Short-term employment functions in manufacturing industries: an empirical analysis for Pakistan.
Sheikh, Khalid Hameed ; Iqbal, Zafar
The most challenging issue facing Pakistan today is the high rate
of growth of population and labour force which is a major obstacle to
the development of the country. The current problem of unemployment is
becoming serious and is deeply rooted in the economic, social and
political conditions of the economy. The consequences of rapid
industrialisation on employment generation in Pakistan has also been
very disappointing.
The manufacturing sector in Pakistan has grown at an average annual
rate of around 6.0 percent during the 1970s and 8.7 percent during the
1980s. Manufacturing output has risen from 16.5 percent of the GDP during the 1970s to 19.1 percent during the 1980s. The manufacturing
sector has failed to generate sufficient employment for new entrants in
the labour force. Over a period of 18 years from 1969-70 to 1986-87,
only 14.0 percent of the total labour force could get employment in the
manufacturing sector. A low creation of employment opportunities is also
manifest in the fact that the growth rate of employment in the
manufacturing sector has declined considerably from 2.4 percent during
the 1970s to 1.0 percent during the 1980s.
In view of such a wide gap between employment growth and output
growth, it becomes important to investigate the determinants of
employment in the manufacturing industries in a more disaggregated way.
The relationship between output and employment in the manufacturing
sector has been studies in Pakistan by various authors. Ali (1978)
estimates the impact of output, wages, lagged-employment and time trend
on employment using time-series data for the period 1954 to 1970 for the
manufacturing sector as a whole. He finds that output is positively, and
technology, is negatively related to employment in the manufacturing
sector in Pakistan. He also finds that the elasticity of employment with
respect to wages is negative. Ahmed (1981) estimates the employment
functions for 16 manufacturing industry groups using the time-series
data for the period 1959-60 to 1969-70. He finds that output is only the
relevant and significant variable in explaining the movements of
employment in these industries. The other two variables i.e. technology
and lagged employment do not emerge to be very important explanatory
Kemal and Irfan (1983) estimate the employment elasticity with
respect to output 0.32, Government of Pakistan (1983) 0.39, ARTEP (1983)
0.45 and Khan (1988) 0.43 for the manufacturing sector as a whole.
However they ignored to estimate the employment elasticity with respect
to output for individual industries except for Ahmed (1981) and Malik et
al. (1987). These studies suffer from some basic shortcomings as none of
these studies include employment cost per employment in the employment
function. Since it is well known that the rapidly increasing employment
cost in developing countries like Pakistan is one of the major obstacles
for generating further employment in the large-scale manufacturing
sector. Therefore, the omission of such an important variable can
profoundly bias the estimated coefficients. The purpose of this study is
the following.
First, we estimate the basic structural employment function of 13
major manufacturing industries using the latest available time-series
data for the period 1969-70 to 1986-87 assuming that the observed level
of employment in each industry is demand determined.
Second, we estimate employment elasticities with respect to the
output of 13 manufacturing industries as these provide us important
information about the labour absorptive capacity of each industry.
Third, we estimate the employment elasticity with respect to
employment cost which gives us the important information about
percentage change in employment as a result of one percent change in
employment cost in each industry.
Finally, in estimating the employment function, we take into
account the weaknesses of the earlier studies, thereby improving the
reliability of the estimated coefficients.
In order to estimate the employment function, the basic model has
been described by Brechling (1965), Ball and St. Cyr (1966), Brechling
and O'Brien (1967), and Smyth and Ireland (1%7). This model has
been applied to estimate the relationship between employment and its
determinants in the manufacturing sector of developed and developing
countries. Following Brechling and O'Brien (1967) (1), the extended
model we present:
Log [E.sup.*.sub.t] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1] log [Q.sub.t]
+ [[beta].sub.2] + [e.sub.t] ... (1)
[E.sup.*.sub.t] = Desired level of employment in each industry.
[Q.sub.t] = Value added of each industry.
T = Time trend.
[e.sub.t] = Stochastic error term.
