Empirical tests of the rational expectations--permanent income hypothesis: evidence from Pakistan *.
Khalid, Ahmed M.
The permanent income hypothesis postulates that at a given point in
time, an individual's consumption is determined by his lifetime
resources and not by his income. Thus, the hypothesis suggests that an
individual's consumption will respond only to changes in permanent
income. The insertion of the rational expectations theory into
Friedman's permanent income hypothesis by Hall (1978),--called the
Rational Expectations/Permanent Income Hypothesis (thereafter
RE/PIH)-changed this view, and suggested that current aggregate
consumption is determined only by its own lag. Any information that may
help in determining current consumption is already included in last
period's consumption. Hence consumption follows a random walk.
The testable implication of Hall's hypothesis is that apart
from the current period's consumption expenditure, any variable
observable in this or earlier periods should not show any predictive
power for the next period's consumption expenditure. Therefore,
additional lagged values of consumption or any other variable that can
reasonably be assumed to be in the consumer's information set at
time t should not be statistically significant if regressed over current
Hall's (1978) study, generated considerable debate, and a
significant amount of research has been devoted to empirically testing
the validity of RE/PIH for developed countries. Most of these studies
concluded that consumption is excessively sensitive to income. One
possible reason for this excess sensitivity of consumption to income may
be the lack of perfect capital markets. If consumers are liquidity
constrained, then current income becomes a major determinant of current
consumption. If this is the case in developed countries, then the
validity of RE/PIH for developing countries is very unlikely, as most of
these countries do not have well-established financial and capital
markets. Not surprisingly, no formal attempt was made to test the RE/PIH
for developing countries, till recently Chow's (1985) study which
tested the validity of RE/PIH for the People's Republic of China.
Chow was not able to reject the hypothesis. However, this result is
surprising in the light of the pervasive influence of Central Planning
in China. Thus, his findings on Chinas, raised doubts on the general
belief that the RE/PIH is difficult to prevail in developing countries,
and provided the inputs for further research.
Zuehlke and Payne (1989) used annual time-series data for a sample
of eight developing countries to test the hypothesis. Their empirical
evidence led them to reject the RE/PIH for all eight countries. Raut and
Virmani (1989) pooled data from sixteen developing countries and
concluded that the hypothesis is rejected due to the presence of
liquidity constrained individuals in their sample countries. Craigwell
and Rock (1992) analysed the empirical validity of the RE/PIH for a
group of three Caribbean countries and rejected the hypothesis. Thornton
(1993), however, failed to reject the validity of RE/PIH for Singapore.
In the case of Pakistan, there are no studies that explicitly test
the RE/PIH using time series data. Haque and Montiel (1989) developed a
model to test the Ricardian Equivalence Proposition for a sample of
developing countries. The RE/PIH became a special case under the
restricted model and is rejected for Pakistan. Khalid (1992) also tested
the Ricardian Equivalence Proposition by introducing money in the
utility function. This model is also tested for a large number of
developing countries. Under the restricted version of the model the
random walk hypothesis is rejected for Pakistan. This rejection is
basically due to the presence of a large number of liquidity constrained
individuals. The conventional Life Cycle model tested for Pakistan by
Kazmi (1992) also rejects the validity of the RE/PIH.
From the above discussion, it is clear that what is missing is an
exclusive test of the RE/PIH for Pakistan. This is the main objective of
this paper. The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Section II
describes the estimation procedure and data. Results are discussed in
Section III. Finally, Section IV contains some concluding remarks.
While evaluating the consumption-income relationship for developed
countries, two approaches have generally been used. First is Hall's
(1978) forward-looking RE/PIH model. The second is a backward-looking
error correction model (ECM) used by Davidson et al. (1981). Recent
developments in time-series modelling techniques show that both of these
approaches depend on the stationarity of the income and consumption
The developed country literature in this area uses both approaches
but the research can be divided into three broad categories. The first
category of research includes studies where Hall's (1978) RE/PIH
model is tested by incorporating variables in the consumption function
that could potentially influence current consumption. Statistical
significance of any variable other than lagged consumption is considered
as evidence against the RE/PIH. We call this Hall's (1978) Model.
The second category of research is composed of papers along the lines
suggested by Flavin (1981). Flavin (1981) extended Hall's (1978)
model to suggest that unanticipated changes in current income can lead
to revisions in permanent income and therefore to current consumption.
