What explains the current high rate of inflation in Pakistan?
Hasan, M. Aynul ; Khan, Ashfaque H. ; Pasha, Hafiz A. 等
One of the most significant developments in the current economic
scene in Pakistan has been the sharp increase in the rate of inflation.
The annual average rate of increase in the wholesale price index (WPI)
during the first seven months (July-January 1994-95) of the current
fiscal year has been about 19 percent as opposed to 11.3 percent during
the same period last year. A similar increase was also witnessed in the
consumer price index (CPI) which accelerated to 13 percent as opposed to
11.1 percent during the previous period. Such a sharp increase in prices
in recent months has not only caused alarm in the academic circles but
has equally disturbed the country's chief executive, the Prime
The recent surge of inflation is a matter of serious concern for a
variety of reasons. First, Pakistan has been a low-inflation country as
it has experienced price stability during the last three decades. The
rate of inflation, as measured by an increase in the WPI, averaged 2.6
percent during the 1960s. The components of the WPI, i.e., food, raw
materials, manufactures, and fuel and lubricants, also grew by an
average rate ranging from 2.0 to 3.4 percent p.a. during then 1960s (see
Table 1 for relevant statistics). The rate of inflation crossed the
single-digit threshold during the 1970s. The WPI and its components
increased at an annual average rate ranging from 12 to 18 percent. The
double-digit inflation during the 1970s has been the result of two major
oil shocks, a massive devaluation of currency, and devastating floods
destroying agricultural crops. Pakistan returned to the fold of the
single-digit inflation during the 1980s. The rate of inflation remained
at the single-digit level during the first three years of the 1990s with
the exception of 1990-91, when the rate of inflation increased to 11.7
percent as a result of the Gulf War. It is only during the outgoing
fiscal year and in the current year that the rising inflation is posing
a major threat to macroeconomic stability.
The recent inundation by inflation is a phenomenon to which the
people of Pakistan are not accustomed and, hence, it is a major concern
for the policy-makers.
Secondly, high and rising inflation poses a serious threat to
savings and growth. A high rate of inflation reduces the real return on
financial assets, thereby discouraging savings, on the one hand, and
encouraging the accumulation of non-financial assets, on the other.
Given Pakistan's limited access to international capital markets,
lower savings would lead to lower investment and slower growth.
Thirdly, high inflation rate erodes a country's external
competitiveness by appreciating the real exchange rate and, thus, acts
as a drag on exports and undermines the government's efforts to
improve the trade balance. (1) In such an event, a sharper depreciation
of the currency may become necessary which may further accelerate the
rate of inflation.
Finally, high and rising inflation hurts the poor and fixed-income
groups mostly owing to the higher proportion of their incomes being
devoted to food items. The weight of food price in WPI is almost 53
percent. The government responded to the challenge of rising inflation
mostly by concentrating on the demand management policy, i.e., by
reducing the budget deficit as well as borrowing from the banking
system, keeping the money supply growth close to the growth of the
nominal GDP and moderating the rate of currency depreciation. The
persistence of high and rising inflation clearly indicates that the
government's efforts to reduce inflation have not been successful.
In September 1994, the Prime Minister, through her directive, asked the
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) to study the causes
and cures of high inflation rate in Pakistan. The PIDE responded to the
directive by identifying key factors responsible for the high rate of
inflation [see Naqvi, et al. (1994)]. These factors are: (i) increase in
the prices of food, raw materials, fuel, manufactured goods; (ii)
inflationary expectations; and (iii) the growth rate of money supply in
relation to the GDP. Naqvi, et al. (1994) ranked the price of food as
the most important causative factor followed by inflationary
expectations. The growth in the money supply was relatively less
important, partly because its impact is felt with a one-year lag.
