Behavioral patterns in social networks.
Conte, Anna ; Di Cagno, Daniela T. ; Sciubba, Emanuela 等
Individual strategies for network formation can be extremely
complex. The main reason for this is that a network differs from a
series of bilateral relationships because of the value of indirect
connections: any two economic agents who have to decide whether to
establish a social tie take into account not only their own
characteristics and the characteristics of the prospective partner but
also their (and the prospective partner's) position in the social
The theoretical literature on endogenous network formation stems
from the seminal contributions by Myerson (1991), Jackson and Wolinsky
(1996), and Bala and Goyal (2000). These papers take a game-theoretic
approach to the formation of social ties where the main idea is that
players earn benefits from being connected both directly and indirectly
to other players and bear costs for maintaining direct links. Predicted
outcomes are typically not unique. Even for those cases where the
equilibrium architecture is unique (e.g., the star network in
information communication models a la Bala and Goyal or Jackson and
Wolinsky), the coordination problem of which agent occupies which
position in the network still remains.
In the presence of multiplicity of equilibria and coordination
problems, it is hardly surprising that most experimental contributions
on this topic have highlighted the difficulty in obtaining convergence
to an equilibrium network architecture as predicted by the theory. (1)
Because the observed network structures are ultimately the outcome
of individual linking decisions, one possible approach to overcome this
difficulty is to investigate the process of network formation in order
to identify patterns of individual behavior that can be resumed in
prevailing linking strategies.
With this aim, we use data of a computerized experiment of network
formation, where all connections are beneficial and only direct links
are costly. The network formation protocol that we adopt, unlike the one
used by most of the experimental literature that has focused on
convergence, requires that links are not unilateral, but have to be
mutually agreed in order to form. In particular, players simultaneously
submit link proposals, but a connection is made only when both the
involved players agree. We collect data from nine groups of six
participants in each and a minimum of 15 rounds of network formation.
In this paper, we estimate a system of equations that model each
player's decision on the opportunity to propose a link to any of
his or her prospective partners in each round of the game. This approach
allows us to take into account the fact that from a player's
perspective, the decision to propose a link to one of his or her
opponents is not separate from the decision to propose or not a link to
another opponent; therefore, decisions made by the player in each round
of the game are the result of a joint valuation.
Relying on the results of such an analysis, we attempt to
categorize players' systematic behavior into a set of possible
strategies adopted by the experimental subjects in our network formation
An obvious departing point to interpret these results is to
consider myopic best response behavior, where players propose links so
to maximize current profits while taking other players' link
proposals as given. This is a useful benchmark because most of the
theoretical literature on strategic network formation makes the
assumption that agents behave according to myopic best response and
focuses on Nash Equilibrium (and refinements of Nash Equilibrium) as the
appropriate solution concept for the network formation game.
Given the payoff structure of the network formation game, which we
consider here, myopic best response requires subjects to propose
(direct) links to all those that in the current network are not already
reached through indirect connections. It is always advantageous, for
example, to propose a link to an isolated node. On the other hand,
redundant links (i.e., links to those nodes that are reached also
through indirect connections) should be deleted. Also, given that links
are only established if they are requested by both the involved players,
proposing a link to a player from which a link proposal has not been
received is always a matter of indifference.
When all agents play according to myopic best response, the
emerging network architecture is a minimal network, where no redundant
links are active. The set of minimal networks also contains trivial
network structures such as the empty network. The empty network is a
Nash network (i.e., a network structure induced by agents who play
myopic best response) because links have to be mutually agreed in order
to form, hence not proposing while not being proposed is always a best
response. To obtain more interesting and more focused predictions, the
theoretical literature on network formation has proposed pairwise
equilibrium networks as a suitable refinement of Nash networks. A
network is a pairwise equilibrium network when it is: (1) Nash and (2)
such that all mutually profitable links have been activated. Pairwise
equilibrium networks are both minimal and connected, in that all nodes
are connected and through the smallest number of links.
By accepting pairwise equilibrium as the appropriate solution
concept for the network formation game, most of the experimental
literature has focused on whether convergence to a minimally connected
network structure, such as the star, or the chain, can be obtained in
the laboratory.
Minimally connected graphs are often reached in our experimental
groups (21 out of 157, which correspond to a 13% of the total network
configurations) but are typically unstable. Convergence to a minimally
connected network is only observed in one out of the nine experimental
groups (Group 7), where the same minimally connected graph is reached
and then kept for four rounds until the end of the session. Mostly, we
observed connected graphs that are not minimally connected (68 out of
157, which correspond to 43% of the total network configurations).
We went on to speculate which behavior, other than myopic best
response, may concur in explaining the observed network architectures.
We start our analysis with a preliminary investigation of the
determinants of individual linking decisions (see Section III). In
accordance with myopic best response behavior, we find that subjects are
less likely to propose links to those that can already be reached
through indirect connections. Moreover, we find a tendency to
reciprocate link proposals and a tendency to propose links to those who
have the largest number of connections, which is not necessarily in
accordance with best response behavior.
This observation motivates the two residual patterns of behavior we
consider in this study. Along with the myopic best response strategy, we
consider the "reciprocator" and the "opportunistic"
A subject who follows the "reciprocator" strategy makes
link proposals to all those from whom link proposals have been received.
Other than maximizing expected profits, a reciprocator aims to establish
the largest number of direct links. As for best response behavior,
reciprocators will not leave profitable linking opportunities
unexploited; however, unlike best response behavior, they may keep
redundant links. Reciprocators maximize revenues, rather than profits,
and do not care about minimizing the cost through which a high
connectivity is obtained.
A subject who follows the "opportunistic" strategy
activates those links (among the ones which are feasible, in that
proposals have been received by the other party involved) that are most
profitable because by linking to them, the opportunist obtains the
largest number of indirect connections. While this behavior may seem
closer to profit maximization because both costs and revenues of link
formation are taken into account, it differs from myopic best response
in that profitable link opportunities may be neglected (and at the same
time, there is no guarantee that redundant links will be avoided).
We then go on to verify from our data whether the identified
strategies are well represented. Finally, in order to discriminate among
these three types of systematic behavior, we estimate a mixture model to
establish if these strategies are well identified and separated in our
We find that it is safe to assume that each subject in our sample
belongs to one type, with mixing proportions approximately equal to 45%,
30%, and 25% for best response, reciprocator, and opportunistic types,
We notice that the payoffs achieved by the three types are not too
dissimilar, with opportunists earning marginally less than myopic best
responders and reciprocators.
Finally, we note that the propensity to adopt a certain strategy is
group-driven, with subjects being more likely to best respond, to
reciprocate, and to behave opportunistically when others in the same
group also do.
