Derived demand for factors in the large-scale manufacturing sector of Pakistan.
Mahmood, Zafar
Factor demand is essentially a derived demand because a
profit-maximizing firm's demand for factors is derived from the
demand for the final product which it produces. Since the firm's
optimal choice of a bundle of factors depends on the cost-minimization
strategy for a given level of output, the derived demand for factors
depends on the level of output, the substitution possibilities among
factors in production allowed by the production technology, and the
relative prices of all factors.
Knowledge of the substitution possibilities among factors in
production is particularly important if one is interested in deriving
implications for policy which influence the relative price of factors.
More generally, if substitution possibilities among factors in
production are limited then adjustment by industry to higher factor
prices will be somewhat difficult, and significant changes in the
underlying technological structure may be required.
Most of the earlier work on the estimates of elasticities of
substitution for Pakistan's manufacturing sector are restricted to
two factors [see Battese and Malik (1988), Kazi et al. (1976); Kemal
(1981) and Naqvi et al. (1983)]. These studies either use Cobb-Douglas
(CD) Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) or Variable Elasticity of
Substitution (VES) approaches. These technologies have some well-known
limitations. (1) In a recent study using 'nested' CES
production function Khan (1989) added energy as a third factor of
production to estimate the elasticity of substitution.
To overcome some of the inherent weaknesses in CD, CES, and VES, we
use a translog cost function which does not work with such a restrictive
structure. (2) The estimated parameters of a translog cost function can
be used to derive the elasticities of substitution and price
elasticities of demand for factors of production.
All of the earlier studies dealing with Pakistani data ignored raw
materials as an input in the production function. Raw materials account
for about 67 percent of the industrial costs of the large-scale
manufacturing sector of Pakistan. In this way these studies have
excluded from their concern the role of raw material prices and thus
ignored the cross-substitution possibilities between raw materials and
other inputs. A study which accounts for all factors will definitely
characterize more completely the structure of technology.
In this paper, we attempt to include raw materials in addition to
capital, labour and energy while estimating factor demand functions for
the large-scale manufacturing sector of Pakistan. We estimate the
parameters of the translog cost function by using the Iterative Seemingly Unrelated Equations (ISURE) technique.
In Section I, we describe the translog cost model and estimation
procedures. Section II contains a brief discussion of the data. In
Section III we report estimated parameters, elasticities of substitution
and price elasticities of factor demand, Section IV concludes the paper.
To derive factor demand, we estimate a translog cost function. The
translog function is an important one over the frequently used functions
such as CD or CES in several ways. Uzawa (1964) showed that, in the
multi-factor CD and CES functions, the partial elasticity of
substitution between all pairs of factors are equal which rules out the
possibility of complementarity between any pairs of factors. The
possibility of complementarity is also absent in three-factors
'nested' CES function [see Khan (1989)]. (3) The translog
function, on the other hand, is sufficiently flexible to describe the
substitution possibilities between all pairs of factors.
'Nested' CES, CD and CES assume strong separability among the
factor levels. This is quite a stringent assumption. (4) No such
assumption is required for a translog function.
To determine the cost relationships among factor prices we consider
the following general cost function,
c = f(Q, [P.sub.K], [P.sub.L], [P.sub.E], [P.sub.M]) ... ... ...
where, the factor prices distinguished are [P.sub.K], [P.sub.L],
[P.sub.E], and [P.sub.M] of capital, labour, energy and raw materials,
respectively. Assuming constant returns to scale and imposing symmetry
condition on the second-order partial derivatives, gives the following
translog cost function
lnC = ln[[alpha].sub.o] + lnQ + [[alpha].sub.i] [lnP.sub.i] + 1/2
[[beta].sub.jj] [([lnP.sub.j].sup.2] + [[beta].sub.jj]
([lnP.sub.i])([lnP.sub.j]) ... (2)
Differentiating Euqation (2)with respect to the logs of the prices
gives the cost share equations
[M.sub.i] = [[alpha].sub.i] + [[beta].sub.iK] [lnP.sub.K] +
[[beta].sub.iL] [lnP.sub.L] + [[beta].sub.iE] [[lnp.sub.E] +
[[beta].sub.iM] [lnp.sub.M], for i = K, L, E and M.
