An assessment of the distribution of public-sector educational investment in Pakistan: 1970-71--1982-83.
Khan, Shahrukh Rafi ; Mahmood, Naushin ; Siddiqui, Rehana 等
Planning documents for the Seventies emphasized the importance of
primary education and the curtailment of the mushrooming growth at the
higher level. Our review suggests that this policy has had only partial
success in implementation. Viewed in the context of educational planning
theory and the evidence available for Pakistan, the policy is found to
be sound. While the benefits of a correct distribution of investment
within the educational sector are self-evident, resource constraints
have been leading to an overall underinvestment in the educational
sector. We show that Pakistan's public-sector education is highly
subsidized and so to supplement the limited resources devoted to it, we
recommend, as a possible solution, a selective application of user
Two important questions pertaining to educational investment are:
"Is the absolute level of investment adequate when gauged by some
specified criteria?" and "Is the existing investment being
sensibly directed?" Both these questions are addressed in this
paper, with more emphasis on the latter, since the answer to the former
may need little effort in establishing. The stated educational policy,
the investment pattern and their change over time are first identified.
Both are then viewed from the vantage point of the main educational
planning tools.
We find that the priority accorded to the educational sector has
been low, especially with regard to primary education, and there is
little reason to believe that in the face of serious resource
constraints this situation will change much.
A suggested alternative is one of having the upper levels of the
educational sector selectively recoup, through user charges, part of the
expenditure it incurs.
Several themes run through the entire educational planning process
in Pakistan. Our concern here will be to identify those that highlight
important changes in priorities between levels of education. A
noticeable change in the educational thinking reflected in recent plan
documents, particularly the Sixth Plan (1983-88) documents, is the
recognition that the base of the educational pyramid needs broadening;
i.e. there is an emphasis on primary education. (2) From 1974 to 1981,
twelve new universities and three new campuses for existing universities
were established. This time span covers the non-Plan period (1970-77) as
well as the Fifth Five-Year Plan. (3) In fact, the Fifth Plan did take
note of the rapid expansion of higher education and stated the intention
to check it and emphasized the primary level instead. (4) The
recognition of the importance of universal literacy and of the major
role of primary education in this regard goes back to the earlier plans.
(5) However, the high degree of determination to bring about this
structural change in educational investment is new.
Primary education has also been recognised as important because it
can be a first step in providing equality of opportunity and a larger
base for drawing talent into higher education. Why, despite this
realization, was there a greater emphasis on the higher level? One
reason is social pressure. Higher education is viewed as prestigious in
itself and also as a means of social betterment. (6) The demand for
regional balance in its provision, a sensitive political issue, made the
proliferation of universities almost inevitable. Two apparently novel
policy features in the Sixth Plan are induction of the private sector
into greater participation in the educational process and utilization of
"user fees" to recover costs. (7) We will discuss the latter
issue in Section IV. In the next section, the picture that emerges from
an analysis of some of the secondary data pertaining to the educational
sector is presented to see the extent to which the planners'
concerns and statements in the last decade are reflected in the numbers.
Several approaches have been adopted in this section to uncover the
educational policy implicit in educational investment. Firstly, the
distribution of educational investment by level is reviewed. Secondly,
the utilization rates across these levels of education are computed
since governmental instruction could be instrumental in the actual
utilizations. Thirdly, based on these utilizations are the actual target
achievement rates and these are reported next. The implicit assumption
in the analysis is that the distribution of expenditure identifies the
priorities; the utilization rates and target achievements can reflect
the realization of these priorities and, therefore, the educational
policy being promoted by conscious direction in the present or the
inertia due to past decisions. The data are available by provincial
disaggregations and therefore the analysis reflects only this level of
detail. (8)
The distribution of actual development expenditure across different
levels of education may be interpreted as reflecting the priorities
given to each level in the education system. (9) This can potentially be
based on certain social or economic criteria. In practice, political
considerations or, as earlier stated, inertia could be behind the set of
numbers reported in Table 1.
