Determinants of debt problem in Pakistan and its debt-servicing capacity.
Burney, Nadeem A.
In the last decade, Pakistan's external debt obligations have
risen to an unprecedented level. This is despite the fact that the
country had been able to borrow on concessional terms from international
organizations and foreign governments unlike many other developing
countries. The situation has raised concern about the viability of the
strategy of excessive dependence on foreign sources and the problems it
poses for sustainable growth.
Between 1970 and 1980 Pakistan's external debt grew at an
average rate of 11.3 percent. Although, during the Eighties it has grown
at a much slower rate, i.e. 2.37 percent, but by 1986-87 the level of
total external debt had reached more than 12 billion U.S. dollars. A
notable feature of this change has been that since the mid-Seventies the
debt-service payments have increased at a much faster rate compared with
the outstanding debt.
This paper makes an attempt to analyse changes in the levels of
Pakistan's external indebtedness. Various debt-burden and
debt-service indicators will be examined to highlight features of
Pakistan's external debt obligations. In Section III variations in
debt indicators will be related to various factors, e.g. terms of
borrowings, external shocks and economic performance. Section IV will
evaluate the long-run debt-servicing capacity. Finally Section V
summarises the findings.
In this section six different indicators, namely, (i) Debt: GNP ratio, (ii) Amortization: Disbursement ratio, (iii) Net
Resource-transfer: GDP ratio, (iv) Debt-service: Export-receipt ratio,
(v) Interest-payment: Export-receipt ratio and (vi) Foreign-exchange
Reserve: Debt ratio, are examined to analyse the external indebtedness
of Pakistan during 1959-60 to 1986-87. The various ratios estimated for
Pakistan are given in Table 1.
The estimates given in the table show that the ratio of outstanding
debt to GNP for Pakistan increased during the Sixties and early
Seventies. In fact, it started increasing sharply from the mid-Sixties.
The increase in the early Seventies was even sharper and the ratio more
than doubled. In 1972-73 it was 62.5 percent, the highest during the
period under study. Since then, however, it has declined though not
necessarily continuously. During the Eighties it has been around 30
percent, thus suggesting that one-third of the productive capacity of
the country will be required if the external debt is to be paid back
today. The ratio of debt-service payments to export earnings, however,
has remained between 20 and 30 percent for most of the period under
study. This suggests that Pakistan's debt obligations have been a
cause of the liquidity problem faced by the country. Twice since the
early Seventies Pakistan had to resort to rescheduling its debt-service
payments. The ratio of debt-service payments and GNP, an indicator
considered more useful in the long run, increased almost continuously in
the Sixties. (1) Since then, however, it has varied between 2 percent
and 3 percent. For the South Asian countries as a group this ratio
remained constant at about 1 percent during the Sixties. This reflects
the seriousness of the liquidity problem for Pakistan. The estimates
reported in Table 1 further indicate that the ratio of interest payments
and export receipts, referred to as the interest-service ratio increased
sharply in the Sixties and reached its highest value, i.e. 21 percent in
1969-70. During the Seventies and Eighties, however, it varied between
7.7 and 12.7 percent, and in 1986-87 was 10.3 percent. This suggests
that during the Sixties, foreign borrowings were either consumed or
invested in relatively less efficient projects, compared with the
Seventies and Eighties. (2) The ratio of amortization (principal)
payments and disbursement has increased almost continuously since
1959-60. In 1986-87, it was 52 percent, implying that more than half of
the new disbursements are utilized to repay the principal amount due in
the year. This reflects that over time, at least partially
Pakistan's debt is being roiled over. The magnitude of net resource
transfer, i.e. disbursement minus debt-service, relative to GDP was
highest, i.e. 11.7 percent, in 1964-65. By 1986-87 it has reached its
lowest value, i.e. 0.95 percent. This implies that the contribution of
foreign savings in Pakistan has declined over time. The ratio of
international reserves to debt and international reserves to imports
show a downward trend for Pakistan during the period under study. This
suggests that Pakistan's debt-servicing capacity has declined over
The various indicators discussed show that Pakistan's debt
burden increased in the Sixties but has stabilized in the Eighties. The
debt obligation, however, has been a cause of the liquidity problem.