Linear homogeneity in prices requires the following conditions on
Equation (2)
[[alpha].sub.K] + [[alpha].sub.L] + [[alpha].sub.E] +
[[alpha].sub.M] = 1 ... ... ... (3)
[[summation].sub.i] ([[beta].sub.iK] + [[beta].sub.iL] +
[[beta].sub.iE] + [[beta].sub.iM]) = 0 ... ... ... (4)
We can estimate the parameters of the four share equations from
three share equations which yield a set of cross-equation symmetry
restrictions. (5)
Since the four shares sum identically to unity, one must expect
non-zero contemporaneous covariances between disturbances in different
equations, and there is also no a priori reason to expect the same
disturbance variance in different share equations. Under such a
situation we can not apply the OLS methods. However, with the
cross-equations symmetry restrictions imposed, the system of equations
can be estimated by using the Seemingly Unrelated Equations (SURE)
technique. Berndt and Christensen (1973), however, noted that estimates
of the translog parameters with SURE are not invariant to the choice of
the equation that is dropped.
Batten (1969) showed that maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) are
independent of the equation omitted. On the other hand, Kmenta and
Gilbert (1968) have shown that if we iterate the SURE (ISURE), the
parameter estimates will converge to the MLE. This is why we have
selected ISURE technique for the estimation of the translog parameters.
The elasticities of factor substitutability and price elasticities
of factor demand implicit in translog parameters are of considerable
significance for economic analysis and policy-making.
With the estimated parameters of translog cost function the Allen
partial elasticities of substitution (AES) are
[[sigma].sub.ii] = ([[beta].sub.ij] + [M.sub.i] -
[M.sub.i])/[M.sub.i], for i = K, L, E, and M, ... ... (5)
[[sigma].sub.ij] = ([[beta].sub.ij] + [M.sub.i]
[M.sub.j])/[M.sub.i] [M.sub.j], for i, j = K, L, E, and M, i [not equal
to] j ... (6)
Factors i and j are substitutes if [[sigma].sub.ij] > 0 and
complements if [[sigma].sub.ij] < 0. The price elasticity of demand for factors of production ([E.sub.ij]) is defined as
[E.sub.ij] = [partial derivative][lnX.sub.i]/[partial
derivative][lnP.sub.j] = [M.sub.j] [[sigma].sub.ij]
where, output quantity and all other input prices are fixed. Allen
(1938) has shown that the AES are analytically related to the price
elasticities of demand for factors of production.
To estimate the translog cost function we used the data for the
large-scale manufacturing industries reported in Government of Pakistan (Various Issues). (6) These data are periodically available between
1959-60 and 1984-85 for seventeen years.
We compute wages by dividing employment costs to average daily
employment. Price of capital is computed by converting $100 at the going
exchange rate and is multiplied by (r + d), where, r is the rate of
interest and d is the depreciation rate which is assumed to be 5
percent. We use prices of energy and raw materials reported in
Government of Pakistan (1988), We add 'other costs' to the
industrial costs to arrive at the costs of raw materials. To compute
capital costs we subtract other costs and employment costs from the
value-added data.
For all the estimated share equations we compute R2. The R2 figures
for the regressions are 0.82 for ML equation, 0.55 for MK equation, 0.89
for ME equation and 0.92 for MM equation.
The elasticities of substitution, based on the estimated parameters
are reported, in Table 1 and the average share of each factor in total
costs is reported in Table 2.
