Perfect capital mobility, taxation, money illusion, and devaluations.
Ali, Syed Zahid
Are devaluations contractionary? This question has been with us for
a long time. The conventional Keynesian economist holds the view that if
devaluation is demand-expansionary, then both output and
balance-of-payments will improve with devaluation. Experience, however,
shows contrary outcomes. For example, Sheehy (1986), who has covered 16
Latin American countries, concluded that devaluation was highly
contractionary in these countries. Edwards (1986), on the other hand,
has covered 12 less developed countries (LDCs) and found that
devaluations are contractionary in the impact period, while in the
long-run they all become neutral. Hamarious (1989) has used the data for
the periods 1953-73 and 1975-84 and has covered twenty-seven countries
and six devaluation episodes to study the effects of devaluations upon
prices and the trade balance. He found that in over 80 percent of the
cases, devaluation causes a net improvement in the trade balance both in
the impact period and in the middle period. The study concluded that the
effects of devaluation upon the trade balance last for two to three
years. Such results seriously challenge the theoretical results derived
by the conventional economist.
A great deal of effort has been made to give a theoretical
explanation of these contractionary effects of devaluation. The first
thing which naturally comes to our mind is that devaluation may not be
demand-expansionary. Secondly, although devaluation may be
demand-expansionary, yet due to strong negative supply-side effects of
the exchange rate there could be an adverse effect of devaluation upon
output and payments balance. To explore the possible supply-side effects
of the exchange rate, economists have developed a few models which deal
explicitly with the supply-side effects of the exchange rate. Buffie
(1986); Lizondo and Montiel (1989); Gylfason and Schmid (1983); Calvo
(1983) and Lai and Chang (1989) are the important examples in this
context. Buffie (1986) derived the result that if the system is stable,
then devaluation cannot both contract employment and reduce the payments
balance. Calvo (1983) and Larrian and Sachs (1986) have derived the
result that devaluation will exert contractionary effects only if the
local equilibrium is unstable. Lai and Chang (1989) have derived the
result that currency devaluation has a negative impact on output if
workers are freed from money illusion. Gylfason and Schmid (1983) show
that if the veal wage is assumed to be constant, then devaluation
contracts the real income.
In this paper, we extended the work of Lai and Chang. Lai and Chang
demonstrated that it is the degree of money illusion coupled with the
tax system (proportional versus progressive) which probably explains the
contractionary effects of devaluation. When workers are free of any
money illusion, it is shown that devaluation necessarily contracts the
output. However, when workers have some degree of money illusion, then
tax-induced aggregate supply-side effects may give rise to
contractionary effects of devaluation. We have developed a model which
contains the Lai and Chang model as a special case. We improved the Lai
and Chang model on at least seven points. However, due to space
limitations, we are not reporting these changes. Interested readers may
read Ali (1991) for details.
After this introduction, we now move to the next section of this
paper where we discuss our model.