Hence, under the RE/PIH only lagged consumption and unanticipated income
should be useful predictors of current consumption. Therefore, the
significance of expected income variable, or some element of the
information set other than lagged consumption is interpreted as evidence
against the RE/PIH. We call this Flavin's (1981) Model.
The third category of research originates from Davidson et al.
(1981) paper. This type of research has become popular due to recent
econometric advances in the modelling of time series. The basic idea is
to analyse the long-run relationship between consumption and income. If
the consumption and income series are stationary in first differences,
then the two series may be cointegrated and have an error correction
representation. This leads to the empirical investigation of the error
correction model (ECM) using cointegration techniques. The RE/PIH may be
rejected if the model has an error correction representation.
In this paper the focus of the analysis is mainly on the first two
Hall (1978) Model
Hall's (1978) random walk hypothesis has the simple
implication that only consumption lagged one period can predict current
consumption. Lagged consumption and other variables such as income are
ineffectivc in determining current consumption. In general, the model
may be specified in the following way:
[C.sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.0] + [[gamma].sub.1] [C.sub.t-1] +
[T.summation over (i = 2)] [[gamma].sub.i] [Z.sub.t-i] +
[[epsilon].sub.t] ... ... ... ... ... ... (1)
[C.sub.t] : current period consumption expenditure;
[C.sub.t-1] : previous period's consumption expenditure; and
[Z.sub.t-i] : vector of any other variable lagged one or more
periods that may be useful in predicting current consumption.
We used the above specification by employing a combination of
different variables as a proxy for the additional information available
to economic agents. The simplest model is based on the assumption that
[[gamma].sub.i] = 0, i.e.; consumption follows a random walk with drift.
Alternative specifications have been tested by using lags of
consumption, income, unemployment, and real money balances. (2) The
statistical significance of any of these variables would mean the
rejection of the null hypothesis, i.e.; RE/PIH. A significant lagged
consumption term beyond one period indicates a cyclical pattern of
consumption. Significance of lagged income would lead to the conclusion
that individuals are liquidity constrained. Significance of the
parameters for unemployment rate or real money balances would have the
same implication. All these factors would lead to the rejection of the
All specifications of Equation (1) are estimated using annual
time-series data over the period 1960-92. The variables used in these
specifications are private consumption, labour income, unemployment rate
and real money balances. Due to the nonavailability of a decomposition of durable and nondurable consumption expenditure for Pakistan, we used
data for private consumption as a proxy for consumption expenditure.
Disposable income is used as a proxy for labour income since data on
labour income is not available. (3)
The data for all these variables is obtained from various issues of
the Pakistan Economic Survey and various issues of the International
Financial Statistics. All variables used are measured in real units
using the implicit GDP deflator with base 1980, and then are converted
into per capita. In the actual regression the series are used in log
form. Since all specifications of the model have a lagged dependent
variable. Durbin-h statistics is used to test for serial correlation in
the estimated equation. In some cases the joint F-test is used to test
the explanatory power of the variables other than the one period lagged
consumption expenditure.
Flavin's (1981) Model
Tests of the type suggested by Flavin (1981) require the estimation
of both a consumption function and forecasting equation for income. The
forecasting equation determines the expected and unexpected components
of income. The consumption function is therefore, estimated in two
steps. In the first step, the following forecasting equation for income
is estimated using OLS:
[Y.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1] [Y.sub.t-1] +
[[alpha].sub.2] [Y.sub.t-2] + [[alpha].sub.3] [C.sub.t-1] +
[[alpha].sub.4] [C.sub.t-2] + [V.sub.t]. ... ... ... (2)
In the second step, the predicted value of income from Equation (2)
is used to represent the expectations of current income, conditional on
information available in the previous period. To ensure an empirically
meaningful decomposition of income into its expected and unexpected
components, the prediction equation should have a high degree of
explanatory power and be free from autocorrelation. OLS is then used to
estimate the consumption function of the following form:
[DELTA][C.sub.t] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1] + [[beta].sub.2]
([Y.sub.2] - [EY.sub.t]) + [[beta].sub.3], [EY.sub.t] + [u.sub.t] ...
