Impact of inflation on fiscal deficits in the Bangladesh economy.
Hossain, Akhtar
This paper investigates the two-way relationship between fiscal
deficits and inflation in Bangladesh's economy. A dynamic model
containing inflation and equations concerning government revenue and
development expenditures has been constructed and estimated, using
quarterly data over the 1974(II)-1983(II) period. Estimates of
adjustment parameters support the basic hypothesis that in Bangladesh
government expenditures adjust themselves to inflation more rapidly than
government revenues and increase the size of fiscal deficits during
inflation. An implication of this result is that inflation-induced
fiscal deficits (if financed by money creation) may generate a
self-sustaining inflationary process in a developing country like
In the inflation literature on developing countries, fiscal deficit
is considered one of the major determinants of inflation. A causal link
between fiscal deficit and inflation presupposes, first, that a lack of
well-developed financial institutions and capital markets forces the
government to finance its fiscal deficits by creating money through
borrowing from the banking system and, secondly, that there exists a
causal relationship between growth of money supply and rate of
inflation. Although there is little doubt about the inflationary
consequences of fiscal deficits in developing countries, a
unidirectional relationship between fiscal deficit and inflation has
been under question in recent years. Economists like Sargent and Wallace
(1973), Frenkel (1977) and Jacobs (1977) have suggested a two-way
relationship between money and prices. Olivera (1967) first
conceptualized the two-way causality between fiscal deficit and
inflation, and later Dutton (1971) applied it for a self-generating
mode] of inflation for Argentina. Aghevli and Khan (1978) borrowed the
idea and developed their self-perpetuating model of inflation for
developing countries. They argue that one of the dynamic forces
sustaining inflation in developing countries is the presence of
inflation-induced fiscal deficits, which arise because government
expenditures adjust themselves to inflation more rapidly than government
tax and non-tax revenues during inflation. Several institutional and
structural factors are believed to cause the expenditure-adjustment
coefficient to exceed the revenue-adjustment coefficient.
Even if governments fully recognize the need to restrain
expenditures during periods of inflation, they find it difficult to
reduce their commitments in real terms. On the other hand, in
contrast to the situation in most developed countries, where
nominal revenues often more than keep pace with price increases, in
developing countries they lag substantially behind. The contrast
arises both because of low nominal income elasticities of tax
systems and long lags in tax collection in developing countries ...
In any event, tax systems in developing countries depend rather
heavily on indirect taxes and, in particular, on foreign trade
taxes. Further, indirect taxes in developing countries are often
specific, and even when they are ad valorem the adjustment of base
values for some of these taxes is not frequent enough to keep pace
with inflation. (Aghevli and Khan, 1978, p. 391)
Such a scenario has also been reported by Sundrum (1973) and Parikh
et al. (1985) for Indonesia and by Dutton (1971) for Argentina.
In this paper we will be primarily interested in examining the
impact of inflation on fiscal deficits in Bangladesh's economy. In
order to do so, we will develop a dynamic model of the government fiscal
sector along with a prototype inflation equation (based on the framework
of a monetary approach). The estimates of adjustment parameters of the
government revenues and expenditures will provide the necessary
information about the impact of inflation on fiscal deficits. The
inflation equation, on the other hand, will show the effect of money
supply on the rate of inflation.
This paper is organized in four sections. Section 2 formulates the
model. Section 3 reports the data sources, estimates the model, and
analyses the empirical results. Section 4 suggests policy implications
and draws conclusions.
Specification of the Inflation Equation
We assume that the rate of inflation is mainly a monetary
phenomenon and any disequilibrium in the real-money market adjusts
itself through changes in the price level but not instantaneously. In
discrete time framework, we define (long-run) stock disequilibrium in
the money market (in logarithmic form) as
[E.sup.s.sub.m] = (ln [M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1] - ln
[(M/P).sup.d.sub.t]) ... ... ... (1)
where M and P are, respectively, nominal-money supply and price
level, and t is the time subscript.
The above specification (1) suggests that (a) if the actual
real-money balances held at the beginning of the period, In
[(M/P).sub.t-1], differ from the money balances Individuals desire to
hold at the end of the period, ln [(M/P).sup.d.sub.t], then individuals
adjust their real-money balances through changes in the price level, and
(b) any change in the level of money supply during the periods t-1 and t
may also have a contemporaneous effect on changes in the price level. We
then specify the equation for the rate of Inflation, ln
([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]), as follows:
ln ([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]) = [delta] (ln [M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1] - ln
[(M/P).sup.d.sub.t]) + [U1.sub.t] ... ... (2)
where [delta] is the coefficient of elasticity of adjustment and
its value is expected to lie between zero and unity. The disturbance
term ([U1.sub.t]) takes into account the effect of excluded variables on
the rate of inflation.
Having specified such an inflation equation by incorporating a
monetary disequilibrium term, we will now specify the desired demand for
real-money balances and will substitute it into Equation (2) so that the
determinants of the desired demand for real-money balances become the
regressors in the inflation equation. There is voluminous literature on
the desired demand for real-money balances in developing countries. A
thorough examination of the literature by Hossain (1986a) suggests that
real income and the expected rate of inflation are two important
determinants of the desired demand for real-money balances in
Bangladesh. Accordingly, we specify the desired demand for real-money
balances in the following (semi-) logarithmic form: (2)
ln [(M/P).sup.d.sub.t] = a0 + a1 ln [Y.sub.t] - a2[p.sup.e.sub.t]
... ... ... (3) where [Y.sub.t] = measured real income, [p.sup.e.sub.t]
= expected rate of inflation, and the parameters a0, a1, and a2 are
expected to have the following signs: a0 > = < 0, a1 > 0 and a2
< 0.