Aggregate Demand
The demand side of the model is represented by the following
Q = C[Q.sup.d] + I (r) + G + X([ep.sup.x]/P) - []/p
IM([], [Q.sup.d]) ... (1)
[Q.sup.d] = [Q - t(pQ) Q - S]p/g ... ... ... ... (2)
g = (1 - [alpha])p + [alpha][ep.sup.f] ... ... ... ... ... (3)
M/g = L[Y, (1-t(pQ)r] ... ... ... ... ... (4)
Y = pQ/g ... ... ... ... ... (5)
Supply Side
The supply side of the model is represented by:
Q = Q(N, [bar.K]) ... ... ... ... ... (6)
W = P[Q.sub.N] (N, [bar.K]) ... ... ... ... ... (7)
W (1 - t(pQ)) = h(N,g) ... ... ... ... (8)
Government Budget Constraint
The government budget constraint is represented by:
G = t(pQ)Q + S ... ... ... ... ... ... (9)
The dynamics of the model are determined by the following
balance-of-payments equation:
[??] = p [X([ep.sup.x]/p) - []/p IM([]/p,
[Q.sup.d])] + K(r - [r.sup.f] + [??]/e) ... (10)
The notation is as follows:
Q domestic output;
[Q.sup.d] disposable income;
C consumption expenditure;
t income tax rate;
p domestic currency price of domestic good;
I investment expenditure;
r domestic interest rate;
G government expenditure;
e nominal exchange rate measured in domestic currency;
[p.sup.f] foreign currency price of imports;
L real money demand;
[??] nominal money supply;
K net capital inflow;
M balance-of-payments surplus;
[alpha] proportion of expenditure on foreign good;
g consumer price index;
W nominal wage rate;
[Q.sub.N] marginal productivity of labour;
h ()inverse labour supply function;
Q (N) production function;
N level of employment or number of hours worked;
X () export expenditure;
IM ()import expenditure;
Y scale variable in the money demand function;
[??] time derivative of the exchange rate;
S lump-sum tax; and
[r.sup.f] foreign rate of interest;
Equation (1) represents the equality between supply and demand for
the domestically produced good, Q, whose price is p. The variables C and
I represent the consumption of domestic and foreign goods by private
agents. G represents government expenditure. As usual, private
consumption and investment are specified as functions of disposable
income and rate of interest, respectively. Also, it is assumed that
along with the terms of trade, [ep.sup.f/p], the demand for imports
depends on disposable income, while the demand for exports is defined as
a function of the terms of trade and foreign income. For simplicity, we
assume that foreign income is fixed, and it is therefore omitted.
Equation (2) determines the disposable income of private agents, t(pQ)
is the tax function and S is a lump-sum tax.
Equation (3) is the standard consumer price index (CPI). Equation
(4) is the standard LM equation. It stipulates equilibrium in the money
market. It is assumed that the demand for money is negatively related to
the interest r and positively related to output. Following Salop (1974)
and Ahtiala (1989), the scale variable in the money demand function, Y,
is defined in terms of basket of good. Similarly, the demand for money
is specified as a function of after-tax interest rate. Furthermore. to
maintain consistency, we also defined the level of money stock, M, in
terms of the basket of good.
As far as the supply side of the model is concerned, Equation (6)
shows that output is produced by involving only labour as the variable
factor. Equations (7) and (8) represent labour demand and supply,
respectively. The demand for labour is obtained by solving the
firm's profit maximisation problem. The supply is obtained by
maximising labour's utility function, defined with after-tax real
income and leisure as arguments, subject to the time constraint.
Equation (9) states that government budget is always in balance,
t(pQ)Q measures the total tax revenues while S is a lump-sum subsidy
which keeps the government budget continuously balanced.
The last Equation, (10), introduces some dynamics into the system.
It determines the balance of payments, which is defined as the sum of
current and capital accounts. It also explains the spending and earning
of foreign exchange.
This completes the basic introduction of the model. In the impact
period, there are ten endogenous variables Q,[Q.sup.d], p, r, N, W, g,
S, Y, and [??], which could be derived by solving Equations (1) through
(10). We are assuming throughout that the country in question is
importing only final consumption goods, and that the labour market
clears at every point in time. Although it introduces a stock-flow
mis-specification problem, for simplicity we ignore international
debt-service payment and the wealth effects.
As usual, throughout the analysis we are assuming that:
c: is marginal propensity to consume;
[[eta].sub.x] = dX([ep.sup.x]/p)/d([ep.sub.x]/p) x
[ep.sup.x]/[bar.X] export price elasticity;
[delta]e is price elasticity of imported goods; and
I [bar.M] is initial value of imports.
Bar represents the initial value of the variable.
[delta] is the parameter which measures the degree of money
illusion: [delta] = 0 means that workers have perfect money illusion,
[delta] = 1 implies no money illusion, and 0 < [delta] < 1
indicates that workers are suffering from partial money illusion. We
first represent the model in the following compact form which will be
helpful in deriving stability conditions and comparative static results:
Where [z'.sup.s], [[phi]'.sup.s] and [B'.sup.s] are
functions of the model parameters. However, due to space limitations, we
are not reporting these lengthy expression.
