well,
over the time period under study, by displacing imports and promoting
The intermediate goods industry is where the fears of
de-industrialisation at first appear more well founded. In the base
1970-81 period, import substitution accounted for 29 percent of
industrial growth. This declined to 10 percent in the 1980-88 period and
a negative 49 percent in the structural adjustment period. Thus it
appears that imports penetrated the domestic market following
liberalisation. On closer examination of the disaggregated findings, it
is evident that much of the change has occurred due to the petroleum
product group for which import substitution contributed 38 percent as a
source of industrial growth in 1970-81 but -17 percent in 1987-91. This
is not an industry for which Pakistan is resource rich. Market
penetration is also evident for the pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and herbicide group and the compressed liquified and solidified gas
group, although these product groups made no contribution to industrial
growth in the base year. Thus while liberalisation is associated with
de-industrialisation for the intermediate good category, the
disaggregated data show the high negative number (-0.49) overstates the
case. (8)
Export promotion in the intermediate goods sector consistently
declined with exports accounting for 16 percent of industrial growth in
the first period, 6 percent in the second period and -4 percent in the
third period (i.e. [DELTA]X was negative). The negative exports could
have resulted both from Pakistan's losing export markets to fierce
international competition, after having got a leg up earlier, and also
from domestic demand absorbing intermediate goods that might otherwise
have been exported.
There has been little change in the capital goods sector. Import
substitution accounted for roughly a fifth of industrial growth through
out the period and exports, as one might expect, accounted for nothing
so domestic demand explained the rest of industrial growth. In aggregate
terms, there has been negative import substitution or import penetration
over the period because of the intermediate goods industry. Export
promotion declined somewhat in the second period (due to intermediate
goods) and then picked up in the third period (due to consumer goods).
This mirrors findings we demonstrate in the next section.
This last section contained an analysis of change in the
determinants of industrialisation. However, so far, there has been no
mention of the magnitude and change in industrialisation itself, both in
absolute terms and relative to cross-country experience. We now turn to
these issues.
In Table 2 below, we present the broad changes that have taken
place in Pakistan with respect to industrialisation and export
orientation. Industrialisation and export orientation are measured in
terms of the ratio of the value-added in industrial, manufacturing and
exports sector relative to GDP.
The evidence in Table 2 is again mixed. Overall, there has been a
steady but small increase in the mean industry and manufacturing ratio
across the three periods. However, the annual average growth rate of
manufacturing and exports declined in the liberalisation period compared
to the earlier period. (9) Also, the performance across the board is
feeble compared to the performance of the new NICs. (10)
The export ratio increased over the three periods by less than 1
percent. However, there has been an improvement in growth rates from the
negative 6 percent in the base period to close to positive 3 percent in
the 1988-93 period. (11) The decline in export share in the second
period and rise in the third structural adjustment period is broadly
consistent with the finding in Table 2. The data reported below in Table
3 sets Pakistan's performance in a cross-country perspective. The
Table above shows that both in the base year, 1988, prior to structural
adjustment, and in the terminal year, 1994, after several years of
intensive structural adjustment, there is a substantial gap in
Pakistan's industry ratio and those representing the mean for low
income countries. The export ratio slipped from being slightly above the
mean export for low income countries in 1988 to notably below it in
We used two data sets. The first was the data tape of the World
Bank World Tables 1994 from which we drew our left hand side variables,
SOI and SOE. While per capita GDP was also available in the World Bank
World Tables, this was not in purchasing power parity terms. Thus we
used the Penn World Tables (Mark 5.6a) compiled under the supervision of
Summers and Heston (1991) to extract PCGDP adjusted for purchasing power
parity. (12)
The sample we used excluded countries which had a population of
less than one million in the starting-period, the ex-socialist bloc
countries, and countries that experienced a sustained high-intensity
civil war in the relevant period. Countries for which there were some
missing data also got excluded. This happened to include the high
petroleum exporting countries. Data for manufacturing were not available
for several countries and so we have done this exercise for only
industry and exports. Tile results from estimating Equation 2 on this
data set and sample are reported in Appendix Table I. (13)
Population is only a mildly significant positive predictor of the
size of the industry in the 1988-93 period. In all periods, it has a
negative and highly significant impact on the size of exports,
suggesting that a larger population may result in more production for
the non-traded sector and concomitant greater resource use in the
non-traded sector. However, the magnitude of the impact is very small
suggesting a .03 percent decline in the export ratio for a ten million
increase in the population.
