The interface between population and development models, plans and policies.
Cohen, S.I.
Although policy issues in population economics and development
economics are often discussed jointly, little attention has been given
to their integration in more general frameworks. These policy issues can
be fruitfully incorporated in development planning given the medium to
long-term orientation of both.
In this paper we examine problems faced in the incorporation of
POPECON variables (short for population economics) in development
planning. This is done with the object of suggesting tentative
solutions. The problems relate to:
(1) Conceptual issues in defining POPECON variables (Section 2);
(2) Modelling the relationship between POPECON variables (Section
3); and
(3) Operationalization of frameworks for decision making (Section
Furthermore, we treat in Section 5 several controversial policy
issues which have important population dimensions. We demonstrate there
the insight gained form combining "economicsist" and
"populationist" approaches.
Concensus on the scope of POPECON variables is not feasible.
However, the following can be said. Population can be classified
according to many criteria outside economics: age, sex, location,
education, civil status, etc. Each category allows inclusion of the
whole population. Typical for POPECON criteria are classifications such
as per occupation, sector, employment status, income category, etc.
These categories are not inclusive of the whole population. One of the
few inclusive criteria in POPECON will be general activity which can be
defined to fall into:
S = engagement in marketable labour;
O = engagement in own production;
M = home activities; and
E = presence at school.
These four activities form the basic chapters of population
economics. They appear in relationships to each other in Table 1. The
assignment of a person to a specific activity presupposes that all
his/her time is spent at the site of activity. A person may have two
joint activities if he/she spends parts of the reference time in the
sites of the two activities. A generalized classification of activities
for the whole population is to be done with reference to both time and
place, therefore.
The distribution of the population on the four general activities
and on timesharing joint activities is well demonstrated in the
Venn-diagram in Figure 1. For instance, S, with its marketable labour,
is typically the modern sector employment, while O, which represents
self-employment, is typically the informal sector employment. In
between, SO is an intermediate sector, with modern and informal
characteristics. The outlaying area between S and O, indicated by U, can
be seen to represent unemployment. S, O and U together are the active
population while the rest of the circle is the so-called nonactive
population. Reference can be made here to alternative ways of treating
the classification of human resources, in particular Hussmanns and
Mehran (1989).
The diagram highlights a major conceptual problem, namely the
handling of persons in time-sharing joint activities. For instance,
category SOME in the centre of the diagram is very mobile. This category
would stand for an "inconclusive" person who spends the
morning in wage employment, is engaged in own production at noon, looks
after the children at home in the afternoon, and follows educational
courses in the evening. It is apparent that time/place budget surveys
are essential tools in POPECON. Research progress in this area is little
so that the conceptual integration of the whereabouts of persons in time
and place is a major pending issue.
(1) b = business;
(2) g = government;
(3) h = type of household;
(4) i = type of sector;
(5) n = type of need, good or service; and
(6) t = time period.
Predetermined Variables
(1) [C.sub.ghn] = consumption allocations by government
to household type h by need category n;
(2) [T.sub.b] = business taxes;
(3) [T.sub.h] = income tax rate for household type h;
(4) [T.sub.i] = indirect taxes;
(5) other lagged variables belonging to t-1 ; and
(6) future expectations pertaining to t+1
Endogenous Variables
(1) [B.sub.g] = budgetary deficit (surplus) of government;
(2) [B.sub.h] = budgetary deficit (surplus) of household
type h;
(3) [] = consumption expenditure of household type
h on needs category n;
(4) D = demand for labour;
(5) GDP = gross domestic product;
(6) [I.sub.b] = investment by business;
(7) [I.sub.h] = investment by household type h;
(8) [I.sub.g] = investment by government;
(9) [] = living level attained by household type h
of needs category n;
(10) [P.sub.I] = price index of sector i;
(11) [Q.sub.h] = number of households by household type h;
(12) R = profits;
(13) S,O,M,E = allocation of member-days of a household
to marketable labour supply S, own informal
production O, inactive at home M, and
children in education E;
(14) U = unemployment;
(15) W = wages;
(16) [X.sub.i] = production by sector i;
(17) [Y.sub.b] = profit income of business;
(18) [Y.sub.g] = profit income of government;
(19) [Y.sup.d.sub.h] = disposable income of household type h; and
(20) [Y.sup.f.sub.h] = factor income of household type h.
The second obstacle in the way of incorporating POPECON variables
in development planning is the reaching of a consensus as to the kind of
POPECON relationships to be considered. There is a large variety of
POPECON models, many of which are untested. A review of the interactions
between population and the economy can be found in Horlacher and
MacKellar (1988).
Some of the main interactions between population and economic
variables prevalent in the literature are depicted in Table 1, the
notations used are in the following page. Many of the relationships in
the table have been empirically investigated in Cohen (1975) and Cohen
et al. (1984). On the right-hand side of the table it is noted that past
tendencies in fertility, death, marriages and divorces result in the
present day mix of households by type of household. As examples of types
of households one may quote rural and urban and a further disaggregation based on the sex, age, status, occupation, etc., of the head of the
Each household is endowed with a diversity of member-days. Within
each household four types of decisions regarding the utilization of
endowments may be distinguished:
(a) Decisions on the allocation of household member-days to the
marketable labour supply, S;
(b) Decisions on mobilizing member-days for own formal production,
(c) Decisions on the extent of inactives at home, M; and
(d) Decisions on keeping children in the educational system, E.
