Government budget deficits and interest rates: an empirical analysis for Pakistan.
Burney, Nadeem A. ; Yasmeen, Attiya
In recent years many developed and developing countries have
experienced large budget deficits, generally believed to be the result
of the over-expansionary fiscal actions of the policy-makers. The
prevailing orthodoxy argues that larger budget deficits cause interest
rates to rise and thus leads to crowding-out of private investment
expenditure. The empirical evidence on this point, however, has been
inconclusive. Studies by Cebula (1988); Deleuw and Holloway (1985);
Hoelscher (1986) and Khan (1988) have found evidence linking deficits to
higher interest rates. On the other hand, Dewald 0983); Dwyer (1982);
Evans (1985, 1987); Hoelscher (1983); Makin (1983); Mascaro and Meltzer
(1983); McMillin 0986); Motley (1983) and Plosser (1982) have concluded
that deficits do not have significant impact upon interest rates.
In Pakistan, the overall government budget deficit as a percentage
of GDP has increased steadily over time. During the Eighties, however,
it increased at a much faster rate compared to the earlier periods and
reached an unprecedented level of 8.4 percent in 1987-88. Since then it
has declined to a little over 7 percent, but is still considered by many
experts to be too high. These large deficits have led to excessive
borrowing, which has resulted in a more than five-fold increase in
domestic debt since 1980-81. Unfortunately, little is known about the
possible effects of budgetary deficits on the performance of the
economy. In this study, an attempt is made to investigate the nature of
the empirical relationship that may exist between the government budget
deficit and nominal interest rates in Pakistan. The findings are
expected to shed light on whether budgetary deficits in Pakistan, by
causing interest rates to rise, have resulted in the
"crowding-out" of private consumption and investment.
The rest of the paper is organized as follow: Section II describes
the model and the data used. The empirical results and the analysis are
presented in Section III. Finally, concluding remarks are reported in
Section IV.
Theoretically, deficits can affect interest rates in two possible
ways. First, within the parameters of the Keynesian IS-LM framework an
increase in the budget deficit affects the goods market equilibrium,
shifting the IS-curve rightward and causing interest rates to rise. If
the deficit is financed through borrowing from the public this increase
in the interest rate is reinforced by a leftward shift in the LM curve.
In case the deficit is financed through printing money, i.e., increasing
the money supply, the initial increase in the interest rate is somewhat
offset by the rightward shift in the LM curve. Secondly, according to the loanable funds approach, a deficit increases the supply of
securities and, ceteris paribus, reduces their price, hence, market
interest rates rise.
In this paper, a loanable funds approach is adopted to describe the
determination of the nominal interest rate. The advantage of this method
is that it allows government borrowing to be included as a direct
determinant of the interest rate. Under this approach the interest rate
is determined by an equilibrium of the following form:
D - S = B - M ... ... ... ... (1)
D = Real demand for bonds by the private sector;
S = Real supply of bonds by the private sector;
B = Real borrowing by the authorities; and
M = Real purchase of securities by the Banking System.
Equation (1) implies that if total supply of bonds/securities
exceed total demand in the economy interest rate will rise to clear the
market and vice versa. In accordance with the standard loanable funds
model, it is assumed that real demand for bonds depends on the nominal
interest rate (i) and the expected inflation rate ([p.sup.e]):
D = D (i, [p.sup.e]) ... ... ... ... (2)
It is further assumed that the real demand for bonds is an
increasing function of the nominal interest rate, i.e., [D.sub.i] >
0, and a decreasing function of the expected inflation rate, i.e.,
[D.sub.p] < 0. (1) The real supply of bonds is assumed to depend on
the nominal interest rate, the expected inflation rate, and the change
in real per capita GNP (y):
s = S (i, [p.sup.e], y) ... (3)
The interest rate represents the current cost of borrowing funds.
For a given level of expected inflation, an increase in current nominal
interest rate leads to a fall in the supply of bonds, i.e., [S.sub.i]
< 0. On the other hand, as funds borrowed in the current period must
be repaid in the future, for a given current interest rate level, a
higher expected inflation rate implies a greater supply of bonds because
suppliers expect they can repay loans with devalued funds, i.e.,
[S.sub.p] > 0. Finally, a change in the real per capita GNP is
included to take into account the accelerator effect of real GNP changes
on aggregate demand. A rise in income leads to greater supply of bonds
because of a rising demand for credit in the business sectors, i.e.,
[S.sub.y] > 0.