Table 3 reveals that most of the estimates are significant except
for [[sigma].sub.EE] and [[sigma].sub.ML]. Our estimates also show that
most of the factors are substitutes with other factors except that
energy and capital are complements. Most of the elasticities of
substitution turn out to be highly elastic which show that other factors
may be readily Substituted. This was made possible by the liberal
imports of raw materials during the 70s and early 80s.
The results show that energy and labour are highly substitutable.
Similarly, capital and labour are high substitutes. These results are
consistent with those estimated by various traditional two-factor
studies [see Malik et al. (1989)]. Such factor substitution also shows a
consistent pattern as energy and capital have displayed substantial
complementarity. This result is in contrast to the findings of Khan
(1989) who found a weak substitutability instead of strong
complementarity between energy and capital. Khan derived this result
because of his 'nesting' procedure which ignored the
possibility of complementarity. Our results are, however, in agreement
with those of Hudson and Jorgenson (1974).
Raw materials turn out to be substitutable with every other factor.
This result is also in agreement with Hudson and Jorgenson (1974). This
result implies that with the use of more labour, energy or capital firms
can economize on the use of raw materials.
Since all the elasticities of substitution turn out to be greater
than one we will expect that a small increase in the factor prices would
lead to a large increase in the employment of other factors. Thus
removal of distortions in the capital market, say, would help the
country in increasing employment opportunities. The effect of changes in
factor price on the demand of factors can be seen from Table 4. (7)
The results reported in Table 4 reveal that since capital and
labour are substitutes, ceteris par/bus, a one percent increase in the
price of capital would lead to a 0.52 percent increase in the demand for
labour. Thus elimination of distortions in the capital market would help
in generating employment opportunities in the large-scale manufacturing
sector. On the other hand, elimination of distortions in the labour
market would generate much lower demand for capital.
The results also show that since energy and capital are
complementary, ceteris paribus, increase in the price of energy dampens
the demand for energy and the demand for new capital. On the other hand,
energy and capital are substitutes for labour, therefore, elimination of
subsidy on capital and energy would generate demand for labour.
In this paper we have derived the elasticities of substitution and
price elasticities of factor demand by using a translog cost function.
The use of translog cost function instead of a conventional cost or
production functions is preferred because of the restrictive structure
of the latter functions.
From our estimates of the elasticities of substitution we find that
like the results of the conventional techniques, labour and capital are
substitutes. Our results like Malik et al. (1989) show [[sigma].sub.KL]
> 1. However, our result for [[sigma].sub.KL] is higher than Battese
and Malik (1988). Kemal (1981) and Khan (1989) found [[sigma].sub.KL] to
be lower than one.
The results show that capital and energy are strong complements, a
result just opposite to the findings of Khan (1989) who found a low
substitutability between energy and capital. The results also show that
energy and labour are substitutes. And raw materials are substitutes
with every other factor. Our estimates of price elasticities of factor
demand show that since capital and energy are complementary, and labour,
capital and energy are substitutes, lifting of any subsidy on energy and
capital would tend to reduce the energy and capital-intensity and, in
turn, would increase the labour-intensity in the large-scale
manufacturing sector of Pakistan. Adoption of such a policy can help in
reducing the burden of unemployment. Moreover, investment incentives;
such as, tax holidays accelerated depreciation allowances and subsidized
interest rates, would imply increase in demand for both capital and
energy. If energy saving and employment generation are the policy goals
then investment incentives becomes less attractive as fiscal stimulants.
Comments on "Derived Demand for Factors in the Large-scale
Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan"
Zafar Mahmood has presented an interesting and provocative paper.
The paper consists of specifying a transcendental logarithmic cost
function for the large-scale manufacturing sector in Pakistan and
estimating it by the Iterative Seemingly Unrelated Estimation (ISURE)
technique based on annual data for the years 1959-60-1984-85. From the
estimates of the parameters of the translog cost function, Allen's
partial elasticities of substitution/complementarity between the various
factors are derived. Also calculated are the own and cross elasticities
of demand of the factors. These factors being labour, capital, energy,
and raw materials.