The general perception about the causes of the recent surge in
inflation points to many other factors such as increase in indirect
taxes (sales and excise), excess money supply, currency depreciation,
supply shocks like virus-induced reduction in cotton output and
weather-induced lower wheat crop, higher agricultural support prices,
increases in the prices of utilities, production losses due to power and
infrastructural bottlenecks, increases in wages and salaries, as well as
inflationary expectations. Though a recent study by ABN AMRO Bank
(hereafter the Bank) considers the food supply shocks and adjustments in
administered prices as important factors, they still blame the
insufficiently tight financial policies for the recent surge of
inflation. In particular, the considerable slippage from the fiscal
targets set in the 1994-95 budget appears to be the key factor
responsible for the current high rate of inflation. (2)
The present study takes these analyses to micro details and
attempts not only to identify but also to quantify the factors
responsible for the current high rate of inflation in Pakistan. In so
doing, the present study has chosen the WPI as a measure of inflation
because the impact of changes in the administered prices of utilities
and the procurement prices of various crops have a direct bearing on
this index of inflation. Furthermore, it examines the impact of various
factors on the components of the WPI, i.e., the WPI of food,
manufactures, and raw materials separately, which then feeds into the
general WPI through an estimated equation. These three components
account for 90 percent of the general WPI. In estimating the separate
equations for each component of WPI, attempts have been made to identify
as well as quantify the impacts of key policy variables. The key policy
variables which are included in the equations can be grouped into five
categories--demand management policies, supply-side shock, price policy,
imported inflation (due to exchange rate depreciation), and the role of
inflationary expectations. As will be seen in the ensuing pages, the
present study provides explanations for the recent surge in inflation
and suggests how to control inflation in Pakistan. A consistent time
series data covering the time-period from 1972-73 to 1993-94 has been
used for the analysis.
The format of the remaining paper is as follows. Section 2 presents
the discussion on some of the existing theories on inflation. The model
used in this study is presented in Section 3. Estimated regression,
simulation results, and the implications are presented in Section 4.
Section 5 summarises the paper and presents some concluding remarks.
Earlier theories on inflation relied heavily on cost-push and
demand-pull factors as the key components in explaining the behaviour of
prices. However, in recent years, particularly during the decades of the
seventies and eighties, when acceleration of high inflation was
observed, three other competing models became popular in the literature
in interpreting inflation [e.g., Frisch (1977)], namely, (a) the
Monetarist Inflation Model; (b) the Philips Curve Model; and (c) the
Structural Model of Inflation.
The monetarist model developed by Friedman (1968, 1970, 1971) and
empirically tested by Schwartz (1973) simply asserted that the prime
factor explaining the current rate of 'secular price change'
is the past behaviour of money to output ratio. This is also the dictum of the popular "Quantity Theory of Money" which, in
Friedman's (1968) words, posits that "inflation everywhere is
a monetary phenomena".
On the other hand, the Phillips curve model, which started as an
empirical investigation by A. W. Phillips and was subsequently
formalised by Lipsey (1960), simply postulated that there exists a
trade-off between price inflation and unemployment in the economy, at
least in the short-to medium-run. In other words, an economy cannot
simultaneously achieve lower inflation and unemployment rates.
Streeten (1962); Olivera (1964); Baumol (1967) and Maynard and
Rijckeghem (1976) promoted a "structural" approach to model
inflation. Essentially, these authors argued that it is the differential
rates in productivity growth, wages, and elasticities of income and
prices between the industrial and services sectors that determine the
long-run trend of rising prices.
Although the above three theories made important contributions in
understanding the underlying behaviour of determining inflation, these
models were, nevertheless, inadequate in explaining the complex dynamic
phenomena of rising inflation particularly for Third World countries.
This is due to the fact that many of the underlying assumptions in the
above models may not hold for those economies. For instance, the
instantaneously market (money and labour)-clearing assumptions made in
developing "Monetarist" and "Phillips curve" models
may be too restrictive for Third World economies because of the
existence of structural rigidities and large sparsely distributed
monetised sector. Furthermore, because of surplus labour, particularly
in the agricultural sector, the so-called "trade-off' between
inflation and unemployment may not be pronounced. Therefore, in
developing economies, neither rapid monetary growth nor persistence of
high unemployment independently is sufficient to explain the phenomenon
of chronic high inflation.