Substituting Equations (2) and (3) into (1) and solving for i
i = i ([p.sup.e], Y, B, M) ... ... ... ... (4)
The behavioural assumptions underlying Equations (2) and (3)
regarding the expected inflation rate imply that the nominal interest
rate is positively related to the expected inflation rate, i.e.,
[i.sub.p] > 0. Similarly, from [S.sub.y] > 0 it follows that the
nominal interest rate is an increasing function of increments in real
GNP per capita, i.e., [i.sub.y] > 0. Within the conventional
macroeconomic framework, nominal interest is considered to be positively
related to government borrowing, i.e., [i.sub.B] > 0. This follows
from the fact that if government desires to finance its deficit by
borrowing from the public, it must lower the price of the securities to
ensure that they are absorbed in the market. Given the inverse
relationship between the price of the securities and the interest rate,
an increase in the supply of securities to finance a deficit increases
the nominal interest rate. The banking system by purchasing government
securities, offsets the effects of government borrowing through changes
in money supply. In other words, the nominal interest rate is inversely
related to the purchase of government securities by the banking system,
i.e., [i.sub.M] < 0.
For the purpose of this study, we estimate the following
reduced-form of Equation (4):
[i.sub.t] = [alpha] + [beta] [p.sup.e.sub.t] + [gamma][y.sub.t] +
[delta][B.sub.t] + [lambda][M.sub.t] + [u.sub.t] ... ... (5)
where [alpha] = intercept, [u.sub.t] = stochastic error term, and
subscript "t" refers to year "t". Since the expected
inflation rate ([p.sup.e]) is unobservable, we overcome the problem by
using three alternative assumptions regarding people's expectations
about future inflation rates. The assumptions are as follows:
(i) People's expectations about the future inflation rate are
static, i.e., [p.sup.e.sub.t] = [p.sub.t-1]. In other words, the
expected inflation rate in year t is equal to the actual inflation rate
in year t-1;
(ii) People have perfect foresight and as such can predict future
inflation rate accurately, i.e., [p.sup.e.sub.t] = [p.sub.t]. In other
words, the expected inflation rate in year t is equal to the actual
inflation rate in year [t.sup.2]; and
(iii) People's expectations about future inflation rate are
adaptive, i.e., [p.sup.e.sub.t] - [P.sub.t-1] = [theta]([p.sub.t] -
[p.sup.e.sub.t-1]), where 0 < [theta] < 1 is the adjustment
coefficient. In other words, people gradually adjust their expectations
about the future inflation rate over time by taking into account their
most recent previous experience.
The empirical analysis in this paper is based on annual data
covering the period from 1970-71 to 1988-89. Three different measures of
government budget deficit: (i) overall government budget deficit (BD),
(ii) deficit financed through domestic borrowing (DF), and (iii) deficit
financed through borrowing from the domestic banking system (BF), are
used to examine the effect of the deficit on interest rates.
Furthermore, because the money market in Pakistan is still not
well-established, and the interest rates are controlled by the monetary
authorities, the call money rate, which to a large extent is determined
by the interaction of market forces, is chosen to examine the impact of
the budget deficit on interest rates. The actual inflation rate is
estimated using the GNP deflator. The data on [y.sub.t], [p.sub.t]'
and [B.sub.t] are obtained from Government of Pakistan (1989) and those
on [i.sub.t] and [M.sub.t], from Government of Pakistan (Various
Issues). The data is deflated by the GNP deflator to get the series in
real terms. Finally, Equation (5) is estimated using the Ordinary Least
Square (OLS) method.
The OLS estimates of Equation (5) are reported in Table 1. The
explanatory variables included in the regression explain upto 80 percent
of the variation in the nominal interest rate. The Durbin-Watson
statistics further indicate that the estimates do not suffer from a very
high degree of serial auto-correlation. (3) It is evident from the table
that all the coefficients have anticipated signs, but they are not
necessarily statistically significant.
A close examination of the results indicates that the expected
inflation rate, under the assumption that the expectations about future
inflation rate are "static" or "adaptive", has
significant positive impact on the nominal interest rate in Pakistan. In
the case of expectations being adaptive, the coefficient of adjustment
ranges from 0.25 to 0.34, depending upon which measure of the deficit is
considered. This implies that, on average, it takes 3 years for people
to adjust their expectations about the future inflation rate.