Substitute Equation (3) into Equation (2), and after rearrangement we get
Ln ([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]) = -[delta]a0 + [delta] ln
[M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1] - [delta]a1 ln [Y.sub.t] +
[delta]a2[p.sup.e.sub.t] + [U1.sub.t] (4)
Since the expected rate of inflation is not 9bservable, we assume
that it can be approximated by a weighted average of past inflation
rates such as.
[p.sup.e.sub.t] = [summation][phi]i [p.sub.t-i], i = 1, 2, 3,
...... [infinity] ... ... ... (5)
where [phi]i represents the weight given to ith period lagged rate
of inflation. (3)
Substitute Equation (5) into Equation (4), and after rearrangement
we get the following estimating equation:
ln ([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]) = [delta]a0 + [delta]ln
[M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1] - [delta]a1 ln [Y.sub.t] + [delta]a2 [SIGMA][phi]I
[p.sub.t-I] + [U1.sub.t] (6)
Government Domestic Budget Deficit
We define
[GDDB.sub.t] = [GDR.sub.t] - [GDE.sub.t] ... ... ... ... (7)
[GDR.sub.t] = [GTR.sub.t] + [GNTR.sub.t] ... ... ... ... (8)
[GDE.sub.t] = [GDRE.sub.t] + [GDDE.sub.t] ... ... ... ... (9)
GDBD = government domestic budget deficit;
GDR = government domestic revenue;
GDE = government domestic expenditure;
GTR = government domestic revenue from taxes;
GNTR = government domestic revenue from non-taxes;
GDRE = government domestic revenue expenditure; and
GDDE = government domestic development expenditure.
All variables are expressed in nominal terms.
Revenue-Expenditure Equation
We assume that the government's desired real-revenue
expenditures, [(GDRE/P).sup.d.sub.t], can be expressed as a linear
function of the real national income. ([Y.sub.t]). (4) In logarithmic
form, we specify the equation as
ln [(GDRE/P).sup.d.sub.t] = g0 + g1 ln [Y.sub.t] g1 > 0 ... ...
... (10)
The superscript d denotes the desired amount. It is expected that
the income elasticity of government revenue expenditure (g1) is not
significantly different from unity. In the short run, there may be a
discrepancy between the desired and the actual levels of revenue
expenditures. We assume that if such a discrepancy arises, the actual
expenditure will adjust itself to the desired level. In the event that
the government does not control the price level, (5) it adjusts the real
expenditures by adjusting the nominal magnitudes. We, therefore,
postulate a nominal revenue-expenditure adjustment function, analogous
to the demand-for-money adjustment function due to Goldfeld (1973), as
ln [GDRE.sub.t] - ln [GDRE.sub.t-1] = [gamma](ln
[((GDRE/P).sup.d.sub.t][P.sub.t]) - ln [GDRE.sub.t-1]) + [U2.sub.t] ...
... ... (11)
where [gamma] is the coefficient of elasticity of adjustment and
its value is expected to lie between zero and unity. U2 is the
disturbance term. Introducing Equation (10) into Equation (11) and after
rearrangement we get the following estimating equation:
ln [(GDRE/P).sub.t] = [gamma]g0 + [gamma]g1 ln [Y.sub.t] +
(1-[gamma]) ln ([GDRE.sub.t-1]/[P.sub.t]) + [U2.sub.t] ... (12)
Here the lagged dependent variable is deflated by current-price
level rather than by one-period lagged-price level. This specification
is equivalent to the specification by Aghevli and Khari (1978) with the
addition of a variable measuring the rate of inflation
ln [(GDRE/P).sub.t] = [gamma]g0 + [gamma]g1 ln [Y.sub.t] +
(1-[gamma]) ln [(GDRE/P).sub.t-1] - (1-[gamma]) ln
([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]) + [U2.sub.t] ... (13)
Equation (13) shows that the adjustment coefficient not only
captures the speed of adjustment of actual expenditures to the desired
level but it also captures the effect of the rate of inflation on the
real value of actual expenditures. The effect of inflation on the real
value of expenditures would be negative as long as the rate of inflation
is positive. If the price level is assumed to be increasing over time,
then in Aghevli and Khan's specification the estimated adjustment
coefficient would be upwardly biased. Aghevli and Khan's
specification is therefore a special case of our specification when the
coefficient of the rate of inflation is zero. However, in using the
present specification instead of Aghevli and Khan's specification
we suggest a different view on how expenditures respond during
inflationary situations.
Development Expenditure Equation
For simplicity we make an assumption that in Bangladesh the
government adopts a long-term development-budget strategy so that the
government's desired real development-expenditure depends on the
real value of development resources available (from domestic revenue
surplus and from foreign aid and loans). We express the relationship in
the following functional form:
[(GDDE/P).sup.d.sub.t] = [lambda] [(GDF/P).sup.[alpha].sub.t] a
> 0 ... ... (14)
GDF = government's available development resources (from
domestic revenue surplus and from foreign aid and loans);
[lambda] = constant; and
[alpha] = elasticity of government development-expenditure with
respect to available development resources. It is usually expected that
a equals unity, which implies that in the long run the government
development-expenditure increases proportionately with the increase of
development resources.
In logarithmic terms, Equation (14) can be written as
ln [(GDDE/P).sup.d.sub.t] = ln [lambda] + [alpha] ln
[(GDF/P).sub.t] ... ... ... (15)
Since the government usually does not control the price level, it
adjusts the real expenditures by adjusting nominal magnitudes. We,
therefore, define the following nominal adjustment function for
development expenditures:
ln [GDDE.sub.t] - ln [GDDE.sub.t-1] = [theta] (ln
([(GDDE/P).sup.d.sub.t][P.sub.t]) - ln [GDDE.sub.t-1]) + [U3.sub.t] ...