The study of these decisions has become the subject matter of new
home economics though it is well recognized that the allocation of
endowments is multidisciplinary.
Decisions on S and O are directly relevant for the economic
variables in the rest of the table. Decisions on M are indirectly
relevant while those on E become more relevant at a later stage when
students graduate and become eligible for entry in the labour force.
The population variables, and their variation over time, which have
been just described can be very well integrated in a Demographic
Accounting Matrix, DAM. Most of the transition rates in the DAM are
usually exogenous, but as more empirical knowledge becomes accumulated
it is possible to endogenize more of these transition rates.
Turning now to the economic variables in the left-hand side of
Table 1, these can be categorized as belonging to either:
(a) Accounts of the inputs and production by sector;
(b) Accounts of income and expenditure by household type, firms and
(c) Detailed accounts of attained standards of living per household
type; and
(d) When income, expenditure and living levels per household type
are multiplied by the number of households in that type, aggregate
values for the economy as a whole are obtained.
The factor market in this scheme in the form of interaction between
demand and supply for labour and unemployment, respectively, D, S, U,
resulting in wages, W, valuations of return to capital, R. The product
market is also present in the form of sectoral prices which are
endogenously determined as a result of demand and supply.
The economic variables described above and their interactions can
be approximated by a Social Accounting Matrix, SAM. To be precise, the
results at the end of a year of the factor and product markets are
incorporated in the SAM but not the mechanisms which lead to the
In the past, economic planners have interpreted socio-economic
development and progress in the less developed world as a GNP growth
process. A prevalent view, until the late sixties, was that investment
in capital, if large enough, would alone be sufficient to induce such
economic growth. Statistic systems, economic models and operational
frameworks for development planning were devised accordingly.
In this respect, an important breakthrough in the
operationalization of development planning was the system of planning in
stages, mainly due to J. Tinbergen. In a macro stage growth targets and
capital requirements are determined subject to consumption provisions
and foreign trade, in a meso stage the distribution of growth,
investment, consumption and foreign trade is determined ending up in
sectoral targets. Finally, at a micro stage the sectoral targets are
filled with appropriate projects making use of cost-benefit analysis.
The profession was openly confronted with the population dimension
from the seventies onwards. The efforts to conceptualize and to model
population issues are many, but there is as yet no synthesis as to the
sort of planning in stages which should assure a logical and operational
framework for integrating population issues in development planning as
was, three decades ago, proposed by J. Tinbergen in the context of the
more narrowly defined economic planning.
It is essential to recognize that the construction of a model which
integrates population and development variables does not solve by itself
the planning problem of incorporating population variables in
development plans. What is required here is to derive an operational
scheme for planning purposes capable of guiding decisionmaking at
various ministerial levels, some of which are horizontally and others
are vertically related.
In recent years the possibility of reaching a synthesized framework
has been greatly enhanced by the appearance of the social accounting
matrix, SAM, and the demographic accounting matrix, DAM, as frameworks
for organizing multidimensional data of the economy and the population.
The SAM integrated at one and the same time disaggregated data on
production, income and expenditure by specific population groups,
thereby allowing a systematic recording of diversified interactions
between the economy and population. The DAM accounted for the yearly
flow of the population from one category to another for a large number
of categories. Both the SAM and the DAM are due to a large extent to R.
The objective of this Section is to present an operational
framework for development planning based on the SAM and DAM. Going back
to Table 1 it can be observed that there are four direct links between
the right- and left-hand sides indicated by (1) to (4):
(1) Income, consumption and living standards attained by a
household influence the size and age formation of the household;
(2) In turn, household composition influences the pattern of final
(3) Household decisions on releasing member-days to the marketable
labour supply S determine the working of the labour market and affects
unemployment U and wages W; and
(4) Household decisions on self-employment O determine income from
Furthermore, decisions on M and E can be based on economic
expectations of opportunity costs of mother care and child education,
respectively, but these are not explicited in the table.
The introduction of simplifications regarding the four links
mentioned above produces an operational scheme capable of handling
effective decision-making in a simple planning system. Cutting off lines
(1), (2), (3) and (4) reduces the model into the two independent
matrices of DAM and SAM.
Table 2 is the outcome of eliminating the linkages. Via the
introduction of appropriate lags the DAM and SAM can be mapped to each
other in indirect ways at a later stage, [cf. Cohen, Correa and Zeeuw
The table gives an opportunity to distinguish as well between
several related planning activities which are treated elsewhere in the
symposium: family planning, employment/manpower/education planning, and
the planning of growth, income, investment, consumption, and the
government budget. Although these planning areas are interdependent with
each other the table provides a rationale for treating each of them
separately with a minimum use of feedbacks.
Special mention should be made here of the central role which the
planning of growth and income play in determining the future course of
the remainder of the economy. Because of (a) the primary position of
final demand in shaping the development of most variables, and (b) the
major role of household incomes in determining final demand, it follows
that the setting of income plans by household units, whether this occurs
voluntarily by the households or by the means of some directed plan, is
very crucial for the development of the economy [Cohen (1975)].
