Health care determinants of child survival in Pakistan *.
Mahmood, Naushin ; Kiani, M. Framurz K.
The health and survival status of children which are important
indicators of social well-being, have become a subject of great concern
in Pakistan in recent years. The available literature suggests that
infant and child death rates in Pakistan are high even in the context of
the Asian region and progress in health and survival of children has
been much less than the desired level [World Bank (1993)]. Although
estimates of infant and child mortality rates as derived from various
data sources in Pakistan show great variation, (1) the available
evidence indicates that nearly 58 percent of all deaths occur among
children under five years of age, 36 percent die during infancy and more
than half of all infant deaths occur within the first four weeks of
their birth [Irfan (1986); Afzal et al. (1988); Rukanuddin and Farooqui
(1988); Sathar (1994)]. Recognising the fact that most of these deaths
could be prevented, it is important to study the processes that are
likely to influence the survival chances of children, the health care
factors in particular, which are important components of mortality
Health care facilities in Pakistan are concentrated mostly in urban
areas contributing to lower risks of deaths among children from
infectious and diarrheal diseases. In contrast, poor sanitary and health
facilities alongwith massive poverty and illiteracy in rural areas
contribute to relatively higher incidence of child deaths. With a view
to improve the childhood mortality situation in the country, the support
of the government for mass immunisation and other maternal and health
related programmes has expanded in recent years [Government of Pakistan (1986)] yet the availability and provision of public health facilities
are much below the needs of the growing population, particularly in
rural areas (2) [Rukanuddin and Farooqui (1988)]. However, knowledge
about the factors affecting child mortality in both urban and rural
areas has been extremely limited. Given that a substantial difference in
the urban and rural levels of development and life-styles already
exists, this paper examines the relative contribution of health related
factors which affect the survival chances of children under five years
of age in urban and rural areas. This analysis may give us an important
basis to judge the variation in child survival and its determining
factors across the two settings and help to identify more specific and
effective policies for lessening the urban-rural and regional gap in
child mortality.
The most relevant conceptual framework of the determinants of child
survival as developed by Mosley and Chen (1984) identifies the
availability and use of health care and nutritional status of both the
mothers and the children as proximate variables, through which social,
economic and demographic factors affect child survival. Better maternal
diet, antenatal care during pregnancy and lactation and proper child
care practices after the birth are expected to positively influence the
survival of infants. Other health related variables categorised as
environmental factors are mother's exposure to various infections
during pregnancy through unhygienic housing conditions, unsafe drinking
water and bad sanitation in the household, which adversely affect the
survival of children.
Among the socio-economic and demographic factors, mother's age
and parity, the interval between births, rising level of education and
disease treament stand out as significant factors affecting child
survival. [Alam and Cleland (1984); Sullivan (1991)]. It has also been
found that children born to very young and older mothers, especially
after age 35, who have repeated births with short intervals are at
greater risks of dying [Hobb-craft et al. (1984); Galway et al. (1987)].
Maternal education is noted to have a strong positive net effect on
child survival because it inculcates modern health knowledge, improves
the effectiveness of health behaviour (through better child care and
feeding practices); and changes the mother's role within the family
including greater use of modern health services [Cleland and Ginneken
(1988); Bicego and Boerma (1991)].
The present analysis focuses on the survival probability of
children under five years of age in relation to selected health care and
environmental factors after controlling for mother's
socio-demographic characteristics. The availability of the national
level Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) of 1990-91 provides us with
the opportunity to document empirically the relationships between a set
of selected health related variables and survival status of children in
both urban and rural areas, which has great policy significance in the
context of Pakistan's social development.
Using the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS) of 1990-91,
which provides detailed information on maternal socio-economic and other
characteristics with complete birth histories for all children, the
sample selected for the present study is the number of all children born
during five years preceding the survey date (all births occurring since
January 1986), for which information on each child's health care
and survival status is available.
To examine the survival probability children under five years of
age in relation to selected exposure variables, multivariate analysis is
used. A child's survival outcome is defined as a dichotomous variable with the value of 1 for survival and zero otherwise. For
purposes of analysis, logistic regression is used, an appropriate
functional form for the analysis of dichotomous dependent variables
[Aldrich and Nelson (1984)]. The dependent variable which quantifies
survival outcome, is taken directly from a question in the survey that
asks whether the child was still alive or not? Thus, the unit of
analysis is the individual child rather than the child mortality rate.