... ... (16)
where [theta] is the coefficient of elasticity of adjustment, and
its value is expected to lie between zero and unity, and U3 is the
disturbance term. Introducing Equation (15) into Equation (16) and after
rearrangement we obtain the following estimating equation:
ln [GDDE.sub.t] = [theta] ln [lambda] + [theta][alpha] ln
[GDF.sub.t] + (1-[theta]) ln [GDDE.sub.t-1] + [U3.sub.t] ... (17)
Tax and Non-tax Revenues Equations
It is expected that the government's tax revenues are
fundamentally related to the level of national income. Since in the
developing countries taxes on expenditures contribute the large portion
of government indirect tax revenues, we consider the level of national
expenditure rather than the national income to be the more appropriate
variable in the tax equation. In logarithmic form, we therefore specify
the tax equation as
ln [GTR.sup.d.sub.t] = t01 + t11 ln [GNE.sub.t] t11 > 0 ... ...
[GTR.sup.d.] = government desired tax revenue; and
GNE = gross national expenditure defined as gross national product
less exports plus imports.
We assume that there is a lag in adjustment of actual tax revenues
to the desired level. We then define the following adjustment function:
ln [GTR.sub.t] - ln [GTR.sub.t-1] = [partial derivative]1 (ln
[GTR.sup.d.sub.t] - ln [GTR.sub.t-1]) + [U4.sub.t] ... (19)
where [partial derivative]1 is the coefficient of elasticity of
adjustment, and its value is expected to lie between zero and unity, and
U4 is the disturbance term. Introducing Equation (18) into Equation (19)
and after rearrangement we get the following estimating equation:
ln [GTR.sub.t] = [partial derivative]t01 + [partial derivative]t11
ln [GNE.sub.t] + (1-[partial derivative]1) ln [GTR.sub.t-1] + [U4.sub.t]
... (20)
The non-tax revenues in Bangladesh's economy originate from
government property income (derived from post office, telegraph and
telephone, public transport, nationalized banks and industries, and
forests), fees, and miscellaneous receipts. We assume that the non-tax
revenues are related to the level of national income. In logarithmic
form, we specify the equation as
ln [GNTR.sup.d.sub.t] = t02 + t12 ln [GNP.sub.t] t12 > 0 ... ...
We assume that there is a lag in adjustment of government non-tax
revenue to the desired level. We then define the following adjustment
ln [GNTR.sub.t] - ln [GNTR.sub.t-1] = [partial derivative]2 (ln
[GNTR.sup.d.sub.t] - ln [GNTR.sub.t-1]) + [U5.sub.t] (22)
where [partial derivative]2 is the coefficient of elasticity of
adjustment, and its value is expected to lie between zero and unity, and
U5 is the disturbance term. Introducing Equation (21) into Equation (22)
and after rearrangement we get the following estimating equation:
ln [GNTR.sub.t] = [partial derivative]2t02 + [partial
derivative]2t12 ln [GNP.sub.t] + (1-[partial derivative]2) ln
[GNTR.sub.t-1] + [U5.sub.t] (23)
Money Supply Relationship
The money supply relationship can be specified on the basis of the
fraction reserve system where the money stock is an increasing function of reserve money and the money multiplier
[M.sub.t] = mm [RM.sub.t] ... ... ... ... ... (24)
where M = stock of money supply; mm = money multiplier; and RM =
reserve money. The reserve money can be expressed in terms of its asset
components as
[RM.sub.t] = [GBBB.sub.t] + [GBCB.sub.t] + [CBBBB.sub.t] +
[NF.sub.t] ... ... (25)
where GBBB = government's net borrowings from the Bangladesh
Bank (the central bank of Bangladesh) and/or the use of its cash
balances held with the Bangladesh Bank; GBCB = government's net
borrowings from the commercial banks where the commercial banks are
assumed to replenish their reserves by borrowing from the Bangladesh
Bank; CBBBB = commercial banks' borrowings from the Bangladesh Bank
other than the amount necessary to replenish their reserves; and NF =
net foreign assets of the banking system, and it can be defined as
[NF.sub.t] = [NF.sub.t-1] + [(X-M).sub.t] + [FK.sub.t] + [COB.sub.t]
where [(X-M).sub.t] = current account of the balance of payments,
[FK.sub.t] = net foreign-capital flows including aid and loans, and
[COB.sub.t] = residual item in the balance of payments (statistical
The direct effect of government budget on reserve money, and hence
on money supply, is determined by the domestic budget deficits. The
extent of reserve money created through domestic budget deficits,
however, depends on the way deficits are financed. The above specified
reserve-money identity suggests that if the government finances its
deficits by borrowing from the central bank (and/or by using cash
balances held with the central bank), by borrowing from the commercial
banks (where the commercial banks replenish their reserves by borrowing
from the central bank), and/or by borrowing from abroad, then there will
be an equal increase in reserve money. In Bangladesh, because of the
lack of well-developed financial and capital markets, the
government's borrowings from the private sector are very limited.
It becomes necessary for the government, then, to borrow from the
banking system and foreign sources as aid and loans. An increase in
domestic budget deficits is then expected to increase the reserve money
and hence the money supply in Bangladesh.
