The economic contribution of children in peasant agriculture and the effect of education: evidence from the Philippines.
Mergos, George J.
Issues of consumption-leisure choice and of the effect of education
are at the centre of the debate on labour supply and on the economic
value of children in peasant agriculture. This paper provides empirical
evidence on how education affects child labour supply in an extended
commodity demand-labour supply framework, using farm-household survey
data from the Philippines. The empirical results of this paper point out
that adult and child labour respond normally to changes in wages, that a
complementarity exists between adult and child labour in farm
operations, that children have a positive economic contribution to farm
households in peasant agriculture, and that education may have a limited
impact in reducing fertility in rural households.
The economic value of children in peasant agriculture and the
interaction of fertility with economic variables has attracted
considerable attention in the literature concerning population growth
and development [see, e.g., Rosenzweig and Evenson (1977); Yotopoulos
and Kuroda (1988)]. Central to this issue is the concept of
consumption-leisure choice in rural households, and, in particular,
children's labour supply and its relation to adult labour supply
and to farm-household characteristics.
Education is ranked high among several socio-economic
characteristics affecting family size, and mass education is considered
an important factor in the attainment of demographic transition [Caldwell (1980); Coale (1984), p. 547]. Reviewing the literature on
fertility behaviour, it is concluded that education has been used as a
proxy measure of modernisation, of tastes and preferences and
socio-economic status, and also of the housewife's time [Harvey
(1979)]. Thus, the relation between fertility and many of the social and
economic processes is so complex that its true nature remains obscure.
Although education may affect fertility in several ways, research has
concentrated mostly on female or parents' education or
modernisation [see, e. g., Ali (1981); Sathar (1984); Sathar and Irfan
(1984)], overlooking, to some extent, the fact that mass education
cannot be achieved unless it is consistent, from a private point of
view, to peasant household choices [Caldwell, Reddy and Caldwell (1985),
The hypothesis of a backward-sloping labour supply curve has been
extensively tested in various contexts and a rational response to price
and wage changes in agricultural decisions is now widely accepted
[Barnum and Squire (1979), p. 9]. In addition, several studies reveal
that children's labour is indispensable to agricultural production
in developing countries [Mueller (1976)]. Yet, there has been a limited
effort to study child labour supply and the demand for education within
an agricultural household model, although it is well-known that
children's education and labour supply are two conflicting
objectives at the farm-household level in peasant societies.
Hence, the question is still open as to how education and child
labour supply are related in peasant agriculture; especially (a) how
labour supply of children is related to farm-household characteristics
(number of adults, number of children, farm size, educational level,
etc.); (b) how adult and child labour supply and the cost of schooling
are related in the agricultural household; and (c) how the cost of
schooling affects labour supply decisions for children. The objective of
this paper is to extend the framework of Yotopoulos and Kuroda (1988) to
examine these questions in the context of a commodity demand-labour
supply (leisure demand) framework using similar methodology and data.
The paper starts by presenting briefly the behavioural model of
consumption-leisure choice. The novelty of the paper is the joint
consideration of adult and child labour supply and of the cost of
education, distinguishing expenditure on educational goods (cost of
schooling) in addition to own produced and purchased commodities in
household consumption in an extended commodity demand-labour supply
framework. (1) In addition, some of the characteristics of the
household, such as the demographic composition of the household (number
of adults and number of children), the educational level of the
household, and farm size, are explicitly considered.
The model is estimated empirically, using an LLES specification.
The LLES, despite some undesirable properties, e. g., its unitary elasticity with respect to full income, has other attractive
characteristics, such as linearity in the parameters, that make its
estimation simpler. After presenting the estimation results, the paper
continues with a discussion of the results and the conclusions.
The theoretical basis of our analysis is the subjective equilibrium
model of the agricultural household [see Singh et al. (1986); Yotopoulos
and Kuroda (1988)]. The consumption side of the model can be analysed
independently from the production side when an active labour market is
observed to operate [Singh et al. (1986)].