A large body of the experimental literature has focused on the
presence of behavioral types. For example, reciprocators have been
studied along with expected utility maximizers in the context of trust
games (see Fehr, Kirchsteiger, and Riedl 1993; Berg, Dickhaut, and
McCabe 1995; McCabe, Rassenti, and Smith 1996, among others), ultimatum
games (see Camerer and Thaler 1995; Giith, Schmittberger, and Swarze
1982; Roth 1995, among others), and prisoners' dilemma games and
public goods games (see Clark and Sefton 2001; Fehr and Gachter 2000;
Fischbacher, Gachter, and Fehr 2001, among others). The opportunistic
behavior, with a similar acceptation than the one used here, has been
studied in the context of prisoners' dilemma games (see Boone and
van Witteloostuijn 1999, among others), and public goods games (see
Dugar 2013, among others). A vast strand of literature that partially
overlaps with the one just cited aims to characterize aggregate outcomes
on the basis of the distribution of types in the experimental sample
(see Andreoni and Miller 2002; Charness and Rabin 2002; Costa-Gomes and
Weizsacker 2008; Fischbacher and Gachter 2010, among others).
We apply a similar analysis to a network formation game. The fact
that behavioral types (similar to, but) other than myopic best response
behavior are significantly represented in the population may explain why
the observed network architecture fails to converge to a minimally
connected graph as predicted by the theory--the latter being based on
expected utility maximization, hence on a single behavioral type.
In the context of the network formation game, a reciprocator is an
agent who always proposes a link to those from whom a link proposal has
been received in the previous round; an opportunist is someone who
attempts to link to those with a large number of connections, thereby
aiming to obtain the largest indirect benefit by free-riding on the
costly direct links established by others (see Seabright 2004, 5). Both
types can either be seen as stemming from alternative preferences, as it
is often assumed in the literature reviewed above, or may be the result
of bounded rationality (see Gale, Binmore, and Samuelson 1995; Roth and
Erev 1995, among others). In fact, the complexity of the network
formation game implies that subjects may devise rules of thumb that are
close, but not identical, to expected profit maximization, and easier to
implement. Irrespective of its origin, the observed distribution across
types matters for network formation in that it determines the network
architecture which one will observe.
Myopic best response agents always tend to include isolated nodes
and delete redundant links, whereby pushing the network architecture to
a minimally connected graph. If at any stage, two reciprocators link up,
then that link will not be deleted even when it is redundant, which may
result in stable network configurations that are not minimal. Finally,
the presence of opportunists along with myopic best response agents and
reciprocators may favor, when prevalent, the emergence of asymmetric
network configuration such as the star, over alternative architectures.
For example, when there is a single myopic best response agent and
everyone else is an opportunist, the network converges to a star (where
the myopic best response agent is the hub). Hence, the exact mix of
strategies represented in the population can help us predict which
network architecture will emerge in equilibrium.
The paper proceeds as follows. Section II describes the
experimental design: the model and the experimental procedure. Section
III presents and discusses the results of the model of link proposals
described in Appendix A. Section IV shows the characteristics of the
three behavioral types that emerged from the analysis in Section III.
Section V analyses the data in the light of these three behavioral
types. Section VI develops the mixture model, and Section VII concludes.
The econometric model of link proposals is explained in Appendix A. The
instructions (in their English translation) can be found in Appendix B.
A. The Model
We model network formation as a noncooperative simultaneous move
game. As in Myerson (1991, 448), we assume that players' strategies
are vectors of intended links and that links are only formed when they
are mutually agreed, that is, desired by both parties involved. There
are positive network externalities in that both direct and indirect
connections are beneficial; however, direct links are costly.
Consider a set N of n [greater than or equal to] 3 players, indexed
by i = 1,2, ..., n. Each player i submits a vector of intended links:
(1) [a.sub.i] = ([a.sub.i1], [a.sub.i2,] ..., []).
An intended link is [a.sub.ij] = {0, 1} where [a.sub.ij] = 1 means
that player i intends to link to player j while [a.sub.ij] = 0 means
that player i does not intend to link to player j. A link between i and
j is formed if and only if [a.sub.ij] - [a.sub.ji] = 1. We denote the
formed link by [h.sub.ij] - [h.sub.ji] = 1, while we represent the fact
that there is no mutually agreed link between i and j by setting
[a.sub.ij] - [a.sub.ji] = 0. By convention, [a.sub.ii] - [h.sub.ii] = 0.
A strategy profile for all players
a = ([a.sub.1], [a.sub.2], ..., [a.sub.n]),
induces an (undirected) network of links h =
[{[h.sub.ij]}.sub.i,j[member of]N], where players are nodes and links
are the edges between them. We say that i and j are connected in the
graph h if there exists a path of adjoining nodes [k.sub.1], [k.sub.2],
Denote by [n.sup.d.sub.i] the number of direct neighbors of player
i, and by [n.sub.i] the number of his or her direct and indirect
connections. More in detail, denote by [n.sup.d.sub.i] the number of
elements of the set [N.sup.d.sub.i] = {j | [h.sub.ij] = l} and by
[n.sub.i] the number of elements of the set [N.sub.i], = {j| there is a
path in h from i to j}. Notice that if i and j are directly linked, then
there is a path between them (of length 1): hence necessarily [n.sub.i]
[greater than or equal to] [n.sup.d.sub.i]. Player i's payoff,
given his or her position in the network h, is assumed to be equal to:
[[pi].sub.i] (h) = b x [n.sub.i] - c x [n.sup.d.sub.i],
where b and c represent, respectively, the unitary benefit from
(direct and indirect) connections and the unitary cost of direct links
and are such that b > c > 0.
In this game, players simultaneously announce all the links they
wish to form and the resulting network is formed by the mutually
announced links. "This game is simple and intuitive. However, given
that link creation requires the mutual consent of the two involved
parties, a coordination problem arises. As such, the game displays a
multiplicity of Nash equilibria, and very different network geometries
can arise endogenously" (Calvo-Armengol and Ilkilic 2009, 2).
Examples of network architectures are shown in Figure 1. The
complete network, where every node is directly connected to every other,
is an example of a connected graph. The complete network is clearly not
minimal as there are many redundant links. Examples of minimally
connected graphs are the star and the chain.
B. The Experimental Procedure
The experimental sessions were conducted in spring 2006 and 2008 at
CESARE, LUISS University in Rome with a total of 54 participants. (3)
Subjects were first-year Economics students. Each subject participated
in only one session and none had previously taken part in a similar
experiment. Each experimental session was made of two or three groups of
six participants in each, playing together in a network formation game,
and lasted between 30 and 45 minutes. Subjects' total earnings were
determined by the sum of the profits in each round and were paid using a
conversion rate of 100 points per euro. They earned approximately 32
[euro] on average, on top of a 5 [euro] participation fee.
While in the sessions that were conducted in spring 2006, we
implemented two alternative treatments, with different cost parameters,
in the present paper, we only analyze data from one of the two
treatments, for which detailed parameters are given in the table below:
Participants Endowment Cost Benefit
Groups 1-9 6 500 90 100
All relevant parameters were equal across participants and
displayed on the screen at all time throughout the experiment.
At the beginning of each session, subjects were told the rules of
conduct and provided with detailed written instructions, which were read
aloud by the experimenters.
Sessions consisted of a minimum of 15 rounds, with a random
stopping rule determining the end of the experiment. (5) In each round,
subjects were asked to submit (anonymously and independently) a vector
of intended links. The initial screen for each participant is shown in
Figure 2.
