Differentials in child mortality and health care in Pakistan.
Kiani, M. Framurz K.
Maternal and child health care are considered important factors
behind the mortality changes that are occurring in developing countries.
Countries such as Sri Lanka, China, Republic of Korea and Thailand can
to be considered to be examples where reduced child mortality has
contributed to lowering fertility levels consequently birth rates have
In Pakistan the available data sources suggest that the prevailing
infant mortality rate may still by around 100 per thousand live births.
Presently only 2.9 percent of the total government expenditure and 0.7
percent of the GNP is allocated to the health sector which is one of the
lowest among most Asian countries [World Bank (1985)]. This paper
attempts to analyse the differentials in child mortality by
parent's education, health care, and rural-urban residence. An
attempt has also been made to assess maternal health care by urban-rural
The main source of data being used for this paper is the Pakistan
Contraceptive Prevalence Survey (PCPS) which was conducted during
1984-85. The survey collected data on various aspects from a sample of
7405 currently married women, including their birth history for three
years prior to the survey. Questions were asked regarding live births
and their survival status at the time of the survey. In order to assess
the differentials by socio-economic characteristics and maternal and
child health care, the number of children dead has been estimated by
subtracting the number of surviving children from the number of live
The analysis supports the universally accepted notion that educated
parents are more aware of child care and hence in their case the risks
of child mortality are less (Table 1). In addition to the above,
educated mothers experience further reduced child mortality risks than
do educated fathers. The study shows that the majority of child deaths
are concentrated in families where the parents are both illiterate. Due
to illiteracy, parents are unaware of the modern facilities preferring
to use traditional methods for health care.
Working mothers also have lower child mortality risks than the
mothers engaged in family business or working as housewives as shown in
Table 2. But there are very few employed mothers and, therefore this
association is questionable. As regards the father's occupation,
those who are salaried employed have lower risks of child mortality than
those engaged in agriculture or who are unemployed. Thus educated
parents and those employed in the formal sector face less risks of child
mortality than do those who are working in the traditional sector.
Mothers who have had hospital care at the time of delivery are
likely to experience a smaller risk of child mortality. The findings
from Table 3 suggest that educated mothers who had their delivery at
hospital had a smaller proportion of dead children than those who
delivered at home. In the case of educated fathers where women are aged
less than 35, whose child was born at hospital, the proportion of
children dead are lower. However, for age cohort above 35 father's
education seems to have a minimal impact on mother's health care
leading to the very slight differentials in child mortality.
The urban-rural differentials from Table 4 suggest that urban
educated mothers who have had their last delivery at hospital experience
substantially lower child mortality than mothers with no education. The
differentials persist among rural educated mothers and those with no
education. But when controlled for delivery at 'hospital or at home
the differentials are not significant for younger mothers by their
residence. In comparison, older mothers who had their delivery at
hospital had lower child mortality. However, in rural areas very few
mothers had a birth in a hospital or clinic.
Table 5 shows that educated younger mothers who have immunised
their child had lower child mortality than the mothers aged 25 +. The
differentials by father's education showed substantially lower
child mortality. The earlier evidence suggests that the education of the
mother is more important both for maternal and child health care but in
the case of child immunisation father's education emerged as a
stronger determinant. Keeping in view that the full course of
immunisation needs regular visits to a clinic or doctor therefore
mothers may have not completed the full course compared to fathers who
make more regular visits. The survival chances of children are less in
case of incomplete immunisation.
The study also anlaysed the child mortality differentials by
urban-rural and educated mothers who had immunised their children. The
differentials showed substantially lower proportions of dead children
for educated mothers as coma compared to uneducated mothers. The
differentials were more pronounced for younger educated urban mothers,
who immunised their infants. In the case of rural mothers differentials
by education were substantial but child immunisation did not emerge as a
significant variable in affecting child survival. This could be due to
incomplete course or lack of information on the part of rural mothers
about immunisation. This also shows a great contrast in the health
facilities available in urban and rural areas, because in rural areas
modern health services are hardly available and therefore mothers are
unable to take independent decisions about their infant's and their
own health care.
The child mortality differentials were also found more pronounced
among educated urban mothers 35+ who treated their babies by ORS compared to other drugs. Among the rural educated mothers differentials
were even more substantial between both younger and older mothers who
treated their babies by ORS as compared to educated mothers using other
than ORS drugs. The lower child mortality risks for younger educated
urban mothers who used other drugs for child care comprise of a small
sample size but may be using other effective medicines which may have
reduced child mortality risks.
The study clearly supports the argument that if parents are
provided better facilities for education and health, they would
certainly prefer to utilise these for MCH (1) leading to better chances
of child survival. Educated mothers particularly have shown that given
the resources at their control, their preference is certainly for better
health care. This suggests that mothers when able to make independent
decisions do emphasise child health care. The majority of the rural
population which is nearly 70 percent of the total population have the
highest child mortality. This may not only reflect maldistribution of
trained manpower and other facilities, but may also be due to low levels
of literacy, poor sanitation, low incomes and lack of access of relevant
health facilities. The factors such as, post delivery maternal care,
prenatal care, postnatal care were also analysed and showed that child
risks were substantially less particularly for urban educated mothers.
