Intersectoral tax burdens in Pakistan: a critical review of existing evidence and some new estimates.
Kazi, Shahnaz
The study has two objectives: to evaluate existing empirical work
on the subject of sectoral tax burdens, and to present alternative
estimates of relative tax capacity and tax burden for the farm and
non-farm sectors during the Seventies. The results indicate that whereas
the agricultural sector as a whole was overtaxed compared to the
non-agriculture sector, the higher income groups in the farm sector were
substantially undertaxed as compared to their urban counterparts. This
fact reflects the extreme regressiveness of the agrarian tax structure
in the absence of an effective direct tax on agricultural income.
Taxation of the agricultural sector is a major instrument for
mobilization of the surplus and redistribution of income in the economy,
the two most crucial problems facing developing countries today.
Agriculture, by virtue of the fact that it is the largest sector in most
of the developing countries, is expected to make a significant
contribution to the resource mobilization effort in the public sector.
The importance of agricultural taxation in the development literature
also derives from its role as a major mechanism for transferring
resources from agriculture to finance the expansion of industrial
investment. Mobilization of agricultural surpluses through tax policy or
changes in intersectoral terms of trade has played a vital role in the
development policy of several centrally planned economies as well as a
number of capitalist countries.
Apart from considerations of economic objectives, a strong case can
be made for comparable tax treatment of agriculture on the basis of the
traditional fiscal canon of equity which "demands that the burden
involved in rapid economic development be distributed equally among the
different sections of the population" [4, p. 67]. There are two
aspects of equity; tax-paying units in similar economic conditions
should be treated equally (horizontal equity), whereas those with
greater ability to pay should bear a greater tax burden (vertical
equity) whatever the sectoral origins of the income.
Thus, in theory, taxation of agriculture is expected to make a
substantial contribution to government savings on the basis of both
economic and equity criteria. Yet despite its importance the subject has
been largely neglected in empirical research on Pakistan's economy.
This paper attempts to provide a sounder empirical basis to the question
of agriculture's contribution to tax revenue. It will do so, first,
by a critical review of existing work on the subject of sectoral tax
burdens for the Pakistani economy. Secondly, independent estimates of
incidence of taxation by sectors will be derived from the period from
1972-73 to 1979-80. These estimates, along with available empirical
research, will be used to determine whether the farm sector is
undertaxed vis-a-vis non-agriculture and, even more importantly, whether
income classes in the agricultural sector are undertaxed compared to
income classes in the non-farm sector.
Intersectoral tax burdens are usually compared on the basis of the
equity criteria. Here it should be mentioned again that an equitable tax
structure has to satisfy two conditions; the canon of horizontal equity,
which entails that units with equal taxable capacity be treated
identically, and the principle of vertical equity, which requires that
the tax burden should increase with the level of income according to some socially acceptable rate.
Tax burden is measured as the ratio of taxes, incorporating all
taxes direct as well as indirect, to taxable capacity. Two different
concepts are used to measure taxable capacity--income per capita and
income less subsistence requirements per capita. Due to problems,
empirical and conceptual, in estimating basic subsistence levels the
ratio of taxes to income per capita, although a less accurate concept,
is the more widely used measure. However, since the measure does not
allow for any progression in tax rates, it does not fulfil the
requirements of vertical equity when comparisons between unequal
economic units are involved. To remedy this limitation, an alternative
index was put forward by Frank [5]. Tax burden was now defined as the
ratio of taxes as a proportion of income to income per capita. Hence, in
cases where income levels differed and the standard measure indicated
equal sacrifice as reflected in the tax-income ratio, Frank's index
would show a lower sacrifice for the higher income.
However, this measure has been criticised by Gandhi [6] for giving
an unduly high weight to income, thereby incorporating "too much
progression" justifiable only when there is an extremely large
degree of dispersion in income levels. He suggested an improvement of
the measure whereby the degree of progression was not fixed and could be
specified in accordance with the variation in the incomes being
compared. The index was of the following form:
B = t/[y.sup.eo]
t is tax per capita,
y is income per capita, and
eo represents the level of progression.
Thus Frank's measure, where eo = 2, becomes a specific case of
this general form. Gandhi used the value of eo = 1.5 to represent the
rate of progression appropriate for the level of disparity in rural and
urban incomes in India. This value of eo has since been used in a number
of more recent estimates of the sectoral distribution of tax burdens in
the Indian economy [22, p. 208].
The empirical work on intersectoral tax burdens for Pakistan is
limited to three studies, two of which pertain to the late Sixties while
the third is for the year 1972-73. These studies display some variation
in the methodological framework used for estimating sectoral tax
burdens. Harold's assessment of rural-urban tax burdens [7] relies
mainly on a comparison of the ratio of direct taxes to income in the two
sectors. The lower direct tax-income ratio in the farm sector is the
basis of the study's conclusion that agriculture is undertaxed. The
distribution of indirect taxes between the rural and urban sectors has
been estimated through an incomplete method. Data from the Household
Income and Expenditure Survey have been used to show the higher per
capita expenditure by urban households on excisable commodities such as
sugar, tobacco, fats and oils as compared to the expenditure by their
rural counterparts. This observation on the sectoral consumption
patterns is considered sufficient to deduce a higher per capita
contribution of the urban sector to indirect taxes. No attempt is made
to systematically allocate indirect taxes between sectors incorporating
differences not only in per capita expenditure on tax commodities by
rural and urban households but also in sectoral populations. Finally,
Hamid's conclusion that agriculture bears a disproportionately small share of taxes is based on a comparison of average tax rates.