PCGDP and the square of this variable has the expected
positive/negative sign as predictors of industrialisation in all
periods. The Chenery and Syrquin stylised facts, verified here, suggest
that industrialisation is expected to be positively associated with the
increase in per capita GDP but, beyond some threshold, as the service
sector expands, its relative importance in terms of its share in GDP is
expected to decline. (14)
The main purpose of conducting this exercise was to explore if
Pakistan's industrialisation and export-orientation was above or
below potential and if this changed over time. Based on the regressions
reported in Appendix Table 1 we computed the relevant residuals and the
results are reported below in Table 4.
The Table above shows that the actual industry ratio is below its
potential in the three periods. The export ratio has been notably below
potential in the first two periods but fell from 15.3 percent below
potential in the first period (1970-77) to only 3.7 percent below in the
intensive structural adjustment phase. Once again, this is consistent
with earlier findings of increased export promotion in the structural
adjustment period. Also, Pakistan falling further below its industrial
potential in the structural adjustment period is consistent with earlier
Of course, industrialisation and export orientation can not be
viewed as ends in and of themselves. In fact both of them have been
criticised in the progressive literature; industrialisation for negative
environmental consequences: export orientation for this and for
resulting in minority enriching and labour displacing enclave economies
with few linkages with the domestic economy. Given these reservations,
the endorsement of industrialisation (with safeguards) and export
orientation need to based on demonstrating at least their positive
contribution to GDP growth.
Following a method proposed by Bilginsoy and Khan (1994), we tested
to identify if the industrial and export sector contribute externalities
to the rest of the economy and if resources are more productively used
in these sectors compared to the rest of the economy. On both counts we
found no supporting evidence. (15) However, we only had 23 years data
(1070-93) and conclusive results would require many more observations.
Thus for now one would have to rely on cross-country results to
emphasise the importance of industrialisation in Pakistan.
The major focus of this paper is on the impact of trade
liberalisation on industrialisation and exports. While we have only been
able to study part of the liberalisation period, so far the evidence
concerning de-industrialisation and export promotion is mixed. We rely
on several different kinds of evidence to reach this conclusion.
We found that export-orientation has become an increasingly
important source of industrial growth in the consumer goods industry
(about half of total industrial growth), particularly in the structural
adjustment period. Correspondingly, import-substitution declined in
importance and the trend suggests a displacement of imports. However,
there is evidence of displacement of domestic production by imports in
the intermediate goods sector.
The mean size of industry as a percentage of GDP at 25 percent in
the structural adjustment period (1988-93) has increased by 4 percent
compared to the base period (1970-77) while the size of the
manufacturing sector increased by 3 percent (from 14 percent to 17
percent). Overall, mean exports as a percentage of GDP barely increased
from 11.7 percent in the base period to 12.1 percent in the structural
adjustment period. While the annual average growth rate of industry and
manufacturing in the 1988-93 period was 0.6 percent and 1.2 percent
above and below the base period respectively, that of exports was 8.8
percent greater than the base period. However, the annual average growth
rate of both manufacturing and exports declined in the period of
economic liberalisation compared to the earlier period.
While industrial and export growth has occurred, the evidence
suggests that in neither case is Pakistan realising its potential or
even matching the performance of low income countries. The growth of
industry was 1.04 percent below its potential in the structural
adjustment period compared to 0.2 percent below potential in the 1978-87
period. Also, compared to the category of low income countries in which
Pakistan is included, Pakistan's industry and export ratios were
substantially below the mean of low income countries in 1994.
There has been a steady improvement in export performance. Exports
were 15.3 percent below potential in the base period but only 3.7
percent below potential in the structural adjustment period. The latter
finding should not be cause for much celebration, since Pakistan's
export ratio had also fallen behind the mean of low income countries in
1994 compared to being slightly ahead in 1088.
To conclude, the performance of the consumer goods sector in
promoting exports and displacing imports has been robust. Other evidence
also points to an improvement in export performance, although Pakistan
is still not meeting its export potential or matching the mean
performance of even low income countries. Also, our findings cannot
reassure those in Pakistan who feared that structural adjustment would
usher in de-industrialisation. ]here is evidence of imports displacing
domestic production in the intermediate goods sector and of average
annual growth in industry declining and of industry growth falling
further behind potential in the period of economic liberalisation
compared to the earlier period.