The Complete Model
(a) Inflation Equation
ln ([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]) = -[delta]a0 + [delta] ln
[M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1] - [delta]a1 ln [Y.sub.t] +
+ [U1.sub.t]
(b) Government Domestic Budget Deficit
[GDBD.sub.t] = [GDR.sub.t] - [GDE.sub.t]
(c) Government Domestic Revenues
[GDR.sub.t] = [GTR.sub.t] + [GNTR.sub.t]
(d) Government Domestic Expenditures
[GDE.sub.t] = [GDRE.sub.t] + [GDDE.sub.t]
(e) Government Revenue Expenditure Equation
ln [(GDRE/P).sub.t] = [gamma]g0 + [gamma]g1 ln [Y.sub.t] +
(1-[gamma]) ln ([GDRE.sub.t-1]/[P.sub.t]) + [U2.sub.t]
(f) Government Development Expenditure Equation
ln [GDDE.sub.t] = [theta]ln[lambda] + [theta][alpha]ln [GDF.sub.t]
+ (1-[theta]) ln [GDDE.sub.t-1] + [U3.sub.t]
(g) Government Tax Revenue Equation
ln [GTR.sub.t] = [partial derivative]1t01 + [partial
derivative]1t11 l [GNE.sub.t] + (1-[partial derivative]1) ln
[GTR.sub.t_1 + [U4.sub.t]
(h) Government Non-tax Revenue Equation
ln [GNTR.sub.t] = [partial derivative]2t02 + [partial
derivative]2t12 ln [GNP.sub.t] + (1-[partial derivative]2)
[GNTR.sub.t-1] + [U5.sub.t]
(i) Money Supply Relationship
[M.sub.t] = mm [RM.sub.t]
(j) Components of Reserve Money
[RM.sub.t] = [GBBB.sub.t] + [GBCB.sub.t] + [CBBBB.sub.t] +
Our structural equation system consists of five behavioural
equations and five identities. The estimating equations are (i)
inflation equation, (ii) revenue-expenditure equation, (iii)
development-expenditure equation, (iv) tax-revenue equation, and (v)
non-tax-revenue equation. Since the expected rate of inflation is
assumed to be approximated by a weighted average of past inflation
rates, it is a predetermined variable in the system. Of all the
behavioural equations, we are primarily interested in estimating the
parameters, g1, [alpha], t11 and t12 and the adjustment parameters,
[gamma], [theta], [partial derivative]1 and [partial derivative]2 for
Bangladesh's economy. The estimates of all these parameters will
provide necessary information about the impact of income and inflation
on government fiscal deficits. For example, if gl is greater than t11
and/or t12, an increase in income level will have a positive effect on
the size of the fiscal deficits. In addition to this income-induced
fiscal deficit, if the adjustment coefficients of government
expenditures, [gamma] and [alpha], exceed the adjustment coefficients of
tax and non-tax revenues, [partial derivative]1 and [partial
derivative]2, an inflation-induced fiscal deficit will be created.
Estimation of the Model
We estimated the model using quarterly data for Bangladesh over the
1974(II)-1983(II) period. In the selection of the estimator, we made
some compromises. We considered mainly two factors: (i) the possibility
of a specification error, and (ii) the quality of the data. As far as
the specification of the model is concerned, it is very difficult to
rule out the possibility of any specification error. This is because it
is expected that in addition to the factors considered in our model,
several non-economic factors may also be important in the
government's revenues and expenditures equations which we have not
been able to incorporate for lack of data. Turning to' data
quality, the data used for the estimation of the model have been taken
from both national and international sources. Quarterly interpolations
from annual data were also necessary for some variables. As a result,
the quality of the data is not very high. Considering these factors, we
have not Used the full-information maximum-likelihood (FIML) estimator
which generally provides the most desirable properties when the model is
correctly specified and the variables are correctly measured. In fact,
FIML is extremely sensitive to both specification and measurement
errors. An ordinary least-squares estimator, on the other hand, is
expected to produce biased and inconsistent estimates because of the
simultaneous nature of the model. As a compromise, we used the
instrumental-Variables approach as it performs best among the
limited-information estimators and, in particular, it is less affected
by the specification error. In our model, we have assumed that the real
and nominal income variables are exogenous. In a more complete model,
however, they should be considered as endogenous variables because
government expenditure and real income are expected to affect each
other. Similarly, nominal income and money stock are closely related
where the causality runs from the money stock (Friedman, 1971). In order
to reduce the bias and inconsistency arising from such a simultaneity,
we have used instruments for real and nominal income variables. Finding
an instrument for real or nominal income is not very easy. The necessary
condition for selecting an instrument is that it should be
contemporaneously uncorrelated with the disturbance term, while highly
correlated with the variable. In the absence of any autoeorrelation
problem, (in our case) one-period lagged income can be used as an
instrument. Preliminary estimation results suggest that the error term
in each of the estimating equations is serially correlated, which
prevents us from using lagged income as the instrument. So, we
constructed an instrument ([IY.sub.t]) for real income by adding real
exports with real fixed investment, and for nominal income, ([IY.sub.t]
x [P.sub.t]) has been used as the instrument. The autocorrelation problem has been corrected by using the Fair (1970) method.
Basic data used in this study have been taken from several issues
of Bangladesh Statistical Yearbook, Economic Trends of Bangladesh Bank
and the International Financial Statistics of International Monetary
Fund. Quarterly data for revenue and development expenditures and the
national income are not readily available for Bangladesh. We, therefore,
quarterly interpolated the annual data using Gandolfo's (1981)
methodology. Since quarterly GNP deflator is not available, the revenue
expenditure has been deflated by the quarterly consumer price index.
Money supply is defined as currency plus demand deposits. The rate of
inflation has been approximated by the first-order logarithmic
difference of consumer price index of the metropolitan Dhaka City for
middle-class income group.