The logit analysis provides the natural logarithm of the odds of
surviving children as a function of a set of predictor variables. The
regression coefficients therefore represent the magnitude of the
increment in the log-odds of surviving children with a unit increase in
explanatory variable.
The control variables used in the analysis of childhood survival
are mother's age at birth, place of residence, mother's and
father's level of education and the gender of the child, whether a
boy or a girl. The expectation is that the births occurring to very
young and relatively older mothers have lower chances of survival than
those occurring in the middle age group of women (20-34 years). Urban
living and education of parents are expected to positively influence the
survival of children. Education is measured as a three-category
variable, representing 'none', 'primary', and
'secondary or higher level', to see if reaching a particular
level of education is critical in influencing child survival.
Among the health care factors are included mother's prenatal visit to the doctor or clinic and tetanus toxoid injection during
pregnancy with the expectation that both factors will affect the health
and survival of children positively. Regarding the child health care
measures, whether the child was 'breastfed', 'ever
immunised' or born as a 'below average size baby', are
included to see which factors are more likely to increase the survival
probability of children. In addition, source of water supply and
availability of toilet facilities in the households reflecting the
sanitation and living conditions of families, are also added to the
analysis. Region of residence is included to see if more urbanised and
developed regions in the aggregate context reflect better survival
status of children than the less developed regions. The analysis is
undertaken for urban and rural areas separately to see if the effect of
each explanatory variable diverge across the two settings.
The frequency distribution of births which occurred in five years
preceding the survey are shown in Table 1 by selected exposure variables
used in the analysis. The distributions in the table are in the expected
direction where urban mothers appear to be more educated, have better
antenatal and child health care, and have greater access to piped water
supply and modern toilet facilities than those living in rural areas.
To assess the net independent effect of the selected factors on
child survival, the logistic regression results are presented in Tables
2, 3 and 4 for total, urban and rural areas, respectively. We have
estimated three basic models. Model 1 gives the effect of
socio-demographic factors; Model 2 includes the health related factors
after controlling for selected socio-economic factors; and Model 3 takes
into account all predictor variables including the two household
variables and region of residence. The interpretation of the logit
results is that a positive coefficient increases the likelihood of child
survival and a negative coefficient reduces the probability of survival
with each unit increment in the explanatory variables.
The results for the total sample are presented in Table 2 to
indicate whether urban residence makes a significant contribution to
increasing the survival chances of children when other predictor
variables are taken into account. We can see from the table that the
effect of urban residence is significant when certain socio-demographic
factors are controlled for (Model 1), but the effect disappears when
health related factors are added to the model (Model 2). This implies
that the substantial difference in urban-rural mortality in Pakistan is
explained by the differences in the health related behaviour of
individuals among urban and rural populations. In Model 3, which
incorporates all the variables, the results indicate that mothers of
relatively older ages (35 +), with secondary and higher education, and
with adoption of better antenatal and child health care behaviour (such
as tetanus injection, breastfeeding, immunisation, etc.) indicate a
greater likelihood of the survival of their children.
To further examine whether the predictor variables retain their
significance in both urban and rural areas, we present the regression
results in Tables 3 and 4 for urban and rural areas separately. We find
from the results that the effect of mother's higher age (35 +) is
positive and significant in both urban and rural areas across all
models. This implies that older mothers with larger number of children
may have become more aware and experienced in handling child health
matters, thereby affecting their chances of survival positively.
Moreover, older mothers may have children who are old enough to assist
in the care of younger siblings, thus enabling such mothers to spend
time and resources more efficiently. In contrast, the negative effect of
very young age of mothers on child survival is in the expected
direction, but the coefficients are not significant in any model when
compared with women in 20-34 age group.