Given the disparity in rural and urban incomes, the use of the measure
neglects the norm of vertical equity which would require a higher tax
rate on the higher-income sector.
An alternative estimate of sectoral tax burdens for the late
Sixties provided by Chaudhry [3] shows, contrary to Hamid's results
for the same period, that agriculture was overtaxed in relation to its
capacity to pay. Chaudhry's estimates of the rural-urban breakdown
of tax revenue rest on firmer empirical ground to the extent that the
money burden of both direct and indirect taxes is incorporated Indirect
taxes are apportioned between sectors on the basis of a percentage
computed in an IBRD report. According to this estimate [24, p. 6], 27
percent of all indirect taxes are borne by the agricultural sector.
Comparing the tax-income ratios with the ratio of income per worker
in the two sectors, the author concludes that agriculture is relatively
overtaxed. The measure of intersectoral equity used is based on
Frank's method which estimates tax burden as a ratio of tax as a
proportion of income to income per worker. As mentioned earlier, this
method has been criticised for assigning too large a weight to income.
Hence, comparisons of tax burdens using this method would tend to
overestimate the relative sacrifice of the low-income sector, in this
case agriculture. In contrast to Hamid's study where the comparison
of sectoral tax burdens was based on the principle of proportional
taxation, Chaudhry's assessment of relative burdens incorporates a
greater degree of progression in tax rates than is warranted by the
differential in sectoral incomes.
The usefulness of studies, such as those discussed above, in which
the case for increased taxation of agriculture is based on grounds of
intersectoral equity has been questioned by recent writings on the
subject. It is argued that the approach does not present a comprehensive
picture of intersectoral burdens since it ignores the many government
policies which affect transfer of resources between sectors through
non-tax measures such as foreign exchange policy, price policy, etc.
In the context of Pakistan, the system of multiple exchange rates
was considered the major instrument used to maintain unfavourable prices
for farm products. Under this system, the earnings of agricultural
exports were assessed at the artificially low official exchange rate
while industrial exports received a more favourable rate. Industrialists
could also import their machinery requirements at the cheaper official
The few empirical estimates of resource transfers attributed to
non-tax policies, for the late Sixties, provide contradictory results.
Hamid [7] has quantified the resource flow attributable to price policy
as the difference between disguised taxes on agricultural output and
subsidies on inputs. (1) His results show that implicit and direct
subsidies to agriculture outweighed the net effect of disguised taxes,
leading to a net transfer of Rs. 1150 million in favour of agriculture
in 1968-69. An alternative estimate is provided in a World Bank Study
[24, pp. 9-10] according to which the net outflow from agriculture
amounted to Rs. 500-900 million in 1969-70.
However, the emphasis in these studies on world prices as a
benchmark for measuring the level of resource outflow/inflow
attributable to price policy has underplayed the impact of changes in
domestic terms of trade on the intersectoral transfer of resources. The
terms of trade moved in favour of agriculture throughout the Sixties;
yet their impact on the transfer of resources has not been incorporated
in either estimate. Hence, on the basis of available evidence no
conclusive statement can be made on the direction and magnitude of
resource flows in the mid-Sixties and late Sixties through non-tax
Although no estimate of intersectoral resource transfer is
available for the Seventies, changes in certain major policies indicate
that the flow of resources from agriculture must have declined
considerably during this period. The devaluation of the rupee in May
1972 ended the discriminatory treatment of agricultural exports.
Procurement prices of major crops were raised four times in the five
years from 1972 to 1977. Agriculture's terms of trade registered a
sharp increase during the period. In view of these developments, the
argument that non-tax policies work to the detriment of the farm sector
can no longer be considered relevant.
For the Seventies, a valuable contribution to the analysis of tax
incidence is made by Jeetun whose study [10] provides the only estimates
of inter-class tax burdens by the rural and urban sectors for
Pakistan's economy during the period under reference. The
comparison of tax burdens between classes is made on the basis of
average tax rates, a perfectly appropriate method when comparisons
between equal incomes are involved. The results presented in Table 1
indicate that the higher-income groups in the farm sector are greatly
undertaxed not only vis-a-vis their urban counterparts but also
vis-a-vis the low-income rural households. The predominance of indirect
taxes had led to a very low level of progressivity of the rural tax
structure, reflected in the smaller degree of variation of effective tax
rates over income classes in the sector. While the effective tax rate in
the urban sector varies from a low of 8.19 percent to a peak of 33.42
percent, the corresponding tax rates for the rural sector vary from 7.8
percent to 10.66 percent. Hence, the presence of horizontal inequity to
the advantage of the rural sector is especially marked for the
highest-income groups. The average tax rate for this class in the urban
sector is more than three times the rate for the comparable income group
in the rural sector.