By applying Cramer's rule on (11) and after doing a series of
manipulations, we can derive that the system will be stable if and only
[DELTA] = [z.sub.1] - [[phi].sub.p]
Using (12) it can be shown that in a perfect capital mobility
regime the model will be stable if and only if
From (13) it is evident that regardless of the tax system, the
model may not be necessarily stable if [DELTA] has a negative value.
However, if we assume the plausible set of parameter values, for
example, [alpha] = 0.30, [[theta].sub.L] (labour share in total output)
= 0.75, t = 0.5, [[eta].sub.x] = 1.1, [[delta].sub.e] = 0.95,
[[upsilon].sup.d] (real wage elasticity of labour demand) = 1, IM = 0.3,
c = 0.9, [m.sup.d] = 0.6, r = 0.10, [[epsilon].sup.s] (real wage
elasticity of labour supply) = 0.1, a (income elasticity of money
demand) = 1, [sigma] (interest elasticity of investment demand) = 0.34,
[theta] (interest elasticity of money demand) = 0.25, and P = Q = 1
initially, then for non-progressive taxation the model will necessarily
be stable if [DELTA] is negative. Furthermore, for progressive taxation
[DELTA] must have a positive value for stability if and only if [eta]
has a value greater than 12.2, which is highly restrictive. For this
reason, in the analysis below, we assume that for all taxation regimes
the system is table under [DELTA] < 0.
Assuming stability of the system, we now derive some comparative
static results which follow from devaluation of the domestic currency.
Applying Cramer's rule on (11) and set [K.sub.r] [right arrow]
- [infinity] we get
[[OMEGA].sub.0]= 1 - c + [m.sup.d]
From (14), the following propositions can easily be derived:
PROPOSITION 1. In a perfect capital mobility regime, if workers
have no money illusion and if the taxes are proportional, then
devaluation will be neutral.
By setting [delta] = 1 and [eta] = 0 we will get dlnQ/dlne = 0
which shows that devaluation is neutral.
PROPOSITION 2. In a perfect capital mobility regime, if workers
have no money illusion, then under a plausible set of parametric values,
devaluation will decrease the output for progressive taxation while it
increases the output for regressive taxation.
Set c = 0.9, [m.sup.d] = 0.6, [alpha] = 0.3, I[bar.M] = 0.3,
[bar.G] = 0.25, and [bar.Q] = 1 in (14) it can be shown that for
progressive taxation (regressive taxation) output will increase with
devaluation if and only if [[eta].sub.x] + [[delta].sub.e] - 1 <
0.0225 ([[eta].sub.x] + [[delta].sub.e] + 1 > 0.225). This shows that
if we assume [[eta].sub.x] = 1.1, [[delta].sub.e] = 0.95 (as we did
previously), then for progressive taxation output will decrease with
devaluation, while it will increase for progressive taxation.
PROPOSITION 3. If workers have some degree of money illusion 1 >
[delta] < 0, then the degree of money illusion plays a crucial role
in determining the output effect of devaluation.
From (14) it can be seen that
for non-progressive taxation [eta] [less than or equal to] 0 it can
be shown that
and with plausible parameter values defined above, the above
condition will necessarily be satisfied, which shows that output will
increase with devaluation. Furthermore, with the same set of parameter
values, it can further be shown that for progressive taxation output
will increase (decrease) with devaluation if the aggregate supply
function is positively sloped (negatively sloped). The reader can show
that the aggregate supply function is positively sloped (negatively
sloped) if [delta] - 1 + [eta]t/(1-t) > 0 ([delta]- 1 + [eta]t/(1-t)
< 0) which obviously depends upon the degree of money illusion.
The findings of this paper reveal that along with stability the
output effect of devaluation depends upon certain other characteristics
of the model, such as money illusion and the tax system.
We found that money illusion and the tax system play crucial roles
in determining the effects of devaluation. In our model a high degree of
money illusion is associated with low supply-side effects of exchange
rates, and vice versa, while the tax system coupled with the degree of
money illusion determines the slope of the aggregate supply function for
goods. We found that if workers are free of any money illusion and if
the tax system is proportional, then the stability of the model ensures
that output will decline with devaluation. This is the same result which
is derived by Lai and Chang (1989).