The translog function was first presented by Christensen et al.,
way back in 1973. While there have been numerous studies based on this
particular functional form in the U.S., this study is the first of its
kind that uses it for Pakistan. In fact this paper's main
contribution lies not in the results presented but in the competent
application of existing methodology to the large-scale manufacturing
sector in Pakistan.
This comment first takes up the issue of the choice of a particular
functional form in estimating substitution elasticities. To fully
comprehend the implications of the results presented, it then provides a
brief historical sketch of the evolution of the large scale
manufacturing and some stylized facts about it, and then goes on to
sketch out the implications of the results. Finally some suggestions are
offered that may improve the results and make them reflective of
As Mahmood points out much of the earlier work which calculated
elasticities of substitution for the manufacturing sector in Pakistan
was based on the estimation of Cobb-Douglas and/or the Constant
Elasticity of Substitution (CES) production functions. This was also the
case in the U.S. These two functions are still widely used primarily
because of their ease of use in estimating dynamic relationships: they
require only the addition of past terms in relative factor prices or
quantities as exogenous variables. They are also easy to work with.
However they do have some limitations as noted by Mahmood i.e., strong
separability, and they constrain the substitution elasticities between
all pairs of factors to be equal. Indeed such stringent restrictions are
not imposed by the translog function. However, since the translog
function is usually estimated in an indirect form by assuming
competitive equilibrium, it is difficult to estimate a dynamic version
of it particularly for time-series estimation because in doing so one is
assuming competitive equilibrium at each point in time. For Pakistan
where clearly this has not been the case, the restrictions imposed by
the Cobb-Douglas and/or CES may be the lesser of two evils. As I will
show below given the peculiar nature of the development of the
large-scale manufacturing sector, most of the results from time-series
estimation for this sector are close to meaningless.
It would have been helpful to take into account the nature of
development of the large-scale manufacturing sector in Pakistan during
1959-60-1984-85 before proceeding on this study since the professed
objectives of the study are to help the policy-makers to take advantage
of the substitution possibilities that exist among the factors. In
1955-56 when development was considered to be synonymous with industrialization/mechanization, the government of Pakistan embarked on
a strategy of rapid industrialization. The policies that followed were
aimed at fostering the large-scale manufacturing sector. These included
artificially low interest rate loans for the importation of machinery
and equipment, a system of multiple exchange rates which made the price
of foreign capital and raw materials relatively low and the prices of
foreign consumer goods relatively high. Through a system of licensing
and differential tarriffs, monopolies were encouraged.
These policies had the effect of rapid industrialization but given
the resulting relative factor prices, the structure of production that
emerged was highly capital intensive. By 1970 it was common knowledge
that the highly capital intensive nature of the production process had
aggravated the unemployment situation and increased income inequalities.
In 1973 there was widespread nationalization of a considerable portion
of the large-scale manufacturing sector. More people were absorbed into
these nationalized companies than could be warranted by relative factor
productivities. Starting in 1978 these companies were gradually handed
back to their original owners. However after the debacle of
nationalization the large-scale manufacturing sector never fully
From the historical sketch given above, the period of
Mahmood's study can be divided into three sub-periods: 1960-1972,
1973-1977, and 1978-1985. The first period corresponds to rapid growth
and the large-scale sector can be characterized as being
capital-intensive with limited substitution possibilities between
capital and labour. The second period corresponds to stagnation and due
to forced employment may appear capital or labour-intensive, and the
final period can be characterized as the partial recovery phase where
the original factor intensities as in the first. period may have started
to emerge. Given the peculiar nature of the evolution of the large-scale
manufacturing sector a time series study which tries to estimate
elasticities parameters is fraught with danger and the results should be
interpreted with extreme caution if they are to be used at all.
