Gains in life expectancy by elimination of specified causes of death in Pakistan.
Ali, Syed Mubashir ; Nasir, Zafar Mueen
Death is inevitable. However, efforts have always been made to
delay it. Due to the advancement in medical science, the developed
countries have succeeded in achieving a considerable increase in the
life expectancy of the people. On the other hand, the developing
countries are striving hard to follow the same trend, but with lesser
Constrained by limited resources, health planners have been
compelled to set priorities towards the elimination of widespread fatal
diseases. The cause specific death rates can provide a measure of the
most widely prevalent diseases in the region. An age and cause specific
death rate, would give a more refined measure of the same. However, in
order to measure the gain in life expectancy by elimination of specific
causes of death, the use of the life table technique would be an
appropriate one. For example, if 'Malaria' is the largest
killer in a region, the application of this technique could provide us
with added years of life resulting from the elimination of Malaria. The
present study is an attempt to examine the gains in life expectancy at
birth as well as for other broad age groups by eliminating specified
causes of death.
The data for the present analysis have been taken from the 1984
Pakistan Demographic Survey (PDS) report (Government of Pakistan, 1987).
The survey was carried out by the Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS) at
the national level covering 21965 households comprising of 141849
household members. The age and cause-wise mortality data at national
level in this survey, is a pioneer attempt. The absence of any other
comparable data makes it difficult to comment on the credibility of this
data. Inaccurate diagnosis of the disease as cause of death may occur as
Padley (1959) noted in Sri Lanka where prolonged fever could be
diagnosed wrongly as typhoid or pyrexia of unknown origin. Yet our data
seem to be fairly reliable as the proportion of ill-defined and unknown
causes of death is considerably low.
As pointed out by Zaki and Zaki (1981), the quality of reporting,
particularly that of age, has been found to be inaccurate in Pakistan.
But despite this fact, we maintain the originality of the data and do
not apply a graduating or smoothing technique. This is because our
purpose is to demonstrate the respective gain in life expectancy by
elimination of various causes of death rather than to determine the
levels of life expectancy.
It would have been all the more appropriate to estimate gains in
life expectancy sex-wise as many causes of death are closely correlated
to it. We however, restrict our analysis to both sexes combined as data
breakdown by sex are not available. A study based on the 1971 Population
Growth Survey (PGS) indicates urban-rural differentials in cause
specific death rates in Pakistan (Irfan, 1986). Non-availability of the
data by urban and rural breakdown do not permit us to carry out such an
analysis here. (1) The list of 50 causes of death as reported in the
1984 PDS are classified into 11 broad groups according to their
etiological similarity.
The methodology for the construction of 'regular life
table' (all causes combined) and 'cause of death deleted
tables' have been adopted from Preston et al. (1972). The nMx
values were provided as input. (2) The nMx values for 'regular life
table' and 'cause of death deleted tables' were estimated
by the following formula:
nMx = ASMR(i) = Di/Pi for (all causes combined)
and nMx(c) = ASMR (i, Cj) - D(i, Cj)/P (i) for (causes of death
deleted tables)
where ASMR (i) = Age-specific Mortality Rate of ith age group
Di = Number of deaths of i - th age group
Pi = Population of ith age group.
and ASMR (i, Cj) = Age-specific Mortality rate of ith age group
when jth cause of death is eliminated from causes of death.
D (i, Cj) = Number of deaths of ith age group when jth cause of
death is eliminated from causes of death.
P (i) = Population of ith age group.
For the age groups under one year and 1-4 years, Coale and Demeny
(1966) separation factors for South Model Life Tables were used. (3) The
separation factors for all higher age groups is taken as 2.5.
To estimate the gains in life expectancies by eliminating each
group of death-causing diseases we have constructed in all twelve life
tables--one for all causes combined and others after eliminating
specific groups of death-causing diseases. The 'cause of death
deleted tables' have been constructed on the assumption that causes
of death are mutually exclusive. The gains in the expectation of life
resulting due to the elimination of specific groups of death-causing
diseases will be estimated by the difference in life expectancies
between 'regular life table' (all causes combined) and
'cause of death deleted tables'. In mathematical notation:
[DELTA]E (i) = E (i, Cj) - E(i)
where E (i) = Life expectancy for ith age group given all the
causes of death.
