Migration and development in Pakistan: some selected issues.
Irfan, Mohammad
Economic progress entails various shifts in resource allocations. A
progressive redeployment of factors of production from the
primary-goods-producing sector to secondary and tertiary sectors is
regarded as a vital concomitant of economic transformation. This
inter-sectoral transfer of resources, both human and capital, very often
involves geographic transfer because of imbalances which manifest
themselves as shortages or surpluses. Viewed in this context, migration
performs a useful role by transferring excess labour from the
agricultural (rural) to the modern industrial sector in urban areas. In
fact, a vast amount of literature, under the rubric of the 'Labour
Surplus' models, has evolved, especially during the 1950s, in which
migration is seen as an equilibrating and growth-promoting mechanism
leading to reductions in wage differentials, equitable income
distribution and elimination of surpluses and shortages. Evidence
accumulated during the 1960s and 1970s has also shown that migration
could lead to worsening geographic and socio-economic inequalities. This
has led quite a few scholars to characterize migration as a
disequilibrating rather than an equilibrating mechanism. Not only are
the theoretical possibilities varied, but the empirical evidence is also
mixed and inconclusive.
There is, however, a continuing interaction between migration and
economic growth. Whilst the resource base and economic development, in
conjunction with population growth of an area, influence human mobility,
the latter, in turn, tends to affect the pace and character of
development and fertility. The conditions which generate migration flows
are altered by the very process of labour mobility.
The effects and consequences of human mobility on the society and
the economy depend mostly on flows such as human resources and income,
and the adjustment of the supplying and receiving areas necessitated by
these flows. Thus the size, composition and sectoral or regional
patterns of human-resource flows influence labour market structure and
productivity levels, and may induce technological changes. Income and
capital flows through remittances bear upon consumption and investment
behaviours and income distribution, besides other aspects such as
labour-leisure choice and investment in human capital. Admittedly, the
totality of the effects of migration, can hardly be encompassed by a
single exercise. The problem is further compounded by the lack of a
proper data-set. Utilizing various sources of cross-sectional data, some
of the interrelationships between migration and development,
particularly the effects on the labour-exporting rural areas of
Pakistan, are discussed below.
A precise estimate of the level of mobility is precluded by the
lack of a proper data-set. Varying definitions, inadequate sampling
procedures and other problems faced in this context are discussed
elsewhere [6]. Given these limitations, the available data yield a range
of estimates. Around 7-10 percent of the population has changed
residence during the 1970s.
Interestingly, the incidence of migration is higher among females
than among males. Women's higher propensity to migrate is mostly
attributable to patrilocal marriage customs wherein a significant
proportion of female migration for marriage, particularly in the case of
rural areas, is observed. According to the Population, Labour Force and
Migration Survey of 1979 (hereafter referred to as PLM Survey), the
share of migrants in the total female population falls from 11.8 percent
to 4.8 percent when migration for marriage is excluded.
Mobility in Pakistan is predominantly local or involves short
distances only. According to the data from the PLM Survey, 42 percent of
the migrants moved within districts, while 39 percent changed their
district but remained within the same province. Only 19 percent of the
internal migrants crossed provincial boundaries. Around two-fifths of
the migration flow is between rural areas, while less than one-third
(29.8%) of the flow is from rural to urban areas. The remainder of the
volume of internal migration is equally shared by inter-city and
urban-to-rural migrants. Although a larger fraction of migrants opt for
rural areas as their destination, the net migration flow to urban areas
is quite significant. According to the 1981 Population Census, net
migration to urban areas during the 1972-81 period involved as many as
2.5 million persons which accounts for 15 percent of the urban
population in 1972.
The varying definitions of mobility used by different surveys do
not permit a conclusive inference regarding intertemporal changes in the
level of mobility. A comparison of the two labour force surveys
conducted during the 1970s--the PLM Survey of 1979 and the Government of
Pakistan's Housing, Economic and Demographic (HED) Survey of
1973--does suggest a rise in the level of internal migration, although
this result does not seem to emerge from a comparison of the 1981
Population Census (10% count) with the HED Survey of 1973. The PLM
survey indicates that internal migration in Pakistan is increasingly
becoming a long-distance and rural-to-urban affair.