As it is well-established by now in the literature [Deaton and
Muellbauer (1980), p. 87], labour supply decisions can be analysed
within the framework of utility maximisation subject to a budget
constraint. This is accomplished by extending the consumption bundle to
include leisure. Labour supply is then obtained as the difference
between the available time minus consumption of leisure. Thus, labour
supply can be analysed within the traditional demand analysis framework.
By further distinguishing adult and child leisure in the
consumption bundle, one can analyse labour supply of adults and children
of the farm-household separately. There are several advantages in making
such a distinction. In addition, the effects of the various
socio-economic characteristics of the farm-household on consumption
behaviour (and hence on labour supply) can be analysed in a convenient
Children's labour supply is considered as their economic
contribution to the farm-household. In fact, one of the many important
and controversial issues considered by The Worm Development Report;
1984, in the context of population change and development, is whether
the choice of large families by peasant farm-households in developing
countries is economically rational, from a private point of view.
Education, on the other hand, is considered to have a reducing
effect on fertility, and the attainment of mass education is thought to
be contributing significantly to the demographic transition [Caldwell
(1980); Coale (1984) and Harvey (1979)]. Nevertheless, sometimes school
is thought of as a place for children who have nothing better to do; as
education and labour supply compete for childrens' time. In
addition, the cost of schooling is substantial for the
farm-households' meagre resources. Two aspects of the costs are
central, the partial or complete withdrawal of labour during school and
the extra cost incurred by going to school. School-children contribute
less work to the farm by taking time to attend classes and prepare
homework. Nonetheless, the cost of books, stationery, fees, etc., may be
substantial for a poor household's resources.
Making use of the subjective equilibrium model of the household
[Yotopoulos and Kuroda (1988)], the issue of the economic contribution
of children in peasant agriculture (and of the cost of schooling) can be
conveniently analysed and assessed as shown next.
We assume that the farm household's utility function is
well-behaved, and is specified as
U = U ([z.sub.1], [z.sub.2], A, C, E; [a.sub.1], [a.sub.2],
[a.sub.3], [a.sub.4]) ... ... ... (1)
where [z.sub.1] is leisure of adult members of the household,
[z.sub.2] is leisure of child members of the household, A is consumption
of own-produced agricultural products, C is consumption of purchased
final consumer goods, E is consumption of educational goods (expenditure
on education), [a.sub.j] is a vector of household characteristics, i.
e., educational level, number of adults, number of children, and farm
size of the farm households (as a proxy for farm income). The utility
function is assumed to have the usual regularity properties.
The time allocation of household members is given as
z1 = Z1-L1 for adult workers z2 = Z2-L2 for child workers
where Z1 and Z2 is the maximum of the time to be allocated between
work and leisure, z1 and z2 is consumption of leisure respectively, and
L1 and L2 is the labour time.
The income and expenditure constraint is given as:
[pi] + [q'.sub.1] [L.sub.1] + [q'.sub.2] [L.sub.2] +
[I.sub.A] = [P.sub.A] A + [P.sub.C] C + [P.sub.E] E ... ... (2)
where [pi] is maximum money profits from the production side,
[q'.sub.1] is wage rate for adult labour, [q'.sub.2] is wage
rate for child labour, [P.sub.A] is the price of home-produced
agricultural commodities, [P.sub.C] is the price of purchased final
consumer goods, [P.sub.E] is the price of educational goods, [P.sub.A] A
is the market value of consumption of own-produced agricultural goods,
[P.sub.C] [C.sup.A] is the expenditure on purchased final consumer
goods, [P.sub.E] E is the expenditure on educational goods, [I.sub.A] is
other income.