E (i, Cj) = Life expectancy for ith age group when jth cause of
death is deleted from causes of death.
In order to measure the impact of specified death-causing diseases
on the working age population, we have to estimate the gains in the
expectancies of life of population in the productive years that is,
population between 10-64 years. The added years of life for this
population have been estimated by the difference of the quantity (T10 -
T60)/l10 in the regular life table and cause of death deleted tables,
where Tx is the person years lived by hypothetical life table cohort
above age x and l10 is the number of survivors to age 10 in hypothetical
life table cohort.
Table 1 shows the gain in life expectancies at birth and at working
ages, after eliminating specific causes of death in Pakistan. According
to this table, the maximum number (3.88 years) would be added to the
life expectancy at birth if 'Malaria' were eliminated as a
cause of death. This is followed by 2.72 years by elimination of
'Tuberculosis' all forms, 2.35 years by 'children
diseases', 1.99 years after eliminating 'Miscellaneous
diseases'. Elimination of 'water-borne diseases' would
add 1.91 years. Elimination of 'other infective and parasitic
diseases' and the diseases of the 'circulatory system'
would add 1.83 and 1.29 years respectively.
Accidents particularly those caused by automobilies, have
ostensibly resulted in a large number of deaths, yet our data do not
indicate so: Only 0.84 years of life would be added to the life
expectancy at birth if there were no deaths due to accidents. Neoplasm is another fatal disease presumed to be considerably prevalent in
Pakistan. But elimination of this disease also shows a gain of only 0.42
years in life expectancy.
The nature of widespread diseases found in developed regions are to
different those found in underdeveloped regions. For example, in the
United States, the greatest gain (13 years for males and 17 years for
females in 1964) in life expectancy would result from the elimination of
'circulatory system' diseases (Preston et al., 1972). The same
pattern was observed in most of the developed countries where large
gains (in years) in life expectancy could be due to the elimination of
the same disease. In contrast, the elimination of 'circulatory
system' diseases in Pakistan would show a gain of only 1.29 years
(Table 1).
In most of the developed world, the prevalence of 'infective
and parasitic diseases' is so low that elimination of these
contributes to a negligible gain in life expectancy. For example, in the
United States only 0.1 year would be added to the life of both males and
females if 'infective and parasitic diseases' were eliminated.
(Preston et al. 1972). But in Pakistan this group which includes Malaria
and Tuberculosis as well, would result in the greatest gain in life
expectancy, if eliminated. Another study based on 165 populations showed
a marked difference in added years of life accrued to the elimination of
certain diseases such as infective and parasitic diseases, Neoplasm,
Cardio-Vascular diseases and Diarrhoael diseases between high and low
mortality populations (Preston 1976).
As already mentioned, the group of 'Miscellaneous
diseases' if eliminated would bring about a considerable gain in
life expectancy. This group includes the largest number of diseases;
each one of them not very important by itself but collectively making a
significant gain. Only 'Allergic disorders' was relatively
conspicuous causing roughly 30 percent of the total deaths in this
The working age group is scarcely influenced by most of these
diseases. The cardio-vascular diseases are perceived to be considerably
fatal between 40-50 years of age in developing countries. A study based
on hospital data in Pakistan also depicts the same trend (Irfan 1986).
However our data do not show much change in life expectancy of the
working population, that is 10-64 years by eliminating these diseases,
including cardio-vascular diseases. As a matter of fact, this pattern of
mortality is in accordance with a U-shaped mortality curve, typical of a
high mortality population, where death rates are high at infancy and
early childhood, drop to a minimum at about ages 10-14, remaining more
or less flat at ages 20-24, and then rising gradually to a maximum at
very advanced ages.
Pakistan presents a mortality pattern typical of a high mortality
population where children's diseases, infective and parasitic and
water-borne diseases are widespread. Elimination of these could raise
the average length of life considerably. In developed countries, the
health planners, by adopting preventive health measures against these
diseases and by providing an overall improved environment were able to
control these diseases to a considerable extent. Lately, the health
planners in Pakistan seem to have realised the importance of preventive
measures. The vaccination campaign against infants and children's
diseases has been introduced countrywide. However, a lot more remains to
be done for the containing of infective and parasitic diseases including
Malaria and Tuberculosis.