Participants were represented on the screen by different symbols,
which we considered neutral in that they did not provide subjects with
any particular clue when deciding to establish a link with another
player in the group. (6) Subjects did not know their symbol (or the
other participants' symbols) in advance and could identify
themselves on the screen because their symbol was circled in red. In
order to guarantee not only individual but also group anonymity,
participants were invited to the laboratory in groups of 18, with three
groups being matched at the same time. Participants were not told in
which of the three groups of six they were playing, nor could they
identify the group from their seating. (7)
The screen also displayed the relevant parameters for the session
at play. After all subjects had confirmed their choice of network
partners, the computer checked which links were mutually desired and
activated them. At the end of each round, profits were computed and
displayed on the screen. Great care was taken in making sure that all
available information was provided to the experimental subjects in a
user-friendly way. For this reason, the graphical interface was designed
such that actual links were visualized on the screen as a graph rather
than as a list of activated ties or as a matrix of 0/1 connections.
As an example. Figure 3 shows the players' screen at the end
of round number 4. It displays the graph of all active links, total
revenues, costs, and profits in the round. It also provides information
on past unmatched proposals: at the end of a round, each subject was
informed of those players who proposed a link to them but to whom they
did not reciprocate. At any time during the experiment, subjects had
access to a great deal of information on past history: by clicking on
the bar corresponding to each round, they were able to visualize the
graph of active links and the profits obtained in that round.
In this section, we analyze and discuss the determinants of link
proposals. In doing so, we make the assumption of players having static
expectations; that is, we assume that each player expects his or her
opponents to make exactly the same choices in round t as in round t - 1.
This is in line with most of the theoretical literature on network
formation; also, to a certain extent, such expectations are induced by
the design of the experiment itself: the networks that result from
choices in previous rounds are portrayed on the computer screen together
with all the relevant information and made accessible throughout the
game. (8)
Using the system of equations described in Appendix A, we estimated
the probability of each subject i proposing a link to any of his or her
prospective partners j, with j = 1, ..., 5, in group g, with g = 1, ...,
9, as a function of the position of i and j in the network reached in
the previous round, which is represented graphically on the
subject's screen. More in detail, we estimated the probability of
subjects proposing a link as a function of a number of variables that
can be classified into four categories: the characteristics of the
proposer-recipient relationship, which, in particular, include the
lagged dependent variable; the characteristics of the prospective
partner; the characteristics of the proposer herself; and the
characteristics of the network of links observed in the previous round.
We also control for experience.
This exercise is meant as a preliminary analysis aiming to verify
whether there is a systematic behavior in players' link proposals
that might be ascribed to the application of certain strategies and,
consequently, to identify and to study such strategies.
A. Estimation Results
The estimation results of the five-equation multivariate dynamic
probit model derived in Appendix A are reported in Table 1. (9)
The relationship between i and his or her opponent, j, in t - 1 is
described by the first five regressors. (10) Let us start by observing
that the coefficient on the variable "i proposes a link to j"
(that is, the lagged dependent variable) is positive and strongly
significant, which conveys the idea that subjects tend to build on what
they did in the previous round. Given the strong statistical
significance of the coefficient on "j proposes a link to i,"
it seems more likely that a link is proposed if the recipient demanded a
link to the proposer in the previous round. This could denote both a
behavioral tendency to reciprocate and a rational response. In fact,
under the assumption of static expectations (i.e., if players expect
their opponents to make the same choices in round t as they did in round
t = 1), given that links have to be mutually agreed, a link can only be
established by proposing a link to proposers in the previous round. The
fact of i and j being linked directly plays no role here, in that the
variable "i and j directly linked," which is an interaction
term between "i proposes a link to j" and "j proposes a
link to i," shows not to be statistically significant in any
specification. Anyhow, there is some evidence on the tendency to cut
redundant links through the negative and statistically significant
coefficient on the variable "i and j are linked both directly and
indirectly." The attitude not to form redundant links is
corroborated by the negativity and statistical significance of the
coefficient on the variable "i and j only indirectly linked,"
even if not in terms of all the specifications of the model. Therefore,
the probability of proposing a link seems to diminish if i and j were
previously linked both directly and indirectly and if they were already
linked but only indirectly.
This first set of findings essentially describes the behavior of a
myopic best responder, as delineated in the Introduction, but there is
something more. The coefficient on the variable "j proposes a link
to i" showed to be positive and strongly significant in any
specification. This makes us conclude that, other than a tendency to
best respond to the previously formed network, there might be subjects
who simply reciprocate demanded links.
In our opinion, another possible motive of link formation can be
extrapolated from the results regarding the probability of i proposing a
link to j as a function of j's characteristics, which seem to
portray the figure of a player acting in a rather opportunistic way. In
effect, the estimation results disclose that players tend to propose
links to those who have the largest number of connections and that
demanding a link is more likely, the larger the number of the
opponent's redundant links--an indicator of high connectivity. (11)
If a player is instead isolated--that is, he or she has no connection of
any sort--the other players do not seem to be willing to include him or
Among the variables that describe i in the previous round, we found
strong evidence of the fact that the propensity to demand a link
increases only if the breakdown rate in the previous round--measured as
the difference between the number of links proposed and the number of
links activated--increases. (12)
We also estimated the propensity to propose a link as a function of
the characteristics of the network of links that emerged in the previous
round. Despite the large number of variables representing the network
structure tested, none of them seem to play a significant role in
subjects' decision. An example is reported in the third column of
Table 1. It shows that neither the coefficient on the number of
redundant links nor that on the number of isolated nodes in the group is
statistically significant. We, therefore, conclude that players did not
take into account the global structure of the network established in the
previous round when expressing their willingness to demand a link and
choosing the receiver of that proposal.
Table 1 also shows that the correlation coefficient p is precisely
estimated to be about - 0.20. It is also significantly different from
zero and negative, as expected. This indirectly supports our reasons for
dealing with individual link proposals as being jointly determined. The
considerable magnitude of the standard deviation of the
individual-specific propensity to demand links, [[sigma].sub.[alpha]],
puts into evidence the heterogeneity of the population. Finally, the
coefficient 5 is estimated to be positive and significantly different
from zero, so indicating that the noise diminishes, the higher the level
of experience that players accumulate by playing the network game for
several rounds.
Given these results, in what follows, we study the distribution of
three basic patterns of behavior adopted by the experimental subjects in
our sample:
* players who reciprocate to those who demanded a link in the
previous round unless they can be reached otherwise through indirect
connections (under the assumption of static expectations this behavior
corresponds, in fact, to profit maximization);
* players who act by simply reciprocating link proposals from the
previous round;
* players who try to reach the largest number of nodes by
reciprocating to those who exhibit a high connectivity.