... ... (3)
Similar to the earlier estimation, real per capita private
consumption expenditure and real per capita disposable income is used
over the period 1960-92.
Table 1 reports the results of Equation (1) and its six alternative
specifications. Surprisingly, the data is unable to reject the RE/PIH
for all of the alternative specifications. No variable other than the
lagged consumption turns out to be statistically significant. This seems
to be a very strong result and is unexpected for a country like Pakistan
where a majority of individuals are liquidity constrained.
These results do not support the findings of earlier studies. One
possible explanation could be that the estimated equations are not the
true specification of the model. If that were the case, then testing the
null hypothesis based on Equation (1) is not a valid test in the first
place. Further assume that the true specification of the model in the
case of Pakistan is what is implied by the permanent income hypothesis
(PIH), i.e.:
[C.sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.0] + [[gamma].sub.1] [Y.sup.D.sub.t] +
[e.sub.t] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (1a)
then testing the RE/PIH on Equation (1) without having current
income ([Y.sup.D.sub.t]) on the right-hand side may not be valid. This
is because whatever impact current income has on current consumption, it
is absorbed by lagged consumption.
To explore this further, we used three more specifications of the
model both nested and non-nested. In the first scenario, the true model
is assumed to be the one consistent with the random walk hypothesis,
i.e.; current consumption depends only on its own lag. The second
scenario is to assume the pure permanent income hypothesis as the true
specification, i.e.; Equation (1a). In the third scenario, the
unrestricted case, we use both lagged consumption and current and lagged
income as determinants of current consumption. (4) The results are
reported in Table 2. It is obvious from these results that current
income turns out to be an important determinant of current consumption.
A very high F- value for the regression shows the explanatory power of
the equation. In the second equation, both lagged consumption and
current income are statistically different from zero at 5 percent level
of significance. The Durbin-h statistics is within the acceptance region
that rejects any serial correlation in the model. [[delta].sub.2] is
statistically different from zero based on F-test. This means that
current income is a significant factor in influencing the consumption
decisions of economic agents. The last result also shows that both of
these variables are statistically different from zero and are equally
important for determining current consumption.
A comparison of Tables 1 and 2 shows that the test of the RE/PIH as
specified in Equation (1) may not be a valid test and may lead to
misleading conclusions. Our aim in performing these tests is not to
support the pure PIH for Pakistan, but rather to see how robust the
results are if the RE/PIH cannot be rejected under our specification of
the model. It is evident from this exercise that the results obtained in
Table 1 are not robust and the inclusion of current income presents
completely different findings. This is also consistent with what one
would expect in the case of Pakistan.
To further strengthen our results, we now move to the second
approach where income is decomposed into its expected and unexpected
Flavin's (1981) methodology as discussed in Section 2 requires
the estimation of a forecasting equation for income Equation (2) and
then the consumption function itself Equation (3). The results are
reported in Table 3. Estimated of the forecasting equation for income
are provided in the second column of Table 3. The adj-[R.sup.2] and
F-statistics show a high degree of explanatory power for this equation.
Since this is only a forecasting equation, we are less concerned about
the significance of the parameter estimates. The Durbin Watson statistic indicates a lack of serial correlation. Recall that in the second stage,
we used the forecasted value of [Y.sup.D.sub.t] in Equation (3). These
results are reported in the last column of Table 3. Again the estimated
equation shows a reasonable degree of explanatory power. The
F-statistics for the significance of the regression is significant at
the 1 percent level. The RE/PIH would imply that only current unexpected
income should influence current consumption. In other words the
parameter for current expected income should be insignificant under the
null hypothesis. Our results are contrary to this, and both parameters
for current unexpected and expected income are statistically different
from zero with estimated t-statistics of 3.23 and 2.92 respectively.
Further, the computed F-statistics does not allow us to reject the
hypothesis that consumption responds only to current income.
Empirical testing of the validity of RE/PIH for Pakistan has been
neglected due to a general belief that market conditions are not
consistent with what the RE/PIH would require. Nevertheless, such
conjectures should be subjected to empirical testing. This paper is a
first attempt in empirically testing the RE/PIH in Pakistan. The aim of
this paper is not to reject the hypothesis a priori, but rather to
provide evidence using the time-series data on all possible
specifications of the consumption model. The statistical evidence
presented in this paper does not support the RE/PIH for Pakistan.