The estimates reported in the table reveal that, in general, the
overall government budget deficit in Pakistan does not have any
significant impact on the nominal interest rates. This finding, although
in conformity with those of Dewald (1983); Dwyer (1982); Evans (1985,
1987); Hoelscher (1983); Makin (1983); Mascaro and Meltzer (1983);
McMillin (1986), Motley (1983) and Plosser (1982), differs in the sense
that while the above-mentioned studies seek to establish the
relationship between the budget deficit and the real interest rate, the
focus of this study is on the impact of the budget deficit on the
nominal interest rate. However, when assumed that people can predict the
future inflation rate accurately, the overall deficit is found to have a
significant impact on the nominal interest rate. Burney (1988) has shown
that in Pakistan there exists an inverse relationship between investment
and nominal interest rates. Thus suggesting that an increase in the
overall deficit is likely to crowd-out private investment expenditure in
It is of interest to note that deficits financed through borrowing
from the banking system are found to have a significant positive impact
on the nominal interest rates in Pakistan. Perhaps, this can be
attributed to the fact that we have used the call money rate as the
dependent variable, which is the rate charged by the banks on inter-bank
transactions. Given the amount of funds available with the banks for
lending to the general public, increased government borrowing from the
banking system by leaving smaller amount to meet the public's
demand for credit exerts an upward pressure on the interest rate.
The estimates reported in the table further highlight that, in
general, the coefficient of the change in per capita GNP is positive and
significant, thus confirming the existence of the "accelerator
effect". This finding, while in conformity with the perspectives of
Hoelscher (1986) and Khan (1988), is in contrast with that of Cebula
(1988). Finally, the estimates indicate that the purchase of securities
by the banking system in Pakistan does not exercise a significant
negative influence upon the nominal interest rates.
In this paper an attempt has been made to investigate the nature of
the empirical relationship that exists between the government budget
deficit and the nominal interest rates in Pakistan. In general, the
evidence presented in the paper points to the non-existence of any
relationship between the overall government budget deficit and the
nominal interest rates. It is only under extreme circumstances, i.e.,
people having perfect foresight about the future inflation rate, that
the government budget deficit is found to have a significant positive
impact on the nominal interest rate. The analysis, however, indicates
that the government deficit financed through borrowing from the banking
system is associated with higher nominal interest rates. This suggests
that budget deficits, if financed through borrowing from the banking
system, are likely to result in higher nominal interest rates and hence,
may end up in crowding-out private investment and consumption
expenditures. Thus, government's efforts to boost investment in the
economy by increasing the share of the public sector, particularly by
borrowing, is likely to fall short of its objectives. This may also lead
to a slowing down of the economy.
Comments on "Government Budget Deficits and Interest Rates: An
Empirical Analysis for Pakistan"
The main hypothesis here is that budget deficits increase interest
rates and hence crowd out private investment. The analysis is, however,
restricted to exploring the effect of budget deficits on the interest
rates. The results of Table 1 show an almost insignificant relation
between interest rates and budget deficits. Since this conclusion is not
in line with common held perceptions, authors need to review their work,
particularly the specification of the model and the variables. I hope
the authors will find the following observations on these issues useful.
The first observation is fundamental. The authors have completely
ignored the main transmission channel. The process of deficit Financing gives rise simultaneously to fiscal and monetary expansionary effects.
These effects in turn give rise to inflationary effects. It would be a
rare coincidence that these effects cancel each other. Alternatively,
one has to adopt the extreme assumption of the economy having been
caught in a liquidity trap. Barring these possibilities, one cannot
ignore this transmission channel. The modelling of this channel,
however, may not be easy but one cannot ignore it.
Even within the existing framework, the authors need to be careful.
In the underlying specification of Equations No. 1-3, the relation of
the interest rate to other variables is non-linear. But for empirical
estimation, a linear approximation has been used, see Equation No. 5.
Such an approximation may not be appropriate when the magnitude of
variation is large and unidirectional as is the case here. Therefore, I
would suggest for trying on a non-linear relation. Similarly, it does
not seem appropriate to tie the interest rate with per capita income in
a linear relationship. The authors should also check to see if the lag
in one of the explanatory variables, p, i.e. the assumption of
adoptative expectations, can lead to the lagged Equations as used in No.
7-8 of Table 1.
The next observation relates to the choice of variable on the
budget deficit. Budget deficits (BD) are financed from three main
sources, i.e., foreign aid, bank borrowing (214 or BF) and non-bank
borrowing. The last two sources, of course, sum to the total domestic
borrowing (DF). To a large extent foreign aid is autonomous although it
could sometimes relieve the pressures for domestic borrowing i.e., an
inverse relation between aid (and budget deficit) and interest rates.