As stated earlier, this exercise was meant to search for the
leading motives of individual linking decisions, which essentially
correspond to the maximization of expected profits, direct links, and
expected profits per link. In what follows, we will delineate the
behavioral rules that define these types of player, and we will try to
establish whether these patterns of behavior are deliberately and
systematically adopted by the subjects in our sample and, if so, in
which proportion of the observed sample the different types are
In each round of link formation, individuals have 32 available
strategies. For each player, excluding the link to oneself, a strategy
is given by a 5-dimensional vector of Os and Is. For example, a possible
strategy of Player 1 is to propose a link to each of the other five
players in the game:
(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
Strategy (0,0,0,0,0) corresponds to the choice of not proposing a
link to any of the other players, while (1,1,0,0,0) corresponds to the
choice of proposing to the first two players (other than Player 1) and
not the other ones, and so forth.
Under the assumption of static expectations, each player expects
the other five players to play the same strategy in round t that they
played in round t - 1. Hence, given these expectations on what the
others will play, each player responds by selecting one of the
strategies in the strategy set. In order to understand whether the
behavioral patterns defined in the previous section are in fact
represented in our sample, we have to define the specific
characteristics required of a strategy such that it pertains to each of
the behavioral types. The strategies eligible to be assigned to a type
are the following:
* a strategy is of myopic best response type if it maximizes the
player's expected profit;
* a strategy is of reciprocator type if it maximizes the
player's expected number of direct links;
* a strategy is of opportunistic type if it only activates those
links that provide the largest expected profit per link.
Notice that a player who adopts a myopic best response strategy
proposes a link to all those that cannot be indirectly reached (and does
not reciprocate links to those that can be indirectly reached). Such a
strategy maximizes expected profits because, under our parametric
assumptions, the benefit obtained by reaching a node is larger than the
cost of a link. Hence, unless a node can be reached at zero cost through
indirect connections, a proposal to connect directly should always be
reciprocated. A myopic best response strategy activates all possible
links, except the redundant ones.
A player adopting a reciprocator strategy reciprocates all link
proposals that he or she has received in the previous round. Given that
only links that are mutually agreed are activated, by reciprocating all
link proposals a player can activate the largest possible number of
direct links. The main difference between myopic best response and
reciprocator strategies is that the latter activate all possible links,
including the redundant ones.
A player following an opportunistic strategy does not reciprocate
all link proposals, but those which bring the largest profit. An
opportunist that receives more than one link proposal always favors the
link proposals received by those who have the largest number of
connections. Unlike the reciprocator, an opportunist recognizes the
value of indirect connections. However, unlike expected profit
maximizers, opportunists may miss out on a profit-generating connection
when, for example, they do not reciprocate a link proposal from a player
that does not have any direct links. On the other hand, the fact that
opportunists target highly connected individuals does not prevent them
from maintaining redundant links.
While a reciprocator attempts to activate all possible direct
links, the opportunist seems to recognize that larger profits can be
obtained by restricting the number of direct links and by exploiting
indirect connections. However, opportunists target the "wrong"
lot of links for deletion: rather than deleting redundant links (as an
expected utility maximizer would do), they delete links to those with
lower connectivity.
Given any network configuration, the strategies that fit our
behavioral types are not unique. To start with, the fact that links have
to be mutually agreed in order to be formed introduces some (trivial)
multiplicity. For any of the three strategies outlined above, proposing
links to any number of players from whom a link proposal has not been
received in the previous round brings exactly the same result in terms
of network configuration and profits as not proposing to them at all.
Moreover, for myopic best response behavior, there are nontrivial
ways in which expected profit-maximizing strategies are not unique.
Consider, for example, the case of being linked to two agents who are
also linked to one another. One of the two links is redundant; however,
a player would be indifferent as to which link to maintain and which
link to delete. In this case, the fact that more than one strategy can
be identified as a myopic best response is not trivial because such
multiple strategies will correspond to the same payoff but to different
network configurations.
Finally, there is clearly some overlap among the three strategy
types. It may occur that the same strategy, for a given network
configuration, can be classified as belonging to more than one type.
Consider, for example, the initial configuration of empty network
where nobody is proposing any link. Under static expectations, no link
proposals will be expected for the next round as well, hence all types
will be indifferent as of making any link proposals or not. Any strategy
choice, in this case, can be classified as a myopic best response, or as
a reciprocator strategy, or as an opportunistic strategy.
Less trivially, it may, for example, occur that expected profit
maximization requires all link proposals to be reciprocated (imagine the
initial network configuration is a minimal network), so that myopic best
response strategies will coincide with reciprocator strategies.
Similarly, it may occur that all agents who propose to a given player
have the same number of connections, so that the strategy of
reciprocating to only the most connected agents (opportunist) coincides
with the strategy of reciprocating to all (reciprocator).
While it is easy to construct examples of overlap across
strategies, in general, the three types are distinct. In our
experimental sample, 39% of the strategy choices can be assigned to a
single strategy type (see Section V for more details).
In this section, we analyze the experimentally generated data in
light of the behavioral types defined in the previous sections in order
to verify whether the three strategies are represented in our sample.
In our experimental sample, 360 out of 888 (40.54%) of the
individual choices appear as if they were made by best responders. In
order to assess whether this is a high percentage of choices or not, we
compare it to the proportion of times a player who selects a strategy at
random ends up selecting a best response strategy. We did this by
determining, for each player in each round, the proportion of strategies
that account for best response strategies, given the network of links
arising in the previous round. This comparison is particularly useful in
our framework where the set of strategies that a best responder may wish
to choose contains more than one strategy. Assume, for example, that in
a typical round, the experimental network that has been formed is such
that for the next round, half of the available strategies are of the
best response type. In that case, even someone choosing a strategy at
random would have a very good chance of selecting a best response
The result of this exercise showed that the average proportion of
best response strategies in our sample, given the network emerging in
the previous round, was 0.3195 with standard error (henceforth s.e.)
equal to 0.0067. Consequently, the proportion of best responses
effectively played in the sample (0.4054) was significantly larger than
the proportion of best responses our players would have selected, had
they picked one of the 32 strategies at random in each round, which
establishes that a significant share of choices in our experiment
correspond to a "deliberate" desire to best respond. (14)
We repeated the exercise with the other two types. Both
reciprocator and opportunistic strategies are well represented in our
sample: 331 (0.3727) choices can be accounted for as being dictated by
the reciprocator strategy; 357 (0.4020) choices can be accounted for as
being dictated by the opportunistic strategy. By comparing these
proportions with the probabilities players had to select a reciprocator
strategy (an opportunistic strategy) by picking a strategy at random in
each round, given the network arising in the previous round, we noticed
that similar to what was observed in the case of best responders,
reciprocators (opportunists) seemed to be selecting their strategies
deliberately. More in detail, the average proportion of choices that
account for random reciprocator choices is 0.2420 (s.e. 0.0071),
compared to 0.3727 in our experimental sample; the average proportion of
choices that account for random opportunistic choices is, similarly,
0.2426 (s.e. 0.0071), compared to 0.4020 in our experimental sample.