In addition, it has also been argued [e.g., Kalecki (1978); Nag and
Samanta (1994)] that Third World economies with a rapidly growing
manufacturing sector, when encountered with supply rigidities,
especially from the agriculture sector, can produce an incessant rise in
relative prices in the absence of corresponding matching increases in
agricultural products. Such sectoral increases in relative prices due to
ensuing "structural rigidities" may easily be translated into
a rising general price level, thus producing high inflation.
Criticising the existing theories of inflation in Third World
economies which attempt to explain the aggregate "general price
level" in terms of other broad macroeconomic monetary and demand
and supply factors, Chakravarty et al. (1985) noted:
"Efforts have been thwarted so far by undue reliance on
analysis at the aggregative levels. It must... be recognised that price
increases cannot be readily attributed to factors, influencing only
supply, or only demand. Empirical investigation of the issues...,
therefore, not easy at the aggregative level. At a disaggregative
(micro) level there is perhaps more room for agreement as to policy
In order to comprehend the factors explaining the behaviour of
prices in Third World countries it is, therefore, imperative to
construct a framework which should not only be a hybrid of the above
theories of inflation but, more importantly, the analysis must be
undertaken at a much disaggregated sectoral level. The next section thus
develops such a model for inflation in Pakistan.
In this section, we develop a model of inflation for Pakistan by
considering the factors noted earlier. Although the model constructed is
consistent with the economic theory, wherein the roles of demand and
supply and expectations are considered, yet it is also pragmatic in
character, in the sense that the role of structured government control
pricing policy is highlighted. The key factors that characterise the
behaviour of the price equation include: (a) supply shock; (b) monetary
policy shocks; (c) tax policy shocks; (d) external shocks; (e) pricing
policy shocks; and (f) expectations.
Supply Shock
It should be noted that the supply shock variable is defined as the
deviation of total availability of goods from its normal trend. Total
availability of goods for a given sector, in turn, is simply the total
value-added plus imports less exports of the same commodity. This
variable is expected to capture the market condition of a given sector.
Whenever the total availability of the commodity falls short of its
long-run trend, say due to crop failure, flood, virus etc.. the price of
this sector will tend to rise, everything else being equal. This
variable is outside the domain of government policy and, thus, the
government has no direct control over it, particularly in the short-run.
Monetary Policy Shocks
This variable represents the conventional demand management policy
of the government. Based on the traditional "quantity theory of
money", one would expect a positive impact of this variable on
prices. Obviously, the effect of government budget deficit, in the form
of "use of cash balances" or credit creation that government
undertakes to finance its deficit, is subsumed in it.
Tax Policy Shocks
Traditionally, the impact of tax policy on prices is indirectly
related through the government budget deficit. Here, we argue that the
impact of certain taxes, namely, sales and excise duties on the
manufactured and raw material product prices, is more direct. This is
due to the fact that whenever government announces an increase in these
taxes, it is observed that the producers immediately raise the prices of
their products. In some cases, the price increase would even take place
prior to the actual announcement of taxes.
External Shocks
For a small open economy (SOE) like Pakistan, the domestic price
level cannot remain immune to external price shocks. Being a SOE,
Pakistan has to take these foreign prices as given. The external price
shock problem may be further exacerbated when the prices of imported
commodities used as an input in domestic products are measured in local
currency. This is due to the fact that the prices of imported foreign
goods (used as inputs) valued in domestic currency also incorporate the
effect of exchange rates and tariff policies. If the external price
shock is accompanied by a devaluation of the local currency or a higher
tariff rate, then it may be translated into the prices of domestic
Pricing Policy Shocks
Government may engage in two types of policies to directly control
prices, namely, the procurement price and the administered price. In
order to provide support, especially to the key essential agricultural
products (wheat, cotton, and sugar), the government would occasionally,
or on a regular basis, buy these items at a price which may be different
from the market prices. For instance, in the past, in order to encourage
wheat production and, at the same time, stabilise the price of this
commodity, the government purchased it at a higher price from the
producers and sold it at a lower price to the consumers. This act was a
kind of subsidy to the consumers which may be justified on equity
grounds but it may violate the efficiency criteria. A rapid increase in
the procurement prices obviously will be translated into higher food
prices and thus increase the general price level.