Interestingly, the paper finds that performing Hall's test without
incorporating any measure of current income for Pakistan data may
provide misleading results. The hypothesis is rejected when current
income is included in the specification. The paper finds consistent
results when income is decomposed into unexpected and expected
In the next phase of this ongoing research endeavour we propose to
test the long-run relationship between income and consumption by
performing the stationarity and cointegration tests. If the two series
are cointegrated, they should have an error correction representation.
An error correction model will then be developed to analyse short-run
dynamics. This phase of research is currently under way.
Chow, Gregory (1985) A Model of China's National Income
Determination. Journal of Political Economy 93:4 782-792.
Craigwell, Roland C., and Llewyn L. Rock (1992) Evaluating the
Rational Expectations/Permanent Income Hypothesis: Evidence from
Carribean Countries. North American Journal of Economics and Finance 3:1
Davidson, James E. H., and David F. Hendry (1981) Interpreting
Econometric Evidence: The Behaviour of Consumers' Expenditure in
the UK. European Economic Review 16: 177-192.
Flavin, Marjorie (1981) The Adjustment of Consumption to Changing
Expectations about Future Income. Journal of Political Economy 89:
Hall, Robert E. (1978) Stochastic Implications of the Life
Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence. Journal of
Political Economy 86: 971-987.
Haque, Nadeem U., and Peter Montiel (1989) Consumption in
Developing Countries: Tests for Liquidity Constraints and Finite
Horizons. The Review of Economics and Statistics 408-415.
International Monetary Fund (Various Issues). International
Financial Statistics. IMF.
Khalid, Ahmed M. (1992) Ricardian Equivalence in Developing
Economies: The Evidence Re-examined. Ph.D. Dissertation. Baltimore:
Maryland. Johns Hopkins University.
Kazmi, Aqdas Ali (1992) Ricardian Equivalence: Some
Macro-econometric Tests for Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review
30:4 743-758.
Raut, Lakshmi K., and Arvind Virmani (1989) Determinants of
Consumption and Savings Behaviour in Developing Countries. The World
Bank Economic Review 3: 379-395.
Thornton, John (1993) A Test of the Rational Expectations-Permanent
Income Hypothesis for Singapore. Asian Economic Journal 7:11 35-40.
Zuehlke, Thomas W., and James E. Payne-(1992) Tests of the Rational
Expectations-Permanent Income Hypothesis for Developing Countries.
Journal of Macroeconomics 11: 423-433.
* Owing to unavoidable circumstances, the discussant's
comments on this paper have not been received.
(1) The RE/PIH is generally rejected in all studies cited above
with the exception of Thornton (1993). It appears, however, that
Thornton's (1993) study is subject to measurement error. Correcting
on measurement error may cast doubt on Thornton's results.
(2) The following specifications have been used:
[C.sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.0] + [[gamma].sub.1] [C.sub.t-1] +
[C.sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.0] + [[gamma].sub.1] [C.sub.t-1] +
[[gamma].sub.2] [C.sub.-2] + [[gamma].sub.3] [Y.sub.t-1] +
[[gamma].sub.4] [Y.sub.t-2] + [[eta].sub.t]
[C.sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.0] + [[gamma].sub.1] [C.sub.t-1] +
[[gamma].sub.2] [C.sub.t-2] + [[gamma].sub.5] [DELTA] [Y.sub.t-1] +
[C.sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.0] + [[gamma].sub.1] [C.sub.t-1] +
[[gamma].sub.3] + [Y.sub.t-1] + [[gamma].sub.4] [Y.sub.t-2] +
[[gamma].sub.6] [Y.sub.t-3] + [[gamma].sub.7] [Y.sub.t-4] +
[C.sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.0] + [[gamma].sub.1] [C.sub.t-1] +
[[gamma].sub.2] [C.sub.t-2] + [[gamma].sub.8] [t.sub.-3] +
[[gamma].sub.9] [C.sub.t-4] + [[eta].sub.t]
[C.sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.0] + [[gamma].sub.1] [C.sub.t-1] +
[[gamma].sub.10] [M.sub.t-1] + [[eta].sub.t]
[C.sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.0] + [[gamma].sub.1] [C.sub.t-1] +
[[gamma].sub.11] [U.sub.t-1] + [[eta].sub.t]
[C.sub.t-i] : lagged consumption;
[Y.sub.t-i] : lagged labour income;
[M.sub.t-1] : one period lagged real money balances; and
[U.sub.t-1] : unemployment rates lagged one period.