Similarly, debt-servicing capacity, although very low, has remained
stable over the years. This is primarily because lending countries have
confidence in Pakistan's capacity to repay. Therefore, the debt has
been rolled over.
The observed debt ratios, i.e. debt-GNP and debt-service ratio,
reflect the inter-play of several economic as well as non-economic
factors. The economic explanations of the variation in these ratios are
based on the assumption that both borrowing and the lending country are
economically rational. This implies that borrowers do not incur debt for
wasteful purposes and lenders take account of the viability of
investment and the servicing of loans. The current level of the debt
ratio is thus an outcome of accumulation of past decisions on how much
to borrow and on what terms, of the uses to which borrowed funds were
put, of the efficiency with which objectives were achieved, and of
unanticipated factors which intervened. These various factors that
influence variation in debt ratios can be grouped under three broad
categories; (i) terms of borrowings, (ii) economic performance of the
borrowing country, and (iii) external shocks. (3)
Using different dependent variables, namely debt-GNP ratio,
debt-service payment-export receipt ratio, and debt-service
payment-foreign exchange earning ratio, various regressions were
estimated for Pakistan for the period 1973-74 to 1986-87 with
above-mentioned set of explanatory variables. The average interest rate
on external borrowing and the average maturity period were used for
terms of borrowing. While the average interest rate is expected to be
positively related to debt-service ratios, the average maturity period
of loans is expected to be inversely related. Both the lagged as well as
the current average interest rate were used alternatively in the
regression. To capture the effect of external shocks on debtor nations,
the terms of trade, remittances scaled by GNP/Export receipt/Foreign
exchange-earnings and grants as a percentage of commitments have been
included in the regression. The terms of trade are expected to be
inversely related to changes in the debt-service ratios. The growth rate
of real GDP/GNP and incremental capital-output ratio (ICOR), have been
included to take account of the effect of economic performance of
Pakistan. Both these variables are expected to be positively related to
the debt-service ratios. The estimated regressions are reported in Table
From the results given in the table it is evident that in almost
all the regressions the explanatory variables included explain more than
90 percent of the variations in the debt-service ratio. Except for the
current interest rate, all the variables have anticipated signs. Not all
the explanatory variables, however, show statistical significance.
Relatively better results are obtained when debt service as a percentage
of export receipts is used as the dependent variable. It may be pointed
out that the current interest rate is inversely related to the
debt-service ratio, thus reflecting that high cost discourages
borrowings. The lagged interest rate, however, bears a positive sign but
is not very significant implying that loans contracted at higher
interest rates is likely to increase the debt-service ratio. The average
maturity period has a negative coefficient and is significant, implying
that a longer maturity period has a favourable impact on debt-servicing.
The coefficient of GDP growth rate, although positive, is not
significant. The coefficient of ICOR however, is positive and
significant. This suggests that improvement in efficiency, characterized by a low ICOR, improves the liquidity problem associated with debt
servicing. The results further indicate that external shocks, measured
by terms of trade and grant-commitment ratio have adversely affected the
debt servicing of Pakistan. Remittances, being an additional source of
foreign exchange earnings, have led to an increase in the debt-service
It is now widely recognized that the burden of external debt varies
with the stages of development. In the early stages, because of low
savings, reliance on external sources to finance investment is higher,
thus debt increases. In the later stages when the saving-investment gap
is reduced and enough surplus has been generated to cover interest
payment on outstanding debt, debt starts declining. This section
analyses the debt-servicing capacity of Pakistan. In other words, it
investigates the solvency problem in a macro-economic framework. (4)
The long-run debt-servicing capacity of a country can be evaluated
by comparing the benefits and costs of external loans in the growth
process. One of the methods to compare costs and benefits of external
loans is the critical interest rate (CIR) approach. (5) The CIR
indicates the level of interest rate that makes the growth of external
debt equal to the growth rate of GDP. It is also the maximum interest
rate that can be paid on external loans while maintaining the debt-GNP
ratio. If the average interest rate on external lonas exceeds the CIR,
debt will increase faster than GNP thus leading to an ever increasing
debt burden. Algebraically the CIR is calculated as:
CIR = g([S.sub.1] - [S.sub.0]) / (k x g - [S.sub.0])
g = growth rate of GDP;
[S.sub.1] = marginal saving rate;
[S.sub.0] = average saving rate at the beginning of the period; and
k = incremental capital-output ratio.
