The two-level CES production function for the manufacturing sector of Pakistan.
Khan, Ashfaque H.
Production functions have been widely studied in the relevant
literature. In this paper, apart from labour and capital, we have used
energy as a factor input and calculated the elasticity of substitution between these inputs, measured technical progress, and determined the
returns to scale in the manufacturing sector of Pakistan. Since we have
more than two factors of production, the standard Cobb-Douglas and CES
production functions do not provide satisfactory results. Hence,
two-level (nested) CES production function becomes the natural choice
for the appropriate technology. Using this technology, we have found low
elasticity of substitution between the three factors of production.
Furthermore, the manufacturing sector is found to exhibit decreasing
returns to scale, having experienced disembodied technical progress at
the rate of 3.7 percent per annum.
The concept of technical production function is central to economic
analysis and is defined in the literature as a physical relationship
between inputs and outputs of an economic process. The study of
production function has a number of important direct and indirect
implications for macro-theorist. First, it provides a link between the
input markets and the commodities markets and thus has a key role to
play in any generalization of the economy. Secondly, it is an input into
the study of aggregate investment and, clearly, the choice of production
technology influences the nature of investment function. Finally, it
provides a basic ingredient to the study of income distribution because
one can work back to the distribution of the proceeds of production from
the production function itself.
Because of its central importance to economic analysis, the
production function of various functional forms has been widely studied
in the literature. (1) All of these studies have been. directed towards
finding the degree of substitution between capital and labour besides
investigating the returns to scale properties of the production
function. Among the various classes of production relations, the most
widely estimated functions are Cobb-Douglas (CD) and constant elasticity
of substitution (CES). In the case of Pakistan, some attempts have been
made to estimate the elasticity of factor substitution for different
manufacturing industries. For example, [Kazi et al. (1976) and Battese
and Malik (1987)] have estimated CES production function, while Kemal
(1981) and Battese and Malik (1988)have estimated both the CES and
variable elasticity of substitution (VES) production functions to
determine the elasticity of substitution between labour and capital for
different manufacturing industries. [Naqvi et al. (1983); Khilji (1982)]
have estimated Cobb-Douglas production function for the manufacturing
sector as a whole with labour and capital as factor inputs.
Ever since the first oil shock of 1973, energy has become an
important factor of production, and there exists now a vast body of
literature that has estimated the elasticity of substitution between
energy and non-energy factor inputs. The elasticity of substitution
between energy and non-energy factor inputs is crucial for understanding
the macroeconomic impacts of energy price shock. (2) In recent years the
shortage of energy has adversely affected the growth of manufacturing
output in Pakistan. Although energy has widely been used as a factor of
production in the production function studies of many countries, none of
the studies listed above in the case of Pakistan has used energy as a
factor input. (3) The purpose of this paper is threefold: first, to
estimate a production function for the manufacturing sector of Pakistan
with labour, capital and energy as factor inputs and calculate the
elasticity of substitution between these factor inputs; secondly, to
calculate the speed of adjustment between the desired and the actual
level of factor inputs which will indicate the extent of structural
rigidities in the economy; and finally, to determine the returns to
scale and to measure technical progress in the manufacturing sector of
Consider a general production function where [V.sub.i] (i = 1, 2,
..... n) are the n factor inputs which produce a vector of real
aggregate output X
X = [phi] ([V.sub.1], [V.sub.2], ..... [V.sub.n]) ... ... ... (1)
Let us assume the existence of an aggregate firm which chooses the
inputs level so as to minimize the cost of production of a given level
of output, i.e., the aggregate firm minimizes cost subject to output
min C = [n.summation over (i = 1)] [P.sub.i][V.sub.i] ... ... ...
s.t X = [phi] ([V.sub.1], [V.sub.2], ..... [V.sub.n])
where [P.sub.i] are the factor prices.
To provide empirical content to the basic theory discussed above,
it is necessary to choose an appropriate technology, i.e., the
functional form for [phi]. The general practice has been to select the
production function of Cobb-Douglas (CD), or the constant elasticity of
substitution (CES) variety, with labour and capital as factor inputs.