Our findings in case of maternal education in affecting child
survival are that only in urban areas, the secondary and higher levels
are important in increasing the survival chances of children, while
primary schooling is not. As Table 3 shows, the coefficients for urban
mother's secondary and higher education are positive and highly
significant across all models, a finding in accord with the results of
many other studies in developing countries including Pakistan [Cleland
and Ginnen (1987); Sathar (1987); Bicego and Boerma (1991)]. In rural
areas, on the other hand, mother's education is weakly related to
child survival. Our results indicate that the coefficients for rural
mothers' secondary and higher education become statistically
significant (at .09 level) only in Model 3, where the magnitude of the
coefficient increases, probably because those few rural educated women
have relatively better awareness of health care practices. (3)
Fathers' education is not a powerful net predictor of child
survival in our analysis. The results are that educated fathers indicate
lower survival of children but the coefficients are significant for
primary education in rural areas only, a finding contrary to our general
expectation. (4) This may be interpreted to mean that rural families in
which fathers have little education may be exposed to some health
practices or environmental risks that affect child survival negatively.
These results, however, need further probing.
Among the five health care variables included in our analysis,
breastfeeding and immunisation show the largest beneficial effect on
child survival in both urban and rural areas. As we can see, children
who have been breastfed have a log-odds of surviving of 2.46 in urban
and 2.92 in rural areas; and those immunised have 1.17 and 1.34
respectively (Model 3 in Tables 3 and 4). Tetanus injection during
pregnancy has significant positive effect and low weight/size of child
at birth lowers the survival chances of urban children only. Our
findings, thus conform well with the hypothesis that child health care
practices are critical components of mortality decline. The significant
effect of mother's health related factors on survival outcome of
children only in urban areas is probably reflective of the greater
access to and use of health facilities by urban women.
Interestingly, however, the two household variables, e.g., toilet
facility and source of water supply, representing the sanitary and
living conditions of households, do not emerge as significant net
predictors of child survival in both urban and rural areas, (5) a
finding not in agreement with the results of another study on infant
mortality [Sathar (1994)]. This is perhaps because sanitary and
environmental conditions of households are more critical in explaining
mortality differentials of infants (an age more vulnerable to poor
hygiene and bad sanitation) than of children who have survived up to age
five in the sample selected for this analysis. However, this question
needs further investigation of the data.
This study examined the relationships between selected individual
and household level factors and survival of children under five years of
age based on the data in the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey of
1990-91. The main conclusions of our analysis are:
Older maternal age (35 +) unexpectedly enhances the survival of
children, probably because of a cumulative increase in maternal
experience (both as a mother and as a wife) with increase in age;
whereas very young mothers (< 20) do not significantly differ in
their experience of child mortality from those in the intermediate age
group of 20-34 years. Mother's education, secondary and higher, has
a net positive and significant influence on child survival in urban
areas only, while it has a weak effect in rural areas. Father's
education is not a powerful net predictor of child mortality.
The effects of health care factors are prominent in increasing the
likelihood of child survival. In particular, breastfeeding and child
ever immunised stand out as the most beneficial factors for both urban
and rural children. The sanitary and riving conditions in the household
such as piped water supply and toilet facilities do not appear to be
significantly influencing the survival probability of children under
five years of age in both urban and rural areas.
Although the results of this analysis in most cases are in the
expected direction, there are situations where we have contrary findings
which may have raised questions rather than provided answers in
explaining differentials in childhood mortality. At the outset, we found
that there are substantial differences in mortality of children by
urban-rural residence in all population strata, but the effects of
health care factors have mitigated the statistical significance of urban
residence for child survival.
The analysis, however, seems to clearly suggest that child health
care measures including the nutritional intake through breastfeeding and
preventive care through immunisation are crucial in promoting child
survival--a finding of considerable policy significance for future
emphasis. The results also suggest that an urban survival advantage
exists if the mother had some prenatal care by taking tetanus injection
during pregnancy or gave birth to a healthy child, as low weight/size of
the child at birth reduced the probability of survival.
As expected, higher maternal education has a positive influence on
child survival in urban areas, implying that specific beneficial health
care practices are more likely to be found in families with educated
mothers, a well-established finding suggesting for the promotion of
educational opportunities of women as a policy measure. The fact that
mother's education does not show a strong relationship in rural
Pakistan perhaps because the impact of education among those few primary
and secondary educated rural women is not substantial enough to alter
their attitudes and behaviour concerning hygiene, preventive care and
use of medical treatment.