These numbers show that a structural change in development
expenditures over the Annual Plan (also known as non-Plan period) and
the Fifth Plan period did take place. Viewing the situation in the
Annual Plan (1972-73-1977-78) period, one can note that the heaviest
emphasis is on secondary education in the Punjab, on technical in Sind,
and on primary in the NWFP. Baluchistan's emphasis was diverse.
Secondary education was also emphasized in the NWFP and Baluchistan.
During the 1978-83 period, the expenditure on primary education and
also, to a lesser extent, on secondary education shows a dramatic rise
in all provinces. In fact, apart from Baluchistan (where secondary
education drew the largest funds), primary education ranked the highest
in the rest of the provinces in terms of expenditure with the secondary
education following it.
In all cases, there has been a fall in expenditure on technical
education. For Sind this fall is so significant that it appears to have
accommodated a rise in all other levels of education, including college
education. College education shows a decline in expenditure in all other
provinces. Finally, in all cases, the percentage of funds devoted to
scholarships shows a marked decline. This would indicate a trend towards
less regard for the equity objective to the extent that scholarships are
earned by bright but poor students. (10)
Since expenditure on universities became a federal responsibility
from the onset of the Fifth Plan period (1978-83), the trend of
expenditure at this level over the two plans could not be shown in Table
1. Hence, in Table 2, we have presented university expenditure as a
percentage of total development expenditure on education for the Fifth
Plan period to examine whether development expenditure on universities
was indeed curtailed.
Table 2 does not help to conclude that university expenditure has
been curtailed since there has been a percentage increase for the Fifth
Plan over the Annual Plan period. Note the Annual Plan average
expenditures of 11.0 percent and 15.3 percent for the two provinces
(Punjab and Sind) which have the largest number of universities.
Utilization is defined as the percentage of allocated expenditure
that was actually used. It can exceed one hundred since funds can be
reallocated after they have been allocated. It is possible to determine,
by examining utilization rates, if any level in any province was being
consistently neglected. Table 3 shows utilization rates over the last
decade to have been fairly high and in general to have improved over the
plan periods in all the provinces. This improvement is most notable for
Also notable are Punjab's relatively low as well as declining
utilization rates at the primary level. Since Punjab is the most
populated province, this finding assumes more weight. Its performance in
secondary education improved marginally, but for teachers'
education this improvement was more impressive. However, in both cases,
its utilization rate remained around 80 percent, which was below 90
percent or more at these levels for the other provinces.
Utilization rates at the university level were only available for
the Annual Plan period. These indicate that expenditures were
consistently higher than allocations, perhaps suggesting that
reallocations were made for this level because of political pressures
after priorities had been determined. This may also be true in general
for high utilization rates in Baluchistan.
Having observed high utilization rates in almost all provinces, it
would be meaningful to see to what extent these high utilization rates
showed up in the achievement of physical targets in educational plans.
For this purpose, a rough comparison of the relative success in target
achievement in all the Five Year Plans was undertaken. The earlier Plans
are included for comparative reasons because it was not possible to
ascertain targets for the Annual Plan period.
Table 4 clearly shows that achievements at higher levels of
education (colleges and universities) have generally exceeded the
targets in all the Plans, including the Fifth Plan. This is reflective
of the vast expansion of institutions of higher education in the past.
It is also consistent with our earlier findings showing an emphasis on
higher education.
There has simultaneously been a shortfall of targets at the primary
and secondary levels in all the plans, including the Fifth Plan, in
terms of both institution availability and enrolment increase. This
could be partly because, in spite of the conscious efforts to meet the
additional demand for primary and secondary school teachers, their
training capacity target achievement dropped to 22 percent in the Fifth
Plan from 78 percent in the Third Plan. However, the targets for the
number of teacher training institutions have been achieved successfully.
Thus staffing, materials, or other bottlenecks resulted in a high degree
of underutilized capacity. Finally, a declining trend is evident in
target achievement for technical education which parallels the declining
expenditure on this level.
It is of course possible and likely that low target achievement may
simply reflect ambitious target-setting rather than low priorities. This
is very likely the case at the school level where the pressure to
achieve universal literacy comparable with that in some other developing
countries may make planners overstate their goals.