A drawback of these estimates is the exclusion of provincial taxes
and, thereby, of land revenue, the major direct tax on agriculture.
Since land revenue, a proportional tax, has far greater impact on
low-income group, its omission would mainly affect comparisons of
effective tax rates for the lower strata of the urban and rural sectors,
especially since the low-income groups in the urban sector are not
liable to any direct tax payments. In the case of high-income groups,
the incorporation of land revenue would only lead to a marginal
reduction in the differential in tax burdens, as is shown in the study.
It is necessary to point out that these results, if anything,
understate the differential in tax burdens between the two sectors due
to the fact that Jeetun has overestimated the share of the rural sector
in total taxes. Thus, his findings show that the contribution of the
rural sector in total tax revenue is 46.12 percent as compared to the
contribution of 53.8 percent by the urban sector. With respect to
indirect taxes, the rural component (55.73 percent) is even higher than
the corresponding urban share (44.27 percent) [10, p. 23]. These results
differ dramatically from those of an earlier study according to which
the rural contribution to indirect taxes was substantially smaller-27
percent of the total [24, p. 6].
The reliability of Jeetun's results depends on the validity of
his assumptions on the shifting of various taxes in the context of
Pakistan's economy. The estimate of the incidence of indirect taxes
derived in the study is based on the assumption that taxes on all
commodities are shifted forward to the final consumers. Hence, the yield
of each commodity tax is allocated between the two sectors in direct
proportion to their respective expenditure on the taxed item. For taxes
on intermediate and capital goods, the distribution of revenue is based
on the ratio of sectoral expenditures on all manufactured goods. With
respect to direct taxes, the income tax is assumed not to be shifted
while fifty percent of the corporation tax is shifted forward to
consumers. On the basis of available empirical evidence [9; 12] on the
shifting of indirect taxes for Pakistan and certain characteristics of
the country's corporate sector, it is felt that the assumption of
the shifting of indirect and corporation taxes is of questionable
relevance and has led to an overestimate of agriculture's
contribution to total taxes. Furthermore, the Jeetun study is limited to
the incidence of federal taxes. Although federal taxes constitute the
major portion of tax revenues, provincial taxes incorporate the only
direct tax on agriculture. Hence, to get a complete picture it would be
useful to look at the distribution of both federal and provincial tax
Finally, Jeetun's findings pertain to the rural and urban
sectors while it is felt that in the context of the wider problem of the
transfer of resources between sectors in the process of overall economic
development a more relevant classification of tax incidence would be by
the agriculture and non-agriculture sectors. Therefore, for the
estimates presented in the following section the
agriculture--non-agriculture dichotomy is used.
An attempt is made in this section to estimate the shares of the
agricultural and non-agricultural sectors in both federal and provincial
taxes on the basis of more appropriate assumptions on tax shifting
covering the period from 1972-73 to 1979-80. The taxable capacity of the
two sectors will also be calculated. These estimates, along with
estimates of tax incidence, will be used to test the basis of
overtaxation or undertaxation of the farm sector.
In keeping with the general view in fiscal theory that direct taxes
are difficult to shift, it is assumed that direct taxes are borne by
persons on whom they are imposed. Accordingly, land revenue and its
various surcharges are assigned to the agricultural sector and the
personal income tax to the non-agricultural sector.
The incidence of the corporation tax has been a subject of
considerable controversy. Despite numerous studies for developed
countries, the question of shifting is still not decided at either the
theoretical or the empirical level. In the context of India, Gandhi [6]
has put forward a strong case for the view that the burden of this tax
rests with the business sector. (2) The major point in the argument is
that under monopoly situations, characteristic of Indian industry, a tax
on profits is seldom shifted as the monopolist always charges the
maximum price. A high degree of monopoly, attributable to a number of
factors such as limited competition, licensing of new capacity, etc., is
characteristic of the Pakistani business sector as well. A recent study
[1, p. 275] shows that the nationalization of basic industries by the
Bhutto government and the loss of assets in East Pakistan have made very
little impact on the degree of concentration in the Pakistan industry.
Hence, for the purpose of this study the revenue from the corporation
tax is allocated entirely to the non-agricultural sector.
Although there is no direct empirical evidence on the incidence of
the corporation tax, there have been two studies [9; 12] on the shifting
of indirect taxes in Pakistan for the early Seventies. The findings of
both the studies are very similar and show that whereas taxes on
consumer goods are likely to be shifted almost fully to consumers, taxes
on intermediate products display a very low degree of shiftability. On
the basis of these results, revenue from indirect taxes on intermediate
products is assigned to the non-agricultural sector while the yield of
taxes on final products is divided between the farm and non-farm sectors
in proportion to their total expenditure on various taxed items. Details
of the procedure applied to calculate total sectoral expenditure on
various commodities are provided in the Appendix.