The critical interest rate calculated for Pakistan is reported in
Table 3. For the period 1959-60 to 1986-87 the CIR was 4.23 percent.
This, however, increased to 5.3 percent for the period 1969-70 to
1986-87. The low value of CIR indicates that if Pakistan were to
maintain its current Debt-GNP ratio over time it can only afford to pay
interest on new loans at the rate of 4.2 percent. This certainly is not
a very encouraging situation. In other words, Pakistan's long-rub
debt-servicing capacity is not very high. The only reason that its debt
situation is not even worse compared to the existing one is because it
has been able to borrow on concessional terms. For most of the years
during the period under study, the average interest rate paid by
Pakistan on external loans has been less than 4 percent. A comparison
with the CIR for other developing countries, in Table 4, indicates that
Pakistan's debt-servicing capacity is among the lowest in the
developing countries.
In order to gain further insight into the trend in the CIR for
Pakistan, the CIR was also calculated for different sub-periods and is
reported in Table 3. It is clear from the table that the main reason for
a low CIR during 1959-60 to 1986-87 is the negative CIR for
1964-65-1974-75 and 1979-80-1985-86 sub-periods. This in turn was
because of negative or low marginal saving rates compared with the
average saving rate. During 1959-60 to 1964-65 and 1974-75 to 1979-80,
the CIR was 11.8 and 12.4 percent, respectively, which is reasonably
As the algebraic formulation indicates, the CIR is determined by
three parameters. The effect of changes in these parameters on CIR has
been calculated and is reported in Table 5. The estimates show that more
than 40 percent of the variation in CIR is because of changes in the
marginal saving rate. (6) The incremental capital-output ratio, on the
other hand, accounts for one-third of the variations. The rest is
explained by changes in GDP growth. For other developing countries, the
contribution of GDP growth has been found to be around 10 percent. These
results indicate that a 1 percent increase in all the determinants will
lead to a decline in the CIR. Also, the debt-servicing capacity can be
substantially enhanced by increasing the marginal saving rate which has
been very low in Pakistan.
In this paper an attempt has been made to analyse the external
indebtedness of Pakistan. The analysis indicates that although the
lending countries have confidences in Pakistan's economy and that
the debt is being rolled over, but still the country faces liquidity
problems associated with debt servicing. Terms of borrowings and growth
rate of GDP do not appear to have any significant impact on the
variations in the debt-service ratios. The efficiency of the economy,
measured by incremental capital output ratio, and external stocks have
been the main factors influencing debt servicing in Pakistan. Besides
liquidity problems, Pakistan also faces the solvency problem associated
with debt. In other words, the long-run debt-servicing capacity of
Pakistan is extremely low. This is evident from low estimates of the
critical interest rate. A major factor for this low critical interest
rate has been the extremely low marginal saving rate. This shows that
long-run debt-servicing capacity of Pakistan can be enhanced by
increasing the marginal saving rate.