Following Becket [see Yotopoulos and Kuroda (1988), p. 235] we may
rewrite (2) to include time allocation as
[PI] + [q'.sub.1] [Z.sub.1] + [q'.sub.2] [Z.sub.2] +
[I.sub.A] = [q'.sub.1] [z.sub.1] + [q'.sub.2] [z.sub.2] +
[P.sub.A] A + [P.sub.C] C + [P.sub.E] E ... (3)
where the left-hand side is the "full income" and the
right-hand side is the "full expenditure" concepts of Becker
[see Yotopoulos and Kuroda (1988)]. By normalizing prices as
[p.sup.*.sub.i] = [p.sub.i]/M we have
[summation over (i)] [p.sup.*] [X.sub.i] = 1 ... ... ... (4)
where M is full expenditure of the agricultural household,
[X.sub.i] stands for [z.sub.1], [z.sub.2], A, C, E, and [p.sub.i] stands
for [q'.sub.1], [q'.sub.2], [P.sub.A], [P.sub.C], [P.sub.E],
and the income constraint can be transformed as in (4). Therefore, the
household maximises utility (1) subject to the income constraint (4),
assuming profit maximisation on the production side. However, given the
usual assumptions about the utility function, there exists an indirect
utility function giving the maximised value of U as a function of
normaiised prices. Then,
[V.sup.*] = [V.sup.*] ([q.sup.*.sub.1], [q.sup.*.sub.2],
[P.sup.*.sub.A], [P.sup.*.sub.C], [P.sup.*.sub.E], [a.sub.1], [a.sub.2],
[a.sub.3], [a.sub.4]) ... ... (5)
is the indirect utility function which corresponds to maximised
utility function (1) subject to constraint (4).
Thus, without loss of generality, the analysis of consumption
behaviour of the farm-household can start from the indirect utility
function [Yotopoulos and Kuroda (1988)]. The household consumption
demand functions so derived are consistent with utility maximization.
The advantage of the approach is that the derived demand functions
are explicit functions of only the exogenous variables, which is of
major empirical importance. Assuming that the indirect utility function
is homogenous, transcendental, and logarithmic, one can obtain the
simplest version of the Linear Logarithmic Expenditure System
[Yotopoulos and Kuroda (1988), p. 241]. Applying a second-order
approximation of Taylor's expansion around the true [V.sup.*], the
translog function corresponding to the indirect utility function (5) is
The commodity demand functions are obtained using Roy's
Identity as
-[S.sub.i] = [a.sub.i] + [5.summation over (j=1)] [c.sub.ij]
[lnp.sup.*.sub.j] + [4.summation over (k=1)] [e.sub.ik] [lna.sub.1] ...
... ... (6)
where [S.sub.i] is share of ith commodity in "full
expenditure", i, j = 1 to 5 and k, 1 = 1 to 4.
The system of (6) is estimated using Zellner's Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (SUR) procedure in its stochastic form imposing
the homogeneity restriction [Zellner (1962)]. These restrictions are
imposed in the actual estimation of the demand system. For homogeneity
we have the restrictions
[5.summation over (i=1)] [a.sub.i] = - 1 ... ... ... (7.1)
[5.summation over (j=1)] [c.sub.ij] = 0, i = 1 to 5 ... ... ...
[5.summation over (j=1)] [e.sub.kj] = 0, k = 1 to 4 ... ... ...
In addition, symmetry is tested and imposed in the estimation.
The data set used for the empirical estimation is a subset of the
sample of a household survey conducted in Mindanao, the Philippines, in
1978-79, funded by the Food and Agriculture Organisation and the United
Nations Fund for Population Activities. A more detailed description of
the data is given elsewhere [Yotopoulos (1983) and Yotopoulos and Kuroda
(1988)]. Some basic statistics of the data are given in Table 1. Prices
are assumed to vary spatially since farm-households are sampled from a
large number of villages, often far away from each other, with diverse
economic and infrastructure conditions.
Assuming an additive error term for Equations (8) above, and
assuming zero covariance of the errors of each equation corresponding to
different farm households, Zellner's method of Seemingly Unrelated
Regressions gives efficient estimates [Yotopoulos and Mergos (1986)].