Many choices can be captured by more than one strategy at a time
both in the real and the simulated samples: there are instances when the
reciprocator strategy coincides with a best response, an opportunistic
strategy or both; there are other instances when reciprocator and
opportunistic strategies coincide, or do not coincide, with best
response behavior, and so forth. Table 2 shows the overlap between the
strategies arising from our experimental sample. (15) The table shows
that almost 39% of all choices can be ascribed to only one behavioral
type, the remainder being captured by none of the three types, two types
at a time or three. It also reveals that 74% of all choices in our
experimental sample can be explained in the light of one of our three
behavioral types. (16) This is quite a high proportion considering that
in many cases, playing a certain strategy in such a game might be rather
By comparing average profits obtained through each of the three
strategies, we found that the average profits obtained by best response
choices were not significantly different from those obtained by
reciprocators, but both best responders and reciprocators earned, on
average, a profit larger than that earned by opportunists: best response
choices yielded our experimental subjects an average of 175.056 (s.e.
7.901) experimental units, while reciprocators earned 182.931 (s.e.
7.433), and opportunists 158.655 (s.e. 7.344) experimental units. Figure
4 shows that this pattern holds not just on average, but also for most
sessions. The fact that opportunists earned on average less than myopic
best responders and reciprocators should not be too surprising. Given
our parametric assumptions, connections are always profitable: indirect
connections are more profitable than direct links; however both increase
profits. The opportunist, by only targeting those connections that
provide the highest payoff, may often miss out on linking opportunities
by not reciprocating link proposals to those who would bring in a more
modest, but still positive, payoff.
As seen in the last section, patterns of behavior often overlap so
that the choice of a particular strategy is compatible with more than
one behavioral rule. For this reason, discriminating between subjects
according to their behavioral type is rather difficult if one merely
observes the strategies selected by them. In this section, we wanted to
verify whether subjects systematically adopted one of the three patterns
of behavior under investigation so that the former can be framed
alternatively within our definitions of the reciprocator type (RC), the
best response type (BR), and the opportunistic type (OP). In order to
assign subjects to these types, we estimated a finite mixture model (see
McLachlan and Peel 2000) that will allow us to verify if these
strategies are well identified and separated in our sample.
We proceeded by assuming that a proportion %BR of the population
from which the experimental sample is drawn behaves according to the
best response type; a proportion [[pi].sub.RC] behaves according to the
reciprocator type; and finally a proportion [[pi].sub.OP] = 1 -
([[pi].sub.BR] + [[pi].sub.RC]) behaves according to the opportunistic
type. Our mixture assumption is that each subject belongs to one of
these types and that he or she cannot switch type across rounds. The
parameters ([[pi].sub.BR], [[pi].sub.RC], [[pi].sub.OP]) are known as
the mixing proportions and are estimated along with the other parameters
of the model.
The likelihood contribution of subject i in group g then is:
(2) [L.sub.ig] = [[pi].sub.BR] x [l.sup.BR.sub.ig] + [[pi].sub.RC]
x [l.sup.RC.sub.ig] + [[pi].sub.OP] x [l.sup.OP.sub.ig]
where [l.sup.BR.sub.ig], [l.sup.RC.sub.ig], [l.sup.OP.sub.ig] are
the likelihood contributions of individual i under the hypothesis of his
or her belonging to the best response type, the reciprocator type, and
the opportunistic type, respectively. These are derived as follows.
We model the individual propensities to behave according to type q
[member of] (BR, RC, OP) in a very simple way, that is, by assuming that
there is an average propensity, [[gamma].sup.q.sub.g] to choose one of
the strategies that comply with that type's rule, which is common
to all the subjects of that type. [[gamma].sup.q.sub.g] has a subscript
g because we allow it to vary across groups in order to capture possible
coordination effects (group-specific fixed effects). In other words, we
tested whether players are more likely to adopt a strategy if there are
other players in his or her group of the same type. Thus, individual
i's propensity to choose one of the strategies that correspond to
type q is:
Here, [[epsilon].sub.ig,t] is an error term, distributed as a
standard normal and independent of anything else in the model.
representing player i's attitude to act according to strategic type
q. The available data are an unbalanced panel because the number of
rounds played by each group ([T.sub.g]) depends on a random stopping
rule that decides, after Round 15, whether or not to continue with
another round of the game.
The observational rule is the following:
[y.sup.q.sub.ig,t] = 1
if [s.sub.ig,t] complies with type q's behavioral rules
[y.sup.q.sub.ig,t] = - 1 otherwise.
The likelihood contribution of subject i, conditional on being of
type q, is
where [PHI][x] is the standard normal cumulative distribution
Results are displayed in Table 3. In Specification 1, where all
[[gamma].sup.q.sub.g], with q [member of] (BR,RC,OP), are estimated as
common constants, we find that the predominant type is the best response
type, followed by the reciprocator and the opportunistic type. Adding
group-fixed effects to the three types significantly increases the
log-likelihood according to the likelihood-ratio test ([chi
square].sub.24] = 80.010, (17) P value < .0001). This makes again the
best response type the most popular with a mixing proportion
[[pi].sub.BR] = 0.452, followed by the reciprocator type with a
[[pi].sub.RC] = 0.296 and the opportunistic type with a [[pi].sub.OP] =
0.252. Compatible with these results, we observed that adopting a
certain strategy seems group-driven (e.g., players are more likely to
best respond if they are in a group where there are other players who do
best response).
Given the estimation results of the mixture model, we can compute
the posterior probabilities of each experimental subject being of each
type. Using Bayes' rule, we have the following posterior
for q [member of] {BR, RC, OP}. Posterior probabilities are
reported on the simplex displayed in Figure 5. The 54 subjects are
represented by circles in the graph: small circles represent a single
subject; larger circles cluster subjects concentrated in that area of
the simplex (the larger the circle, the more numerous the cluster). The
closer a subject is to a vertex of the simplex, the greater the
posterior probability for that subject of being of the type represented
on that vertex. (18) Subjects in the bottom left corner are of the best
response type; subjects in the top comer are of the reciprocator type;
and, finally, those in the bottom right corner are of the opportunistic
type. The majority of subjects are located very close to the vertices of
the simplex, a minority to the edges, and only three are in the middle.
The gray simplex in the center represents a virtual area of
"uncertainty over types" and is empty in the case under
examination. This finding confirms that the mixture model clearly
separates the three types of individuals, with most of them being
assigned to a particular type with quite a high posterior probability.
In this paper, we use experimentally generated data to analyze
individual linking strategies in a network formation game.
By a system of equations modeling players' link proposals in
each round of the game, we are able to distinguish between strategies
that we name of the myopic best response type, of the reciprocator type,
and of the opportunistic type.
We find that approximately 40% of the network formation strategies
adopted by the experimental subjects can be accounted for as myopic best
response strategies, 37% as reciprocator strategies, and 40% as
opportunistic strategies. Adding myopic best response, reciprocator, and
opportunistic behavior, we are able to explain approximately 74% of the
observed choices. We show that each of these types of behavior is
"deliberate" in that we have obtained shares of each behavior
that are significantly different from what we would have obtained if
agents had selected links at random.
Given that there is overlap between strategies, we have tested
econometrically if a mixture assumption can be validated for our sample.