This section examines four controversial policy issues in the
development process:
(a) The social efficiency of interventions with fertility;
(b) The social efficiency of resource allocations to human
(c) The effective combination between agriculture and industry in
promoting income growth and its more equitable distribution among the
earning population groups; and
(d) The optimal combination between transfer payments and
provisions in kind in guaranteeing minimum consumption needs for poverty
Although these four issues may not seem to be much related yet they
share the following characteristics. First, they belong consecutively to
the indicated phases of planning in Table 2 namely (a) family planning,
(b) employment, manpower and education planning, (c) income planning and
(d) consumption planning. Second, it will be seen that the conventional
treatment of these policy issues in a predominantly economic framework
renders different policy prescriptions than when a populationist
dimension is added to the framework.
Family Planning
The economically optimal size of the population or its rate of
growth are much debated by economists. A report by the US National
Research Council (1986) has gone in depth into many of the
macro-economic consequences and policy issues involved. The results of
the debate are mixed, for it can be always shown that significant
economic growth has taken place in several countries characterized by
high population growth, while the contrary can also be maintained for
many other countries.
A treatment of the implications of a change in the size of
population from the point of view of the social welfare of the concerned
population brings the question of the optimal size in quite a new light.
Such a welfare-populationist treatment was recently made by M. Nerlove
(1987). In specifying a social welfare function one may choose between a
total and an average formulation. In the classical utilitarian criterion
which maximizes the sum of individual utilities, we may call [W.sup.T]
in Equation 1 the total social welfare function.
[W.sup.T] ([[mu].sup.1, ..., [[mu].sup.n]) = [n.summation over (h =
1)] [[mu].sup.h] ... (1)
The alternative is the maximization of average utility, i.e., per
capita, as in Equation 2. We may call [W.sup.A] the average social
welfare function.
[W.sup.A] ([[mu].sup.1, ..., [[mu].sup.n]) = 1/h [n.summation over
(h = 1)] [[mu].sup.h] ... (2)
Since scaling all utilities up or down by a constant multiplicative
factor does not affect any essential property of W, if n is known, the
two equations do not appear to differ. But in a situation in which
different fertility choices by households produce a different population
level then the two criteria can lead to different conclusions. For
example, if for the population concerned the marginal utility from an
additional birth is positive but less than the average, then adding the
person will produce a greater total utility [W.sup.T] but a smaller
average utility [W.sup.A].
It is evident that the WT social welfare function leads to a larger
population than [W.sup.A]. What is more significant is that if fertility
decisions are taken in accordance with the maximization of parental
satisfaction--which does not mean that the parents prefer too many or
too little children but do act rationally--then the situation may yield
a population larger than WT or less than [W.sup.A]. Thus welfare
criteria offer no sure rationale for coercive interference with parental
Human Resource Development and Utilization
The second group of policy issues we comment upon is concerned with
the unresolved problem of the optimal investment in human resources.
This is a debate on the "right" quality of the population as
compared to that on the "right" quantity discussed in the
previous section.
It is contended by many that investment in human capital accounts
for most of the impressive risings in the real earnings per worker.
According to this vision a major part of what we call consumption such
as expenditure on education, health, constitutes deliberate investment
in human capital whose growth is a decisive factor of economic
development. There is indeed much evidence to support this contention.
On the other hand, phenomena like the educated unemployment in many
countries, mismatches between job requirements and school curriculum,
parents spending the same levels on more able and less able children,
uneconomic prolongation of written-off lives via expensive medical
treatment and so on tend to throw doubts on whether these public
expenditures on human resources are justifiable from the point of view
of social efficiency.
The two opposite positions have been worked out empirically in the
context of planning for educational and manpower development, cf. Cohen
(1989). To start with, conventional methods for estimating returns to
education rely on human capital theory which equates earnings to the
marginal productivity of the worker and explains the latter in terms of
the education attained by the worker. In contrast, job competition
theory, asserts that wages are paid on the basis of the characteristics
of a job or an occupation. Occupations differ in their intensities of
using capital, handling information, and practicing leadership. More
demanding occupations are paid higher wages. Productivity is considered
to be an attribute of occupations and less so of the education of the
person. In the job competition model workers are matched to occupations
by certain worker characteristics which may well be identifiable with
educational characteristics as well as other background characteristics.
Applications made to Pakistan show returns to educational skills
following the job competition model to be lower as compared to the human
capital model, while the reductions are more pronounced for the higher
educational skills. These results suggest that some shift in investment
from higher to lowe skills would imply more returns. The results suggest
also that a shift of future investment from human capital to physical
capital is economically more efficient.
Income Planning
The third group of policy issues which we treat pertains to the
effective allocation of resources between sectors in promoting economic
growth and a more equitable income distribution among population groups.
It has been the conventional view of many development economists
that a shift of resources from agriculture to industry is a prerequisite of the development process.
An examination of the issue of allocating resources between
agriculture and industry from a populationist viewpoint can lead to
results which differ from those of the conventional view. In the more
populous third world countries about seventy percent of the population
and the labour force live in rural areas and earn their living from
self-employment in agriculture and agriculture-based activities. Many
studies have shown now that future absorption in the modern modes of
employment is limited. The structural ratio of 7 : 3 may become the new
historical trend.
In terms of population-economic linkages the arguments can be set
in favour of agriculture, too. Although, the agricultural based
population is poorer than the industry based population as far as income
per capita is concerned, yet the total generated income in agriculture
is often high enough to surpass that of industry. Besides, a large share
of industrial income is spent on food consumption which flows back to
agriculture. Furthermore, past investments in agriculture have enhanced
productivity significantly leading to an expansion of technological
linkages in favour of agriculture.