Thus, the differential, in the urban vs rural health care can be reduced
further by improving overall living conditions rather than further
advances in medical care [Rohde (1983)]. The mortality transition that
the developed countries experienced in the past was characterised by
socio-economic progress [Palloni (1981)]. Therefore, development
programmes which enable health or education reach the majority of the
population are preferable. This perhaps can be achieved through
conscious policies backed by political will and mobilisation of
Comments on "Differentials on Child Mortality and Health Care
in Pakistan"
The paper though simple is a good initiative. It estimates the
child mortality differentials in terms Of some important socio-economic
characteristics like parents education, urban/rural classification,
parents work status, availability of MCH care, immunisation status and
diarrhoeal treatment availability which is a basic cause of death among
infants and children. These differentials are estimated for various
cohorts classified by the age of the mother.
Literacy comes out as a major factor influencing child survival.
Risks of child mortality is less in case of educated parents and
particularly the impact of mother's education is more pronounced.
Similar results have been found for fertility differentials also in
earlier studies. I however, have a few comments to make on the paper.
1. Demographic research to date has indicated a high degree of
correlation between fertility and infant and child mortality. The
causation is however, yet not clear as to whether higher fertility
causes higher mortality or vice versa or both are influenced by a third
set of socio-economic variables like literacy, poverty etc. It would
have been interesting if some analysis was presented in the paper as to
whether the lower proportion of child mortality in case of educated
parents is due to their having fewer children with large number of
surviving children or large number of total children with fewer
surviving children. To be more precise, it is not brought out clearly
whether education has a direct bearing on child mortality or its effect
is translated through lower fertility. The paper could have included
some discussion on this aspect.
2. Although education comes out as a significant factor but as
income and socio-economic status are not control variables, therefore,
the impact of education may be capturing the influence of some other
socio-economic variables like affordability and accessibility of health
care even within the urban context because education and
income/employment status and affordability tend to be positively
correlated in a narrower sense. This point is being raised due to the
fact that curative health facilities in Pakistan tend to be more
privatised and concentrated in urban areas and both affordability and
quality of medical care becomes issues at question given the state of
medical care in the public sector. Therefore, it might not be increased
consciousness due to education but also the economic factor being
captured by education.
Similarly, the findings indicate that the working mother also has
lower child mortality risks than mothers engaged in family business or
working as housewives. Here again, work status captures the mobility
aspect of women particularly in the rural context.
Similarly, as regards father's occupation, those who are
salaried employees have lower risks of child mortality than those
engaged in agriculture. Here again, availability and accessibility to
medical care is captured by the difference in occupational status as
salaried class tend to have full or partial medical benefits in their
salary package.
3. The study brings out an interesting result in terms of some
association between maternal health care and infant/child mortality.
Both urban and rural educated mothers who had received post-natal care
from a clinic have lower child mortality than those who received
post-natal care from a source other than a clinic. There is no
explanation for the differences as to what is meant by
"clinic" and "other than a clinic". Does it refer to
the difference in terms of traditional/modern or government/private or
captures the difference in quality of medical care?
4. The findings indicate that whereas in case of maternal and child
health care, mother's education emerged as an important variable;
in case of child immunisation, father's education emerged as a
stronger factor. Again mobility could be a factor explaining this
difference. The earlier result that maternal health is related to child
care and the present result together suggests that even educated mothers
were not independent decision-makers in terms of immunisation. This
provides strong evidence for not only female education but also the
essential need for acknowledging the productive roles of women in all
sectors in monetary terms and creating economic opportunities for women
to enhance their decision making role towards the health and well-being
of their children and family.
It is also important to note that in case of rural mothers child
mortality differentials by education are substantial but child
immunisation does not emerge as a significant variable in affecting
child survival. This could depict the lack of information on the part of
rural mothers about immunisation as well as incomplete course of
immunisation. This finding also points to the urban bias and skewedness
in the distribution of health facilities and this factor alone has
strong policy implications in terms of availability and accessibility of
services through outreach and extension services which is a missing
component and a major drawback of both Primary Health Care and
Population Programmes. The rural areas lack service availability in
general and mobility becomes a constraining factor for women in
particular to be able to avail distant health facilities besides their
restrictibility to lake independent decisions to avail MCH care.
5. The paper does not attempt to distinguish between female and
male children mortality which loses out an important dimension of the
Despite these limitations the paper is a commendable exercise in
pointing out the factors responsible for child mortality differentials
which has both short-term and long-term policy implications.
Khaleda Manzoor
NIPS, Islamabad.
Pakistan, Government of (1986) Pakistan Contraceptive Prevalence
Survey 1984-85. Islamabad: Population Division, Monitoring and
Statistics Wing.
Palloni, A. (1981) Mortality in Latin America : Emerging Patterns.
Population and Development Review 7:4.
Rohde, J. E. (1983) Why the Other Half Dies. Assignment Children
World Bank (1985) World Development Report. Washington, D.C.: The
World Bank.
(1) Maternal and child health.