Finally, export duties assumed importance as a source of revenue
following the 1972 devaluation when they were imposed to siphon off windfall profits accruing to exporters as a result of the sharp increase
in their exchange earnings. It seems quite likely that the tax would
have been passed on to the foreign buyers owing to two reasons; firstly,
because of the devaluation, the increase in domestic prices would not be
fully reflected in world price and, secondly, the period under
consideration was marked by a boom in the demand for primary products in
the international market. Furthermore, from 1974-75 onwards, as a result
of the subsequent slump in the world market, export duties were removed
from most commodities. Hence, it can safely be assumed that the domestic
producers did not bear the burden of these duties.
Data on taxes are taken from various issues of the Explanatory Memorandum on the Budget [14], Public Finance Statistics [15] and
Federal Tax Administration Report [16]. Information on the methodology
used for allocating various other central and provincial taxes (wealth
taxes, estate duty, stamp and registration, etc.) between agriculture
and the non-agricultural sector is given in the Appendix.
Estimates of incidence of direct, indirect and total taxes by the
farm and non-farm sectors are presented in Table 2. The results indicate
that despite the larger agricultural population the share of the farm
sector in tax revenues was lower than that of the non-farm sector for
the entire period varying between a low of less than 21.5 percent of
total tax revenue in 1972-73 to a high of 27 percent of total taxes in
1973-74 and 1974-75. The smaller share of agriculture is attributable to
the lower per capita income and the lower consumption expenditure on
higher tax items such as petroleum products etc., while a much larger
percentage of expenditure is devoted to food items which are exempt from
taxation. Also, intermediate inputs, such as fertilizers and
agricultural machinery, are imported free of duty.
Further disaggregation of the farm and non-farm shares of taxes
into their direct and indirect tax components is presented in Table 3.
The estimates not only reveal a greater degree of dependence on indirect
taxes in the agricultural tax structure but also show that the reliance
on indirct taxation increased substantially in both the sectors during
the period under study. There was a relatively moderate increase in the
case of the non-agricultural sector where the indirect tax component of
total taxes increased from 77.8 percent to 79 percent between 1972-73
and 1979-80. In the farm sector, the share of indirect taxes in total
taxes paid by agriculture increased from 87 percent in 1972-73 to nearly
97 percent in 1976-77, with the share of direct taxes falling to a mere
3.5 percent of the total revenue collected from the sector. The
disproportionately small share of direct taxes in agriculture and its
sharp reduction over time reflect the rigidity of the land revenue
system and "agricultural income tax" (which is no more than a
surcharge on land revenue), the two major direct taxes on agriculture.
The increased reliance on indirect taxes to generate additional
revenue is aim brought out in Table 4. Whereas the data show a declining
trend in the proportion of income paid out in direct taxes in both the
sectors, the fall in the ratio was especially dramatic for the
agricultural sector. Thus, the limited increase in tax--income ratio
between 1972-73 and 1979-80 is entirely attributable to a rising trend
in the contribution of indirect taxes.
Total taxes as a proportion of farm income increased from 6.1
percent in 1972-73 to 11.6 percent in 1979-80. The corresponding figures
for non-agriculture were 12.6 percent and 16.8 percent. However, a
simple comparison of tax-income ratios in a situation in which per
capita income varies is an unsatisfactory measure of relative tax burden
from the equity point of view, since it does not allow for any
progression in tax rates with increases in income.
As mentioned earlier in this paper, the appropriate measure for
evaluating intersectoral tax burden when unequal economic units are
involved is the measure proposed by Gandhi. According to his index,
intersectoral equity exists if
[t.sub.a]/[t.sub.n] = [([Y.sub.a] - [S.sub.a]/[Y.sub.n] -
t is tax payment per capita,
s is subsistence requirements per capita,
eo is the desired level of progression,
and subscripts a and n refer to the agricultural sector and the
non-agricultural sector respectively.
The main problem of measurement by this criterion is the estimation
of subsistence requirement--a concept which, since it depends on so many
factors, is difficult to define and calculate. Nevertheless, an attempt
has been made to indicate roughly the magnitude of minimum consumption
requirements for the farm and non-farm sectors for the period from
1972-73 to 1979-80. These estimates are based on the results of a study
by Wasay [23] in which minimum consumption requirements incorporating
expenditure on food, clothing, housing, etc., were worked out for an
average family for Rawalpindi on the basis of survey data for 1975. The
estimate for Rawalpindi is assumed to be representative of the
non-agricultural sector whereas the minimum subsistence requirements for
the farm sector are assumed to be 70 percent of those of the non-farm
The series of minimum consumption expenditure for the remaining
years is derived by adjusting the 1975 estimate for variation in the
price level. To make such adjustment, price index numbers were
constructed for the agricultural and nonagricultural sectors with
weights based on the consumption pattern of low-income households (3) in
the two sectors. Prices were taken from the CSO index of wholesale
prices (Base Year 1969-70 = 100). The estimates of minimum consumption
requirements per capita, income per capita and taxable capacity per
capita are presented in Table 5.