The system is estimated initially without imposing any restrictions. On
the basis of these estimates, we test the following hypotheses: (a)
Utility maximisation; (b) Effect of household characteristics; (c)
Effect of farm size. The results are reported in Table 2.
It is shown that symmetry is not rejected, which implies that
farm-households behave as utility maximisers. Conditional on the
hypothesis of utility maximisation, the hypothesis of no effect of
household characteristics on consumption expenditure shares was tested
and rejected. Next, the system is estimated by imposing symmetry, with
the results presented in Table 3.
We proceed to calculate the elasticities of the demand for leisure
and consumption goods and, indirectly, the elasticities of the supply of
labour [Yotopoulos and Kuroda (1988), p. 260]. One particular set of
values of interest is the sample means of the independent variables.
Given the way in which the data are scaled, the means of the independent
variables are identically zero. Using this information and the estimated
parameters of the LLES, we can compute the numerical values of the
elasticities which are given in Table 4.
Before we proceed in the discussion of the results based on the
values of the elasticities in Table 4, we have to emphasize that these
elasticities were calculated with full income constant. The
interpretation can be based in the usual framework of Slutsky's
decomposition of the effect of a change in a price variable into
substitution and income effects.
The economic implications of the elasticity estimates in Table 4
can be analysed as follows. First, an increase in the wage rates of
adults and children increases the supply of labour and decreases the
demand for leisure. This means that the hypothesis of surplus labour
cannot be established at the micro-economic level, i.e., the supply of
labour of both adults and children is upward-sloping and elastic.
However, there seems to be a difference in the responsiveness of
the supply of labour between adults and children, the supply of child
labour being more elastic. This fact--and also the observation--that
cross-elasticities of the demand for leisure are negative implies that
the substitutability of leisure of adults and children is not satisfied.
This can be extended to imply that adult and child labour are
complements in production.
This finding is similar to direct observations in the sample that
child labour patterns are not independent of adult labour patterns
[Yotopoulos and Mergos (1986)], and means that child labour is
indispensable to the farm household in the peak season of operations and
not a substitute for adult labour. Adults may gain leisure by having
larger families but the substitutability hypothesis is not supported in
this case. This observation is consistent with the findings of other
studies [Rosenzweig and Evenson (1977), p. 119].
The own price elasticities of demand for home-produced agricultural
goods and purchased final goods are rather small, but they have expected
signs. The demand for educational goods reveals some interesting
patterns; (a) it is positively and elastically related to the adult wage
rate; (b) it is negatively and inelastically related to the child wage
rate; (c) it is inelastic with respect to own price and with respect to
the prices of own produced and of purchased goods.
Using a decomposition analysis, Yotopoulos and Mergos (1986) find
that a complementarity exists between adult and child labour in farm
operations. This finding is supported by the results of the present
analysis. The number of adults and the number of children in the
household seem to be very important factors in determining the
household's consumption behaviour. The supply of adult labour is
positively and elastically related to the number of adults in the
household, but also positively and almost elastically related to the
number of children in the household. Furthermore, the supply of child
labour is positively and elastically related to the number of adults and
negatively to the number of children. The above observations reinforce
the argument of complementarity between adult and child labour in
peasant farming.
The effect of farm size (as a proxy for farm income) was found to
affect significantly the consumption behaviour. Consumption of leisure
by adults and by children as well as consumption of educational goods
increases with farm size. This observation is consistent with other
findings asserting that "larger farmers do not make full use of
women and children in their households as do small farmers"
[Rosenzweig and Evenson (1977), p. 124].
The demand for educational goods is very inelastic with respect to
its own price. In addition, the elasticity of demand with respect to the
number of adults and the number of children of the household has
expected signs (negative and positive, respectively). What seems
surprising, at least intuitively, is the negative sign of the elasticity
of demand for educational goods with respect to the educational level of
the household. This effect, however, is expected since the educational
level variable reflects mainly the education of children. Therefore, the
higher the educational level, the greater the number of children out of
school and into economic activity; the lower the educational level of
the household, the younger the children and, therefore, the higher the
expenditure for schooling.