Not only the size of the flow but the characteristics of those who
dominate the migration flow are inextricably related with the
consequences of human mobility for both the supplying and receiving
areas. Migrants are generally regarded to be younger and better
educated. In the Pakistani context, the coincidence of the timing of
marriage and entry into the labour market in individuals' life
cycles generates a peak for the 15-24 age group in the age-mobility
When female migration is excluded, which presumably does not alter
the regional population distribution significantly, the age-mobility
relationship differs for migrants from rural and urban areas. In the
case of migrants from rural areas, this relationship is in the shape of
an inverted U, wherein the peak occurs at the age group of 15-24 years.
Nearly 16 percent of this age group from the rural areas migrated during
the 1972-79 years. In the case of urban areas, this group is still the
most mobile. The differentials between various age groups are not as
sharp as in the case of rural migrants. The spatial pattern of the flow
appears interesting. Whilst two-thirds of those belonging to the 15-24
year age bracket migrated from rural areas to urban areas, only
one-fourth of this group from urban areas left for rural areas. In the
case of urban-to-rural migrants, it is the age group of 60+ years which
exhibited the highest propensity to move. It must be noted that
return-migrants are excluded from these calculations, whose
incorporation would have resulted in a very high fraction of aged movers
landing in rural areas (Table 1 A).
A positive association between education and the propensity to
migrate is obtained (Table 1B). In terms of origin, the propensity to
move exhibited by the higher educational group was higher (33%) in rural
areas than in urban areas (10%). An overwhelming majority (83%) of this
group from rural areas moved to urban centres, while most of the urban
migrants (80%) of the same educational background chose another urban
centre as destination. The propensity to move to urban areas declines
with lower levels of education. In the case of illiterates, only 5
percent from rural areas moved, with the majority of them ending up in
other rural areas. By contrast, 4 percent of the illiterates from urban
areas changed their residence during the period under reference and more
than half of these migrants from urban areas ended up in urban areas.
This pattern of human-capital flow--the young and the better educated to
urban centres and the illiterates to rural areas--has been noted by
various researchers in different settings too [13 for Tanzania; 4 for
the Philippines].
Contrary to the salutary effects of the labour exodus on the
productivity levels in agriculture and in the supplying regions implicit
in the dualistic models, through decline in the labour/land ratio and
technological change induced by migration as well as remittances, the
non-homogeneous labour outflow, wherein a disproportionate exodus of
workers with "positive characteristics" occurs, may have
adverse repercussions on the supplying areas. Indeed, this migration
selectivity served as a basis for Myrdal's characterization of
rural-urban migration as a disequilibrating process [10]. Similarly, in
a study on U.S. agriculture, Hathaway [5] observed that out-migration of
young workers led to a higher average age of workers in the family,
resulting in lower productivity. That the out-migration of the
able-bodied had an unfavourable impact on productivity and income in the
supplying areas was also a finding of other studies as well [3; 11].
There is hardly any evidence on the effects of out-migration and
the attendant qualitative change in the labour mix on the productivity
levels in agriculture or in the rural areas in Pakistan. That the
prime-aged and better-educated males have a higher level of earnings
than their counterparts is borne out by the earning functions fitted to
Pakistan's data on urban and rural areas. More specifically, in a
regression framework the per acre income, as reported by PLM survey, is
found to be significantly affected by per acre working males (see
Appendix Table No. 1). The coefficient of males per unit of land is
thrice that of females and six times that of children (10-14 years) per
unit of land. This is clearly suggestive of the fact that prime-aged
males, who are generally syphoned off by migration, are more productive
than those left behind. In addition, the above finding runs counter to
the perception that the marginal product of male workers in agriculture
is zero or near zero.
Estimation of remittances on regional or national level is a
formidable task. The data may suffer from reporting errors in addition
to being unrepresentative. The problems are more relevant for
remittances generated through internal migration than for remittances
from abroad. Given these limitations of data, the remittances estimated
due to internal migration, on the basis of the PLM survey, amounted to 3
billion rupees (1) in 1978. Net flow of remittances by rural/urban area
and provinces provided in Table 2 is suggestive of the fact that more
than half of the amount so generated represents a net flow from urban
areas to rural areas, wherein rural areas receive 71 percent and remit
18 percent of the gross remittances. Urban areas of all the provinces
emerge as net suppliers with the major contributors being the urban
areas of Punjab and Sind. Except in Sind, rural areas in three provinces
are net recipients, with three-fourths of the net flow being to rural
Punjab followed by rural areas of the NWFP. In the context of the
provincial accounting framework, Sind contributes more than nine-tenths
of the interprovincial net flow of remittances (see Table 3).