We find that it is safe to assume that each individual belongs to one
type, with mixing proportions approximately equal to 45%, 30%, and 25%
for best response, reciprocator, and opportunistic types, respectively.
We observe that the average profits obtained by subjects following
each of the strategies are not too dissimilar, with opportunists earning
marginally less. We argue that this is because, by targeting only the
links that have the highest connectivity, opportunists may miss out on
profitable connections.
Finally, we discover that the individual attitude to adopt a
certain strategy is heavily group-driven, with agents being more likely
to best respond, for example, when others in the same group also do so.
The latter finding has very interesting policy implications. By
having more subjects who have an individual propensity toward a certain
behavior, we increase the attitude of other members of the same group to
adopt that kind of behavior. Hence, by controlling the group composition
in behavioral types, one could favor some network outcomes as opposed to
In this paper, we present the reciprocator and the opportunist as
behavioral strategies other than myopic best response behavior. If
agents are myopic and have static expectations, anything other than
myopic best response is "irrational." In a more complex model,
where agents are farsighted and averse to strategic uncertainty,
rational behavior may share features with the strategies that we have
outlined here. A rational farsighted agent may attempt to establish his
or her reputation as a reliable connection by always reciprocating link
proposals. Equally, an agent who is averse to strategic uncertainty may
choose to keep redundant links. We do not attempt such modeling here,
but acknowledge the possibility that in a more general model of network
formation, the outlined behavioral patterns may indeed stem from
expected utility maximization. This is a topic for future research.
BR: Best Response
GHK: Geweke-Hajivassiliou-Keane
OP: Opportunistic
RC: Reciprocator
s.e.: Standard Error
doi: 10.1111/ecin.12191
In each round of the game, each subject submits a vector of choices
concerning the opportunity to propose or not propose a link to any of
his or her opponents. From a player's perspective, the decision to
propose a link to one of the opponents is not separate from the decision
to propose or not propose a link to another opponent. For this reason,
all decisions made by a player in a round are not independent but they
are the result of a joint evaluation and need to be analyzed as such.
Let us consider a set of six players, indexed by i = 1, ... ,6.
Each player in round t submits a 5-dimensional vector of intended links:
(A1) [s.sub.ig,t] = ([s.sub.i1g,t], ..., [s.sub.ijg,t], ...,
Here, j = 1, ..., 5 represents i's prospective players; groups
of opponents are indexed by g, with g = 1, ...,9; t= 1, ..., [T.sub.g]
indicates the round number. The final round number, [T.sub.g], may
differ by group because of a random stopping rule that decides, after
round t= 15, whether or not to continue with another round of the game.
[s.sub.ijg,t], equals 1 if subject / expresses his or her willingness to
be linked to j\ it equals -1 otherwise.
The 5-dimensional vector of intended links (6), neglecting the
subscripts of group and time, corresponds to the 6dimensional vector of
intended links (1) without the element au, that is excluding the
connection to oneself (i.e., the connection from i to i).
The vector of intended links [s.sub.ig,t] is the result of a
complex decision process. In making his or her decisions, i needs to
jointly evaluate the opportunity to propose a link to each of his or her
five prospective players. In other words, i needs to consider the
following system of equations:
Here, [W.sub.ijg,t-1] is a vector of explanatory variables
describing the characteristics of the relationship between i and j in
the previous round, including the lagged dependent variable,
[s.sub.ijg,t-1]; [X.sub.jgt-1] is a vector of characteristics of j as
shown by the network that emerged in the previous round; [Y.sub.ig,t-1]
is a vector of explanatory variables related to i's position in the
network in the previous round; the explanatory variables in
[Z.sub.g,t-1] describe the main features of the network resulting from
players' link proposals in the previous round. There are also two
regression intercepts, [[alpha].sub.i] and [[lambda].sub.g]. Intercept
[[alpha].sub.i] varies across individuals (individual-specific
time-invariant random effect) and is assumed to be common to all
Equations in (A2). We also assume that it does not depend on any
observable. It represents the individual-specific propensity to demand
links and is assumed to be normally distributed across the population:
[[alpha].sub.i] ~ N (0, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[alpha]]). In a network
formation game, individual decisions within a group may be well
correlated because of unobservable common shocks to all individuals in
the same group--for example, because all individuals observe the same
sequence of graphs occurring during a session. Our method of controlling
for dependence on unobservables within a session is to model the
intercepts [[lambda].sub.g] as random unobservables (group-specific
fixed effects). The term (1 + [delta](t - 2)) is introduced in order to
capture the effect of experience on players' decisions. A positive
(negative) [delta] implies that subjects' choices eventually become
less (more) noisy. (21) [s.sup.*.sub.ijt,t]--the latent dependent
variable representing subject's i propensity to demand a link to
j--and [s.sub.ijg,t], the observed binary outcome variable, are related
by the following observational rule:
Because players in each round jointly evaluate the opportunity to
propose a link to any of their opponents, we expect that the choice of
proposing a link to one of the prospective partners reduces the
probability of proposing a link to the others. In other words, we expect
to observe a negative correlation across the equations in (A2). (22)
i's decision in each round can be framed within the class of
M-equation multivariate dynamic probit models. Anyhow, we need to place
some restrictions on the variance-covariance matrix of the errors and
the coefficients on the system's variables. In particular, the
joint distribution of the error terms is assumed to take the form:
Here, error variances on the leading diagonal of V have values of 1
and the off-diagonal elements are all equal to [rho]. This hypothesis of
equi-correlation of the error terms of the system of behavioral
equations (A2) follows from the fact that there is no reason to assume
that a certain pair of equations in (A2) is more or less correlated than
another pair. Further, we assume that the coefficients on the variables
in system (A2) do not vary across equations.
Estimation of the dynamic system (A2) requires an assumption about
the initial observations [s.sub.ijg,1]. Because players do not know
anything about their opponents and the group of players as a whole
before the graph of the network resulting from Round 1 link proposals is
shown to them, we can safely assume that the initial condition
[s.sub.ijg,1] is completely random.
Let us define player i's likelihood contribution as:
Here, [[PHI].sub.5](.) is the 5-dimensional normal cumulative
distribution function with arguments [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
ASCII] with j = 1, ... ,5; [OMEGA] is a symmetric 5x5 matrix whose
elements on the leading diagonal are equal to 1 ([[sigma].sub.jj] = 1
for j = 1, ..., 5) and are equal to [[sigma].sub.jk] =
[rho](2[s.sub.ikg,t] - 1) (for j,k = 1, ..., 5 and j [not equal to] k)
anywhere else; f ([alpha]; 0, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[alpha]]) is the normal
density function, evaluated at [alpha], with mean 0 and variance
[[PHI].sub.5](*) is evaluated by the Geweke-Hajivassiliou-Keane
(GHK) algorithm. (23) The likelihood function is maximized using
20-point Gauss-Hermite quadrature. (24)
This is an experiment on the formation of links among different
subjects. If you make good choices, you will be able to earn a sum of
money that will be paid to you in cash immediately after the end of this
You are one of six participants in this experiment; at the very
beginning, the computer will randomly assign to you an initial budget
(equal across participants). The computer will also randomly assign to
you an icon (Dropper, Radio. Cube. Floppy disk, Hand lens, Hour glass)
that will identify you throughout the experiment and will assign you an
initial budget (equal across participants). The icon identifying you is
circled in red on your screen.