Development models based on social accounting matrices, SAMs,--cf.
Cohen (1987)--have been very functional in demonstrating the edge of
agriculture on industry in promoting economic growth and its progressive
distribution among population groups. In the remainder of this section
we show the type of results obtained from applying a SAM model to a
large sized country, namely Indonesia.
In fact, the SAM is nothing more or less than the transformation of
the circular flow of Figure 2 into a matrix of transactions between the
various agents, as in Table 3, for the case of Indonesia. In the rows of
such a matrix we find the factors, the institutions consisting of
households, firms and government as well as the institutions capital
account, the activities and the rest of the world. The columns are
ordered similarly. Transactions between these actors take place at the
filled cells and in correspondence with the circular flow.
A particular row gives receipts of the account while columnwise we
read the expenditure of the actor. For instance, in the case of
Indonesia 1975, the second row shows the receipts of households to
consist of 8743 billion rupiahs (b.r.) of remunerations for the factors
of production which they own, and transfers from various institutions
adding together to a total of 9766 b.r. The second column gives the
expenditure of households consisting of 210 b.r. of interhousehold
transfers, 118 b.r. of taxes paid to government, 681 b.r. of savings
wich accrue to the capital account, 7138 b.r. of consumption expenditure
on goods and services and 1619 b.r. of transfers going to rest of world;
also totalling 9766 b.r.
Table 3 is nothing else than a presentation of readily available
national statistics in a matrix form. Once this table is constructed
each cell can be extended on the basis of additional data from surveys
of the labour force, household income and expenditure, input-output
deliveries, finance, government, trade and other statistics to give a
disaggregated SAM, which is really what we are after. For instance,
disaggregated SAMs of Indonesia have been assembled from Biro Pusat
Statistik (1982) for the calendar years of 1975 and 1980, respectively.
The assembled version we shall adhere to is one which falls into an
oversized chessboard of 28 rows and 28 columns. The factor incomes and
household groups are divided into 10 types each. Firms, government
capital and rest of the world are taken as they were published. Finally,
the activities, which fall into 4 sectors of production, are taken as
they were published.
The use of SAM as a model which generates multipliers can be
demonstrated from a very simple example. Take the simplest Keynesian
model which contains a consumption equation relating consumption to
income Y, and an equation defining income as consumption plus an
exogenous (given) investment, [bar.I]. (Equations 3 and 4).
C = c x Y ... (3)
r = C + [bar.I] ... (4)
This is a model of two equations in two endogenous (unknown)
variables. The model can be written as a square matrix which is then
inverted to give the Keynesian multipliers i.e., the effect of an
increase in [bar.I] on Y (i.e., in this case 1/1 - c).
In this way models have been developed with their own
characteristic multipliers. In one of the most frequently used models,
the input-output, an endogenous vector of sectoral production (q) can be
predicted from a matrix of input-output coefficients, A, and a vector of
exogenous final demand, f, as in Equation 5.
q = Aq + f = [(I - A).sup.-1] f = [M.sub.1] f ... (5)
where [M.sub.1] is the Leontief multiplier matrix.
Now the interesting case arises that the SAM is also a square
matrix, and as such it represents a model of the economy. By appropriate
manipulations of this square matrix, it is also possible to derive
SAM-multipliers, which are more comprehensive than those of Keynes and
Leontief together; because the SAM contains the whole circular flow.
In the input-output analysis an endogenous vector of sectoral
production can be predicted from an inverted matrix of input-output
coefficients, and a vector of exogenous final demand. The SAM can be
used similarly with the obvious difference that the SAM contains more
variables and relationships. To transform the social accounting matrix
into an economy-wide model along the above lines requires performing
several steps.
First, the accounts of the SAM need to be subdivided into
endogenous and exogenous and regrouped accordingly so that the exogenous
accounts would fail to the right and bottom of the endogenous accounts.
The choice regarding subdivision into x exogenous and y endogenous
variables can lead to lengthy discussions on alternative closure rules.
Instead, we shall, initially, assume for a typical developing country
variables, relating to expenditure and revenue of government, capital
and rest of world as exogenous, the remaining variables are endogenous.
Secondly, each flow in the endogenous matrix is divided by its
respective column total to give the matrix of average propensities,
denoted by S.
The vector of endogenous variables y can now be solved from
Equation 6:
y = Sy + x = [(I - S).sup.-1] x x = [M.sub.s]x ... (6)
where [M.sub.s] is the SAM multiplier matrix.
SAM multipliers can be employed to tell us, among other things:
(a) What is the effect of an exogenous additional injection in
agriculture or industry (due to government action) on: growth of output
and on the generation and distribution of income by population groups;
(b) In a similar way, one can assess the effect of institutional
transfers (by government) on growth of output and on the generation and
distribution of income.
The multipliers in Table 4 give an indication of short-term effects
of exogenous sectoral injections on output and income. (1) An injection
of a million rupiahs in agriculture gives a potential increase in total
output of 3.379 and in total income of 1.886, a major share of this
income, 50 percent, goes to rural households and 24 percent to urban
households. The impact of a unit injection in industry on total output
is only 2.6, and on total income only 1.5, about 45 percent of which
goes to rural households and 24 percent to urban households.