Remittances, on the average, account for 35 percent of the earnings
of the migrants. This represents a higher percentage than reported for
Africa by Amin and Rampel. It must be noted that average remittances are
substantially less than the earnings of non-migrants of comparable skill
and education in the supplying areas. The cost associated with the
reaping of this potential for income growth of labour supplying regions
or provinces, through provision of jobs for those who migrated, has to
be reckoned with to determine whether the inter-regional relationship is
parasitic or symbiotic.
The rate of return, realized through remittances, to the investment
embodied in the rural out-migrant can be estimated. According to the PLM
survey, the mean age of out-migrants at the time of migration is 22.07
years. The cost of rearing to this age can be roughly estimated by
making an assumption that, on the average, the rural family of the
out-migrant was just at the poverty line. In terms of the 1979 prices,
this would imply a food expenditure of Rs 65 or income of Rs 118 per
adult equivalent, which permits this food expenditure in addition to
other necessary expenditures. Assuming a 10-percent per annum opportunity cost of the money spent on the out-migrant and using the
adult equivalence nutritional scales for different years of life, the
value of investment embodied in the 1979 prices at the end of the 22nd
year of life amounts to Rs 86,000. If one confines the exercise to food
expenditure only, it amounts to Rs 48,000. According to the PLM Survey,
on the average, a rural out-migrant remits Rs 3,200 per year. The
returns realized by the family through its remitting son works out to be
3.7 percent for all expenses and 6.7 percent for food expenditure only.
In this context, it would be instructive to have some idea about the
rural-to-urban resource flow through out-migration. A rough exercise
presented in Appendix Table 2 indicates that rural areas do transfer
substantial resources to urban areas.
Migration may lead to an improvement in income distribution because
labour exodus may generate tight labour-market conditions in supplying
areas, resulting in increased wages of rural workers. This tendency may
be reinforced by the remittances if the poorer households receive more
than the richer ones. Contrary to these expectations the migrant stream
can be so structured as to worsen the overall distribution [8].
It is argued, for instance, that it would be tantamount to
committing an 'ecological fallacy' to suggest that poor
villagers are the likeliest to migrate. Evidence from a survey of
villages in Mymensingh (Bangladesh) and in the Indian Punjab has
indicated that households with large farm-sizes have more out-migrants
than those with smaller farms [1]. Similarly, Peek and Antolinez [12]
found a U-shaped relationship between farm size and out-migration from
the household. Thus, households with the largest and smallest farms
exhibited higher propensities to move.
Evidence on Pakistan tends to replicate the above findings.
According to the PLM Survey findings, a higher level of out-migration is
recorded for owner-operators, followed by share-croppers, while landless labour ranks the lowest. Whilst out-migration as a fraction of the
population aged 10 years and above shows a gradual and marginal decline
across these tenurial groups, there is much more variation in
participation in the Middle East labour market. The corresponding
percentages for share-croppers and landless labour are 10 percent and 4
percent respectively. Out-migration from a household tends to bear an
inverse relationship with the farm size in the case of owner-operators.
For sharecroppers, the highest percentage of out-migration is reported
for households farming 12.5-25 acres. There are corresponding variations
in the contribution of remittances to household income, the lowest being
for landless labour (4%).
The Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) does not report
remittances separately, which makes it difficult to assess their impact
on income distribution. Under the assumption that 90 percent of the
income reported under unspecified or other sources constitutes
remittances both from abroad and from within, the income distribution
with and without remittances is worked out (Table 4). It should be borne
in mind that remittances are subtracted from the regional incomes but
not added to the incomes of contributing regions. This procedure simply
yields inferences regarding the distributional implications of the
remittances received. Admittedly it is a crude procedure. However, as
shown by Table 4, Gini Indices without remittances, in majority of the
cases, reflect an improvement in income distribution. This is reflective
of the fact that remittances have led to a concentration of income. For
reasons relating to adequacy of data and the sampling procedure of the
HIES, however, much needs to be exercised in interpreting these
Irrespective of the distributional implications, the remittances
are mostly consumed by the recipient households. Evidence on use of
remittances from the Middle East suggests that an overwhelming
proportion is straightaway spent on consumption. Consistent with this
evidence, the marginal propensity to consume out of remittances is 0.86
for Pakistan. Consumption liberalization rather than addition to
productive capacity has been the effect of remittances on the receiving
The hypothesis that migration induces technological change by
creating labour shortage, which is further spurred by remittances which
remove financial constraints [14], can hardly be substantiated with
Pakistani data. The areas known for out-migration such as barani (i.e.
rainfed) districts of northern Punjab, and the NWFP, except the
districts of Peshawar and Mardan, hardly present scenes of areas with an
above-average level of technology.
Migration and Fertility
Very often an unfavourable labour/land ratio or increasing
population pressure has been identified as a major factor responsible
for rural out-migration. How far this migratory process tends to rectify
these imbalances can be partly assessed from the impact of migration on
fertility of the supplying areas. The presumption that urban areas have
lower fertility rates than rural areas is at the back of the view that
rural-urban migration will lead to a decline in fertility. This
phenomenon derives its explanation from the so-called adoption of lower
family-size norms by rural migrants because of changes in the cultural
milieu and income-wage configuration. Besides, mobility may disrupt the
child-bearing process, either because of separation of the spouses or
because of unsettled conditions during the early periods of migration.
Lower fertility of rural out-migrants in comparison with rural
non-migrant is also associated with the selectivity of migration, the
contention being that migrants differ substantially from non-migrants in
various characteristics like age and education, resulting in different
fertility levels irrespective of spatial mobility. In addition, the
exodus of a working hand from the family may lead to increased role of
children as workers, which may influence reproductive behaviour.
Furthermore, if an out-migrant is a husband and his wife is left behind,
the effect on fertility through separation will be negative.
In order to assess the effects of migration on fertility, the data
needs are not fully met by any cross-sectional data, such as those
provided by the PLM Survey. Some of the multivariate regressions for
urban married females suggest a negative relationship between children
ever born and premarital residence in rural areas. This disruptive
effect is not only marginally significant but also specific to parity
and age of the female.
Out-migration from the household is generally negatively associated
but is significant only in the regression equations of younger and
middle-aged cohorts in rural areas. For high-parity females in rural
areas, the coefficient for out-migrant switches the sign and is
significant. The bivariate relationship is provided in Table 5. The
precise nature of interaction between out-migration and fertility is
complex but the results reveal that at lower parity its negative effect
stems from the prolonged separation of the spouses. The positive
influence of out-migration for old-age (30-50 years) females finds its
explanation in the increased value of children due to labour exodus. It
can also be explained in terms of higher dependency-load resulting in
job hunting.
The enhanced value of children leading to higher fertility norms is
also borne out by provincial data. Females in the NWFP, a province with
higher incidence of migration, have higher fertility than those in the
Punjab or Sind. Admittedly, drawing an inference about the complicated
interaction between migration and fertility from cross-sectional data is
hazardous. The provincial fertility differentials in rural areas of
Pakistan, however, emphasize to the importance of understanding the
migration-fertility nexus.
Admittedly, in the presence of the opportunities and constraints
engendered by structural and macro-level forces, migration appears to be
a maximizing behaviour of the individual. The possibility of such
mobility having an adverse repercussion on the economy of the
labour-exporting areas can hardly be ruled out. Some limited evidence on
Pakistan suggests that rural-urban migration syphons off the young and
the better-educated workers, which fact, in turn, may have negative
effects on productivity levels in agriculture and rural areas in
general. Remittances sent back yield a very low rate of return on the
investment embodied in the out-migrants. In addition, the remittances
may worsen income distribution.