The experiment consists of a random number of rounds: there will be
at least 15 rounds, after which a lottery administered by the computer
will determine whether there will be a further round or the experiment
is over.
Each participant in this experiment represents a node. At the
beginning of the experiment, all nodes are isolated. In each round, the
computer will ask you whether you want to propose any link and to whom.
You may propose 0, 1, or more links. The computer will collect the
proposals from all participants and activate only the links desired by
both of the two subjects involved (reciprocated proposals).
Your screen will show the graph of active links. The box at the
bottom right corner of your screen will show you who has proposed a link
to you in the previous round and to whom you have not reciprocated.
Each link that you manage to activate has a cost (equal across
participants) that is indicated on the screen. In each round, the
computer may reject your link proposals if they entail an expenditure
that is higher than your budget for that round. (25)
Your revenues in each round are automatically computed and are
given by the product by the revenue per node (equal across subjects and
indicated on your screen) and the number of nodes that you manage to
reach both through your direct links and through the links activated by
other participants.
Computing costs and revenues [see Figure A1]
Example: subject Radio is directly linked to Floppy disk and
Dropper and indirectly, that is through Dropper, to Hand lens.
In each round, the computer calculates out your profit and displays
it on your screen. The overall profit from the experiment is given by
the sum of your revenues in all rounds. At the end of the experiment,
you will be paid in cash an amount in euros equivalent to 10% of your
total profit.
More in detail
At the beginning of the experiment, please wait for instructions
from the experimenters before touching any key.
When the experimenter asks you to do so, please double-click only
once on the "Network Client" icon on your desktop.
The following screen will appear [see Figure A2].
The screen gives you all the information regarding the round that
you are about to play.
Be careful: each round has a maximum time duration given by the
number of seconds indicated in red at the top right corner of your
screen. If you have not managed to make your choice by then, the
computer will immediately proceed to the next round.
Your screen shows all the relevant data useful for the current
round (available budget, costs, and revenues) as well as the results
that you have obtained from each of the previous rounds.
At the end of each round, the graph will show the links activated
by you and the other participants (as shown above) [see Figure A3],
Moreover, the table that summarizes your performance in the current
round will be updated. You will have the possibility to review the
situation of previous rounds by clicking on the corresponding bar in the
same table. The table at the bottom right corner of your screen gives
you additional information on proposals that you have received but not
reciprocated in the previous rounds.
When the message "Round is now active" appears at the
bottom of your screen, you can make your choice by ticking the boxes
corresponding to the icons that you want to propose a link to. When you
are done, press "Confirm." When all participants have
confirmed their choices, the computer will show the results of the round
on the screen.
You will be advised at the beginning of a new round by a "New
Round" message. Be careful: after the 15th round, red and green
lights will flash on the screen. If the lights stop on green, you will
play another round; if they stop on red, the experiment is over.
It is very important that you make choices independently and that
you do not communicate with other participants during the experimental
At the end of the last round, the experiment is over, and you will
be paid a sum in cash corresponding to your profit during the course of
the whole experiment.
For any problem, please contact the experimenters.
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(1.) More in detail: while convergence may be more easily achieved
in experimental settings where the stable network architecture is the
wheel (for positive results see Callander and Plott 2005; Falk and
Kosfeld 2012; for a negative result see Bernasconi and Galizzi 2005),
convergence is always problematic in frameworks where the prediction for
the stable network is the star (Berninghaus et al. 2007; Falk and
Kosfeld 2012; Goeree et al. 2009). Falk and Kosfeld (2012) and
Berninghaus et al. (2007) highlight the role of complexity and the lack
of coordination in preventing convergence.
(2.) The software used for the experiment has been developed by
Andrea Lombardo and is available from the authors on request.
(3.) Here, we reanalyze the data from Treatment 1 in Di Cagno and
Sciubba (2008), plus some newly collected data. More in detail, of the
nine groups considered here, seven coincide with those analyzed for
Treatment 1 in Di Cagno and Sciubba (2008) and were collected in spring
2006. In spring 2008, we collected data for two additional groups under
the same experimental protocol used for the 2006 data. More independent
observations than we had in 2006 were required for the econometric
analysis conducted in this paper.
(4.) Treatment 1 and Treatment 2 for which the data were originally
collected are analyzed in Di Cagno and Sciubba (2008). The econometric
analysis which we conduct for the present paper is more sophisticated
than that in Di Cagno and Sciubba (2008) and requires more variations in
the data than we had for Treatment 2. More in detail. Treatment 2
parameters are such that the cost of each individual link is higher than
the benefit obtainable from each connection. This implies that the
optimal strategies for network formation under Treatment 2 are very
different from Treatment 1. Under Treatment 2, in particular, myopic
best response no longer prescribes agents to propose a link to everyone
unless they can already be reached indirectly, as for Treatment 1. The
equilibrium network under Treatment 2 is not a minimally connected
network as in Treatment 1 but always the empty network. Hence, it would
have been misleading to analyze the data from Treatments 1 and 2 under
the same model. The analysis of data from Treatment 2 in a separate
model was made problematic by the fact that there is very little
variation in our data set for Treatment 2 (most subjects were proposing
very few links most of the time) and a robust econometric analysis of
the Treatment 2 data would have required us to run a much larger number
of groups.
(5.) At the end of Round 15 (and of each additional round after
that), a lottery administered by the computer decided if an additional
round had to be played. The probability of new rounds was fixed at 50%.
The lottery was visualized on participants' screens by two flashing
buttons, one red (with a NO sign) and one green (with a YES sign). In
our sample, one group ended up playing 15 rounds; instead, 16, 17, 18,
and 20 rounds were played by two groups each.
(6.) In this setting, we wanted to avoid any salient coordination
device that induces coordination in a particular network. In the pilot
study for this experiment (see Di Cagno and Sciubba 2008), we labeled
participants with A,B,C,D,E,F and we found that the alphabetical
ordering captured most of the linking decisions. See also Bernasconi and
Galizzi (2005) and Falk and Kosfeld (2012).
(7.) While we always invited 18 subjects to the laboratory, on a
few occasions, we could only collect data for two groups of six. This
was because not everyone who had registered for the experimental session
showed up on time and, on one occasion, because the software for one of
the three groups crashed.
(8.) In contrast to what we assume here, see Carrillo and Gaduh
(2012) and Kirchsteiger et al. (2011) for experimental evidence on
farsighted behavior in network formation.
(9.) We have estimated several specifications of the model of link
proposals, using many combinations of parameters and interaction terms
as well as different proxies to represent subjects' and
networks' characteristics. In Table 1, we report the selection of
results that, in our opinion, gives the clearest picture of the main
findings. All other results are available from the authors on request.
(10.) In order to ease readability, without loss of generality, we
omit to mention that each i and j belongs to one of the nine groups
indexed by g. Extensive notation can be found in Appendix A.