Prices of fuel, gas, and electricity are normally set by the
government and thus may be different from free market prices. In
developed economies (U.S., Canada, U.K., etc.), the price of crude oil,
though heavily taxed by the government, still fluctuates with the market
supply and demand conditions. In a Third World country like Pakistan,
such fluctuations (particularly downwards) in government-administered
oil prices are seldom observed. Consequently, the price of oil as well
as electricity may rise rapidly due to ad hoc unidirectional
government-administered policies, and thus it may permeate the general
price level.
The role of expectations is critical in the determination of future
prices. As is well-known from the Philips curve analysis, the time
profile of expected inflation is asymmetrical in the sense that there is
an upwards bias in expectations formation of future prices. In other
words, it takes rational agents a much longer time to revise their
expectations formations downwards about inflation than what they would
have taken for upwards expectations. It is true that a one-shot increase
in prices does not necessarily create sustained inflation. However, on
the other hand, if this price increase for some reason gets built into
the agents' future expectations, then, for the reasons explained
above, there is every danger that an upwards spiral in inflation can
develop in the economy. This is why economists and policy-makers in the
mid-eighties were more determined to control inflation than
unemployment. Of the two evils, namely, inflation and unemployment, it
is believed that the former is more damaging to the economy. It is
evident that most of the developed economies (U.S., Canada, Britain,
etc.,) in recent years have been able to get rid of inflation (2 percent
or less in some cases).
As noted earlier, the model of inflation for Third World economies
not only requires the consideration of non-traditional factors but it
has also been suggested that the construction of the model should be
done at a much disaggregated sectoral level. This is so because the
aggregate general price level is constructed by taking a weighted
average of many sectoral price levels. The price level for each sector,
in turn, depends on the factors identified above. Since not all the
factors identified above may be responsible in explaining each sectoral
price, a disaggregated approach, therefore, needs to be adopted in order
to analyse the behaviour of inflation. In addition, the factors
explaining the behaviour of price increase may have impacts of different
intensities for the general price level as compared to that of sectoral
prices. Thus, a simple investigation of the impact of the above factors
on the aggregated general price level is not sufficient to establish and
identify the true causes of inflation.
With the help of Flow Chart 1, we schematically demonstrate the
factors explaining each sectoral price, the two-way linkages of some of
the variables in the model, and also how the general wholesale price
index is constructed. In Pakistan, the general wholesale price index
(WPI) is based on five key sectoral prices, namely, food, raw material,
manufacture, energy (oil, fuel, lubricant), and building material. (3)
Taking the actual weights into consideration (which will be presented in
the next section), we have assumed the wholesale price indices for
energy (WPIE) and building material (WPIB) to be exogenously determined.
However, the other three price indices (food, manufacturing, and raw
material) are determined behaviourally by factors such as supply shock,
monetary policy, tax policy, external prices, and future price
expectations, as shown in Flow Chart 1.
In addition, the procurement prices for wheat will have an impact
on the wholesale price for food while the cotton and sugarcane
procurement prices will affect raw material prices. The manufactured
price index will also be determined by raw materials as well as
government's administered energy prices. It should be noted that
our model also incorporates several definitional identities indicating
the extent to which the disaggregation and the micro level detail impact
analysis is possible.
Having specified the model, in order to identify the size of the
impact explaining the sectoral and general wholesale price levels, the
next section presents empirical results based on data.
In this section, we discuss the simulation results and their
ensuing policy implications
Estimated Regression Results
Estimated ordinary least squares (OLS) regression results of the
inflation model are reported in Table 2. the estimated regression
coefficients in all three price equations not only have the correct
stipulated signs but, in most cases, they are statistically significant
at the 1 percent level. Explanatory power of each equation represented
by [R.sup.2] is fairly high (99 percent) and their does not seem to be a
serial correlation problem.