It must be noted that this exercise has been confined to the
repercussions at the rural end. There exists a real possibility that by
juxtaposing the effects of migration on the urban destination one may
arrive at a different conclusion for the economy as a whole. Migration
performs a very important role of reallocation of human resources among
the changing demand-and-supply conditions. Whilst resistance to any
interference in this reallocation process is understandable, reduction
in the cost of resource-transfer among activities constitutes an
important element of an optimal policy. In this context, the
decentralization and diversification activities which facilitate
intersectoral labour transfer without sizeable geographic mobility merit
Appendix Table 1
Determinant of per Acre Income in Farm Households: 1979
Independent Variable Regression Standardized
Coefficient Beta
Tractor (yes or no) 0.103 * 0.035
Share-cropper (yes or no) -0.204 * -0.10
Female per Acre 0.311 * 0.06
Male per Acre 0.902 * 0.37
Child per Acre 0.06 0.01
Land 25 Acre (Dummy) -0.70 * -0.37
Constant 4.08
Source: PLM Survey, 1979.
Note: [bar.R] = 0.46 N = 2938 F = 240.6.
* Significant at the 5-percent level of significance.
Dependent variable log of per acre income.
Appendix Table 2
Interprovincial Flow of Resources Through Out-Migration: 1972-79
(Million Rupees)
Province Inflow Outflow Net Gain/Loss
Punjab + 3364.3 -13786 - 10421.8
Rural + 207.8 -11933 - 11725.0
Urban + 3156.5 -1853.3 + 1303.2
Sind + 14631.3 -175.2 + 14456.1
Rural + 1006.2 -- + 1006.2
Urban + 13625.1 -175.2 + 13449.9
NWFP + 3173.6 -9171.2 - 5997.6
Rural + 181.1 -8582.4 - 8401.3
Urban + 2992.5 -588.8 + 2404.5
Baluchistan + 2321.3 -358.0 + 1963.3
Rural + 189.9 -358.0 - 168.1
Urban + 2331.4 -- + 2131.4
Source: PLM Survey, 1979.
Notes: (i) Value of investment embodied in each out-migrant
at the end of the 22nd year of his life is assumed to be Rs 86,000.
(ii) The above table pertains only to interprovincial out-migration.
Since in-migration is excluded, the resource flow should be an
Note: The discussant of this paper having failed to send in his
report, this paper is being published unaccompanied by the comments.
[1.] Bilsborrow, R. E., A. S. Oberai and G. Standing. Migration
Surveys in Low Income Countries. An I.L.O. WEP Study. London and Sydney:
Croom Helm. 1984.
[2.] Connel J. et al. "Migration from Rural Areas: The
Evidence from Village Studies". New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
[3.] Gaude J., and Peek P. "The Economic Effects of
Rural-Urban Migration". International Labour Review. Vol. 114.
[4.] Hart, "Philippine Rural-Urban Migration".
Behavioural Science Notes. 1971.
[5.] Hathaway, D. E. "Migration from Agriculture: The
Historical Record and Its Meaning". In C. Eiches and L. Witt
(eds.), Agriculture in Economic Development. New York: McGraw Hill.
[6.] Irfan, M., Lionel Demery and G. M. Arif. "Migration
Patterns in Pakistan: Preliminary Results from the PLM Survey,
1979". Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.
1983. (Studies in Population, Labour Force and Migration Project
Reports, No. 6)
[7.] Irfan M., and G. M. Arif. "Migrant Characteristics and
Reasons of Mobility: Evidence from PLM Survey, 1979. Islamabad: Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics. (Studies in Population, Labour Force
and Migration Project Reports) (Unpublished)
[8.] Lipton, Michael. "Migration from Rural Areas for Poor
Countries: The Impact on Rural Productivity and Income Distribution. In
R. H. Sabot (ed.), Labour Markets and Urbanization.
[9.] Maddox, J. G. "Private and Social Costs of Movement of
Rural People out of Agriculture". American Economic Review. Vol.
70. 1980.
[10.] Myrdal, Gunnar. Economic Theory and Underdeveloped Regions.
London: Duckworth. 1957.
[11.] Oberai, A. S. Causes and Consequences of Internal Migration
in a Developing Country: A Case Study in Indian Punjab. New York: Oxford
University Press. 1984.
[12.] Peek, P., and Antolinez P. "Migration and Urban Labour
Market: The Case of San Salvador". World Development. Vol. 5. 1977.
[13.] Sabot, R. H. "Education, Income Distribution and Rates
of Urban Migration in Tanzania". Economic Research Bureau,
University of Dar-as-Salam. 1972.