Finally, to test the thesis of undertaxation or overtaxation of the
farm sector it is necessary to compare the relative tax burdens and the
relative tax capacities of the farm and non-farm sectors. The equality
of the two ratios indicates intersectoral equity in the incidence of
taxation. If the relative taxable capacity ratio of the farm sector is
greater than the relative tax burden ratio, then the farm sector is
The information provided in Table 6 shows that the relative taxable
capacity of the farm sector has always been less than the relative tax
burden for the period. On the average, the non-agricultural sector
possessed taxable capacity (adjusted for progression) over six times
that of the farm sector while the tax burden borne by the
non-agricultural sector was only three and a half times that for the
farm sector. Thus the thesis of the undertaxation of the farm sector is
not supported by empirical evidence for the period from 1972-73 to
The direct findings of this study indicate that the agricultural
sector bears a greater tax burden than is required for achieving
intersectoral equity. However, the picture with respect to inter-class
tax burdens between the two sectors is quite different. The evidence
provided in an earlier work by Jeetun reveals that the high-income
groups in the rural sector are grossly undertaxed as compared to their
urban counterparts. Furthermore, as has been pointed out in this study,
Jeetun's results are based on an overestimate of the rural
contribution to total taxes and therefore the actual differential in
inter-class tax burdens between the two sectors is likely to be even
Evidence on the overtaxation of the agricultural sector as a whole
in conjunction with undertaxation of the class of rich farmers points to
the extreme regressivity of the agrarian tax structure. This is not
surprising, given the virtual absence of any effective system of direct
taxation for the sector. While the question of an agricultural income
tax has become a point of great contention, the various governments have
not hesitated to tax the agricultural sector through indirect taxation
despite the negligible progressivity of the rural tax structure. The
tendency of an increased reliance on indirect taxes over time,
characteristic of both the sectors, was especially noticeable in the
case of agriculture. Thus, by 1979-80, nearly 97 percent of the tax
revenue collected from the farm sector was in the form of indirect taxes
while direct taxes as a proportion of agricultural income fell to the
very low figure of 0.4 percent.
The especially poor performance of the agrarian tax structure with
respect to direct taxes is traceable to the regressiveness and
inelasticity of the land revenue system. Considerations of equity as
well as the objective of surplus generation require replacement of the
outmoded land tax structure with an effective direct tax on agricultural
income. Although this fact has been recognized in nearly every official
document related to the subject, there has been little attempt to
implement a thorough reform of the agrarian tax structure. Some minor
cosmetic changes have been made over the years, yet the principle of
taxation of agricultural income remains rejected.
The revenue from indirect taxes on consumption goods is distributed
between the two sectors on the basis of total expenditure on the taxed
commodities in each sector (Table I).
The Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) provides data on
monthly consumption expenditure for rural and urban households on a
number of commodities such as clothing, footwear, food, fuel and
lighting, and other miscellaneous items. Information from HIES 1971-72
(the latest available issue) is used in the calculations of
intersectoral distribution of indirect taxes for the years from 1972 to
1979 on the assumption that there was no significant change in the
pattern of consumption expenditure during the period.
To derive total expenditure on taxed commodities in the
agricultural and nonagricultural sectors, a breakdown of rural and urban
populations by economic categories is required. The Labour Force Survey
published by the Central Statistical Office provides data on
self-supporting persons in various economic categories as a proportion
of rural and urban totals. This information is used to estimate the
agricultural and non-agricultural populations in the rural and urban
areas on the assumption that the distribution of population between
different economic categories is in the same ratio as that of
self-supporting persons.
The total value of expenditure on individual products by the
agricultural sector is derived by multiplying the per capita expenditure
on the product in the rural and urban sectors by the rural agricultural
population and the urban agricultural population, respectively, and
summing the totals. A similar procedure is used to derive the value of
expenditure of the non-agricultural sector on various items.
The ratios of sectoral expenditure on various products are used to
allocate taxes on items such as sugar, vegetable products, tobacco, tea,
salt, clothing, footwear, etc. Taxes on electrical goods were divided in
proportion to the expenditure on electricity in the two sectors. The
sectoral expenditure on rent was the base for allocation of taxes on
cement and paints and varnishes. The durable component of the
expenditure on travelling was used to distribute taxes on vehicles while
taxes on wood pulp, paper and stationery were divided on the basis of
the expenditure on education in the two sectors. In cases where it was
not possible to identify expenditure categories of taxed items such as
rubber products, plastic products, etc., the ratio of sectoral
expenditure on miscellaneous items was used.
In the case of petroleum products, additional information provided
in an official publication was used (Table II). Tax yield for this
category was allocated on the basis of these estimates of petroleum
consumption by sectors. The proportion of petroleum products for
domestic use was further divided between the two sectors in the ratio of
their expenditure on fuel and conveyance. Within the chemical products
category taxes on industrial chemicals were assigned to non-agriculture
(fertilizers are exempt from indirect taxation) whereas revenue from
taxes on cosmetics and pharmaceutical products was distributed in the
ratio of expenditure of the two sectors on medical and personal care.