The positive, though small, effect of farm size on the demand for
educational goods fits with the previous analysis of labour supply.
Households with large farms can afford to send their children to school
while in small farm-households children have to work to supplement
household income. This finding conforms to the evidence from direct
observation in South India, suggesting that the least convinced about
the benefits of schooling are the small farmers [Caldwell et al.
(1985)]. Thus, on the basis of the results it can be concluded that
since the elasticity of demand for educational goods with respect to own
price is very low, a policy which aims at universal education--making
available educational facilities in rural areas as an instrument for the
reduction of fertility--might not work. Instead, a policy that operates
through the demand for child labour and the provision of income
opportunities at the household level might be more appropriate.
Finally, the results support the view that to the household the
economic value of higher parity children is smaller, since the
elasticity of supply of child labour is negative with respect to the
number of children. An intuitive explanation, which is relevant to our
analysis is that child and adult labour have a complementarity relation
in the family farm in peak seasons when certain operations have to be
completed within certain time limitations as discussed earlier. However,
the higher parity children are not as crucial in relaxing the accute
labour constraint of the farm-household in peak-season operations.
Overall, the results support the view that the desired family size
in low-income peasant households is large, because for many of the rural
poor a large family is the main source of survival [Kazi and Sathar
(1986)]. It is because of this reason that the simple presence of
educational or health institutions in rural areas has no impact on
fertility [Sathar and Irfan (1984), p. 216]. Hence, mass education in
rural areas will be difficult to achieve without changes in the economic
organisation of production at the peasant household level.
It is widely accepted that rapid population growth slows economic
development. Hence, the focus on the peasant household is justified
because of the undisputed fact that the largest part of population
growth takes place in rural areas of developing countries. Yet, it is
not clear why peasant households in developing countries choose to have
large families, and whether such choice is economically rational from a
private point of view. Several studies based on direct observation
reveal that children's labour is indispensable to agricultural
production in developing countries. However, the economic contribution
of children in peasant agriculture is not clearly understood; that is,
how adult and child labour supply are related in the agricultural
household, and how the cost of schooling affects labour supply
decisions. The findings of this paper on these issues are the following.
The surplus labour hypothesis that has attracted so much attention
in the literature cannot be established at the farm-household level.
Labour supply of adults and children responds normally to changes in
wage rates. Also, the results support the view that a complementarity
exists between adult and child labour in farm operations. This is
consistent with direct observation, and implies that in certain peak
seasons, when certain operations have to be completed by the
farm-household within certain time limits, children's labour is
extremely important in accomplishing such agricultural tasks.
Education is considered as having a reducing effect on fertility,
and universal education of both males and females will lead to a smaller
family size. However, education involves direct and indirect costs (expenditure on books, fees, etc., and withdrawal from the labour force,
respectively). The analysis in this paper finds a low own-price
elasticity of expenditure on educational goods and a positive effect of
farm-size (i. e., farm income) on the expenditure on education.
Taking into account the complementarity between adult and child
labour in farm operations, as discussed above, it can be concluded that
a policy operating through the provision of education, as an incentive
to eventually attain a lower fertility level, might not be appropriate.
Instead, as it is indicated by the results, a policy aiming to reduce
the demand for child labour in agricultural operations or to provide
income-generating opportunities for peasant households with
interventions in the organisation of peasant farming may be more
conducive to attaining mass education and, hence, to a decrease of the
desired family size in peasant households.
Ali, K. (1981) Impact of Agricultural Modernization on Crude Birth
Rate in Indian Punjab. The Pakistan Development Review 20:2.
Barnum, H., and L. Squire (1979) A Model of an Agricultural
Household: Theory and Evidence. Washington, D. C.: World Bank.