Since the equations are in logarithmic form, the estimated
coefficients will represent elasticity of the respective variables. It
is interesting to note that elasticity of supply relative to its
long-run value has the greatest negative effect on food prices (84.8
percent) followed by the raw material prices (3.7 percent). This is due
to the fact that the supply of food includes commodities which may be
perishable (e. g., vegetable, fruits, etc.) and cannot be stored for a
longer period (wheat and rice) as opposed to the manufactured (textile,
garments) or raw material (cotton) products.
As expected, the money supply or monetary policy has the smallest
impact on agricultural food price (only .0037 percent) as opposed to the
prices in the more formal manufactured goods sector (2.5 percent).
Procurement prices for wheat seem to be highly significant in food
prices (40 percent) while the impact of cotton and sugar procurement
prices on the raw material index is, at best, marginal (.003 percent).
It appears that both sales tax and excise duties may significantly
raise the wholesale prices for manufactured product (23 percent). As for
the prices of imported commodities, it seems to have a much greater
effect on raw materials (50 percent) than the manufactured prices (30
percent). This is so because the price increase of the imported products
directly contributes to the price of raw material, whereas, in the case
of manufacture goods, the impact comes indirectly through input prices.
Finally, the role of expectations (captured by a lagged value of
WPI) turned out to be relevant for the food prices. In fact, in terms of
the size of its impact on food prices, it is higher (55.4 percent) than
the coefficient of the procurement price of wheat. It is intuitive to
find out that expectations affect food prices but not other indices,
e.g., raw material or manufactured products, because food is an
essential item (wheat, rice, vegetable, etc.) in the consumer's
basket and, thus, any shortage in this commodity would result in
speculation and people in this case would tend to believe the worst-case
Although the analysis of regression coefficient results was useful
in explaining the marginal impact of different policy and non-policy
shocks on sectoral prices, it, however, did not enable us to identify
the contribution of these shocks on the overall wholesale price index.
We present below the simulation results of the model to identify the
contribution of the shocks in explaining the inflation rate in Pakistan.
Policy Simulations and Their Implications
Table 3 reports simulation results on the contributors of inflation
in Pakistan in 1994-95. Essentially, Table 3 presents three types of
(i) Percentage changes in the policy and non-policy shocks between
1994-95: These figures simply reflect the extent of changes either
observed or assumed in the policy and non-policy factors of inflation,
namely, supply shock, monetary policy, procurement prices policy, tax
policy, external price shock, administered price policy, and
expectations. For instance, during 1994-95, a 17 percent growth rate in
the money supply is assumed while the shortage of food commodity
represented by supply shock will only be 1 percent. The figures for
policy and non-policy shocks are given in the parenthesis of Table 3.
(ii) The second type of numbers reported in Row Two across each
shock in Table 3 represent the contributors to sectoral inflation. For
instance, a one-percent negative supply shock will have about a 5.9
percent (of actual 14.4 percent) increase in food prices. This number is
calculated by simply multiplying the regression coefficient of the
supply shock (-.8477) with its corresponding growth rate (-1 percent)
and then dividing the result by the observed actual 14.4 percent
inflation rate for food prices [(-.8477 x -1)/.144 = 5.89].
(iii) The third type of numbers in Row One across each shock in
Table 3 show the contributor to the overall inflation rate. For
instance, while the sectoral contribution of I percent supply shock to
food price is 5.9 percent (of 14.4), the impact of the same 1 percent
shock to the overall WPI via food prices is only 3 percent. This number
is obtained by simply multiplying the size of the shock (1 percent) to
the regression coefficient (.8477) and the weight of food prices (.5063)
in the WPI and then taking it as a percentage of the overall inflation
rate of 14.18 percent [(.5063 x .-8477 x-1)/.1418) = 3.03].
It is interesting to note that while a 17 percent monetary
expansion during 199495 has the greatest impact in enhancing the raw
material prices (52.8 percent of 8.7 percent), this effect, however, is
not translated into increasing the overall inflation rate. This is so
because monetary expansion has little impact on food prices (only 0.4
percent of 14.4 percent) which, of course, dominates (with a weight of
over 50 percent in WPI) the overall inflation rate in Pakistan.