Finally, taxes on iron and steel imports and
machinery--agricultural machinery is imported free from duty--were
allocated to the non-agricultural sector.
Provincial Taxes
Revenue from provincial excise, derived largely from intoxicants
and alcoholic beverages, was divided in the ratio of the sectoral
expenditure on miscellaneous food items.
Property and capital transactions involving nominal amounts have to
bear registration and stamp fee. Assuming a direct relationship between
transactions and income, the burden of these taxes is distributed in the
same proportion as that of income in the two sectors.
Other provincial taxes consist largely of taxes that fall on the
non-agricultural heads, e.g. taxes on cinemas and hotels, urban
immovable property tax, profession tax, etc. Hence, only 10 percent of
the yield of this category is assigned to agriculture.
Wealth Tax, Estate Duty, and Gift Tax
These taxes are characterized by high exemption limits and mostly
fall on the very high income groups. Jeetun has derived the share in the
rural and urban incomes of the highest income bracket, defined as the
households earning Rs. 2000 or more per month, by adjusting the HIES
data for the under-reporting of income of this class. Assuming an
identical distribution of income in the agricultural and nonagricultural
sectors, income accruing to this bracket in the two sectors is
estimated. The revenue from the gift, wealth, and estate taxes is then
divided between the farm and non-farm sectors on the basis of the
proportions of the income of the richest strata in the two sectors.
Table I
Shares of the Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Sectors
in Total Expenditure on Various Commodities
Share of Share of
Agricultural Non-agricultural
Commodity Sector Sector
Animal and Vegetable Products .375 .625
Tea and Coffee .49 .51
Sugar .45 .55
Salt .51 .49
Cigarettes .32 .68
Miscellaneous Food Items .34 .66
Clothing .52 .48
Footwear .52 .48
Kerosene Oil .42 .58
Electricity .19 .81
Matches .53 .47
Fuel and Light .50 .50
Rent .10 .90
Personal Care .43 .57
Medical Care .49 .51
Education .33 .67
Travelling .37 .63
Durable .12 .88
Non-Durable .40 .60
Fuel, Light and Conveyance .45 .55
Miscellaneous Items .47 .53
Table II
Sectoral Distribution of Petroleum Consumption
Sector 1964-65 1973-74
Domestic 7.6 12.5
Industry 10.4 5.8
Agriculture 5.2 6.5
Transport 28.1 34.7
Power 1.0 5.4
Other Government 24.1 15.1
Export 21.6 19.5
Source: [13]
[1.] Amjad, R. "Industrial Concentration and Economic Power in
Pakistan". In R. Ahmed et al. (eds.), Income Inequalities in
Pakistan. Lahore: Punjab University Press. 1976.
[2.] Bird, R. M. Taxing Agricultural Land in Developing Countries.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1974.
[3.] Chaudhry, M. G. "The Problems of Agricultural Taxation
and an Alternative Solution". Pakistan Development Review. Vol.
XII, No. 2. Summer 1973.
[4.] Chelliah, R.J. Fiscal Policy in Underdeveloped Countries with
Special Reference to India. London: George Allen & Unwin. 1971.
[5.] Frank, H. J. "Measuring State Tax Burdens". National
Tax Journal. December 1959.
[6.] Gandhi, V. Tax Burden on Indian Agriculture. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press. 1966.
[7.] Hamid, J. "Suggested Approach to Agricultural Taxation
Policy-in Pakistan". Pakistan Development Review. Vol. X, No. 4.
Winter 1970.
[8.] Hunter, G. Modernizing Peasant Societies: A Comparative Study
of Asia and Africa. London: Oxford University Press. 1969.
[9.] Irfan, M. "Shifting and Incidence of Indirect Taxes on
Tobacco and Petroleum Products in Pakistan". Pakistan Development
Review. Vol. XIII, No. 1. Spring 1974.
[10.] Jeetun, A. Incidence of Taxes in Pakistan. Karachi: Applied
Economic Research Centre. 1978.
[11.] Khan, M. H. Under-development and Agrarian Structure in
Pakistan. Boulder: Westview Press. 1981.
[12.] Naqvi, B. "Formal Shifting of Indirect Taxes: A Further
Study". Pakistan Development Review. Vol. XIV, No. 2. Summer 1975.
[13.] Pakistan. Directorate General of Energy Resources. Energy
Yeark Book. Karachi. 1979.
[14.] Pakistan. Finance Division. Explanatory Memorandum on the
Budget. Islamabad. (Various issues)
[15.] Pakistan. Finance Division. Public Finance Statistics.
Islamabad. (Various issues)
[16.] Pakistan. Finance Division. Federal Tax Administration
Report. Islamabad. (Various issues)
[17.] Pakistan. Finance Division. Economic Adviser's Wing.
Pakistan Economic Survey. Islamabad. (Various issues)
[18.] Pakistan. Statistical Division. Household Income and
Expenditure Survey. Karachi. (Various issues)
[19.] Pakistan. Statistical Division. Labour Force Survey 1971-72.