An improvement in income equality is represented by a higher share
of the income multiplier for the poorer groups when compared to their
actual income share in the first column of Table 2. This is not a
comprehensive measure of redistributional bias but a sensible and
operational one.
The results show that injections in agriculture lead to an overall
progressive redistribution of income. (2) Injections in industry shift
incomes from all household groups, except the urban rich, to corporate
firms. (3)
Note that the narrower input-output framework, laying emphasis on
inter-industry relationships, has always given higher values of
multipliers for industry than for agriculture. The broader SAM framework
which considers the whole circular flow gives different policy
recommendations. The SAM would recommend expansion of agriculture at the
cost of industry on both criteria of growth and equality.
Table 5 gives the output and income effects of another type of
instruments: transfers to households (for brevity, transfers to only two
types of households are shown which happen to be the richest and
poorest). The transfers can be made by government or rest of the world.
It is noted that a transfer to the poorest group, i.e., rural farm
workers creates more output and income than a transfer to the richest
group, i.e., urban upper income. As can be expected the rural transfer
lifts up the position of rural farm workers significantly at the cost of
other groups. The share of the poorest in the additionally generated
income will increase from 5 percent to 40 percent. The urban transfer
favours urban upper income households at the cost of the rest of the
nation. The share of this rich group in additionally generated income is
increased from 12 percent to 53 percent.
To balance our exposition, we conclude this section by making
explicit six limitations of the SAM-multiplier approach. However, it has
been demonstrated elsewhere Cohen (1987) that incorporation of
refinements to remedy the six limitations do not change the conclusions
reached on the advantage of agriculture on industry with respect to
growth and equity.
(1) Like the evaluation of the multipliers of any other economic
model, the evaluation of the multipliers of the SAM-model cannot be done
in isolation from the closure rules applied. The size of the multipliers
depends on the choice of the exogenous and endogenous variables, which
in turn depends on the problem studied.
(2) in the multiplier model, supplied amounts are supposed to
adjust to demanded amounts. They will, but if the adjustment is not in
quantities (whether or not due to restricted capacity) the result is
inflation. This may require a revision downwards in the realized sizes
of multipliers in the future.
(3) The SAM assumes constant shares of factor remunerations in
total output, of household incomes in the various factor payments, of
commodities in household expenditure, and of sectors in commodity
production. However, with more information these shares can be made to
(4) The available data on factor accounts stand in the way of
linking household earnings to income by sectoral sources in more
disaggregated and relevant ways. Here too, the SNA is undergoing
revisions which will resolve these shortcomings.
(5) Income distribution was classified by socio-economic population
groups in terms of residence, working status and ownership of human
resources and land property. In the context of fiscal policy a
classification by income deciles is more practical. The conversion of
alternative classifications by population groups to each other is
well-advanced in the literature, however.
(6) Both the input-output and the SAM frameworks are
demand-oriented models. The potential effects which they simulate may
not be realisable due to the limited scope for significant demand
injections or supply constraints.
Consumption Planning
The fourth group of policy issues we treat belongs to consumption
planning, see Table 2. Poverty groups is a phenomenon which exists in
many societies irrespective of the aggregate level of economic
development achieved. In the longer run, human resource development
measures have proven to have self-sustained positive effects in
eliminating poverty. In the short run, the policy issue faced is the
optimal combination between income transfers and provisions of necessity
goods in kind. Welfare theory shows that a money transfer would bring
the consumers on a higher indifference curve and, talking welfare
economics, is preferable to provision in kind. Incorporation of
behavioural aspects of the consuming population may lead to contrary
results in terms of social welfare. In this section we call upon a
previous study of the author which deals with the policy issue of
transfers versus provisions in the context of more socio-economic
interactions, cf. Cohen (1977).
In that study we were particularly concerned with the calories
consumed per capita per day by the lowest income group, K, as a measure
of the incidence of poverty in South Korea. The derivation of calories
from a certain amount of food expenditure would require knowledge of the
average cost per one calorie. For example,
Calories per capita = consumption expenditure on food per
capita/cost per calorie
Consumption expenditure on food by this poorest population group
consists of a private component which can be expressed as a function of
income Y (thus a + bY) plus public allocations of food directed to this
group, denoted by Z. Population size of the group is denoted by P. The
cost per calorie can be assumed to be a rising function of the general
level of living of the group, represented by the income per capita of
the group, (thus c + d (Y/P). Usually the unit cost tends to increase
rapidly as the general level of living approaches higher levels, owing
to the gradual shift in the pattern of food composition from cheap food
articles to more expensive food articles with the same calorie content.
As a result, the above equation can be written as (Equation 7)
K = ((a + bY) + Z)/P/c + d(Y/P) ... ... ... (7)
A partial analysis can reflect upon the relative effectivity of
using direct transfers (increasing Y) versus public allocation in kind
(increasing Z) in the raising of the nutritional level. First in the
case of an income transfer part of the income increase will be spent on
food and the rest will be spent on other goods and services and as such
will be "redundant" in influencing calorie intake.
Second, equally important is that the cost per unit is a function
of income per capita; and increases of income are bound to increase the
cost and diminish the purchasable calories. As a result of both effects
direct transfers can be shown to be less effective than public
allocations in kind in raising calorie intake.
The magnitudes involved can be demonstrated by writing the equation
with its estimated parameters, after multiplying by P. In passing it can
be mentioned that the consumption and cost functions were tested
separately using South Korean Data from the sixties and seventies. Both
functions fitted very well. The slope coefficient were highly
significant and were positive in accordance with a priori expectations.