Diffusion of proper health education highlighting the risk of
smoking and intake of proper diet can reduce the risk of death due to
diseases of the circulatory system--another leading cause of death in
Pakistan. Moreover, an overall improvement in the environment by
increasing the supply of potable drinking water, better sewerage and
other sanitary facilities would provide many added years of life to the
population at large.
Comments on "Gains in Life Expectancy by Elimination of
Specified Causes of Death in Pakistan"
This is the first ever attempt to construct life tables based on
causes of deaths. Life Tables are constructed by eliminating deaths by
specified causes and showing gains in life expectancies due to these
eliminations. The comments on the contents of the paper are given as
(1) The data for the paper has been taken from the 1984 Pakistan
Demographic Survey. The 1984 PDS Report does not give the required data
by age and cause of death. However, if the authors have been successful
in getting the relevant data, then it is not clear as to whether this is
based on weighted figures or sample figures. In case sample figures are
used, then it is doubtful that the results of the study would yield the
real picture of the situation. As far as the sample weights are
concerned, in the current case these vary by a very wide margin and
hence, the aggregation of sample figures carries no meaning.
(2) Morbidity, mortality and population statistics are always
subject to age misreporting errors. Any study which is based on ages
should first examine the age misreporting pattern and then should try to
adjust the data accordingly, if possible.
(3) Morbidity and mortality data are always age-sex dependent, and
they vary between sexes in urban, rural areas and also across the
regions. This study is based solely on the combined data of the sexes
and as such is not likely to yield a true picture of the variability of
expectation of life by sexes. Morbidity and mortality vary differently
right from infancy till old age for each sex.
(4) In developing countries, deaths are underenumerated to a much
greater extent as compared to births. Dr Irfan has shown in his paper
that deaths in Pakistan are enumerated to the extent of 70 percent. This
point needs to be taken care of in this study, and some part of
adjustment factor should be developed to correct the mortality data.
(5) The authors have produced eleven life tables by eliminating
eleven causes. It would have been appropriate if fewer life tables were
developed through regrouping the causes of death. The first three causes
seem to be more appropriate in the present case but if the data becomes
available by sex as well as by rural/urban areas, then the study could
have been a major breakthrough in the study of mortality in Pakistan.
The authors deserve congratulations for really bringing to light a
topic which has not been touched upon as yet by the social scientists.
Studies on mortality need further research as this subject has been
really neglected in the past mainly because the major aim of the
government has been to influence a decline in fertility. It is however
assumed that mortality continues to decline just because of the impact
of health and other socio-economic development programmes.
M. Naseem Iqbal Farooqui
NIPS, Islamabad
Coale, A. J. and Paul Demeny (1966). Regional Model Life Tables and
Stable Population. New Jersey: Princeton University.
Irfan, Mohammad (1986). Mortality Trends and Patterns in Pakistan.
Bangkok: ESCAP. (Asian Population Studies Series No. 75)
Padley, R. (1959). Causes of Death Statements in Ceylon: A Study in
Levels of Diagnostic Reporting. Bulletin of World Health Organization.
Pakistan, Government of (1987). Pakistan Demographic Survey.
Karachi: Federal Bureau of Statistics.
Preston, H. Samuel (1976). Mortality Patterns in National
Population with Special Reference to Recorded Causes of Death. New York:
Academic Press.
Preston, H. Samuel, Nathan Keyfitz and Robert Schoen (1972). Causes
of Death: Life Tables for National Population. New York: Seminar Press.
Zaki, K. P., and M. J. A. Zaki (1981). A Comparative Study of Age
Reporting in Selected Censuses and Surveys in Pakistan. Islamabad:
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics. (Research Reports Series
No. 130)
(1) We hope to further extend this analysis sex-wise and for
urban-rural areas as soon as the PDS data tape is available to PIDE.
(2) In the analysis, iqo (probability of death at age less than one
year) has been replaced by Infant Mortality Rate (IMR).