Karachi. June 1973.
[20.] Qureshi, S. K. "The Problem of Agricultural Taxation in
West Pakistan and an Alternative Solution: A Comment" Pakistan
Development Review. Vol. XII, No. 4. Winter 1973.
[21.] Shetty, S.L. "An Intersectoral Analysis of Taxable
Capacity and Tax Burden". Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics.
July-September 1971.
[22.] Toye, J. F. J. (ed.), Taxation and Economic Development.
London: Frank Cass. 1978.
[23.] Wasay, A. "An Urban Poverty Line Estimate".
Pakistan Development Review. Vol. XVI, No. 1. Spring 1977.
[24.] World Bank. "An Analysis of Capital Flows between the
Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Sectors of Pakistan". Washington,
D.C. 1969. (Economic Department Working Paper No. 4)
[25.] World Bank. Pakistan: Development Issues and Prospects.
Washington, D.C. 1983.
(1) Disguised taxes are estimated as the difference between world
prices of farm output at the scarcity and actual exchange rate, while
subsidies to the sector include direct subsidies as well as indirect
subsidies through underpricing of public utilities such as irrigation water.
(2) The assumption that the corporation tax is not shifted is
accepted in nearly all other more recent empirical work on tax incidence
in India [6, pp. 44-49; 21, p. 23.] and the studies by Hamid [7] and
Chaudhry [3] for Pakistan.
(3) Income classes of less than Rs. 150 per month for the rural
sector and of less than Rs. 200 for the urban sector. Information on
consumption expenditure by income groups was taken from [18].
SHAHNAZ KAZI, The author is Research Economist at the Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad. This paper is a part of
the Ph.D. dissertation submitted to the University of London. The author
is grateful to her supervisor, Mr. T.J. Byres, for his guidance.
Table 1
Effective Tax Rates by Income Classes in the Urban and Rural
Household % of Share Share Effective
Incom House- of of Tax
(Rs.) holds Income Taxes Rate
<200 27.68 9.32 4.43 8.19
200-499 54.30 38.26 20.80 9.38
500-1499 13.73 23.44 18.63 13.71
1500 and
above 4.29 28.98 56.14 33.42
All Classes 100 100 100 17.25
Household % of Share Share Effective
Income House- of of Tax
(Rs.) holds Income Taxes Rate
<200 51.91 28.73 26.33 7.81
200-499 42.29 48.29 47.26 8.34
500-1499 4.36 12.52 13.32 9.07
1500 and
above 1.25 10.46 13.09 10.66
All Classes 100 100 100 8.52
Source: [10, p.52].
Table 2
Distribution of Direct, Indirect and Total Taxes between the
Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Sectors: 1972-73-1979-80
(Million Ruvees)
Direct Taxes *
Agricultural Non-Agricultural
Years Amount Share Amount Share
1972-73 171.9 13.6 1093.00 86.40
1973-74 239.74 16.6 1200.56 83.4
1974-75 233.65 15.0 1312.65 85.0
1975-76 204.15 9.6 1925.15 90.4
1976-77 141.10 5.2 2564.00 94.8
1977-78 130.57 4.6 2727.73 95.4
1978-79 242.44 6.6 3425.16 93.4
1979-80 269.04 5.0 5111.46 95.0
Indirect Taxes
Agricultural Non-Agricultural
Years Amount Share Amount Share
1972-73 1174.28 23.5 3823.32 76.5
1973-74 1993.61 29.3 4802.59 70.7
1974-75 2856.42 28.8 7048.88 71.2
1975-76 3497.10 28.2 8907.40 71.8
1976-77 3856.25 26.9 10459.15 72.1
1977-78 4935.94 26.2 13212.60 72.8
1978-79 5738.17 27.1 15474.27 72.9
1979-80 7366.51 27.5 19468.40 72.5
Total Taxes
Agricultural Non-Agricultural
Years Amount Share Amount Share
1972-73 1346.18 21.5 4916.32 78.5
1973-74 2233.35 27.0 6003.16 73.0
1974-75 3090.07 27.0 8361.53 73.0
1975-76 3701.25 25.5 10832.55 74.5
1976-77 3997.35 23.5 13023.15 76.5
1977-78 5066.51 24.0 15940.33 76.0
1978-79 5980.61 24.0 18899.43 76.0
1979-80 7635.55 23.7 24579.86 76.3
* Direct taxes in agriculture include land revenue, surcharge on land
revenue, wealth tax and estate duty.