Comments on "Determinants of Debt Problem in Pakistan and its
Debt-servicing Capacity"
The paper presented by Nadeem A. Burney is a fruitful attempt to
highlight the problem of the external indebtedness of Pakistan. The
paper implicitly stresses the need to systematically analyse our present
policy which relies on external borrowings rather than just being
concerned with the short term costs and benefits aspect of specific loan
agreements. The message is obvious and well known that on the plea of
short-term reliefs we are perhaps transferring our poverty to our
The paper consists of three sections. The first section is
informative. It provides data on various debt indicators for Pakistan
for the past 28 years. I agree with the author's approach that
before conducting an economic analysis of the debt problem of Pakistan,
the reader should be guided to understand the seriousness of the problem
from various angles. The debt indicators in terms of various ratios
calculated by the author signify the fact that there are various aspects
of the external debt problem faced by Pakistan, some referring to the
short-run burden and some to the long-run burden.
In the next section the author attempts to identify various
determinants of the external debt burden in Pakistan. For this purpose
he estimates a few regression equations. As the author explains at the
beginning of this section, these regression equations should be
interpreted as the net outcome of the interplay of various economic
relations. It would, however, have been helpful to the reader if the
author had spelled out in more detail the structure of the simultaneous
equations underlying the estimated single equations at least in words if
not in algebraic form. Or, better, he should have estimated the
structure itself rather than what seems to be a reduced form.
These regression equations do not include among the potential
determinants of debt burden any measure of the propensity of saving one
of the key factors that determine the need to borrow. The propensity to
save is not even implicitly present in any of the regression equations
because none of these equations simultaneously includes the growth rate
of GDP and the capital-output ratio among the explanatory variables.
Now I come to the final section of the paper which in my opinion is
quite insightful both in terms of theoretical discussion and its
numerical consequence. The author calculates the maximum rate of
interest on external borrowings Pakistan could have afforded in the past
to maintain a steady-state situation of the external debt burden, that
is, a constant debt GDP ratio. The calculation of this interest rate is
based on the assumption of a given set of values for the other key
economic parameters, that is, the average and the marginal savings
rates, the incremental capital output ratio and the growth rate of GDP.
As the equation used in the calculation of the critical interest
suggests, one can also fix the rate of interest on external borrowings
and calculate the critical value of some other parameter, for example,
the minimum savings rate or the maximum growth rate of GDP. More
generally, the equation relating all these parameters can be used to fix
all but two parameters and find out the trade-off relationship between
the remaining two parameters. For instance, one can find out a trade-off
relationship between the rate of interest on external borrowings and the
domestic savings rate. This trade-off relationship can be explained in
two ways. First, if the rate of interest increases by 1 percent, what
will be the required increase in domestic savings rate to maintain a
given debt GDP ratio. Second, following a 1 percent increase in domestic
savings rate to what extent can Pakistan afford the additional cost of
external borrowings in terms of the permissible increase in the rate of
interest on external borrowings given the debt GDP ratio.
Eatzaz Ahmad
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
Aliber, Robert Z. (1980). "A Conceptual Approach to the
Analysis of External Debt of the Developing Countries". Washington,
D.C.: World Bank. (World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 421)
Avramovic, Dragoslav, et al. (1964). Economic Growth and External
Debt. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Lall, Sanjaya, and Giancarlo Perasso (1988). "Determinants of
the Debt Problem in Eastern and Southern Africa: A Statistical
Analysis". Milano: Instituto per la Ricerca Sociale. (Working Paper
No. 6)
Lee, Jungsoo (1983). "The External Debt-Servicing Capacity of
Asian Developing Countries". Asian Development Review. Vol. 1, No.
Lee, Jungsoo (1983a). "Long-Run Debt Servicing Capacity of
Asian Developing Countries: An Application of Critical Interest Rate
Approach". Manila, Philippines. (Asian Development Bank Economic
Staff Paper No. 16)
McDonald, Donogh C. (1982). "Debt Capacity and Developing
Country Borrowing: A Survey of the Literature". IMF Staff Papers.
Vol. 29, No. 4.