Since we have three factors of production (labour, capital and energy),
the CD production function becomes uninteresting because of its property
of unitary elasticity of substitution ([sigma] = 1) among factor inputs.
The CES production function becomes an abvious choice because it assumes
a constant, but not necessarily unitary, elasticity of substitution. The
extended version of CES production function with labour, capital and
energy as factor inputs is specified as
[Y.sub.m] = A [[[[delta].sub.1] [L.sub.m.sup.-[rho]] +
[[delta].sub.2][K.sub.m.sup.-[rho]] +
[[delta].sub.3][E.sub.m.sup.-[rho]]]].sup.-[micro]/[rho]][e.sup.[lambda]] t ... (3)
whereas A represents the total efficiency of production,
[[delta].sub.i](i = 1, 2, 3) are the distribution parameters; [micro] is
the degree of homogeneity; p represents the elasticity of substitution
which is given as [sigma] = 1/1 + [rho]; [lambda] is the rate of
disembodied technical progress; [Y.sub.m] is the gross value of
production in the manufacturing sector; while [L.sub.m], [K.sub.m] and
[E.sub.m] are respectively the labour, capital and energy inputs in the
manufacturing sector. The elasticity of substitution ([sigma]) ranges
from zero to infinity. Therefore, both the Leontief type production
function when [sigma] = 0 and the Cobb-Douglas production function when
[sigma] = 1 are seen as special cases of the more general CES function.
The CES production function specified in Equation (3) is not
without limitations. Since we have three factors of production, the
standard CES function has the awkward property of assuming that the
elasticity of substitution for every pair of inputs is exactly the same.
In the past, several attempts have been made to resolve this issue when
there are more than two factors of production. (4) A more practical
solution is provided by Sato (1967) who specifies a 'nested'
CES production function, which extends the usefulness of the CES
function by allowing a large number of factors and different
elasticities of substitution among factor subsets. For the present
purpose, we follow Sato (1967) and specify a 'nested' or
two-level CES production function. The underlying assumption for this
function is that the production function is strongly separable, i.e.,
the allocation of factors within each level is determined exclusively by
the factor prices relative to that level.
We begin our modelling exercise by specifying a 'nested'
CES combination of capital ([K.sub.m]) and energy ([E.sub.m]). (5) This
is based on the consideration that capital and energy are likely to be
complements, since the operation of capital equipment requires a certain
amount of energy. On the second level, we then obtain a relationship
between working capital (capital-energy combination) and labour input
and estimate the elasticity of substitution between these two factors.
Thus we write the two-level CES production function as
wherein all the parameters and variables are as defined earlier.
Following the cost-minimization approach, the steps of optimization
are as follows. (6)
First Level
Solving for the first order condition we have
where [[sigma].sub.1] = 1/1 + [[rho].sub.1] and an asterisk (*)
indicates the desired factor ratio. Taking logarithms on both sides of
Equation (6) we have
ln[([E.sub.m] / [K.sub.m]).sup.*] = [[sigma].sub.1] ln([a.sub.2] /
[a.sub.1]) + [[sigma].sub.1] ln([P.sub.K] / [P.sub.E]) ... ... (7)
Following Sato (1967), we assume that factor inputs do not adjust
to their desired level instantaneously. Therefore, we specify an
adjustment mechanism as
[([E.sub.m] / [K.sub.m]) / [([E.sub.m] / [K.sub.m]).sub.-1]] =
[[([E.sub.m] / [K.sub.m]).sup.*] / [([E.sub.m] /
[K.sub.m]).sub.-1]].sup.[THETA]] ... ... (8)
where [THETA] is the adjustment parameter ranging from zero to one.