(3) As an alternative, we used GNP and GDP to proxy for labour
income. The results, however, are not altered significantly. The results
reported in the next section are based on disposable income as the
measure of labour income.
(4) The following equations are estimated:
[C.sub.t] = [[delta].sub.0] + [[delta].sub.1] [C.sub.t-1] +
[C.sub.t] = [[delta].sub.0] + [[delta].sub.1] [Y.sup.D.sub.t] +
[C.sub.t] = [[delta].sub.0] + [[delta].sub.1] [C.sub.t-1] +
[[delta].sub.2] [Y.sup.D.sub.t] + [e.sub.t]
[C.sub.t] = [[delta].sub.0] + [[delta].sub.1] [C.sub.t-1] +
[[delta].sub.2] + [Y.sup.D.sub.t] + [[delta].sub.3] [Y.sup.D.sub.t-1] +
[[delta].sub.4] [Y.sup.D.sub.t-2] + [e.sub.t].
Ahmed M. Khalid is associated with the Department of Economics and
Statistics, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Table 1
Equ.1 Equ.2 Equ.3 Equ.4
Constant 0.22 0.30 0.41 0.56
(0.61) (0.83) (0.93) (1.32)
[C.sub.-1] 0.97 * 0.69 * 0.87 * 0.50 *
(20.12) (2.98) (3.38) (2.91)
[C.sub.-2] -0.18 -0.88
(-0.74) (-0.22)
[C.sub.-3] 0.16
[Y.sup.d.sub.-1] 0.06 0.27
(0.14) (0.65)
[Y.sup.d.sub.-2] 0.38 0.05
(0.79) (0.11)
[Y.sup.d.sub.-3] -0.32
[Y.sup.d.sub.-4] 0.43
[DELTA][Y.sup.d.sub.-1] -0.02
[R.sup.2] 0.93 0.93 0.90 0.91
D - W 2.00 1.97 1.92 1.82
Equ.5 Equ.6 Equ.7
Constant 0.57 0.22 0.81
(1.21) (0.59) (1.16)
[C.sub.-1] 0.83 * 0.97 * 0.89 *
(3.87) (15.92) (9.1)
[C.sub.-2] -0.09
[C.sub.-3] 0.14
[M.sub.-1] 0.007
[U.sub.-1] 0.01
[R.sup.2] 0.89 0.93 0.91
D - W 1.91 1.997 2.02
The figures in paranthesis are t-value.
* Indicates significance at 5 percent.
Table 2 Dependent Variable [C.sub.t]
Variable Eqn 1 Eqn la Eqn lb Eqn lc
Const 0.22 0.52 0.22 0.15
(0.6l) (l.29) -0.67 (0.49)
[C.sub.-1] 0.97 * 0.53 0.71
(20.l) -4.29 (4.80)
[Y.sup.D] 0.91 0.43 1.10
(l7.8) (3.6l) (3.l6)
[Y.sup.D.sub.-1] -0.63
[Y.sup.D.sub.-2] -0.21
[R.sup.2] 0.93 0.91 0.95 0.95
DW 2.00 0.64 1.66 1.72
D-h 1.31 1.37
F 404.69 314.99 261.26 141.79
F(4,26) 7.41
F(2,28) 4.96
The figures in paranthesis are t-values.
* Indicates significance at 5 percent.
Table 3
Dependent Variable [DELTA][C.sub.t]
Variable Eqn 2 Eqn 3
Const 0.12 0.24
(0.68) (0.80)
[Y.sup.d.sub.-1] 0.79
[Y.sup.d.sub.-2] 0.32
[C.sub.-1] -0.13 -0.39 *
(-1.21) (-3.12)
[C.sub.-2] 0.006
Y- EY 1.11
EY 0.35 *
[R.sup.2] 0.99 0.36
DW 1.98 1.72
F (4, 26) 506.31
F (3, 27) 404.69 6.74
F (2, 28) 2.52
F (2, 25) 4.33
The figures in paranthesis are t-values.
* Indicates significance at 5 percent.