Therefore, the more popular view professed by the 1993-94 Economic
Survey (p. 71), that "factors which were common throughout this
period (1990-93) were expansionary fiscal and monetary policies....
contributed to sustain inflationary pressure", does not hold for
Pakistan, at least not in the short run. In fact, the total contribution
of monetary policy to overall inflation during 1994-95 will only be 7.7
percent of the 14.18 percent as shown in Table 3.
Another widely held view [1993-94 Economic Survey, p. 71] that
"factors like rains, floods, commodity-specific shortages (cotton,
wheat, etc.) which were experienced during 1992-93" also
contributed to the rising inflation may not be supported on the basis of
our study. Our results in Table 2 suggest that the share of 1 percent
negative supply shock in creating overall inflation in Pakistan is only
3.5 percent of the 14. l 8 percent during 1994-95.
External prices and government tax policies each have contributed
quite significantly in terms of raising prices of manufactured products
(over 80 percent of 14.4 percent) and raw material (40 percent of 8.7
percent), respectively. In addition, their combined contribution in
raising the overall price level may exceed 25 percent of the 14.18
The role of price expectations while operating only through food
prices cannot be underestimated in explaining the overall prices. Our
results, in this context, suggest that 7 percent inflationary
expectations may end up contributing about 14 percent (of the 14.18
percent) to the overall inflation rate.
Finally, one of the most interesting findings of this study is that
the key contributor in explaining the over all current inflation rate in
Pakistan is neither the demand management policy nor the supply shock,
but, interestingly enough, it is the procurement price, particularly
that of wheat and administered prices of fuel, gas, and electricity. Our
results suggest that a 23 percent increase in the recent procurement
prices will result in about 35 percent (of the 14.18 percent) increase
in the overall inflation rate while another 19 percent (of the 14.18
percent) can be due to administered prices.
This paper analysis, in quantitative terms, the factors responsible
for the recent upsurge in the rate of inflation in Pakistan. These
relate to various shocks, emanating from the supply-side, monetary, and
fiscal policy, international prices, government procurement, support or
administered prices, and from the emergence of stronger inflationary
expectations in the economy. Contrary to popular perceptions, we find
that the contribution of supply shocks and monetary expansion to the
rise in the wholesale price index in 1994-95 is somewhat limited. The
principal factors contributing to the current inflation appear to be the
rise in procurement prices (especially of wheat) and administered prices
(primarily of energy inputs) and the increase in indirect taxes (largely
in GST) in the 1994-95 budget. Many of these actions have been taken as
part of the agreement with the IMF on the ESAF. While these have been
seen as once-and-for-all changes, they have perhaps tended to produce a
spiralling effect. Also, there has been a component of imported
inflation and the impact of rising inflationary expectations.
Altogether, it appears that during the current fiscal year, a large
number of factors have been operative in explaining the high rate of
inflation in Pakistan.
Given this diagnosis of the causes of the recent inflation, a
number of policy recommendations can be made. These include moderation
of future increases in administered or procurement prices and continued
attempts by the government to dampen inflationary expectations through
strong policy statements and actions. Also, in the forthcoming budget of
1995-96, escalations in indirect tax rates need to be kept at a minimum.
Finally, it needs to be emphasised that the rate of monetary expansion
must be restrained if a permanent rise in the long-run rate of inflation
in the economy is to be avoided.
Accompanying the rise in inflation in recent months has been a
strong pickup in interest in measuring and studying the rate of price
increase. An intense debate over the causes of inflation has begun.
Various commentators, including economic policy-makers, academics,
journalists, and bankers, have attributed the acceleration of prices to
a variety of factors. Among these are an expansionary fiscal policy;
adverse supply shocks, particularly in the agricultural sector;
increases in administered prices, including utilities and petrol; the
lagged effects of rapid monetary expansion in 1992-93; the lagged
pass-through of the devaluation of the rupee by 10 percent against the
US dollar in July 1993; and increases in government procurement prices
of the main agricultural commodities.