Substituting Equation (7) in Equation (8) and re-arranging term we get
ln([E.sub.m] / [K.sub.m]) = [THETA][[sigma].sub.1] ln([a.sub.2] /
[a.sub.1]) + [THETA][[sigma].sub.1] ln([P.sub.K] / [P.sub.E]) + (1 -
[THETA])ln[([E.sub.m] / [K.sub.m]).sub.-1] ... ... (9)
Estimating Equation (9), we obtain [[??].sub.1], [[??].sub.1],
[[??].sub.1] and [[??].sub.2]. With the help of these estimated
parameters, we construct the quantum and price indices as (7)
Equation (10) is the index of working capital while Equation (11)
is the first level dual cost function. [P.sub.KE] is the imputed minimum
cost of producing a unit of [Y.sub.KE]. Notice that [P.sub.KE] is
independent of the levels of [K.sub.m] and [E.sub.m].
Second Level
On the second level we obtain a relationship between working
capital (capital-energy combination) and labour. Following again the
cost-minimization approach we have
where [P.sub.L] is price of labour, i.e., the wage rate. Solving
for the first-order condition we get
where [[sigma].sub.2] = 1/l + [[rho].sub.2] and an asterisk (*)
indicate the desired level of factor ratio. Taking logarithms on both
sides of Equation (13) we have
ln[([L.sub.m] / [Y.sub.KE]).sup.*] = [[sigma].sub.2] ln([b.sub.2] /
[b.sub.1]) + [[sigma].sub.2] ln([P.sub.KE] / [P.sub.L]) ... (14)
Again assuming that factor inputs do not adjust to their desired
level instantaneously, we specify an adjustment mechanism as
[([L.sub.m] / [Y.sub.KE]) / [([L.sub.m] / [Y.sub.KE]).sub.-1]] =
[[[([L.sub.m] / [Y.sub.KE]).sup.*] / [([L.sub.m] /
[Y.sub.KE]).sub.-1]].sup.[PSI]] ... ... (15)
where [PSI] is the adjustment parameter ranging from zero to one.
Substituting Equation (14)in Equation (15) and re-arranging term we get
ln([L.sub.m] / [Y.sub.KE])= [PSI][[sigma].sub.2] ln([b.sub.2] /
[b.sub.1]) + [PSI][[sigma].sub.2] ln([P.sub.KE] / [P.sub.L]) + (1 -
[PSI])ln[([L.sub.m] / [Y.sub.KE]).sub.-1] ... (16)
Estimating Equation (16) we obtain [[??].sub.2], [[??].sub.2],
[[??].sub.1] and [[??].sub.2] and with the help of these estimated
parameters we construct the quantum and price indices as
where [P.sub.m] is the imputed minimum cost of producing a unit of
extended value added, [Y.sub.KEL]. Alternatively, using the equation for
[P.sub.J] = [P.sub.KE] (Equation (11)), the second-level dual cost
function can be written as
Third Level
The third level involves the estimation of returns to scale,
efficiency parameter, and the rate of technical progress. The functional
form is given as
ln [Y.sub.m] = ln A + [mu] ln [Y.sub.KEL] + [[lambda].sub.t] ...
... ... (20)
where A is the efficiency parameter; [mu] represent returns to
scale and [lambda] measures the rate of technical progress.
The quality of empirical research depends on the quality of the
data base. In a developing country like Pakistan one would expect
serious deficiencies in the basic quality of economic data. In recent
years, however, the data base of Pakistan has improved considerably. For
our purposes, the data regarding value added in manufacturing is taken
from Pakistan Economic Survey, 1984-85 at constant prices of 1959-60. As
regards the labour force in the manufacturing sector, the data on these
are obtained on the basis of total labour force calculated from the
information about the labour force participation rate given in the
various issues of Pakistan Economic Survey (PES). The total labour force
is then distributed to the manufacturing sector on the basis of
percentage reported in the various issues of PES. Data regarding the
capital stock in manufacturing sector are calculated from the investment
series in this sector. To get the initial value of capital stock we use
capital-output ratio as three, and for the subsequent years an
assumption of 5 percent depreciation rate has been used.
As regards the variable, to represent energy we use petroleum
consumption in industry, and these data are taken from the various
issues of Energy Year Book. (8) The data regarding the price of energy
are taken from Naqvi et al. (1983) for the period 1959-60 to 1978-79;
and thereafter these are taken from PES 1984-85. Price of capital is
obtained as [P.sub.K] = R + [beta] where R is the rate of interest and
[beta] is the rate of depreciation. Price of labour is the wage rate
taken from the various issues of Yearbook of Labour Statistics.