Nowzad, Bahram, and Richard C. Williams (1981). "External
Indebtedness of Developing Countries". Washington, D.C.:
International Monetary Fund. (Occasional Paper No. 3)
(1) For a detailed discussion on the usefulness of various
indicators see, for example, Aliber (1980); Avramovic et al. 0964); Lee
(1983); MacDonald 0982) and Nowzad and William (1981).
(2) It may be pointed out that in order to determine definitely
whether foreign resources were directed to consumption rather than
investment additional information on stages of growth, characteristics
of growth path, Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR), cost of foreign
borrowings, inflation etc. is required. However, since we are only
making comparison between two periods, it does not pose a serious
(3) See also Lall and Perasso (1988).
(4) Liquidity problem arises if the borrowing country is unable to
obtain foreign exchange to make the debt-service payments on schedule.
The solvency problem, on the other hand, arises if the real interest
rate on the new loans exceeds the increase in income made possible by
the loan. The latter problem being long-term in nature can arise if
loans were consumed rather than invested or the return on investment is
less than the cost.
(5) The other approach is the identification of the limit value of
debt-GNP ratio.
(6) This is in conformity with estimates for other developing
countries by Lee (1983a).
NADEEM A. BURNEY, The author is Senior Research Economist at the
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Various Debt Indicator for Pakistan
Years Debt as Amortization Transfer as
Percent as Percent of Percent of
of GNP Disbursement GDP
1959-60 3.95 -- --
1960-61 4.02 3.22 8.43
1961-62 5.08 6.58 6.79
1962-63 8.68 6.79 10.55
1963-64 12.79 8.13 9.94
1964-65 16.47 5.24 11.70
1965-66 19.70 7.69 7.54
1966-67 22.97 8.35 7.69
1967-68 25.27 8.50 8.32
1968-69 28.85 15.66 5.46
1969-70 30.26 18.62 4.26
1970-71 31.99 16.50 4.45
1971-72 40.13 17.36 3.35
1972-73 62.52 30.14 2.79
1973-74 49.44 23.69 3.65
1974-75 42.55 14.75 6.96
1975-76 43.74 13.25 6.73
1976-77 40.65 18.23 4.72
1977-78 36.81 19.28 3.24
1978-79 37.53 24.58 2.85
1979-80 34.10 23.81 4.16
1980-81 29.12 37.04 1.48
1981-82 26.83 26.13 2.22
1982-83 29.38 29.98 2.60
1983-84 27.35 38.52 1.62
1984-85 30.88 40.81 1.65
1985-86 30.65 39.46 2.07
1986-87 31.67 51.75 0.95
Debt Service as
Percent of
Years Export Foreign GNP
Receipts Exchange
1959-60 6.90 -- 0.3
1960-61 14.90 -- 0.4
1961-62 27.20 -- 0.7
1962-63 22.4 -- 1.0
1963-64 27.4 -- 1.2
1964-65 25.9 -- 1.0
1965-66 29.2 -- 1.1
1966-67 35.2 -- 1.3
1967-68 31.2 -- 1.3
1968-69 44.3 -- 1.8
1969-70 52.1 -- 1.8
1970-71 43.3 -- 1.7
1971-72 20.6 -- 1.3
1972-73 23.6 18.1 3.0
1973-74 19.2 14.2 2.2
1974-75 23.9 16.3 2.2
1975-76 22.0 13.8 1.9
1976-77 27.3 15.4 2.0