Caldwell, J. C. (1980) Mass Education as a Determinant of the
Timing of Fertility Decline. Population and Development Review 6:2.
Caldwell, J. C., P. H. Reddy and P. Caldwell (1985) Educational
Transition in Rural South India. Population and Development Review 11:1.
Coale, A. (1984) The Demographic Transition. The Pakistan
Development Review 23:4.
Deaton, A., and J. Muellbauer (1980) Economics and Consumer
Behaviour. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Harvey, J. G. (1979) Literacy, Education and Fertility, Past and
Present: A Critical Review. Population and Development Review 5:1,
Kazi, S., and Z. A. Sathar (1986) Productive and Reproductive
Choices: Report of a Pilot Survey of Urban Working Women in Karachi. The
Pakistan Development Review 25:4.
Mueller, E. (1976) Economic Value of Children in Peasant
Agriculture. In R. Ridger (ed) Population and Development: In Search of
Selective Interventions. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Rosenzweig, M. R., and R. Evenson (1977) Fertility, Schooling, and
the Economic Contribution of Children in Rural India: An Econometric Analysis. Econometrica 45: 1,065-1,079.
Sathar, Z. A. (1984) Does Female Education Affect Fertility
Behaviour in Pakistan? The Pakistan Development Review 23:4.
Sathar, Z. A., and M. Irfan (1984) Reproductive Behaviour in
Pakistan: Labour Force and Migration Survey 1979-1980. The Pakistan
Development Review 23:2&3.
Singh, I., L. Squire and J. Strauss (eds) (1986) Agricultural
Household Models. Published for the World Bank. Baltimore: The Johns
Hopkins University Press.
World Bank (1984) World Development Report 1984. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Yotopoulos, P. A. (1983) A Micro Economic-Demographic Model of the
Agricultural Household in the Philippines. Food Research Institute
Studies 19:1 1-24.
Yotopoulos, P. A., and Y. Kuroda (1988) A Subjective Equilibrium
Approach to the Value of Children in the Agricultural Household. The
Pakistan Development Review 27:3.
Yotopoulos, P. A., and G. J. Mergos (1986) Family Labor Allocation
in the Agricultural Household. Food Research Institute Studies 20:1
Zellner, A. (1962) An Efficient Method for Estimating Seemingly
Unrelated Regressions and Tests for Aggregation Bias. Journal of
American Statistical Association 55: 348-368.
Author's Note: I wish to thank Pan Yotopoulos for advice and
for his permission to use the data collected under FAO/UNFPA Project
Grant INT/76/6/118 and C. Safilios-Rothschild for valuable suggestions.
The views presented, however, remain my own responsibility.
(1) Readers primarily interested in the results may skip Sections 2
and 3 that are mainly methodological and refer directly to Section 4.
George J. Mergos is Assistant Professor, Department of Economics,
University of Athens, Greece.