The evidence we were able to muster on the successful
implementation of the Fifth Plan policy shows a mixed outcome. While
there is some success in reallocating more investment towards the
primary level, this appears not to be at the expense of university
education. In the next section, the validity of the Fifth Plan policy
and its continuation into the Sixth Plan is appraised.
Three analytical techniques have been used to examine
Pakistan's educational policy. Firstly, resources devoted to the
education sector relative to the other sectors in Pakistan are compared
with similar allocations by other South Asian countries. This therefore
anchors the educational policy itself into a macro-context of resource
allocation. Secondly, existing evidence on private and social rates of
returns to education is used to gauge not only the importance of
allocations to education vis-a-vis other sectors but also the
allocations within the educational sector. Thirdly, existing evidence on
manpower forecasting is mustered to see if it confirms the allocational
prescriptions of the human capital model.
Table 5 presents the overall sectoral allocation to education and
enrolment ratios by level for selected countries in the South Asian
Over the last decade, Pakistan's allocation to education as a
percentage of the GNP increased slightly. However, at 2 percent of the
GNP in 1980, it was still only one-half of the amount prescribed by
UNESCO as the minimum acceptable [23]. In both 1970 and 1980, government
expenditure on education in Pakistan, as a percentage of total
government expenditure, ranked last among the South Asian countries.
Clearly, priority to education has been low.
Low enrolment rate achievement is among the consequences of low
expenditure on education. This can also be observed from the evidence
presented in Table 5. For primary education, Pakistan's ranking
declined from fourth in 1970 to fifth in 1980 for both sexes. Its
position at the secondary level remained unchanged at fourth all around
but for higher education its enrolment attainment declined from second
to fifth for males and from first to third for females. The decline in
higher education would not have been disturbing in itself, had there
been a corresponding show of strength at the school level. To see why
this is so, we turn to the evidence for Pakistan with regard to the
various tools of educational planning theory.
Low priority to education may be justified if it can be shown that
the social returns to education are much lower than those for the other
sectors that draw larger allocations. (11) Evidence on rates of returns
to education is conflicting. Thus on this basis little can definitively
be said about education's place in sectoral allocations until
findings of more research are in. (12) More can be said on this basis
about allocations within the educational sector by juxtaposing private
and social rates of returns for the different educational levels. So
far, only Hamdani [5] has calculated both private and social rates of
returns for Pakistan. These are reported in Table 6.
The estimates show that while the private rate of return for the
primary level is lower than that for university education, the reverse
is the case when comparing social rates of return. The ranking of the
primary level switches from second to first while that for university
education switches from first to last. The main reason for this ranking
reversal is the much greater per unit subsidy to university education.
The message for educational investment was for a greater emphasis on the
primary level and a lower emphasis on the university level. Given that
the subsidy structure for the educational sector has not changed (see
Section IV), this message most. probably is still valid. (13)
A confirmation of this prescription may be obtained from the often
complementary technique of educational planning, i.e. manpower
forecasting. Cohen [3] has developed a labour force matrix (LFM) with
several uses. One of these is to provide a "check tool for manpower
planning in the medium run" [3, p. 4]. The idea is to simulate on
the basis of the Sixth Five Year Plan targets and thereby generate a
target LFM for 1988. This is then compared with a simple projection of
past LFM to the year 1988 [3, p. 8]. Cohen found that the Plan was a
continuation of past structural trends in that the manpower imbalances
resulting from the two simulations were very close [3, p. 11]. The
labour force imbalances by level of education derived from these
simulations are reported in Table 7.
Cohen infers from these findings that the "labour market for
lower skills and educational levels will continue to be tighter than for
upper skills and educational levels" [3, p. 11]. Thus the manpower
planning analysis for Pakistan does point in the same direction as the
findings from the human capital model.
A study by the Manpower Division [11] uses a similar framework for
estimating manpower imbalances for the terminal year of the Sixth Plan.