As there is little doubt that breastfeeding provides a sterile,
affordable and effective means of nutrition to reduce the probability of
diarrheal and infectious diseases among infants, our results indicate a
clear positive effect of breastfeeding on child survival, and the
implications for enhancing educational campaigns for the promotion of
breasfeeding appear profound in the overall context of policy
development. Another clear indication for a reappraisal of policy
alternatives aimed at lowering infant and child mortality is to increase
the immunisation coverage in both urban and rural areas. Even though
immunisation coverage for children has increased substantially in recent
years, the PDHS (1990-91) data report only 35 percent of children age
12-23 months as fully vaccinated [NIPS (1992)], whereas our analysis of
children born during five years prior to survey indicate 43 percent of
all children who had ever been immunised, 49 percent in urban and 37
percent in rural areas (Table 1).
Our findings for urban areas seem to conform well with
Caldwell's recent findings (1986) that education, health care
factors and nutrition all contribute to mortality reduction, whereas in
rural areas only nutritional and curative child health care factors
appear to be more influential.
Nevertheless, our finding do suggest for an expansion of
educational opportunities beyond primary levels, for the development of
accessible and affordable maternal and child health care facilities and
antenatal care services for all mothers. The effects of such changes are
likely to reinforce each other in improving the health and survival
chances of children in both urban and rural areas.
Afzal, Mohammad, Tariq Aslam Raja and Ali Mohammad (1988) Some
Differentials in Infant and Child Mortality Risks in Pakistan:
1962-1986. The Pakistan Development Review 27:4 635-644.
Ahmed, Tauseef (1992) Factors Associated and Child Mortality in
Pakistan and Implications for the National Health Programmes. Asian and
Pacific Population Forum 6: 2. Summer. Honolulu, Hawaii: East-West
Alam, Iqbal, and John Cleland (1984) Infant and Child Mortality:
Trends and Determinants. In Iqbal Alam and Betzy Dinesen (eds) Fertility
in Pakistan: A Review of Findings from Pakistan Fertility Survey 1975
Aldrich, J., and F. Nelson (1984) Linear Probability, Logit and
Probit Models. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
Bicego, G.T., and J. T. Boerma (1991) Maternal Education and Child
Survival: A Comparative Analysis of DHS Data. DHS World Conference
Proceedings 1: 177-204.
Caldwell, J. (1986) Routes to Low Mortality in Poor Countries.
Population Development Review 12:2 171.
Cleland, J. G., and J. K. Van Ginneken, (1988) Maternal Education
and Child Survival in Developing Countries: The Search for Pathways of
Influence. Social Science and Medicine 27:12 1357-1368.
Galway, K. B. Wolff, and R. Sturgis (1987) Child Survival: Risks
and the Road to Health. Washington, D.C.: Institute for Resource
Pakistan, Government of (1986) National Health Survey 1982-83.
Karachi: Federal Bureau of Statistics.
Hobcraft, J., J. McDonald and S. Rutstein (1984) Socio-economic
Factors in Infant and Child Mortality: A Cross-national Comparison.
Population Studies 38: 193.
Irfan, Mohammad (1986) Mortality Trends and Patterns in Pakistan.
Bangkok: ESCAP. (Asian Population Studies Series No. 75).
Mosley, W. H., and I. C. Chen (1984) An Analytical Framework for
the Study of Child Survival in Developing Countries. Population and
Development Review. Supplement to Vol. 10 on Child Survival, Strategies
for Research. 28-48.
National Institute of Population Studies (1992) Pakistan
Demographic and Health Survey 1990-91. Columbia, MD: IRD/Macro
Paul, Bimal Kanti (1990) Factors Affecting Infant Mortality in
Rural Bangladesh: Results from a Retrospective Sample Survey. Rural
Sociology 55:4 552.
Rukanuddin, A. R., and M. N. I. Farooqui (1988) The State of
Population in Pakistan. Islamabad: National Institute of Population
Sathar, Zeba A. (1987) Seeking Explanation for High Level of Infant
Mortality in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review 26:1 58-70.
Sathar, Zeba A. (1994) Infant Mortality in Pakistan: Uneven Risks
in Urban and Rural Areas? Paper presented at Agha Khan Workshop on
Maternal and Infant Mortality Policies and Interventions, Karachi, Feb.