M. Framurz K. Kiani is Research Demographer at the Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Proportion of Children Dead--Education of Mother-Education
of Father and Age of Mother
Mother Mother Father Father
with Some with Some with Some with no
Age of Education Education Education Education
15-19 0.171 0.112 0.126 0.111
(32) (217) (128) (121)
20-24 0.100 0.153 0.122 0.166
(233) (870) (591) (512)
25-29 0.094 0.172 0.125 0.194
(335) (1232) (847) (718)
30-34 0.092 0.162 0.128 0.180
(192) (945) (558) (576)
35-39 0.132 0.176 0.159 0.179
(182) (942) (552) (572)
40-44 0.144 0.217 0.185 0.227
(83) (766) (340) (509)
45-49 0.159 0.242 0.200 0.253
(55) (491) (190) (356)
All Ages 0.115 0.189 0.150 0.202
(1112) (5463) (3206) (3364)
Source: PCPS 1984-85.
Note: Mother's having no live births were excluded.
Number of cases are in brackets.
Table 2
Proportion of Children Dead - Work Status of Mother and
Occupation of Father and Age of Mother
Mother Work Status
Works for
Age of for an Family House
Mother Employer Business Wife
<25 0.118 0.187 0.132
(12) (198) (1141)
25-34 0.135 0.182 0.152
(43) (9398) (2256)
35-49 0.221 0.219 0.195
(51) (427) (2035)
All Ages 0.188 0.204 0.174
(106) (1023) (5432)
Father's Occupation
Age of Salried
Mother Agriculture Employee Un-Employed
<25 0.154 0.136 0.080
(414) (881) (54)
25-34 0.176 0.148 0.151
(769) (1858) (74)
35-49 0.218 0.188 0.208
(876) (1503) (132)
All Ages 0.199 0.168 0.187
(2059) (4242) (260)
Source: PCPS 1984-85.
Note: Mothers having no live births were excluded.
Number of cases are in brackets.
Table 3
Proponion Children Dead-Site of Last Delivery-Eeducation
of Mother and Father and Age of Mother
Age of Mother Mother Mother Father Father
/Site of Last with Some with no with Some with no
Delivery Education Education Education Education
Delivery at 0.090 0.114 0.098 0.124
Clinic/Hospital (60) (934) (581) (538)
Delivery at 0.094 0.137 0.107 0.127
Home (185) (44) (79) (25)
Delivery at 0.078 0.156 0.116 0.175
Clinic/Hospital (128) (1674) (941) (1007)
Delivery at 0.089 0.188 0.088 0.127
Home (278) (86) (172) (42)
Delivery at 0.102 0.174 0.156 0.177
Clinic/Hospital (31) (894) (369) (600)
Delivery at 0.114 0.130 0.112 0.136
Home (75) (43) (50) (24)
All Ages
Delivery at 0.086 0.126 0.098 0.131
Clinic/Hospital (266) (173) (301) (91)
Delivery at 0.096 0.158 0.127 0.170
Home (538) (3502) (1891) (2145)
Source: PCPS 1984-85.
Note: Mothers having no live births were excluded.
Number of cases are in brackets.
Table 4
Proportion of Children Dead by Site of Last Delivery--Education
of Mother-Age of Mother and Urban-coral Residence
Urban Rural
Age of Mother
/Site of Last Some No Some No
Delivery Education Education Education Education
Delivery at 0.074 0.109 0.122 0.167
Hospital/Clinic (164) (93) (24) (37)
Delivery at 0.073 0.193 0.120 0.151
Home (281) (744) (182) (1864)
Delivery at 0.076 0.117 0.194 * 0.173
Hospital/Clinic (26) (33) (10)
Delivery at 0.110 0.152 0.122 0.184
Home (50) (286) (25) (608)
All Ages
Delivery at 0.075 0.145 0.145 0.169
Hospital/Clinic (190) (1030) (29) (47)
Delivery at 0.084 0.113 0.120 0.164
Home (331) (126) (207) (2472)
Source: PCPS 1984-85.
Note: Mothers having no births were excluded.
Number of cases are in brackets.
* Less than 10 cases.
Table 5
Proportion of Children Dead by Education of Mother and
Father-Child Immunisation Status and Age of Mother
Age of Mother/ Mother Mother Father Father
Site of last with Some with no with Some with no
Delivery Education Education Education Education
< 25
Immunised 0.064 0.098 0.79 0.100
(160) (383) (331) (121)
Not Immunised 0.144 0.126 0.119 0.136
(85) (591) (327) (349)
Immunised 0.091 0.151 0.107 0.173
(292) (692) (592) (392)
Not Immunised 0.075 0.156 0.117 0.174
(114) (1063) (518) (405)
Immunised 0.115 0.159 0.143 0.157
(77) (364) (223) (218)
Not Immunised 0.103 0.180 0.157 0.185
(30) (571) (196) (405)
All Ages
Immunised 0.093 0.148 0.117 0.158
(529) (1439) (1146) (822)
Not Immunised 0.097 0.162 0.130 0.175
(229) (2225) (1041) (1409)
Source: PCPS 1984-85.
Note: Mothers having no live births were
excluded. Number of cases are in brackets.