Although the educational categorization is more aggregate, essentially
the same message for policy can be derived. The findings show that there
will be a 3.1-percent surplus for those who have attained primary, but
less than the matriculation, level and an 8 A-percent surplus for those
who have earned a degree or more by 1988. (14)
In the beginning of this section we argued that Pakistan was
devoting too meagre resources to education. Given that, we attempted to
determine whether these limited resources were being expended in a way
consistent with the prescriptions of educational planning techniques and
we found that a reallocation towards the primary level may be more
optimal. In the next section we pick up the thread of the limited
resources being allocated to education and see if the educational system
itself can be relied upon to generate more resources through a system of
user charges. Furthermore, we consider how such a tax may be distributed
across the different levels of education.
The two main investments for achieving a more optimal distribution
of educational investment are discriminative public allocations and
discriminative user charges. In appraising user charges it is worth
noting that our calculations show that the recuperation of public
expenditure on education through user charges is very negligible in
Pakistan. Education is primarily a matter of public subsidy. (15) The
next step is to decide what level to set user charges at. One would need
also to infer what the social and political implications of this tax
would be. One possibility is to set them to recover the recurring expenditure. At the school level, this would provide answer to one
problem that has been identified by educational administrators. This is
that the capacity of the educational system has been constrained by an
inadequate provision of recurring expenditure (a provincial
responsibility) to match the federally assisted development expenditure.
(16) Similarly, at the higher level, the lack of essential supplies and
materials for research and teaching can constrain the optimum
utilization of the capital infrastructure.
If all recurring expenditure was to be recovered through user
charges, the average monthly fee at the primary level would be Rs 20, at
the secondary level Rs 33 and at the higher level Rs 415. (17) These
charges represent a quantum jump according to the average receipt
structure currently in effect. The numbers are merely illustrative and
would need to be varied by province, region or level within higher
Although it has been argued that the poor would disproportionately benefit from the wider access and quality improvements that user charges
may bring about, this would be true if the fees, to begin with, were not
prohibitive. (18) There is some evidence that this may be the case in
rural areas. (19) Thus using a social criterion, one would want to
exempt rural primary and secondary schooling from fees. In fact, given
the higher social returns at the primary level and the considerably
lower manpower imbalance (if not scarcity) up to the lower secondary
level, all schooling up to the middle level could be exempted from user
At the higher level, the estimated monthly rate would be nominal
for the wealthy, pinch middle income earners and be prohibitive for
those from poor family backgrounds. The usual answer is that
scholarships could be provided to poor but deserving students. Such
recommendations, without taking the political reality of a country into
account, are of course meaningless. It is quite likely that user charges
would be politically unpopular across all income strata. The poor would
fear, probably with justification, that the scholarships would be
appropriated by those with influence while the more prosperous would be
unhappy at the new tax, since no tax pleases.
Using the government unit-cost estimates for only recurring
expenditure, it is apparent that over 30 primary level seats can be
created by eliminating one seat at the higher level. (20) Using the same
data source and a method recently devised by Mingat and Tan [7, pp.
300-302], we calculated that higher education drew 38 percent of the
total educational resources while its total enrolment ratio was only 2
percent, whereas primary education, with a total enrolment ratio of 57
percent, only drew 34 percent of the total educational resources. (21)
Such figures, as well as our earlier analysis, suggest that the
government may need to face up to policies that they would otherwise
rule out on a political criteria if the overall educational policy is to
be given the right thrust. (22)
During the Seventies, educational planners had been emphasizing the
importance of the primary level of education and the need to curtail the
rampant growth of higher education. This thinking is also reflected in
the recent planning documents that pertain to most of the Eighties.
Using several indicators, we did ascertain that at least a part of this
policy is being realized.
The distribution of educational investment does show a greater
emphasis on the primary level. However, two qualifications are in order.
Firstly, the target achievement rate for the primary level was not as
high as at the other levels. Secondly, utilization rates for the Punjab,
the most populated province, were the lowest at this level. University
education, which was slated to be curtailed, still showed an increase in
its percentage share of investment although that at the college level
did decline. However, for the higher level, utilizations were very high,
often greater than initial allocations, and the target achievement rates
were also generally the highest.
Implementing a particular policy is good if the basic policy itself
is appropriate. Enough empirical evidence, using the various techniques
of educational planning, is not yet available for confident judgement.