This paper is a welcome response to the raging debate about the
causes of inflation in Pakistan. By putting together a comprehensive
data-set on the relevant variables and rigorously testing their
relationships, the authors propose to quantify the contribution of each
factor to the overall pickup in inflation. For the reasons outlined
below, however, the empirical estimates reported in the paper may be
considerably biased and, consequently, the main conclusion drawn by the
authors--that much of the pickup in inflation is due to increases in
procurement prices--is difficult to accept.
My comments are divided into two broad groups, covering first the
theoretical underpinnings of the model and then turning to the
estimation techniques and results.
Supply Shocks
Supply shocks are measured in the paper as the deviation of actual
output from trend or potential output. The authors argue that a negative
supply shock should be associated with rising prices since there would
be a reduced availability of goods. Such an interpretation, however,
appears to be at odds with the basic business cycle theory, which
suggests that an expansion of output at a rate faster than potential is
associated with higher resource utilisation and increasing inflationary
Monetary Policy
While the rate of monetary expansion is likely to be closely
related to the rate of price increase, the timing of changes in either
can vary. The paper is silent about the appropriate lag structure
governing this relationship.
Tax Policy Shocks
The paper notes that changes in taxes are likely to affect prices.
However, only recent increases in taxes are modelled, while the recent
reductions in import duties are not included.
External Shocks
As with monetary shocks; the timing and extent of exchange rate
pass-through is important and needs to be dealt with carefully in order
to arrive at unbiased estimates of the inflation equations.
The stationary tests reported in the paper indicate that all the
variables are trend, not mean, stationary. However, tests to confirm
whether the estimated equations reported in Appendix C cointegrate are
not reported.
While not calculated by the authors, the estimates indicate that a
100 percent increase in the money supply would increase the overall
price level by 6.7 percent. Such a result appears to question the
validity of the entire model.
Expectations of future prices are captured in the paper by the
inclusion of a lagged value of the wholesale price index (WPI) in the
estimated equations. While the importance of expectations in determining
the actual rate of inflation cannot be disputed, the authors'
modelling of expectations is less than satisfactory. The overall WPI is
related to its components by an identity, and the fact that lagged WPI
is significant only in the food price equation may be related to the
large weight that food occupies in the overall WPI. Indeed, the food
component of the WPI and the overall WPI are likely to be highly
correlated, and the lagged WPI variable may simply be capturing lagged
adjustment of food prices to the various other shocks. An alternative
(more satisfactory) method for capturing expectations would be to
regress each of the components of the WPI on a set of independent and
lagged dependent variables and then use the resulting predicted value of
the left hand-side variable as a measure of expectations.
Aasim M. Husain
ABN AMRO Bank, Karachi.
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Naqvi, S. N. H., Ashfaque H. Khan, Ather M. Ahmed, and Rehana
Siddiqui (1994) Inflation in Pakistan: Causes and Remedies. Islamabad:
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.
Olivera, Julio (1964) On Structural Inflation and Latin-American
Structuralism. Oxford Economic Papers 16:321-32.
Schwartz, Anna (1973) Secular Price Change in Historical
Perspective. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 5: 243-69.
Streeten, Paul (1962) Wages, Prices and Productivity. Kyklos 15:
(1) Real exchange rate is defined as nominal exchange rate multiplied by the ratio of the domestic to the foreign price level.
(2) See Bank (1995).
(3) It should be noted that in this study we have used WPI as
opposed to CPI, because some of the important possible contributors of
inflation, namely, procurement and administered prices, are not included
in the CPI.
M. Aynul Hasan is Economic Advisor, CIDA and is teaches at Acadia
University, Canada. Ashfaque H. Khan is Chief of Research at the
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad. Hafiz A. Pasha
is Director, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi. M. Ajaz
Rasheed is System Analyst, ISSP, Karachi.