Since saving in Pakistan is done exclusively by the private sector, it
is really the non-bank borrowing which could drive interest rates up and
crowd out private investment. This means that the logical explanatory
variable is non-bank borrowing, i.e., DF-M or BF and not both. The
model, envisioned in Equations No. 1-3, also implies equal coefficients
for the variables B and M but opposite in sign. According to this
argument, Equations No. 2 and 5 in Table 1 are the only sound
specifications which is to some extent confirmed by appropriate
coefficients also.
My next observation relates to the proxy used for the interest
rate. Is the interbank money rate a reasonable proxy for the interest
rate relevant for private investment? Interest rates vary over a large
spectrum. The relevant rate is the weighted average of the rates
relevant for private investment. The nearest proxy available is the
average rate of interest on the bank advances for private investment.
These interbank rates are not only much lower but also are only weakly
correlated to the interest rates on bank advances. Therefore, I am
tempted to suggest the use of the average interest rate instead of an
interbank rate.
Mohammad Khan Niazi
Planning and Development Division, Manpower Section, Islamabad.
Authors' Note: We are grateful to the official discussants
Mohammad Khan Niazi and Ashfaque H. Khan for helpful comments. We alone,
however, are responsible for any remaining errors.
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(1) Unless otherwise stated, a subscript refers to partial
derivative of the function with respect to the particular variable.
(2) This is also taken as extreme form of the "Rational
3 As lagged dependent variable appears among the set of explanatory
variables in Equations (7) and (9), Durbin h rather than Durbin d is the
appropriate statistic to test for auto-correlation. The h statistic can
be calculated from the D. W. statistic using the following formula:
h : [(1 - (D W/2)).sup.*] [square root of ((T/(1 - [T.sup.*]Var
where T is the number of observations and Vat ([B]) is the variance
of the coefficient of the lagged dependent variable. Because of the
large variance of the coefficient of the lagged dependent variable in
Equations (7) and (8), however, the above formula cannot be applied
directly. Therefore, the D. W. statistic corresponding to Equation (9)
reported in Table 1, refers to the h-statistic.
* The authors are, respectively, Senior Research Economist and
Staff Economist at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,
Table 1 Ordinary Least-square Estimates of Equation S
Constant [p.sub.t] [p.sub.t-1] [y.sub.t] [BD.sub.t]
1. 7.284 0.055 -- 0.045 0.001
(4.78) * (0.79) (1.92) ** (2.14) **
2. 7.865 0.074 -- 0.051 --
(4.64) * (0.87) (1.91) **
3. 6.001 0.122 -- 0.052 --
(3.35) * (1.55) (2.23) **
4. 6.067 -- 0.166 0.055 0.0002
(3.52) * (2.02) ** (2.15) * (0.56)
5. 6.014 -- 0.184 0.057 --
(3.43) * (2.45) * (2.21) *
6. 4.905 -- 0.203 0.057 --
(3.15) * (3.17) * (2.66) *
7. 0.287 0.158 -- 0.023 0.0001
(0.11) (2.38) * (1.12) (0.50)
8. -0.195 0.172 -- 0.022 --
(-0.08) (2.58) * (1.05)
9. -0.541 0.198 -- 0.024 --
(-0.24) (3.25) * (1.29)
[DF.sub.t] [BF.sub.t] [M.sub.t] [i.sub.t-1]
1. -- -- -0.001 --
(-3.04) *
2. 0.0004 -- -0.0004 --
(0.90) (-1.85) **
3. -- 0.001 -0.0002 --
(2.15) * (-1.88) **
4. -- -- -0.0002 --
5. 0.0001 -- -0.0002 --
(0.20) (-0.72)
6. -- 0.001 -0.0001 --
(2.14) * (-1.20)
7. -- -- -0.0001 0.692
(-0.35) (2.88) *
8. 0.0001 -- -0.00003 10.747
(0.29) (0.17) (3.67) *
9. -- 0.001 -0.000004 0.663
(1.71) (-0.03) (3.56) *
[R.sup.2] [[bar.R].sup.2] F D.W.
1. 0.578 0.448 4.45 1.53
2. 0.463 0.298 2.80 1.32
3. 0.579 0.449 4.47 1.44
4. 0.650 0.534 5.58 1.69
5. 0.643 0.523 5.39 1.65
6. 0.740 0.654 8.56 1.93
7. 0.750 0.646 7.21 2.66
8. 0.747 0.641 7.08 2.69
9. 0.795 0.710 9.32 1.59
Notes: Figures in the Parentheses are t-ratios.
* Significant at the 5 percent level.
** Significant at the 10 percent level.