Tentatively, one may assert that the evidence for Pakistan does endorse
the increased emphasis on primary education and the reduced emphasis at
the higher level.
The higher level of education had the highest private rates of
return for the Seventies. However, high private returns can result from
a large subsidy to this level of education, thereby showing a much lower
social rate of return. Our findings show that for Pakistan this is
indeed the case at the university level. The inevitable consequence is
an excess future supply of personnel with higher education and in fact
this is suggested to be likely by manpower imbalance forecasts for
We found that very little of public sector educational investment
is recovered, so that practically all of it represents a subsidy. We
recommend a restructuring of the educational subsidy towards an
increased emphasis on school education, particularly primary education,
and a reduced emphasis on higher education, particularly university
education. One method of doing this would be to selectively apply user
charges at the higher level, exercising extreme caution so as not to let
this exclude deserving individuals from poorer backgrounds.
[1.] Benson, C. S. Financing of Education: Training and Related
Services in the Public Sector. Karachi: Planning Commission. 1970.
[2.] Blaug, M., R. Layard and M. Woodhall. The Causes of Graduate
Unemployment in India. London: Penguin. 1969.
[3.] Cohen, S. I. The Labour Force Matrix of Pakistan: Selected
Applications. Paper presented at the Second Annual General Meeting of
the Pakistan Society of Development Economists. Islamabad: May 12-14,
[4.] Ghafoor, A. "The Effects of New Trends in Educational
Financing on the Plan Objectives: Equity, Quality and Efficiency: A Case
Study of Pakistan". Islamabad: Planning and Development Division.
January 1982. (Mimeographed)
[5.] Hamdani, K. A. "Education and the Income Differential: An
Estimation for Rawalpindi City". Pakistan Development Review. Vol.
XVI, No. 2. Summer 1977. pp. 144-164.
[6.] Khan, S. R. and M. Irfan. Family Background and other
Determinants of Earnings, and Rates of Returns to Education in Pakistan.
Paper presented at the Second Annual General Meeting of the Pakistan
Society of Development Economists. Islamabad: May 12-14, 1985.
[7.] Mingat, A. and J. Tan. "On Equity in Education Again: An
International Comparison". Journal of Human Resources. Vol. XX, No.
2. Spring 1985.
[8.] Mujumdar, T. Investment in Education and Social Choice.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.
[9.] N.W.F.P. Planning and Development Department. Annual
Development Programme. Vol. IV. 1974/75.
[10.] Pakistan. Finance Division. Economic Adviser's Wing.
Pakistan Economic Survey 1982-83. Islamabad.
[11.] Pakistan. Manpower Division. A Study of the Occupational and
Educational Manpower Requirements and Supply of the Sixth Five Year
Plan, 1983-88. Islamabad. 1984.
[12.] Pakistan. Ministry of Education. Statistical Section. Budget
Estimates of Expenditure on Education in the Central and Provincial
Governments. Islamabad. (Mimeo. For the Years 1970-71 to 1982-83)
[13.] Pakistan. Planning Commission. Annual Plans. Islamabad. (For
the years from 1974-75 to 1982-83)
[14.] Pakistan. Planning Commission. Annual Development Programme:
1974-75. Islamabad. July 1974.
[15.] Pakistan. Planning Commission. The Fifth Five Year Plan:
1978-83. (Part II). Islamabad. June 1978.
[16.] Pakistan. Planning Commission. The Fourth Five Year Plan:
1970-75. Islamabad. July 1970.
[17.] Pakistan. Planning Commission. The Sixth Five Year Plan:
1983-88. Islamabad. May 1983.
[18.] Pakistan. Planning Commission. The Second Five Year Plan:
1960-65. Karachi. June 1960.
[19.] Pakistan. Planning Commission. The Third Five Year Plan:
1965-70. Karachi. June 1965.
[20.] Qamar, K. M., and R. Khan. "Causes of Drop-out at
Secondary Stage in Tehsil Sargodha". M. A. Thesis, Institute of
Educational and Research, Punjab University, Lahore 1976.