The two-level CES production function for the manufacturing sector
of Pakistan is estimated with the help of ordinary least squares
estimation technique covering the time period from 1959-60 to 1982-83.
Wherever deemed necessary, the equations that suffer from serial
correlation are corrected by using the Cochrane-Orcutt iteration method.
The results are reported in Equations (1) to (7) in Table 1. Since the
production function is estimated on three different levels, the results
corresponding to the first level of estimation is reported in Equation
(1). The result reveals very low substitutability between capital and
energy. The elasticity of substitution between capital and energy
([[??].sub.KE]) is 0.175 which lends credence to our assumption
regarding the choice of factor to be nested at the first stage. The low
elasticity of substitution between capital and energy indicates a
near-fixed proportions relation between the two factors. Capital and
energy requirements are often built into the machinery with relatively
little room for ex-post substitution. The shares of capital and energy
on the first level of nesting represented by [[??].sub.1] and
[[??].sub.2] respectively are 0.53 and 0.47. Since capital and energy
indicate a near-fixed proportion relation, the variations in their
relative prices would be expected to have little effect on the
energy--capital ratio. This is confirmed by the low adjusted [R.sup.2]
([[bar.R].sup.2] = 0.36). It may be noted that Equation (1) is estimated
under the assumption that factor inputs adjust to their desired level
instantaneously. In other words, the discrepancies between the desired
and the actual levels of factor inputs are completely eliminated in one
year [or [THETA], the adjustment coefficient is equal to unity]. (9)
The result corresponding to the second level of estimation is
reported in Equation (4). However, to estimate the result for the second
level we need an estimate of price ([P.sub.KE]) and quantum ([Y.sub.KE])
indices. The price and quantum indices are obtained on the basis of the
estimated parameters from the first level and are reported in Equations
(2) and (3) respectively. On the second level, the elasticity of
substitution between working capital ([Y.sub.KE]) and labour is found
less than unity ([[??].sub.KE, L] = 0.48) which is consistent with the
CES production function. (10) A dummy variable (D) is also included in
the second level of estimation to take into account the post-1973 energy
crises. It can be seen that the coefficient of the dummy variable is
statistically significant with the positive sign. This suggests that the
rise in energy prices after 1973 induced manufacturers to save energy,
with output held constant, only by increasing labour and lowering
capital stock. This is because, as stated above, capital and energy
requirements are often built into the machinery with little possibility
of ex-post substitution. The share of working capital represented by
[[??].sub.1] is 0.39 while the share of labour measured by [[??].sub.2]
is 0.61. The adjustment coefficient ([PSI]) calculated as 1 minus, the
coefficient of lagged dependent variable is 0.21 (1-0.79 = 0.21), which
suggest that 21 percent of the discrepancies between the desired and the
actual levels of factor inputs are eliminated in one year on the second
level of nesting. It may be noted that the speed of adjustment (21
percent per annum) is rather slow because of the structural rigidities
that prevail in the economies of developing countries.
The information about returns to scale and Hick's neutral
technical progress are obtained at the final level of estimation.
However, to arrive at these results we need information about second
level quantum and price indices. These are obtained on the basis of
estimated parameters from the second level and are reported in Equations
(5) and (6). The results corresponding to returns to scale and technical
progress are reported in Equation (7). The coefficient for [Y.sub.KEL]
represents the returns to scale, and it can be seen from the equation
that manufacturing activity in Pakistan exhibits decreasing returns to
scale (the coefficient is below unity, i.e., 0.82) with its factor
inputs. This finding is consistent with Kemal (1978), who also found
decreasing returns to scale for total manufacturing at the two-digit
level of industrial classification.
As regards the technical progress, the equation revealed that
manufacturing sector did experience disembodied technical progress at
the rate of 3.7 percent per annum. The coefficient of time trend is
found statistically significant with the positive sign. This rate of
technical progress is quite consistent with the recent findings of Khan
and Siddiqui (1988), whose measures of technical progress in the
manufacturing sector range from 3.2 percent to 3.7 percent depending
upon the choice of technology.