K = .0343 + .3749Y + Z/.0051P + .0489Y ... ... ... (8)
In the South Korean context an increase of one billion Korean won in income Y via an income transfer leads to an increase of 4.4 calories
p.p.p.d. On the contrary, an increase of one billion won in public
provisions of food in kind Z allows the consumption of 14.8 additional
calories p.p.p.d., which is more effective, therefore.
In this paper we discussed a selection of topics dealing with the
interface between population economics and development policy. The
objective was to review the state of the art and possible avenues for
refinement. There are significant obstacles. These are the integration
of the time and place dimensions in the classification of people by
activity, the operationalization of POPECON models to meet the practical
situations encountered in development planning and adjustment
programmes, and the assessment of conflicts and complementarities
between alternative policies in the light of alternative theoretical
postulates and their empirical testing.
Comments on "The Interface between Population and Development
Models, Plans and Policies"
I must acknowledge that it is an interesting paper. Since the paper
thoroughly discusses issues involved in economic demography it saves me
from retrieving these issues. My brief observations about the paper are
the following.
The subject of economic demography started with the first Essay on
Population by Malthus in 1798 where he argued about the conflict between
population and the standard of living. Many other economists, among them
Ricardo and Mill, in the early and mid eighteenth century have examined
the relationship between population and economic growth.
Early work on economic and demographic planning was usually carried
out in isolation. Postwar economic demographic modelling, however,
revived when the low income countries witnessed rapid growth in
population. With this, interest has turned into macro
economic-demographic modelling which provides a consistent and rational
basis for the time paths for the variables rather than resorting to
variously assumed "scenarios".
In their pioneering work on the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM),
Pyatr and Thorbeck (1976) mentioned that "one can easily
incorporate variables related to demography", and we have that
augmented framework in Prof. Cohen's paper. The distinction between
SAM and DAM helps clarify some of the issues discussed by Prof. Cohen.
In his paper, Prof. Cohen, in particular, examines problems faced in the
incorporation of POPECON variables in development planning and suggests
some tentative solutions. This is a welcome addition to the body of
literature on economic-demographic modelling.
To gain insights into the interdependencies within an economy so as
to evaluate policy in a planning framework and to show its operational
usefulness, the SAM-DAM framework can play a vital role. The beauty of
this framework is that for any validated estimation of an economy-wide
model a time series of SAM-DAM can be constructed provided the time
series of the required data are available. Within the SAM-DAM framework
the multiplier analysis can process the effects of exogenous injections
in the economy. In this respect this framework can be treated as an
alternate to the economy-wide economic-demo simulation models, such as
the Bachue model of the ILO, and models of demo-economic policy, as
developed by Willekens and Rogers (1977) and Sanderson (1980). The
available economic-demometric models are capable in guiding the
policy-makers, but due to the lack of the required information these
models are not widely used. If the data requirements for the SAM-DAM can
easily be met compared with the data requirement of economic-demometric
models and if we are sure that the SAM-DAM framework is less restrictive
compared with the economic-demometric models then the proposed SAM-DAM
will certainly prove to be a very useful framework for the presentation
of alternative scenarios.
I have the following specific comments on the paper:
(i) Professor Cohen has correctly pointed out the disagreement
among researchers about the classification of the whole population. It
is not, however, clear why he has preferred to select S, O, M, E,
division of population as demographic variables in the DAM.
(ii) Using the choice of time allocation, Professor Cohen has
divided total population into four parts: S, O, M, E. Based on this
division he presents a venn-diagram which requires clarification. To me
he should either include unemployment (U) in the division of total
population or bypass the presentation of the venn-diagram. If
unemployed, in the earlier division, are part of the four categories,
then the outlying area in the venn-diagram can not be explained by S, O,
M, E.
(iii) On page 3 of the paper, all the endogenous variables
associated with the labour market are present which form the stock of
population, but ! do not see any endogenous variable which is strictly
demographic in nature and which contribute to growth in population, for
example, fertility and mortality. Is the incorporation of the labour
market variables sufficient for an economic-demographic model?
At the end I must add that this study is doubly valuable: it
highlights the issues involved in the definition of POPECON variables
and modelling the relationship between them, and it provides a framework
which can open new avenues for future research.
Zafar Mahmood
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad
Pyatt, F. G., and E. Thorbeck (1976) Planning Techniques for a
Better Future. Geneva: ILO
Sanderson W. C. (1980) Economic-Demographic Simulation Models: A
Review of Their Usefulness for Policy Analysis. Laxenburg: International
Institute for Applied System Analysis.
Willekens F., and A. Rogers (1977)Normative Modelling in
Demo-Economics. Laxenburg: International Institute for Applied Systems
Comments on "The Interface between Population and Development
Models, Plans and Policies"
I am honored to be asked to comment on Suleiman Cohen's paper,
although I must say that I am also a little puzzled by the request.
Those who know me know that I am not an expert on social accounting
matrices. Moreover, this ignorance notwithstanding, I am also something
of a critic of SAMs and their use for policy analysis. I hope,
therefore, that the audience and especially Suleiman will forgive me if
I do not stick too closely to the paper. I will begin my comments with
some general concerns about SAMs, then turn to a discussion of some of
the propositions underlying Suleiman's model.