Analysis of the Results
The estimated results are presented below. The figures in
parentheses below the coefficients are t-ratios. SER and SSR represent
the standard error of regression and the sum of the squared residuals
respectively, p stands for autocorrelation coefficient and L is the
maximized value of log-likelihood function. DM, DJ and DS are the
seasonal dummies (DM for March quarter, DJ for June quarter and DS for
September quarter). The statistic [R.sup.2] is not very meaningful as a
test of explanatory power when instrumental-variables approach is used
for estimation. This is because the distribution of this statistic is
not bounded between zero and unity; instead its value lies between
-[infinity] and unity. It is therefore not reported. Simulation results,
however, may be used to provide some evidence about the goodness of fit of the model. A dynamic simulation experiment (in particular) is a more
stringent goodness-of-fit test which can also be used as a test of
stability of the estimated model. We conducted a dynamic simulation test
of the model. The simulation results suggest that the simulated series
of each of the endogenous variables are able to track the fluctuations
of the corresponding actual data series very well. Because of the lack
of space we have not reported the simulation results (charts and
statistical measures) but these may be available from the author upon
ln([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]). = 1.191 + 0.225 ln([M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]) -
(2.354) (3.359)
0.308 ln [Y.sub.t]
+ 0.462 ln([P.sub.t-1]/[P.sub.t-2=]) -
0.007 [DM.sub.t] + 0.042 [DJ.sub.t]
(0.337) (2.320)
+ 0.069 [DS.sub.t]
SSR = 0.041, SER = 0.037, L = 73.49, [rho] = 0.106
Instruments: C, ln [Mr.sub.t-1]/[P.sub.t-2], ln
([P.sub.t-2]/[P.sub.t-3]), ln [(IY).sub.t], [DM.sub.t-1], [DJ.sub.t-1],
Coeff. -0.030 -0.259 0.097 0.025 0.094 -0.083 -0.051 0.102
t-stat. -0.185 -1.377 0.591 0.153 0.570 -0.505 -0.031 0.618
ln [DNTR.sub.t] = - 1.935 + 0.512 ln [GNP.sub.t] + 0.643 ln
(1.678) (2.413) (5.454)
- 0.0450 [DM.sub.t] + 0.0579 [DJ.sub.t] +
(1.183) (1.437)
0.006 [DS.sub.t]
Instruments: C, ln [IY.sub.t] + ln [P.sub.t], ln [DNTR.sub.t-2],
[DM.sub.t-1], [DJ.sub.t-1], [DS.sub.t-1]
SSR = 0.304, SER = 0.097, L = 37.60, [rho] = 0.613
Coeff. 0.105 0.072 0.032 -0.578 0.006 -0.054
t-stat. 0.649 0.447 0.195 -1.962 0.039 -0.332
ln [DTR.sub.t] = - 0.330 + 0.298 ln [GNE.sub.t] + 0.732 In [DTR.sub.t-1]
(0.889) (3.209) (10.816)
- 0.057 [DM.sub.t] + 0.062 [DJ.sub.t] -
(0.057) (2.805)
0.001 [DS.sub.t]
SSR = 0.084, SER = 0.051, L = 62.08, [rho] = 0.485
Instruments: C, ln [IY.sub.t] + ln [P.sub.t], ln [DTR.sub.t-2],
[DM.sub.t-1], [DJ.sub.t-1], [DS.sub.t-1]
Coeff. 0.066 0.019 -0.047 -0.506 0.089 0.029
t-stat. 0.408 0.114 -0.290 -1.430 0.553 0.181
ln [GDDE.sub.t] = 1.063 + 0.406 In [GDF.sub.t] + 0.583 ln
(2.291) (2.557) (4.035)
- 0.052 [DM.sub.t] + 0.043 [DJ.sub.t] + 0.004
(2.612) (2.101) (0.265)
[rho] = 0.776, SSR = 0.063, SER = 0.443, L = 67.29
Instruments: C, ln [IY.sub.t] + ln [P.sub.t], ln [GDDE.sub.t-2],
[DM.sub.t-1], [DJ.sub.t-1], [DS.sub.t-1]
Coeff. 0.112 0.018 0.098 -0.363 -0.128 -0.068
t-stat. 0.689 0.112 0.601 -1.235 -0.791 -0.417
ln [(GDRE/P).sub.t] = - 5.255 + 0.815 ln [Y.sub.t] + 0.526
(1.148) (2.10) (2.428)
- 0.036 [DM.sub.t] + 0.120 [DJ.sub.t]
(0.625) (0.679)
+ 0.003 [DS.sub.t]
[rho] = 0.849, SSR = 0.096, SER = 0.056, L = 56.95
Instruments: C, ln [IY.sub.t], ln ([GDRE.sub.t-2]/[P.sub.t-1]),
[DM.sub.t-1], [DJ.su7b.t-1], [DS.sub.t-1]
Coeff. 0.145 0.175 0.444 -0.229 -0.140 -0.047
t-stat. 0.882 1.064 1.704-1.394-0.850-0.286
The coefficients of all variables in the inflation equation are
consistent with prior expectations and (except for the March-quarter
dummy) are statistically significant at the 1-percent level. The
coefficient of real money supply is positive and the value of the
coefficient is 0225. As expected, the coefficient of real income is
negative and statistically highly significant. A negative coefficient of
real income with a value of 0.308 suggests that a one-unit increase in
real income lowers the rate of inflation by 0.308 percentage point. In
the text, we have approximated the expected rate of inflation by past
inflation rates, and an experimentation with past inflation rates for
several periods suggests that inflation rate for only one-period lag is
theoretically consistent and statistically significant. The positive and
statistically significant coefficients of June and September
quarters' dummies show seasonalities in the rate of inflation in
Bangladesh. The prices of rice and other food products in Bangladesh
usually rise during the period April to September/October, which are
reflected in the positive coefficients of June and September
quarters' dummies. Although the September quarter corresponds to
Aus rice harvesting, very often, due to floods and other natural
calamities, there are heavy crop losses during this period. Also, the
level of Aus rice production is not always enough to reduce food prices.