Table 1
Data Description
Variable/Group All Tenants Landholders
Sample Size (94) (34) (60)
Own-produced Food 3,764 3,450 3,945
Purchased Goods 3,098 2,464 3,461
Educational Goods 742 477 894
Total Expenditure 7,604 6,393 8,302
Expenditure Share
Share of Own-produced Goods 0.605 0.661 0.574
Share of Purchased Goods 0.321 0.285 0.341
Share of Educational Goods 0.073 0.054 0.084
Land Owned 1.11 0.00 1.75
Size of Farm 2.15 1.84 2.33
Number of Children 2.82 3.28 2.55
Note: Expenditures are in pesos, land owned and size of farm in
Table 2
Test Statistics (F Tests)
Degrees Level of Critical Actual
Hypothesis of Freedom Significance F-Value Value
Symmetry 6 296 0.01 3.02 2.35
Conditional on Symmetry
Effect of Household
Characteristics 12 302 0.01 2.04 91.11
Effect of Farm Size 10 296 0.01 2.20 4.88
Table 3
Estimation of the Linear Logarithmic System with Symmetry Imposed
Const. ln[q.sub.1.sup.*]
-[q.sub.1.sup.*] [z.sub.1] -0.3807 -0.1968
-[q.sub.1.sup.*] [z.sub.1] -0.3071 0.1305
-[P.sub.A.sup.*] A -0.1833 0.0347
-[P.sub.C.sup.*] C -0.0964 0.0866
-[P.sub.E.sup.*] E -0.0325 -0.055
ln[q.sub.2.sup.*] [lnP.sub.A.sup.*]
-[q.sub.1.sup.*] [z.sub.1]
-[q.sub.1.sup.*] [z.sub.1] -0.1866
-[P.sub.A.sup.*] A 0.0421 -0.0760
(2.604) (-3.051)
-[P.sub.C.sup.*] C -0.0020 -0.0091
(-0.1863) (-1.709)
-[P.sub.E.sup.*] E 0.0160 0.0083
(4.061) (1.507)
[lnP.sub.C.sup.*] [lnP.sub.E.sup.*]
-[q.sub.1.sup.*] [z.sub.1]
-[q.sub.1.sup.*] [z.sub.1]
-[P.sub.A.sup.*] A
-[P.sub.C.sup.*]] C -0.0780
-[P.sub.E.sup.*]] E 0.0025 -0.0282
(l.6063) (-8.173)
[lna.sub.1] [lna.sub.2]
-[q.sub.1.sup.*] [z.sub.1] 0.0349 -0.191
-[q.sub.1.sup.*] [z.sub.1] 0.0216 0.1348
(l.891) (12.36)
-[P.sub.A.sup.*] A -0.0434 0.0334
(-1.778) (2.08)
-[P.sub.C.sup.*] C -0.0147 0.0118
(-0.7987) (0.9817)
-[P.sub.E.sup.*] E 0.0016 0.0110
(0.1162) (1.781)
[lna.sub.3] [lna.sub.4]
-[q.sub.1.sup.*] [z.sub.1] 0.1109 -0.0057
-[q.sub.1.sup.*] [z.sub.1] -0.1771 -0.0015
(-21.18) (-1.393)
-[P.sub.A.sup.*] A 0.0207 0.0033
(1.686) (2.083)
-[P.sub.C.sup.*] C 0.0346 0.0047
(3.743) (3.864)
-[P.sub.E.sup.*] E -0.0109 -0.0008
(1.815) (-0.8743)
Note: [a.sub.1]: Level of education of the household.
[a.sub.2]: Number of adults workers.
[a.sub.3]: Number of child workers.
[a.sub.4]: Farm size.
Figures in parenthesis are computed asymptotic i-ratios.
The coefficients of -[q.sub.1.sup.*] [z.sub.1] were obtained making
use of symmetry restrictions.
Table 4
Estimates of Elasticities of the Demand for Leisure, Commodities, and
Supply of Labour
Wage of Wage of Price of Price of
Adults Children Food Non-food
Leisure of Adults -0.48 -0.34 -0.09 -0.22
Leisure of Children -0.42 -0.39 -0.13 0.00
Food -0.18 -0.22 -0.58 0.04
Non-food -0.89 0.02 0.09 -0.19
Educational Goods 1.69 -0.49 -0.25 -0.07
Adult Labour Supply 1.65 1.17 0.31 0.77
Child Labour Supply 5.04 5.57 1.94 -0.09
Price of Number Number
Educational Educational of of
Goods Level Adults Children
Leisure of Adults 0.14 -0.09 0.50 -0.29
Leisure of Children -0.05 -0.07 -0.43 0.57
Food -0.04 0.23 -0.18 -0.11
Non-food -0.02 0.15 -0.12 -0.35
Educational Goods -0.13 -0.04 -0.33 0.33
Adult Labour Supply -0.49 0.31 -1.71 0.99
Child Labour Supply 0.74 1.00 6.24 -8.19