My general concerns about SAMs and SAM-related analytical
approaches are echoed in a number of critiques published over the last
decade (refs.). SAMs and their demographic counterparts, DAMs, can be a
useful element in a larger policy analysis framework. As their name
implies, they are accounting frameworks that force various elements of
an economy to add up. SAMs can, in turn, force analysts to recognize the
constraints under which economies operate, as well as highlight the
interconnectedness of social and economic systems. However, their
usefulness as a basis for policy analysis is hampered by two fundamental
characteristics: No matter how cleverly constructed SAMs are static
snapshots of highly dynamic systems, built on essentially arbitrary
divisions and aggregations of frequently continuous characteristics.
Policy analysis often deals with fairly fundamental changes in the
environment in which individuals and other economic entities operate. As
one moves from one policy regime to another--or tries to simulate such
changes--one essentially moves from one underlying set of SAM
relationships to another and herein lies the rub. SAMs are good at
dividing up the economic pie in consistent ways but they are much less
suited to understanding the underlying mechanisms that generate observed
relationships and interactions on which SAMs rest. These two unavoidable
features of SAMs--their static nature and the need to divide a
continuous world into often arbitrary categories--make them problematic
as a base for understanding the costs and benefits of policy
There is also a serious practical problem with SAMs and DAMs. They
are large and intensive users of one of the world's--especially the
developing world's--scarcest commodities: good and detailed
economic and social data. Data limitations almost always drive the
constructors of SAMs to much higher levels of aggregation than they
would like and that would provide a useful disaggregation of an economic
system. By "useful" I mean one for which the innat
heterogeneity in target variables (welfare, education, income) within
each grouping is less than that among the different groups, and one for
which available policy levers bear mainly or wholly on one group and not
another. Such disaggregations are theoretically possible but real world
data constraints make them a very rare reality indeed.
I should perhaps reemphasize the point with which I began this
discussion: SAMs can be a useful tool in a policy analyst's tool
kit. The problem is that they can also be easily misused. SAMs, and the
computable general equilibrium models that flow from them, are often
considerably more easy to deal with--more consistent and complete--than
actual country data, so it is often a temptation to see SAMs as more
real than the economy they are meant to represent. SAMs and CGEs can
easily be used to produce data where none previously existed and too
frequently those data become a substitute for real information. As with
all economic tools SAMs can be misused in the hands of the
unsophisticated, so those who use and promote this technology must
ensure that recipients clearly understand both its strengths and its
Let me turn now to several more specific comments on
Suleiman's paper. I have to say that the paper as it is now written
is difficult to follow for anyone not closely associated with
Suleiman's work. The paper appears to try to condense a great deal
of past and ongoing work into a very few pages and in doing so leaves
the novice reader thoroughly confused at many points. The paper would be
much more effective if it began with a clear statement of the underlying
policy issues, the motivation for this particular approach to those
issues, and how the completed work will contribute to our understanding
of development and will influence policy.
Two points on Dr Cohen's treatment of demographic-economic
interactions. First, Dr Cohen indicates that "most of the
[demographic] transition rates in the DAM are usually exogenous but as
more empirical knowledge becomes accumulated it is possible to
endogenize more of these transition rates". This statement and the
modeling that flows from it may miss the basic philosophy of the
long-standing population and development debate. In short, this debate
has concerned and continues to concern two broad issues: (1) how
population growth affects economic development, and (2) how economic
growth influences population growth. Without firm (or even assumed)
answers to these two questions 1 do not see how one can effectively and
meaningfully incorporate demographic considerations into a SAM-like
framework. Further, the quite casual reference to "endogenizing
more of these transition rates" belies the now well-recognized
difficulty of understanding and quantifying economic-demographic
While on the topic of population let me raise another concern about
Dr Cohen's discussion of demographic relationships. As he rightly
recognizes a key policy issue in discussions of the role of societies
and governments in influencing individual fertility is whether or not
the costs society as a whole bears for children exceeds the costs
parents themselves bear. A principal justification for family planning
interventions is that parents do not bear the full cost of their
children and therefore tend, on average, to produce too many offspring.
Unfortunately negative externalities needed to justify government
intervention in the family planning area have proven very difficult to
identify both theoretically or empirically. An often-cited
"externality"--that parents do not take into account the
effect of additional children on the (future) wages of other
people's children--is not an externality but the straightforward
workings of the labour market. No market failure here, although such a
relationship may have implications for welfare policies aimed explicitly
at raising the incomes of the poor.
I will end my comments by focusing on Suleiman's discussion of
human capital. For those who have heard--or read--my paper for this
meeting, it will come as no surprise that I do not agree with the
conclusion stated in Suleiman's paper that "a shift of future
investment from human capital to physical capital is economically more
efficient". I confess that as presented in the paper I was not able
to follow Dr Cohen's SAM/DAM model sufficiently well to understand
how this results arises, but I believe it to be inherently wrong.