Sullivan, J. M. (1991) The Pace of Decline in Under-five Morality:
Evidence from the DHS Survey. DHS World Conference Proceedings 1:25-38.
World Bank (1993) World Development Report 1993. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
* Owing to unavoidable circumstances, the discussant's
comments on this paper have not been received.
(1) The Pakistan Demographic Surveys (PDS) average estimate of
infant mortality rate for 1984-88 five years period is 110 per 1000 live
births. A more recent estimate from the 1990-91 Pakistan Demographic and
Health Survey (PDHS) is 91 per 1000 for the period 1987-91, while the
Pakistan Integrated Household Survey (PIHS) also conducted in 1991
reports a much higher infant mortality rate of between 114 and 120 per
1000 live births for the same period, posing a question about the
placement of the infant mortality rate (IMR). However, an overview of
the estimates from various data sources indicate that IMR has declined
very little in the 1980s, and this trend seems to be continuing until
recently [Sathar (1994)].
(2) Previous studies on infant and child mortality in Pakistan have
documented wide urban-rural and regional differences [Alam and Cleland
(1984); Afzal et al. (1988); Sathar (1987); Rukanuddin and Farooqui
(3) The weak and poor performance of mother's education as an
explanatory variable in childhood mortality has been demonstrated in
some other studies [Paul (1990); Ahmed (1992); Sathar (1994)]. The
explanations given are that mother's health seeking behaviour are
probably subject to other more crucial influences of better sanitation
and environmental factors, small progress achieved in child mortality
transition and negligible proportion of women with formal education in
rural Pakistan.
(4) Ahmed (1992) also found a weak and positive relationship of
father's lower level of education (6-10 years) with child morality
in urban areas based on the analysis Pakistan Contraceptive Prevalence
Survey of 1984-85.
(5) Water and toilet facilities of households did not emerge as
significant variables in a reduced model without any controls for health
factors in both urban and rural area. Only toilet facility was weakly
related to survival in rural areas. The results are thus not presented
Naushin Mahmood and M. Framurz K. Kiani are, respectively, Senior
Research Demographer and Research Demographer at the Pakistan Institute
of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Percent Distribution of Births (Five Years Prior to Survey) by
Socio-economic, Demographic and Health Care Variables Used in
the Analysis: PDHS, 1990-91
Variables Total Urban Rural
Mother's Age at Birth
<20 10.7 9.2 12.3
20-34 78.0 81.1 74.7
35+ 11.3 9.7 12.9
Mother's Education
None 74.6 61.6 88.6
Primary 10.3 13.1 7.2
Secondary and Higher 15.1 25.3 4.2
Father's Education
None 42.6 33.2 52.7
Primary 16.1 15.1 17.3
Secondary and Higher 41.3 51.7 30.1
Gender of Child
Girl 50.6 50.0 48.8
Boy 49.4 50.0 51.2
Region of Residence
Punjab 35.6 30.5 41.1
Sindh 26.8 33.5 20.1
NWFP 26.4 22.5 30.6
Balochistan 11.2 14.0 8.2
Antenatal Visit
None 62.9 44.4 82.6
Atleast One 37.1 55.6 17.4
Tetanus Injection
None 66.5 52.9 81.2
One or More 33.5 47.1 18.8
Size of Child at Birth
Average and Above 77.5 79.7 75.1
Below Average 22.5 20.3 24.9
Child Breastfed
No 5.3 6.2 4.4
Yes 94.7 93.8 95.6
Child Immunised
No 56.5 51.0 62.5
Yes 43.5 49.0 37.5
Water Source in the
Mostly Piped 52.4 79.4 23.5
Wells 39.1 17.7 62.0
River, Ponds, Rain, 8.5 2.9 14.5
Toilet Facility in the
None 34.6 7.9 63.1