Table 1
Historical WPI, CPI, and Sectoral Inflation Rates
Years General General Food
1960-69 2.6 3.3 2.6
1970-79 13.5 11.9 13.4
1980-89 7.1 7.5 7.2
1990-91 11.7 12.6 9.0
1991-92 9.3 9.6 10.2
1992-93 7.1 9.3 10.6
1993-94 15.0 11.1 14.1
July to Jan.
1994-95 18.9 n.a. n.a.
Raw Manufac- Fuel
Years Material turing Lube
1960-69 2.0 3.4 3.3
1970-79 12.9 11.7 17.8
1980-89 6.9 7.0 7.2
1990-91 7.1 17.7 16.8
1991-92 11.0 9.5 4.9
1992-93 8.4 3.3 1.2
1993-94 24.6 10.7 22.4
July to Jan.
1994-95 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Source: Pakistan Economic Surveys.
Table 2
Estimated OLS Regression Results of the
Inflation Model for Pakistan
Items Food Manufacturing Material
Supply Shock -8.48 -.103 -.372
(2.5) ** (1.4) (1.8) ***
Monetary Policy .004 .157 .271
(0.1) (2.9) * (5.2) *
Procurement Price .419 .003
(3.4) * -- (1.2)
Tax Policy -- .229 --
(3.4) *
External Prices .249 .497
-- (5.0) * (5.4) *
Expectations .554
(4.4) * --
[R.sup.2] .99 .99 .98
Durbin Watson (DW) 1.35 1.67 1.62
Notes: (1.) Numbers in parenthesis are t-values.
(2.) One asterisk indicates significance at less
than 1 % level of significance.
(3.) Two asterisk indicates significance at less
than 5% level of significance.
(4.) Three asterisk indicates significance at less
than 10% level of significance.
Table 3
Sectoral Contributors to Inflation in Pakistan 1994-95
Wholesale Price Index
Food Manufac- Raw
turing Material
WPI WEIGHTS 50.63 24.06 8.97
Supply Shock
Overall WPI 3.0 0.2 0.2
Sectoral WPI 5.9 0.9 4.3
% Change in Supply (-1) (-1.3) (-1)
Monetary Policy
Overall WPI 0.2 4.5 2.9
Sectoral WPI 0.4 18.6 52.8
% Change in Money (17) (17) (17)
Procurement Price
Overall WPI 34.4 -- 0.02
Sectoral WPI 66.9 -- 0.4
% Change in Prices (23) -- (15)
Tax Policy Shock
Overall WPI -- 9.7 --
Sectoral WPI -- 39.8 --
% Change in Tax
Rates -- (25) --
External Price Shock
Overall WPI -- 9.9 2.2
Sectoral WPI -- 40.7 40.0
% Change in External
Prices -- (23.5) (7)
Administered Price
Overall WPI -- -- --
Sectoral WPI -- -- --
% Change in Admn.
Price -- -- --
Overall WPI 13.9 -- --
Sectoral WPI 27.0 -- --
% Change in Expected
Price (7) -- --
Sectoral Inflation
Rates 14.4 14.4 8.7
Wholesale Price Index
Fuel Building General
WPI WEIGHTS 11.79 4.55 100
Supply Shock
Overall WPI -- -- 3.5
Sectoral WPI -- -- --
% Change in Supply -- -- --
Monetary Policy
Overall WPI -- -- 7.7
Sectoral WPI -- -- --
% Change in Money -- -- --
Procurement Price
Overall WPI -- -- 34.4
Sectoral WPI -- -- --
% Change in Prices -- -- --
Tax Policy Shock
Overall WPI -- -- 9.7
Sectoral WPI -- -- --
% Change in Tax
Rates -- -- --
External Price Shock
Overall WPI -- -- 12.1
Sectoral WPI -- -- --
% Change in External
Prices -- -- --
Administered Price
Overall WPI 18.6 -- 18.6
Sectoral WPI 100 -- --
% Change in Admn.
Price -- -- --
Overall WPI -- -- 13.9
Sectoral WPI -- -- --
% Change in Expected
Price -- -- --
Sectoral Inflation
Rates 22.4 16.5 14.18