[21.] Saqib, S. A., and S. M. Asi. "The Causes of Drop-out in
Secondary Schools in the Punjab". M.A. Thesis. Institute of
Education and Research, Punjab University. Lahore 1978.
[22.] Thobani, M. "Charging User Fees for Social Services: The
Case of Education in Malawi". Washington, D.C.: World Bank Staff
Working Paper No. 572. April 1983.
[23.] UNESCO. Bulletin of the Regional Office for Education in Asia
and Oceania. No. 2. Bangkok. June 1979.
[24.] UNESCO. Statistical Year Book. New York. 1982.
[25.] World Bank. Education; Sector Policy Paper. (Third Edition).
Washington, D.C.: April 1980.
(1) Although we rely on the Five Year Plans to identify the stated
educational policy, these plans themselves were often based on the
outcome of other activity related to educational planning. These include
the First Educational Conference (1947), Commission on National
Education (1959), the Commission on Students' Problems and Welfare
(1966), Proposals for the National Education Policy 1972-80, (1972), and
the National Education Policy and Implementation Programme (1979). The
Action Plan developed by the Federal Ministry of Education (1984) is the
latest in these series of policy documents.
(2) See the Sixth Plan [17 p. 338].
(3) The Fourth Plan allocation was made for East and West Pakistan
combined, and it was therefore scrapped. Until 1978, Annual Plans and
Annual Development Plans were utilized by planners.
(4) See the Fifth Plan [15, Chapter 20, pp. 5 -8].
(5) See for example the Third Plan [19, p. 187] and The Fourth Plan
[16, p. 146].
(6) Mark Blaug et al. [2, pp. 54-55] explain the mushrooming social
demand for higher education in terms of a dynamic surplus model. As jobs
relating to one educational level become hard to find owing to surplus
at that level, students seek a competitive educational edge by acquiring
a higher level of education. Thus, there is an inflation in educational
demand for higher and higher levels. They also posit that since the
parents of students seeking higher education are politically powerful
and its clients politically turbulent, it has been difficult to redirect expenditure away from the higher to other levels.
(7) For the policy issues in the Sixth Plan, see [17, p. 357]. For
the earlier mention of these proposals, see the Second Plan [18, p. 341]
and the Fourth Plan [16, p. 151].
(8) The unprocessed data and a description of the sources will be
made available by the senior author on request.
(9) Development expenditure includes mainly construction costs for
new buildings or improvement of existing facilities (e.g. classrooms,
workshops, libraries, teachers' accommodations). This is
distinguished from non-development or recurring expenditure which
provides for teachers' salaries and supplies.
(10) Approximately only 30 percent of scholarships are supposedly
earmarked specifically for deserving students from poor families. The
rest are disbursed solely on a merit basis (source prohibits quotation).
In addition, about 75 percent of the expenditure on scholarships
benefits students in institutions of higher learning [1; 25, p. 178].
(11) The large margin is emphasized because it is well known that
many of the social benefits from education are not quantifiable. This is
much less the case for the seven sectors for which development
expenditure during the Fifth Plan was much larger than for education.
See Pakistan [10, pp. 208].
(12) See Khan and Irfan [6, pp. 10-16] for a review of earlier
evidence and updated estimates.
(13) There are qualifications, though. Education is a stepping
stone for both further training and career opportunities abroad. No
allowance has been made for the social returns through either
remittances or the social contribution of more highly trained personnel.
This may well raise the social returns at the high level by a greater
(14) See [11, Table 23 in conjunction with Table 16].
(15) Expressing subsidy as percentage of unit costs gives values of
over 90 percent for all levels of education.
(16) See Ghafoor [4, p. 42].
(17) These estimates are based on the unit costs of education
reported in Table 7.
(18) See, for example, Thobani [22, p. 17], who establishes an
economic criterion for implementing user charges.
(19) Various studies point to poverty as the major cause of school
drop-outs in rural areas. See, for example, Qamar and Khan [20, pp.
13-25] and Saqib and Asi [21, pp. 13-25]. The implicit urban to rural
transfer of resources would be justified, as currently the educational
infrastructure in the urban areas is far more developed.
(20) [10, p. 181].