It is found that perfect capital mobility coupled with the tax
system plays a crucial role in determining the effects of devaluation on
output. In our model, perfect capital mobility suppresses the
contractionary demand-side effects of exchange rates which stem from
both the transaction and speculative demand for money. Consequently, the
likelihood that devaluation will be expansionary is increased. However,
we noticed that in case of no money illusion, devaluation is neutral for
proportional taxes, contractionary for progressive taxes, and
expansionary for regressive taxes.
The main conclusion of this paper is that the supply-side effects
of the tax rate coupled with the supply-side effects of the exchange
rate seriously challenge the conclusions of the orthodox devaluation
literature. Given that modern macroeconomic models involve more
sophisticated analyses of the labour market, we feel that we have
demonstrated that there is a need to develop it model involving such
features as efficiency wages or wage contracts, to further explore the
importance of the supply-side implications of the tax system when there
is exchange rate devaluation.
The paper addresses an important issue: Are devaluations
contractionary? Within the context of a small, open economy like
Pakistan, which relies mainly on its cotton exports, the question posed
by the paper is relevant. Its relevance is seen by the observation that
the cotton interests and other sheltered industries have repeatedly
lobbied for devaluations as a tool to improve the trade balance.
The theoretical framework of the paper employs micro-foundations
for the macro questions which it attempts to answer. The paper follows
the approach taken by Lai and Chang and extends their model by showing
it as a special case. The theoretical model employs an aggregate demand
side, an aggregate supply with its usual production function and wage
relationships, a government budget constraint, and a balance-of-payments
The government budget constraint absolves one from including high
powered money--a usual caveat of typical government budget constraints.
The paper would thus be limited to answering the question that it
raises, and its budget constraint is not the best suited to directly
examining the much-publicised relationship between trade and fiscal
deficits. In this paper, the relationship is examined indirectly at
best, and the apparent shortcoming of the paper is redressed to a degree
by the strong focus of the paper on taxation issues. As is well-known,
Pakistan collect substantial indirect taxes through import duties. The
paper would predict that the degree of money illusion and the type of
taxation regime would determine the output effects of devaluation.
In the model, with perfect capital mobility, the likelihood that
devaluation would be expansionary is increased. The author's
conclusions rest on whether taxes are proportional, progressive, or
regressive. I consider this feature of the paper to be its strength.
However, I am deeply sceptical of devaluations having expansionary
effects on output. Pakistan's previous devaluations are a case in
point. The following table would be suggestive of the net impact of
devaluation on the rupee value of the trade deficit.
Trade Balance Depreciation
Period % Changes % Changes
1972/73 - 1976/77 [down arrow] 7,758% 107.9%
1977/78 - 1981/82 [down arrow] 123.8% 6.6%
1982/83 - 1987/88 [down arrow] 1.2% 38.5%
1988/89 - 1991/92 [down arrow] 27.4% 29.3%
1992/93 - 1994/95 [up arrow] 14.8% 18.8%
The above empirical evidence clearly shows that the devaluation,
the trade balance improvement, and the output growth chain is not
visible in Pakistan, in spite of repeated and large devaluations.
The evidence is not at odds with, and supports, the main conclusion
of the paper that "supply-side effects of the tax rate coupled with
the supply-side effects of the exchange rate seriously challenge the
conclusions of the orthodox devaluation literature"--that
devaluations are expansionary.
It would be useful and interesting to see an empirical
representation of the model, though I cannot see how the present model
would lend itself to such a test. A tax-based model such as this can
prove particularly useful in the context of Pakistan, and those
economies which rely heavily on their taxation revenues from import
duties--but for this to be accomplished, the model would have to be
formulated empirically with all its econometric restrictions.
Anjum Siddiqui
Engro Chemicals Pakistan Ltd., Karachi.
Author's Note: I am thankful to W. M. Scarth who made valuable
comments on an earlier draft of this paper.
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Syed Zahid Ali is Assistant Professor, International Islamic
University, Islamabad.