We are including another important explanatory variable that is
employment cost per employment (including wages salaries plus other cash
and non-cash benefits) in the above basic model which has never been
treated as an important determinant in any one of the above studies
except Malik et al. (1987). Including employment cost (EC), the basic
model is expressed as:
log [E.sup.*.sub.t] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1] log [Q.sub.t]
+ [[beta].sub.2]T + [[beta].sub.3] log [EC.sub.t] + [e.sub.t] ... (2)
Since the desired level of employment ([E.sup.*.sub.t]) is not
directly observable so it has been transformed into observable form
using. Marc Nerlove's (1958) well-known partial adjustment process
to overcome this problem. The partial adjustment process is expressed
log [E.sub.t] - log [E.sub.t-1] = [lambda] (log [E.sup.*.sub.t] log
[E.sub.t-1]) ... (3)
where [lambda], (such that 0 < [lambda] < 1) is known as the
coefficient of adjustment. Equation (3) postulates that the actual
change in the level of employment in any given time period (t) is some
fraction [lambda] of the desired change in the level of employment for
that period. Rearranging Equation (3), the adjustment mechanism can be
written as:
log [E.sub.t] = [lambda] log [E.sup.*.sub.t] + (1-[lambda]) log
[E.sub.t-1] ... (4)
substituting Equation (2) into Equation (4). We get
log [E.sub.t] [lambda] [[beta].sub.0] + [lambda][[beta].sub.1] log
[Q.sub.t] + [lambda] [[beta].sub.2] T + = [lambda] [[beta].sub.3] log
[EC.sub.t] + (1-[lambda]) log [E.sub.t-1] + [lambda] [e.sub.t] ... (5)
For simplicity the Equation (5) can be written as:
log [E.sub.t] = [a.sub.0] + [a.sub.1] log [Q.sub.t] + [a.sub.2]T +
[a.sub.3] log [EC.sub.t] + [a.sub.4] log [E.sub.t-1] + [U.sub.t] ... (6)
[a.sub.0] = [lambda][[beta].sub.0]
[a.sub.1] = [lambda][[beta].sub.1]
[a.sub.2] = [lambda][[beta].sub.2]
[a.sub.3] = [lambda][[beta].sub.3]
[a.sub.4] = (1 - [lambda])
[U.sub.t] = [lambda][e.sub.t]
The final Equation (6) is our basic structural model which has been
estimated by applying ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation
The basic data used in the statistical estimation are time-series
from 1969-70 to 1986-87 of 13 manufacturing industries. The data
regarding employment (numbers employed), current price value-added and
employment cost per employment in manufacturing industries are obtained
from Pakistan Economic Survey, 1990-91 which is based on the annual
Census of Manufacturing Industries (CMI). A GDP deflator of the
manufacturing sector is used to deflate the current price value-added
and employment cost in order to get the constant price value-added and
employment cost.
The estimated results of the structural employment function based
on Equation (6) are reported in Table 1. There seem to fit the data
satisfactorily together with a reasonable adjusted [R.sup.2] and
tolerable t-statistics.
The coefficient of log [Q.sub.t] is the employment elasticity of
output which gives the percentage change in employment as a result of an
one percent change in output. The employment elasticities of 10 out of
13 manufacturing industries reported in Table 1 are positive and
statistically significant. The employment elasticity for Paper is
maximum i.e. 1.11 which is greater than unity. The estimated employment
elasticities for other industries are also reasonably high but less than
unity, which indicate that less than proportionate increase in
employment is brought about as a result of an increase in output. The
size of employment elasticity for Drugs and Pharmaceutical is 0.74,
Ginning & Pressing 0.69, Rubber 0.58, Electrical Machinery 0.53,
Other Chemical 0.49, Beverages 0.26, Machinery 0.22, Tobacco 0.20 and
Transport Equipment 0.19. The lowest employment elasticity is for
Textiles which is 0.16. Although the elasticity of Non- Metallic Mineral
Products is lowest i.e. -0.03 but it is statistically insignificant.
These employment elasticities with respect to output provide us
important information about the labour absorptive capacity of each
industry. The estimated employment elasticities almost in all the
industries (except paper industry) are less than unity which seem to
confirm the argument that capital augmenting technology inhibits the
further demand for labour in the manufacturing sector of Pakistan. It is
a fact that employment elasticities tend to fall as capital intensities
The time trend variable is taken as a proxy for the capital stock
and techniques of production. The a priori expectation for the trend
variable is to be negatively related with the level of employment. But
the estimated coefficients of the trend variable are not according to expectation. The results indicate that the trend variable possesses a
negative sign in the case of four industries. But the negative
coefficient of the trend variable in the case of the Rubber industry is
statistically significant. The time trend variable possesses a positive
sign and is statistically significant in the case of four industries
(i.e. Beverages, Industrial Chemicals, Non-Metal Minerals and Drugs)
reported in Table 1. For the remaining industries, the coefficients of
the time trend variable (T) is positive but statistically insignificant.