One potential source of this result may be the treatment of skilled
workers in the model. Suleiman cites such phenomena as the educated
unemployed and mismatches between school curricula and job requirements
as evidence of the low "social efficiency" of public
expenditures on human resources. This observations seems to be based on
the now discredited notion of manpower planning in which skills are
produced with specific job slots in mind. In fact, as T. W. Schultz
pointed out several decades ago, education's fundamental role is to
prepare the recipient not for some specific job slot, but to deal with
transition and uncertainty. The history of manpower planning models
strongly attests to the proposition that the one thing we economists are
not good at is forecasting. Rather than try to predict the future demand
for skills, and be almost assuredly wrong, better to prepare individuals
to deal with and benefit from unavoidable uncertainty. What the manpower
planning approach to educational planning fails to recognize is that
well-educated individuals, when provided the right incentives, create
jobs as well as fill them. We should no more characterize human capital
as a series of specific skills than we should characterize physical
capital as a series of specific machines. Both human and physical
capital must move and adapt to high returns activities in order to
produce growth and economic development.
Suleiman would do his readers a great service by providing a
stronger context in which to judge his model and a few more details
regarding the specifics of the model Of course, not even Suleiman can
collapse a book into 30 or so pages, but as the paper now stands it runs
the risk of falling between two stools: it serves neither the specialist
nor the uninformed well I hope that in his revisions Dr Cohen will
choose to provide more in the way of motivation for his models and more
on the types of policy questions the models can address.
Dennis de Tray
The World Bank
Washington, D. C., USA
Biro Pusat Statistik (1982) Social Accounting Matrix Indonesia
1975. Jakarta: BPS. 1.
Cohen, S. I. (1975) Production, Manpower and Social Planning,
Korean Applicatiom Rotterdam: Rotterdam University Press.
Cohen, S. I. (1977) A Social-Economic Development Model; Korean
Applications. The Seoul National University Economic Review 11 : 1.
Cohen, S. I. (1987) Input-output versus Social Accounting in the
Macro-analysis of Development. Industry and Development. No. 22.
Cohen, S. I. (1989) Job Competition versus Human Capital in
Estimating Returns to Education. Quantitative Methods. 10:31 June.
Cohen, S. I., H. Correa, and M. de Zeeuw (1989) A SAM-multiplier
Model with Exogenous Demographic Developments, Internal Paper,
Department of Microeconomics, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Cohen, S. I., P. A. Cornelisse, R. Teekens, and E. Thorbecke (1984)
The Modelling of Socio-economic Planning Processes. London: Gower
Horlacher, D. E., and F. L. MacKellar (1988) Population Growth
versus Economic Growth. In D. Salvatore (ed) Worm Population Trends and
Their Impact on Economic Development. West Port: Greenwood Press.
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US National Research Council (1986) Population Growth and Economic
Development: Policy Questions. Washington, D. C.: National Academy
(1) The difference between the output and income effect is partly
due to leakages such as intermediate inputs and imports.
(2) It is noted that rural farm workers would experience a relative
increase in incomes of 5.12/4.54 = 1.14, while rural landowners
experience a relative gain of 29.0/27.6 = 1.05. Regarding non-farm
workers, the group of lower income increases its share by 1.0 percent
while the group of upper income reduces its share by .04 percent. Also
among urban households the better-off see a deterioration and the
less-off an improvement.
(3) Share of corporate firms increases from 27.9 percent to 30.8
S. I. COHEN, The author is Professor of Economics at the Erasmus
University, Rotterdam.
Table 3
Aggregate SAM, Indonesia 1975, in Billion Rupiahs
1. 2. 3. 4.
Fact Househ Firms Govt
1 Factors
2 Households 8743 210 631 182
3 Firms 3810 30
4 Government 59 118 1448 362
5 Capital 681 1669 567
6 Activities 7138 941
7 Rest of World 711 1619 242
Total 13323 9766 3778 2294
5. 6. 7.
Capt Activ ROW Total
1 Factors 13323 13323
2 Households 9766
3 Firms -62 3778
4 Government 277 30 2294
5 Capital 493 3410
6 Activities 3410 7778 3937 23204
7 Rest of World 1826 4398
Total 3410 23204 4398 60173
Table 4
The Impact of Sectoral Injections on Output and Incomes
by Population Groups, Demonstration of Results for Indonesia
Sectoral Injections
(1975) Agriculture Industry
Output Multiplier 3.379 2.637
Income Multiplier 1.886 1.464
Percent Distribution
Over Income Groups
1 Rural Land Owners 27.55% 28.97% 27.39%
2 Rural Farm Workers 4.54% 5.19% 4.27%
3 Rural Non-farm Workers. Upper 4.74% 4.32% 4.13%
4 Rural Non-farm Workers. Lower 10.43% 11.44% 9.86%
5 Urban Upper Income 12.43% 11.07% 11.51%
6 Urban Lower Income 12.42% 13.06% 12.09%
7 Firms 27.89% 25.95% 30.75%
Total 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Table 5
The Impact of Household Transfers on Output and Incomes by Population
Groups, Demonstration of Results for Indonesia
Household Injections
Actual Urban Upper Rural Farm
(1975) Income Workers
Output Multiplier 1.897 3.006
Income Multiplier 2.185 2.734
Percent Distribution
Over Income groups
1 Rural Land Owners 27.55% 14.32% 17.94%
2 Rural Farm Workers 4.54% 2.58% 39.80%
3 Rural Non-farm Workers. Upper 4.74% 2.77% 2.98%
4 Rural Non-farm Workers. Lower 10.43% 5.87% 7.27%
5 Urban Upper Income 12.43% 52.66% 7.56%
6 Urban Lower Income 12.42% 8.70% 8.25%
7 Firms 27.89% 13.11% 16.20%
Total 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%