The purpose of this paper has been manifold. First, to estimate a
production function for the manufacturing sector of Pakistan, with
labour, capital and energy as factor inputs, and to calculate the
elasticity of substitution between these factor inputs. Secondly, to
measure the speed of adjustment between the desired and the actual level
of factor inputs. And. finally, to determine the returns to scale in the
manufacturing sector of Pakistan.
As regards the first objective, the standard CES production
function does not provide satisfactory results when there are more than
two factor inputs, because it assumes that the elasticity of
substitution for every pair of inputs is exactly the same. In order to
get around this problem, we used a 'nested' or two-level CES
production function under the assumption that the production function is
strongly separable. On the first level, we nested capital and energy
under the assumption that these two inputs are likely to be complements,
and we estimated a CES function. The elasticity of substitution between
capital and energy is found to be very low ([[??].sub.KE] = 0.175) which
indicates a near-fixed proportions relation between the two factors.
This finding is not altogether surprising because capital and energy
requirements are often built into the machinery with relatively little
room for ex-post substitution. However, the issue whether capital and
energy are complements or substitutes is still debated. (11) In his
recent papers, Griffin (1981, 1981a) has observed that capital and
energy are substitutes if cross-sectional data are used, while these are
complements when time-series data are used. Our study, since it uses the
time-series data, shows a very low elasticity of substitution. However,
in a recent paper, Solow (1987) has argued that the issue of complements
or substitutes is not likely to be reconciled with aggregate data.
Factor substitution is a microeconomic phenomenon, and is best examined
by looking at microeconomic data.
On the second level, we nested working capital (capital-energy
combination) with labour input and obtained the elasticity of
substitution between these two factors. The elasticity of substitution
is found to be less than unity ([[??].sub.KE, L] = 0.48).
The low elasticity of substitution between working capital and
labour confirms the argument that the process of industrialization in
Pakistan brought in increasingly capital-intensive techniques of
production, and there is not much scope of employment-generation in this
sector. (12)
As regards the second objective, the adjustment between the desired
and the actual levels of the ratio of labour to working capital is found
to be rather slow. The slow speed of adjustment (21 percent per annum)
reflects the structural rigidities that prevail in most of the economies
of developing countries.
As regards the third objective, this paper finds that the
manufacturing sector in Pakistan exhibits decreasing returns to scale,
which indicates inefficient use of factors of production and
mismanagement in this sector. It is also found that the manufacturing
sector did experience disembodied technical progress at the rate of 3.7
percent per annum.
Author's Note: This paper is part of Chapters 5 and 9 of my
Ph.D. dissertation submitted to the Johns Hopkins University in 1987.1
am extremely grateful to my dissertation advisers, Professors Lawrence
R. Klein, Bela Balassa, and Carl Christ for their advice, comments and
guidance. I also wish to thank an anonymous referee of this Review for
his valuable comments.
Battese, G. E., and S. J. Malik (1987) Estimation of Elasticities
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of Substitution for CES and VES Production Functions using Firm-level
Data for Food Processing Industries in Pakistan Pakistan Development
Review XXVII:1.
Fisher, Douglas (1983) Macroeconomic Theory: A Survey. New York:
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Griffin, James M. (1981) Engineering and Econometric Interpretations of Energy--Capital Complementarity: Comment American
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Griffin, James M. (1981a) The Capital-Energy Complementarity
Controversy: A Progress Report on Reconciliation Attempts In E. R.
Berndt and B. C. Field (eds.) Modelling and Measuring Natural Resource
Substitution. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Hornstein, Z., J. Grice and A. Webb (1981) The Economics of the
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Kazi, S., Z. S. Khan and S. A. Khan (1976) Production Relationships
in Pakistan's Manufacturing Pakistan Development Review XV:4.
Kemal, A. R. (1978) An Analysis of Industrial Efficiency, 1959-60
to 1969-70 Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manchester.
Kemal, A. R. (1981) Substitution Elasticities in the Large-scale
Manufacturing Industries of Pakistan Pakistan Development Review XX:1.
