Prospects for expanding trade between SAARC and ASEAN countries.
Sarmad, Khwaja ; Mahmood, Riaz
This paper analyses the determinants of trade flows between the
countries of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
(SAARC) and of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). The
results show that while the high intensity of bilateral trade of these
countries is not explained by high complementarity, a policy of non
discriminatory import liberalization in ASEAN countries would
significantly benefit the SAARC countries in terms of export expansion.
The economies of the countries of the South Asian Association for
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and of the Association of South East Asian
Nations (ASEAN) are characterized by wide inter-regional and
intra-regional per capita income inequalities. With the exception of
Singapore, the economies of the countries of the two regions have
production structures biased heavily in favour of the primary and
agricultural sectors. In addition, Indonesia and Malaysia have
substantial oil-producing sectors.
Export Structure
Table 1 shows that, with the exception of Indonesia and Singapore,
the exports of agricultural products constitute a major share of the
total exports of SAARC and ASEAN countries. Exports of fuel and
chemicals play a prominent role in the export structures of Indonesia,
Malaysia and Singapore. The exports of manufactures contribute around
half or more to the total exports of Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and
The differences in comparative advantage between the countries of
the two regions are indicated in the last three columns of Table 1,
which give Balassa's index of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA).
A value of greater (less) than one fol the RCA index indicates a strong
comparative advantage (disadvantage) for the economy in the export of
the commodity.
The higher values of the RCA index for agricultural exports of
Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand, partly explains the agriculture bias
in the export structures of these countries. Similarly, Indonesia's
strong comparative advantage in the export of fuels and chemicals (RCA
of 2.7), explains the predominance of this category of exports in its
total exports.
Trade Intensity
Given these differences in comparative advantage, it is not
difficult to predict the pattern of trade between SAARC and ASEAN
countries. Theory suggests that resource-rich countries with a strong
comparative advantage in the export of agriculture-biased and primary
products would tend to have intense trade relations with countries that
are resource-poor but enjoy a comparative advantage in other sectors.
Table 2, which gives the export intensity index of major export
groups for the countries of the two regions, bears out these
In the bilateral trade of SAARC countries with Malaysia and
Singapore, agricultural products have high export intensity and, with
only a few exceptions, low export intensity with the other ASEAN
countries. Exports of fuels and chemicals from SAARC countries to
Indonesia and Malaysia, which are major oil producers of ASEAN
countries, have very low trade intensity.
In the aggregate inter-regional trade flows, SAARC countries have
high export intensity with Malaysia and Singapore, which indicates that
the bilateral trade volume is proportionally much greater than would be
expected given the importance of the countries in world trade. On the
other hand, export intensity of trade of SAARC countries with Indonesia
and Philippines is, on the average, much less than one. But export
intensity with Thailand is greater than one for Bangladesh, Nepal and
Sri Lanka and closer to unity for India and Pakistan.
Given the substantial differences in comparative advantage as
indicated by trade data, it is interesting to note that in not all cases
is the high trade intensity attributable to high complementarity in
bilateral trade. Table 3 shows that this is particularly true about
trade from Bangladesh to Malaysia and Singapore, about trade from Nepal
to Singapore and Thailand and about trade from Sri Lanka to Malaysia,
Philippines and Thailand. Thus, while trade intensity is high the
complementarity indices do not indicate that export specialization of
the exporting country matches the import specialization of the importing
The cause of high bilateral trade intensity is, therefore, to be
found in the index of bilateral trade bias, which shows the influence of
resistances to trade between the exporting and importing countries as
compared with the latter's trade with the rest of the world. The
figures in Table 4 show that there is a strong bias in SAARC trade
towards the ASEAN countries. The average of the bias indices is above 3
which indicates that export trade from SAARC to ASEAN countries is
around 3 times more than would be expected after taking into account the
region's share in world trade and complementarity of bilateral
Prospects for Trade Growth
The primary reason for low trade complementarity among some SAARC
and ASEAN countries is the protection of less efficient domestic
industries, which discriminates against domestic sales of imports and
lowers the value of the complementarity index. The average levels of ad
valorem tariff rates range from almost zero for Singapore and around 10
percent for Malaysia to around 30 percent for the other ASEAN countries,
with the agriculture sector being protected the most.
