Households headed by women: income, employment and household organization.
Kazi, Shahnaz ; Raza, Bilquees
The poverty of households headed by women has emerged as an
important development issue in the recent past. Evidence from many
developing countries, specially in Latin America and Africa, has
underlined the economic vulnerability of this group and predicted an
increasing incidence of female-headed households in developing societies
[Buvinic and Youssef (1978); Kossaudji and Mueller (1983); Merrick and
Schmink (1983)]. Among Asian countries sample surveys have revealed a
significant proportion of female-headed households in Sri Lanka,
Malaysia and some states in India (Visaria 1980).
In the context of Pakistan, research in this area is virtually
non-existent. Although the questionnaires of the various censuses do
provide information on sex and other characteristics of household heads,
this data are not available in tabulated form in any of the census
reports. However, a recent survey of 1000 women in Karachi conducted in
1987 makes it possible for the first time to investigate, in detail, the
characteristics of female-headed households. The sample of 680 working
women and 320 non-working women covered a whole range of social and
income classes. Among the 680 working women was included the sub-sample
of 100 female heads of households. Combined information was collected on
women and their households through a fairly lengthy questionnaire: the
interview schedule comprised questions on earnings, ethnic affiliations,
education, age, sex, and occupation of all household members, division
of domestic responsibilities in the household and employment history of
individual women.
This sample of 680 working women will be used to analyse the
economic situation of households headed by women relative to households
headed by men. The paper will compare income levels, household size and
composition and employment patterns in the two sets of households.
Further, the study will also investigate differences in income and
employment options within the subset of households headed by women.
Female-headed households are defined as households where women are
the sole wage earners. These households could be further identified as
de jure or de facto depending on whether the male partner is temporarily
away or unemployed (de facto) or whether there is no permanent male head
(de jure). The former category includes households where the male head
is absent due to migration or is present in the house but does not
contribute to the economic resources of the household due to
illness/disability or unemployment. De jure female heads are permanently
without male partners due to divorce, separation or widowhood. Among the
37 de facto female-headed households, 13 comprised of households headed
by wives of migrants while the remaining 24 female heads were women
whose husbands were not employed due to lack of jobs or because of ill
health or old age. Widows and divorcees constituted the majority of
female household heads comprising nearly two-thirds of the sample.
The tendency of these women to support themselves reflects the
combined influence of male outmigration and the break up of the extended
family system. Large-scale outmigration of Pakistani workers to the
Middle East had assumed tremendous proportions since the late Seventies
with repercussions at the macro level on the economy as well as on the
micro level on family structure. (1) Among the migrants in the sample,
the majority were working in the Middle East and included mainly
production workers as well as a considerable proportion of professionals
and clerical workers. Of the total migrant families in the sample, 72
percent were living in female-headed households mostly in nuclear units.
Among the widows and divorcees in the sample, nearly 50 percent of
the widows and 60 percent of the divorcees were fending for themselves.
The fact that the majority of these women had to assume sole economic
responsibility for their households indicates the weakening of the
traditional kinship-based system of providing economic support to the
women. The erosion of the extended family system has been attributed to
poverty which makes it very difficult for families to continue providing
financial assistance to female relatives. Findings of this survey for
all working women, also, indicated a higher incidence of nuclear units
among households of respondents in low-income occupations but the
highest proportion of nuclear families (75 percent)were found among
female-headed households. Households headed by males were much less
likely to be nuclear (58 percent).
The findings from Pakistani data further corroborate the evidence
from a number of other less developed countries that households headed
by women are found in the poorest strata of society. Nearly 63 percent
of households headed by females fall in the lowest family income group
of less than Rs 1000 per month as compared to only 7 percent of
male-headed households in this group. Further, mean monthly household
income for households headed by females was Rs 1192 less than one third
the mean family income for male-headed households of Rs 4022 and
slightly more than half the monthly earnings of the male head at an
average of Rs 2079. Differences between earnings of respondents in the
two subsets of households were less marked. Mean monthly income of
female respondents in our survey living in male-headed households was Rs
1252 as compared to an average monthly income of women respondents who
were heads of households of Rs 1024.
However, household size was also considerably smaller on average in
households headed by women comprising of 4.7 persons as compared to a
mean of 6.6 persons in households with male headship. To adjust for
these differences in household size, household income was also estimated
on a per capita basis. The results indicate that the position of
male-headed households is still considerably better with a per capita
household income of Rs 771 a month as compared to Rs 435 for households
headed by females.
The low economic status of households headed by women is the result
of both demographic and economic factors. Although their average
household size is smaller, the dependency burden, as measured by the
non-earners to earners ratio and the children to adults ratio, is much
higher among households headed by women than by men. Thus, the
non-earners to earners ratio in female-headed households of 3.3 is more
then double the corresponding figure of 1.6 for households headed by
men. The differences in child-adult ratios, although less marked, still
indicate a considerably higher dependency burden for households headed
by women as compared to male-headed households.
