Nasra Shah and Muhammad Anwar. Basic Needs, Women and Development: A Survey of Squatters in Lahore, Pakistan.
Mahmood, Mir Annice
Nasra Shah and Muhammad Anwar. Basic Needs, Women and Development:
A Survey of Squatters in Lahore, Pakistan. Honolulu: East-West
Center, and Ottawa: International Development Research Centre. 1986. x +
163 pp.
The book is an outcome of a project that was carried out in
collaboration with the East-West Population Institute, Honolulu and the
Punjab University, Lahore. It focuses on the basic needs requirements of
the urban poor, specifically women who reside in katchi abadis, Data
were collected through a sample survey carried out in Lahore City. The
study is useful in that it attempts to establish what the poor in
Pakistan perceive as their basic needs. These are defined in a broad
sense to include not only a minimum income and nutritional level but
also in terms of clothing, education, educational aspirations, health,
morbidity and mortality. The book thus looks at the basic needs
requirement of the "poorest of the poor" who live in the
katchi abadis in the urban centres of the country.
Some of the important recommendations include the need for female
education and for the provision of more family planning facilities in
the katchi abadis. Improved health and immunization cover, particularly
for the children, is required also if the high mortality levels are to
be reduced, Finally, ways and means have to be thought out to raise the
income levels of the residents of the katchi abadis.
Prepared by Mir Annice Mahmood, Research Economist at the Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.