The estimated coefficients of the trend variable which is used as a
proxy for technology must be treated with some caution as it may not
show the real impact of technology.
Another important finding of this paper shows the negative
relationship between the employment cost per employment and the level of
employment in the manufacturing industries. The results are as expected.
The employment elasticity with respect to employment cost per employment
is negative and highly significant almost in all the cases except
Machinery. The elasticity of employment is greater than unity for Paper
and Paper Products -1.46, Drugs and Pharmaceuticals -1.08, Electrical
Machinery -1.03, and Other Chemical Products -1.01. For the remaining
industries, the estimated employment elasticity with respect to cost is
less than unity that is for Non-Mineral -0.83, Tobacco -0.82, Industrial
Chemicals -0.48, Rubber -0.42, Ginning and Pressing -0.40, Beverages
-0.39, and Transport Equipment -0.21. The lowest employment elasticity
is for Textiles -0.10. The employment elasticity for Machinery is
positive but statistically insignificant. The negative and strong
significant impact of employment cost per employment on the level of
employment seems to confirm our main hypothesis that rapidly increasing
employment cost is the main hindrance for generating further employment
in the manufacturing sector of Pakistan.
The estimated coefficients of the lagged dependent variable log
[E.sub.t-1] are positive, as expected, in all the cases. The estimated
coefficients lie between zero and unity which indicate that the level of
previous year's employment raises the present year's
employment but this increase is less than proportionate. The positive
relationship between lagged employment and current employment employs
that as these industries earn profits and the demand for the products of
these industries rises, the output also expands which results in the
creation of more jobs in the manufacturing sector.
The regression coefficients of log [E.sub.t-1] are consistent with
the implication of equation (3) that the coefficient of adjustment
[lambda] should lie between zero and unity. [lambda] indicates the speed
of adjustment of employment to its desired level. The estimated
adjustment coefficients ([lambda]'s) suggest that comparatively
fast adjustment of employment to desired employment takes place in
Beverages (0.99), Other Chemicals (0.98), Non-Metallic Minerals (0.92),
Rubber (0.89), Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products (0.89), Ginning and
Pressing and Bailing of Fibre (0.80), and Tobacco (0.73). Adjustment
seems to be slow relatively in the following industries: Paper and Paper
Products (0.55), Machinery (0.53), Electrical Machinery (0.44),
Industrial Chemicals (0.41), Transport Equipment (0.23), and Textiles
The employment function that we have fitted to the manufacturing
sector in Pakistan appears to produce reasonably sensible results. In
general, the coefficients have the anticipated values and signs and they
are quite significant. The empirical results which have been reported in
this paper have led us to the following conclusions: First, the output
elasticities of employment of 10 out of 13 manufacturing industries are
positive and statistically significant. The output elasticity for the
Paper and Paper Products industry is maximum i.e. (1.1) which is greater
than unity and the lowest output elasticity is for textile industry i.e.
(0.16). For the remaining 11 industries the output elasticities lie
between zero and unity. Second, the time trend variable which is taken
as a proxy variable for the capital stock and techniques of production
possesses a negative sign in the case of 5 industries. Third, the
important and interesting finding of our paper is the negative and
highly significant impact of employment cost on employment in the case
of 12 out of 13 manufacturing industries. It seems to confirm our main
hypothesis that rapidly increasing employment cost is the main obstacle
for generating further employment in the manufacturing sector in
Pakistan. Lastly, the coefficient of adjustment lies between zero and
unity in case of all industries. It is found that the speed of
adjustment of employment to its desired level is highest (0.99) in case
of the Beverages industry and lowest (0.09) in case of the Textile
Comments on "Short-Term Employment Functions in Manufacturing
Industries: An Empirical Analysis for Pakistan"
The main hypothesis of the paper investigates the relationship
between the level of employment and employment cost in the manufacturing
sector. The hypothesis argues that rising employment cost has been a
major inhibiting factor for the growth of employment in this sector. The
average annual growth rate of employment relative to the growth of
output has considerably declined over time i.e., from 2.4 percent to 1.0
percent during the 1970s and 1980s; whereas manufacturing output has
risen from 16.5 percent, to 19.1 percent of GDP during the same period.
The analysis presented in the paper to testify the hypothesis lacks
rigor and depth. I list some of the obvious shortcomings of the paper
with a view to provoking further discussion and possibly a review of the
paper in future.