In economic terms the explanation of the high incidence of poverty
in female headed households lies simply in the lower earning capacity of
female heads of households. The main source of income in female-headed
households are the head's earnings which, on average, comprise 92
percent of total family income. Thus, the occupation and income level of
the female head of household determines the level of living of the
The women in question are not in any way prepared for their role as
the sole economic providers for the family but are forced by
circumstances to support themselves. Thus, more than three-fourths of
the female-headed households had to take up employment due to a sudden
deterioration in their economic situation caused by death or illness in
the family or subsequent to a separation or divorce. These women entered
the labour market after marriage and usually after the birth of at least
one child. In fact, the majority take up employment after the birth of
at least three children. The average age at starting work was 28.3 years
amongst female heads as compared to 25.1 years for respondents in
male-headed households. This employment pattern, shown to be
characteristic of most low-income working women (Kazi and Sathar 1986),
is even more pronounced in the case of female heads of households.
These women have little or no education and know only skills
related to the household sphere. Their education and training
characteristics limit their employment opportunities to low paying,
menial jobs. As a result, female heads are over-represented in the
lowest occupation groups. Thus, 86 percent of the working women who were
female heads were employed as factory workers, informal sector workers
and home workers as compared to 66 percent of working women in these
jobs among the sub-sample of male-headed households. Further, only 5
percent of professional women and 4 percent of the school teachers in
the sample of working women lived in female-headed households as
compared to more than one-third of the factory workers and nearly one
third of informal sector workers.
Thus far, the discussion has focused on income differences between
male-and female-headed households. However, the variations within the
subgroup of households headed by females are also quite marked. The
circumstances that lead to assumption of headship by females have very
important implications for the economic conditions of these households.
Hence, households headed by migrants wives and those headed by women
with non-earning husbands represent two ends of socio-economic status
within female-headed households. The former group has a mean household
income of Rs 1851 which is nearly double the income of the latter group.
The position of widows and divorcees is slightly better although closer
to the bottom end of the scale at a household income of Rs 1084 and Rs
1173 respectively. In terms of household income per capita, households
with non-earning husbands are shown to be even more severely
disadvantaged with a per capita income of Rs 177 as compared to Rs 940
for the households run by migrants wives.
Differences in income levels within housholds headed by women,
also, largely reflect variations in dependency burdens and in the
earning capacity of the respondents. Among female-headed households the
dependency burden is highest for the poorest group of households headed
by wives of non-earning husbands and lowest for the richest households
headed by migrants wives. The non-earners to earners ratio of the former
group at 4.6 is nearly double the corresponding figure of 2.4 for the
latter group.
Further, within the subset of female-headed households, the
proportion of women in low-income employment was specially high among
the subgroups of widows and wives of non-earning husbands at 100 and 91
percent respectively. At the other end of the scale, more than half the
group of migrants' wives were employed in professional and
semi-professional jobs. However, as mentioned earlier, this category
among female heads belonged to a distinctly higher socio-economic level.
They were much better educated, entered the labour force early and had a
greater career orientation. Differences in the work options and
employment patterns among the subgroup of women heads of households were
reflected in differences in their monthly earnings. Average monthly
income was highest in case of migrants' wives at Rs 1852 and lowest
at Rs 664 for wives of non-earning husbands.
Thus, the earning capacity of women household heads was not only an
important determinant of differences in economic status between female-
and male-headed households but also of differences in income levels
within female-headed households.
The burden of domestic duties was not very different for
respondents from the two sets of households. Thus nearly 42 percent of
the respondents in female-headed households and male-headed households
bear the double burden of housework and paid employment. Across both
sets of households their share of domestic tasks is primarily determined
by the presence of other adult females in the households.
Since the economic survival of the household depends on the
earnings of the female head, domestic obligations have to receive lower
priority to the demands of earning a living. In most cases the conflict
between domestic work and outside employment was resolved by putting
female children to work in the house.
The daughter's role was specially important in the case of
female-headed households due to the lower levels of income and the
higher incidence of nuclear units in this subgroup. In the absence of
other female relatives or hired help, young daughters in the family were
often taken out of school to attend to domestic chores while the mother
The idea of living in an extended family was viewed positively by
the majority of working women but the preference was specially strong
among women in low-income occupations in both male- and female-headed
households. Although joint families may lead to less autonomy for women
in decision-making in the households, however, at very low levels of
living economic and non-economic support provided by relatives seems to
be valued more highly by the respondents. In this context it was
interesting to note that among the migrants' wives, the most
affluent group among women-headed households, there was a greater
tendency to prefer the nuclear family while the preference for the joint
family was strongest in case of women with non-earning husbands, the
most economically vulnerable among the group of female-heads of
The paper was a preliminary attempt to describe the social and
economic conditions of households headed by women. The analysis was
based on a very small and, also, a purposively selected sample which may
lead to some bias in our results, and, therefore, any conclusions that
emerge can, at best, be tentative.
The findings indicate that the subset of female heads of households
comprises of three distinct groups; wives of migrants, divorcees and
widows, and wives of non-earning husbands. While the first group was
relatively well-off and employed in white collar jobs, the other two
categories--widows and divorcees and wives of non-earning husbands--did,
indeed; belong to the poorest strata of society.