Table 3
Share of Direct and Indirect Taxes in Agricultural and
Non-Agricultural Tax Revenue
(Million Rupees)
Direct Tax Indirect Tax
Years Amount % Amount % Total
1972-73 171.9 12.8 1174.28 87.2 1346.18
1973-74 239.74 10.7 1993.61 89.3 233.35
1974-75 233.65 7.6 2856.42 92.4 3090.07
1975-76 204.15 5.5 3497.10 94.5 3701.25
1976-77 141.10 3.5 3856.25 96.5 3997.35
1977-78 130.57 2.6 4935.94 97.4 5066.51
1978-79 242.44 4.1 5738.17 95.9 5980.61
1979-80 269.04 3.5 7366.51 96.5 7635.55
Direct Tax Indirect Tax
Years Amount % Amount % Total
1972-73 1093.00 22.2 3823.32 77.8 4916.32
1973-74 1200.56 20.0 4802.59 80.0 6003.16
1974-75 1312.65 15.7 7048.88 84.3 8361.53
1975-76 1925.15 17.8 8907.40 82.2 10832.55
1976-77 2564.00 19.7 10459.15 80.3 13023.15
1977-78 2727.73 17.1 13212.60 82.9 15940.33
1978-79 3425.16 18.1 15474.27 81.9 18899.43
1979-80 5111.46 20.8 19468.40 79.2 24579.86
Source: Data on taxes are taken from various issues of Explanatory
Memorandum on the Budget [14], Public Finance Statistics [15], and
Federal Tax Administration Report [16]; information on weights used to
allocate taxes is provided in the Appendix to this paper.
Table 4
Sectoral Taxes as percent of Sectoral Income
(Million Rupees)
Sectoral Taxes 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76
Income from 21907 28084 33533 38338
Total Taxes 1346.18 2233.35 3090.07 3701.25
Direct Taxes 171.90 239.74 233.65 204.15
Indirect Taxes 1174.28 1993.61 2856.42 3497.10
Total Taxes as % 6.1 8.0 9.2 9.7
of Income
Direct Taxes as % 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.5
of Income
Indirect Taxes as % 5.3 7.1 8.5 9.1
of Income
Income from 38888 352357 71107 83085
Total Taxes 4916.32 6003.16 8361.53 10832.55
Direct Taxes 1093.00 1200.56 1312.65 1925.15
Indirect Taxes 3823.32 4862.59 7048.88 8907.40
Total Taxes as % 12.6 11.5 11.8 13.0
of Income
Direct Taxes as % 2.8 2.3 1.8 2.3
of Income
Indirect Taxes as % 9.8 9.2 9.9 10.7
of Income
Sectoral Taxes 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80
Income from 43686 49522 57497 66100
Total Taxes 3997.35 5066.51 5980.61 7635.55
Direct Taxes 141.1 130.57 242.44 269.04
Indirect Taxes 3856.25 4935.94 5738.17 7366.51
Total Taxes as % 9.2 10.2 10.4 11.6
of Income
Direct Taxes as % 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4
of Income
Indirect Taxes as % 8.8 9.9 10.0 11.1
of Income
Income from 92000 107649 121561 146483
Total Taxes 13023.15 15940.33 18899.43 24579.86
Direct Taxes 2564.00 2727.73 3425.16 5111.46
Indirect Taxes 10459.15 13212.60 15474.27 19468.40
Total Taxes as % 14.2 14.8 15.5 16.8
of Income
Direct Taxes as % 2.8 2.5 2.8 3.5
of Income
Indirect Taxes as % 11.4 12.3 12.7 13.3
of Income
Source: Figures for sectoral incomes are official estimates published
in the Pakistan Economic Survey [17] .
Table 5
Income per Capita, Minimum Consumption Requirements and
Taxable Capacity
1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76
Agricultural Sector
Income per capita 618.4 771.9 897.4 999.1
Minimum Consumption
Requirements per capita 306.8 429.9 543.8 581.0
Taxable Capacity 311.7 341.9 353.6 418.1
per capita
Non-Agricultural Sector
Income per capita 1303.6 1698.2 2231.6 2522.9
Minimum Consumption
Requirements per capita 439.9 611.7 771.9 830.0
Taxable Capacity 863.7 1086.5 1459.7 1693.0
per capita
1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80
Agricultural Sector
Income per capita 1108.6 1224.3 1383.6 1550.6
Minimum Consumption
Requirements per capita 639.9 686.5 719.5 778.5
Taxable Capacity 496.2 537.8 664.1 772.0
per capita
Non-Agricultural Sector
Income per capita 2702.9 3060.7 3343.2 3893.2
Minimum Consumption
Requirements per capita 915.7 979.6 1020.9 1103.9
Taxable Capacity 1787.3 2081.2 2322.3 2789.3
per capita
Source: Sectoral population estimates are derived by distributing
estimates of total population for the various years [25] on the
basis of the information given in Labour Force Survey 1971-72 [19]
on the classification of population by economic categories.
Table 6
Relative Tax Burdens compared with Relative Tax Capacity
Relative Tax
Relative Tax (per capita)
Years (per capita) eo = 1 eo = 1.5
1972-73 4.3 2.8 4.7
1973-74 3.17 3.2 5.7
1974-75 3.17 4.1 8.3
1975-76 3.4 4.0 8.0
1976-77 3.77 3.6 6.8
1977-78 3.62 3.9 7.7
1978-79 3.61 3.5 6.5
1979-80 3.65 3.6 6.8