A more general problem with time series studies is that time-series
estimates of elasticities of substitution are likely to be biased if
nonneutral technical changes occur that are correlated with factor price
changes but not induced by them. If hicks-neutral technical change is
assumed and there appears to be a correlation between the increased use
of a factor and the decline in its relative price, the effect of the
technological change will be mistakenly attributed to the change in the
factor price. Therefore time-series estimations of the substitution
parameters would be biased away from zero and greater substitution
possibilities would be indicated than might be the case.
In light of the above it would have been preferable to use
cross-section data for this study and the same objective could have been
better served. However since I do not know the state of cross-section
data that exists for the large-scale manufacturing sector, maybe this
was not possible.
The estimated Allen partial elasticities of substitution indicate
that labour is, in descending order, highly substitutable for energy,
capital, and materials. Also the elasticity of demand for labour is
greater than one in absolute value. This is the most controversial
result which does not accord with either intuition nor the facts
presented above. At the extreme these results imply that the large-scale
manufacturing sector can get by with labour alone. All that is needed is
to reduce the relative price of labour and it will be substituted for
every other factor in the production process. And this is essentially
what Mahmood ends up recommending to policymakers. This is a
'startling example of 'results establishing the facts'
rather than vice-versa. Instead of questioning why he got such results
he takes them as valid based on statistical tests of significance.
This study can stand improvement. Firstly the data needs to be
refined particularly for the user cost of capital. Mahmood uses the
'market' rate of interest as one component. Especially in
Pakistan there is no such animal. Is it the rate on loans for
importation of capital or purchase of land or construction of buildings
or rate on government bonds? Berndt (1976) has shown that minor
differences in the measurement of the price of capital can cause the
estimates of substitution elasticities to vary sharply. Similarly
Mahmood uses 5 percent as the depreciation rate on capital as the other
component of the user cost of capital. Again no rationale is provide as
to why he chooses 5 percent and whether it is an average depreciation on
the principle value of capital or it is an annual rate on the remaining
value of capital. Assuming it is the average depreciation rate it
implies that capital has a useful life of 20 years. This is much longer
than what is the case in Pakistan where in recent years machines are
being replaced much faster. In the absence of any firm number on the
depreciation several rates could be used to check on the robustness of
the elasticity estimates. Finally, given the three distinct periods in
the history of the large-scale manufacturing sector incorporation of
intercept and/or slope dummy variables is called for which may improve,
the results.
It is important for predicting the effects of policy changes on
demand for factors to have empirical estimates of elasticities of
substitution at a disaggregated level. This paper has attempted to
obtain such estimates. While the estimates appear to be biased for
reasons indicated above, nevertheless the techniques are competently
applied. Further studies using this methodology are called for which
preferably rely on cross-section data and reliable estimates of factor
Berndt, E. (1976) Reconciling Alternative Estimates of the
Elasticity of Substitution. Review of Economics and Statistics. 58:
Nasir M. Khilji
The Catholic University
of America, Washington, D. C.
Allen, R. G. D. (1938)Mathematical Analysis for Economists. London:
MacMillan. Barten, A. P. (1969) Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a
Complete System of Demand Equations. European Economic Review 1 : Fall.
Battese, G. E., and S. J. Malik (1988) Estimation of Elasticities
of Substitution for CES and VES Production Functions Using Firm-level
Data for Food Processing Industries in Pakistan. The Pakistan
Development Review 27 : 1.
Berndt, E. R., and L. R. Christensen (1973) The Translog Function
and the substitution of Equipment, Structures, and Labour in U.S.
Manufacturing 1929-68. Journal of Econometrics 1.
Hudson, E. A., and D. W. Jorgenson (1974) U. S. Energy Policy and
Economic Growth, 1975-2000. Bell Journal of Economics 5 : Autumn.
Kazi, S., Z. S. Khan and S. A. Khan (1976) Production Relationships
in Pakistan's Manufacturing. The Pakistan Development Review 15: 4.
Kemal, A. R. (1981) Substitution Elasticities in the Large-scale
Manufacturing Industries of Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review
20: 1.