Their poverty stemmed partly from a high dependency burden but
largely reflected the disadvantaged position of women in the labour
market with the exception of a small group of highly educated women.
Women heads of households have no prior commitment to their work role
and are pushed into the labour market due to unfortunate circumstances.
They are uneducated and the only skills they know are related to
housework which are worth very meagre wages. Consequently, female heads
of households tend to be disproportionately represented in the lowest
level jobs.
Further, the findings of the study also indicated that
female-headed households were more likely than male-headed households to
have daughters take over housework from their mothers usually at the
cost of their education. A tendency which would have serious
repercussions on the education and earning capacity of the future
generation of women in these households confining them to a vicious
circle of low level earning activities.
The incidence of households headed by women is very likely to grow
in Pakistan since the factors that lead to their emergence, i.e.
migration and the break-up of the joint family, are associated with
social change and development. Hence, further research is necessary to
identify the specific needs of this expanding subset of the urban poor
in terms of training, wages and conditions of work, job placement
services, day, care facilities and other urban services. These are some
of the areas which need to be addressed by planners and policy-makers to
combat the multiple problems of this group.
Comments on "Households Headed by Women: Income, Employment
and Household Organization"
The paper is a useful addition to research material in an area in
which very little Pakistan-specific data exists. It explodes a few
myths, about a problem that is considered to be a non-issue by most
people and Census Reports. It confirms some assumptions but also has a
few grey areas.
The number of female heads of households is considered negligible
here, as all women who are divorced or widowed are absorbed into the
extended family structure, thus coming under the protection of another
male relative, who assumes the role of family head. Even where women
assume total economic responsibility, or when men are absent for long
periods of time, the man continues to be considered the head of
The research is limited to one city and the sample is small, so it
cannot be considered nationally representative. However, in the
perspective of large cities it gains credibility, in terms of what it
establishes with supporting data and what it indicates through
inference. It highlights that: women are increasingly becoming
economically active as regular wage earners; female-headed households
exist here: and economic pressures are undermining family support
systems. A common reason for entry into wage labour was a sudden
deterioration in the economic situation.
The female households heads ratio of 1 out of 7 in the sample,
seems insignificant as compared to the total female work force, but it
identifies a hitherto unrecognized fact. Indications are that the number
of female-headed households is likely to grow, given the prospective
increase in urbanization and its related problems.
Women, especially those from lower socio-economic backgrounds, are
generally disadvantaged in terms of development options and economic
productivity skills. This holds true in comparison to both--men of
similar socio-economic backgrounds, and women of better economic
backgrounds. Within the sample, the proportion of women in low-income
employment is specially high among widows and wives of non-earning
husbands, whose low educational/skill levels limit work options/earning
capacity, and they were working out of necessity rather than choice.
One reason that a majority of female-headed households had smaller
family sizes and tended to be nuclear can be that, in a household which
has more than one unit, with male and female members supporting
different units, the male earner will automatically be considered the
household head, even if the woman's wage is equal or higher.
Society does not conceive of women as economic providers so unless there
is no other alternative, it is not considered appropriate for dependant
relatives to live with women.
Information which would have helped to obtain a clearer perspective
of the geographical, social and economic distribution of the sample in
Karachi, can only be obtained by going back to the 1987 survey mentioned
in the Introduction. Even so, some questions remain unanswered. There is
no table establishing linkages between educational qualifications and
occupations. The table on occupations contains some broad categories
which need further definition, e.g., lower level professionals, informal
sector and home workers. Where the husband is a migrant it is not clear
whether he is contributing to the family income or not. If he is how can
the wife be the sole wage earner?
The dependency ratio in terms of nonearning members was found to be
higher in the female-headed households. The research did not cover a
comparison in spending patterns which could have given a further
indication of the quality of life in female-headed households. This
could be a future area for research. The research confirms that
women's involvement in gainful employment does not lessen their
domestic responsibilities, unless their income is enough to afford
servants, or these responsibilities can be passed on to other female
family members. Especially in case of nuclear female-headed households
this negatively affects the eider daughter who takes over the housework
at the cost of education. There is no indication about the impact on the
education of male children or their age of entry into the labour market.
The definition did not mention marital status as a consideration
for inclusion in the sample. So it seems strange that there are no
single women in the sample, either among the female household heads or
as part of male-headed households, since it is generally considered that
women work when they are single and stop working after marriage.
The findings imply "repercussions on the education and earning
capacity of the future generations of women in these households".
These repercussions are imminent not only for these households. The
majority of our women are ill prepared to effectively support themselves
and their families should the need arise. A follow up of this research
could be a more detailed elaboration about the possible impact of
womens' economic dependency on the nation's overall
development and the quality of life of future generations of men and
Apart from the paper's recommendation for further research in
urban areas, other requirements are--linking these findings to existing
research on related issues, research in rural areas, publicizing such
findings widely, feeding them consistently to relevant planning
agencies, and interaction with relevant planners at the designing stage
of future researches to ensure that the end result could facilitate
concrete planning action.
Naheed Aziz
UNICEF, Islamabad
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