(21) This method entails multiplying the total enrolment at each
level (using as much disaggregation within levels as data permit) by the
unit public cost per student at that level and then dividing individual
products by the sum of the products to get the proportion of resources
drawn by each level.
(22) It should be mentioned here that the 5-percent iqra
(education) cess on all imports announced in the 1985-86 budget (for
1984-85 imports this would have amounted to Rs 5 billion which is more
than the amount budgeted for the education sector) could well postpone the making of some difficult choices. However, given the immense gap in
Pakistan's current standing in education vis-a-vis the desired
targets stated in planning documents, selectively raising more resources
from within the educational sector is still a feasible policy.
authors are, respectively, Research Economist, Research Demographer and
Staff Economist at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,
Table 1
Average Percentage Distribution of Development Expenditure on Education
Punjab Sind
Categories 1972-73 1977-78 1972-73 1977-78
to 77-78 to 82-83 to 77-78 to 82-83
Primary a 13.2 29.3 10.5 30.3
b (8.9) (14.0) (8.9) (9.8)
Secondary a 21.0 24.7 11.3 21.7
b (7.1) (11.2) (6.5) (5.5)
Teachers a 6.8 4.8 1.7 7.3
b (1.6) (3.2) (2.2) (5.6)
Technical a 14.8 11.8 32.3 14.2
b (5.1) (5.0) (8.7) (10.9)
College a 9.8 8.0 12.0 14.8
b (2.6) (3.0) (6.0) (3.9)
University a 11.0 -- 15.3 --
b (3.3) -- (5.6) --
Scholarships ab 15.3 8.8 9.7 43.0
NWFP Baluchistan
Categories 1972-73 1977-78 1972-73 1977-78
to 77-78 to 82-83 to 77-78 to 82-83
Primary a 22.2 46.5 10.5 19.7
b (12.0) (4.4) (9.2) (7.2)
Secondary a 17.8 23.8 25.0 29.7
b (7.2) (6.8) (31.0) (10.3)
Teachers a 2.0 3.7 7.8 13.5
b (0.9) (1.5) (2.4) (8.6)
Technical a 8.7 6.5 3.8 3.5
b (2.7) (1.6) (7.5) (4.6)
College a 17.5 10.7 23.0 15.0
b (4.9) (3.3) (13.6) (7.3)
University a 16.5 -- 27.2 --
b (6.1) _ (26.9) --
Scholarships ab 6.7 4.2 0.5 0
Sources: [9;13;14].
Notes: (1.) Columns do not add to one hundred because the miscellaneous
category has been left out.
(2.) The distribution of total expenditure for countries at an
equivalent level of development between primary, secondary and high
levels was 55.5 percent, 29.1 percent and 15.4 percent respectively
in 1975. See World Bank [25, pp 122-123].
= --Data not available.
a = Average for the period.
b = Standard deviation.
Table 2
University Expenditure as a Percentage of Total
Development Expenditure on Education
Total Development University Expenditure
University Expenditure on as % of Total Develop-
Expenditure Education ment Expenditure
Years (Million Rupees) (Million Rupees) on Education
1978-79 35.8 262.9 13.6
1979-80 78.2 282.6 27.7
1980-81 161.8 973.6 16.6
1981-82 245.3 1286.4 19.1
1982-83 280.6 1551.2 18.5
Source: [13]
Table 3
Mean Utilization Rate of Provincial Development Expenditure by Level
of Education
Punjab Sind
1972-73 1977-78 1972-73 1977-78
to 77-78 to 82-83 to 77-78 to 82-83
Primary a 81.0 78.2 96.5 98.7
b (69.2) (46.0) (123.5) (52.2)
Secondary a 84.0 84.7 71.7 91.2
b (23.4) (17.6) (47.4) (6.0)
Teachers a 80.7 85.8 49.8 90.5
b (22.9) (21.9) (40.6) (34.9)
Technical a 82.7 112.2 82.3 93.5
b (33.3) (46.0) (29.9) (11.7)
College a 77.8 106.3 92.5 97.8
b (74.6) (16.4) (29.0) (27.9)
University a 137.0 -- 111.2 --
b (74.6) -- (56.7) --
Scholarships a 95.3 98.0 92.7 101.8
b (11.4) (3.2) (9.9) (3.2)
NWFP Baluchistan
1972-73 1977-78 1972-73 1977-78
to 77-78 to 82-83 to 77-78 to 82-83
Primary a 90.0 106.5 66.3 97.5
b (23.3) (16.8) (61.6) (4.8)
Secondary a 75.5 94.7 77.2 98.5
b (32.0) (143.0) (63.5) (17.2)
Teachers a 102.0 91.2 83.8 189.5
b (14.2) (17.8) (29.7) (158.5)
Technical a 123.0 118.3 158.5 93.7
b (49.1) (42.9) (333.3) (97.0)
College a 81.7 97.5 72.2 147.5
b (23.4) (15.4) (17.8) (97.0)
University a 113.8 -- 422.4 * --
b (45.1) -- (525)
Scholarships a 80.2 92.5 0 0
b (39.8) (35.7) 0 0
Sources: For expenditures, see Pakistan [9; 13; 14]; or allocations,
see [12].