Khan, A. H. (1989) The Two-level CES Production Function for the
Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review 28 :
Kmenta, J., and R. F. Gilbert (1968) Small Sample Properties of
Alternative Estimators of Seemingly Unrelated Regressions. Journal of
American Statistical Association 63 (December).
Mahmood, Z. (1989) Emigration, Wages and Displacement in Pakistan.
Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. New York: Columbia University.
Mahmood, Z. (1989a) Production Technology, Prices, and Derived
Demand for Factors in the Large-scale Manufacturing Industries of
Pakistan. Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.
Malik, S. J., M Mushtaq and H. Nazli (1989) An Analysis of
Production Relations in the Large-scale Textile Manufacturing Sector of
Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review 28 : 1.
Naqvi, S. N. H., A. H. Khan, N. Khilji and A. M. Ahmed (1983) The
P.I.D.E. Macro-econometric Model of Pakistan's Economy. lslamabad:
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.
Pakistan, Government of (Various Issues) Census of Manufacturing
Industries. Islamabad: Federal Bureau of Statistics.
Pakistan, Government of (1988) Economic Survey 1988-89. Islamabad:
Economic Advisor's Wing, Ministry of Finance.
Uzawa, H. (1964) Duality Principles in the Theory of Cost and
Production. International Economic Review 5.
(1) We report all the limitations of these technologies in Section
(2) Mahmood (1989a) tested the properties of the cost function for
the large-scale manufacturing industries of Pakistan.
(3) Khan (1989) outlined the criteria for nesting on the basis of
complementarity (which is a logical impossibility) or low
substitutability between two factors.
(4) Mahmood (1989a) tested separability assumption and found no
statistical evidence in its support.
(5) See Mahmood (1989).
(6) Due to some problems associated with energy and wage data for
total manufacturing sector, we limit our analysis just to the
large-scale manufacturing industries.
(7) All the own elasticities have negative signs which are required
for factor stability.
ZAFAR MAHMOOD, The author is Research Economist at the Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Estimates of the Translog Cost Function
Parameter Estimates t-statistics
[[alpha].sub.L] 0.085 22.19
[[alpha].sub.K] 0.178 13.13
[[alpha].sub.E] 0.030 8.12
[[alpha].sub.M] 0.707 62.31
[[beta].sub.LL] -0.041 -4.31
[[beta].sub.KL] 0.025 2.02
[[beta].sub.EL] 0.010 2.32
[[beta].sub.ML] 0.006 1.39
[[beta].sub.KK] -0.111 -3.24
[[beta].sub.EL] -0.034 -2.89
[[beta].sub.ML] 0.120 5.14
[[beta].sub.EE] -0.003 -0.23
[[beta].sub.ME] 0.027 2.96
[[beta].sub.MM] -0.153 -4.40
Table 2
Means of Factor Shares in Total Costs
Factors Means
Labour 0.0826
Capital 0.2134
Energy 0.0300
Raw Materials 0.6740
Table 3
Estimated Allen Partial Elasticities of Substitution
Elasticity Estimates t-statistics
[[sigma].sup.LL] -17.12 -4.31
[[sigma].sup.KL] 2.42 2.02
[[sigma].sup.EL] 5.04 2.32
[[sigma].sup.ML] 1.11 1.39
[[sigma].sup.KK] -6.12 -3.24
[[sigma].sup.EK] -4.31 -2.89
[[sigma].sup.MK] 1.83 5.14
[[sigma].sup.EE] -35.67 -0.23
[[sigma].sup.ME] 2.34 2.96
[[sigma].sup.MM] -0.82 -4.40
Table 4
Estimated Own- and Cross-elasticities of Demand
With Respect to the Price
Percent Change in
Factor L K E M
L -1.41 0.52 0.15 0.75
K 0.20 -1.31 -0.13 1.23
E 0.42 -0.92 -1.07 1.58
M 0.09 0.39 0.07 -0.55