First, the claim of the paper that this hypothesis has not been
examined before is incorrect. Karamat's paper (1978) has already
evaluated it in the context of aggregate data of the sector. His model
included real wages as a regressor and obtained a reasonably good
Second, the authors entitle their model as short-term employment
functions whereas it contains long-term features. The presence of time
trend, t, adjustment parameter [lambda], and the case of lagged
dependent variable are indicative of this. There is no need to restrict
the scope of the paper to the short-run because the model can generate
both short and long-run parameter estimates. The estimate of [beta] in
Equation (6) measures long-run effects and [lambda][beta] measures
short-run effects. The paper could easily have generated long-run
estimates. Then by comparing short and long-run elasticities it could
have obtained important insights for the explanation of its hypothesis.
Thirdly, the authors do not provide adequate motivation for the
connection between the level of employment and employment cost. They
seem to suggest two notions of the employment cost, the fixed capital
cost and wage/and non-wage compensation. Substantiating the first
notion, they cite the number that at current market price, it costs
about Rs 1.5 million to create just one job. For the second, they make
just a qualitative statement. The reader is thus left bewildered. The
paper does not make use of economic theory to motivate its point of
view. For instance, why is the employment cost posing a problem in the
event of staggering unemployment? As a matter of fact, what is needed
here is to cite the evidence regarding labour substitution possibilities
in the group of industries under consideration. Then working with the
relative price of labour, the paper can convince the existence of the
hypothesis. Because, the increase in the wage rate relative to the
interest rate, for example, can lead to the substitution of labour for
machinery and hence the fall in employment could occur at each level of
manufacturing output. But then as the industries becomes more capital
intensive, the marginal product of labour rises which tends to
neutralise the depressive effects of the higher relative wage rate.
Therefore, capital intensities may be offsetting the employment
contractionary effects of the higher employment cost over time.
Fourth, the underlying assumptions of the model are quite
restrictive. For instance, the supply conditions in the labour market,
availability of scarce inputs and raw materials are assumed away. These
factors have important implications for employment.
Fifth, the survey of literature seems incomplete. In selecting
their basic model, the authors refer to 1960s literature.
Sixth, the specification of the model is unsatisfactory. The
authors do not give any reason for the preference of the functional form
chosen. Why, in particular is a variant of the stock adjustment model
employed? Some variables like the desired level of employment is not
defined. Moreover, the unit of measurement of some variables like
employment cost is not specified. Also, the expected signs of the
parameters are not noted under the estimating equation. Furthermore, one
dummy variable could have been added to capture the effect of the
structural break in the data around 1971-72.
Finally, the regression results in Table 2 present a discouraging
situation. The coefficient of employment cost variable, testifying the
validity of the main hypothesis, is statistically insignificant (at 5
percent level) in six industries. Moreover, it has a wrong sign in one
industry. Similarly, the variables, output, time trend and lagged
dependent variables are found to be statistically insignificant in 6, 9
and 8 industries respectively out of the sample of 13 industries.
Furthermore, the output variable gets one sign wrong and time trend
variable gets nine signs wrong.
The regression results are suggestive of the presence of
multicollinearity. Again, looking at Table 2, the results for the
Beverage industry show that none of the explanatory variables are
significant at 5 percent and [[bar.R].sup.2] is 92. In the Textile
industry, excepting the lagged dependent variable, none of the
explanatory variables show up although [[bar.R].sup.2] is .83. Similar
is the case in the Machinery industry. These results suggest that,
perhaps, multicollinearity is causing this situation. It would have been
useful if the authors had tested for it and found some wayout.
Muhammad Ramzan Akhtar
International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Authors' Note: We bear responsibility for any errors
Ahmed, Masood (1981) Short Term Employment Functions in
Manufacturing Industries in Pakistan--A Disaggregated View. Pakistan
Manpower Review 8.
Ali, Kararnat (1978) Short-Term Employment Functions in
Manufacturing Industries of Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review
17: 3.
ARTEP (1983) Employment and Structural Change in Pakistan--Issues
for the Eighties. Bangkok.
Ball, R. J., and E. B. A. St. Cyr. (1966) Short Term Employment
Functions in British Manufacturing Industry. The Review of Economic
Studies 33:3 95.
Breachling, F. P. R. (1965) The Relationship between Output and
Employment in British Manufacturing Industries. The Review of Economic
Studies July.
Brechling, Frank, and Peter O' Brien (1%7) Short-Run
Employment Functions in Manufacturing Industries : An International
Comparison. The Review of Economic and Statistics 49:3.
Gujarati, Damodar (1987) Basic Econometrics. McGraw-Hill
International Book Company.