Appendix 1
Industrial Growth Accounting
[DELTA]Q = [DELTA]Z ... ... ... ... ... (i)
Z = Total supply
Q = Total demand
[DELTA]Z - [DELTA]X + [DELTA]M .... ... ... ... ... (ii)
X = Domestic production
M = Imports
[DELTA]Q = [DELTA]DFD + [DELTA]W + [DELTA]E ... ... ... ... ... (iii)
DFD = Domestic final demand
W = Domestic intermediate demand
E = Exports
Due to a lack of data, the two categories of domestic demand are
merged into D so that
[DELTA]Q = [DELTA]D + [DELTA]E ... ... ... ... ... (iv)
Starting with Equation 1, we can write
[X.sub.1] / [Z.sub.1] * [DELTA]Q = [X.sub.1] / [Z.sub.1] * [DELTA]Z
[X.sub.1] / [Z.sub.1] [DELTA]Q = [X.sub.1] / [Z.sub.1] * [Z.sub.2] -
[X.sub.1] / [Z.sub.1] * [Z.sub.1] [[mu].sub.1] [DELTA]Q = [[mu].sub.1]
[Z.sub.2] + ([X.sub.2] - [X.sub.1]) [X.sub.2] [[mu].sub.1] [DELTA]Q =
[[mu].sub.1] [Z.sub.2] + [DELTA]X - [X.sub.2] / [Z.sub.2] * [Z.sub.2]
[[mu].sub.1] [DELTA]Q = [[mu].sub.1] [Z.sub.2] + [DELTA]X - [[mu].sub.2]
[Z.sub.2] [[mu].sub.1] [DELTA]Q = ([[mu].sub.2] - [[mu].sub.1])
[Z.sub.2] + [DELTA]X [DELTA]X = [[mu].sub.1] [DELTA]Q + ([[mu].sub.2] -
[[mu].sub.1]) [Z.sub.2]
Substituting for [DELTA]Q from Equation (iv) we get
[DELTA]X = [[mu].sub.1] [DELTA]D + ~[[mu].sub.1][DELTA]E +
([[mu].sub.2] - [[mu].sub.1]) [Z.sub.2] ... ... ... ... (v)
Equation (v) is what has been estimated. If import substitution is
constant, the change in total production that would result from a change
in domestic demand is [[mu].sub.1] ([DELTA]D + [DELTA]E). Where
[[mu].sub.1] = [X.sub.1] / [Z.sub.1] or domestic production to total
supply in base year. Thus [[mu].sub.1] [DELTA]D explains the change in
domestic production that results from a change in domestic demand and
the [[mu].sub.1] [DELTA]E explains the change in domestic production
that results from a change in export demand. Finally, there is a change
in domestic production that can be ascribed to a change in import
substitution holding demand constant which can be captured as
([[mu].sub.2] - [[mu].sub.1]) [Z.sub.2]. Here [[mu].sub.2] =
[X.sub.2]/[Z.sub.2] or domestic production to total supply in terminal
year. If the ratio of domestic production to total supply increases in
the terminal year compared to the base year, it can be attributed to
domestic production displacing imports. The lull decomposition
expression then is as follows:
To repeat for emphasis, in Equation (v) the first two terms
represents the change in domestic production resulting from a change in
domestic demand and the change in exports holding import substitution
constant, and the third term represents the change in domestic
production resulting from a change in import substitution holding
domestic demand constant.