The March-quarter dummy, on the other hand, represents the major
rice-harvesting season in Bangladesh, and, as expected, the coefficient
of the March-quarter dummy bears a negative sign.
The coefficients of all the variables in the revenue expenditure
equation are consistent with prior expectations and (except the seasonal
dummies) are statistically significant. The short-run income elasticity
of government revenue expenditure is 0.815, while the long-run income
elasticity (6) is around 1.75. It suggests that in the long run
government revenue expenditure increases more than proportionately with
the increase in real income. In the developing countries, such a
phenomenon of higher income elasticity of government expenditure has
been suggested by many, and particularly by Martin and Lewis (1956) and
Williamson (1961). A hypothesis (sometimes called "Wagner's
Law") put forward by the nineteenth century economist Adolph Wagner (1893) holds that as a society progresses, government involvement in
fiscal-budgetary matters rises even faster (this implies an income
elasticity in excess of one). In a recent study, Aghevli and Khan (1978)
found that (even) the short-run income elasticity of government
expenditure exceeds unity for countries like Colombia and Thailand.
While Aghevli and Khan did not mention any reason behind such a result,
Martin & Lewis and Williamson suggested several possible
interpretations. Martin & Lewis and Williamson were mainly
interested in establishing an economic relationship between public
expenditure and income level, much like Engel's Law of consumption
function. Their results suggest that government expenditure can be
treated as a luxury good with income elasticity greater than unity.
Martin and Lewis referred to a stagnation thesis which supports the
existence of an elasticity greater than unity. They are of the view that
with the historical process of development, there is a shrinking of
investment opportunities; therefore, in order to support a Keynesian
full-employment level of income, an increasing amount of government
expenditure is necessary to compensate for the dearth in private
investment outlays. It reflects a more than proportionate increase in
public expenditure with an increase in real income. Although this
argument may be relevant for development expenditure but, in our case,
since we are concerned with income elasticity of revenue expenditures,
Clark's (1951) study on sectoral productivity may be more useful in
analysing the results. The Clark study suggests that, given that the
revenue expenditures are in the form of public service, the rate of
productivity increase in the services industries is less than for
manufactures and even less than that in agriculture. Then, if public
services are a function of output, a greater share of government
expenditure would result with an increase in income. Since the
government sector is characteristically extremely labour-intensive and
labour becomes more expensive with the development process, government
expenditure may increase more than proportionately with an increase in
income. Furthermore, Williamson suggests various other reasons which may
increase public service expenditures more than proportionately with an
increase in income. With the process of development, urbanization and
industrialization encourage rural-urban migration. This influx of
population in urban areas requires formal additional security measures,
social services, education, health, transport, etc., which support an
increasing share of government expenditures to GDP. A correlation
between welfarism and level Of income can therefore be postulated during
the process of development and such a relationship becomes obvious due
to the demonstration effect in adapting many welfare expenditures found
in developed countries. All the same, an implication (7) for a
steady-state solution of an income elasticity greater than one is that
eventually government expenditures will be larger than total GDP! This
would suggest caution in using the estimated coefficient for the
solution of long-run, by which we mean in this context a position of
steady-state equilibrium, growth. To ensure sensible steady-state
properties, the coefficient should be equal to one. However, it is
possible over "short" to "medium" term (and perhaps
even lengthy periods) of calendar time for the income elasticity of
government revenue expenditure to exceed unity. (8) Indeed, the ratio of
government revenue expenditure to GDP in Bangladesh has steadily risen
over the period of our study. The coefficient of the elasticity of
adjustment in the revenue expenditure is 0.474. A close examination of
different types of public expenditures suggests that the public
decision-makers have some discretionary power in deciding the extent and
timing of adjustment of different types of revenue expenditures during
inflation. The public decision-makers are quite aware of the impact of
increased expenditures (usually financed through bank credit) on
inflation and are not in a hurry (unless under extreme pressure) to
adjust various types of revenue expenditures (like wages and salaries of
public employees, transfer payments etc.). A delay in adjusting these
expenditures is therefore to be expected during inflationary situations.
In the development expenditure equation, the short-run elasticity
of development expenditure with respect to resources is 0.406. The
coefficient of the elasticity of adjustment is 0.42, which suggests a
long-run elasticity of government expenditure with respect to resources
not significantly different from unity. These results suggest that in
the long run the government has a tendency to spend proportionately with
the increase in development resources which is consistent with prior
expectations. The adjustment coefficients of revenue and development
expenditures suggest that compared with the revenue expenditure, the
development expenditure adjusts at a relatively slow speed. Since most
of the development projects in Bangladesh are financed by either aid
donor countries or international financial institutions, the adjustment
of development expenditures during inflation is expected to be
relatively slower (compared with that of the revenue expenditures)
mainly because of the fact that all these expenditures come through
several bureaucratic stages of the foreign and domestic administrations.
On the other hand, many revenue expenditures, directly and indirectly,
benefit either the bureaucrats or many politically sensitive pressure
groups. So there remains always a pressure to adjust revenue
expenditures during inflation, although not instantaneously. However,
the adjustment coefficients of both revenue and development expenditures
are significantly lower than the expected value of unity, as found by
Aghevli and Khan for several other developing countries. It suggests
that during inflation neither revenue nor development expenditure in
Bangladesh adjusts instantaneously. By disaggregating the total
expenditures into revenue and development expenditures, we have
therefore been able to examine the rates of adjustment of both types of
expenditures. Heller (1980), in particular, emphasized how different
types of expenditures adjust differently with the changes of price
level. He found that "adjustment rates do, in fact, differ across
expenditure categories. Fiscal decision-makers, confronted by the impact
of inflation, are forced to make decisions on which categories of
expenditure to increase or decrease in real terms. This inevitably casts
doubts on the usefulness of the aggregative expenditure model
specification" (p. 742).