Kemal, A. R., and M. Irfan (1983) Employment and Manpower
Projections for the Sixth Plan Period. Paper Presented to ARTEP--PIDE
Seminar on Employment and Structural Changes in Pakistan's Economy,
Khan, Ashfaque H. (1988) Factor Demand in Pakistan's
Manufacturing Sector. International Economic Journal 2:3.
Malik, S. J., N. Bilquis and Zafar M. Nasir (1987) Employment
Elasticities in Selected Large-Scale Manufacturing Industries of
Pakistan. Islamabad: Manpower Institute.
Nerlove, Marc (1958) Distributed Lags and Demand Analysis for
Agricultural and Other Commodities. Agricultural Handbook 141: U.S.
Department of Agriculture.
Pakistan, Government of (1983) The Sixth Five Year Plan: 1983-88.
Islamabad: Planning Commission.
Pakistan, Government of (1986) Economic Survey 1985-86. Islamabad:
Economic Advisor's Wing, Finance Division.
Pakistan, Government of (1991) Economic Survey 1990-91. Islamabad:
Economic Advisor's Wing, Finance Division.
Smyth, D. J., and N. J. Ireland (1%7) Short-Term Employment
Function in Australian Manufacturing. The Review of Economics and
Statistics 49: 4. November.
(1) The main features and assumptions of the model are well
summarised in Brechling and O'Brien (1967).
Khalid Hameed Sheikh and Zafar Iqbal are Research Demographer and
Research Economist, respectively, at the Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1 Regression Results of Employment Functions
log log
Industries Constant [Q.sub.t] [EC.sub.t] T
Beverages 2.56 0.26 -0.39 0.06 ***
(1.32) (1.18) (1.31) (1.71)
Tobacco 7.00 * 0.20 *** -0.82 * 0.007
(4.82) (1.73) (4.13) (0.37)
Textile 0.10 0.16 -0.10 -0.003
(0.05) (1.16) (0.35) (0.28)
Ginning, Pressing 1.33 0.69 * -0.40 0.01
and Bailing of
Fibre (0.59) (4.31) (1.12) (1.08)
Paper and Paper 7.97 ** 1.11 * -1.46 * 0.02
Products (2.31) (3.07) (3.32) (0.79)
Drugs and 7.11 0.74 * -1.08 * 0.02 ***
Pharmaceuticals (5.56) (3.70) (8.30) (1.44)
Industrial 4.13 * 0.14 ** -0.48 * 0.03 **
Chemicals (3.34) (2.21) (3.32) (1.97)
Other Chemical 7.76 * 0.49 *** -1.01 * 0.02
Products (7.01) (1.67) (8.49) (0.74)
Rubber 3.01 *** 0.58 * -0.42 *** -0.03 ***
(1.37) (2.68) (1.57) (1.47)
Non-Metallic 8.81 * -0.03 -0.83 * 0.09 *
Minerals (5.13) (0.15) (6.02) (3.24)
Machinery -0.3 0.22 *** 0.09 -0.01
(0.07) (1.49) (0.19) (0.38)
Electrical 7.08 * 0.53 * -1.03 * -0.005
Machinery (2.93) (2.93) (4.67) (0.33)
Transport 1.39 0.19 * -0.21 0.002
Equipment (0.85) (2.71) (1.08) (0.13)
(Coeff. Of
log adj. Adjustment)
Industries [E.sub.t-1] [R.sup.2] D.W. [lambda]
Beverages 0.01 0.92 2.00 0.99
Tobacco 0.27 0.59 1.43 0.73
Textile 0.91 * 0.83 2.51 0.09
Ginning, Pressing 0.20 *** 0.91 2.00 0.80
and Bailing of
Fibre (1.46)
Paper and Paper 0.45 *** 0.59 2.27 0.55
Products (1.68)
Drugs and 0.11 0.84 1.14 0.89
Pharmaceuticals (0.79)
Industrial 0.59 * 0.98 2.10 0.41
Chemicals (2.87)
Other Chemical 0.02 0.86 1.41 0.98
Products (0.21)
Rubber 0.11 0.30 1.78 0.89
Non-Metallic 0.08 0.77 1.41 0.92
Minerals (0.37)
Machinery 0.47 0.83 2.19 0.53
Electrical 0.56 0.71 2.10 0.44
Machinery (1.26)
Transport 0.77 * 0.65 2.26 0.23
Equipment (4.52)
Note: t-statistics are in parentheses.
'***' indicates statistical significance at 0.10 level;
'**' the 0.05 level; and
'*' the 0.01 level.