-- = Data not available.
a = Mean
b = Standard deviation.
* on the of Baluchistan.= The high standard deviation in this case
reflects the large expenditure University
Table 4
Average Percentage Achievement of Physical Targets by Level
of Education in Five-Year Plans of Pakistan
Level of First Plan Second Plan Third Plan Fifth Plan
Education (1955-60) (1960-65) (1965-70) (1978-83)
Primary 76 60 96 70 42 53 83 50
Secondary 87 81 50 87 72 57 58 67
Teacher Training -- -- 112 124 * 62 78 * 98 22 *
Technical -- -- 85 153 80 95 80 90
College -- -- 137 -- 104 -- 111 101
University -- -- 100 -- 120 -- 100 77
Sources: Five-Year Plans [15; 16; 17; 18; 19].
Note: The numbers in the table are arrived at by dividing actual
achievements of institutions and enrolments by those targeted in
specific plan periods.
I = Institutions
E = Enrolment Increase]
* The training capacity of teacher training institutions.
Table 5
Public Expenditure and Enrolment Ratios by Level for Education in
South Asia: 1970 and 1980
Enrolment Ratios
Primary Education Secondary Education
Country Total Female Total Female
1970 1980 1970 1980 1970 1980 1970 1980
Afghanistan 28 30 8 10 7 10 2 3
Bangladesh 52 63 34 48 19 15 8 7
India 73 70 56 61 26 28 15 18
Nepal 26 91 8 53 10 21 3 9
Sri Lanka 99 100 94 97 47 51 48 52
Pakistan 40 57 22 30 13 15 5 8
Pub. Exp. on Education
Enrolment Ratios
As % of As % of total
Higher Education GNP Govt. Expen.
Country Total Female Total Female
1970 1980 1970 1980 1970 1980 1970 1980
Afghanistan 0.7 1.7 0.2 0.5 1.1 2.7 -- 12.7
Bangladesh 2.1 3.0 0.4 0.9 1.1 1.5 3.6 7.0
India 8.1 8.8 -- 4.5 2.8 13.2 10.7 11.6
Nepal 2.3 3.2 -- -- 0.6 1.8 6.7 8.3
Sri Lanka 1.2 2.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 2.2 13.6 5.9
Pakistan 2.3 2.0 1.0 1.1 1.7 2.0 4.2 4.6
Source: UNESCO [24, Tables 2.1, 4.1, 5.1]. See source also for
explanations about making data consistent for comparisons.
Table 6
The Returns to Education by Level for Rawalpindi City: 1975
Private Social
Incomplete Primary 7 5
Primary 20 13
Secondary 11 9
College 14 10
University 27 8
Source: Hamdani [5, p. 156].
Table 7
Plan Simulations of Imbalances by Education for 1988
Unemployment National Imbalance
Education (in thousands) (percentage)
Below Primary 618 2.75
Primary -72 -2.22
Middle Secondary 69 2.96
High Secondary 217 10.48
Intermediate 92 14.56
Degree 52 12.41
Post Graduate 24 12.50