We estimated the tax- and non-tax-revenues equations separately to
find out whether there is any significant difference between the speed
of adjustment of these two types of revenues during inflation. In both
the tax- and non-tax-revenues equations, the estimated coefficients of
all the variables are consistent with prior expectations and are
statistically highly significant. In the tax-revenue equation, the
long-run expenditure elasticity (9) is not significantly different from
unity. The adjustment coefficient is, however, less than unity. It is
also much lower than the adjustment coefficient in the revenue or
development expenditure equation. The long-run income elasticity of
non-tax revenue exceeds unity. As expected, the adjustment coefficient
of non-tax revenue is lower than those of the expenditures equations. It
is, however, relatively higher than the adjustment coefficient of tax
revenue equation. Since the non-tax revenue comes from various types of
fees and incomes from public service sectors like the post office,
telegraph and telephone, railway, etc., the authority finds it more
convenient (because of its greater administrative control and less
political implications) to adjust its revenues from these sources at a
relatively high speed than revenues originating from tax sources during
Our empirical findings in a precise form are presented in Table 1.
The table shows the estimates of both short- and long-run
elasticities, coefficients of the elasticities of adjustment, and the
average time lags in the adjustment of government expenditures and
revenues of the Bangladesh economy. From Column 1 we can see that the
short-run income elasticity of government revenue expenditure exceeds
the income elasticity of tax or non-tax revenues. This implies that in
the short run the size of the government fiscal deficit will increase
with an increase in the level of income. From Column 2 we can see (for
similar reasons) that even in the long run the size of the government
fiscal deficit will increase with an increase in the level of income.
This suggests that the Bangladesh economy is prone to both short- and
long-run income-induced fiscal deficits. Column 3 shows that the
adjustment coefficients of both government revenue and development
expenditures are significantly higher than the adjustment coefficients
of both tax and non-tax revenues. This implies that the government
expenditures adjust at a higher speed than government revenues and
increase the size of the fiscal deficits with the increase of price
The overall results therefore suggest that the Bangladesh economy
is prone to both income- and inflation-induced fiscal deficits. The
results also show that the average lags in the adjustment of revenue and
development expenditures are 1.11 and 1.40 quarters, whereas the average
lags in the adjustment of government tax and non-tax revenues are 2.73
and 1.80 quarters, respectively. This suggests that the main reason
behind the two-way causality between fiscal deficit and inflation in the
Bangladesh economy results from a relatively slower adjustment of
government tax and non-tax revenues (compared with government
expenditures) during inflation.
In this paper we have been particularly interested in examining the
impact of inflation on fiscal deficits in the Bangladesh economy. The
empirical results support the hypothesis that the government
expenditures (both revenue expenditure and development expenditure)
adjust more rapidly than government domestic revenues (from tax and
non-tax sources) and increase the size of the fiscal deficits during
inflation. We also found that the income elasticity of government
revenue expenditure exceeds the income elasticity of government taxes
(these contribute about 4/5th of government total domestic revenues) in
the short run as well as in the long run. This implies that Bangladesh
has a tendency to experience income-induced fiscal deficits both in the
short run and long run. Furthermore, the empirical results reveal some
important policy implications for a developing country like Bangladesh.
It is now widely accepted that fiscal deficits-oriented development
policy cannot generate a sustainable economic growth except in the short
run. The costs of such a policy are a self-perpetuating (but
unpredictable) inflationary situation which hampers long-term
investment, changes the pattern of investment and reduces the long-term
economic growth (for details see Hossain, 1984). As a precondition for
sustained economic growth, the government therefore needs to maintain
some fiscal discipline with appropriate corrections of its budgetary
policies. A relatively high rate of income elasticity of government
expenditure compared with that of government revenue is
self-destabilizing (in the sense that a budget deficit resulting out of
it may be inflationary if financed by money creation). The appropriate
policy goal of the fiscal authority therefore must be a reduction of
income elasticity of government expenditure in conjunction with an
increase in the income elasticity of government revenues. Given the
existing socio-economic and political considerations, a reduction of the
income elasticity of government expenditure may be very difficult, but
for a politically courageous government that is not impossible. In doing
so, as a first step the government needs to contain its expenditures
arising from short-run political considerations. Transitory export
boom-induced current-expenditures (which are usually permanent in
nature) should also be kept at a minimum level. An increase of the
income elasticity of government revenues requires a thorough reform of
the outdated and complicated tax system and administration. By tax
reform we mean, in particular, the simplification of the tax structure,
the broadening of taxbase, the computerization of tax information
system, the depersonalization and streamlining of tax administration and
a drastic reduction in discretionary authority in the hands of tax
officials. Furthermore, the major goal of tax system needs to be the
raising of revenues rather than to serve several non-revenue goals such
as promoting exports, regional development etc. which, like in many
developing countries, have complicated the Bangladesh tax system,
created anomalies, and also provided enough discretionary power to the
tax administration (which in the end have resulted in organized
corruption). Gillies (1985, p. 246), in this context for Indonesia
comments that "after 12 years of intermittent studies of Indonesian
tax incentives by various analysts, there was abundant evidence
indicating that few if any of the incentives in the system has yielded
the desired results. Rather, the principal impact of incentives was
massive hemorrhages from the treasury". It is true that a drastic
tax reform requires considerable time and resources but its necessity
and urgency are beyond doubt. Even a casual pressure, presumably during
fiscal crises, to tax administration in many countries, yielded
significant results. As, for example, Cole (1976) remarked that in
Korea, the ratio of government revenues to GNP was raised from 6.5
percent in 1964 to 12 percent in 1967 without any significant change in
the tax laws. The administrative apparatus was reorganized and a very
tough administrator was put in charge with a clear mandate from the
president to raise revenues. Similarly, in Indonesia the ratio of
revenues to GNP went from 4.2 percent in 1966 to 10 percent in 1967,
mainly because of increased pressure on the administration. He also made
an important suggestion to the fiscal authority that the policy-makers
should not be "unduly cowed by the firm upper limits of estimated
tax revenues presented by the tax authorities" (p. 166). This is
because tax administration in developing countries usually put forward a
very conservative estimate of potential revenues which makes their lives
very easy. Furthermore, since in most developing countries a significant
portion of the tax assessment is arrived at through negotiation (which
bears little or no relation to the original tax declaration), a
conservative tax estimate enables the tax officials to waive or reduce
taxes for bribing and/or for other personal interests. The fiscal
authority should also strive to maintain the real value of tax receipts
during inflation. Aghevli and Khan (1978) suggests of indexing the
nominal value of certain taxes, particularly personal and corporate
income taxes and property taxes which tend to have the longest lags.