[14.] Stark, O. "Technological Change and Rural to Urban
Migration of Labour: A Micro-Economic Crusal Relationship in the Context
of Less Developed Economies". Leige, Belgium: IUSSP. 1979.
[15.] Todaro, M. P. "Urbanization in Developing Countries:
Trends, Prospects and Policies". New York. The Population Council,
Centre for Policy Studies. 1979. (Working Paper No. 50)
(1) Remittances estimated may be on the lower side because of non-
and under-reporting and exclusion of in-kind remittances.
MOHAMMAD IRFAN, The author is Chief of Research at the Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1 A
Propensity to Migrate by Rural-Urban Direction and
by Age Group
Age Groups
Rural/Urban 0-9 10-14 15-24 25-34
Move Years Years Years Years
Rural-Rural 0.0215 0.0392 0.0622 0.0291
Rural-Urban 0.0068 0.0235 0.0991 0.0310
Urban-Urban 0.0186 0.0297 0.0661 0.0357
Urban-Rural 0.0156 0.0207 0.0172 0.0148
Age Groups
Rural/Urban 35-44 45-59 60+
Move Years Years Years
Rural-Rural 0.0344 0.0300 0.0198
Rural-Urban 0.0243 0.0106 0.0299
Urban-Urban 0.0447 0.0239 0.0281
Urban-Rural 0.0274 0.0131 0.0253
Source: PLM Survey, 1979.
Table 1 B Propensity to Migrate by Rural-Urban Direction and
Education Achievement
Rural/Urban 1-5 6-10 10+
Move Illiterate Classes Classes Classes
Rural-Rural 0.0329 0.0406 0.0379 0.0582
Rural-Urban 0.0141 0.0412 0.1547 0.2753
Urban-Urban 0.0190 0.0308 0.0523 0.0880
Urban-Rural 0.0204 0.0171 0.0108 0.0152
Source: PLM Survey, 1979. (In-migrant and out-migrants for
marriage excluded).
Table 2
Net Flow of Remittances by Rural/Urban Area and Province
Total of Net
Percentage of Percentage of Flow of
Total Inflow of Total Outflow Remittances
Provinces Remittances of Remittances (1-2)
PAKISTAN 100 100 --
Urban 28.62 81.79 -53.17
Rural 71.38 18.21 53.17
PUNJAB 69.41 51.01 18.40
Urban 15.87 41.54 -25.67
Rural 53.54 9.47 44.07
SIND 9.45 33.38 -23.93
Urban 8.15 29.11 -20.96
Rural 1.30 4.27 -2.97
NWFP 20.53 14.32 6.21
Urban 4.60 10.35 -5.57
Rural 15.93 3.97 11.96
BALUCHISTAN 0.61 1.29 -0.68
Urban 0 0.78 -0.78
Rural 0.61 0.51 0.10
Table 3
Interprovincial Net Flow of Remittances
Province Inflow Outflow Net Flow
Pakistan 100 100 --
Punjab 67.75 18.70 48.05
Sind 8.97 64.92 -55.95
NWFP 23.12 13.62 9.50
Baluchistan 1.16 2.76 -1.60
Source: PLM Survey, 1979.
Table 4
Income Distribution with and without Remittances
Provinces/ Gini with Gini without
Rural/Urban Area Remittances Remittances
PAKISTAN .376 0.362
Rural 0.320 0.302
Urban 0.401 0.389
PUNJAB 0.375 0.350
Rural 0.328 0.313
Urban 0.379 0.373
SIND 0.382 0.384
Rural 0.256 0.168
Urban 0.398 0.406
NWFP 0.425 0.363
Rural 0.354 0.327
Urban 0.493 0.377
BALUCHISTAN 0.355 0.347
Rural 0.280 0.274
Urban 0.363 0.370
Source: Pakistan. Statistics Division. Federal Bureau
of Statistics. Household Income and Expenditure Survey,
1979. Karachi. 1983.
Table 5
Mean CEB and Out Migrants from the Household
One or more
Age of Female No Out-Migrant Out-Migrant
Less than 24 1.12 1.20
25-35 3.84 2.97
36-44 5.92 6.93
45+ 6.43 6.72
All Ages 4.06 4.26
Source: PLM Survey, 1979.