Given that there are substantial import barriers in ASEAN countries
and that SAARC countries have a strong trade bias towards ASEAN
countries, this paper has shown that if ASEAN import policy is
liberalized, even on a non-discriminatory basis, SAARC countries would
tend to gain significantly in terms of export expansion.
Drysdale, P., and R. Garnaut (1982). "Trade Intensities and
the Analysis of Bilateral Trade Flows in a Many-Country World: A
Survey". Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics. Vol. 22, No. 2.
United Nations (Various Issues). Commodity Trade Statistics. New
York: Statistical Office.
* The authors are Senior Research Economist and Staff Economist
respectively, at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics. An
earlier version of this paper was presented at a Workshop on Prospects
and Problems of Inter-regional Cooperation organized by the Centre for
Policy Research, New Delhi, in February 1987. The authors are grateful
to an anonymous referee of this Review for going through this paper.
Table 1
Export Structure and Revealed Comparative Advantage of
SAAR Cand ASEAN Countries, 1983
Exports as a Percentage of Total
Fuels and
Agriculture Chemicals Manufactures
Bangladesh 34.8 5.0 59.7
India 40.3 4.6 54.7
Nepal 43.5 5.2 43.3
Pakistan 34.0 2.8 61.8
Sri Lanka 60.9 11.5 27.5
Indonesia 13.9 77.0 8.0
Malaysia 42.7 29.5 27.5
Philippines 45.2 4.1 24.8
Singapore 13.6 32.3 46.5
Thailand 62.9 1.3 34.1
Revealed Comparative Advantage
Fuels and
Agriculture Chemicals Manufactures
Bangladesh 2.1 0.2 1.1
India 2.4 0.2 1.0
Nepal 2.6 0.2 0.8
Pakistan 2.1 0.1 1.2
Sri Lanka 3.7 0.4 0.5
Indonesia 0.8 2.7 0.2
Malaysia 2.6 1.0 0.5
Philippines 2.7 0.1 0.5
Singapore 0.8 1.1 0.9
Thailand 3.8 0.1 0.7
Source: For Tables 1 to 4: United Nations (Various Issues).
Note: Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) has been obtained
from the following formula:
RCA = ([X.sup.k.sub.i]/[X.sub.j]) ([X.sup.k.sub.w]/[X.sub.w])
where [X.sup.k.sub.w] is the export of product k by country i;
[X.sub.i] is the total export of country i;
[X.sup.k.sub.w] is the world exports of product k; and
[X.sub.w] is the total world exports.
Table 2
Intensity of Bilateral Trade between SAARCand ASEAN Countries
Disaggreated by Major Commodity Groups, 1983
SAARC\ASEAN Indonesia Malaysia Philippines
Agriculture 0.2 3.5 --
Fuels and Chemicals 0.1 0.1 --
Manufactures 3.8 0.5 1.6
Total 0.4 2.7 0.4
Agriculture 0.0 8.5 0.1
Fuels and Chemicals 0.0 0.2 0.0
Manufactures 0.3 1.6 0.2
Total 0.0 3.1 0.1
Agriculture -- -- --
Fuels and Chemicals -- -- --
Manufactures 1.1 -- 2.3
Total 0.1 -- 0.7
Agriculture 2.5 9.4 --
Fuels and Chemicals 0.0 0.0 0.4
Manufactures 0.0 0.3 0.5
Total 0.4 4.6 0.1
Sri Lanka
Agriculture 0.1 1.2 2.2
Fuels and Chemicals -- 9.7 0.7
Manufactures 0.1 2.2 0.4
Total 0.0 4.3 1.2
SAARC\ASEAN Singapore Thailand
Agriculture 8.2 0.2
Fuels and Chemicals 20.3 26.9
Manufactures 3.3 9.0
Total 9.4 3.2
Agriculture 2.1 1.3
Fuels and Chemicals 0.0 0.5
Manufactures 0.4 0.3
Total 0.3 0.7
Agriculture 4.5 0.7
Fuels and Chemicals 0.4 --
Manufactures 2.9 3.3
Total 2.2 1.7
Agriculture 1.8 0.7
Fuels and Chemicals 0.4 2.9
Manufactures 2.9 0.8
Total 2.2 0.8
Sri Lanka
Agriculture 2.0 2.2
Fuels and Chemicals 11.2 8.6
Manufactures 3.9 2.8
Total 6.0 2.6
Note: The intensity index ([I.SUB.ij]) is defined as the share of
country i's export going to country j relative to the share of
country i's imports in world imports net of imports of country i
[I.sub.ij] = [X.sub.ij]/[X.sub.i] / [M.sub.j]/[M.sub.w] - [M.sub.i]
where [X.sub.ij] is country i 's exports to country j;
[M.sub.j] is country i's imports; and
([M.sub.w] - [M.sub.j]) is world imports net of country i 's imports.