(3) In an exercise of comparing survival ratios, the survival
ratios of South Model Life Tables were found to be closest to our
* The authors are Research Demographer and Staff Economist
respectively, at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics. They
are grateful to Mr Mohammad Afzal, Chief of Research (Demography) for
his constant encouragement and guidance during the preparation of this
paper. They are indebted to Dr Mohammad Irfan, Chief of Research
(Economics) for his useful suggestions and comments. Their thanks and
gratitude are due to Dr A. S. Nasir, a retired WHO Advisor for his help
and guidance in identifying various groups of diseases according to
their etiological similarity. This paper is an abridged version of the
one read at the Fifth Annual General Meeting of Pakistan Society of
Development Economists.
Table 1
Life Expectancy and Gain (in Years) in Life after Elimination
of Specific Causes of Death for Pakistan 1984
All Eliminating
Age Causes
Group Combined Cause 1 Cause 2 Cause 3
0 56.74 59.09 60.26 59.46
1 63.78 64.28 66.10 65.27
5 61.76 61.91 63.55 63.16
10 57.36 57.39 59.02 58.72
15 52.72 52.74 54.29 53.99
20 48.19 48.19 49.69 49.40
25 43.76 43.76 45.18 44.71
30 39.34 39.34 40.69 40.21
35 34.80 34.80 36.04 35.56
40 30.57 30.58 31.76 31.25
45 26.34 26.34 27.47 26.94
50 22.04 22.05 23.14 22.59
55 17.75 17.75 18.84 18.25
60 13.39 13.40 14.50 13.86
65 9.62 9.63 10.65 10.03
70 7.02 7.03 7.71 7.29
75 5.03 5.04 5.44 5.19
80+ 4.36 4.38 4.62 4.48
Gains (in Years)
in Expectation
of Life after
at Birth Working 2.35 3.88 2.72 1.91
Age Population
(10-64 years) 0.02 0.49 0.64 0.35
Group Cause 4 Cause 5 Cause 6 Cause 7
0 58.65 58.57 57.16 58.03
1 65.27 64.57 64.25 65.19
5 62.81 62.42 62.22 63.17
10 58.36 57.96 57.81 58.74
15 53.65 53.33 53.17 54.08
20 49.07 48.75 48.65 49.49
25 44.58 44.32 44.20 45.07
30 40.10 39.89 39.77 40.65
35 35.50 35.32 35.19 36.09
40 31.24 31.08 30.89 31.67
45 26.96 26.83 26.58 27.26
50 22.64 22.52 22.23 22.82
55 18.33 18.18 17.89 18.45
60 13.97 13.79 13.50 14.04
65 10.12 9.96 9.70 10.07
70 7.36 7.21 7.08 7.32
75 5.23 5.10 5.06 5.21
80+ 4.48 4.44 4.38 4.48
Gains (in Years)
in Expectation
of Life after
at Birth Working 1.83 0.42 1.29 0.77
Age Population
(10-64 years) 0.15 0.20 0.47 0.24
Group Cause 8 Cause 9 Cause 10 Cause 11
0 57.51 57.58 57.66 58.73
1 64.44 64.67 64.73 65.54
5 62.34 62.60 62.70 63.50
10 57.94 58.11 58.29 59.12
15 53.31 53.44 53.66 54.46
20 48.74 48.88 49.10 49.92
25 44.26 44.33 44.67 45.42
30 39.78 39.80 40.25 40.92
35 35.26 35.16 35.68 36.31
40 30.96 30.90 31.39 31.99
45 26.68 26.63 27.09 27.66
50 22.36 22.31 22.76 23.30
55 17.98 17.97 18.40 18.87
60 13.56 13.59 13.99 14.42
65 9.76 9.76 10.07 10.50
70 7.12 7.11 7.32 7.61
75 5.08 5.08 5.20 5.38
80+ 4.40 4.40 4.47 4.58
Gains (in Years)
in Expectation
of Life after
at Birth Working 0.84 0.92 1.99
Age Population
(10-64 years) 0.38 0.23 0.49
Causes: 1: Children Diseases. 2: Malaria. 3: Tuberculosis. 4: Water
Borne Diseases. 5: All Other Infective and Parasitic Diseases. 6:
Neoplasm. 7: Diseases of Circulatory System. 8: Diseases of
Digestive System. 9: Accidents, Poisoning and Violence. 10:
Senility and Other Ill-defined Diseases. 1 1 : Miscellaneous