1977-78 25.3 11.4 1.7
1978-79 25.5 11.9 2.1
1979-80 24.7 11.9 2.3
1980-81 20.4 10.4 2.0
1981-82 20.0 8.8 1.5
1982-83 23.5 9.6 2.0
1983-84 26.3 10.9 2.1
1984-85 31.6 12.8 2.5
1985-86 29.5 13.5 2.5
1986-87 29.9 15.7 3.0
Interest Payment
as Percent of
Years Export Foreign
Receipts Exchange
1959-60 3.13 --
1960-61 5.26 --
1961-62 9.65 --
1962-63 6.20 --
1963-64 7.95 --
1964-65 10.44 --
1965-66 13.02 --
1966-67 16.13 --
1967-68 13.28 --
1968-69 18.22 --
1969-70 21.02 --
1970-71 19.27 --
1971-72 8.61 --
1972-73 10.52 8.06
1973-74 7.70 5.69
1974-75 10.02 6.84
1975-76 9.59 6.02
1976-77 11.99 6.76
1977-78 12.73 5.73
1978-79 11.87 5.54
1979-80 9.90 4.77
1980-81 8.20 4.18
1981-82 8.29 3.65
1982-83 9.00 3.69
1983-84 9.91 4.11
1984-85 11.03 4.47
1985-86 9.86 4.51
1986-87 10.26 5.38
Foreign Exchange
Reserves as Percent of
Years Debt Imports
1959-60 133.79 51.19
1960-61 119.30 44.64
1961-62 81.78 39.15
1962-63 61.03 42.35
1963-64 31.16 32.91
1964-65 14.40 19.04
1965-66 16.00 35.04
1966-67 6.72 14.96
1967-68 6.10 18.31
1968-69 9.68 38.28
1969-70 7.87 33.77
1970-71 4.20 19.02
1971-72 5.97 35.27
1972-73 9.85 49.69
1973-74 7.59 24.67
1974-75 8.74 19.82
1975-76 9.49 26.42
1976-77 5.72 15.61
1977-78 9.68 24.77
1978-79 5.31 11.26
1979-80 9.60 17.53
1980-81 12.32 19.97
1981-82 9.80 15.33
1982-83 21.21 36.87
1983-84 18.88 31.45
1984-85 6.01 9.91
1985-86 8.71 17.18
1986-87 7.64 17.08
Table 2
Determinants of Debt Ratios (1973-74 - 1986-87)
Dependent Variable Debt-GNP
Explanatory Variables I II
Average Interest Rate 0.369 0.070
(0.62) (0.08)
Lagged Average Interest Rate -- --
Average Maturity Period 0.198 0.087
(1.83) (0.60)
Growth Rate of GDP 0.586 --
Incremental Capital-output -- 0.485
Ratio (0.71)
Terms of Trade 0.022 0.108
(0.41) (1.77)
Grants/Commitments -43.234 -48.244
(-2.46) (-1.99)
Remittances/Export Receipts -- --
Remittances/Foreign -- --
Exchange Earning
Remittances/GNP -0.735 -0.974
(-1.61) (-1.59)
Constant 36.245 36.481
(5.60) (4.00)
R-square 0.979 0.960
R-square 0.957 0.919
F-statistics 45.65 23.71
D. W. Statistics 2.26 2.86
Dependent Variable Debt-service
Export Receipts
Explanatory Variables I II III
Average Interest Rate -1.949 -- --
Lagged Average Interest Rate -- 0.938 0.564
(1.48) (0.57)
Average Maturity Period -0.473 -0.50 -0.361
(-6.97) (-3.82) (-1.80)
Growth Rate of GDP -- -- 0.431
Incremental Capital-output 2.055 1.313 --
Ratio (6.39) (2.71)
Terms of Trade -0.132 -0.188 -0.260
(-4.41) (-3.84) (-2.89)
Grants/Commitments -41.99 -79.385 -73.80
(-3.65) (-5.25) (-3.43)
Remittances/Export Receipts 0.152 0.192 0.193
(7.24) (5.91) (3.81)
Remittances/Foreign -- -- --
Exchange Earning
Remittances/GNP -- -- --
Constant 47.354 49.433 53.625
(10.97) (6.55) (5.25)
R-square 0.966 0.797 0.985
R-square 0.931 0.593 0.969
F-statistics 28.04 3.92 63.45
D. W. Statistics 1.32 2.24 1.54