For discussion of the trade intensity, complimentarity and bias
indices see Drysdale and Garnaut (1982).
Table 3
Complementarity in Bilateral Trade between SAARCand ASEAN
Countries, 1983
SAARC\ASEAN Indonesia Malaysia Philippines
Bangladesh 0.02 0.5 --
India 0.004 2.1 0.6
Nepal -- -- --
Pakistan 1.10 6.4 0.1
Sri Lanka -- 0.7 --
SAARC\ASEAN Singapore Thailand
Bangladesh 2.2 2.5
India 0.1 0.3
Nepal 0.9 --
Pakistan 1.9 1.5
Sri Lanka 5.9 0.5
Note. The complementarity index of bilateral trade is given by the
following formula:
[C.sub.ij] = [[summation].sub.k] [X.sup.k.sub.i]/[X.sub.i] x
[M.sub.w] - [M.sub.i]/[M.sup.k.sub.w] - [M.sup.k.sub.i] x
where [C.sub.ij] is the complimentarity index, and [X.sup.k.sub.i]
refers to the export by country i of the k th commodity defined at
the 3-digit level of the SITC.
Table 4 Bias in Bilateral Trade between SAARCand ASEAN
Countries, 1983
SAARC\ASEAN Indonesia Malaysia Philippines
Agriculture -- 22.4 --
Fuels and Chemicals 22.3 6.4 --
Manufactures -- 2.3 --
Total 22.3 5.8 --
Agriculture 0.7 0.7 0.6
Fuels and Chemicals 1.6 0.9 0.8
Manufactures 4.3 2.5 0.8
Total 5.4 1.5 0.7
Total -- -- --
Agriculture 0.3 0.8 0.7
Fuels and Chemicals -- -- --
Manufactures 4.7 0.3 --
Total 0.4 0.7 0.7
Sri Lanka
Agriculture -- 10.6 --
Fuels and Chemicals -- 5.5 --
Manufactures -- 9.0 --
Total -- 5.8 --
SAARC\ASEAN Singapore Thailand
Agriculture 4.60 13
Fuels and Chemicals 19.1 --
Manufactures 2.2 --
Total 43.0 1.3
Agriculture 2.2 3.3
Fuels and Chemicals 3.3 1.7
Manufactures 3.9 1.9
Total 3.1 2.3
Total 2.5 --
Agriculture 0.5 0.5
Fuels and Chemicals 2.6 --
Manufactures 1.3 0.6
Total 1.2 0.5
Sri Lanka
Agriculture 0.3 22.7
Fuels and Chemicals 7.9 --
Manufactures 5.8 4.8
Total 1.0 5.0
Note: Bias indexes have been calculated from the following formula:
[B.sub.ij] = [X.sub.ij] [[summation].sub.] [[M.sup.k.sub.w] -
[M.sup.k.sub.i]/[X.sup.k.sub.j] x [M.sup.k.sub.j]]