Such a policy has also been suggested by Kalfa (1967) for Brazil and
Tanzi (1977) for Argentina and Chile. Indexation of taxes with the
inflation rate may lessen the temptation to delay taxes by the tax
payers. Indeed, in order to increase the elasticity of taxes with
respect to the rate of inflation, it may be important to replace all
specific or unit taxes with ad valorem taxes. Above all, it is necessary
that there be an efficient and honest tax administration free from
political interference and subjected to tough anti-corruption laws.
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(1) Equation (1) can alternatively be written as
[E.sup.s.sub.m] = (ln ([M.sub.t]/[M.sub.t-1]) + ln
([M.sub.t-1]/[P.sub.t-1]) - ln [(M/P).sup.d.sub.t]).
This definition of stock disequilibrium in the money market is
different from its commonly used definition, [E.sup.s.sub.m] = (ln
[(M/P).sub.t-1] - [(M/P).sup.d.sub.t]). The latter definition is a
special case of the former when ln ([M.sub.t]/[M.sub.t-1]) = 0. By using
the former definition we can take into account the contemporaneous
effect of current money growth on the rate of inflation.
(2) There is no clear-cut theoretical guide-line about the
appropriate functional form of the money demand function. The functional
form is, however, important on statistical grounds. In the case of
Bangladesh, Murty and Murty (1978) carried out a log-likelihood test in
order to find out an appropriate functional form of the money demand
function. Their results are inconclusive. Hossain (1986a), however, used
a more formal non-nested test of model specification developed by
MacKinnon, White and Davidson (1983) which suggests that a log-linear
form might be preferred to linear form in Bangladesh. Our. equation is
semi-logarithmic with respect to the expected rate of inflation. This is
because, in Bangladesh, inflation rates in some quarters are negative,
which prevent us from taking logarithms of this variable.
(3) For details of such a specification, see Darrat (1985).
(4) In our simple model we consider the real income as exogenous.
It can be argued that the government expenditures (in particular
development expenditures) and real income affect each other and
therefore the real income needs to be treated as an endogenous variable.
We assume that it is the development expenditures (rather than the
revenue expenditures) which mainly contribute to the growth of real
income. In our model the development expenditures are related to
resources available from foreign sources and not significantly to the
level of domestic income.
(5) We assume that in Bangladesh the government does not control
the price level in a significant way. It is true that the government
controls the prices of some essential commodities like staple food items
through public rationing system, but the impact on the general price
level is minimal under normal circumstances. We have shown elsewhere
(Hossain, 1986b) that in Bangladesh the government has a limited control
over the money supply. It implies that the government also does not
influence the price level through money supply in a significant way.
(6) The reader should recall that by "long run" in this
context is meant, not the steady state of an equilibrium growth model,
but merely the situation in which expected and realized values of the
dependent variable (government real revenue expenditure) are constant.
(7) I am grateful to an anonymous referee of this Review who
reminded me of such an implication. Borcherding (1985, p. 365) suggests
that in one sense it is possible that spending at some point would
exceed national income, since transfers can be taxed away and
redistributed. However, he qualified his argument by saying that in a
more fundamental sense net transfers plus public spendings cannot
indefinitely rise faster than national income.
(8) It is possible that an estimate of high income elasticity of
government revenue expenditure is biased because of the presence of a
stochastic lagged dependent variable combined with a higher-order
autocorrelation problem.
(9) We also estimated the equation using national income as the
explanatory variable. The estimated income-elasticity is not
significantly different from the expenditure elasticity.
MD. AKHTAR HOSSAIN, The author is a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at
La Trobe University. He gratefully acknowledges the critical comments
and useful suggestions received from his supervisors, Drs Robert Dixon (Melbourne University) and Bill Stent (La Trobe University) on earlier
drafts of this paper.. Dr Greg O'Brien (La Trobe University) and an
anonymous referee of this Review also made constructive comments and
provided valuable suggestions for an overall improvement of this paper.
Any remaining errors and shortcomings are solely the author's
Table 1
Parameter Estimates and the Average Time Lags (in quarters) in the
Adjustment of Government Expenditures and the Revenues for the
Bangladesh Economy
1 2
[gamma]g1 = 0.815 g1 = 1.720
[theta][alpha]= 0.406 [alpha] = 0.970
[partial derivative]1t11 = 0.298 t11 = 1.110
[partial derivative]2t12 = 0.572 t12 = 1.490
3 4
[gamma] = 0.474 (1-[gamma])/[gamma] = 1.11
[theta] = 0.417 (1-[theta])/[theta] = 1.40
[partial derivative]1 = 0.268 (1-[partial derivative]1)/
([partial derivative]1-2.73
[partial derivative]2 = 0.359 (1-[partial derivative]2)/
([partial derivative]2=1.80