Some (Flush, Bucket, 65.4 92.1 36.9
Child Survival
Dead 7.3 6.3 8.3
Alive 92.7 93.7 91.7
Total Number of Cases (5868) (3034) (2834)
% 51.6 48.4 100.0
Table 2
Logistic Regression Coefficients of the Effect of Selected Predictor
Variables on Child Survival: Total Areas. Pakistan DHS 1990-91
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Constant 2.449 -.1012 -.332
Mother's Age at Birth
(20-34) (a)
<20 -.193 -.170 -.202
35+ .441 * .617 * .647 *
Residence (Rural) (a)
Urban .205 * .123 * .074
Mother's Education
(None) (a)
Primary .091 -.066 .021
Secondary and Higher .371 * .503 * .589 *
Father's Education
(None) (a)
Primary -.184 -.284 * -.263 *
Secondary and Higher .065 -.077 -.116
Gender of Child
(Girl) (a)
Boy -.137 -.181 -.174
Antenatal Visit
(None) (a)
Atleast One .073 .022
Tetanus Injection
(None) (a)
One or More .254 * .308 *
Size of Child at Birth
(Av and Above) (a)
Below Average -.283 * -.262 *
Child Breastfed
(No) (a)
Yes 2.599 * 2.605 *
Child Immunised
(No) (a)
Yes 1.206 * 1.259 *
Toilet Facility in the
H.H. (No) (a)
Yes .161
Water Source in the
H.H. (Other) (a)
Direct Piped .061
Wells -.077
Region (Punjab) (a)
Sindh .156
NWFP .387 *
Balochistan .559 *
Model Chi Sq. 28.14 (8df) * 455.68 (14df) * 474.3 (11df) *
(N = 5868)
* Significant at .05 level of confidence or less.
(a) Reference category.
Table 3
Logistic Regression Coefficients of the Effect of Selected Predictor
Variables on Child Survival: Urban Areas PDHS, 1990-91
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Constant 2.652 .160 -.113
Mother's Age at Birth
(20-34) (a)
<20 -.237 -.152 -.141
35+ .427 * .643 * .661 **
Mother's Education
(None) (a)
Primary .028 -.229 -.288
Secondary and Higher .513 * .484 * .486 *
Father's Education
(None) (a)
Primary -.027 -.037 -.056
Secondary and Higher -.059 -.121 -.126
Gender of Child
(Girl) (a)
Boy -.095 -.134 -.136
Antenatal Visit
(None) (a)
Atleast One -.045 -.112
Tetanus Injection
(None) (a)
One or More .398 * .379 *
Size of Child at Birth
(Av and Above) (a)
Below Average -.377 * -.405 *
Child Breastfed
(No) (a)
Yes 2.433 * 2.456 *
Child Immunised
(No) (a)
Yes 1.187 * 1.172 *
Toilet Facility in the
H.H. (No) (a)
Yes .271
Water Source in the
H.H. (Other) (a)
Direct Piped .078
Wells .139
Region (Punjab) (a)
Sindh .124
NWFP -.229
Balochistan .043
Model Chi Sq.
(N = 3034) 10.79(7df) 207.9(12df) * 211.61(18df) *
* Significant at 0.5 level of confidence or less.
(a) Reference category.
Table 4
Logistic Regression Coefficients of the Effect of Selected Predictor
Variables on Child Survival: Rural Areas PDHS, 1990-91
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Constant 2.459 .261 -.774
Mother's Age at Birth
(20-34) (a)
<20 -.165 -.177 -.236
35+ .457 * .613 * .697 *
Mother's Education
(None) (a)
Primary .201 .177 .375
Secondary and Higher .021 .601 .804
Father's Education
(None) (a)
Primary -.291 * -.476 * -.378 *
Secondary and Higher -.202 -.027 -.092
Gender of Child
(Girl) (a)
Boy -.183 -.229 -.214
Antenatal Visit
(None) (a)
Atleast One .238 .142
Tetanus Injection
(None) (a)
One or More .069 .208
Size of Child at Birth
(Av and Above) (a)
Below Average -.202 -.132
Child Breastfed
(No) (a)
Yes 2.799 * 2.921 *
Child Immunised
(No) (a)
Yes 1.233 * 1.342 *
Toilet Facility in the
H.H. (No) (a)
Yes -.097
Water Source in the
H.H. (Other) (a)
Direct Piped .181
Wells -.075
Region (Punjab) (a)
Sindh .188
NWFP .932 *
Balochistan 1.498 *
Model Chi Sq.
(N = 2834) 13.51(7df) * 247.51(12df) * 286.28(18df) *
* Significant at 0.5 level of confidence or less.
(a) Reference category.