Dependent Variable Debt-service Foreign
Exchange Earnings Ratio
Explanatory Variables I II III
Average Interest Rate -0.872 -- --
Lagged Average Interest Rate -- 0.433 0.205
(1.60) (0.49)
Average Maturity Period -0.206 -0.223 -0.146
(-7.45) (-3.97) (-1.69)
Growth Rate of GDP -- -- 0.283
Incremental Capital-output 1.017 0.653 --
Ratio (7.63) (3.28)
Terms of Trade -0.055 -0.083 -0.129
(-4.47) (-3.96) (-3.34)
Grants/Commitments -15.01 -33.45 -31.86
(-3.15) (-5.08) (-3.30)
Remittances/Export Receipts -- -- --
Remittances/Foreign -0.043 0.018 0.043
Exchange Earning (-1.86) (0.48) (0.73)
Remittances/GNP -- -- --
Constant 27.298 28.187 30.267
(15.58) (8.83) (6.86)
R-square 0.985 0.949 0.896
R-square 0.969 0.897 0.791
F-statistics 63.45 18.44 8.59
D. W. Statistics 1.54 2.80 2.48
Table 3
Critical Interest Rate (CIR) for Pakistan
Growth Marginal tal Capital
Period Rate Saving Output
of GDP Rate Ratio
1959-60 - 1985-86 6.2 13.04 2.50
1969-70 - 1985-86 5.6 13.98 2.55
1959-60 - 1964-65 7.1 28.66 2.87
1964-65 - 1969-70 7.2 -2.48 2.39
1969-70 - 1974-75 3.6 -9.25 2.95
1974-75 - 1979-80 6.0 29.57 2.89
1979-80 - 1985-86 6.9 10.46 2.09
Average Critical
Period Saving Interest
Rate Rate
1959-60 - 1985-86 7.70 4.23
1969-70 - 1985-86 8.97 5.27
1959-60 - 1964-65 7.70 11.75
1964-65 - 1969-70 13.78 -34.11
1969-70 - 1974-75 8.97 -40.00
1974-75 - 1979-80 5.92 12.43
1979-80 - 1985-86 12.70 -8.72
Table 4
Critical Interest Rates for Developing Countries
Critical Interest
Country Period Rate
China, Republic of 1964-1973 24.1
1974-1981 11.1
1964-1981 15.8
Hong Kong 1964-1973 9.3
1974-1981 12.4
1964-1981 10.8
India 1971-1978 6.3
1971-1980 4.5
Indonesia 1971-1978 5.0
1971-1981 -Ve
Korea, Republic of 1964-1973 9.7
1974-1981 7.7
1964-1981 8.4
Malaysia 1973-1978 8.7
1973-1982 8.4
Philippines 1964-1973 10.0
1974-1982 9.4
1964-1982 9.7
Singapore 1964-1973 13.2
1974-1981 10.7
1964-1981 11.7
Sri Lanka 1971-1978 -Ve
1971-1981 -Ve
Thailand 1964-1973 6.8
1974-1982 8.8
1964-1982 7.7
Source: Lee, Jungsoo (1983a).
Table 5
Changes in the CIR and the Effect of its Determinants *
Incremental Marginal
Capital Saving GDP Change
Output Rate Growth Rate in
Period Ratio Effect Effect Effect CIR
1969-70 - 1985-86 0.13 0.16 0.11 0.40
(32.5) (40.0) (27.5) (100.0)
1959-60 - 1985-86 0.80 0.12 0.06 0.26
(30.8) (46.2) (23.0) (100.0)
* Following Lee (1983a), the effect of each determinants has been
calculated by comparing the historical level of CIR with its
hypothetical value. This hypothetical value is calculated assuming
that the determinant whose effect is being estimates change by 1
percent while the other two determinants remains unchanged.
Figures in the parentheses are changes in CIR due to each determinant
expressed as percentage of change in CIR caused by simultaneous
change in all the determinants.