Appendix Table 1
Cross-country Regression to Identify
Potential Size of Industry and Exports
Time Period 1970-77
Variable LSOI LSOE
Constant 2.76 * 3.12 *
(32.71) (22.57)
Per Capita 0.3E-3 * 0.1E-4
GDP (5.69) (0.89)
Per Capita 0.2E-7 * -0.2E-8
GDP (4.46) (0.79)
Population 0.6E-6 -0.3E-5 *
(1.37) (3.69)
R Bar Squared .37 .13
N 78 80
F 12.32 * 5.07 *
Time Period 1978-87
Variable LSOI LSOE
Constant 2.82 * 2.97 *
(34.64) (23.23)
Per Capita 0.2E-3 * 0.8E-4
GDP (6.23) (1.26)
Per Capita -0.1E-7 * 0.5E-8
GDP (5.40) (1.02)
Population 0.5E-6 * -0.2E-5 *
(1.64) (3.45)
R Bar Squared .37 .13
N 81 81
F 16.98 * 5.05 *
Time Period 1988-93
Variable LSOI LSOE
Constant -1.75 * 2.85 *
(22.22) (22.63)
Per Capita 0.2E-3 * 0.2E-3 *
GDP (6.38) (2.89)
Per Capita -0.1E-7 * -0.8E-8 **
GDP (5.60) (2.39)
Population 0.4E-6 *** -0.2E-5 *
(1.66) (2.89)
R Bar Squared .38 .19
N 79 80
F 16.64 * 7.21 *
Source: World Bank World Table 1994 for population, GDP value-added
in industry, Exports of goods and non-factor services. Penn World
Tables (5.6a) were used for per capita GDP in purchasing potter
parity (PPP) terms.
Notes: LSOI--Size of the industrial sector defined as value-added
in industry met GDP. The ratio was logged.
LSOE--Size of exports defined as the value of goods and non-factor
services exported over GDP. The ratio was logged.
Parentheses contain t-ratios.
* Significant at least at the 1 percent level.
** Significant at least at the 5 percent level.
*** Significant at least at the 10 percent level.
Authors' Note: Thanks are due to Javed Akbar Ansari, Tariq
Banuri, and Mohsin S. Khan for comments. Thanks are also due to Sajid
Kazmi for extensive and able research assistance.
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Development and Cultural Change 40: 523-544.
Feder, G. (1982) On Exports and Economic Growth. Journal of
Development Economics 12: 59-73.
Jung, W.S., and P. S. Marshall (1985) Exports, Growth and Causality
in Developing Countries. Journal of Developing Economics 18: 1-12.
Kaldor, N. (1967) Strategic Factors in Economic Development.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Kavoussi, R. M. (1984) Export Expansion and Economic Growth:
Further Empirical Evidence. Journal of Development Economics 14:
Kemal, A. R. (1997) Patterns and Growth of Pakistan's
Industrial Sector. In S. R. Khan (ed.) Fifty Years of Pakistan's
Economy. Karachi: Oxford University Press. (Forthcoming.)
Khan. S. R. (1997) Trade Liberalisation, Industrialisation and
Export Promotion. Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad.
Khan, S. R., and C. Bilginsoy (1994) Industry Externalities
Revisited. Kyklos 47: 67-80.
Khan, S. R., C. Bilginsoy, and M. S. Alam (1997) Dynamic
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Levine, R., and D. Renelt (1992) A Sensitivity Analysis of
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Lewis, S. R. (1969) Economic Policy and Industrial Growth in
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Sheehey, E. (1992) Exports and Growth: Additional Evidence. Journal
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Singer, H. W. (1989) Terms of Trade and Economic Development. In
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Summers, R., and A. Heston (1991) The Penn World Table (Mark 5): An
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Tyler, W. G. (1981) Growth and Export Expansion in Developing
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(1) Industry comprises value-added in mining, manufacturing,
construction, electricity, water and gas. Since manufacturing
constitutes the largest component of industry and is viewed as having
special significance, and hence it is also used as a separate category
for the analysis.
(2) For evidence that trade liberalisation in Pakistan has been
significant, see Aftab (1994) and Kemal (1997).
(3) Neither industrialisation nor export promotion should be viewed
as ends in and of themselves. Thus the links of industrialisation and
export promotion to economic growth also need to be empirically
investigated. For evidence on the impact of industrialisation on
economic growth, see Kaldor (1967); Weiss (1988); Khan and Bilginsoy
(1994) and Khan, Bilginsoy and Alam (1997). For the impact of export
promotion on growth see Tyler (1981); Feder (1982); Kavoussi (1984);
Balassa (1985); Chow (1987) and Dollar (1992). Scholars who have
questioned these findings include Jung and Marshall (1985); Dodaro
(1991); Sheehey (1992); Levine and Renelt (1992) and Khan and Bilginsoy
(4) For a brief review of the terms of trade controversy see Singer
(5) Thanks to Tariq Banuri for suggesting the derivation.