(11.) Here again, the evidence is not extremely robust, making us
suspect that only part of the population may adopt that kind of
(12.) In our setting, reaching a node directly when it is already
reached indirectly is always more beneficial than not reaching that node
at all. Hence, we do not infer any particular behavior front this
(13.) Note that all behavioral types may initiate links to those
from whom they have not received proposals. Each of the types does this
out of indifference, because given the myopic assumption and given that
links have to be mutually agreed, there are no positive expected profits
from proposing links to those who have not proposed in the previous
(14.) As each strategy has 1/32 probability of being selected, the
proportion of strategies that are of a certain type, given what happened
in the previous round, can be interpreted as the probability a player
has to select that type of strategy by picking one of the 32 strategies
at random.
(15.) In Table 2, the first row shows, for example, that 107
(12.05%) choices in the experimental sample can be accounted for as best
response, but not as reciprocator and/or opportunistic behavior.
Instead, the fourth row shows that 68 (7.66%) choices in the
experimental sample can be accounted for as both best response and
reciprocator behavior but not as opportunistic behavior, and so forth.
(16.) Had players selected one of the 32 strategies at random,
given the strategies effectively played in the previous round, the
average proportion of choices captured by at least one of the three
strategies under investigation would have been 0.4399 (s.e. 0.0067).
(17.) Here, 24 is the number of free parameters estimated in
Specification 2 with respect to Specification 1 in Table 3, which
correspond to eight group dummies per type.
(18.) For producing the simplex, posterior probabilities have been
rounded to the closest 0.05.
(19.) This technique has been previously used by Conte and Levati
(2014) and Conte and Moffatt (2014).
(20.) Cf. Di Cagno and Sciubba (2008), who disregard this
characteristic of players' decisions, deal with each player's
link proposals to his or her prospective partners as independent
(21.) A positive [delta] would eventually reduce the error variance
(that is constrained to be equal to 1 in Round 2 for identification
purposes), consequently making the role of the stochastic disturbance
less and less relevant in players' decisions and, in this sense,
highlighting the role of experience accumulated throughout the game.
(22.) Suppose player i's decisions are uncorrelated. Then, the
probability that i proposes a link to both Player 1 and Player 2 is 25%.
A correlation of - 0.25 reduces this probability to about 21%, a
correlation of - 0.5 to about 17%, and so on. A positive correlation
would obviously increase such probability.
(23.) This is implemented in Stata by the mvnp() function, see
Cappellari and Jenkins (2006).
(24.) The program is available from the authors on request.
(25.) The budget constraint is only mentioned in the instructions
(and not in the main text of the paper) because the budget constraint is
only relevant for Treatment 2 in Di Cagno and Sciubba (2008), where the
net profit from each link (revenue generated minus cost of connection)
is negative. Given that the experimental instructions are the same here,
we have reported them verbatim. However, there is no role for budget
constraints in the present paper because they never become effective.
Conte: Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Methods,Max Planck Institute
of Economics, 07745, Jena, Germany; EQM Department, University of
Westminster. London, NW1 5LS, UK. Phone +44 20 7911 5000, ext. 66593,
Fax +44 20 7911 5839, E-mail
Di Cagno: Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and
Finance, LUISS University, 00198, Rome, Italy. Phone +39 06 8522 5744,
Fax +39 06 8522 5949, E-mail
Sciubba: Senior Lecturer in Economics, Birkbeck, University of
London, London, WC1E 7HX, UK. Phone +44 20 7631 6450. Fax +44 20 7361
6416, E-mail
Estimation Results of Three Specifications of the Model of Link
Proposals Detailed in Appendix A
(1) (2) (3)
i-j relationship in t-1
i proposes a link to j 0.560 *** 0.400 *** 0.400 ***
(0.062) (0.060) (0.060)
j proposes a link to i 0.467 *** 0.460 *** 0.459 ***
(0.059) (0.058) (0.058)
i and j directly linked -0.089 0.130 0.127
(0.079) (0.091) (0.091)
i and j are linked both -0.238 *** -0.191 ** -0.221 **
directly and indirectly (0.074) (0.086) (0.089)
i and j only indirectly linked -0.124 *** -0.076 -0.075
(0.045) (0.056) (0.056)
Characteristics of j in t - 1
number of j's redundant links 0.081 *** 0.069 ** 0.107 **
(0.031) (0.032) (0.046)
= 1 if y is isolated, = 0 -0.086 -0.041 -0.049
otherwise (0.066) (0.068) (0.085)
= 1 if j has the largest 0.126 ** 0.112 * 0.115 **
number of connections, = 0 (0.056) (0.058) (0.059)
Characteristics of i int-1
number of i's redundant links -- 0.011 0.045
(0.032) (0.043)
= 1 if i is isolated, = 0 -- -0.067 -0.078
otherwise (0.054) (0.065)
= 1 if i has the largest -- -0.034 -0.039
number of direct links, = 0 (0.041) (0.041)
number of links proposed minus -- 0.154 *** 0.154 ***
number of links activated (0.025) (0.025)
Network in t--1
number of redundant links in -- -- -0.039
the group (0.035)
number of isolated nodes in -- -- 0.004
the group (0.020)
Error components
[delta] 0.029 *** 0.026 ** 0.027 ***
(0.011) (0.010) (0.010)
[rho] -0.196 *** -0.205 *** -0.205 ***
(0.018) (0.018) (0.018)
[[sigma].sub.[alpha] 0.246 *** 0.211 *** 0.208 ***
(0.037) (0.034) (0.034)
Log-likelihood -2587.8 -2560.7 -2560.0
Number of observations 4440 4440 4440
Number of subjects 54 54 54
Number of groups 9 9 9
Note: The coefficients on the group-fixed effects, [[lambda].sub.g],
are omitted. ***, **, and * indicate p values < .01, < .05, and
< .10, respectively.
The Frequency of Choices in Our Experimental
Sample Captured by Each of the Three
Strategies Alone and All Possible Overlaps
Frequency % Response Reciprocator Opportunistic
107 12.05 [check] X X
126 14.19 X [check] X
112 12.61 X X [check]
68 7.66 [check] [check] X
108 12.16 [check] X [check]
60 6.76 X [check] [check]
77 8.67 [check] [check] [check]
230 25.90 X X X
tot. 888
Note: The tick ([check]) indicates when a strategy is represented;
the cross (X) when it is not.
Estimation Results of the Mixture Model
(1) (2)
[[gamma].sup.BR] CC GFE
[[gamma].sup.RC] CC GFE
[[gamma].sup.OP] CC GFE
[[pi].sup.BR] 0.417 0.452
(0.090) (0.087)
[[pi].sup.RC] 0.367 0.296
(0.090) (0.073)
[[pi].sub.OP] 0.216 0.252
(0.072) (0.073)
Log-likelihood -512.645 -472.640
Observations 888 888
Number of subjects 54 54
Number of groups 9 9
Notes: CC indicates that a common constant is estimated; GFE
indicates that group-fixed effects are estimated. The results are
omitted. All mixing proportions are statistically significant (p
values < .01).