Khan, Ashfaque H. (1988) Factor Demand in Pakistan's
Manufacturing Sector International Economic Journal. 2:3.
Khan, Ashfaque H., and Lawrence R. Klein (1984) On the Supply Side
Economics of Pakistan University of Pennsylvania. (Mimeographed)
Khan, Ashfaque H., and Rizwana Siddiqui (1988) On the Measurement
of Technical Progress Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of Development
Khilji, Nasir M. (1982) Growth Prospects of a Developing Economy: A
Macro-econometric Study of Pakistan Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation,
McMaster University.
Klein, Lawrence R. (1983) International Productivity Comparisons (A
Review) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 80.
McFadden, D. (1963) Constant Elasticity of Substitution Production
Function Review of Economic Studies XXX (2):83.
Mukerji, V. (1963) A Generalized SMAC Function with Constant Ratio
of Elasticity of Substitution Review of Economic Studies XXX (3):84.
Naqvi, Syed Nawab Haider, Ashfaque H. Khan, N. M. Khilji and A. M.
Ahmed (1983) The P.I.D.E. Macro-econometric Model of Pakistan's
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Prywes, M. (1981) A Nested CES Approach to Factor Substitution
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Sato, K. (1967) The Two Level Constant Elasticity of Substitution
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Solow, John L. (1987) The Capital-Energy Complementarity Debate
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(1) The number of such studies is so large that it is impossible to
list all of them. However, good summaries on theoretical and empirical
development can be found in Fisher (1983).
(2) See Solow (1987).
(3) Only Khan and Klein (1984) have estimated a Cobb-Dauglas
production function with labour, capital and energy as factor inputs in
the case of Pakistan.
(4) See for example [Uzawa (1962); McFadden (1963); Mukerji
(5) As suggested in the literature [for examples, see Klein (1983);
Prywes (1981)], nesting procedure requires that those factor inputs
should be nested at the first level which are complementary in nature or
have very low elasticity of substitution.
(6) The advantages of following the cost minimization approach
rather than the profit maximization approach are discussed at length in
Hornstein et al. (1981).
(7) The normalization condition [a.sub.1] + [a.sub.2] = 1 is used
in order to obtain both [[??].sub.1] and [[??].sub.2] from Equation (9).
(8) Energy is a composite factor that includes electricity, gas and
petroleum. However, the non-availability of consistent time series for
electricity and gas used in industrial sector from 1959-60 has
constrained us to use only petroleum to represent energy as a factor of
(9) We also estimated Equation (1) assuming that factor inputs do
not adjust to their desired level instantaneously i.e. [THETA] [not
equal to] 1 but the results were unsatisfactory. Particularly, the
coefficient of lagged dependent variable was very low and it was also
found statistically insignificant.
(10) The problem of simultaneity due to adjustment in Equation (4)
in Table 1 was realized at the time of estimation and as such we had
used Instrument Variable method of Two Stage Least Squares. The results
were not different from the one reported in Equation (4) in Table 1.
(11) For a good summary of the debate, see Solow (1987).
(12) See Khan (1988).
ASHFAQUE H. KHAN, The author is Research Economist at the Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Estimated Results of Two-level CES Production Function for the
Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan
First Level
(2) [P.sub.KE] = [[0.53.sup.0.175] x [P.sup.(1-0.175).sub.K] +
[0.47.sup.0.175] x [P.sup.(1-0.175).sub.E]] 1 / 1-0.175
(3) [Y.sub.KE] = [0.53 [K.sup.-4.71.sub.m] + 0.47 [E.sup.-4.71.sub.m]]
- 1 / 4.71
Second Level
(5) [P.sub.m] = [P.sub.KEL] = [[0.39.sup.0.48] x
[P.sup.(1-0.48).sub.KE] + [0.61.sup.0.48] x [P.sup.(1-0.48).sub.L]]
1 / (1-0.48)
(6) [Y.sub.KEL] = [0.39 [Y.sup.-1.08.sub.KE] + 0.61 [L.sup.-1.08.sub.m]]
- 1 / 1.08
Third Level