(6) The structural adjustment period is still under way in 1997,
although the new government of Nawaz Sharif has altered the macro focus
from demand restraint to supply incentives. The latest Census of
Manufacturing Industries available was for 1990-91.
(7) A positive number for import substitution could represent both
more production due to protection or import displacement via greater
efficiency and competitiveness. By looking at long term trends, it
becomes possible to identify which force is operative.
(8) Intermediate goods accounted for 42 percent of the total
1990-91 value of production in our sample and the petroleum product
group accounted for 23 percent of this value of production. The
pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and herbicide group and the
compressed liquified and solidified gas group together accounted for
less than 1 percent of the value of production in the intermediate group
category. For tables showing the disaggregate data
(9) The negative growth in manufacturing and exports in the base
period coincides with the nationalisation of industry.
(10) SOI and SOM for Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia in 1994 were
43, 39, and 41 percent and 32, 29 and 24 percent respectively. World
Development Report 1996 (1996, pp. 210-211).
(11) The export ratio reached a low of -9.0 percent in 1977. Thus a
positive growth rate of 2.79 percent in the second period was only able
to barely make the mean in the second period equivalent to the mean in
the base period.
(12) Data were only available until 1992 for the PPP per capita
(13) The slight difference in the equations we estimated is the
exclusion of the population square term for which we got a zero
coefficient. The diagnostics of the straight OLS based on Chi-squared
tests suggested a specification error and the related non-normality in
the error term. These problems were resolved by logging the dependent
variable. We corrected for hetroskedasticity where it was present. The
sample of countries included for the estimation is reported in Khan
(14) It is implicitly assumed in the Chenery-Syrquin method that
all countries follow the same industrialisation trajectory. We tested
for this by using intercept and slope dummies for low and middle income
countries and were able to reject separate trajectories.
(15) We have not reported the results here to conserve space.
Details are reported m Khan (1997).
Shahrukh Rafi Khan is Senior Fellow, Sustainable Development Policy
Institute, Islamabad. Shaheen Rafi Khan is Economics Consultant at
Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad.
Table 1
Sources of Industrial Growth (Percentages)
1970-71--1980-81 1980-81--1987-88
Con. -0.14 0.10 1.04 -0.01 0.14 0.88
Int. 0.29 0.16 0.55 0.10 0.06 0.84
Cap. 0.22 0.00 0.78 0.18 0.00 0.82
Total 0.10 0.11 0.80 0.09 0.08 0.86
Ind. IS X DD
Con. 0.11 0.48 0.41
Int. -0.49 -0.04 1.55
Cap. 0.20 0.00 0.80
Total -0.12 0.15 0.97
Sources: Computations by authors based on Census
of Manufacturing Industries (various years).
Notes: IS = Import substitution.
X = Export promotion.
DD = Domestic demand.
Ind. = Industry type.
Con. = Consumer good industries.
Int. = Intermediate good industries.
Cap. = Capital good industries.
All numbers are weighted averages and the rows for all industry
categories for all periods add to 1. We were unable to exactly
match the items in the electric machinery and equipment and
non-electric machinery categories of the capital good industries
for the 1987-88/1990-91 period to the earlier periods. Thus there
is not complete comparability in the last and earlier two period
estimates for capital goods.
Table 2
Size and Annual Average Growth Rates of Industry, Manufacturing,
and Export Ratios
1970-77 21.38 14.39 11.69
(0.59) (-0.41) (-6.04)
1978-87 23.06 16.66 11.26
(0.40) (1.32) (2.79)
1988-93 25.39 17.38 12.14
(1.19) (0.80) (2.74)
Source: World Bank World Tables 1994 data diskette.
Notes: Parentheses contains annual average growth rates for the period.
SOI = Size of industrial sector defined as real value-added in industry
over real GDP.
SOM = Size of manufacturing sector defined as real value-added in
manufacturing over real GDP.
SOE = Size of exports defined a the real value of good and non-factor
services over real GDP.
Table 4
The Extent to Which the Actual Size of Industry and Export GDP
Ratio Differ from the Potential Based on Cross-country Experience
Period SOI SOE
1970-77 -3.02 -15.34
1978-87 -0.21 -13.75
1988-93 -1.04 -3.66
Source: Based on cross-country regressions reported in Appendix III,
Table 1.
Notes: The percentages are calculated by dividing the residuals by
the fitted values, where the fitted values are viewed as the potential.